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  • 7/28/2019 Full LloydsTSB Scheming with Bank of Scotland to rip off The One People







    (company number 2065)

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    (company number SC 327000)



    for the transfer of part of the corporate banking business of

    Bank of Scotland plc to Lloyds TSB Bank plc

    pursuant to Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000


    Ref: C4/EHR/2368666

    Hogan Lovells International LLP, Atlantic House, Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2FG

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    1.1 It is proposed that subject to and in accordance with Part VII of the FSMA each Customer

    Relationship shall by the Order transfer from Bank of Scotland to Lloyds TSB on and with

    effect from the relevant Customer Effective Date or on and with effect from the Final

    Transfer Date in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.

    1.2 The Customer Relationships comprise the entire business of Bank of Scotland in respect

    of Customers.

    1.3 As at 22 March 2011, the entire issued ordinary share capital of Bank of Scotland is

    legally and beneficially owned by HBOS plc and the entire issued ordinary share capital of

    HBOS plc is legally and beneficially owned by Lloyds TSB.


    The definitions and principles of interpretation set out in Schedule 1 shall apply in this


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    Transfer of business

    3.1 On and with effect from the relevant Customer Effective Date or on and with effect from

    the Final Transfer Date each Customer Relationship shall be transferred by Bank of

    Scotland to and vest in Lloyds TSB in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.

    3.2 In respect of each of the Customers and whether before or after the date of the Order

    Lloyds TSB shall endeavour to agree with such Customer a Customer Effective Date

    which shall be no earlier than the date of the Order and no later than that business day

    which is 2 days before the Final Transfer Date. Where a Customer and Lloyds TSB shall

    agree a Customer Effective Date, Lloyds TSB shall by notice in writing despatched no

    less than 10 business days before such date, notify the Customer of such date and this

    Scheme shall take effect in respect of such Customer on that Customer Effective Date.

    3.3 On and with effect from each Customer Effective Date, each Customer Relationship shall

    be transferred from Bank of Scotland to and vest in Lloyds TSB in accordance with, but

    subject to, the Scheme.

    3.4 Where and for whatever reason any Customer Relationship shall not have been

    transferred to Lloyds TSB pursuant to a Customer Effective Date by close of business on

    that day which is 2 days before the Final Transfer Date, such Customer Relationship shall

    be transferred from Bank of Scotland to Lloyds TSB and the Scheme shall take effect in

    respect of such Customer Relationship at close of business on the Final Transfer Date.

    Transferred Assets

    3.5 On and with effect from each Relevant Date, the relevant Transferred Assets to which

    such Relevant Date applies shall, by this Scheme and without any further act or

    instrument, be transferred to and vest in Lloyds TSB subject to all Encumbrances (if any)

    affecting such assets in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.

    Residual Assets

    3.6 On and with effect from each Subsequent Transfer Date, each Residual Asset to which

    such Subsequent Transfer Date applies shall, by this Scheme and without any further act

    or instrument, be transferred to and vest in Lloyds TSB subject to all Encumbrances (if

    any) affecting such Residual Asset in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.

    Title to assets

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    3.7 Lloyds TSB shall accept without investigation or requisition such title as Bank of Scotland

    shall have at each Relevant Date to the Transferred Assets to which such Relevant Date

    applies and at each Subsequent Transfer Date to the Residual Asset then transferred to


    Transferred Liabilities

    3.8 On and with effect from each Relevant Date, the Transferred Liabilities to which such

    Relevant Date applies shall, by this Scheme and without any further act or instrument, be

    transferred to and become liabilities of Lloyds TSB subject to all Encumbrances (if any)

    affecting such liabilities and shall cease to be liabilities of Bank of Scotland in accordance

    with the terms of this Scheme.

    Residual Liabilities

    3.9 On and with effect from each Subsequent Transfer Date, each Residual Liability to which

    such Subsequent Transfer Date applies shall, by this Scheme and without any further act

    or instrument, be transferred to and become a liability of Lloyds TSB subject to all

    Encumbrances (if any) affecting such Residual Liability and shall cease to be a liability of

    Bank of Scotland in accordance with the terms of this Scheme.

    Transfer of assets and liabilities with associated Encumbrance and transfer of

    Related Agreements

    3.10 Unless otherwise agreed by Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, any Customer Asset

    (including any asset arising under a Customer Agreement and any associated credit or

    other facility, loan, letter of credit, bond, note, derivative, guarantee, indemnity or other

    right or benefit) in respect of which an Encumbrance has been granted by or in favour of

    Bank of Scotland shall only transfer to Lloyds TSB if the relevant Encumbrance transfers

    at the same time, and any Encumbrance granted by or in favour of Bank of Scotland in

    respect of any Customer Asset shall only transfer to Lloyds TSB if the relevant Customer

    Asset transfers at the same time.

    3.11 Unless otherwise agreed by Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, any Customer Liability

    (including any liability arising under a Customer Agreement and any associated credit or

    other facility, loan, letter of credit, bond, note, derivative, guarantee, indemnity or other

    liability) in respect of which an Encumbrance has been granted by or in favour of Bank of

    Scotland shall only transfer to Lloyds TSB if the relevant Encumbrance transfers at the

    same time, and any Encumbrance granted by or in favour of Bank of Scotland in respect

    of any Customer Liability shall only transfer to Lloyds TSB if the relevant Customer

    Liability transfers at the same time.

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    3.12 Unless otherwise agreed by Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB any Related Agreement

    shall only transfer to Lloyds TSB if the Customer Agreement to which it is related transfers

    at the same time and any Customer Agreement shall only transfer to Lloyds TSB if each

    of its Related Agreements transfer at the same time.

    Residual Assets and Residual Liabilities

    3.13 Any Customer Assets or Customer Liabilities, including any related Encumbrance granted

    by or in favour of Bank of Scotland, which do not transfer on a Customer Effective Date or

    the Final Transfer Date as a result of paragraphs 3.10 to 3.12 shall be held by Bank of

    Scotland until the Relevant Date as Residual Assets or Residual Liabilities.

    3.14 Residual Assets and Residual Liabilities may be transferred to Lloyds TSB pursuant to

    this Scheme or by any other process or procedure.

    Consequences of the transfer

    3.15 Neither the transfer of a Customer Relationship nor this Scheme nor anything done or

    omitted to be done in connection with the transfer of a Customer Relationship or this

    Scheme shall, in respect of a Customer Relationship, or any Transferred Asset,

    Transferred Liability, Residual Asset, Residual Liability or any asset, property or liability of

    or the business of any member of the Lloyds Banking Group including the business of

    Lloyds TSB, whether before or after the Effective Date:

    (a) invalidate, discharge or result in the termination of any agreement, instrument,

    trust deed, indenture, Encumbrance, right, interest, benefit, power, obligation or


    (b) constitute a breach of or default, event of default, potential event of default,

    termination event, mandatory prepayment event, enforcement event, perfection

    event or other similar event or condition (however described) under, or allow any

    person to terminate, any agreement, instrument, trust deed, indenture,

    Encumbrance, right, interest, benefit, power, obligation or title;

    (c) require any registration, re-registration or filing or any amendment to any existing

    registration or filing in respect of any agreement, instrument, trust deed, indenture,

    Encumbrance, right, interest, benefit, power, obligation or title;

    (d) require any person to perform any new or additional obligation or to take any new

    or additional step or action, including the giving of any notice, the obtaining of any

    consent, approval or determination, the accession to any agreement, the payment

    of any fee, cost, expense, interest or other amount, the granting of any new or

    additional Encumbrance or the transfer of any asset or property;

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    (e) entitle or require any person to exercise any right or remedy, to reduce, suspend,

    delay, alter or discharge its rights or obligations, to accelerate, terminate,

    suspend, delay, alter or discharge the performance of any rights or obligations or

    otherwise to vary, amend, disclaim, repudiate or terminate any agreement,

    instrument or Encumbrance; or

    (f) affect the enforceability, priority or ranking of any Encumbrance.

    On and with effect from the Relevant Date, Lloyds TSB shall succeed to each Customer

    Relationship as if in all respects, but subject to the terms of this Scheme, Lloyds TSB

    were the same person in law as Bank of Scotland with such assets, property and liabilities

    as Bank of Scotland had immediately prior to the Relevant Date with respect to each

    Customer Relationship.

    3.16 Amendment of contracts and title

    Subject to paragraph 3.15 and Part D, nothing in this Scheme shall prejudice any right

    which Lloyds TSB or any other person may have on the Relevant Date or subsequently to

    vary, terminate or perfect any agreement, instrument, trust deed, indenture,

    Encumbrance, right, interest, benefit, power, obligation or title whether under its terms as

    amended by this Scheme, by law or otherwise.

    3.17 Capacity of Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB

    The transfers made pursuant to this Scheme shall have effect notwithstanding any

    provision to the contrary in any agreement, instrument, trust deed, indenture or

    arrangement and whether or not either Bank of Scotland or Lloyds TSB has capacity to

    effect the same.

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    4.1 On and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this Scheme, eachagreement relating to a Customer Relationship, whether in writing or not, shall have effect

    as if Lloyds TSB had always been a party to it instead of Bank of Scotland and, subject to

    the terms of this Scheme, each agreement shall be subject to the same terms and

    conditions and Encumbrances as applicable immediately prior to the Relevant Date, and

    accordingly the rights and obligations of Bank of Scotland in respect of any such

    agreement shall be extinguished.

    4.2 On and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this Scheme:

    (a) any credit or other facility, loan, mortgage, bond, note, derivative, guarantee,

    indemnity, letter of credit or other assurance available to any person from Bank of

    Scotland in respect of a Customer Relationship immediately prior to the Relevant

    Date shall become a credit or other facility, loan, mortgage, bond, note, derivative,

    guarantee, indemnity, letter of credit or other assurance available to such person

    from Lloyds TSB, and, subject to the terms of this Scheme, Lloyds TSB shall have

    all rights, powers, remedies and Encumbrances in its favour, and shall be subject

    to the same obligations and Encumbrances against it and without affecting the

    enforceability, priority or ranking of any such Encumbrance, in respect of such

    credit or other facility, loan, mortgage, bond, note, derivative, guarantee,

    indemnity, letter of credit or other assurance as Bank of Scotland immediately

    prior to the Relevant Date;

    (b) any deposit, senior, subordinated or other loan or loan facility, bond, note,

    derivative, guarantee, indemnity, letter of credit or other assurance available to

    Bank of Scotland from any person in respect of a Customer Relationship

    immediately prior to the Relevant Date shall become a deposit, senior,subordinated or other loan or loan facility, bond, note, derivative, guarantee,

    indemnity, letter of credit or other assurance available to Lloyds TSB from such

    person, and, subject to the terms of this Scheme, Lloyds TSB shall have the same

    rights, powers, remedies and Encumbrances in its favour and shall be subject to

    the same obligations and Encumbrances against it and without affecting the

    enforceability, priority or ranking of any such Encumbrance, in respect of such

    deposit, senior, subordinated or other loan or loan facility, bond, note, derivative,

    guarantee, indemnity, letter of credit or other assurance as Bank of Scotland

    immediately prior to the Relevant Date;

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    Bank of Scotland alone or for Bank of Scotland and other persons), immediately

    prior to the Relevant Date shall be held by or vested in Lloyds TSB or, as

    applicable, that nominee, agent or trustee for Lloyds TSB as if Lloyds TSB or that

    nominee, agent or trustee had always held such Encumbrance or had the benefit

    of such Encumbrance and be available to and enforceable by Lloyds TSB, or the

    relevant nominee, agent or trustee, both with respect to (i) any liabilities and

    indebtedness (including any principal, interest, fees, charges or other sums) to

    which the Encumbrance relates which has been incurred or which has arisen prior

    to the Relevant Date and (ii) any liabilities and indebtedness (including any

    principal, interest, fees, charges or other sums) to which the Encumbrance relates

    which is incurred or which arises on or after the Relevant Date; and

    (b) in respect of any Encumbrance referred to in paragraph 4.3(a) and any liabilities

    thereby secured, Lloyds TSB, or the relevant nominee, agent or trustee, shall on

    and from the Relevant Date be entitled to the same rights, ranking and priorities

    and be subject to the same obligations and incidents as those to which Bank of

    Scotland, or the relevant nominee, agent or trustee, was entitled and subject

    immediately prior to the Relevant Date and, without prejudice to the generality of

    the foregoing, all waivers, amendments, conditions, consents, deeds of

    substitution, deeds of release, ranking agreements and priority agreements

    relating to any such Encumbrance shall be enforceable by and binding upon

    Lloyds TSB, or the relevant nominee, agent or trustee, on and after the RelevantDate to the same extent to which the same would have been enforceable by and

    binding upon Bank of Scotland, or the relevant nominee, agent or trustee, prior to

    the Relevant Date.

    4.4 On and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this Scheme, any

    asset relating to a Customer Relationship transferred to and vesting in Lloyds TSB and

    which was held by Bank of Scotland, whether alone or jointly with others, as a trustee,

    custodian or in a similar fiduciary capacity shall be held by Lloyds TSB alone or jointly, as

    the case may be, and in the capacity of a trustee, custodian or in a similar fiduciary

    capacity, as the case may be, with and subject to the rights, powers, discretions, duties

    and obligations previously applicable to Bank of Scotland.

    4.5 On and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this Scheme, any

    asset relating to a Customer Relationship transferred to and vesting in Lloyds TSB and in

    which Bank of Scotland was interested, whether alone or jointly with others, as a

    beneficiary or in a similar capacity shall vest in Lloyds TSB alone or jointly, as the case

    may be, and in the capacity of a beneficiary or in a similar capacity, as the case may be,

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    with and subject to the rights, powers, duties and obligations previously applicable to

    Bank of Scotland.

    4.6 On and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this Scheme, all

    references in respect of a Customer Relationship, whether in an agreement to which Bank

    of Scotland is party, an agreement to which Bank of Scotland is not a party or elsewhere

    (including references in insurance policies for any purpose and interests noted on such

    policies) and whether in writing or not, to Bank of Scotland, the Bank of Scotland Group,

    the Bank of Scotland Board or any director, officer, employee or agent of Bank of

    Scotland shall be read as references to Lloyds TSB, the Lloyds Banking Group, the

    Lloyds TSB Board or any director, officer, employee or agent of Lloyds TSB respectively.

    In addition, all rights and/or duties exercisable or expressed to be exercisable or

    responsibilities to be performed by Bank of Scotland, the Bank of Scotland Board or any

    director, officer, employee or agent of Bank of Scotland, whether in an agreement

    between Bank of Scotland and any other person or elsewhere and whether in writing or

    not, shall, on and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this

    Scheme, be exercisable or required to be performed by Lloyds TSB, the Lloyds TSB

    Board or any director, officer, employee or agent of Lloyds TSB as appropriate.

    4.7 On and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this Scheme, all

    references in respect of a Customer Relationship, whether in an agreement to which Bank

    of Scotland is party, an agreement to which Bank of Scotland is not a party or elsewhere

    (including references in insurance policies for any purpose and interests noted on such

    policies) and whether in writing or not, to the sort code and account numbers allocated by

    Bank of Scotland for a particular Customer account which is a continuing account

    following the Relevant Date shall be read as references to the sort code and account

    numbers allocated by Lloyds TSB for that particular Customer account following the

    Relevant Date.

    4.8 Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 4.6, on and with effect from the Relevant


    (a) any offer or invitation to treat relating to a Customer Relationship made to or by

    Bank of Scotland prior to the Relevant Date in respect of the Pipeline Business

    shall be construed and have effect as an offer or invitation to treat made to or by

    Lloyds TSB;

    (b) if a person executes an agreement, undertaking, mortgage instrument,

    Encumbrance or other document as a result of any offer or invitation to treat

    referred to in paragraph 4.8(a) which would, when completed, on its face be an

    agreement with or undertaking, mortgage instrument, Encumbrance or document

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    in favour of Bank of Scotland, such agreement, undertaking, mortgage instrument,

    Encumbrance or other document shall operate as if with or in favour of Lloyds

    TSB; and

    (c) paragraph 4.6 shall apply in respect of any references to Bank of Scotland, the

    Bank of Scotland Group, the Bank of Scotland Board or any director, officer,

    employee or agent of Bank of Scotland in or relating to such offer, invitation to

    treat, agreement, undertaking, mortgage instrument, Encumbrance or other

    document and any further document relating thereto including any insurance



    5.1 On and with effect from the Relevant Date, any Proceedings issued, served, pending,

    threatened or otherwise in connection with a Customer Relationship in respect of which

    Bank of Scotland is plaintiff, claimant, applicant, defendant, respondent or other party

    shall be continued by, against or with Lloyds TSB and Lloyds TSB shall be entitled to all

    defences, claims, counterclaims, defences to counterclaims and (subject to paragraph 14)

    rights of set-off that were or would have been available to Bank of Scotland in respect of

    those Proceedings.

    5.2 On and with effect from the Relevant Date, any judgment, settlement, order or award

    obtained by or against Bank of Scotland in respect of a Customer Relationship and not

    fully satisfied before the Relevant Date shall, to the extent to which it was enforceable by

    or against Bank of Scotland immediately prior thereto, become enforceable by or against

    Lloyds TSB.


    6.1 On and with effect from the Relevant Date and subject to the terms of this Scheme:

    (a) any negotiable instrument, cheque, warrant, draft, letter of credit or order for

    payment of money relating to a Customer Relationship drawn on or by, or given to

    or by, or accepted or endorsed by, Bank of Scotland, or payable at any place of

    business of Bank of Scotland, whether so drawn, given, accepted, endorsed or

    payable before, on or after the Relevant Date, shall have the same effect as if it

    had been drawn on or by, or given to or by or accepted or endorsed by, Lloyds

    TSB or, as the case may be, as if the place of business at which it is payable were

    a place of business of Lloyds TSB;

    (b) the custody of any document, record, goods or other thing held by Bank of

    Scotland as bailee or chargee in respect of a Customer Relationship shall pass to

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    Lloyds TSB and the rights and obligations of Bank of Scotland under any

    agreement or bailment relating to any such document, record, goods or thing shall

    on that day become rights and obligations of Lloyds TSB; and

    (c) any instruction, standing order, direct debit, direction, mandate, indemnity, power

    of attorney, authority, undertaking, declaration or consent given to or by Bank of

    Scotland in respect of a Customer Relationship (whether in writing or not and

    whether or not in respect of an account) shall have effect as if given to or, as the

    case may be, by Lloyds TSB.

    6.2 Lloyds TSB shall have the same rights, powers and remedies (and in particular the same

    rights and powers as to taking or resisting legal proceedings or making or resisting

    applications to any authority) for ascertaining, perfecting or enforcing any asset or liability

    of a Customer Relationship as if it had at all times been an asset or liability of Lloyds TSB.

    6.3 Lloyds TSB shall be entitled to rely on and enforce any consent, waiver, representation,

    warranty, statement or estoppel given or made to Bank of Scotland by a person in respect

    of a Customer Relationship prior to the Relevant Date as though such consent, waiver,

    representation, warranty, statement or estoppel had been given or made to Lloyds TSB

    and to the same extent that Bank of Scotland would have been able to rely on and

    enforce the same.

    6.4 Lloyds TSB shall have the same rights under any agreement relating to a Customer

    Relationship as Bank of Scotland had immediately prior to the Relevant Date to publish,

    determine, ascertain, vary or amend any rates, charges, tariffs, scale of fees or other

    terms. Any such rates, charges, tariffs, scale of fees or other terms published,

    determined, ascertained, varied or amended by Lloyds TSB on or from the Relevant Date

    shall apply in place of those published, determined, ascertained, varied or amended by

    Bank of Scotland.


    7.1 On and with effect from each Relevant Date, Lloyds TSB shall, in respect of a Customer

    Relationship to which that Relevant Date applies, owe to any person the same duties of

    confidentiality and privacy as those which Bank of Scotland owed in respect of a

    Customer Relationship immediately prior to the Relevant Date.

    7.2 Without prejudice to the other provisions of this Scheme, in respect of the Personal Data

    Consents, Lloyds TSB shall, with effect from each Relevant Date:

    (a) succeed to all rights, liabilities and obligations of Bank of Scotland in respect of

    those Consents;

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    (b) become the Data Controller in respect of those Consents in place of Bank of

    Scotland and shall be deemed to have been the Data Controller at all material

    times when the Personal Data was processed pursuant to those Consents; and

    (c) be under the same duty by virtue of any law to which Bank of Scotland was

    subject to respect the confidentiality and privacy of any person in respect of the

    Personal Data processed pursuant to those Consents and shall be bound by any

    specific notice or Consent given, or request made, by the Data Subject which was

    binding on Bank of Scotland,

    and in any such Consent, any reference to Bank of Scotland shall be deemed to be a

    reference to Lloyds TSB.


    8.1 Where Personal Data has been provided about individuals in connection with any

    application for or operation of a Customer Agreement and any such individual has made a

    Subject Access Request to Bank of Scotland before the Relevant Date and Bank of

    Scotland has not responded with a copy of the Personal Data held by it in accordance

    with the DPA before the Relevant Date, Lloyds TSB may respond to the request, in

    accordance with the DPA, by providing copies of Personal Data held by Bank of Scotland

    immediately before the Relevant Date.

    8.2 Where a Data Subject has made a Subject Access Request to Lloyds TSB before the

    Relevant Date and Lloyds TSB has not responded with a copy of the Personal Data held

    by it in accordance with the DPA before the Relevant Date, Lloyds TSB may exclude

    Personal Data forming part of a Customer Relationship from its response thereafter.


    9.1 All books and other documents which would, before the applicable Relevant Date, have

    been evidence in respect of any matter for or against Bank of Scotland at the Relevant

    Date shall be admissible in evidence in respect of the same matter for or against Lloyds

    TSB on or after the Relevant Date. In this paragraph "documents" has the same meaning

    as in section 13 of the Civil Evidence Act 1995.

    9.2 On and from the applicable Relevant Date, the Bankers' Books Evidence Act 1879 shall

    apply to any books of Bank of Scotland transferred to, and vested in, Lloyds TSB by virtue

    of this Scheme, and to entries made in those books before the Relevant Date, as if such

    books were the books of Lloyds TSB.

    9.3 For the purpose of section 4 of the Bankers' Books Evidence Act 1879, books so

    transferred to, and vested in, Lloyds TSB shall be deemed to have been the ordinary

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    books of Lloyds TSB at the time of the making of any entry therein which purports to have

    been made before the Relevant Date, and any such entry shall be deemed to have been

    made in the usual and ordinary course of business.

    9.4 In this paragraph "books" shall be construed in accordance with section 9(2) of the

    Bankers' Books Evidence Act 1879.


    10.1 Subject to the same being treated as confidential information and being kept confidential

    by the persons provided access under this paragraph 10, from the Relevant Date:

    (a) Bank of Scotland shall allow Lloyds TSB and any persons authorised by Lloyds

    TSB access on reasonable notice to the Statutory Records and the VAT Records;


    (b) Lloyds TSB shall allow Bank of Scotland and any persons authorised by Bank of

    Scotland access on reasonable notice to the Business Records,

    in each case, save to the extent that Bank of Scotland or Lloyds TSB (as appropriate) is

    prevented from doing so by any obligation in law (including any obligation as to

    confidentiality), regulation, judgment or order of any court or any competent judicial,

    governmental, regulatory or supervisory body.


    11.1 If:

    (a) any asset of Bank of Scotland is not transferred to and vested in Lloyds TSB by

    this Scheme on the Customer Effective Date by reason of such asset being a

    Residual Asset or for any other reason; or

    (b) any Residual Asset is not transferred to and vested in Lloyds TSB by this Scheme

    on the Subsequent Transfer Date applicable thereto,

    then Bank of Scotland shall, on and from the Relevant Date (but save to the extent that

    giving effect to such a trust would require a consent or waiver which has not been

    obtained or that such a trust would not be recognised by any applicable law or unless

    otherwise agreed by Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB) hold any asset referred to in

    paragraphs 11.1(a) and (b), together with any proceeds of sale or income or other right

    accrued or return arising in respect thereof (including, any payment, property or right

    within paragraph 11.3 below), as trustee for Lloyds TSB.

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    have conduct of all litigation or other proceedings in respect of any such claim (including

    taking such action in the name of and on behalf of Bank of Scotland as Lloyds TSB shall

    determine). In that connection, Bank of Scotland shall give all such assistance as Lloyds

    TSB may reasonably require in conducting all proceedings.

    12.4 Subject to paragraph 12.5, Bank of Scotland shall indemnify Lloyds TSB against all

    liabilities, losses, claims and expenses in respect of a Customer Relationship:

    (a) to the extent they are otherwise recoverable by Bank of Scotland from any person;


    (b) in connection with any defect (whether in title or otherwise) in respect of, or any

    other diminution in the value of, any property transferred to Lloyds TSB under this

    Scheme to the extent that the loss resulting therefrom is otherwise recoverable

    from any person.

    12.5 The indemnity in paragraph 12.4 shall be limited to such amounts as Bank of Scotland

    shall recover pursuant to the rights it may have against any person (including, without

    limitation, under any applicable contract of insurance).

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    13.1 Where a Customer Agreement for a Corporate, Currency or Deposit account contains:

    (a) a provision permitting notices to be given to Bank of Scotland by fax, that

    provision will be deleted on and with effect from the Relevant Date, and the

    relevant Customer Agreement shall be read and construed as if it excluded any

    provision permitting notices to be given by fax;

    (b) a reference to cut-off times and clearing cycles, on and with effect from the

    Relevant Date, such references shall be read and construed as it they were

    references to the cut-off times and clearing cycles of Lloyds TSB available to

    Customers on;

    (c) a clause permitting interest earned on deposit accounts to be paid into any

    account of the Customer, such clause shall on and with effect from the Relevant

    Date be read and construed as if it required interest on deposit accounts only to

    be paid into an account of the Customer with Lloyds TSB;

    (d) a provision governing the payment or calculation of interest, such provision shall

    be read and construed as if it stated that interest on credit and debit balances will

    be calculated up to the 9th

    of each month and will be debited or credited to the

    account on the 10th

    of each month.


    14.1 Lloyds TSB shall not be entitled on and with effect from the Relevant Date to apply any

    Set-Off Rights which might otherwise be exercisable by Lloyds TSB by virtue of this

    Scheme to reduce or discharge any liability arising from time to time:

    (a) under any Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement, using credit balances held pursuant to

    any BoS Agreement; or

    (b) under any BoS Agreement, using credit balances held pursuant to any Existing

    Lloyds TSB Agreement.


    Lloyds TSB shall not be entitled on and from the Relevant Date to apply any All Monies

    Rights which might otherwise be exercisable by Lloyds TSB by virtue of this Scheme:

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    (a) under any Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement, to secure any liability arising from time

    to time under any BoS Agreement; or

    (b) under any BoS Agreement, to secure any liability arising from time to time under

    any Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement.


    Lloyds TSB shall not be entitled on and from the Relevant Date to apply any

    Consolidation Rights which might otherwise be exercisable by Lloyds TSB by virtue of this

    Scheme to prevent the release of any Encumbrance given in respect of:

    (a) any Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement, until any obligations have been satisfied

    under any BoS Agreement; or

    (b) any BoS Agreement, until any obligations have been satisfied under any Existing

    Lloyds TSB Agreement.


    Lloyds TSB shall not be entitled on and from the Relevant Date to apply any other right,

    benefit, interest, discretion, authority or power which might otherwise beexercisable byLloyds TSBby virtue of this Schemeunder or in respect of any:

    (a) Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement, to terminate, reduce, suspend, delay, alter,discharge or otherwise secure any liability arising from time to time under any BoS

    Agreement; or

    (b) BoS Agreement, to terminate, reduce, suspend, alter, discharge or otherwise

    secure any liability arising from time to time under any Existing Lloyds TSB



    18.1 Where a BoS Agreement contains an Entire Agreement Provision, on and with effect from

    the Relevant Date, the relevant clause shall be read and construed as if it referred only to

    products or services comprised in the Customer Relationship, and shall not apply to, and

    the BoS Agreement shall not supersede, any Existing Lloyds TSB Agreements.

    18.2 Where an Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement contains an Entire Agreement Provision, on

    and with effect from the Relevant Date, the relevant clause shall be read and construed

    as if it referred only to products or services of Lloyds TSB not comprised in the Customer

    Relationship, and shall not apply to, and the Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement shall notsupersede, any BoS Agreements.

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    18.3 Where a New Lloyds TSB Agreement contains an Entire Agreement Provision, the

    relevant clause shall, unless expressly stated to the contrary, be read and construed as if

    it referred only to products or services of Lloyds TSB not comprised in the Customer

    Relationship, and shall not apply to, and the New Lloyds TSB Agreement shall not

    supersede, any BoS Agreement.


    Lloyds TSB shall not be entitled on and from the Relevant Date to apply any Cross

    Default Rights which might otherwise be exercisable by Lloyds TSB by virtue of this

    Scheme to accelerate or alter any rights or obligations:

    (a) under any Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement, as a result of the breach of any BoS

    Agreement; or

    (b) under any BoS Agreement, as a result of the breach of any Existing Lloyds TSB



    20.1 The provisions of paragraphs 14 to 19 shall not apply to diminish any right, benefit,

    interest, discretion, authority or power which:

    (a) immediately prior to the Relevant Date, Lloyds TSB or its counterparty has in

    respect of agreements entered into by Bank of Scotland, including any rights of

    Lloyds TSB to use credit balances on accounts held with Lloyds TSB to pay debts

    owed to Bank of Scotland;

    (b) immediately prior to the Relevant Date, Bank of Scotland or its counterparty has in

    respect of Existing Lloyds TSB Agreements; or

    (c) Lloyds TSB, Bank of Scotland or a Customer may acquire other than as a result of

    the Scheme, including as a result of the variation on or after the Relevant Date of

    a BoS Agreement, Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement or New Lloyds TSB


    20.2 If, on or after the Relevant Date, Lloyds TSB acquires any rights to exercise any of the

    rights, benefits, interests, discretions, authorities or powers referred to in paragraphs 14 to

    19 in respect of agreements entered into with other Lloyds Banking Group companies

    ("Acquired Rights") either:

    (a) as a result of any contractual variation; or

    (b) through other means, other than as a result of the Scheme,

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    paragraphs 14 to 19 shall not apply to restrict Lloyds TSB's rights to exercise the

    Acquired Rights.

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    21.1 Subject to paragraph 21.2, this Scheme shall become effective in respect of eachCustomer Relationship at 00.01 hrs on the relevant Customer Effective Date or, if no

    Customer Effective Date is agreed for a particular Customer, at close of business on the

    Final Transfer Date or such other time and date as the Court may allow on the application

    of Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB provided that the first Customer Effective Date shall

    not be before the date of the Order or after the Final Transfer Date.

    21.2 Unless this Scheme shall become effective in respect of any Customer Relationship on or

    before the Final Transfer Date or such other date and/or time as the Court may allow on

    the application of Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB, it shall lapse.


    22.1 Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB may consent for and on behalf of themselves and all

    other persons concerned to any modification of or addition to this Scheme or to any

    further condition or provision affecting the same which, in each case prior to its sanction

    of this Scheme, the Court may approve or impose.

    22.2 At any time after the sanction of this Scheme, Lloyds TSB may apply to the Court for

    consent to amend its terms to the extent that they apply to a Customer Relationship,

    provided that in any such case the FSA shall be notified of, and have the right to be heard

    at, any hearing of the Court at which such application is considered. If such consent is

    granted, Lloyds TSB may amend the terms of this Scheme in accordance with such


    22.3 At any time after the sanction of this Scheme, in the case of any minor or technical

    amendment to the terms of this Scheme, or any amendment to correct any manifest error

    in its terms, the amendment may be made without the consent of the Court provided that

    in any such case the FSA shall have been notified of the proposed amendment and shall

    have approved the same.


    23.1 The production of a copy of the Order and of this Scheme, with any modifications made

    under paragraph 22, for all purposes shall be conclusive evidence of the transfer to, and

    vesting in, Lloyds TSB of a Customer Relationship, the Transferred Assets, the

    Transferred Liabilities, the Residual Assets and the Residual Liabilities.

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    23.2 In order to enable Lloyds TSB to complete any title to any property or interest in land

    transferred to, and vested in, it by virtue of this Scheme and, without prejudice to

    paragraphs 3 to 19 inclusive and 23.1, by notice of title or otherwise, or to deduce title,

    this Scheme and/or the Order, with any modifications made under paragraph 22, together

    with any document ancillary thereto (including a certificate of any officer or employee of

    Lloyds TSB identifying the relevant property or interest in land) shall be deemed to be,

    and may be used as, a general disposition, conveyance or as the case may be,

    assignation, of such property or interest in favour of Lloyds TSB.


    Where an opinion letter has been provided to Bank of Scotland which covers forms of

    agreement which have been used in creating both Customer Agreements and

    agreements with customers to be retained by Bank of Scotland, Lloyds TSB may with

    effect from the Relevant Date rely on such opinion letters in relation to the Customer

    Agreements to the same extent as if such opinion letters had been addressed to Lloyds

    TSB in addition to Bank of Scotland.


    A person who is not a party to this Scheme may not enforce any term of this Scheme

    pursuant to the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999.


    This Scheme is governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, English law.

    Dated: [ ] 2011.

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    1. In this Scheme, the following defined terms have the meanings set out opposite them:

    "All Monies Rights" rights providing for a charge, debenture, mortgage or

    standard security or any other security given in respect of

    an agreement to secure, in addition,obligations arising

    under other agreements;

    "assets" or "property" assets, property, title, claims, benefits, rights, interests,

    authorities, discretions and powers of any description,

    whether present or future or actual or contingent, including

    any interest (legal or equitable) in real or personal property,

    any thing in action, any right in contract, tort or otherwise,

    any asset held on trust or in a fiduciary capacity, any

    interest under or by virtue of a trust (howsoever arising),

    any interest arising under any Encumbrance and any right

    in respect of a judgment, order or award made in any

    Proceedings and any power under or by virtue of a power of

    attorney (howsoever arising);

    "Bank of Scotland" Bank of Scotland plc, a company registered in Scotland,

    registered number SC327000 and whose registered office

    is at The Mound, Edinburgh, EH1 1YZ ;

    "Bank of Scotland Board" the board of directors of Bank of Scotland;

    "Bank of Scotland Group" Bank of Scotland and its subsidiaries;

    "BoS Agreement" a Customer Agreement or an agreement between Bank of

    Scotland and a person who has provided an Encumbrance

    in respect of a Customer;

    "Consent" consent for the purposes of paragraph 1 of Schedule 2 to

    the DPA;

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    "Consolidation Rights" rights providing for any Encumbrance given in respect of an

    agreement not to be released or discharged until

    obligations have been satisfied in respect of any other


    "Court" the High Court of Justice in England;

    "Cross Default Rights" rights providing for, or which (if exercised) might result in,

    the acceleration or alteration of payment obligations or

    other obligations under an agreement as a result of a

    default under another agreement;

    "Customer" a customer of the major corporate or financial institution

    business units of Bank of Scotland which has been notified

    that its banking relationship is to be transferred from Bank

    of Scotland to Lloyds TSB pursuant to the Scheme, which

    either alone or jointly with others has entered into a

    Customer Agreement;

    "Customer Agreement" an agreement, other than an Excluded Agreement, with any

    Customer under which Bank of Scotland has agreed to

    provide products or services;

    Customer Assets the assets and property of Bank of Scotland in respect of a

    Customer as at the Customer Effective Date, other than

    assets and property arising under an Excluded Agreement,

    whether or not governed by the laws of England and Wales

    or Scotland and whether or not situated in England and

    Wales or Scotland including:

    (a) the Customer Agreements,

    (b) the Pipeline Business;

    (c) the Customer Records;

    (d) the Personal Data Consents;

    (e) all other assets and property of Bank of Scotland

    attributable to the Customer including:

    (i) all rights, interests, benefits and powers of

    Bank of Scotland against valuers in respect

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    of valuation of properties and related

    activities; and

    (ii) all rights, interests, benefits and powers of

    Bank of Scotland against solicitors, licensed

    conveyancers and qualified conveyancers in

    respect of entry into any mortgage or loan

    (and the taking and perfecting of any


    (iii) all rights and claims of Bank of Scotland

    (whether present or future, actual or

    contingent) against any person, and

    proceedings to which Bank of Scotland is a

    party, which relate to the Customer;

    (iv) all shares, share warrants, loan notes or

    similar rights provided to Bank of Scotland

    in connection with a Customer Agreement;


    (v) all legal opinions in respect of a BoS

    Agreement and all rights, interests, benefits

    and powers of Bank of Scotland against the

    person providing a such legal opinion in

    respect thereof;

    Customer Effective Date the date on or after the date of the Order and before the

    Final Transfer Date which is agreed with the Customer as

    the date on which the Scheme is to become effective in

    respect of a particular Customer;

    Customer Liabilities all liabilities whatsoever of Bank of Scotland in respect of a

    Customer as at the Customer Effective Date other than

    liabilities arising under an Excluded Agreement, whether or

    not governed by the law of England and Wales or Scotland

    and whether or not situated in England and Wales or

    Scotland, including liabilities of Bank of Scotland relating to

    any including liabilities arising under the Customer


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    "Customer Records" the books and records which are in the possession or under

    the control of Bank of Scotland to the extent containing

    information and records (whether current or historic and

    whether in physical, electronic or machine readable form)

    relating to the Customer, information and documents or

    copies thereof collected by Bank of Scotland pursuant to its

    obligations under the Money Laundering Regulations 2007,

    and accounting, financial, marketing, sales, management

    and technical information and correspondence, but

    excluding the Statutory Records and the VAT Records;

    "Customer Relationship" the relationship of Bank of Scotland relating to a Customer

    and arising under one or more Customer Agreements which

    comprises the Customer Assets and the Customer


    "Data Controller" has the meaning given under section 1 of the DPA;

    "Data Subject" has the meaning given under section 1 of the DPA;

    "DPA" the Data Protection Act 1998;

    "Encumbrance" (a) any mortgage (including for the avoidance of doubt

    those registered at the Land Registry or those

    registered in Scotland), charge, pledge, assignment in

    security, lien or any other security interest or

    encumbrance of any kind, whether legal or equitable,

    securing any obligation of any person or any other

    agreement or agreement having a similar effect

    including (i) any indemnity, guarantee, letter of credit,

    letter of comfort, letter of support, insurance, warranty,

    representation or other assurance and (ii) any fixed orfloating charge, standard security or right of set-off;

    (b) any title transfer financial collateral arrangement or

    security financial collateral arrangement within the

    meaning of regulation 3 of the Financial Collateral

    Arrangements (No 2) Regulations 2003;

    (c) any intercreditor agreement, subordination agreement,

    postponement agreement or other ranking agreementin respect of the rights and/or obligations of any

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    person or any security interest;

    (d) any equalisation agreement, standstill agreement or

    similar agreement or arrangement;

    (e) any third party right or interest, whether legal orequitable, including in any real or personal property;


    (f) any option, restriction, right of first refusal, right of pre-

    emption or any other type of preferential arrangement

    (including title transfer and retention agreements)

    having a similar effect;

    "Entire Agreement


    (a) a clause contained in a Customer Agreement, Existing

    Lloyds TSB Agreement or New Lloyds TSB

    Agreement; or

    (b) another Customer Agreement;

    which provides it represents the entire agreement between

    the parties in respect of all or some of the accounts or

    services of the type that are the subject matter of the

    agreement or that are referred to in the agreement, or

    otherwise states that the relevant Customer Agreement,

    Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement or New Lloyds TSB

    Agreement (as applicable) will apply to all accounts or

    services provided by Bank of Scotland or Lloyds TSB as


    Excluded Agreement unless a Related Agreement:

    (a) any agreement between Bank of Scotland and a

    Customer for a fixed term deposit which is not

    subject to an Encumbrance;

    (b) all foreign exchange option agreements and other

    foreign exchange agreements, forward rate

    agreements and other interest rate agreements,

    bond futures agreements and any other derivatives

    entered into by Bank of Scotland for its own account

    in respect of its business including, but not limited

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    to, the Customer Relationships;

    (c) all loans made and other funding available to Bank

    of Scotland, including any senior, subordinated or

    other debt and capital instruments issued or

    assumed by, or any securitisations entered into, by

    Bank of Scotland for its own account in respect of its

    business including, but not limited to, the Customer


    (d) all stock borrowing agreements, stock lending

    agreements, repurchase agreements or reverse

    repurchase agreements entered by Bank of

    Scotland for its own account in respect of its

    business including, but not limited to, the Customer


    (e) any ISDA Master Agreement or Treasury Master

    Agreement between Bank of Scotland and a

    Customer where the relevant Customer also has an

    ISDA Master Agreement or Treasury Master

    Agreement with Lloyds TSB at the Customer

    Effective Date;

    (f) any long form confirmation between Bank of

    Scotland and a Customer in relation to a derivative

    which incorporates amendments to an ISDA Master

    Agreement in the form published by the

    International Swaps and Derivatives Association

    Inc., which are overlapping or inconsistent with an

    ISDA Master Agreement between Lloyds TSB and

    such Customer as at the Customer Effective Date;


    (g) any agreement for a product or service which Lloyds

    TSBs IT systems are unable to support following

    the Relevant Date including account pooling and

    share settlement services;

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    "Existing Lloyds TSB


    any agreement between Lloyds TSB and (i) a Customer or

    (ii) a person who has provided an Encumbrance in respect

    of a Customer to the extent in force immediately prior to the

    Relevant Date;

    Final Transfer Date 30 December 2011;

    "FSA" the Financial Services Authority or such successor

    governmental department, regulatory authority or other

    official body from time to time exercising supervisory

    powers in respect of banks under the FSMA;

    "FSMA" the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000;

    "ISDA Master Agreement" a master agreement in the form or substantially in the form

    published from time to time by the International Swaps and

    Derivatives Association Inc.;

    "liabilities" debts, liabilities, duties and obligations of any description,

    whether present or future or actual or contingent, including

    any obligations in respect of any judgment, order or award

    made in any Proceedings;

    "Lloyds Banking Group" Lloyds TSB, any subsidiary of Lloyds TSB, any holding

    company of Lloyds TSB and any subsidiary of any such

    holding company;

    "Lloyds TSB" Lloyds TSB Bank plc, a company incorporated in England

    and Wales with registered number 2065 whose registered

    office is at 25 Gresham Street, London EC2V 7HN;

    "Lloyds TSB Board" the board of directors of Lloyds TSB;

    New Lloyds TSB


    any agreement entered into between Lloyds TSB and (i) a

    Customer or (ii) a person who has provided an

    Encumbrance in respect of a Customer after the Customer

    Effective Date;

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    "Order" the order of the Court sanctioning this Scheme pursuant to

    Part VII of FSMA and any order (including any subsequent

    order) in respect of this Scheme made by the Court under

    section 112 of FSMA;

    "Personal Data" has the meaning given under section 1 of the DPA;

    "Personal Data Consent" any Consent provided by a Data Subject to Bank of

    Scotland in connection with a Customer Agreement;

    "Pipeline Business" any application made by a Customer to Bank of Scotland,

    whether or not accepted by Bank of Scotland, and any offer

    or invitation made by Bank of Scotland to a Customer, in

    each case made prior to the relevant Customer Effective

    Date, which may result in the execution of a Customer

    Agreement after the relevant Customer Effective Date;

    "Proceedings" any claim, counterclaim, complaint, petition, suit, appeal or

    other legal process, whether intended to have interim or

    final legal effect in respect of its subject matter, before any

    court, governmental authority, regulatory authority, tribunal,

    arbitration panel, ombudsman or other body subsisting or

    empowered by law or regulation or by the provisions of an


    "Related Agreement" means in relation to any Customer Agreement any other

    agreement entered into by Bank of Scotland which is

    intended to give effect to the commercial objectives of Bank

    of Scotland and the relevant Customer and/or other parties

    to that Customer Agreement in relation to the transactions

    contemplated by such Customer Agreement;

    "Relevant Asset" a Transferred Asset or a Residual Asset as appropriate;

    "Relevant Date" in respect of;

    (a) a Customer Asset or a Customer Liability, the

    Customer Effective Date or, if no Customer Effective

    Date has been agreed, the Final Transfer Date; and

    (b) a Residual Asset or a Residual Liability, the

    applicable Subsequent Transfer Date;

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    "Relevant Liability" a Transferred Liability or a Residual Liability as appropriate;

    "Residual Asset" (a) any property or assets of Bank of Scotland,

    including any Encumbrance in favour of Bank of

    Scotland, whether or not governed by the laws of

    England and Wales or Scotland and whether or not

    situated in England and Wales or Scotland, which

    would be a Transferred Asset but:

    (i) which the Court does not have jurisdiction to


    (ii) which, despite having such jurisdiction, the

    Court determines not so to transfer;

    (iii) the transfer of which requires but does not

    have recognition by the laws of any relevant

    jurisdiction; or

    (iv) which Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB

    agree in writing prior to the Customer

    Effective Date or the Final Transfer Date

    would more conveniently be, or which

    pursuant to the terms of this Scheme is to be,

    transferred after the Customer Effective Date

    or the Final Transfer Date; and

    (b) any proceeds of sale or income or other accrual or

    return whatsoever, whether or not in any case in the

    form of cash, or other asset earned or received from

    time to time after the Customer Effective Date or the

    Final Transfer Date in respect of any property

    referred to in paragraph (a);

    "Residual Liability" any liability or obligation of Bank of Scotland, whether or not

    governed by the laws of England and Wales or Scotland

    and whether or not situated in England and Wales or

    Scotland, which would be a Transferred Liability but:

    (a) which the Court does not have jurisdiction to


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    (b) which, despite having such jurisdiction, the Court

    determines not so to transfer;

    (c) the transfer of which requires but does not have

    recognition by the laws of any relevant jurisdiction;

    (d) which Bank of Scotland and Lloyds TSB agree in

    writing prior to the Customer Effective Date or the

    Final Transfer Date would more conveniently be, or

    which pursuant to the terms of this Scheme is to be,

    transferred after the Customer Effective Date or the

    Final Transfer Date; or

    (e) which relates to a Residual Asset and arises at any

    time before the Subsequent Transfer Date

    applicable to that Residual Asset;

    "Scheme" this scheme in its original form or with or subject to any

    modification, addition or condition that may be approved or

    imposed by the Court;

    "Set-Off Rights" rights arising under, or in respect of, any Customer

    Agreement or Existing Lloyds TSB Agreement providing for

    credit balances on one account to be used as payment

    towards a liability arising on, or in respect of, another

    account or facility;

    "Statutory Records" all books, files, registers, documents, correspondence,

    papers and other records that are required, by any

    applicable legal or regulatory requirement or corporate

    governance requirement (whether or not having the force of

    law), to be kept by Bank of Scotland and retained in its


    "Subject Access Request" a request for information made pursuant to section 7 of the


    "Subsequent Transfer


    in respect of any Residual Asset or Residual Liability, the

    time and date after the date of the Order on which such

    Residual Asset or Residual Liability is to be transferred to

    Lloyds TSB, namely:

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    (a) in respect of any Residual Asset falling within

    paragraph (a)(i) to (iii) of the definition of Residual

    Asset, and of any Residual Liability falling within

    paragraph (a) to (c) of the definition of Residual

    Liability, the time and date on which the requisite

    order or recognition to enable the same to be

    transferred to Lloyds TSB upon the terms of this

    Scheme is:

    (i) obtained; or

    (ii) no longer required;

    (b) in respect of any Residual Asset falling within

    paragraph (a)(iv) of the definition of Residual Asset

    and of any Residual Liability which falls within

    paragraph (d) of the definition of Residual Liability,

    the time and date on which Bank of Scotland and

    Lloyds TSB agree that the transfer shall take effect

    or on which the Residual Asset or Residual Liability

    becomes capable of being transferred under the

    terms of this Scheme; and

    (c) in the case of any Residual Asset falling within

    paragraph (b) of the definition of Residual Asset and

    of any Residual Liability falling within paragraph (e)

    of the definition of Residual Liability, the time and

    date on which such Residual Asset or Residual

    Liability is received, earned or incurred by Bank of

    Scotland, to the extent that such transfer is possible

    under this Scheme and Bank of Scotland and

    Lloyds TSB agree that such transfer should take


    "Tax" all forms of tax, levy, impost, contribution, duty, liability and

    charge in the nature of taxation and all related withholdings

    or deductions of any nature (including, for the avoidance of

    doubt, National Insurance contribution liabilities in the

    United Kingdom and corresponding obligations elsewhere)

    whether of the United Kingdom or elsewhere and all

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    related fines, penalties, charges, costs and interest;

    "Transferred Assets" the Customer Assets except to the extent that they are

    Residual Assets;

    "Transferred Liabilities" the Customer Liabilities except to the extent that they areResidual Liabilities;

    "Treasury Master


    a master agreement entered into between Lloyds TSB and

    Bank of Scotland and a Customer governing swaps and

    derivative products entered into from time to time;

    "VAT Records" all records that are referred to in section 49(1)(b) VATA and

    that have been kept by Bank of Scotland in respect of

    Customers; and

    "VATA" the Value Added Tax Act 1994.

    2. In this Scheme:

    (a) References to the Scheme and to paragraphs, Parts or Schedules

    Any reference to the Scheme shall include any Schedules to it and references in

    the Scheme to paragraphs, Parts or Schedules are, except where the contextotherwise requires, to paragraphs of, Parts of and Schedules to this Scheme.

    (b) Headings

    Headings are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction of

    this Scheme.

    (c) Singular and plural, and gender

    Any reference to the singular shall include a reference to the plural and vice versa

    and any reference to the masculine shall include a reference to the feminine and

    neuter and vice versa.

    (d) Reference to an agreement

    Reference to an agreement includes an agreement or undertaking effected by

    contract, deed or any other instrument.

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    LIB01/C4EHR/2368666.7 Hogan Lovells

    (e) Reference to a person

    Any reference to a person shall include a reference to any individual, company,

    firm, partnership, association, organisation, trust or agency, whether or not having

    a separate legal personality.

    (f) References to securities

    Any reference to securities includes debentures, debenture, stocks, loan stock,

    bonds, certificates of deposit or any other instrument creating or acknowledging a

    debt, warrants or other instruments that entitle the holder to acquire any of the


    (g) References to services

    Any reference to services provided or agreed to be provided by Bank of Scotlandincludes the accepting of deposits, the provision of credit or other facilities, the

    making of loans or any other form of finance, whether secured or unsecured, or

    the provision of any guarantee, indemnity, letter of credit, performance bond or

    other assurance, or acting as a settlement bank for a customer in the CREST

    system operated by Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited or in any other clearing or

    settlement system.

    (h) References to writing

    Any reference to writing shall include any modes of reproducing words in a legible

    and non-transitory form.

    (i) References to transfer

    The expression "transfer" includes (as the context may require) "vest", "assign",

    "assignation" or "assignment", "dispose" or "disposal" or "convey" or


    (j) References to variation

    The expression "variation" includes any amendment, modification, variation,

    supplement, deletion, replacement or termination (as the context requires),

    however effected.

    (k) References to holding company, subsidiary and wholly-owned subsidiary

    The expressions "holding company", "subsidiary" and "wholly-owned

    subsidiary" shall have the same meanings as in the Companies Act 2006.

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    (l) References to enactments or statutory provisions

    Any reference to an enactment or a statutory provision shall include a reference to

    (i) that enactment or statutory provision as amended, consolidated, modified,

    replaced or re-enacted from time to time and (ii) any subordinate legislation,

    instrument or order made under the relevant enactment or statutory provision as

    itself amended, consolidated, modified, replaced or re-enacted from time to time

    and, for the avoidance of doubt, subordinate legislation shall include provisions of

    the FSA Handbook of rules and guidance made pursuant to the FSMA.

    (m) References to "including and "in particular"

    References to "including" and "in particular" shall not be construed restrictively

    but shall mean "including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing and

    without limitation" and "in particular but without prejudice to the generality of the

    foregoing and without limitation".

    (n) Exercise of powers of control

    Where any obligation pursuant to this Scheme is expressed to be undertaken or

    assumed by any person, such obligation shall be construed as including a

    requirement on that person to exercise all rights and powers of control over the

    affairs of any other person which that person is properly able to exercise (whether

    directly or indirectly) in order to secure performance of such obligation.

    (o) English law concepts

    Reference to any process or concepts of English law shall include all equivalent

    processes or concepts under the laws of any other applicable jurisdiction.

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