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Page 1: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Celebrating Our FriendshipsAnnual Report 2011

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Page 2: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Annual Report 2011

At Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly, Chicago Chapter, we often say no one plans to grow old alone, it just happens. And for 52 years, we’ve been working diligently to make sure the loneliness doesn’t last.

Friendship is published quarterly by Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly (LBFE) Chicago Chapter at 312.455.1000. Produced by MNMarketing Chicago and Patty O’Friel Design. Photos by LBFE volunteers and staff: Christine Bertrand, Jason Chiu, Heather Dudzinski, Char Marie Flood, Courtney Handebeck and Vince Nigito. Spanish version translation donated by volunteer Graciella Napoles.

Sharpening our focus and raising awareness to serve our elders

We welcome individuals and families from diverse backgrounds to ensure that the final years of our elders’ lives are filled with joy, companionship and relationships that value and treasure their lifelong contributions.

We’re proud of the difference we’ve made, but we are just as keenly aware of the scope of issues surrounding lonely and isolated elders:

The U.S. Administration on Aging says that one-third of individuals 65 and older live alone, and one-half of women 75 and older live alone.

In metropolitan Chicago, GO TO 2040 reports that Chicago’s senior population is expected to continue increasing, with the number of residents between ages 65 and 84 projected to double by 2040.

The number of residents in the region who are over 85 years old is projected to triple.

At Little Brothers, we see our elders living longer, but not necessarily in better health and far too often without a stable network of individuals on which to rely.

But there is (as always) a flipside: Increasingly, our experience with older adults confirms that “old age is a time of individual and social renewal,” as described by Marc Freedman, CEO and founder of Civic Ventures, a think tank on Baby Boomers, work and social purpose.

The impact of demographic trends and social changes on our landscape means that we need to keep evolving, too. By broadening our agenda and renewing our approach, we are looking ahead to be even more responsive to different elder needs and interests.

CIVIC ENGAGEMENTOver the past couple of years we have listened to our elders and recognized their desire for more meaningful ways to give back to their communities. This emerging wave of elders wants to focus more on what they can do with their lives and how active they can be.

We have responded with new programs and partnerships with schools, civic groups and corporations. These activities are all designed to share and validate contributions made by the elders during their lives as well as reflect past experiences they have valued. Our Elder Advisory Committee is an important partner in helping us to find new opportunities.

Over the past year elders have met monthly with students at the Esperanza School, which is a private school serving students with disabilities between ages 5 – 21. The partnership gives our elders a unique opportunity to serve their communities, benefit from civic engagement and make a difference in a young person’s life. In turn, the students feel accepted by

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Annual Report 2011BOARD OF DIRECTORS

NICHOLAS DELGADOPresident of the Board Principal, Chief Wealth Officer Dignitas

ROBIN TILLOTSONVice President of the Board Regional Director (Atlas) The Department of Family Support Services – Senior Services

MARILYN HENNESSY Treasurer of the Board Retired, President The Retirement Research Foundation

CAROL WAUGHSecretary of the Board Retired, Registered Nurse

KARL W. ALLEMANExecutive Recruiter Egon Zehnder International, Inc.

TOM BEHRENSRetired, Founder and CEO The Night Ministry

KATHLEEN BOYLANSenior Vice President, Public Relations Public Communications Inc.

SUSAN CIUCCIFinancial Consultant PEB Financial Group

ELISE DIXON-ROPERAttorney Barclay, Dixon & Smith PC

PAUL D. KING*Vice President Personal Financial Services Northern Trust

PHIL MENZELVice President, Retail Services Talent & Human Capital Services Sears Holdings Management Corporation

ROSA PEREZAssociate Vice President, Benefits & Compensation DePaul University

ELLIOT RICHARDSONPresident Small Business Advocacy Council Partner, Korey Cotter Heather & Richardson, LLC

NAOMI M. STANHAUS*Consultant Retirement Research Foundation

*Served in FY2011

their “new” old friends, and learn firsthand the benefits of interacting and sharing with older adults. This is just one of many programs which bring generations together, incorporating volunteerism and expressing aging in a positive way.

Ahead, our goal will be to offer more seminars and elder-led activities that will enable elders to pursue favorite interests such as discussing politics and current events, teaching cooking or knitting classes, or learning new ways to take charge of their health and improve the quality of their lives.

ADVOCACY & AWARENESSWe are deeply aware of many of today’s social and economic issues and their impact on the well-being of our elders. Our vision for the future includes increased efforts by our Board of Directors and Executive Director to bring new attention to elder issues with our legislators, policymakers and other influencers.

Through conversation and interaction, we plan to align with other groups to heighten attention on serious issues that impact the quality of life for our elders and contribute to their isolation and loneliness: soaring crime rates, an ailing transportation system, high cost of living and even higher taxes, and more.

Hearing directly from our seniors about the challenges they face may be the most powerful way to raise awareness and share important information with those who are making life-changing decisions. Whether it’s a policy roundtable with a Chicago alderman or a volunteer partnership with a local corporation, Little Brothers is focused on deepening the pool of committed individuals to fight elder isolation and loneliness.

We are ever grateful for the continued support of our volunteers, donors and partners. Every year, our important benchmarks continue to increase: in FY2011, we report nearly 47,000 hours of service to 1,303 elders by 1,459 volunteers. Our contributions have also stayed strong during these still challenging times.

You have our deepest gratitude for your generosity and for your dedication to our elders to make sure loneliness doesn’t last. 1

Nicholas Delgado Simone Mitchell-PetersonPresident of the Board Executive Director

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2011 in Review

LITTLE BROTHERS – FRIENDS OF THE ELDERLY provided unique programs for 1,303 Chicago elders in FY2011. Promising to remain alongside our elders for the duration of their lives, Little Brothers focuses on serving elders over the age of 70 who have fewer than two meaningful 30-minute social contacts each month.

The average age of our elders is 82 and 79 percent of elders served were women. Our elders represent the ethnic diversity of Chicago: African American (44%), Caucasian (34%), Latino (20%), Asian (1%) and multi-racial or other race (1%). Many of our elders are physically unable to leave their homes unassisted; one in three elders requires a walker or a wheelchair. Many are low income with limited means.

We could not achieve our goal of relieving loneliness for elders without the time and talent generously given by our volunteers each year. In FY2011, the help of 1,459 volunteers provided 46,963 hours of service.

GIVING Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly is a private non-profit and receives no funds from the government. We are not a United Way member agency but we accept funding from United Way if individuals choose to designate us. Our ability to forge lifelong connections with isolated elders is supported by thousands of individuals and dozens of corporations and foundations who express their commitment to our mission through generous donations each year. Little Brothers received $2,487,360 in contributed support in FY2011.

PROGRAMS Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly programs and services are free and are designed to relieve the isolation and loneliness of elders. Through friendship, practical help and positive social experiences, we build trust and hope as we provide elders with a community they can count on.

VISITING Volunteers and staff improve the quality of life for elders through regular visits, phone calls and outings. Last year, Little Brothers completed 13,094 contacts with elders, including 9,307 in-person visits and 3,422 phone conversations of 30 minutes or more. In-person contacts included 452 birthday home visits to elders who could not attend our monthly birthday parties. Volunteers and staff made 195 in-home visits with elders, bringing special treats and activities.

CELEBRATIONS OF LIFE Our Holiday Celebrations provided 1,950 elders with memorable experiences at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter holidays. Year-round, Celebration of Life activities at our Ashland facility and throughout the city served 3,520 elders at 12 monthly birthday parties, 14 celebration luncheons, Movie Club and Creative Café. We also held 12 "family reunions" to connect elders with their peers and organized additional group outings to take elders to lunch or shopping.

TOUCHING LIVES Outreach events enable us to interact with older adults and introduce them to our programs. In FY2011 we met 413 new friends through our Touching Lives events. Some of the elders we met joined the Little Brothers family.

SUMMER PROGRAMS Little Brothers provided 290 elders with summer vacation experiences. We accompanied 121 elders on four-day vacations outside the city to Illinois State Beach Resort or to Starved Rock State Park in Illinois. Another 55 elders, who could not travel overnight, enjoyed one-day vacation experiences such as a trip to Lincoln Park Zoo. An additional 129 homebound elders had in-home vacation experiences, such as a Spa Day.

NORTHWEST INDIANA In 2010, the Board of Directors made a recommendation that Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly, Chicago Chapter, expand its programs beyond the immediate Chicago community. After careful study, Northwest Indiana was selected based on the demographics of its senior population and minimal resources to support seniors in the area. An individual donor and the Board committed funds to launch the expansion.

In FY2011, Little Brothers hosted eight events in Gary, Indiana, for 175 seniors with limited connections or support from family or friends. These events provided new and welcome opportunities for the seniors to socialize, celebrate, share stories with our volunteers and build new friendships. Northwest Indiana events continue to be supported by specially designated funds, or restricted gifts, from donors and Board members.

> continued

OUR MISSION Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly is a national network of non-profit volunteer-based organizations committed to relieving isolation and loneliness among the elderly. We offer to people of goodwill the opportunity to join the elderly in friendship and celebration of life.


Page 5: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

2011 in Review


participated in our Summer Programs

1,950 holiday experiences

for elders at a party or through home-

delivered meals and visits


3,520instances when

elders participated in Celebrations of Life (includes luncheons,

birthday parties and outings)

13,094 personal visits and calls of reassurance made to our elders


when volunteers or staff provided special assistance to

an elder (including transportation to medical appointments,

pharmacies and grocery stores)

1,058elders received

personalized holiday gifts

253elders joined

Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly

46,963 hours of service to our elders by 1,459 volunteers in FY2011


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2011 in Review

SPECIAL ASSISTANCE Many of our elders face significant challenges. Little Brothers provides special assistance to address unexpected needs and enable elders to maintain their independence. Last year we responded to 2,189 special requests for financial assistance, help with light household projects or other support. A total of 1,146 food bags were delivered in FY2011, with each providing a week of meals.

LLOYD WALDING BRAIN FITNESS CENTER In response to research that indicates mental exercise keeps the mind sharp, Little Brothers opened the Brain Fitness Center in 2009. Computer terminals, Wii games and other resources help elders learn new skills and get brain workouts. The center is staffed weekly with volunteer tutors on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, 10 am to 2 pm.

VOLUNTEER INVOLVEMENT Little Brothers is able to make the most positive impact on elders because of the dedication of our volunteers.

To further support our nearly 1,500 volunteers, Little Brothers’ Volunteer Advisory Committee continued to meet regularly, host successful educational seminars and plan a networking event to help volunteers get to know one another and share volunteer experiences with each other.

HOLIDAY GIFTS This special program inspired volunteers and donors to purchase personalized gifts to fulfill the wishes of 1,058 elders during the holiday season in FY2011.

TRANSPORTATION Even if elders are not homebound, transportation can be a barrier preventing them from participating in our programs. With the help of new vehicles and volunteers in FY2011, Little Brothers provided elders with 797 rides to monthly events, 825 rides to holiday events and an additional 517 rides for medical and other appointments.

ELDERS GIVE BACK To evaluate and improve our programs, Little Brothers relies on input from elders,

some of whom are members of the Elder Advisory Committee. In FY2011 Little Brothers continued to provide new opportunities for elders who wish to give back. The Sunshine Voices program involves elder volunteers who phone their peers for periodic check-in. Through our partnership with Esperanza School, elder volunteers met monthly with students to build long-term friendships. These and other opportunities keep our elders engaged and involved in the larger community.

LASTING SUPPORT We are privileged to offer friendship to elders in the later years of their lives. As their only family, we are the friends they turn to for help. We not only have the honor of celebrating life with our elders but also commemorating them in death. Staff and volunteers attend services, send flowers and often make final arrangements to ensure last wishes have been met. This past year, we accompanied 117 elders to the end of their lives.

Our motto, flowers before bread,

means that sharing the beauty in life is as basic as meeting

physical needs.


Page 7: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Revenue Individual Contributions $ 892,699

Planned Gifts 114,990

Grants from Corporations & Foundations 157,815

Restricted Grants/Individual Contributions 80,078

Other Revenue 890

Donated Goods 86,987

Interest & Dividends 369,066

Special Events & Projects 14,601

Net: Investment Gains (Losses) (123,788)

Net Operating Revenue $1,593,338

Bequest Income 1,139,300

Gain of Sale of Asset 241,116

Total Revenue $2,973,754


Visiting the Elderly $1,205,327

Direct Service 297,076

Holiday & Social Activities 682,570

Elder Summer Programs 149,445

Grants to Sister Chapter 60,000

Total Programs $2,394,418

Development & Public Relations 573,879

Management & General 387,245

Total Expenses $3,355,542

Net Excess (Deficiency) ($381,788)

10/01/10 – 09/30/11




Management& General

Development & Public Relations



Page 8: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Our Donors: Making Friendships Possible


Rita F. Gallicchio, Estate

Mildred Grachanen, Estate

Marilyn R. Holst, Estate

James F. McMahon, Estate

Rita Marie M. Von Arb

Katherine A. Yergy, Estate

Mary Jane Yergy, Estate

$25,000-49,999Alvin H. Baum Family Fund

Fred J. Brunner Foundation

Tom & Roberta Drewes

Julius N. Frankel Foundation

Ruth M. Harwell

Charles & Mary Liebman

Ms. Elizabeth Amy Liebman

Jeanne Rognant, Estate

$10,000-24,999ACCORD LIMITED


Helen Brach Foundation

William Burns, Estate

10,000 from the Chicago Tribune Charities-Holiday Campaign, a fund of the McCormick Foundation

Edward & Florence Corkery, Trust

Ms. Florence M. Devenish

Phyllis S. Herold

Marion E. Hummel, Estate

Mary Ellen Imhof, Estate

Dr. Leslie & Virginia Knudsen, Trust

Kay E. Leiting, Estate

Mazza Foundation

Helen M. Semmerling, Estate

$5,000-9,999Anonymous (2)

Mr. Elwood Barce

Butler Family Foundation

Central Steel & Wire Company

Mr. James A. Evans

Frances E. & Mary H. Flood, Trust

Margaret T. Foley, Estate

Mr. Donald C. Gancer

Mrs. Marguerite D. Hark

Sharon L. Karsten

Irma R. Lobe, Estate

Genevieve Mysiak, Trust

The Retirement Research Foundation

The Rhoades Foundation

Daniel F. and Ada L. Rice Foundation

Ritzenthaler Family Foundation

The Siragusa Foundation

Robert Sperl, Trust

Winston Churchill Trimmer, Estate

Jessie Watson, Estate

The Wohlers Family Foundation

$1,000-4,999Adreani Foundation at

Chicago Community Trust

Karl W. Alleman

Ms. Mamie V. Andry

Robert & Margarita Bartels

Mrs. William D. Batey

Michael & Diane Beemer

Cantore Enterprises

Mr. Martin Ceranec

Ms. Kathleen T. Cheevers

Christian Foundation

Ms. Mary Ann Ciesla

Thomas Clancy

Tom & Gloria Colgan

Donald & Michele Cronin

Mr. Amory Cummings

Ms. Elizabeth B. Cunningham

Mr. Robert Curley

DP Foundation

Joseph & Pearl Drowinski, Estate

Mrs. Helen Thom Edwards

Equity Office

Thomas & Jean Evans

Ms. Kathleen Fahey

Dorothy C. Fahey, Estate

Mrs. Patricia A. Flynn

Mr. Stanley Franklin

Ms. Irene Frye

Ms. Arlene E. Furey

Millie & Jesse E. Fusfeld, Trust

Ms. Marie J. Galoney

Ms. Mary Nicole Gerard

M.S. Gesse & Associates, Inc.

Ms. Ann Gibbons

Goldman, Sachs & Company

Keith & Mary Pat Guenther

Jeffrey & Renee Hall

Ms. Nancy W. Harding

Ms. Susan M. Harrigan

Marilyn Hennessy

Mr. & Mrs. Bernard F. Hester

Charles E. Hicks

Douglas & Lola Hotchkis

Mr. Dennis M. Hughes

Mr. & Mrs. S.F. Hutcherson III

Ms. Suzanne M. Joseph

Clement & Bernice Juris

Janet L. Kaiser

Ms. Kirsten Leigh Keefer

Mr. John M. Kennedy

Ms. Anne D. Koch

Garnetta Kramer Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. James Kramer

Frank J. Lawler Jr., Estate

Mrs. Catherine Levy

Mr. James D. Liggett

Mrs. Charlotte Lindon

Mr. Thomas Logan

The Philip J. & Carol J. Lyons Foundation

Mr. Daniel T. Maloney

Richard & Odette Maskell

Phil Menzel

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Mrs. Minnie L. Miller

Ms. Nell Minow

Simone Mitchell-Peterson

Catherine Morrissey-Weinglass, Trust

Professors Leon & Rae Moses

Mr. Harvey Nixon

Northfield Community Church

George O'Brien & Joseph Linberg Charitable Fdn.

Al & Joan O'Donnell

P-K Tool & Manufacturing Company

Paasche Airbrush Company

Mr. Stephen Parenti

Ms. Kathleen Ponton

Reichert Foundation

Ms. Elizabeth Agnes Reid

Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Rhoades

Mr. Martin P. Ryan

William G. & Mary A. Ryan Charitable Foundation

Lt. Col. Allan P. Scholl (Ret.)

Schwaben Society Charity Fund

Mr. Thomas Sipp

Mr. Ronald Siwek

Ms. Elizabeth L. Snyder

Thomas & Francine Snyder

Jim & Naomi Stanhaus

Stanley & Julia Stasch

Ms. Cecilia Straney

Mr. & Mrs. H. Bruce Stupple

Sulzer Family Foundation

Mr. Deane H. Tank

Mr. David M. Thomas

Toyota 100 Cars For Good

Mr. Michael E. Tuffy

Frank S. Ungemach & Kathleen Gilliland

Janet Z. Verveer, Estate

Ms. Nancy J. Volkman

Mrs. Susan Waldbuesser

Mr. Terrence Walden

Ms. Susan Woestman

Ms. Phyllis A. Wojtar

Michael & Susan Wolz

Ms. Rita A. Zralek

$500-999Ms. Lynne B. Adams

American Society on Aging

Anonymous (3)

Fred & Cinda Axley

Mrs. Leigh F. Baccash

Mr. Robert J. Banaszek

John & Rosemary Bannan

Ms. Jane Baylor

Ms. Ingrid Beberdick

Ms. Janet Beyersdorfer

Charles & Patricia Bidwill

Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Bloom

Mr. & Mrs. Abdon J. Bray

Ms. Maureen Brennan

Ms. Hedi Bronowska

Ms. Nancy Bubula

James & Barbara Burke

John & Mary Burns

Capitanini Family

Ms. Susan A. Carr

John & Kathleen Chapman

Ms. Andria F. Christy

Susan Ciucci

Richard Clark

Clark Hill PLC

The Clark-Halladay Memorial Foundation

Mr. Robert W. Collins

The Congregational Church of Park Manor

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Connors

Ms. Janice Cook

Ms. Geraldine Cowlin

Mr. Brian J. Cunningham

W.S. Darley & Company

Doerfler Insurance Agency, Inc.

Ms. Joan A. Doyle

Ms. Eileen M. Draper

Mr. Kevin J. Dunne

Ms. Catherine B. Eardley-Murphy

Mr. & Mrs. Peter S. Egan

Thomas & Donna Egan

Mr. Carter Emerson

Mr. Richard P. Ewald

Mr. Joseph Fenner

Ms. Mary G. Finn

Ms. Catherine Fitzpatrick

Brendan & Ann Foley

Ms. Barbara G. Fox

Mrs. Mary Heinz Garzoni

Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly gratefully acknowledges the financial partnership and commitment of all the donors who make our work possible. We wish we could list the thousands of donors who have given less than $100 in the last fiscal year, but space does not allow us to do so. We know that each gift we receive is given from the heart and makes a difference in the life of an elder.


Page 9: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Our Donors: Making Friendships Possible

Donald & Joanna Gesicki

Mrs. Barbara J. Giebel

Ms. Melissa K. Gill

Elizabeth Gill, Estate

Ms. Carlyn Goettsch

Ms. Alice Gomez

Gordon Tech High School

Sherri Gorski

Graphic Arts Finishing Company

Ms. Catherine T. Green

Mrs. Joyce M. Greening

Mel & Mary Gregory

Ms. Georgia Grummon

Dick & Jan Hamilton

Mr. Robert Hart

Mrs. Patricia C. Horne

Carrie & Gary Huff

IBM Corporation

Illinois Tool Works Foundation

The Independent Order of Foresters, IL

Ms. Marcia M. Jawor

Mr. Robert S. Johnson

Mr. William Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Jones

Ms. Pamela Kane

Albert & Eunice Kanefield

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Kaner

Mrs. Joan M. Kaye

Ms. Kathleen E. Kendrick

Mr. & Mrs. William A. Kertz

Ms. Elizabeth Knoth

Ms. Catherine J. Knotts

Mr. Robert J. Kopecky

Ms. Carolyn A. Landwehr

Mr. & Mrs. John G. Langhenry Jr.

The Latin School

Ms. Lois R. Lauber

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. Lauer

Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Lawinger

Mrs. Winfred M. Leaf

Legion of Young Polish Women

Mr. & Mrs. John K. Lucas

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Lupo

Ms. Madelyn MacMahon

Mr. William Madlener

Mr. Charles E. Manix

Ms. Barbara A. Manny

Robert W. & Doretta M. Marwin

Ms. Beatrice J. Mazzone

James & Beth McClanahan

Robert R. McCormick Foundation

Rev. Francis B. McDonald

Mr. Richard G. McGuire

Donald & Lorena Meier Foundation

Mrs. Margaret H. Merrill

Dr. Joan M. Meyer

Mr. Ronald D. Milota

Missionary Sisters of the Holy Spirit

Mr. Jerome Mrowca

Mullins Food Products

The Paul Nebenzahl Company

Mr. Robert Nied Jr.

Northern Trust Matching Gift Program

Mary Nowesnick

Ms. Maria M. Paris

Mr. Mark K. Proesel

Ms. Jane Pugh

Mr. William Rago

Mrs. Dotty Renner-Grodek

The Grace Roberti Foundation

Mr. Thomas Roberts & Ms. Teresa Grosch

Mr. Ronald Roselli

Dan & Bob Ruscitti

Saints Peter & Paul Catholic Church

Ms. Laura Schindler

Mr. Vernon H. Schleyer

The John & Kathleen Schreiber Foundation

Mr. Michael Jay Sedell

Bruce & Margaret Sents

Mr. Richard J. Shinners Jr.

Ms. Helen E. Sieben

Adeline Elizabeth Sigwalt, Estate

Ms. Yvonne M. Sloan

Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Smoots Jr.

St. Juliana Parish

St. Mary of the Woods Church

Ms. Mary Stanhaus

Ms. Dolores F. Stann

The Stauber Family Foundation

Mr. Mark D. Steffens

Mrs. Barbara Stock

Mr. Alan Swanson

Mr. Thomas Swigart Jr.

Guy & Theresa Tagliavia

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick A. Thulin

Robin Tillotson

Ms. Kathryn Toffenetti

Mr. Michael P. Toomin

Ms. Audrey A. Truschke

Mr. Benedict M. Vruble

John & Peggy Walding

Ms. Mary Warchol

Carol Waugh

Mr. Thomas J. Wedell

Ms. Caroline C. Wheeler

Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. White

Frank & Alice Wiedner

Mr. Robert L. Wolff

Ms. Carol J. Zielski

Ms. Caroline Ziv

Ms. Audrey A. Zywicki

$250-499Ms. Judith A. Adams

Ms. Mila Alexander

Mr. Louis J. Anastasia

Anne Andrius, Estate

Ms. Mary M. Angelica


Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Antonio

Ms. Charlene B. Anzalone

Ms. Sandra D. Archer

Mr. Ray Asplund

Dr. & Mrs. E.D. Attaya

Mrs. Eleanor Badalich

Lee & Rita Baker

Ms. Nora Barnicle

Mr. James R. Bass Jr.

Ms. Doris Bawa

Ms. Suzanne D. Beatty

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond J. Behrendt

Ms. Kathleen J. Bell

Ms. Kimberly Berdelle

Robert & Beverly Berman

John & Anne Bilos

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Bisgeier

Mr. & Mrs. Walter Blachut

Ms. Sylvia V. Blazina

Spencer & Lesley Bloch

Mr. & Mrs. Paul L. Bolton

Mr. Ronald Bonaguro

Angelo & Darlene Boncimino

Ms. Katharine Bornarth

Mr. George J. Bowbin Jr.

Mr. Stanley L. Bozdech

Mr. Jerry Bransfield

Hidai Bregu

Ms. Betty Brooks

Mrs. Jean Brouhard

Charles A. & Doris E. Brunke

Ms. Barbara D. Budinger

Ms. Betty Burns

Ms. Veronica Byers

Gloria J. Callaci & Lawrence J. Suffredin

Drs. Daniel & Katherine Campbell

Ms. Mary J. Canavan

Mr. Leonard V. Canino

Mr. & Mrs. William T. Carlin

Ms. Mary P. Carr

Mr. Gerald Carter

Catholic Theological Union at Chicago

Mr. Emil Celli

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence J. Centella

Ms. Gerry Cervone

Ms. Karen A. Chesrown

Ms. Marlene E. Cheval

Mr. Ralph M. Chor Jr.

C.J. Christ

Ms. Mary Ann Cicero

Ms. Maura A. Clark

Ms. Jane A. Collins

Dolores Connolly & Daniel Casey

Ms. Karen A. Crotty

Mr. James D. Cunningham Jr.

Ms. Nancy A. Czarnecki

Ms. Marsha E. Davis

Julie A. Degnan


Esperanza Herrera became involved with Little Brothers after the death of her husband, Avelino. She says that we brightened her life and pulled her out of her deep depression.

In honor of Esperanza and Avelino, the Herrera family made a generous donation to create the Herrera Family Cafe at LBFE as a tribute to the lifelong importance of family and friendship.

(Left to right) Simone, Esperanza and Josephine Herrera-Miller

Page 10: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew J. Desanti

Mr. Louis Di Cerbo

Mr. Vincent Dina

Mrs. Mary A. Domzalski

Ms. Cecilia A. Dorn

Mr. George E. Douglas

Mr. Peter Douville

Mr. Frank E. Doyle

Mr. Albert J. Dru

Mr. Carl P. Eigelsbach

Mrs. Ruth Enault

Mr. Joseph R. Ender

Mr. & Mrs. Wylie E. Etscheid

Le Roy & Marta Evans

Exelon Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Farrell

Mr. Joseph C. Fenner Jr.

Ms. Lorna Ferguson

Ms. Anna V. Fidanza

Mr. Cyril J. Finnegan

Robert & Audrey Fischer

Mr. John H. Fisher

Mr. Stephen Fister

Mrs. Justine N. Fleming

Fred & Sarah Flosi

Mr. & Mrs. John M. Foley

Matthew & Amanda Fox

Mr. Lee Francis

Ms. Marie H. Franciscus

Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Franke

Fraternal Order of Police Chicago No. 7

Mr. & Mrs. John Freechack

Paul & Sue Freehling

Ms. Susan Friedman

Mrs. Merrianne Furlong

G.B. Electric

Mr. Richard E. Gade

Ms. Dorothy A. Gallagher

Ms. Bernadine D. Gardner

Mrs. Margaret Georgevich

Ms. Meg Gerken

Mr. Anthony Gillette

Mr. Charles E. Gillman

Mr. Norman Glassberg

Ms. Vivian I. Goeb

Dr. & Mrs. Edmund Goedert

Mr. Scott G. Golinkin

Ms. Dorothy G. Goos

Graff, Ballauer & Blanski, PC

Mr. Vincent A. Grochocinski

Mrs. Kathryn M. Haider

Ms. Ellen C. Hallissey

Mr. Edward C. Hammerberg

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hammes

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Heffernan

Ms. Elizabeth Hennessey

Mr. Merron Henry

Ms. Kathleen Herber

William & Helen Herber

Ms. Barbara L. Hermann

Joseph & Carol Hetman

Marc & Marianne Heyden

Ms. Kathryn Higgason

Ray & Barbara Hockenbrough

Mr. James Hohmeier

Mr. Matthew F. Hojnacki

Home Instead Senior Care

The Rose Houston Charitable Foundation

Mr. & Mrs. Jerry J. Jaeger

Ms. Kathleen A. Jaszka

Mr. David Johnson

Mrs. Inge K. Johnson

Mr. Lawrence Johnson

Ms. Amerline C. Jones

Ms. Pearl Jovanovich

Mrs. John Kaiser

Mr. Karim Kaminski

Mr. Stanley Kaminski

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Kass

Mr. Robert Kaye

Thomas J. & Joanne C. Keating

Mr. James J. Keehan

Mr. Richard M. Keller

Ms. Kathy Kelley

Mr. James W. Kelly

Mr. Theodore P. Kendzior

Ms. Dolores Kilroy

Paul D. King

Mr. John J. Kinsella

Dr. Connie M. Knapp

The Koenig Family

Mr. Randolph Kohler

Mrs. Catherine M. Kolar

Ms. Nancy Kosobud

Donald & Mary Koss

Mr. Paul L. Kott

Mr. Joseph Kratzer

Robert & Anita Kuechenberg

Michael & Susan Kuhn

Mr. Aivars Kuplis

Ronald & Bonnie LaBarbera

Mr. & Mrs. Walter M. Lacyk

Mr. Michael E. Leahy

Lewis Metals Corporation

Ms. Genevie Linkus

Mrs. Phyllis G. Linning

Ms. Jeri A. Logemann

Mr. Edwin A. Lohmeier

Mr. William C. Lordan

Mr. Michael A. Lorenz

Mr. Richard J. Luby

Ms. Ruth Lynch

Ms. Corinne M. Lyon

Neil & Frances Mahlstedt

Mrs. Carole S. Malinski

Ms. Victoria L. Mancini

Ms. Sandra P. Manne

Mr. Thomas Marr

Paul & Annette Marsicano

Larry & Mary Jo Martin

Barbara & John Massey

John & Lillian Mathews

Kay Mazurek

Mrs. Jack V. McAvinchey

Ms. Sandra McBride

Thomas & Barbara McCaffrey

Mr. Daniel J. McCarthy

Mark & Anna Marie McCarthy

Ms. Mary Kay McCaw

Mary McGinn & Bernard Shapiro

Mrs. Anne McKeon

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Meehan

Mr. Logan Meinerz

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis L. Meyer

Ms. Jean M. Middleton

Mr. Thomas W. Mier

Ms. Lucille Monahan

Mont Clare Elmwood Park Lions Club

Ms. Dorothy H. Moriarty

Mr. Patrick Mulcahy

Mr. Terrence J. Mullen

Mr. Robert J. Murphy

Ms. Barbara Murtha

Mrs. Vreni Naess

Edward & Juanita Nicholson

Mr. & Mrs. Jamin Nixon

Mr. & Mrs. John M. O'Brien

Ms. Loretta A. O'Dowd

Mr. Kevin J. O'Malley

Ms. Susan Obuchowski

Mrs. Dorothy M. Ormond

Pahlke & Pahlke Insurance Agency, Inc.

Mrs. Jean Payne

Peoples Energy

Mr. Philip G. Pfister

Mr. Kenneth Phillips

Ms. Jacqueline Plichta

Ms. Carol R. Plochman

Ms. Marion Porento

Bob & Mary Ellen Quinn

Ms. Kathleen M. Randolph

Joel & Marikay Raphaelson

Mr. Phillip E. Raskin

Ms. Bernadine E. Reckert

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Reinheimer

Mr. & Mrs. Guy H. Revesz

Mr. & Mrs. David R. Richert

Ms. Marsha Roane

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rohan

Ron & Jill Rohde

Mr. Felix C. Rojas Jr.

Ms. Carol E. Rolf

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick E. Rooney

Brady & Pati Roscoe

Ms. Carita Rothing

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen L. Ruff Jr.

Steven & Karen Sacharski

Frank & Karen Schneider

Ms. Mary T. Schneider

Mr. Charles D. Schreck

Ms. Jodi L. Schubert

Ms. Catherine A. Sell

Ms. Sheila A. Sepanski

Mr. & Mrs. Myron D. Shapiro

Ms. Patricia L. Shaw

Ms. Kathryn L. Shay

Philip & Mary Sheridan

Ms. Joann M. Simpson

Ms. Eileen Skupien

Mr. Walter Slack Jr.

Mr. Thomas Slonka

Jerry Smith & Dottie Fugiel

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Snyder

Ms. Marlene Snyder

Mr. John Soderstrom

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Sokalski

Mr. Floyd P. Sorquist

Mr. Robert A. Sperl


Our Holiday Celebrations in FY2011 provided 1,950 elders with memorable experiences at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter.

Page 11: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Stawicki

Charles & Barbara Strang

Ms. Mary C. Stretch

Mr. Harold L. Strong

Mr. Rene Suarez

Ms. Elaine R. Taylor

Mr. Clarence Telkes

Ms. Nancy Timmers

Mrs. Laverne Toomey

Ms. Debra Toppel

Ms. Donna Tracy

Ms. Marie Trankina

Leo & Linda Trimble

Ms. Barbara H. Trippi

Peter Troost Monument Company

Ms. Elizabeth K. Twede

Mr. & Mrs. Henry W. Tymick

Mr. Raymond W. Ulbrich

Ms. Edith M. Vadovicky

John & Tracy Vercillo

Mrs. Kathleen H. Vito

Joseph F. & Joan A. Vitu

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vucich

Mr. Dennis J. Wake

Dr. Anne B. Ward

Mr. John P. Ward

Ms. Shirley Waterloo

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley R. Weinberger

Ms. Clara Weiss

Mrs. William Welsh

Ms. Katherine Wetoska

Mr. Harold L. Williams

Mrs. Mary Jo Wise

Mr. David Withall

Ms. Carol K. Wittwer

Ms. Valerie Woods

Ms. Teresa J. Wronski

Mr. Robert S. Yohannan

Steven & Elizabeth Young

Mr. & Mrs. Theodore A. Zelewsky

Mr. Ronald F. Zitlow

$100-249Ms. Kay Acklin

Ms. Annie Ree Adams

Ms. Elizabeth M. Adkins

Ms. Gina Affolter

Consuelo M. Aguilera

Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Aichele

Mr. & Mrs. Agostino A. Alagna Sr.

Mrs. Diane M. Albamonte

Ms. Catherine L. Albanese

Mr. Tyrone E. Albert

Ms. Mary Albright

Ms. Kathryn P. Alesia

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth C. Alexander

Ms. Mary K. Alfus

Mrs. Joan I. Allen

Ms. Judith A. Allen

Mrs. Laura F. Allen

Ms. Emilia Almada

Ms. Loretta Alois

Paul & Mary Altman

American International Group

American Legion Post 716

Mr. Daniel T. Amorella

Ms. Aimee B. Anderson

Mr. & Mrs. Harry Anderson

Ms. Helenlu Anderson

Ms. Laura Anderson

Michael & Cecilia Anderson

Robert & Helen Anderson

Anonymous (5)

Ms. Wilma Antoniolli

Ms. Mary Lou Antonowicz

Mr. Robert D. Appelbaum

Mrs. Lorraine Arenberg

Dr. & Mrs. William J. Arnold

Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Aronson Jr.

Theodore & Barbara Asner

Robert & Elizabeth Babich

Ms. Marilyn E. Baier

Mr. James D. Baillet

Mr. Richard R. Balsamo

Mr. William Barker

Ms. Mildred C. Barnes

Mr. William A. Barnett

Mr. Edward J. Barrett

Lawrence & Mary Barrett

Mr. Peter Barrett

Ms. Anka K. Barsano

Mr. & Mrs. Donald C. Bartimoccia

Russell & Margaret Bartz

Marvin & Helen Bates

Mr. & Mrs. S. Ronald Battaglia

Richard & Donna Bauer

Mr. William W. Baumgardt

Mr. Robert Baumler

Ms. Eileen M. Baurle

Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery A. Baxter

Ms. Mary Ellen Bean

Ms. Jane E. Beaty

Ms. Sara Ann Beazley

Mr. & Mrs. Gerta Beck

Thomas & Sandra Beck

Ms. Aubria R. Becker

Jeff & Helene Beckman

Mr. Patrick Bednar

Tom Behrens

Mrs. Inez Bell

Mr. Richard D. Bellson

Ms. Theresa Belmonte

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Benacka

The Benedictine Sisters of Chicago

Sister Maria Bernadette Beninato

Mr. & Mrs. Mark H. Berens

Ms. Sue Berg

Mr. Theodore J. Berg

Mr. & Mrs. Donald Bergamin

Mr. Dieter W. Bergman

Kenneth & Muriel Bergsma

Ms. Rebecca Berman

Mrs. Doris J. Bernert

Jean Bernstein

Ms. Cinda Berry

Ms. Barbara Berz

Mr. Joseph A. Bettina

Mr. John Betts

Ms. Judith N. Biancalana

Joseph & Marcia Bianco

Ms. Karen A. Bielecki

Joseph & Mary Billmann

Mr. Robert A. Bishop

Mr. Donald H. Bittner

Mr. Bruce H. Blair

Mr. Leroy Blommaert

Mr. & Mrs. John T. Bloom

Mr. Philip H. Bock

Ms. Rita M. Bogan

Mr. Kenneth G. Bommer

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Boos

Ms. Margit Borgel

Mr. & Mrs. Morton R. Borkan

Mr. & Mrs. Cecilia Boruta

Mr. John Bourke

Mr. Michael S. Bovy

Ms. Patricia Boyd

Ms. Vicki Boyd

Ms. Kathleen Boyle

Mr. William V. Boyle

Ms. Jean Bradley

Ms. Ann Braham

Mr. Ernest P. Braucher

Mr. Earl D. Brauen

Berton G. Braun

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Braun

Ms. Nora Brennan

Ms. Linda K. Brierre

Ms. Laural Briggs

Brite-O-Matic Manufacturing Company

Eileen Broderick

Mr. & Mrs. Renton K. Brodie III

Mr. Leo Bronder

Stephen & Doris Brooks

Ms. Patricia Brow

Mr. Kenneth M. Brown

Ms. Margaret S. Brown

Mr. Mark Brown

Mr. Michael Brown

Ms. Sondra Brunke

Ms. Alice C. Brunner

Mrs. Petricia Brush

Mrs. Mary Ellen Burke

Mr. Richard W. Burke

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Burla

Ms. Justine Burleson

Mr. Nicholas C. Burriesci

Mr. Kevin W. Busath

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond P. Buschmann

Mrs. Stephanie Butera

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Butler

Thomas & Corliss Byrne

Ms. Kathleen Cabala

Mr. Robert F. Callbeck

Mr. J. Calmeyn

Mrs. Denise E. Calvert

Mr. John J. Cameron

Mr. Albert Capizzi

Ms. Jeanne Caplice

Mr. Robert Carbine

Ms. Marilyn Carino

Ms. Ginger Carney

Mrs. Therese Carter

Ms. Ann S. Carton

Ms. Christine Caruso

Blake & Patti Carver

Mrs. Anthony Cascino

Mrs. Patricia Case

Antoneea & John Casey

Ms. Donna M. Casey

Raymond J. & Margaret T. Casey

Ms. Diane C. Cashman

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Cassidy

Catholic Daughters of America #1096

Mr. Joseph J. Cavanaugh

Ms. Sandra Chaba

Mr. Timothy A. Chaky

Clifford & Margaret Chally

Mr. Donald Chambers

Mr. Grover Chapman

Mr. Edward L. Chensky

Mrs. Frances Chiappetti

Mr. John V. Chiaro

Mr. & Mrs. M.N. Chishti

Mrs. Kathleen M. Chodelka

Frederick & Kathleen Christiansen

Mrs. Patty F. Christophersen

Mr. Joseph F. Cieply

Mr. & Mrs. John Ciko

Mr. Robert J. Claps Sr.

Ms. Monique Clarine

Mr. & Mrs. Terry Clark

Mr. Robert H. Clarke

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cleary

Mr. & Mrs. William Patrick Clifford

Ms. K. Kristine Cloud


Dutch W., second place winner in the Talent Show, is an award-winning songwriter. See Dutch on YouTube at

Page 12: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Eugene & Ruth Coan

John & Patricia Coffey

Mrs. Margaret O. Coffin

Ms. Christine Coglianese

Mrs. Joan M. Coha

Mr. Joel Cohen

Mr. Douglas Cole

Ms. Jackie M. Coleman

Paul & Julianne Collin

Ms. Ann Collins

Ms. Bernadette Collins

Mr. Daniel F. Collins

Ms. Grace Collins

John & Dorothy Collins

Mrs. Margaret Collins

Mr. William Collins

Mrs. Jane Comiskey

Ms. Cathleen P. Conley

Mr. John J. Conlisk

Mr. Thomas Conrardy

Ms. Joan D. Conrath

Mr. & Mrs. James L. Coogan

Mr. John H. Cooper

John & Karen Copeland

Mr. William E. Cormier

Corn Products International

Mrs. Kathryn G. Cornia

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Corrin

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel C. Cosgrove

Ms. Helen M. Costello

Ms. Judith A. Coswell

Mrs. Marilyn Cotteleer

Mr. Gene Cottini

Ms. Dolores Coughlin

Ms. Mary Elizabeth Coughlin

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Coyle

Mrs. Margaret Crane

Ms. Mary Anne Cray

Ms. Mary G. Creamer

James J. Cronin

Mr. Wilbur E. Crooks

Mr. Dan V. Crowe

Mr. Jerry Cucchiaro

The Hon. & Mrs. Richard D. Cudahy

Dr. David W. Cugell

Mr. & Mrs. Ellen P. Cummings

Mr. Timothy J. Cunningham

Ms. Geraldine B. Cuny

Mr. John Curin

Ms. Connie R. Curran

Mrs. Arnold Curry

Mrs. Agnes Curtin

Ms. Mary Curtis

Ms. Jane Ann Curto

Ms. Margaret Ann Daly

Mr. Arthur A. Daniels

Gilbert & Patricia Daniels

Mr. William J. Daniels

Ms. Mary Ann Darnaby

Ms. Alice M. Davis

Mr. Michael A. Davis

Ms. Shirleymae Davis

Mr. Peter De May

Ms. Patricia De Wolf

Ms. Joanne H. Deal

Mrs. Camille DeFrank

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Degiacomo

Ms. Dorothy DeGrange

Ms. Patricia A. DeHoff

Henry & Joan Deiters

Mrs. Frances Delaney

Ms. Mary Delaney

Nicholas Delgado

Mr. & Mrs. John Dellorto

Mr. Mathias W. Delort Jr.

Mrs. Marion Demchak

Ms. Sally J. Dempsey

William & Alicia Derrah

Mrs. M. Derrickson

Ms. Rosemary A. Devereaux

Ms. Patricia Devereux

Mrs. Robert W. Devoss

Ms. Eloise DeYoung

Mr. John M. Diblick

Ms. Debra Bruner Diedrich

Mr. Alan Dikty

Ms. Joan Dina

Ms. Marguerite Dixon

Mr. John S. Docimo

Paul & Mary Doherty

Ms. Mary L. Dold

Michael & Diane Dolesh

Vincent & Barbara Domarad

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Donaghy

Ms. Donna Donoghue

Rev. John J. Donohue

Mr. Kevin P. Donovan

Mr. Paul Donovan

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Donze

Mr. Allen Dorsey

Ms. Linda Anne Dougherty

Ms. Marsha J. Dowd

Ms. Alyce M. Dowey

Ms. Janet A. Dowiatt

Mr. & Mrs. Gene E. Dowjotas

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick T. Dowling

Dr. James L. Downey

Ms. Jean H. Downey

Perry & Sandra Downs

Ms. Alexis Driscoll

Ms. Helen G. Dudek

Heather Dudzinski

Mr. Robert M. Dugan

Ms. Kathleen P. Duggan

Mrs. Linda Duggan

Mr. David Duncan

Ms. Barbara Dunlavy

Ms. Nancy Dunleavy

Mrs. LuAnn L. Dunn

Mr. Richard J. Dunne

Mr. & Mrs. William R. Dunne

Ms. Barbara Durand

Ms. Angeline Dwyer

Ms. Judith A. Dwyer

Mrs. A. Patricia Dyer

Mrs. Joyce E. Dykhuis

Mr. & Mrs. James Dziadosz

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Eberhardt

Ms. Jaimie Edelbrock-Robinson

Mr. Dermot C. Edgecombe

Ms. Laura Eichwedel

Mr. Sten I. Ekstrom

Mr. Gary Elden

Mrs. John E. Eley

Mr. David A. Ellison

Ms. Mary Elmslie

Ms. Marjorie L. Engel

John & Mary Englehart

Mr. Gerald Entman

Mr. Michael B. Erp

Ms. Virginia C. Evely

Mr. & Mrs. Max F. Eysenbach

Ms. Frances Eytalis

EZ Duz It Products, Inc.

Ms. Claire Fabvier

Family Home Service

Ms. Maxine Faulkner

Mrs. Sandra M. Feely

Ms. Sylvia Feil

Mr. Lauren K. Feldt

Mr. & Mrs. Paul H. Felgenhauer

Fe Fernandez

Mr. Michael D. Ferrarell

Mrs. Mary-Ann Fertsek

Mr. John E. Fialkowski

Mrs. Ruth Field

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Figiel

Financial Strategy Network, LLC

Mr. & Mrs. Sanford I. Finkel M.D.

Ms. Marilyn K. Finnegan

Ms. Josephine Fioravanti

Ms. Joan B. Fiscella

Mr. Robert G. Fisch

Peter & Rita Fischbach

Mr. Bernard D. Fitzgerald

Ms. Josephine Fitzgerald

Ms. Mary Lou Fitzpatrick

Ms. Bridget M. Flanagan

Ms. Maureen A. Flanagan

Bradley Fleming

Ms. Ann C. Flick

Mrs. Frances L. Flood

Ms. Karen K. Flood

Ms. Susanne L. Flood

Mr. Daniel P. Flynn

Ms. Cynthia Fogg

Ms. Sharon Fore

Ms. Natalie Formusa

Ms. Darlene Forte

Mr. Thomas W. Fosselman

Mr. Edward Fowler

Mr. William Foy

Ms. Susan Frances

Mrs. Rita F. Franke

Ms. Marlene M. Frankel

Mr. Richard Fratesi

Mrs. Donna Fredrickson

Mr. & Mrs. Franklin K. Fredriksen

Fremont Group, LLC

French Benefit Society of Illinois

Ms. Beverly J. Frey

Diane Froelich

Ms. Stella Froncz

Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Fruehe

Mr. & Mrs. Edward Furgat

Ms. Margarite Fykes

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Gabel

Ms. Colette H. Gabioud

David & Jennifer Gabrius

Mr. Russell J. Gaines Jr.

Ms. Lois Gallagher

Dr. Vincent Gambino

Mr. Bernard Gardner

Ms. Martha L. Garrett

Ms. Laurel A. Gasser

Ms. Leonora A. Gatewood

Jack & Dolores Gedge

Ms. Lorette Geiger

Mr. David Geisler

Ms. Bonnie Gekler

Mrs. Faith E. Germino

Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gesse

Mr. & Mrs. Don Ghisolf

Mr. John Gianotti

Ms. Donna K. Gibbons

Mr. William J. Gibbons

Mrs. Gail A. Gill

Mr. & Mrs. Warren Gillenwater

Mr. & Mrs. Alfred R. Gini

Dr. James A. Glazier

Mrs. Stella Glodek

Ms. Adeline Glowacz

Mr. & Mrs. Louis Glunz

Ms. Carol Godfrey

Mr. Richard Cartier Godfrey


Daisy R., age 92, hadn’t performed in public for eight years but decided to participate in the Talent Show—and went on to capture first place.

Page 13: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Ms. Ilise Goldberg

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Goldman

Mrs. Cecelia Goldthwaite

Ms. Alma Gonzalez-Hotton

Mr. & Mrs. Paul B. Gordon

Ms. Sharon Gorscak

Ms. Joan B. Gottschall

Ms Judith Graf

Mr. & Mrs. Vincent J. Graham

Mr. William G. Grams

Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Gramza

Ms. Regina Gramza

Ms. Lynda Vieha Grant

Graymills Corporation

Mr. Allen J. Green

Ms. Judith A. Green

Alan & Carol Greene

Ms. Alice Gregory

Ms. Marilyn Grekowicz

Felicia B. & Herbert C. Gresens

Mr. Warren F. Grienenberger

Ms. Amanda Gries

Frank & Audrey Griffiths

David N. & Carol N. Grimes

Ms. Mary Grobarcik

Mr. & Mrs. Barney Gross

Mr. Charles P. Grotzke

Ms. Wendy J. Gruen

Mr. Paul Guerino

Mr. & Mrs. James Guida

Ms. Joan C. Gundersen

Kam Gupta

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Gurak

Ms. Mary Alice Gurda

Mrs. Janette M. Gutekunst

Mr. Leonard Guziec

Ms. Mary Lou Hakenjos

Lorraine Halladay

Mr. Phillip Halpern

Stephen & Jo Ellen Ham

Ms. Linda L. Hammerton

Ms. Betty Hampilos

Ms. Mary-Martha Hancock

Mr. William Hancox

Mr. Robert F. Haney

Ms. Bonnie Spaccarell Hannon

Ms. Nora Hansel

Ms. Joan G. Hansen

Ms. Glenna Hargreaves

Ms. Alexa Harrer

Robert & Patricia Harrington

Petra Josephine Harris, Estate

Ms. Elsie F. Harrison

Michael & Francine Harrison

William & Kathleen Hartman

Mr. & Mrs. Grover P. Hartsuch

Ms. Cathy Harvey

Ms. Carol Haussermann

Ms. Betty Hauswirth

Mr. David W. Hay

Dr. & Mrs. David J. Hayden

Mrs. Alice B. Hayes

Miss Mary C. Hayes

Mr. Don Hayn Jr.

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hazard

Mr. & Mrs. Emmett Healy

Ms. Estelle Healy

Mr. Peter J. Hebein

Ms. Phyllis M. Heckmann

Ms. Betty V. Hedblom

Mr. William M. Hegan

Mr. & Mrs. Edward H. Hegarty

Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Heidlauf

Mr. Daniel Heintz

Wayne & Donna Heintz

Mr. Ronald C. Held

Mr. Deborah L. Helminski

Ms. Bonnie B. Hennessey

Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Herdrich

Ms. Mary Louise Herek

Mr. Fred R. Hermes

Ms. Marion P. Herrington

Mrs. Mary Ann Hettich

Mr. James Hickey

Mr. Henry L. Hill

Ms. Joan S. Hirsch

Ms. Charlotte Hoenig

Mr. Jerome S. Hoess

Ms. Dorothy J. Hoffner

Mr. Arthur F. Hogan

Mr. Donald Hogan

Ms. Janet Hogan

Mr. William Hogan

Ms. Jeanne M. Hokens

Ms. Mary A. Holbrock

Ms. Deborah Holdstein

Ms. Patricia L. Hollenkamp

Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Holz

Ms. Josephine Holzner

Mr. Richard Homa

Mr. Clark B. Hopkins

Ms. Joanna M. Hosteny

Mr. William Hottinger

Dr. Richard J. Houk

Ms. Donna Hruby

HSBC Community & Philanthropic Service

Mrs. Jacqueline Huber

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald E. Hughes

Mr. James R. Hull

Arthur & Florence Hurter

Ms. Merideth A. Huska

Mr. Gerald W. Huston

Ms. Walburga Hutchins

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hutchinson

Ms. Judith E. Iantorno

Mr. Paul M. Ingevaldson


Mr. Chris Ioannides

Ms. Eugenia Irvin

Ms. Karen Ivers

Ms. Kathryn L. Ivsin

Ms. Elizabeth A. Jachim

Ms. Renette M. Janak

Mr. Tom Jandt

Mr. & Mrs. John Jeater

Ms. Mary G. Jegen

Ms. Betty Jenkins

Ms. Teresa Jennings

Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

Mr. Thaddeus I. Jez

The Honorable Mel & Mrs. Mary Ann Jiganti

Ms. Carol Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Charles Johnson

Ms. Marilyn Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Mark K. Johnson

Mr. Wendell M. Johnson

Mrs. James Jordan

Ms. Roberta G. Jorik

Ms. Kimberly T. Joseph

Mrs. Donna Joy

Dr. Steven Julius

Mr. Edward R. Kaczmarek

Mr. Michael Kahles Jr.

Paul & Lorraine Kaiser

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Kalin

Mrs. Loretta K. Kalnow- Kaplan

Sandra H. Kamin

Ms. Catherine A. Kamper

Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence R. Kancler

Ms. Michelle A. Kassen

Ron & Marge Kassen

Mr. Brad Kaste

Yiannis Katsogridakis

Ms. Nancy Katz

Ms. Kathleen Kaufman

Ms. Lori Kaufman

Mr. Len Kazmerski

Ms. Mary Keane

Mr. William Keane

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Keating

Mrs. Catherine M. Keebler-Cfiac

Mr. Tim Keiderling

Jo Keller

Ms. Alice Kelley

Ms. Deborah L. Kellogg

Ms. Anna Marie Kelly

Mrs. Blanche Kelly

Ms. Eileen M. Kelly

Ms. Gayle Kelly

Jerry & Anna Marie Kelly

Joseph & Mary Kelly

Mr. Mark Kelly

Mr. Michael Kelly

Mr. & Mrs. James W. Kendall

Mr. David M. Kennedy

Ms. Elizabeth R. Kennedy

Kathleen & Terrence Kennedy

Mr. & Mrs. Roger A. Kennedy

Dr. Sara Charles Kennedy

Ms. Susan L. Kennedy

Terence & Elizabeth Kennedy

Mr. Matthew Kennelly

Dr. & Mrs. Philip W. Kenny

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Kern

Ms. Cele Kershasky

Ms. Toni Kilroy

Ms. Lily Kim

Ms. Kathleen Kinahan

Mr. Thomas J. King

Miss Mary Kinney

Ms. Joanna Kiplinger

Mr. John T. Kippes

Phil & Lesia Kirk

Mr. Ronald S. Kirk

Kirkland & Ellis Foundation

Ms. June A. Kirwan

Mr. William S. Klimczak

Mr. & Mrs. Keith Kline

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. Klopack

Ms. Carol Kloss

Edward & Laverne Kocal

Mr. Joe Kocinski

Mr. Keith Kohanzo

Ms. Donna M. Kohler

Mr. Harris Kohn


The Young Professionals Advisory Board (YPAB) kicked off FY2012 fundraising events with a gift-wrapping session at Barnes & Noble. More on YPAB on page 17.

Page 14: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Ms. Gera Lind Kolarik

Ms. Maria R. Kolb

Mr. & Mrs. William F. Kopp

Ms. Linda Korbel

Ms. Betty Ann Korbus

Ms. Susan H. Kosinski

Ms. Patricia Ann Kosmerl

Mr. Cliff Kotchka

Ms. Rosemary C. Kotlinski

Ms. Virginia M. Kott

Mr. John M. Kovacic

Mr. David J. Kovy

Stephen, Janet & Lynn Kozak

Mr. Jerome Kozie

Mr. Charles J. Kralovec

Edward & Kathy Kras

Ms. Marianne Kratowicz

Ms. Barbara E. Krause

Mrs. Kathleen Krehbiel

Ms. Barbara B. Kreml

Ms. Dorothy M. Krol

Ms. Dolores E. Krueger

Mr. Mervin D. Krueger

Mr. Steven Krug

Ms. Christi Kruizenga

Ms. Jacqueline Krump

Ms. Mary Jane L. Krutt

Mr. & Mrs. Walter W. Kurczewski

Mr. Tom Kuzniar

Ms. Nellie B. Lacaci

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony P. Lach

Mr. & Mrs. James M. Lahey

Ms. Peggy Lajoie

Mr. Dave Laketa

Ms. Emma N. Lamberti

Daniel P. & Jill S. Lanigan

Ms. Barbara Lanphier

Mrs. Joseph Lara

Ms. Karen Larkin

Ms. Annette Larson

Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Larson

Mr. Scott K. Larson

Mr. & Mrs. James R. Latta

Ms. Angela K. Lawler

Mr. & Mrs. William J. Lawlor III

Mr. William E. Leahy

Mr. & Mrs. Ernest Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Lee

Ms. Kay Lee

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Lee

Mr. Michael Lee

Ms. Ramona Lee

Ms. Wilma H. Lehmann

Ms. Dorothy A. Lejcar

Mr. Joseph M. Lekostaj

Dr. Eugene Leman

Rev. James M. Lennon

Fr. Jim Lennon

Mr. Thomas Leo

Ms. Nancy Leonard

Mr. Thomas E. Leonard

John & Jill Levi

Ms. Ann LeWand

Mr. Julian Lewandowski

Mrs. Mary Jane Liang

Ms. Lisa L. Liegl

Ms. Wilhelmine Lindblade

Pat Lindholm

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Lipsey

Ms. Frances LiPuma

Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Listello

James & Nancy Litke

John & Ann Litza

John B. & Mary J. Lo Giudice

Ms. Jaclynn Lococo

Mrs. Margaret M. Lombardo

Ms. Margaret Looze

Ms. Vonnie Lorber

Richard & Jane Lorenz

Lula Louden

Ms. Joy Loverde

Richard & Barbara Lucas

Dr. Rosemary Lucas

Ms. Janice Lucchesi

Ms. Grace M. Luczak

Ms. Susan Lum

Ms. Kathleen J. Lundberg

Mr. Lawrence P. Lundin

Mr. & Mrs. John Lusak

Ms. Caroline J. Lyczko

Mrs. Patricia A. Lyman

Ms. Annie Lynch

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Lynch

Mrs. Mary Louise Lynn

Fr. Adam E. MacDonald, SVD

Mr. John J. Machota

Joe & Kathleen C. Madden

Ms. Joan Madeja

Mr. Peter E. Magine

Mr. Laurence J. Maher

Mr. Eugene Maisel

Bob & Mary Mallon

Mr. Frank Malone

Mr. Charles Vincent Maloney

Ms. Dolores Mann

Ms. Diana M. Manske

Marc Chemical Products, Inc.

Ms. Marie Marcenac

Mrs. Sharon Marchiori

Florence Marcus

Mr. William J. Markel

Ms. Phyllis Markovitch

Ms. Cynthia D. Marler

Mrs. Mary T. Maroney

Mr. & Mrs. James F. Marran

Ms. Linda Masilotti

Ms. Jean Masterson

Ms. Catherine M. Mathey

Mr. Tedd Mattera

Mrs. Patricia H. Matzek

Mr. David R. May

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Mayes

Ms. Frances M. Mazurek

Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Mazurek

Mr. Robert W. McArthur

James & Mary McBride

Mr. & Mrs. John M. McCann

Mrs. John M. McCarthy

Robert & Mildred McCarthy

Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. McCollam

Ms. Barbara McCormick

Ms. Kathleen McCourt

Ms. Janet L. McDermott

Gahan J. McDonald

Ms. Terri McGee

Ms. Mary F. McGilvray

Ms. Mary McGinnis

John & Marita McGivney

Ms. Dawn M. McGovern

Mr. Daniel McGuire

Mrs. Kathleen McGuire

Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. McKay

Dr. & Mrs. William P. McKeever

Mrs. Thomas McLaughlin

Ms. Mary K. McNally

Ms. Patricia F. McWhinney

Ms. Deborah Mead

Ms. Helen A. Mead

Mr. Joseph N. Meeks

Ms. Michele C. Meiner

Ms. Marilynn A. Meissner

Mr. Michael Melber

Ms. Dorothy Mench

Mrs. Nancy J. Menger

Mr. Louis J. Menges

Mr. Carl Meyer

Irene M. Meyer PhD

Ms. Sally Meyers

Mr. Philip Micech

Mr. Thomas P. Michaels

Mr. John H. Michalek

Mr. Ronald Michelotti

Mr. Jan S. Miecznikowski

Mr. James J. Mikolitis

Michael & Kathleen Mikrut

Ms. Evelyn J. Miks

Aaron Miller

Ms. Betty Miller

Ms. Charlene Miller

Mr. Herbert K. Miller

Ms. Perriann L. Miller

Mr. Richard Miller

Thomas J. & Sheila M. Miller

Ms. Jean Millhouser

Ms. Priscilla Mims

Mr. John J. Mirus

Mr. Peter J. Miscinski

Michael and Sherri Miske

Ms. Margaret L. Mitchell

Ms. Pamela Mitchell

Ms. Francine Modelski

Mrs. Constance Moisan

Timothy & Paulina Mollenkamp

Ms. Cynthia A. Moody

Mr. Terry Moon

Mr. William J. Mooney

Ms. Barbara B. Moore

Ms. Jan P. Moore

Ms. Alice Morales

Mr. John Moran

Mrs. Thomas F. Moran

Mr. Perry J. Morelli

Ms. Pamela Moret-Rummage

Mrs. Anne Morgan

Ms. Therese H. Morong

Vincent & Barbara Morreale

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Morrison

Mrs. Carolyn Morrissey

Ms. Nancy E. Morrissey

Mr. Alfred Moscinski

Ms. Josephine Mosillami

Mr. & Mrs. James P. Moss

Mr. James J. Mraz

Ms. Mary Jo Mulcahy

Fr. Joseph A. Mulcrone

Ms. Charlotte A. Mullen

Mr. Richard B. Muller

Ms. Colleen M. Murphy

Mr. Daniel C. Murphy

Mr. Hollace C. Murphy

Mrs. Rosemarie Murphy

Ms. Margaret A. Murray


Art classes at Little Brothers offer our elders creative fun, companionship and plenty of mental exercise to keep brains sharp.

Page 15: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Mrs. Meredith B. Murray

Ms. Barbara Myszkowski

Ms. Mary M. Naughton

Ms. Marilyn Neforas

Ms. Teresa Nega

Mr. Richard M. Neis

Ms. Barbara Nelson

Mr. Earl E. Nelson

Mrs. Herman L. Nelson

Mrs. Nikki Nelson-Martin

Mrs. Muriel C. Nerad

Ms. Virginia Neubauer

Mrs. Shirley M. Neuner

Ms. Barbara Newberger

Ms. Barbara J. Newman

Mr. Kenneth T. Nickele

Ms. Dorothy Nielsen

Ms. Rose M. Nino

Mr. Donald O. Nissen

Mr. & Mrs. Bill Nolan

Ms. Loretta F. Nolan

Ms. Mary A. Noland

Ms. Marie T. Noonan

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Nora

Mr. & Mrs. John North

Ms. Patricia Novak

Mr. Philip J. Nowaczyk

Mr. & Mrs. Frank J. Nowinski

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Nyhan

Ms. Luanne Nystrom

Ms. Mary Anne O'Brien

Ms. Mary M. O'Connell

Ms. Ethel P. O'Connor

Mr. & Mrs. James O'Connor

Ms. Mary P. O'Connor

Mr. Timothy J. O'Connor

Ms. Margaret F. O'Hara

Ms. Nancy O'Malley

Mr. William L. O'Meara

Mr. Kenneth O'Neill

Ms. Patricia O'Neill

Mr. John O'Shea

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald O'Sullivan

Mr. Brent A. Off

Ms. Dona M. Offemaria

Mr. & Mrs. Ronald C. Ognar

Ms. Irene Okoniewski

Mr. Robert Olejniczak

Mrs. Virginia Olsen

Mrs. Devola R. Olson

Ms. Donna Olson

Ronald & Sandra Olson

Mr. Frank Omischl

Mr. & Mrs. Brandt J. Oosterbaan

Ms. Lorraine A. Ormerod

Ms. Maureen Osborne

Ms. Barbara M. Ostert

Mr. Dwane Craig Owens

Arthur & Ruthanne Ozark-Kuss

Mr. Alfonso E. Padilla

Ms. Kathy A. Palmer

Ms. Nancy J. Palumbo

Mr. Peter Pantarotto

Ms. Susan Panzer

Ms. Lori Parins

Ms. Gilda Parrella

Mr. Gregory Paskiet

Terry & Mary Pasquale

Mr. John Pasurka

Ms. Sheila Patel

Mr. & Mrs. Norman J. Patinkin

Mark & Donna Patterson

Mr. Richard Pausback

Mr. & Mrs. Albert J. Pavlick

Mr. Randall Pavlock

Dr. & Mrs. Bernard M. Pawlowski

Mr. John R. Payant

Ms. Jean A. Paychl

Mrs. Gregory A. Pechous

Ms. Sharon Pekoz

Ms. Patricia A. Pembroke

Mrs. Anita Pendergast

Mr. William Percival

Rosa Perez

Mr. John W. Perkins

Mrs. Marianne Perkins

Ms. Bonnie Perkovich

Mr. & Mrs. Walter H. Perlick

Mr. Joe Perrone

Ms. Lucretia Perrone

Mr. Pasquale Perrone

Ross & Christina Perrotte

Mr. & Mrs. Richard Persha

Ms. Georgia B. Petrie

Ms. Theresa A. Pevitts

Ms. Marion E. Pfeiffer-Kornfeld

Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts

Ms. Mary Ellen Phelan

Ms. Margaret M. Phillips

Mr. Paul Phillips

Miss Ursula Piechowski

Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. Pinkowski

Mrs. Shirley Pinson

Ms. Irma Pittroff

Ms. Gretchen Plantz

Mr. & Mrs. Martin L. Ploussard

Mr. & Mrs. William H. Pokorny

Mr. & Mrs. Alex J. Pollock

Ms. Denise M. Ponzetti

Mr. Ronald Pool

Ms. Nancy Porret

Mr. Jerry Porzemsky

Mr. John S. Posluszny Jr.

Ms. Elenore M. Poss

Ms. Linda Potaniec

Dr. Richard J. Powers

Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Pozdol

Mr. Jay H. Price Jr.

Ms. Marjorie H. Pries

Mr. Stephen Pronto

Ms. Florence A. Pross

Ms. Danielle Provenzale

William & Susan Quinlan

Mr. Daniel J. Rachke

Ms. Joan Radak

Mr. Thomas A. Radcliffe

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick M. Radzialowski

Mr. Paul E. Rafferty

Ms. Carol S. Ramsay

Herbert & Diane Rangl

Ms. Kathleen Ransford

Ms. Frances Rassenfoss

Mr. Gregory Rataj

Mr. & Mrs. James Ratcliffe

Ms. Joan Rausch

Ms. Doris Ray

James & Phyllis Reed

Ms. Virginia R. Reed

Tom & Dede Reedy

Mr. & Mrs. James Reilly

Mr. Terrence A. Reilly

Ms. Betty Reindl

Reliable Plating Corporation

Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Rettberg

Ms. Blanca Reyes

Ms. Blanca Reynoso

Mr. Paul J. Richter

Rickard Circular Folding Company

Ms. Shirley Ricks

Mr. David W. Riddell

Ms. Ruth Riddell

Ms. Betty T. Riley

Dr. Louis P. River III

Carmen Robes

Mr. Edward J. Robins

Tom & Kathy Robinson

Mrs. Mary Roche

Ms. Theresa Roche

Mr. & Mrs. David Rochester

Mr. James Rocks

Ms. Joan V. Roeder

Ms. Frances Rogers

Ms. Mary Rohrs

Gilbert & Jean Roll

Mr. Brian Roman

Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Romanek

Richard C. & Margaret V. Romano

Mrs. Margaret Ronan

Ms. Mary E. Rooney

Mr. Anthony Roppolo

William & Donna Roscop

Ms. Linda Rosencranz

Ms. Loretta Rosenmayer

Mr. Jeffrey S. Ross

Mr. & Mrs. John Rot Jr.

Mr. Jeffrey Roth

Ms. Anita M. Rowe

Mr. Gregory F. Ruegger

Mrs. Kathleen E. Runstrom

Ms. Gita Rupani

Ms. Theresa Rush

Mr. Robert Rushkewicz

Mrs. Loretta Russell

Mr. Thomas E. Russell

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Russo

Mr. Jack A. Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. James Ryan

Mr. & Mrs. John P. Ryan

Ms. Mary Ryan

Mr. George Rykowski

Ms. Jean E. Ryther

Ms. Nancy Sacks

Mr. William E. Saigh

Saint Bede Abbey and Academy

Ms. Barbara A. Sakely

Mr. Kevin Salam

Edward & Annette Salomon

Ms. Libby Sander

Mr. David Sanders

Rev. Dennis Sanders

Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth R. Sandford

Mrs. Mary Ann Santucci

Thomas C. & Peggy A. Sasgen

Mr. & Mrs. Leo Satas

Mr. Harry E. Saunders Jr.

Mr. Raymond J. Sauter

Gene L. & Robin L. Scaramella

Mr. & Mrs. David Louis Schanding

Mr. Jurgen Scharpenberg

Mr. Mervyn Schell

Ms. Kathleen Schienker

Mr. Paul L. Schmelzer

Mr. John Paul Schmidt

Dr. Kenneth D. Schmidt

Jean Schmitz

Mr. John J. Schmitz

Mrs. Marion A. Schmitz

Ms. Constance L. Schoen

Mr. Ben Schoorlemmer

Mr. Mike Schrage

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen F. Schroeder

Ms. Merle Joy Schuerman

Mrs. Jean G. Schuessler

Mr. Terence Schuessler

Ms. Mary Schulatz

Mr. Jim Schulien

Mr. Donald E. Schultz

Ms. Eileen M. Schultz

Mr. Robert F. Schultz

Mr. Vernon F. Schultz

Mr. Paul Schuster

Mr. Robert Schuten

Ms. Barbara J. Schwab

Ms. Mary Ann Schwartz

Sydney Schwartz

Mr. & Mrs. John B. Schwemm

Mrs. Anna Marie Sciaraffa

Ms. Camellia Scopelite

Ms. Geraldine Sczygiel

S.J. Sedita

Ms. Joan Segon

Ms. Mary Beth Seifert

Mrs. J. A. Semenek

Mr. Stephen R. Sexton

Ms. Nancy F. Seyfried

Shamrock American Club

Mr. Stuart Shea

Mr. Joseph P. Sheahan

Ms. Karen Sheehan

Ms. Mary Ellen Sheehan

Mr. Charles Shemely

Ms. Rosemary Shepherd

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Shields

Mr. & Mrs. James A. Shier

Mrs. Caroline Shrader

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Shrader

Mr. & Mrs. William Shunas

Ms. Jennifer Ann Shupryt

Ms. Regina Shupryt

Mr. Robert T. Sickel

Mr. & Mrs. William Siebel

Ms. Mary Kay Siebert

Mr. & Mrs. William W. Sievers

Ms. Sarane C. Siewerth

Mr. & Mrs. Raymond M. Simard

Mr. Douglas F. Simmons

Ms. Rita Simo

Ms. Karen Sims

12 2011 ANNUAL REPORT 13

Page 16: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Dr. & Mrs. Rodney E. Sippy

Howard & Diane Skoien

Ms. Linda H. Slager

Ms. Barbara Slater

Ms. Carol J. Slingo

Dr. Clare Slowik

Ms. Marie Sloyan

Ms. Balbina Smalarz

Mr. Michael J. Small

Ms. Barbara Ann Smith

Mr. George R. Smith

Mr. Robert Kevin Smith

Ms. Marlene Smith-Amaker

Robert & Christina Smolen

Mr. Anthony M. Smyth

Mr. Larry Snider

Ms. Anita Snobel

Ms. Margaret F. Soffin

Mr. Chris J. Sokolowski

Solution Sales

Mr. Phillip Solzan

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sook

Mr. Matthew R. Sorenson

Mr. Stephen J. Sorich

Ms. Donna Sosin

Mrs. Mary Sotir

Mr. & Mrs. Frank Spale

Mr. & Mrs. Paul P. Spanier

Mr. & Mrs. Albert Spencer

Mr. & Mrs. John Spude

Mr. Gregory Sraders

Holy Taxiarhai & St. Haralambos Greek Orthodox Church

St. Viator Conference

Ms. Nancy Stachnik

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph J. Stack

Mr. Lowell Stahl

Mrs. Diane Stamper

Mr. & Mrs. John D. Stanhaus

Ms. Karen Stark

Ms. Shirley Stark

Ms. Merry Ann Stasch

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph D. Stastny

Mr. Mark A. Steege

Mr. Ron A. Stein

Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Stendel

Mr. Michael Stenson

Mr. Craig D. Stepnicka

Mr. & Mrs. George L. Stewart Jr.

Dr. James Stewart

Ms. Cheri Stockhausen

Mr. & Mrs. Jack M. Stoelinga

Drs. Martin & Melissa Stoller

Ms. Judy Stone

Mark & Cathy Stout

Ms. Karen E. Strano

Ms. Sheryl Strasser

Ms. Barbara L. Strauss

David & Dalene Strieff

Ms. Vicki L. Strobel

Mitchell & Ann Strzelecki

Mrs. Deborah L. Styka

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Subkowsky

Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Subkowsky

Mr. Charles J. Sugrue

Ms. Janet A. Sullivan

Ms. Voula R. Swenson

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Swerdlow

Mrs. Chester J. Swiatek

Mr. Gerard Swick

Mr. Thomas R. Swiderski

Mrs. Elinor P. Swiger

Dr. Raymond J. Szrama

Mr. Ted Szywala

Ms. Rosemary E. Tagge

Ms. Nina Tai

Mrs. Mary Jane Tatro

Jacqueline Taylor

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Tebbe

Mr. & Mrs. John C. Telander

Mr. John Templeman

Frank Tenbrink & Jeannine Cleary

Mr. John J. Thielmann

Mr. Edward J. Thompson

William & Patricia Thompson

Ms. Jennifer Thull-Freedman

Ms. Angela Tillges

Mr. Lawrence E. Timmins

Ms. Cheryl Tindall

Mr. Ronald E. Tipul

Ms. Charlotte Titcomb

Mr. Dan Tobin

Mr. John Tobin

Mr. Gregory Tomaino

Mr. Thomas Toolis

Ms. Sharon A. Townley

Rachel Tuuri

Ms. Mary Tyszkiewicz

Ms. Stephanie L. Uhlarik

Ms. Laura Unger

Mr. Rudolph M. Unger

Mr. David L. Unti

Ms. Barbara J. Urban

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Urbut

Ms. Rose Vaccaro

Mrs. Elsa Vaintzettel

Ms. Violeta Valadka

Mr. John F. Valentine

Mr. Clyde Valstad

Ms. Loesken Van der Poel

Ms. Alice C. Van Hecke

Ms. Linda Van Roeyen

Ms. Loralie Van Sluys

Ms. Kay Ann Van Vreede

Ms. Yvonne Vanden Avenne

James & Deborah Vaughan

Dr. Juan Vazquez

Ms. Bernadine Venn

Fred Venrick

Ms. Elizabeth Vergara

Mr. A. Norbert Verzosa

Ms. Gerri Vincent

Mr. Chuck Volpentesta

Ms. Mardelle VonDerohe

Jon & Suzanne Vondrashek

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick J. Vonesh

Ms. Joan Wade

Horst & Anna Wagener

Ms. Esther K. Wagner

Ms. Patricia Wagner

Ms. Lavita M. Waldon

Edward & Esther Walenga

Mr. John F. H. Walker

Burton & Nellie Wall

Ms. Marie N. Walsh

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walsh

Mr. Carl H. Wartman

Ms. Mary Wasmer

Dr. & Mrs. James R. Webster

Karen Wechsler

Ms. Cynthia Woods Weinand

Samuel Weinstein & Family

Ms. Elizabeth Schmakel Weiss

Mrs. Eleanor Weiss-Zoub

Ms. Muriel P. Westfall

Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Wetzel

Mr. Harold M. Whitacre Jr.

Ms. Cynthia White

Mr. Gary White

Ms. Laura Whittington

Mr. James Wicklund

Ms. Ellen A. Wier

Mr. John M. Wietecha

Mr. Robert J. Wilczek

Mr. & Mrs. Frederick H. Wilkens

Ray & Barbara Willas

Mr. James Williams

Ms. Maureen Williams

Mr. Harold Willoughby

Ms. Camille L. Wilson

Mr. Robert Wilson

Dr. Elizabeth L. Wimberg

Ms. Lorraine C. Wink

Mr. Robert J. Winters

Charles & Sharon Wippo

Ms. Marthe J. Witte

Mr. Paul Wolek

Mr. Charles D. Wolf

Mr. & Mrs. Douglas J. Wolfe

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Wolfe

Leonard & Helen Wolniak

Ms. Doris Woolsey

Word of Faith Community

Ms. Angela Wu

Mr. & Mrs. A. Dennis Yankus

Ms. Kathleen C. Yosko

Ms. Shirley Young

Ms. Susan N. Young

Ms. Therese Young

Ms. Roberta J. Zak

Mr. John Zang

Mr. Peter J. Zaphirio

Mr. & Mrs. John A. Zbos

Ms. Barbara Zechlin

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Zefron Jr.

Ms. Anne Zender

Ms Margaret Mary Zera

Ms. Marjorie S. Zhou

Mr. John S. Ziegler

Ms. Victoria M. Zimelis

Ms. Therese Zimmerman

Mr. & Mrs. John J. Zimmermann

Ms. Rita L. Zimmermann

Mr. & Mrs. Robert Zimmermann

Mr. & Mrs. Arthur H. Zrimsek

Mr. Eugene M. Zubik

Pat Zukosky

Our donors are very important to us and we make every effort to properly recognize them. Please report any errors or omissions to Sherri Gorski at 312.455.1000 or [email protected].


Bennett R., age 94, participated in our Winter Celebration event in Northwest Indiana (learn more on page 2).

Page 17: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Inside LBFE

American Idol, The Voice—and now: The Elders. The first Talent Show at Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly on March 10 showcased the outstanding gifts of five elders who played instruments, sang and recited poetry. Hosted by the Elder Advisory Committee, the five performers were selected through auditions—and the following winners were chosen:

First place – Daisy R., age 92: The last time Daisy played the piano in public was eight years ago, but she decided to perform again for the Talent Show. She began playing piano at the age of six and ran her own music school from 1963 – 1986. Today, Daisy is still giving private piano lessons. Her motto: “Music is fun to learn and people of any age can learn to play.”

Second place – Erwin “Dutch” W., age 85: Dutch started singing and taking dancing lessons at a young age. By 7th grade, he was a “dancing sensation.”

He was playing trumpet by the time he was a high school senior. A graduate of the Chicago Conservatory and a songwriter, Dutch earned a 1st place award in the 6th Annual Billboard World Song Contest.

Third place – Jackie W., age 85: A singer, Jackie is still part of a Senior Theater Group that performs skits at area senior centers. At the age of 19, she went to New York to start taking modeling and voice classes.

“This event was so well-done to present the best of what our talented elders can do,” says Executive Director Simone Mitchell-Peterson. “Their creative gifts confirm that your passions do not wane with age.”

Other performers, who entertained elder guests celebrating March birthdays, included: Mary C., age 90, who’s been playing the harmonica for the last 10 years. Richard C., age 70, recited poetry at the Talent Show. He wrote his first poem, “To Care with Love,” in 1971, inspired by then popular movie, To Sir with Love.

“The Elder Advisory Committee worked very hard to plan and execute this first Talent Show,” says Liliana Avila, program coordinator and staff liaison to the committee. “The competition was tough, but in the end, all of our performers are winners.”

Elders Excel at First Little Brothers Talent Show

14 2011 ANNUAL REPORT 15

Winners and performers showed off their talents: (back row) Jackie W. and Dutch W.; (front row) Richard C., Mary C. and Daisy R.

Page 18: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

The Herrera Family Cafeat Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly355 N Ashland Ave, Chicago, IL 60607


Every Thursday from 9 a.m. - 12 noonJOIN US

LITTLE BROTHERS COFFEE CLUBLittle Brothers - Friends of the Elderly and The Herrera Family Cafe present

By Bridget Henley, Volunteer

What better way to celebrate Chicago’s first unusually warm days of spring (in mid-March!) than to spend time admiring flowers with friends.

It’s exactly what a group of 17 elders and volunteers did during an outing to the Garfield Park Conservatory on the city’s West Side.

For some elders, this was a first visit to one of Chicago’s most beautiful sites, opened in 1908. Other elders reminisced about past visits, even recalling childhood outings. Said Elmira C., “I used to love coming here, but it has been years. I just love flowers, and this is such a wonderful place to see them.”

The afternoon outing began with lunch at nearby Hollywood Grill, where our elders and volunteers enjoyed great food and conversation. The lunch concluded with singing happy birthday to Mildred J. who turned 93.

“I’m going to remember this day for the rest of my life,” she said, “because this was my first visit to the conservatory and a great way to celebrate my birthday.”

Inside LBFE

Salute to Spring—and Friendships


Page 19: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

The Young Professionals Advisory Board (YPAB) hosted yet another successful fundraising event on March 1 during Happy Hour at Howl at the Moon piano bar, attracting more than 60 guests. YPAB exceeded its target goal, raising $1,100, the cost of 100 custom food bags for our elders.

YPAB Secretary Veronica Byers says she attended because “I didn’t want to miss an opportunity to support Little Brother’s mission. And it’s a great chance to meet new people, network and interact with fellow volunteers.”

Custom food bags are packed on the basis of an elder’s health requirements (low sodium, no fat, etc.) and food preferences (e.g., loves fresh fruit or never send tuna!).

Says Byers, “YPAB helps to increase LBFE's visibility within the professional community which results in contributions to benefit the elders. It’s an enjoyable learning experience for everyone.”

YPAB raised nearly $9,500 during the last fiscal year, just under its goal of $10,000. The Board’s 11 members continue to plan and

host events to raise funds with food and fun. In addition to Eat and Earn events at Francesco’s Forno and California Pizza Kitchen, scheduled for March and April, YPAB is sponsoring:

Flip Cup Tournament, Saturday, June 30, noon – 3 pm, at Joe’s on Weed Street, 920 Weed Street

engAge, 2nd annual fundraiser, Thursday, September 20, 2012.

To learn more, get involved and track upcoming YPAB events, visit; or call Heather Dudzinski, manager, Young Professionals Advisory Board, at 312.604.7234 or email [email protected].

Inside LBFE

Young Professionals Boost Funds and Friends for LBFE Elders

LBFE 2012 Calendar

May 2 Rosa’s Family Reunion

5 May Birthday Party – Marcello’s

11 Creative Café

12 Megan’s Family Reunion – Marriott Midway

19-26 Food Bags for Pickup

25 Movie Club

30 Elvis-themed Luncheon

June 2 Ron’s Family Reunion

4-7 Vacation Getaway

8 Creative Café

9 June Birthday Party – Marcello’s

11-14 Vacation Getaway

16 Summer in the City Outing

16-23 Food Bags for Pickup

18-21 Vacation Getaway

20 Doris’s Family Reunion

22 Movie Club

27 Summer in the City Outing

July9-12 Vacation


11 4th of July Luncheon

13 Creative Café

14 July Birthday Party – Marcello’s

21-28 Food Bags for Pickup

25 Hina’s Family Reunion

27 Movie Club

28 Summer in the City Outing

For summer vacation and outing dates for elders, call 312.455.1000.

YPAB members and friends celebrated at Howl at the Moon.

16 2011 ANNUAL REPORT 17

Page 20: Friendship, FY2011 Annual Report - Little Brothers

Donate. Volunteer. Celebrate.Little Brothers – Friends of the Elderly is a private, non-profit, volunteer-based organization. We receive no funds from the government and we are not a United Way member agency. Our mission to bring friendship to Chicago’s lonely and isolated elders is supported by thousands of individual donors and volunteers, and dozens of corporations and foundations.

Support LBFE today! Call: 312.455.1000Visit:

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355 N. Ashland AvenueChicago, IL

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