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Page 1: Fourth Sunday in Lent - Amazon S3 · 2019-03-27 · Gathering Music | Prelude in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach Welcome + Announcements Prelude ... or on the sign-up

March 31, 2019 l 8:30 + 11:00 am

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Hymns + Songs | Lift Up Your Hearts (red hymnal) Bold Print | Speak or sing together in unison *Please rise in body or in spirit

Page 2: Fourth Sunday in Lent - Amazon S3 · 2019-03-27 · Gathering Music | Prelude in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach Welcome + Announcements Prelude ... or on the sign-up

We Gather in the Presence of the Triune God

Gathering Music | Prelude in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach

Welcome + Announcements

Prelude | Let All Things Their Creator Bless setting by Alfred V. Fedak

*Call to Worship Who is this God whom we have come to worship? God is the Creator of all. The creator of birds and trees, wind and sea? God is the creator of all things seen and unseen. Then let us worship the God of creation, the God of all things great and small.

*Gathering Hymn | All People That on Earth Do Dwell red hymnal, #1

We Seek Renewal in God’s Presence

*Call to Confession When humans deface God’s image, the whole world suffers: We abuse the creation or idolize it. We are estranged from our Creator, from our neighbor, from our true selves, and from all that God has made. Therefore, let us confess our sins. —from Our World Belongs to God, st. 15

*Prayer of Confession

God of all creation: On the first day you made day and night. Forgive us for taking for granted the dependable patterns of your world. Open our eyes to see the beauty of the cosmos you created as our home. On the second day you made the sky. Forgive us for polluting the air. Help us see how best to restore and renew your creation. On the third day you made the seas and plants. Forgive us for spoiling the seas. Give us resolve to change our hurtful habits. On the fourth day you made the sun and moon. Forgive us for failing to pause in praise of their splendor. Open our lips so that we will sing your praise. On the fifth day you made swarms of living creatures. Forgive us for seeing their value only in terms of serving our interests. Give us new opportunities to delight in their beauty and diversity. On the sixth day you made humankind in your image. Forgive us for denying dignity to all your people. Work through us until all know their worth as your creatures. On the seventh day you rested. Forgive us for failing to take joy in our rest. Help us enter your rhythm of rest, even in this day of worship. Through Christ, our Lord, firstborn of all creation. Amen.

*Declaration of Forgiveness

Hear the good news! God the Creator brings you new life, forgives and redeems you. Take hold of this forgiveness, and live your life in the Spirit of Jesus. Amen.

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Today’s Leadership

*The Peace | time of greeting

The peace of Christ be with you always. And also with you.

The Word of the Lord

Old Testament Lesson | Genesis 1:1-5, 26-31 Bible, pg. 1

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

Epistle Lesson | Colossians 1:15-28 Bible, pg. 956

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God

Congregational Hymn | For the Beauty of the Earth red hymnal, #19

Message in Song | In the Image by Mark Burrows see insert

Responding to the Word

Worship with Tithes and Offerings Prayer requests may be written on a prayer card and placed in the offering plate.

Offertory | For the Beauty of the Earth setting by Alfred V. Fedak

*Offertory Response | Doxology red hymnal, #965

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise him, all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.

*Prayer of Dedication

The Lord’s Prayer + Prayers of the People Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


*Sending Hymn | Let All Things Now Living red hymnal, #5

*Charge + Blessing

*Postlude | Fugue in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach

You are invited to remain for the postlude. Soli Deo Gloria! Glory to God Alone!

SAPC Give Now

Matthew Penning, director of music Cantate Choristers, Christian Drollinger, piano Grace Notes, Nelda Wittig, director Christopher Arp, music intern

(8:30) Rebecca Benson; (11:00) Karen Raynor, worship leaders

Page 4: Fourth Sunday in Lent - Amazon S3 · 2019-03-27 · Gathering Music | Prelude in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach Welcome + Announcements Prelude ... or on the sign-up


Welcome! We are happy to have you here with us today. If you would like more information about St. Andrew, please indicate your interest on the Connection Card. Join us for a time of fellowship and refreshments after the

service. This is a wonderful way to meet the St. Andrew family.

All ages are welcomed in our worship services. Worship materials for children and adults, including large print hymnals, bibles, and bulletins are available on the shelves outside the north sanctuary doors. A T-Coil hearing

assist loop is also available for those with this feature on their hearing aids.

If needed, infant and toddler care (up to age 2) is provided downstairs in the Nursery. Children’s Time, for ages 3

years through Kindergarten, is also downstairs.

Prayer Requests may be written on a blue Prayer Request Card and placed in the offering plate.

QR Coding for Giving: The QR code in the Sunday bulletin is an electronic code that links to the giving page on our church website. In worship, we respond to God’s love with our offering. We hope that people who like

technology will use these prompts to connect their gifts to our worship.

Connection Cards are one way we can extend welcome and hospitality to our guests while also helping us consider steps we can take in the mission and ministry of Jesus Christ. We ask each person to fill out the card and place it in the offering plate. Members, once your contact information is correct, you only need to write your name.

For further reflection…

Reflect on one characteristic of God that I would like to see “reflected” in my life as someone made in

God’s image.

Name one person for whom I am a “reflection of God” and pray for insight into how I can serve and love

this person.

Pray for someone who does not yet realize their significance as someone made in God’s image.

Make plans to invite a friend to worship with me on Easter Sunday at one of our three Easter

services (6:30 am, 8:30 am, + 11:00 am).

The flowers this morning are given by the Prybil and Freeseman families in honor of Lee Freeseman.

St. Andrew's Session generally meets at 7:00 pm on the third Thursday of most months. Beginning in April, we will provide Session Highlights from the previous month as a regular column in the Messenger. To look at the minutes from any Session meeting, follow this link:

St. Andrew Session Meetings

Coming Up in Adult Education on Thursdays + April 7 Beginning on April 7, Adult Ed will offer “The Art of Neighboring.” This class is for everyone regardless of whether your small group is currently reading the book. Finally, during the Thursday Evening Lenten Potlucks, we will be contemplating what it means to be a neighbor as we prepare for the “Won’t You Be My Neighbor?” events coming up the week after Easter.

Per Capita 2019

Every dollar paid directly supports mission by freeing up funds for Mission, Outreach, and Service (MOS) to

distribute. The rate for 2019 is $38.

Page 5: Fourth Sunday in Lent - Amazon S3 · 2019-03-27 · Gathering Music | Prelude in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach Welcome + Announcements Prelude ... or on the sign-up

A Neighbor Just Like You: The Music + Message of Fred Rogers

Habitat for Humanity InterFaith Build: Last Day to Sign Up for March 30

Groundbreaking for the Interfaith IVHFH home and the initial wall build has occurred. The main building will begin in mid-April (weather permitting). As a major supporter of this build, all St. Andrew members are encouraged to get out and build. To learn about specific volunteer opportunities, please sign up at the volunteer desk in the Atrium, or email Becka Simpson

at [email protected]. Experience the Joy of Building! No expertise needed.

Easter Flowers

This Easter, the Sanctuary will be decorated with colorful flowering plants, and you are invited to participate by purchasing a plant to take home with you after the 11:00 service on Easter. Order forms are in the Atrium. Place your orders in the deposit box outside the

office no later than TODAY.

Geneva Campus Ministry

Come, hear Geneva Lecturers,

Drs. Steve Roles and Sarah

Bodbyl Roles, two evolutionary

biologists, discuss A

Partnership in Exploration:

Evolution and Faith, Sunday,

April 7, at 3:00 pm, at

Shambaugh Auditorium, 125 W Washington St,

Iowa City.

Page 6: Fourth Sunday in Lent - Amazon S3 · 2019-03-27 · Gathering Music | Prelude in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach Welcome + Announcements Prelude ... or on the sign-up

Lenten Potlucks Each Thursday

Our Thursday Evening Lenten Potlucks are at 5:30 pm each Thursday during Lent. Please bring a dish to share; tableware will be provided. We will spend time in fellowship and will take time for a devotional each week. Questions? Contact Pastor Kyle at [email protected].

Registration is open! Forms can be found on our website or in the Atrium document kiosk.

April Craft Club Meeting If you enjoy crafting, join the new St. Andrew Crafting Club on Saturday, April 13 at 2:00 pm for our second meeting! Our first

meeting in March was a big success, and we have decided to meet on the 2nd Saturday of each month. At the April 13 meeting, we will be making greeting cards and will be led by Su Thayer. If you plan on participating, please bring glue or two-sided tape, scissors, a ruler, scrapbooking paper, or just yourself! We will also have supplies available. This will be a Z- fold card with a space for a special note, gift card, or cash. We will meet in the 3rd and 4th grade classrooms. Ages 12 and under should bring a parent along for assistance. In order to help plan for supplies, please sign up either by email to [email protected] or on the sign-up sheet in the


Page 7: Fourth Sunday in Lent - Amazon S3 · 2019-03-27 · Gathering Music | Prelude in e-minor BWV 533 by J.S. Bach Welcome + Announcements Prelude ... or on the sign-up

Farewell Lunch for Jane Jakobsen Protection from Child Sexual Abuse Training

Holy Week 2019

The program will be presented on Tuesday, April 2, from 6:30-8:30 pm and Saturday, May 4, from 3:00-

5:00 pm. Parents, Sunday School teachers, and all who volunteer with children and youth ministries are encouraged to attend one of the meetings. The program will be presented by Sarah Leckband, a facilitator at the Rape Victim Advocacy Program in Iowa City. Darkness To Light equips parents and volunteers to help prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program website,, says 1 in 10 children will experience sexual abuse before their 18th birthday. The training is free, but registration is required

and attendance is limited to 25 people per meeting.

To register, email Heather Woodin at

[email protected].

Today, following our second service, we invite you to stop by the Atrium to say good-bye to long-time member, Jane Jakobsen. A light lunch will be provided. For approximately sixty years she and her late husband, Jake, served our church in many capacities. Jane will be

moving to Connecticut in April to be near her daughter, Janet.

Iowa Wesleyan University Sunday, April 7 | 1:30 pm

Manning Lecture 2019

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Interim Senior Pastor ............................................................................................. Rev. Dr. Danie deBeer Associate Pastor ......................................................................................................... Rev. Kyle Otterbein Pastor Emeritus .............................................................................................................. Rev. Mark Martin Music Director ................................................................................................................. Matthew Penning Assistant Director of Instrumental Ministries ............................................................................... Lee Rabe Assistant Director of Children’s Vocal Ministries ..................................................................... Nelda Wittig Assistant Director of Handbell Ministries ............................................................................. Laura Kastens Music Intern ...................................................................................................................... Christopher Arp Children’s & Family Ministry Director ............................................................................... Heather Woodin Youth Ministries Director ..................................................................................................... Randy Hausler Finance Administrator ........................................................................................................... John Benson Office & Communications Administrator .................................................................................. Sarah Dyck


April Birthdays

April Anniversaries

Keenan Kruse 04/01 Lauren Luce 04/01 Andrew Wildes 04/01 Samantha Gorvin 04/02 Grace Lindgren 04/02 Mary Schmidt 04/02 Denise Seabold 04/02 Denise Price 04/03 Sydney Wildes 04/03 Molly Nicholson 04/04 Rich Wretman 04/04 Katherine Patrick 04/05 Nathan Schuchert 04/05 Carson Baldes 04/06 Edward Lavely 04/06 Jerry Walker 04/06 Greyden Stiles 04/07 Isaiah Johnson 04/08 Michelle Lamkins 04/08 Matt Lofgren 04/08 Jordan Sullivan 04/08 Corey Markfort 04/09 Marty Murphy 04/09

Sheila Stiles 04/09 Mary Mixdorf 04/10 Mercy Ngugi 04/10 Dan Fick 04/11 Anna Weckerlin 04/11 Scott Hendrickson 04/12 Dave Watkins 04/12 Ginni Gibson 04/13 Addison Koeppel 04/13 Elizabeth Ebot 04/15 Jason Gehrs 04/15 Emma Halsch 04/15 Olivia Koeppel 04/15 Ian Law 04/15 Amanda Duys 04/17 Susan Gerecz 04/17 Ethan Goers 04/18 Brad Dunlap 04/19 Sadie Frisvold 04/19 Laura Hoffman 04/19 Robert Walling 04/19 Tanner Wymer 04/19 Lisa Murray 04/20

Katherine Rabe 04/20 Walter Robles 04/20 Amy Schmidt-Rundell 04/20 Robbie Duys 04/21 Rick Graf 04/21 Marnie Vonderhaar 04/21 Jeremy Vos 04/21 David Weitzel 04/21 Lorna Dykstra 04/22 Nichole Hoffman 04/22 Kathy Duys 04/24 Katherine Goree 04/24 Wade Hoffman 04/24 Matt Roffman 04/25 Denny Hanson 04/25 Heather Woodin 04/26 Mariana McCue 04/27 Amanda Wilkins 04/27 Steve Gardner 04/28 Brooke Lofgren 04/28 Jason Smith 04/28 Gen Freeseman 04/30 Kelsey Law 04/30

Nicole & Mat Berry .............................................................................................................................................. 04/10 Jan & Denny Hanson .......................................................................................................................................... 04/11 Denise Seabold & Chris Pech ............................................................................................................................ 04/14

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