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Friday, September 21 Reminders Class activities Discuss concept of subliminal messages Agenda What? Compare and contrast modern ads with older ads Learn about persuasive appeals Why? Examine differences in advertising approaches over the years Begin to understand techniques advertisers use to better analyze ads Do you know what today is?=nf5-Prx19ZM =nf5-Prx19ZM Effective or ineffective and why? Warm Up: Peter Francis Geracim/watch?v=XFEa26N R7VI m/watch?v=XFEa26N R7VI Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Group Task Examine the old ads, and keep a running list of qualities/strategies you notice. Examine the new ads you brought in for today, and keep a running list of qualities/strategies you notice. Then, complete the Venn Diagram the synthesize your ideas. What Did You Find? The results are in! The 15 Top-Secret Appeals to Human Weaknesses 1. Appealing to the Need for Sex Using attractive models in provocative clothing or positions to sell a product. Makes reader believe that using this product will allow them to gain affection. Works better on men than women. 1. Appealing to the Need for Sex 2. Appealing to the Need for Affiliation Desire for companionship Portrays people having friends if they use a certain product 2. Appealing to the Need for Affiliation 3. Appealing to the Need to Nurture People have an innate desire to care for small, defenseless creatures Often directed at women 4. Appealing to the Need for Guidance People want to be nurtured, protected, shielded, and guided by others. The reason why women at cosmetic counters wear white lab coats appear to be scientific experts giving guidance 4. Appealing to the Need for Guidance 5. Appealing to the Need to Aggress Taps into our primal aggressive drives Preys on peoples desire for retaliation 5. Appealing to the Need to Aggress 6. Appealing to the Need to Achieve The drive that energizes people, causing them to strive in their lives and careers Innate desire to accomplish something difficult or attain a high standard 6. Appealing to the Need to Achieve 7. Appealing to the Need to Dominate Primal craving to be powerful Desire to control ones environment 8. Appealing to the Need for Prominence Desire to be admired/respected by others Want to enjoy prestige and high social status and be looked up to 8. Appealing to the Need for Prominence 9. Appealing to the Need for Attention Want to be looked at Center of attention 9. Appealing to the Need for Attention 10. Appealing to the Need for Autonomy Independence and integrity of the individual 11. Appealing to the Need to Escape Desire to duck out of social obligations Seek rest or adventure Freedom that the individual yearns for when life becomes too oppressive 12. Appealing to the Need to Feel Safe Keep threats to our well- being away Self- preservation instinct targeted 12. Appealing to the Need to Feel Safe 13. Appealing to the Need for Aesthetic Sensations Undeniable aesthetic components Looks near- perfect and visually appealing Type style and layout carefully designed 13. Appealing to the Need for Aesthetic Sensations 14. Appealing to the Need to Satisfy Curiosity Human beings are curious by nature. People are intrigued by tidbits of knowledge and new development. 14. Appealing to the Need to Satisfy Curiosity 15. Appealing to Physiological Needs Sleeping, eating, and drinking are our most basic biological needs, tapping into our primal survival instincts. 15. Appealing to Physiological Needs

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