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Formal Models in Political Science Symbols, Proofs, Models, and Theories Slide 2 I. Models and Theories A. Focus: Empirical, Normative, or Both? Max Weber: Distinction between fact and value. While we cannot escape our values, we can study the empirical world scientifically within those value systems. (Research best means for accomplishing the end). Others disagree, but the distinction endures in science. Slide 3 I. Models and Theories A. Focus: Empirical, Normative, or Both? B. Rough definitions, with a focus on empirical models. Theories: Sets of assumptions about how the world works (or should work), along with their associated implications. Slide 4 Lave and March (1975) on theories: The essence of theorizing is that you start with an observation, and then imagine the observation as the outcome of a (hidden) process. Slide 5 I. Models and Theories A. Focus: Empirical, Normative, or Both? B. Rough definitions, with a focus on empirical models. Theories: Sets of assumptions about how the world works (or should work), along with their associated implications. Models: Generally narrower than theories because they seek to be more specific and to trim elements of reality in favor of simplicity These are just rules of thumb. Both words refer to ways of systematically thinking about the world Slide 6 C. Why do we need models? 1. Allow us to reason from what we do know to some things we dont. Counter- intuitive hypotheses are especially prized since they represent potential new knowledge. Slide 7 Slide 8 C. Why do we need models? 1. Allow us to reason from what we do know to some things we dont. Counter- intuitive hypotheses are especially prized since they represent potential new knowledge. 2. The world is too complex to comprehend without simplification. The only accurate map of Killeen is.Killeen itself (or a 1:1 scale map). Even large maps omit data that is below their resolution. Slide 9 C. Why do we need models? 3. Much is unobservable, so we need to construct models of what is happening behind the scenes 4. Weber argues for the use of ideal types that only exist in the abstract (e.g. the rational voter) without understanding (modeling) the ideal type, we cannot know if/when/which voters behave irrationally. No abstract ideal types = no conclusions about reality. Slide 10 D. What makes a model formal? Contains the following elements (from Morgan): Slide 11 A simple formal model: Slide 12 Slide 13 Recent examples of formal models Study: Faria and Arce. 2012. A Vintage Model of Terrorist Organizations. Journal of Conflict Resolution 56 (May): 629-650. Model: Conclusions: Terrorist groups disintegrate unless they recruit at higher levels than present membership (grow or perish). Governments should therefore follow a strategy of impatience against these groups. Slide 14 Recent examples of formal models Study: Kyle Mattes. 2012. What Happens When a Candidate Doesnt Bark? Journal of Politics 74 (April): 369-382. Model: Conclusions: There is an optimal mix of positive and negative campaign advertising for each candidate in an election, and as voters become more capable of integrating new information into their assessment of candidates, then the proportion of negative ads decreases. Slide 15 Recent examples of formal models Study: Kyle Mattes. 2012. What Happens When a Candidate Doesnt Bark? Journal of Politics 74 (April): 369-382. Model: Conclusions: There is an optimal mix of positive and negative campaign advertising for each candidate in an election, and as voters become more capable of integrating new information into their assessment of candidates, then the proportion of negative ads decreases. Slide 16 Ronen Bar-El, Kobi Kagan, and Asher Tishler, JCR, Aug 2010 Demonstrates that given typical assumptions about forward-planning, countries that plan defense spending years into the future actually perform more poorly than those who simply plan from year to year advice to defense planners Slide 17 Jean-Paul Azam and Vronique Thelen, JCR, June 2010 Finds that the supply of terrorist attacks against a country increases as it practices more military intervention and decreases as it dispenses more foreign aid aid makes a better anti-terrorism policy for a state than military intervention Slide 18 Gartzke, Erik and Hewitt, J. Joseph International Interactions, Vol 2, 2010 Conclusion: Capitalism produces interstate peace through free markets, economic development, and interest similarity Slide 19 Slide 20 E. Why formal models? 1. Force a more disciplined form of argument need to prove that hypotheses actually do follow from the theory before one tests them! 2. Counterintuitive findings following common sense doesnt tell us more than we already know (the goal of science). 3. Often argued to be less subjective or more objective than informal models. Its hard to care passionately about the value of alpha. Slide 21 II. What is Science? We need to know because we dont want to get stuck doing pseudoscience. Slide 22 II. What is Science? We need to know because we dont want to get stuck doing pseudoscience. My approach: Recount the philosophy of science in order to discover rules for Separating science from pseudo-science Comparing two scientific theories or explanations Slide 23 Huntington on political development: pseudoscience? Political Order in Changing Societies Argued that modernization and prosperity would not bring democracy, but would instead increase social change which would produce violence if not controlled by an elite. Only after an autocratic government had led the country through development could democracy be safely introduced (as the rate of social change slowed). Slide 24 The infamous equations Note that the form is a/b=c, c/d=e, e/f=g Slide 25 Replies by Mathematician Koblintz Huntington never bothers to inform the reader in what sense these are equations. It is doubtful that any of the terms (a) - (g) can be measured and assigned a single numerical value. What are the units of measurement? Will Huntington allow us to operate with these equations using the well-known techniques of ninth grade algebra? If so, we could infer, for instance, that a = b * c = b * d * e = b * d * f * g i.e., that social mobilization is equal to economic development times mobility opportunities times political institutionalization times political instability! Slide 26 Koblintzs Verdict: Mathematical verbiage is being used like a witch doctor's incantation, to install a sense of awe and reverence in the gullible and poorly educated. A woman I know was assigned an article by Huntington for her graduate seminar on historical methodology. The article summarized his work on modernization and cited these equations. When she criticized the use of the equations, pointing out the absurdities that follow if one takes them seriously, both the professors and the other graduate students demurred. For one, they had some difficulty following her application of ninth grade algebra. Moreover, they were not used to questioning an eminent authority figure who could argue using equations. Slide 27 Result: NAS membership FAIL Not Huntington Slide 28 III. History of Science A. Ancient Science 1.Aristotle believes that nature is real and must be studied, using a deductive method 2.Rejection of experiment goal is to understand what is natural and changing nature is not natural 3.Method = Look for categories in nature and deduce essence of things. a.Example: Aristotle notes that female animals have fewer teeth femaleness. Extrapolates to humans without examining women (who have same number of teeth as men) b.Another example: Since earth is center of universe, objects naturally attempt to return there (i.e. fall). The heavier an object is, the more it desires to be in its natural state (i.e. it falls faster which is false) Slide 29 4. Ptolemy: Facts models, not the other way around Example: use math to estimate positions of the planets, not to describe their real motion. Justification = many models describe identical data (apparent motion of planets) Slide 30 B. The Enlightenment: Essentialism Rejected 1. Rediscovery of ancient texts reveals ancients didnt know all the answers (example: Ptolemys orbits arent accurate) 2. Belief in progress As economic growth and technology advanced, people came to believe that we would know more in the future (vs. wisdom of the ancients) Slide 31 3. The Copernican Revolution a. Heliocentrism: Copernicus argued that planets revolved around the sun simpler system than Ptolemy, but not (initially) better at predicting planets positions Slide 32 b. Scientists compare models: Cumulative knowledge i. Observations undermine idea of heavenly spheres Tycho Brahe observes comet passing through planetary orbits ii. Galileo observes phases of Venus (predicted by Copernican model but not by Ptolemaic model) and moons of Jupiter (not everything revolves around Earth) iii. Kepler discovers that geometry (ellipse) describes planetary motion (theory: sun/God animates the universe) iv. Newton theorizes that simple mathematical laws of gravity might explain Keplers model of planetary motion Slide 33 C. Logical Positivism 1. Positivism: 19 th -Century idea that scientific knowledge is the only authentic knowledge. 2. Logical positivism (early 20 th century): Only statements proven true through logic (deduction) or observation (induction) are to be accepted. Fact vs. value distinction. 3. Process: a.Induction: Prove statements true through observation, then b.Deduction: combine these statements to make new predictions Slide 34 Slide 35 4. Problems of Logical Positivism a. Gdels incompleteness theorems (Chapter 9) i.Every system of logic (axiomatic system) capable of reproducing the rules of arithmetic can be faced with statements that cannot be evaluated, i.e. This statement is false. If true If false Gdel showed that this is a problem with any such system, not just English (he used systems of arithmetic operating on the set of natural numbers) ii.Because of this, no useful system of logic is capable of determining its own consistency. That is, you cannot prove that your axioms will never contradict each other. Gdel ended the idea of building a complete deductive guide to the world (incomplete ones are still possible). Slide 36 b. The Inductive Fallacy Fed at 9 AM everyday for the past few months Will always get fed at 9 AM Christmas at 9 AM Slide 37 Inductive Fallacy (continued) How many functions (explanations) will perfectly explain the data? An infinite number, making dramatically different predictions Slide 38 Slide 39 c. The Demarcation Problem in Logical Positivism Empirical observation and attempts at confirmation dont separate science and pseudo-science. Why not? Slide 40 Who uses empirical methods? Astrologers: Mass of horoscopes, biographies, star charts Slide 41 Who uses empirical methods? Astrologers: Mass of horoscopes, biographies, star charts Phrenologists: Thousands of skull measurements Slide 42 Who uses empirical methods? Astrologers: Mass of horoscopes, biographies, star charts Phrenologists: Thousands of skull measurements Scientific racists: One recent author tabulates 620 separate studies of average IQ from 100 different countries with a total sample size of 813,778 to confirm hypotheses of racial differences Homeopaths, who make selective use of articles supporting their theories and ignore the thousands that dont Slide 43 C. Falsificationism 1. Karl Popper: Stop trying to confirm theories and try falsifying them instead. I cannot prove all sheep are white, but I sure as heck can disprove it. 2. Method: Make novel predictions with theory that prove the theory false if they fail to occur (critical experiments) 3. Result: Scientific theories are never proven true. Science consists of conjectures (theories which havent failed yet) and refutations (those which have failed) Slide 44 4. The Demarcation Problem and Falsificationism a. Allows us to reject astrology, etc as pseudo- science: Astrologers rarely make testable predictions, and dont give up astrology when they fail b. Popper argues that Marxism and Freudianism are both pseudo-science (example of false consciousness in Marxism) enough ifs, ands, and buts allow them to explain anything after the fact, but predict nothing novel c. Many physicists consider string theory to be a huge step forward.while others call it pseudoscience. Why? Slide 45 Slide 46 5. Problems of Falsificationism a. The ceteris paribus Clause Theories are tested all else being equal but it never is. Popper called abandoning a theory after one bad experiment nave falsificationism. b. Virtually all useful scientific theories had anomalies when first stated (Copernicus, plate tectonics, etc) strict falsificationism is a recipe for ignorance c. Poppers solution: require a replacement theory that explains everything the old one did, plus something else, before abandoning old theory (may mean we retain pseudoscience) Slide 47 D. Social Models of Science 1. Kuhns Paradigm Shifts a.Idea: Science is a social activity that proceeds under a paradigm of unquestioned assumptions about the world and a set of problems considered to be critical (value decision) b.Every interesting theory has anomalies things that seem inconsistent with the theory. c.Normal science is puzzle-solving; unexplained anomalies are simply assumed to be unsolved puzzles scientists usually suppress novel explanations if they can retain their paradigms (Tycho Brahe believed in an earth-centered universe, plate tectonics was rejected for decades, etc) Slide 48 d. Scientific Revolutions When enough anomalies start piling up (especially ones that get in the way of practical uses of science), new explanations begin to receive a hearing At some point, the new explanation becomes the expected explanation a new paradigm Note that this is a social process we cannot be sure the new paradigm is any better or more accurate than the old one. Its justdifferent. Slide 49 Slide 50 2. Lakatos: Research Programs a. Goal: Retain idea of falsification while acknowledging that scientists do not actually reject theories when anomalies are found b. Objections to Kuhn: i.Kuhn offers no way of comparing paradigms but science often looks like it has progressed over the past centuries ii.Most fields have multiple paradigms at the same time Slide 51 c. The Methodology of Scientific Research Programs i. Research programs rely on multiple theories to identify problems and solve puzzles ii. Each scientific research program has a hard core of unquestioned assumptions and a protective belt of auxiliary hypotheses (i.e. attempts to save the program from falsification) iii. Evaluation: Look for progressive research programs (making new predictions and discoveries) and reject degenerative ones (simply adding to the protective belt without offering new knowledge) Slide 52 Example: Neptune Astronomers discovered that the orbit of Uranus didnt match Newtons predictions They did NOT give up Newtonian physics They DID add a new item to the protective belt: something else must be perturbing the orbit of Uranus This turned out to be Neptune: Progressive change to research program What ifno Neptune? Could hypothesize that some unobservable force acts only on Uranus no new predictions = degenerative shift Slide 53 Degenerative Programs Slide 54 d. The Demarcation Problem in Research Programs How do we know pseudoscience? It critiques science without offering an alternative set of predictions It continually invents new hypotheses that explain its previous failures but do NOT make new, falsifiable predictions Slide 55 E. Conclusion: Standards for Evaluating Science 1. Every model must be tested against another model a.Simplest model = random chance (systematic studies of astrology usually show it fails this test) b.It takes a model to beat a model Where an existing theory outperforms chance, critics are obligated to suggest a better explanation for the facts Slide 56 2. What makes one explanation better than another? a. Progressive vs. degenerative research programs A theory or set of theories that keeps making novel, falsifiable predictions beats one that keeps adding new assumptions just to explain what we already know or generates untestable hypotheses b. Utility Since we cannot be sure theories are True or False (ceteris paribus problem) they need to be useful. Preference for parsimonious theories using observable variables. Slide 57 IV. Evaluating Models: Truth, Beauty, and Justice? Combines division of Lave and March (1975) with insights from philosophers of science. Slide 58 A. Truth.or truth? My take: Truth is unattainable through science No comprehensive set of axioms can be used to deduce its own consistency, thank you very much Kurt Gdel No real solution to the induction problem, which was the other scientific route to Truth. However Slide 59 truth still has a meaning Since research programs are measured according to progress Does the evidence for the theory currently outweigh the evidence against it? Does the theory explain more over time particularly by generating novel, falsifiable hypotheses? Is the theory internally valid, i.e. do its conclusions (hypotheses) follow from its axioms? Be sure its not a circular model Are there critical experiments which can pit the theory against its competitors? Remember from Popper that it takes a theory to beat a theory. Slide 60 B.Beauty Parsimony: Explain as much as possible with as little as possible Simplicity: Small number of assumptions means we dont have to give as much to the author Fertility: Large number of testable hypotheses per assumption Surprise: The model should generate predictions not immediately obvious from its assumptions. Slide 61 Example: An Alliance Model 1. Friends of my friends are my friends 2. Friends of my enemies are my enemies 3. Enemies of my friends are my enemies 4. Enemies of my enemies are my friends 5. Every country has an opinion on other countries In a system of 50 countries, there are 562,949,953,421,312 possible alliance networks that meet these criteria. BUT Slide 62 Example: An Alliance Model 1. Friends of my friends are my friends 2. Friends of my enemies are my enemies 3. Enemies of my friends are my enemies 4. Enemies of my enemies are my friends 5. Every country has an opinion on other countries In a system of 50 countries, there are 562,949,953,421,312 possible alliance networks that meet these criteria. BUT ALL OF THEM are BIPOLAR (the world is divided into two and only two groups)! Well, one exception: everyone can be friends. Slide 63 B.Beauty Parsimony: Explain as much as possible with as little as possible Simplicity: Small number of assumptions means we dont have to give as much to the author Fertility: Large number of testable hypotheses per assumption Surprise: The model should generate predictions not immediately obvious from its assumptions. Ease of Application? Slide 64 C.Justice? Are the assumptions themselves biased? Derivations will share those biases. If accepted, as true what is legitimized? If beautiful, what tool have we created? How will it be used? Slide 65 D. Putting it all together Theories should be useful That means they should make usable (falsifiable) predictions (truth) That means they need to be usable lower information requirements and lower complexity makes a model more useful (Beauty) That means we should have a use for them which we can ethically justify (Justice) Slide 66 V. The Dominance of Rational Choice: Why? Individual Choice Inter- dependent Choice Aggregate Choice Institutions Problem:Decision to go see My American Cousin Decision of two states to go to war Decision to select a class President Decision to form a coalition government Level of Analysis IndividualDyad or Group Group or System Rules of the System Theory Decision Theory (parametric) Game Theory (strategic interaction) Social Choice (aggregate outcomes) Spatial Models (core of possible outcomes) Models/ Forms Utility FunctionsGame Trees / Matrices Equilibrium Analysis Structure- Induced Equilibrium, Voting Models Slide 67 VI. Understanding the Language Go through the handout and keep it handy when you read.

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