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  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Shipping Finance in a Swiftly Changing MarketRodricks Wong, Marine Money Asia

    4th Annual Hong Kong Ship Finance Forum 18 March 2011

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition A Mixed Bag of Signals

    A few Green Shoots of Recovery in the Industry

    - The worlds largest ship financer, HSH Nordbank, remains fully committed to shipping

    and returned to profit territory in 2010. The bank generated earnings before

    restructuring of EUR 545 million (USD 722 million)

    - The bank is now ready for new shipping loans with new or existing clients of up to

    EUR 1.5 billion (USD 2 billion)

    - Transport finance specialist bank DVB reported the best year of its history in 2010,

    having posted consolidated net income before taxes of EUR 131.1 million, a 51.4%

    increase over the previous year's figure of EUR 86.6 million

    - The bank repaired 88 loan facilities of USD 2.4 billion with over USD 300 million over

    the past two years and grew its ship lending book 4.6% to USD 13.7 billion in 2010 from

    USD 13.1 billion

    - Deutsche Banks ship-financing business generated income before income taxes of

    EUR 76.5 million, 30.1% higher than in 2009

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition A Mixed Bag of Signals

    A few Green Shoots of Recovery in the Industry

    - Standard Chartered Bank may have only re-entered the shipping finance market in

    recent years, it has been actively growing its shipping book estimated to be around

    USD 1.5 billion

    - At the end of last year, the bank established its ship leasing division, which has inked

    up to four deals around USD 400 million in less than six months

    - In June 2010 Standard Chartered Bank also closed a RMB 150 million (USD 22 million)

    facility for Shanghai Greenland Energy (Group) Co Ltd to provide it with post delivery

    financing for the acquisition of two handysize newbuildings as part ofthe companys

    overall expansion into the energy sector

    - This was the first RMB denominated, Chinese flagged, Chinese-documented shipping

    finance transaction undertaken by a foreign bank in the Peoples Republic ofChina

    since the global financial crisis

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition A Mixed Bag of Signals

    Negative News from the European Lenders:

    - Many banks had stopped doing ship financing business and have not returned yet

    - In Britain, Lloyds Banking Group and Bank of Ireland have reportedly put their shippingportfolios up for sale. The two banks have a combined shipping loan book of over USD

    17 billion at the end of 2010

    - WestLB, once the Germanys third-largest lender, is currently going through major

    restructuring. Reported market rumours suggest that its shipping book could be up for


    - According to Lloyds List, Spanish bank Santander has moved the old Alliance &

    Leicester (estimated to be between USD 2 3 billion) shipping loan book into the non-

    core part of the bank, a move that could lead to the portfolio being sold

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition A Mixed Bag of Signals

    Some Observations

    - Prevailing uncertainty of bank debt financing supply will continue. Charter rates will remain affected by the rising

    supply of new ships, against the backdrop of excessive orderbooks across all major shipping segments

    - Even though lending activities of some banks may have declined, but that does not necessarily mean they have

    financed fewer ships. Ships cost lesser than what they used to be

    - Harsh reality for ship owners. Gone are the days when owners could get loans for 7-8 years or even longer, and

    loan spreads were less than 100 basis points

    - Typical Loan Structure Today

    - Lower Advance Ratios: Typically around 60%, but that can vary between 50 70%.

    - Shorter Terms: 5 - 6 year Tenor with 10 - 12 year Loan Profile

    - Higher Pricings: 200 400 bps, but can even go as low as 80 bps for sought-after clients

    - US and UK banks dominated the global ship finance industry in the 70s and 80s. European banks subsequently

    dominated in the 90s and 00s. And now there have been a lot of chatters on the rise of Asian banks and their

    rising prominence in global ship finance. But are the Asian banks ready?

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    New Sources of CapitalAsian Banks???
  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Asian Banks are still not Major Ship Financiers (Yet)

    - Asian banks tend to have a domestic or regional focus

    with a relatively limited role in global ship finance

    - Unless there is an intrinsic need to support the

    domestic shipbuilding sector, Asian banks generally do

    not perceive shipping as a key growth area

    - They prefer to work with existing clients and finance

    deals with Asian content. Not many Asian banks have

    been actively seeking new clients

    - The flight to safety continues. Banks appear to be

    competing aggressively one another for the same high

    quality, cash rich owners in Asia. There is a willingness

    to accept lower returns on loans for better credits

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Chinese Commercial Banks

    - Chinese commercial lenders are still very focused on financing Chinese

    projects, although we note that some are more willing to take part in

    international deals. For example, ICBC was a participant in United ArabShipping Companys recent USD 302 million term loan facility

    - Chinese lenders adopt a Duality Approach when it comes to shipping

    loans. For foreign names, they look at both the asset and corporate

    strength of the borrower. But within China, it is still largely about

    corporate lending (name lending)

    - Chinese banks want to encourage foreign shipowners to borrow inRMB, as part of the countrys effort in internationalising its currency.

    But will the foreign shipowners bite? Shipbuilding contracts in RMB??

    Hyundai Heavy Industries is said to have started paying its Chinese

    suppliers RMB. Samsung Heavy Industries is set to follow suit

    - Policy risks, the shortage and reluctance to lend in USD will continue to

    pose challenges for Chinese commercial lenders. Monetary policy in

    China is finally normalising, after two years of very loose monetarypolicy

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Chinese ECAs and Government Supported Shipping Funds to Provide

    Massive Liquidity

    - China Exim, Sinosure and China Development Bank will continue to

    support the domestic shipbuilding industry

    - Sinosure for example closed its first ever European ship export

    transaction with mandated lead arrangers BNP Paribas, Societe Generale

    and Bank of China in November 2010. J. Lauritzen secured a USD 267

    million ten year facility to refinance five MR tankers and two LNG tankers

    - Chinese banks are also planning to provide Greek ship owners with as

    much as USD 10 billion in financing to purchase Chinese built vessels

    - But at the same time, there will be more focus on domestic ship owners.

    China Exim plans to increase the proportion of its lending portfolio to

    Chinese owners from 10% to 33% over the next two years.

    - Chinese shipowners account for at least 40% of new orders placed at

    Chinese shipyards today

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Chinese ECAs and Government Supported Shipping Funds to Provide Massive Liquidity

    China Exim Transactions in 2010

    Shipping Company Amount

    (USD M)



    Danaos 203 Greek owner secured approval for a USD 203.4 million Sinosure backed credit facility from Citi andChina Exim Bank. The funds will be ultilised for the financing of three 8,530 teu boxships, currently

    under construction at Shanghai Jiangnan Changxing Heavy Industry

    Diana Shipping 83 70% financing for the acquisition of two 206,000 dwt dry bulk carriers, to be built at China

    Shipbuilding Trading Company and Shanghai Jiangnan-Changxing

    Angelicoussis Group 111 Financing of Chinese built dry bulk carriers



    65 USD 64.7 million buyer's credit for the construction of two 115,000 dwt bulk carriers at Jiangsu

    New Century Shipbuilding. Sinosure provided the export credit

    Bourbon 400 12 year credit facility for the construction of vessels ordered at Sino-Pacific Shipbuilding

    Africa and Middle East

    Ethiopian Shipping


    235 80% financing for 7x multipurpose vessels and 2x product tankers at China's Taizhou Kouan

    Shipbuilding with Sinosure

    Oman Shipping Undisclos


    Financing of 4x 400,000 dwt VLOCs to be built at Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industries. The ships

    reported cost USD 483 million

    National Iranian

    Tanker Company

    1,112 90% financing with other Chinese banks for the financing of 12 Chinese built VLCCs

    South America

    Vale 1,230 13 year term loan together with Bank of China to provide 80% financing of the construction oftwelve VLOCs ordered at Jiangsu Rongsheng Heavy Industries

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Chinese ECAs and Government Supported Shipping Funds to Provide

    Massive Liquidity

    - Within one year, Chinas first shipping fund - China Ship Fund signed

    shipbuilding contracts for 45 vessels with total investment amounting toover RMB 15 billion (USD 2.3 billion)

    - The fund seeks to a) fulfill the countrys pressing need for self-sufficiency in

    maritime transportation and b) assist domestic shipping companies to go

    global and become international players

    - Shanghai is also planning to launch its own shipping fund with Guotai

    Junan Securities, China Shipping Group, Shanghai State-Owned AssetsOperation Co and Hongkou District State-owned Assets Operation Co

    - The shipping fund hopes to raise as much as RMB 5 billion (USD 760

    million) in the first round of fundraising with an eventual target of RMB 50

    billion (USD 7.6 billion)

    - China is among the few countries in the world with the potential to build,

    finance her own vessels and have her own cargoes to carry

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Japanese Regional Banks Are Stepping Up Ship Financing Activities

    - Japanese mega banks have limited room for fresh shipping loans, having aggressively financed Japanese

    owners during the boom

    - Traditional lenders have become more cautious as a result of the sharp appreciation of Yen against USD,rising operating costs incurred by ship-owners and foreign charterer defaults

    - These experienced lenders are now exploring the possibility of working together with other regional

    banks that are unfamiliar to the industry on syndicated transactions

    - BTMU, together with regional banks Chukyo Bank and Musashino Bank, recently extended a JPY 2.9

    billion (USD 35.6 million) loan to finance the construction of a 58,000-dwt Handymax bulker

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Japanese Regional Banks Are Stepping Up to the Plate

    - Five regional banks - Iyo Bank, Ehime Bank, Hiroshima Bank, Fukuoka Bank and Chugoku Bank have a

    combined JPY 1.1 trillion (USD 13.5 billion)

    - But again, liquidity is very much reserved for the domestic shipowners

    Regional Japanese Banks Active in Ship Financing

    Regional Bank Outstanding Shipping Loans Lending Preferences Remarks

    Iyo Bank JPY 424.1 billion (USD 5.16

    billion) as at 31 March 2010

    Mainly regional established

    shipowners in Japan

    Largest regional ship financier that

    focuses more on corporate finance

    Ehime Bank JPY 255 billion (USD 3.11


    Domestic Owners on

    corporate finance basis

    First regional bank to complete a

    syndicated shipping transaction


    JPY 229.5 billion (USD 2.79billion) as at 31 March 2010

    Domestic Owners will begiven priority

    First regional bank to established aspecialized shipping division

    Chugoku Bank Currently around JPY 100

    billion (USD 1.22 billion)

    Domestic Operators and

    shipowners who have fleet

    replacement needs

    Completed its first syndicated

    shipping loan in 2006 for Tanba Kisen

    Fukuoka Bank Currently around JPY 100

    billion (USD 1.22 billion)

    Domestic Owners Building up its shipping loan portfolio

    by reaching out to domestic owners in

    Oita and Ehime Prefectures

    Source: Marine Net, Marine Money
  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Global Ship Finance in Transition Asian Banks

    Likewise, Korean Banks are Domestically Focused

    - Shipping finance exposure of Korean Financial Institutions stood at USD 12 billion as at May 2009

    - With the exception of Korea Development Bank. Korean banks are not major ship finance providers

    2008 Shipping Portfolio League Table (Korea)

    Source: KDB Survey Data

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    New Sources of CapitalCapital Markets?

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Asian Shipping Bond Volume Falls 46% in 2010

    - Total shipping bond volume in Asia has surprisingly

    declined at a larger pace than expected, down by

    close to 46% to USD 4.1 billion last year from

    USD 7.6 billionthe year before

    - The sharp decline can be attributed to the following


    1. 2009 was an exceptional year

    2. The bond market can only be accessed by a limited

    number of shipping companies in Asia. Many of them

    replenished their balance sheets in 2009, and hence

    there was less need for more bond issues




    Hong Kong






    Source: Marine Money

    Asian Shipping Bond Issues by Country

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping






    75 53



    230 170386

    123 125 52

    2009 2010

    Asian Shipping Bond Volume Falls 46% in 2010 from USD 7.6 billion to USD 4.1 billion

    Source: Marine Money

    Figures in USD millions

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) Maturity

    Hanjin Shipping 24/05/2010 KRW 250 billion 5.6% 3 24/05/2013

    Hanjin Shipping 24/05/2010 KRW 100 billion 6.6% 5 24/05/2015

    Hanjin Shipping 17/02/2010 KRW 220 billion 6.95% 3 17/02/2013

    Hyundai Merchant Marine 22/10/2010 KRW 280 billion 5.2% 3 22/10/2013

    Hyundai Merchant Marine 22/10/2010 KRW 170 billion 6.2% 5 22/10/2015Hyundai Merchant Marine 14/05/2010 KRW 200 billion 6.71% 3 14/05/2013

    Hyundai Merchant Marine 14/05/2010 KRW 200 billion 7.3% 4 14/05/2014

    Hyundai Merchant Marine 08/02/2010 KRW 260 billion 7.0% 3 08/02/2013

    Korea Line 30/11/2010 KRW 40 billion 6.8% 1 30/11/2011

    Korea Line 08/06/2010 KRW 50 billion 7.45% 2 08/06/2012

    SK Shipping 06/07/2010 KRW 70 billion 5.7% 3 06/07/2013

    SK Shipping 19/03/2010 USD 100 million Floating 3 09/03/2013

    STX Pan Ocean 27/10/2010 KRW 200 billion 4.9% 3 27/10/2013

    STX Pan Ocean 12/03/2010 KRW 200 billion 6.8% 3 12/03/2013

    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    Source: Marine Money, DnB NOR Markets, Bloomberg

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 1.8 billion

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: USD 2.9 billion

    Top Issuer in 2010: Hyundai Merchant Marine

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) MaturityChina COSCO Holdings 06/09/2010 RMB 5 billion 4.35% 10 06/09/2020

    China Shipping Group 21/04/2010 RMB 2.5 billion 3.87% 3 21/04/2013

    COSCO Shipping 28/04/2010 RMB 600 million 4.48% 5 30/04/2015

    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 1.2 billion

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: USD 2.4 billion

    Top Issuer in 2010: China COSCO Holdings

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: -

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: USD 1.8 billion

    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) Maturity

    Ezra Holdings 21/5/2010 SGD 50 million 4.78% 3 21/5/2013

    Neptune Orient Lines 9/9/2010 SGD 280 million 4.65% 10 9/9/2020

    Swiber Holdings 31/8/2010 SGD 110 million 5.75% 2 31/8/2012

    Swiber Holdings 11/10/2010 SGD 80 million 5.80% 3 11/10/2013

    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 386 million

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: USD 350 million

    Top Issuer in 2010: Neptune Orient Lines

    Source: Marine Money, DnB NOR Markets, Bloomberg

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Source: Marine Money, DnB NOR Markets, Bloomberg

    2010 Shipping Bond Issue

    Hong Kong

    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) Maturity

    Pacific Basin Shipping 12/4/2010 USD 230 million 1.75% 6 12/4/2016

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 230 million

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: -

    Top Issuer in 2010: Pacific Basin Shipping

    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) Maturity

    Shih Wei Navigation 14/1/2010 TWD 450 million Zero 5 14/1/2015

    Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 500 million 1.42% 5 20/5/2015

    Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 500 million 1.42% 5 20/5/2015

    Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 1 billion 1.42% 5 20/5/2015Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 500 million 1.42% 5 20/5/2015

    Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 500 million 1.42% 5 20/5/2015

    Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 500 million 1.42% 5 20/5/2015

    Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 500 million 1.42% 5 20/5/2015

    Yang Ming Marine Transport 20/5/2010 TWD 1 billion 1.42% 5 20/5/2015

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 170 million

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: -Top Issuer in 2010: Yang Ming Marine

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) Maturity

    Thoresen Thai Agencies 9/7/2010 THB 2 billion 3.60% 5 9/7/2015

    Thoresen Thai Agencies 9/7/2010 THB 2 billion 3.82% 7 29/6/2017

    Source: Marine Money, DnB NOR Markets, Bloomberg

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 123 million

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: USD 75 million

    Top Issuer in 2010: Thoresen Thai Agencies

    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) Maturity

    Berlian Laju Tanker 10/02/2010 USD 125 million 12% 5 10/02/2015

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 125 million

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: USD 53 million

    Top Issuer in 2010: Berlian Laju Tanker

    2010 Shipping Bond Issue


    Company Date of Issuance Amount Interest rates Tenor (years) Maturity

    Vietnam National Shipping

    LinesAug-10 VND 1 trillion

    14.5% for the first year

    and floating rates then


    3 Aug-13

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2010: USD 52 million

    Total Shipping Bond Volume in 2009: -

    Top Issuer in 2010: Vietnam National Shipping Lines

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Shipping Equity Raised in Asia rose 36.8% in 2010

    - Total shipping equity raised in Asia has rose by close to 36.8% to USD 3.9 billion last year from USD 2.8

    billion the year before

    - MISC concluded 2010s largest equity offering by concluding its mega RM 5.2 billion (USD 1.5 billion) rightsissue

    - Moving forward, market sentiments are likely to remain fragile. From high oil prices and turmoil in the Middle

    East to the euro zone crisis, a slowing Chinese economy and the disaster in Japan, shipping companies should

    expect a bumpy ride in their quest for capital

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    In conclusion

    - There are signs of improvement in the banking market, but capital remains short in supply worldwide

    - Asian bank are gradually playing a greater role in ship finance, but it will take some time before they become

    significant capital providers for the shipping sector. Capital is largely reserved for their domestic clients

    - Capital markets offer fund raising opportunities, but the outlook remains cautious

  • 7/30/2019 Finance Shipping


    Thank You!

    The information and data in this presentation relating to the international ship finance industry are taken from Marine Money Internationals databases and other sources

    available in the public domain. Marine Money Internationals methodologies for collecting information and data, and therefore the information discussed in this section, may

    differ from those of other sources, and does not reflect all or even necessarily a comprehensive set of the actual transactions occurring in the ship finance and maritime


    Rodricks Wong, Financial Analyst

    Marine Money Asia

    [email protected]

    +65 6222 9456

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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