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Page 1: Francisco de Goya


Page 2: Francisco de Goya



The winter Old men eating soup

Page 3: Francisco de Goya

Francisco de Goya y Lucientes was born in Fuendetodos (Zaragoza) in 1746 and studied to become a painter. After a slow learning period in his homeland, in the context of the late Baroque stylistic and devotional pictures, he travelled to Italy in 1770, where he got in contact Neoclassicism .

Fuendetodos (Zaragoza)

Page 4: Francisco de Goya

From 1775 to 1792 he worked for the Royal Tapestry Factory, designing tapestry cartoons. His style was luminous and colorist, with loose brush-strokes. Some examples of these cartoons are Blind man´s bluff, The grape harvest, The Straw doll, The four seasons, The parasol. The tapestries were made by threads of gold and silver.He worked for the court since 1775, painting nine paintings for the decoration of the living room of the Asturias’s Princes- future Charles IV and Mary Louise of Parma- in the Escorial. The paintings that belong to this series were The hunt for the quail, Dogs in leash and Hunt with owl and network.

The parasol

Blind man´s bluff

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THE GRAPE HARVEST.Author: Francisco GoyaChronology: 1746-1828 Commissioners: This painting was commissioned by the royal family. This painting was destined to the dining room of the Pardo Palace in Madrid.Present location: El Prado Museum, Madrid (Spain)Material: oil on canvasDimensions: 275cm x 190cmMovement: RococoDescription: Dressed in yellow clothes that symbolize autumn, a young man sitting on a stone offers a cluster of black grapes to a lady. A boy is eager to reach the offered fruit, which is reserved for the adults. A woman stands next to them, holding a grape basket on her head, much like the classical allegory of the goddess Ceres with fruit on her head. Some grape harvesters are behind them, next to the grapevine that leads to a valley crowned with the suggestion of mountains in the background.


Rococo: This painting belongs to this movement because some of the characteristics of this movement are the luminosity of the painting and the painting of the nature. Also in this movement there was a predominance of the clear colours.

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Some examples of this movement that this painter made were:

Doña Isabel de Porcel Don Ignacio Garcini

y QueraltManolito Osorio

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In 1792 he suffered from a serious illness and became deaf. This deafness completely changed his personality: he became withdrawn and his painting became more critical and introspective and colours were darker. Imagination, freedom and critic became central on his painting. Some of the works he made in this period were the frescoes of the Church of San Antonio de la Florida in Madrid, Charles IV of Spain and his family, Godoy as Prince of Peace. He also started several series of aquatinted etchings: Fantasies and Bullfighting art.

Charles IV and his family

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Some portraits he painted of members of the nobility Some portraits he painted of members of the nobility were:were:

Family of the Duke of Osasuna

The family of Infant D. Luis

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The Peninsular War caused a great impression on Goya. He was a Francophile, but he refused violence. He painted the The Third of May of 1808 and The Charge of the Mamelukes and a series of etchings called War disasters, a realistic chronicle of war craziness.

The Third of May

War disasters

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Page 11: Francisco de Goya

Author: Francisco de GoyaChronology: 1814Commissioners: the government because Goya sent a letter to the Regent and they answered him accepting to pay for the painting. He painted this painting because he wanted to express because he was a Francophile and he knew that the things we will change and because he wanted to represent the 2nd and the 3rd of May .Present location: El Prado Museum, Madrid (Spain)Material: oil on canvasDimensions: 268 cm × 347 cmMovement: RomanticismDescription: It’s a painting that represents the uprising of the 2th of May of 1808, after which the Spanish Peninsular War started. On the painting, the Spanish insurgents are attacking the Mamelukes, Egyptian mercenaries who fought with the French army. This revolt was bloodily suppressed by the army of occupation.

Meaning: Goya painted this painting because like he was a Francophile and he knew that when the war finished things would change. He painted this painting and another one about the 3rd of May.


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When Ferdinand VII came back Goya lost his job in the court and became completely isolated. He retired to a house on the banks of the river Manzanares, called Quinta del Sordo. On the walls of this house he painted the Dark Paintings, where he reflected mythological themes and witches, like for instance Saturn devouring his son, Fight with Cudgels, The dog or Two old men eating soup.

The Dog

Saturn devouring his son

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Dark paintingsDark paintings

Fight with Cudgels,

Witches' SabbathA Pilgrimage to San Isidro, 

Page 14: Francisco de Goya

The last paintings he made were a new series of prints, called Follies, where he reflected his outlook on humanity and his fear of insanity. Finally, he exiled in Bordeaux (France), where he painted his last painting: The Milkmaid of Bordeaux. He died on the 16th April of 1828 in Bordeaux (France)

The Milkmaid of Bordeaux.

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He was the precursor of many styles like Romanticism, Realism, Impressionism, Expressionism, war photography.He influenced painters such as Daumier, Manet, Picasso and Francis Bacon

Rue Transnonain, Honoré Daumier

Three studies for Peter Bear’s portrait, Francis Bacon

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Social Sciences Book by: Cristina Blanco Carrasco Social Sciences Book by: Cristina Blanco Carrasco and Paqui Pérez Fons.and Paqui Pérez Fons.

WebsitesWebsites:: Wikipedia 19 April 2012Wikipedia 19 April 2012. . a

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