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  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


    Q.1 Correct

    Attempts to achieve teamwork, empowerment, and diversity can succeed only if:

    1.leaders follow the principles and practices of the industrial era.2.leaders value change over stability, control, competition, and uniformity (your answer)

    3.managers want to treat people the way they treat machines or the bottom line.

    4.leaders hire people who think and work alike.

  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


    Q.2 Correct

    Era 2 sees the emergence of:

    1.severe global competition

    2.hierarchy and bureaucracy (your answer)

    3.Pre-industrial and pre-bureaucratic society.

    4.constant change

    Q.3 Correct

    A learning leader emphasizes:


    2.relationships (your answer)

    3.competition within the organiation

    4.rational management

    Q.4 Correct

    Identify the characteristics that most closely ties to leadership, rather than management


    very (your answer)

    3.developing effective policies


    Q.5 Incorrect

    !hen reading "In the #ead: $cotty %uete, &niversity of 'aryland errapins", his coach

    elieved his team was his:

    1.self-confidence (your answer)


    3.humbleness "correct answer#


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


    Q.6 Correct

    "*igh+*igh" leadership ehavior is generally considered desirale ecause:

    1.they will emphasie task-oriented priorities over employee-oriented priorities

    2.they will display concern for both people and production(your answer)

    3.they will display concern for people over production

    4.their emphasis will be on developing strict policies and procedures for employees to always

    Q.7 Incorrect

    !hen reading "#eadership evelopment: -ases for Analysis+ # !oodside, $unshine

    $nacks", his effective director is:

    1.his micromanagement style that does not take into account the needs of employees.

    2.his lack of technical competence in performing research and development tasks

    3.his aloof manner is dealing with other workers (your answer)

    4.ensuring that he is not undermined by %armon &avis, who was passed over for the 'ob. "correctanswer#

    Q.8 Incorrect


    1.are not used to distinguish between personality traits

    2.are often used to determine whether a leader will be effective or not "correct answer#

    3.does not involve evaluating the educational background of a leadership candidate (your answer)

    4.are used to describe followers, but not leaders

    Q.9 Correct

    he .o+centered leader focuses on:

    1.accomplishing a task at a slow, deliberate rate

    2.empowering the skills of employees

    3.interacting with employees on a regular basis

    4.operating at a high level of efficiency (your answer)

  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


    Q.10 Incorrect

    %ecoming an effective leader re/uires all E0-E1:


    discovering your own uni(ue strengths (your answer)

    2.not possessing any weaknesses or deficiencies "correct answer#

    3.discovering your capabilities

    4.learning how to make the most of your strengths

    Q.11 Correct

    After reading "In he #ead: -arole 'craw: etroit 1ulic $chools", we learned that:

    1.all teachers must have a uniform teaching strategy to ensure all students learn.

    2.students re(uire more freedom with little direction in order to successful.

    3.students in &etroit Public )chools lack confidence and ability, so telling style would be moreappropriate.

    4.students have diverse needs that would benefit from both a telling and participating style. (youranswer)

    Q.12 Incorrect

    After reading the "#eadership evelopment: -ase of Analysis+identify the

    1.*e learned that it is never wise to allow employees to take advantage of improving their professionaldevelopment skills through seminars

    2.+arry ibsons performance was initially subpar, but he showed improvement at the end. (youranswer)

    3.ibsons professional development beyond work started to negatively affect his performance on the'ob "correct answer#


    +arry ibson supervised en /sborne

    Q.13 Correct

    *ighly educated, profession suordinates who know their tasks do not need a leader his

    is an e3ample of

    1.path-goal theory

    2.a neutralier

    3.moderately readiness of subordinates


  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


    a substitute for leadership (your answer)

    Q.14 Incorrect

    Identify the leadership style concept that ties most closely with the 4hio $tate study

    1.initiating structure leader "correct answer#

    2.0ountry 0lub anagement

    3.'ob-centered leader

    4.employee-centered leader (your answer)

    Q.15 Incorrect

    In applying *ersey and %lanchard5s $ituational heory, leaders should give the most

    influence to their

    1.they lack confidence

    2.there is some ambiguity in the task (your answer)

    3.they are well-versed in operations and are highly-competent "correct answer#

    4.they have very little e!perience

    1. Managementis the attainment of organizational goals in an eective andecient manner through planning, organizing, stang, directing andcontrolling organizational resources.

    2. Researchers contend that some traits are essential to leadership: self-condence, honest, integrit and drive. !"R#$%

    &. 'eadership e(perts agree that eective leaders:a% )ave the courage to act on their *eliefs*% +no ho the arec% +no hat the stand ford% ll of the choices

    . 'eadershipis an in/uence relationship among leaders and folloers hointend real changes and outcomes than re/ect their shared purpose.

    0. 'eader-mem*er e(change research emphasizes that all emploees should*e managed in the same manner. !'$%

    3. 4ood leadership *rings a*out 5)64$.

    7. "he trait approach sas that anone ith the appropriate *ehaviour can*e a good leader. !'$%

    8. 9hen a leader aligns folloers, it means:

  • 7/23/2019 Final exam preparation 2015 edited (no website).docx


    a% rganizing a structure to accomplish the plan*% tang the structure ith emploeesc% ;irecting emploees and monitoring implementation of the pland% ;eveloping a shared culture

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    2?.>nitiating structure descri*es the folloing leadership *ehaviour:a% leader ho is tas@-oriented and directs su*ordinatesG or@*% leader ho is sensitive to su*ordinates and respects their ideas and


    c% leader ho see@s input from su*ordinates regarding important decisionsd% leader ho listens carefull to pro*lems

    21.ccording to R$'">6' ")$R>$, leadership is a process thatmeaningfull engages all participants and ena*les each person tocontri*ute to achieving the vision.

    22.;irecting tas@s, planning and ruling ith an iron hand is a AconsiderationBstle. !'$%

    2&.HHHHH considered if a leader acted in an autocratic or democratic mannertoard folloers and ho this correlated to leadership eectiveness.

    a% "rait theories*% >n/uence "heoriesc% 4reat Man "heoriesd% Iehaviour "heories of the most important aspects of shifting to the ne paradigm ofleadership is:

    a% #sing a hierarch of authorit*% #sing teamsc% >ntentionall using human s@illsd% ver managing

    20.5olla*orative leaders:a% 6eed e(cellent people s@ills*% re highl proactive and tenaciousc% $(hi*it e(treme /e(i*ilitd% ll of the choices

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