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“Enterprise Software SecurityFor the real-world!”

Justin [email protected]

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Enterprise Software Security

• Accenture

–What are we protecting and Why?

–Case Studies & Examples

–Fortify more then a “software vendor”!

–The Fortify platform

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What are we protecting?

• It’s more than just about Money!

– Personal Information (Customer Data)

– Financial/Banking Information

– Company/Trade Secrets

– Corporate Data

• Consider this?

– Can you business operate without the useof software on a daily basis?

– What would happen if you software juststopped working one day?

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Making the Case for Software Security

• Risk of a Major Data Breach is increasing 146% since 2001

• Cost of a data breach could be $11 Million US #1

• A breach will cost more then protecting against attack

• Attacks are focused at the Application Layer (> 76% Gartner)

• NIST: 92% of vulnerabilities in application code

• It’s not all about SQL Injection & Cross Site Scripting

• False sense of security, existing security gates don’t protect you

• 2009 expected to be the year of identity theft and significant increase in web based attacks for financial benefit

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Heartland Payment Systems

• Very Late 2007 – SQL Injection via a customer facing web page in our corporate (non-payments) environment. Bad guys were in our corporate network.

• Early 2008 – Hired largest approved QSA to perform penetration testing of corporate environment

• Spring 2008 – Learned of Sniffer Attack on Hannaford’s , Created a Dedicated Chief Security Officer Position and filled that position

• April 30, 2008 – Passed 6th Consecutive “Annual Review” by Largest QSA

• Very Late 2007 – Mid-May 2008 – Bad guys studied our corporate network

• Mid-May 2008 – Penetration of our Payments Network

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Heartland Events!

• Late October 2008 – Informed by a card brand that several issuers suspected a potential breach of one or more processors. We received sample fraud transactions to help us determine if there was a problem in our payments network. A high percentage of these samples never touched our payments network.

• No evidence could be found of an intrusion despite vigorous efforts by HPS employees and then two forensics companies to find a problem.

• January 9, 2009 – We were told that “no problems were found” and that a final report reflecting that opinion would be forthcoming within days.

• January 12, 2009 – January 20, 2009 – Learned of breach, notified card brands, notified law enforcement and made public announcement.

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Case Study – ANZ Bank

• What are the Drivers?

– PCI Compliance Obligations

– APRA Regulations & Requirements after review

– Software security threat #3 risk on Fortune 500

– Internal Risk Drivers

• Initial Steps

– Enablement of new program called “SAFE Program”

– Introduction of Developer Training through organization

– “Adoption of Culture Change” critical

– Implementation of world class technology & Governance

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ANZ Timeline of Events

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ANZ Bank Integration & Technologies

• Platforms/Development Languages

– Microsoft.NET, Classic ASP, VB, C++

– Java, JSP, J2EE

– Mainframe languages (COBOL, C etc)

– All Platforms such as Windows, UNIX, LINUX etc

• Integration with Existing Technologies

– Quality Centre Integration

– Other bug tracking software (find bugs etc)

– Build integration (ANT, Maven, Cruise Control, MSBUILD)

– Web based delivery technologies (XML API F360 Server)

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Fortify more then a software Vendor!

Multi Platforms, Technologyand Governance

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Software Security Partner

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Vision Guidance

• Creating a successful vision is hard, get help! Or use the recommended strategy online at

• SAMM (Software Assurance Maturity Model), the building blocks for a successful Software Security Strategy

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PCI ComplianceQuickly Demonstrate PCI Compliance

• Instantly Protect Deployed Applications

– Ensure compliance with PCI DSS Section 6.6

– Application defense module

• Identify and Remediate Vulnerabilities

– Ensures compliance with Sections 3, 6.3.7, 6.5, 6.6, 11.3.2

– View vulnerabilities in context of PCI compliance

– Static and dynamic testing

• Complete Self-Assessment Questionnaire

– Assign responsibilities

– View outstanding activities

– Generate detailed reports to demonstrate PCI activities

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Fortify 360 Platform

• Identify the Most Vulnerabilities

• Collaborate and Remediate more Code

• Instantly Protect Deployed Applications

• Effectively Manage SSA Programs

• Achieve Compliance Quickly

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Vulnerability Detection Identify the Most Vulnerabilities

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Technology SupportSCA, PTA and RTA

• Static Analysis (Fortify 360 SCA)

– Microsoft .NET (All languages), Classic ASP, VB, COM

– C/C++

– Java, J2EE, JSF, Javascript etc

– XML, HTML, Other web technologies


– Cold Fusion, PHP, COBOL and more coming..

• Testing/Production (Fortify 360 RTA/PTA)

– Web based technologies only, supporting

– .NET and Java primarily with some minor other languages (CF)

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Fortify Technology



Source Code

Summary and details


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Reporting What does it look like?

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Open Discussion

• What is currently done during development lifecycles?

• How can/does Fortify integrate and provide value to the existing development practices within Accenture?

• How do customers benefit from having Fortify scanned as a part of the development process?

• Technical Questions?

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