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Research Title:

Effects of various on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.



The effects of various data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data has an important role.

Quality of data and reliability of data are two most important things and this helps in using the data for

Other purpose. There are two variables in this independent and dependent variable. Independent variable

are effects of various and dependent variable are data collection techniques, quality and reliability of data.

Close ended questionnaire will be conducted to find the effects on data collection techniques on quality

and reliability of data.


Leedy & Ormrod (2001) said that the research process includes the collection of data, after collecting it, the data

is being analyzed. after that the analyzed data is moved to interpretation stage where it is interpreted in order to

fully understand a problem or a phenomena.

We can say that Research studies have defined the target, and the results are within the limits set in

accordance with current guidelines and data. Management, framework and guidelines which provide

researchers with information and helps in organized research process, and also different kinds of

conclusions can be predicted on basis of data collected.

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Barbara B. Kawulich (2004) purposed that the observation of participant help researcher involvement in

different activities during a specific time period and enable them to observe the common people in their

daily life. Which lead to better understanding of their behaviors and activities. Such process involves

gaining entry to a community by making a better choice of gatekeepers. Participant observation has

proven to be integral part of producing studies representing a culture.

P.Gill, K.Stewart (2008) said that focus group and interviews are the most common methods used in

qualitative research for data collection and are also used in medical fields with increasing frequency

especially in dental research. For the reason to access the areas not convenient to quantitative methods or

where insight and depth of particular phenomena is required. The example of dental research shows that

interviews and focus group can make helpful contributions to other fields of research as well.

Caroline Roberts (2007) stated that mixing different modes of data collection techniques allow the

researchers to have the flexibility of overcoming some errors of each mode. To tackle other challenges

affecting survey or reduce survey error. She also emphasize on disadvantages of combining modes at data

collection stage of survey one of major the fact people give different answers to survey questions depends

on environment in which they are asked about a major challenge.

Zhang S, Wu Q, (2012) proposed that technology like smartphones can be used as successful tool for

household data collection of infants feeding in rural china. By using smart phones instead of traditional

techniques the chances of data recording and entry errors can be reduced with more reliability of data. The

cost of using technology of smart phones in data collection is high for small scale survey but would be

similar to traditional methods for large scale survey. Smart phone data collection should be further

evaluated for other surveys for maximum benefits.


The main objective of this research will be to know various kinds of effects on the techniques that we use

for data collection for the research like questionnaires and other forms of data base that we need in

research. The main objective is also to the effects of independent variables on dependent variables

whether both are significant or if there is fluctuations in variables then what will be reliabilityof the

research that we have to conduct.


Statement of the Problem:

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To study the effects of various on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.

Framework to be used:                                                                    

Independent Variable Dependant Variable                                                               

Variable to be Studied:

Independent Variable: Electronic data, questionnaire administration, observation of observer, data with

gaps, conceal of observation, telephone mode, theoretical proposition, large databases and data quality


Dependent Variable: data collection techniques and quality and reliability of data.

Proposed Research Hypothesis:

H: There is an affect of various on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.

Sources of Information:


Sampling Technique & Procedure:

Unrestricted, non probability, convenient sampling Technique will be used.

Sample Size:

280 – 380 Respondents will be the sample size.

Method of Data Collection & Procedure:

Questionnaires will be used as a part of personal survey method of data collection.

Instrument/s of Data Collection:

The instrument of data collection will be close ended questions

Statistical Tests to be used:

Data collection

techniques, quality

and reliability of


Effects of various

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To be decided.

Possible Research Findings:

There will be an effect of various on data collection techniques on quality and reliability of data.

List of References:

Leedy, P. & Ormrod, J. (2001). Practical research: Planning and design (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River,

NJ: Merrill Prentice Hall. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.

Kawulich, Barbara B. (2004). Muscogee women's identity development. In Mark Hutter (Ed.), The family

experience: a reader in cultural diversity (pp.83-93). Boston: Pearson Education

J Med Internet Res. 2012 Sep 18;14(5):e119. Zhang S, Wu Q, van Velthoven MH, Chen L, Car J, Rudan

I, Zhang Y, Li Y, Scherpbier RW.

Department of Integrated Early Childhood Development, Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing, China.

Roberts, C. E., Jäckle, A., & Lynn, P. (2007). Causes of mode effects: Separating out interviewer and

stimulus effects in comparisons of face-to-face and telephone surveys. Proceedings of the Social Research

Methods Section of the American Statistical Association.

Stewart K, Gill P, Treasure E, Chadwick B. Understanding about food among 6-11 year olds in South

Wales. Food Culture Society 2006; 9: 317-333.

Silverman D. Doing qualitative research. London: Sage Publications, 2000.

_______________ __________________ Thesis Supervisor Head Research IURC

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