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Page 1: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Final Exam Review

Page 2: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the:

A. science of mental life.

B. study of consciousness and unconscious activity.

C. scientific study of observable behavior.

D. scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Page 3: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

A: Science of mental life

Page 4: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Who would be most likely to agree with the statement, “Psychology should investigate only behaviors that can be observed”?

A. Wilhelm Wundt

B. Sigmund Freud

C. John B. Watson

D. William James

Page 5: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C John Watson

Page 6: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Today, psychology is defined as the:

A. scientific study of mental phenomena.

B. scientific study of conscious and unconscious activity.

C. scientific study of behavior.

D. scientific study of behavior and mental processes.

Page 7: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D Scientific study of behaviors and mental processes

Page 8: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which of the following exemplifies the issue of the relative importance of nature and nurture on our behavior?

A. the issue of the relative influence of biology and experience on behavior

B. the issue of the relative influence of rewards and punishments on behavior

C. the debate as to the relative importance of heredity and instinct in determining behavior

D. the debate as to whether mental processes are a legitimate area of scientific study

Page 9: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

A: The issue of the relative influence of biology and experience on behavior

Page 10: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Theories are defined as:

A. testable propositions.

B. factors that may change in response to manipulation.

C. statistical indexes.

D. principles that help to organize, predict, and explain facts.

Page 11: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D Principles that help to organize, predict, and explain facts

Page 12: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

What is the mean of the following distribution of scores: 2, 3, 7, 6, 1, 4, 9, 5, 8, 2?

A. 5

B. 4

C. 4.7

D. 3.7

Page 13: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C 4.7

Page 14: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Collectivist cultures:

A. give priority to the goals of their groups.

B. value the maintenance of social harmony.

C. foster social interdependence.

D. are characterized by all of the above.

Page 15: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D Are characterized by all of the above

Page 16: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Unlike _____ twins, who develop from a single fertilized egg, _____ twins develop from separate fertilized eggs.

A. fraternal; identical

B. identical; fraternal

C. placental; nonplacental

D. nonplacental; placental

Page 17: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B identical; fraternal

Page 18: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

10. Heartbeat, digestion, and other self-regulating bodily functions are governed by the: A. voluntary nervous system. B. autonomic nervous system. C. sympathetic division nervous system of the autonomic nervous system. D. somatic nervous system.

Page 19: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B Autonomic Nervous System

Page 20: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

The axons of certain neurons are covered by a layer of fatty tissue that helps speed neural transmission. This tissue is:

A. the glia.

B. myelin sheath.

C. acetylcholine.

D. an endorphin.

Page 21: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B myelin sheath.

Page 22: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Damage to _____ will usually cause a person to lose the ability to comprehend language.

A. the angular gyrus

B. Broca’s area

C. Wernicke’s area

D. frontal lobe association areas

Page 23: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C Wernicke’s area

Page 24: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

A decrease in sensory responsiveness accompanying an unchanging stimulus is called: A. sensory fatigue. B. accommodation. C. sensory adaptation. D. sensory interaction.

Page 25: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C Sensory Adaptation

Page 26: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

The size of the pupil is controlled by the:

A. lens.

B. retina.

C. cornea.

D. iris.

Page 27: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D Iris

Page 28: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

During which stage of sleep does the body experience increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and genital arousal?

A. Stage 2

B. Stage 3

C. Stage 4

D. REM sleep

Page 29: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D REM Sleep

Page 30: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which of the following is not a theory of dreaming mentioned in the text?

A. Dreams facilitate information processing.

B. Dreaming stimulates the developing brain.

C. Dreams result from random neural activity originating in the brainstem.

D. Dreaming is an attempt to escape from social stimulation.

Page 31: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D Dreaming is an attempt to escape from social stimulation.

Page 32: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

In Pavlov’s original experiment with dogs, the tone was initially a(n) _______ stimulus; after it was paired with meat, it became a(n) _______ stimulus.

A. conditioned; neutral

B. neutral; conditioned

C. conditioned; unconditioned

D. unconditioned; conditioned

Page 33: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B neutral; conditioned

Page 34: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

The type of learning associated with Skinner is:

A. classical conditioning.

B. operant conditioning.

C. respondent conditioning.

D. observational learning.

Page 35: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B operant conditioning.

Page 36: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which of the following is not a requirement of a good test?

A. reliability

B. standardization

C. reification

D. Validity

Page 37: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C reification

Page 38: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Our short-term memory span is approximately _______ items.

A. 2

B. 5

C. 7

D. 10

Page 39: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C 7

Page 40: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

One way to increase the amount of information in memory is to group it into larger, familiar units. This process is referred to as:

A. consolidating.

B. organization.

C. encoding.

D. chunking.

Page 41: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D chunking.

Page 42: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Before about age of _______, intelligence tests generally do not predict future scores.

A. 1

B. 3

C. 5

D. 10

Page 43: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C 5

Page 44: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

In Piaget’s stage of concrete operational intelligence, the child acquires an understanding of the principle of:

A. conservation.

B. deduction.

C. attachment.

D. object permanence.

Page 45: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D object permanence.

Page 46: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

24. Which of the following is the correct order of psychosexual stages proposed by Freud? A. oral; anal; phallic; latency; genital B. anal; oral; phallic; latency; genital C. oral; anal; genital; latency; phallic D. anal; oral; genital; latency; phallic

Page 47: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.


Page 48: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which of the following places the greatest emphasis on the unconscious mind?

A. the humanistic perspective

B. the social-cognitive perspective

C. the trait perspective

D. the psychoanalytic perspective

Page 49: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D the psychoanalytic perspective

Page 50: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which of the following is a difference between a drive and a need?

A. Needs are learned; drives are inherited.

B. Needs are physiological states; drives are psychological states.

C. Drives are generally stronger than needs.

D. Needs are generally stronger than drives.

Page 51: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B Needs are physiological states; drives are psychological states

Page 52: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Increases in insulin will:

A. lower blood sugar and trigger hunger.

B. raise blood sugar and trigger hunger.

C. lower blood sugar and trigger satiety.

D. raise blood sugar and trigger satiety.

Page 53: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

A lower blood sugar and trigger hunger.

Page 54: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Of the following categories of psychotherapy, which is known for its nondirective nature?

A. psychoanalysis

B. humanistic therapy

C. behavior therapy

D. cognitive therapy

Page 55: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B humanistic therapy

Page 56: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

The leading cause of death in North America is:

A. lung cancer.


C. coronary heart disease.

D. alcohol-related accidents.

Page 57: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C coronary heart disease.

Page 58: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

The Cannon-Bard theory of emotion states that:

A. emotions have two ingredients: physical arousal and a cognitive label.

B. the conscious experience of an emotion occurs at the same time as the body’s physical reaction.

C. emotional experiences are based on an awareness of the body’s responses to an emotion arousing stimulus.

D. emotional ups and downs tend to balance in the long run.

Page 59: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C emotional experiences are based on an awareness of the body’s responses to an emotion arousing stimulus.

Page 60: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Emotions consist of which of the following components?

A. physiological reactions

B. behavioral expressions

C. conscious feelings

D. all the above

Page 61: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D all the above

Page 62: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Researchers Friedman and Rosenman refer to individuals who are very time-conscious, super-motivated, verbally aggressive, and easily angered as:

A. ulcer-prone personalities.

B. cancer-prone personalities.

C. Type A.

D. Type B.

Page 63: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C Type A.

Page 64: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Behavioral and medical knowledge about factors influencing health form the basis of the field of:

A. health psychology.

B. holistic medicine.

C. behavioral medicine.

D. osteopathic medicine.

Page 65: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

B holistic medicine.

Page 66: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which of the following is the most pervasive of the psychological disorders?

A. depression

B. schizophrenia

C. bipolar disorder

D. generalized anxiety disorder

Page 67: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D generalized anxiety disorder

Page 68: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which of the following is not true regarding schizophrenia?

A. It occurs more frequently in people born in winter and spring months.

B. It occurs less frequently as infectious disease rates have declined.

C. It occurs more frequently in lightly populated areas.

D. It usually appears during adolescence or early adulthood.

Page 69: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C It occurs more frequently in lightly populated areas.

Page 70: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Which biomedical therapy is most likely to be practiced today?

A. psychosurgery

B. electroconvulsive therapy

C. drug therapy

D. Counterconditioning

Page 71: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C drug therapy

Page 72: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Most people prefer mirror-image photographs of their faces. This is best explained by:

A. the principle of equity.

B. the principle of self-disclosure.

C. the mere exposure effect.

D. mirror-image perceptions.

Page 73: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

C the mere exposure effect

Page 74: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

Research studies indicate that in an emergency situation, the presence of others often

A. prevents people from even noticing the situation.

B. prevents people from interpreting an unusual event as an emergency.

C. prevents people from assuming responsibility for assisting.

D. leads to all the above.

Page 75: Final Exam Review. In its earliest days, psychology was defined as the: of mental life. of consciousness and unconscious activity. C.scientific.

D leads to all the above.

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