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“Formulation and Evaluation Of Poly Herbal

Fruit Face Mask By Using Natural Ingredient”

Mr. Bhavsar Saurabh Rajendra





The main objective of the work is to formulate and evaluate poly herbal fruit face mask for

cosmetic purpose. Banana, Orange peel, Amla, Tomato, Strawberry and Papaya were

purchased from the local market and dried, powdered, sieved through sieve no 40, mixed

geometrically and packed in air tight container for further use. The powders was evaluated

and formulate poly herbal fruit face mask. The powder had passable flow property which

is suitable for a face mask. Particle size of the powder was found to be 25-30μm.

Antimicrobial evaluation was performed with three organisms Staphylococcus aureus,

Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes. Poly herbal face masks are used

to stimulate blood circulation, rejuvenates the muscles and help to maintain the elasticity

of the skin and remove dirt from skin pores. The advantage of poly herbal cosmetics are

non toxic in nature and reduce the allergic reactions. Thus the investigation clearly

concluded that the face mask have good properties to human skin.

Keywords:- Face mask, Banana, Papaya, Evaluation, Particle size, Propionibacterium


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Now a days Herbs are widely used as remedial agents because herbs are easily available

at less expensive and non toxic so the people have good faith in such remedies. From the

ancient time people are using herbs for cleaning, beautifying and to manage them.

cosmetics are defined as the beauty products which posses desirable physiological activity

such as healing, smoothing appearance, enhancing and conditioning properties. These

days Acne, black head, pimples, dark circle are common among youngsters and person

who suffers from it. According to Ayurveda, Skin problems are normally due to impurities

in blood. Accumulated toxins in the blood during improper food and lifestyle are causing

skin related diseases. The face masks which are mentioned in ayurveda help women to get

rid of wrinkles, dark circles, pimples and acne. Herbal face masks increase the fairness and

smoothness of skin. We can derive the maximum benefits of herbal face masks by using

them according to our skin type. These face masks increase skin glow and are best

ayurveda treatment to increase fairness. Face masks are one of the oldest and beautiful

methods of cleansing skin. There are various kinds of face masks described in Ayurveda

which have nourishing, healing, cleaning, astringent and antiseptic properties. We can

prepare face mask in home with basic integrants found in house and kitchen. Face mask

is the smooth powder which is used for facial application and a good herbal face mask

must supply necessary nutrients to skin and should penetrate the subcutaneous tissues to

deliver the required nutrients. Different types of skin need different types of herbal face

packs. Face masks used in ayurveda helps to reduce wrinkles, pimples, acne and dark

circles. They also increase the fairness and smoothness of the skin . The Natural face masks

contain some vital vitamins that are required for the health and glow of our skin. These

substances also prove to be beneficial for our skin in many ways. Natural Facial masks are

less complicated and pretty simple to use. They help us in looking after skin and also prove

its worthiness by increasing the circulation of the blood within the veins of the face. Effects

of the face masks are generally temporary and for the regular glow it should be used 2-3

times a week.

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Herbal formulations have growing demand in the world market. To overcome this entire

problem was the main intension of our work as prepared polyhedral face mask, which is a

multipurpose powder for skin care.

Uses Of Face Mask

1. Nourishes the skin. Fruit face masks supply essential nutrients to skin.

2. Helps to reduce, acne, pimple, scars and marks depending on its herbal ingredients.

3. Face masks usually remove dead cells of skin.

4. These face masks provide a soothing and relaxing effect on skin.

5. They help to restore the lost shine and glow of skin in short span of time.

6. Regular use of natural face masks bring glow to skin, improve skin texture and


7. The harmful effects of pollution and harsh climates can be effectively combated with

judicial use of face masks.

8. They help to prevent premature aging of skin.

9. Formation of wrinkles, fine lines and sagging of skin can be effectively controlled by

using natural face masks.

10. Natural face masks make the skin look young and healthy.

Care Should Be Taken While Applying Face Pack:-

1. Select the face mask according to your skin type. Take opinion of natural therapist or

concerned skin expert before applying face mask.

2. The face mask should not be left on face more than 15 to 20 minutes. Keeping for very

long time may result in formation of wrinkles, sagging of skin and enlargement of open


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3. Apply face mask once in a week. Don’t try to peel or scratch the dried face mask. This

may harm underlying skin.

4. Spray water (which is at room temperature) on face before removing dried face mask.

After removing the mask, roll an ice cube on facial skin. This helps to close open pores and

tightens skin. It also tones and sooths the skin.

5. Do not scrub face vigorously. This may result in eruption of pimples and dark spots. Stay

away from heat when you have applied face mask.

6. Avoid applying face mask near “eye zone”. The skin around eye is very delicate. The

process of removing face mask may damage skin around eyes.


Plant Materials :-

The materials used in the present study were purchased from local market, dried and

powdered for further use. The below mentioned are the details of the plant materials used

for the formulation of face mask.

1) Emblica officinalis (Amla)

Emblica officinalis belonging to the family Euphorbiaceae holds the reputation of a very

good skincare herb. Used externally and internally, it helps to gain glow of the skin and

aids to remove pimples, Produce Colling Effect and Hydrating Effect, also the herb

reported as anti bacterial, anti microbial, anti fungal and anti aging agent. Phyllanthus

emblica, also known as emblic, emblic myrobalan, myrobalan, Indian gooseberry, Malacca

tree, or amla, from the Sanskrit amalaki, is a deciduous tree of the family Phyllanthaceae

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Scientific Classification Of Emblica Officinalis (Amla):-

Scientific name: Phyllanthus emblica

Family: Phyllanthaceae

Higher classification: Leafflower

Order: Malpighiales

Kingdom: Plantae

Rank: Species

Promising Benefits of Amla

1) Promotes immune function. Amla juice is a great source of vitamin C, which is a

water-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant

2) Enhances liver health

3) Supports healthy digestion.

4) Promotes heart health.

5) May increase hair growth.

6) Improves kidney health

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2) Musa paradisiaca (Banana) :-

Musa paradisiaca belonging to the family Musaceae is the most available fruit used

externally and internally it help to smoothen the skin, lighten the skin. It has the property

of Exfoliation and is used as Sun Burn Aid. also this herb perform anti bacterial, Anti-Acne

and anti aging properties.

Musa is one of two or three genera in the family Musaceae. The genus includes flowering

plants producing edible bananas and plantains. Around 70 species of Musa are known,

with a broad variety of uses.

Scientific Classification Of Officinalis (Banana):-

Scientific name: Musa

Higher classification: Bananas

Kingdom: Plantae

Family: Musaceae

Order: Zingiberales

Rank: Genus

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Benefits of bananas:-

1) Bananas are respectable sources of vitamin C

2) Manganese in bananas is good for your skin

3) Potassium in bananas is good for your heart health and blood pressure

4) Bananas can aid digestion and help beat gastrointestinal issues

5) Bananas give you energy – minus the fats and cholesterol

3) Citrus aurantium (Orange)

Citrus aurantium belonging to the family Rutaceae acts as a natural bleach, It has instant

glow property, prevent acne, blemishes, wrinkles and aging. It showes anti bacterial, anti

fungal and antioxidant properties.

Oranges are round, orange-colored citrus fruits that grow on trees. They originally came

from China, but today these nutritious powerhouses are grown in warm climates around

the world.

Scientific Classification Of (Orange):-

Scientific name: Citrus X sinensis

Family: Rutaceae

Kingdom: Plantae

Order: Sapindales

Higher classification: Citrus

Rank: Species

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Types of Oranges

There are many different varieties of oranges. Some are sweet, and some are sour.

Common types include:

1) Navel

2) Mandarin

3) Cara Cara

4) Blood oranges

5) Valencia

6) Seville

7) Jaffa

Every type of orange has more than 100% of your recommended daily amount of vitamin

C. That's more than any other citrus fruit. All you have to do to get this key vitamin is

peel and eat.

Nutrition in Oranges

One medium-sized orange has:

1) 60 calories

2) No fat or sodium

3) 3 grams of fiber

4) 12 grams of sugar

5) 1 gram of protein

6) 14 micrograms of vitamin A

7) 70 milligrams of vitamin C

8) 6% of your daily recommended amount of calcium

9) 237 milligrams of potassium

10) 15.4 grams of carbohydrates

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4) Carica papaya (Papaya)

Carica papaya belonging to the family Caricaceae works as a good bleaching agent.

Experts suggest that papaya can help in removing dead worn-out skin cells and replace it

with healthy new cells, thereby lightening the color of our skin. It also Prevent pimples,

blemishes, wrinkles and pre mature aging of skin. It protects skin from ultraviolet


The papaya, papaw, or pawpaw is the plant Carica papaya, one of the 22 accepted

species in the genus Carica of the family Caricaceae. Its origin is in the tropics of the

Americas, perhaps from Central America and southern Mexico.

Scientific Classification Of (Papaya):-

Scientific name: Carica papaya

Family: Caricaceae

Order: Brassicales

Higher classification: Papaya

Kingdom: Plantae

Rank: Species

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Benefits Of Skin :-

The enzymes papain and chymopapain in papaya can decrease inflammation. The protein-

dissolving papain can be found in many exfoliating products. These products help reduce

acne by removing dead skin cells that can clog pores.

Papain can also remove damaged keratin that can build up on the skin and form small

bumps. A 2017 studyTrusted Source suggested that papain is a viable treatment for


Papaya is also rich in vitamin A. Although it’s believed that vitamin A might play a role in

the development and treatment of acne, the impact of diet on acne remains unclear.

Retinol, a topical form of vitamin A, can help treat and prevent inflammatory acne lesions.

5) Fragaria vesca (Strawberry) Fragaria vesca :-

belonging to the family Rosaceae possess a high antioxidant capacity, It shows protective

effect on skin cells against UVA induced damage. It reduce acne, wrinkles and has the anti

aging, anti oxidant and skin whitening properties. The garden strawberry is a widely grown

hybrid species of the genus Fragaria, collectively known as the strawberries, which are

cultivated worldwide for their fruit. The fruit is widely appreciated for its characteristic

aroma, bright red color, juicy texture, and sweetness. The garden strawberry (or

simply strawberry; Fragaria × ananassa) is a widely grown hybrid species of the

genus Fragaria, collectively known as the strawberries, which are cultivated worldwide for

their fruit. The fruit is widely appreciated for its characteristic aroma, bright red color, juicy

texture, and sweetness. It is consumed in large quantities, either fresh or in such prepared

foods as jam, juice, pies, ice cream, milkshakes, and chocolates. Artificial strawberry

flavorings and aromas are also widely used in products such as candy, soap, lip gloss,

perfume, and many others.

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The garden strawberry was first bred in Brittany, France, in the 1750s via a cross

of Fragaria virginiana from eastern North America and Fragaria chiloensis, which was

brought from Chile by Amédée-François Frézier in

1714. Cultivars of Fragaria × ananassa have replaced, in commercial production, the

woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca), which was the first strawberry species cultivated in

the early 17th century.

The strawberry is not, from a botanical point of view, a berry. Technically, it is

an aggregate accessory fruit, meaning that the fleshy part is derived not from the plant's

ovaries but from the receptacle that holds the ovaries.Each apparent "seed" (achene) on

the outside of the fruit is actually one of the ovaries of the flower, with a seed inside it.

In 2019, world production of strawberries was 9 million tonnes, led by China with 40% of

the total.

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Scientific Classification Of (Strawberry):-

Kingdom : Plantae

Clade : Tracheophytes

Clade : Angiosperms

Clade : Eudicots

Clade : Rosids

Order : Rosales

Family : Rosaceae

Genus : Fragaria

Species : F.x ananassa

Uses Of Strawberry For Skin :

Strawberries contain alpha hydroxy acids, which help to eliminate dead skin cells and

cleanse the skin. The vitamin C in strawberries can also contribute to keeping skin

healthy and vibrant, working as a toner to soothe irritated skin.

Lycopersicon esculatum (Tomato) :

Lycopersicon esculatum belonging to the family Solanaceae used a bleaching agent. Herb

also acts as anti oxident, antiseptic and anti aging agent. It cures acne and moisturizing

effect, works as a repellent substances and reduce black heads. Slightly acidic in nature,

tomatoes contain high contents of potassium and vitamin C; this transforms the dullest of

skins and restores glow to the skin. Tomatoes also have lycopene, which is an antioxidant

that helps fight free radicals in the body. ... Reduces Open Pores-Tomatoes help reduce

open pores and blackheads The tomato is the edible berry of the plant Solanum

lycopersicum, commonly known as a tomato plant. The species originated in

western South America and Central America. The Nahuatl word tomatl gave rise to the

Spanish word tomate, from which the English word tomato derived. Its domestication and

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use as a cultivated food may have originated with the indigenous

peoples of Mexico. The Aztecs used tomatoes in their cooking at the time of the Spanish

conquest of the Aztec Empire, and after the Spanish encountered the tomato for the first

time after their contact with the Aztecs, they brought the plant to Europe, in a widespread

transfer of plants known as the columbian exchange. From there, the tomato was

introduced to other parts of the European-colonized world during the 16th century.

Tomatoes are a significant source of umami flavor. The tomato is consumed in diverse

ways, raw or cooked, in many dishes, sauces, salads, and drinks. While tomatoes

are fruits—botanically classified as berries—they are commonly used as

a vegetable ingredient or side dish.

Numerous varieties of the tomato plant are widely grown in temperate climates across

the world, with greenhouses allowing for the production of tomatoes throughout all

seasons of the year. Tomato plants typically grow to 1–3 meters (3–10 ft) in height. They

are vines that have a weak stem that sprawls and typically needs support. Indeterminate

tomato plants are perennials in their native habitat, but are cultivated as annuals.

(Determinate, or bush, plants are annuals that stop growing at a certain height and

produce a crop all at once.) The size of the tomato varies according to the cultivar, with a

range of 1–10 cm (1⁄2–4 in) in width.

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Scientific Classification Of (Tomato):-

Kingdom : Plantae

Clade : Tracheophytes

Clade : Angiosperms

Clade : Eudicots

Clade : Asterids

Order :Solanales

Family : Solanaceae

Genus : Solanum

Species : S. lycopersicum

Benefits of tomato on skin :

1) May help protect against skin cancer

2) May reduce risk of sunburns

3) May promote wound healing

4) May soothe skin inflammation

5) May stimulate collagen production

6) May help remove dead skin cells

7) May have anti-aging properties

8) May help fight cellular damage

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All the herbal ingredients are in dry form and grinded to make fine powder by using size

reduction mill. Weighing All the required herbal powders for fruit mask preparation were

accurately weighed individually by using digital balance. The quantity and compositions

are listed in



1 Amla 15%

2 Banana 15%

3 Orange 15%

4 papaya 15%

5 Strawberry 15%

6 Tomato 15%

7 Water Quantity



All these fine ingredients were mixed thoroughly by mixer to form a homogenous fine



Then this fine powder was passed through sieve no.40, to get the sufficient quantity of

fine powder.

Collection and storage

The powder mixture was collected and store in suitable plastic container and used for

doing evaluation parameters.

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Evaluation parameter :-

Prepared formulations of fruit mask powder were subjected to following evaluation


Organoleptic evaluation/visual appearance

Organoleptic evaluation parameters like colour, odour and texture were carried out.

Colour and texture was evaluated by vision and touch sensation respectively. For odour

evaluation a team of five odour sensitive persons were selected.

Physicochemical evaluation

1) pH

The pH was measured by using digital pH Meter.

2) Moisture content

Moisture content is important for the plant drugs because insufficient drying may lead to

possible enzymatic deterioration of active principles. About 2 gm of powder drug was

taken in Petri dish placed in Hot air oven and measure the weights for 30min after cooling

the dish upto standard weight.

3) Odour

It Was Determined manually.

4) Total ash

Ash value is calculated to determine the inorganic contents which are characteristic for an

herb. About 2 gm of powder drug was taken in silicon dish previously ignited and weighed.

Temperature was increased by gradually increasing the heat not exceeding to red colour.

After complete burning, ash is cooled and weighed.

5) General powder evaluation

General powder characteristics includes evaluation of those parameters which are going

to affect the external properties (like flow properties, appearance, packaging criteria etc.)

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of the preparation, Characteristics evaluated under this section are particle size, angle of

repose, bulk density and tapped density.

6) Particle size

Particle size is a parameter, which affect various properties like spread ability, grittiness

etc., particle size was determined by sieving method by using I.P. Standard sieves by

mechanical shaking for 10 min

7) Angle of repose

It is defined as the maximum angle possible in between the surface of pile of powder to

the horizontal flow.

8) Open - ended cylinder method :-

Required amount of dried powder is placed in a cylindrical tube open at both ends is placed

on a horizontal surface. Then the funnel should be raised to form a heap. The height and

radius of the heap is noted and recorded. For the above method, the angle of repose (θ)

can be calculated by using the formula. θ = tan -1(h / r) Where, θ – Angle of repose, h –

Height of the heap, r – Radius of the base

9) Bulk density :-

Bulk Density is the ratio between the given mass of a powder and its bulk volume.

Required amount of the powder is dried and filled in a 50 ml measuring cylinder up to 50

ml mark. Then the cylinder is dropped onto a hard wood surface from a height of 1 inch at

2 second intervals. The volume of the powder is measured. Then the powder is weighed.

This is repeated to get average values. The Bulk Density is calculated by using the below

given formula.


Bulk Density =-----------


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Tapped density :-

Tapped density is an increased bulk density attained after mechanically tapping a

container containing the powder sample. After observing the initial powder volume or

mass, the measuring cylinder or vessel is mechanically tapped for 1 min and volume or

mass readings are taken until little further volume or mass change was observed.

Antimicrobial evaluation :-

Formulation was tested for antibacterial activity against test organisms namely S. aureus,

S. epidermidis and P. acnes using modified agar well diffusion method. Aerobic bacteria:

Staphylococcus aureus (MTCC 96), Staphylococcus epidermidis (MTCC 2639) and

anaerobic bacteria: Propionibacterium acnes (MTCC 1951) were obtained from the

Microbial Type Culture Collection Centre. In this method, nutrient agar plates and

reinforced clostridial agar (RCA) were seeded with 100μl of standardized bacterial

suspension. After optimization of dose, 200 mg of formulation was mixed with distilled

water and poured into the wells. Standard clindamycin (1% w/w) was used as positive

control. The plates were then incubated at optimum temperature conditions and

antibacterial activity was evaluated by measuring the diameter of zones of inhibition (mm)

including cup size. The experiments were repeated three times.


organoleptic and physico-chemical and general powder evaluation. The study of nature,

color, odour, taste, texture, ash values, moisture content and pH of dried powders of

combined form under investigation provided the important feature of organoleptic and

physicochemical evaluation. Peel-off masks work by penetrating deep into your pores and

gently removing the dead cells in the outermost layer of your skin, along with any

impurities sitting over it. Removing dirt, bacteria, debris, and overall impurity is essential

to have balanced, toned, healthier skin.

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Herbal formulations are more acceptable in the belief that they are safer with fewer side

effects than the synthetic ones. Herbs have growing demand in the world market. It is a

very good attempt to establish the poly herbal fruit face mask containing different

powders of fruits. Thus in the present work found good properties for the face masks on

human use as cosmetic product. Formulation showed good antimicrobial activity when

compared to clindamycin and the results of formulation was very nearer compared to

standard drug which clearly indicates that the prepared formulation is best suits for skin

as cosmetic.

Result :-

S. No. Evaluation parameters Observation

Organoleptic evaluation

1 Nature (appearance) Powder

2 Color Brownish red

3 Odour Slight

4 Taste Characteristic

5 Texture Fine

Physicochemical Evaluation

Ash values

6 Total ash 4.5g

7 Acid insoluble ash 3.2g

8 pH 7.35

9 Moisture content 6%

General powder Characters

10 Particle size 26-31μm

11 Angle of repose 16°±1°05”

12 Bulk density 0.484g/cc

13 Tapped density 0.407g/cc

14 Washability Easily washable

15 Grittiness No gritty particles were found

when mixed with water

16 Nature of face after wash Soft and fresh, Clean from dirt

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