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Claire RothsteinPortfolio | Compilation of Work

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Front Cover Image:

"Jigsaw Women", Marker & Pencil.

Inside Cover & Table of Contents Images:

"Basics Exposed", Colored Pencil & Marker.

"...the impor-tance of self respect and the empower-ment achieved by having a happy medium between reality and a blissful state of posi-tivity."- my personal mantra

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Table of ContentsUrban Development..............1-2

Architecture Theory............3-4

Form & Function................5-6

Structure & Detail.............7-8

3 Dimensional design...........9


Black & White Photography......16-17

Digital Photography............18-19

Travel Sketches & Paintings....20

Professional Work..............21-24

Curriculum Vitae...............25-26

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3 Dimensional Work...

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POD Housing Development

56 Acres in the Lehigh Valley (Pennsylvania) combining various residential and commercial building types to create an environment focused on the term "community." It is through the shared ideolo-gies of the inhabitants that sustainable living can be achieved. Ideally speaking, the residents of the POD community would go through an interview process to establish such a dynamic.

sustainability through community dynamic...

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An attempt to blend the Pennsylvania suburban desires of a car and a single-family home with environmentally con-scious living; driving roads and pedes-trian-only streets were intertwined. PODs were designed in an interlocking mesh to add variety and character to the layout.

Spring 2009

Renderings Created on RevitArchitecture 2009

Model: Stained & Painted Bass Wood & Illustration Board

The POD concept is a unit of 6 row houses with which the front of the homes facing a shared garden area, recycling center, and bike path; while the garage door is on the back, towards the street. The center of the POD becomes the heart of the micro-community within the 6 homes. The entire development is planned around its own city-center which includes park areas, water-front restaurants and shops, and a farmer's market.

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Solitude & Fortification

A free-form shape was created by imprinting a random object (the plastic casing of compressed charcoal) into a 3x3 clay block. Two-dimensional studies of line created by the imprint were conducted with pencil-on-mylar (left).

a more theoretical approach...

Movement and mechanism was then incorporated to design a second 3-dimensional study.

A three-dimensional extrusion of those same lines was designed by adhering to the following guidelines:

- Block must be elevated. - Each construction made must stay true to the guides created by the line-extension studies.- Aesthetics take priority over function.

Movement of 2nd Model

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Finally, the last model was built by hand, at an increased scale of 1 inch equaling 1 foot, resulting in a fully functioning, 6-ft. long, and 3-ft. tall, moving structure.

Thirdly, a developmental drawing method was used to design a functional structure/machine. The drawing resulted in a 5 ft. scroll with the intent of mimicking the design methods of Leonardo da Vinci.

Fall 2008

After extensive study the project took the direction towards an environment ideal for a solitary and independent existence.

Drawings: Pencil on MylarModel 1: Bass Wood, Glue, Clay-BlockModel 2: Bass Wood, Glue, Mylar, NailsModel 3: Bass Wood, Glue, Screws, Nails, Plexi-Glass, Metal Flashing, Wire Mesh

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Spring 2008

Calder Museumdesigning for a great artist...

Model: Illustration Board, Plexi-Glass, Bass Wood

A museum designed to house the works of the sculptor, Alexander Calder. The in-tent of this museum was to contain mostly Calder's mobile sculptures that he is most famous for, especially at the end of his ca-reer. Thus, in order to display these almost 'creature-like' moving art pieces, high ceiling galleries were created.

5 galleries are in series for the 5 segments of his career as an artist.

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A Cabin in the Woods

Spring 2009

designing to inspire an artist...

Final Model: Stained Bass Wood, Plexi-Glass, Illustration Board, Copper SheetsStudy Model: Bass Wood, Plexi-Glass, Illustration Board, Metal FlashingSketches: Pencil, Marker, Colored Pencil

A small house in the middle of the Pocono Woods of Pennsyl-vania created for an environmentally conscious artist looking for a silent sanctuary. Since the home would only be used a few weeks at a time, only the basic necessities were includ-ed. Surrounded by a thick forest, even with floor-to-ceiling glass, ample privacy can be achieved.

The design process began with a series of sketches (top left) which resulted in a full scale practice model (below).

To take advantage of the strongest sun, the entire northern face of the cabin is equipped with solar cell embedded glass.

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Fall 2008

Group Project with Carey Moran

The boat & house elevation were independently drawn, while the plan & model was a combined effort.

learning through history...

Model: Collected Sticks, Strings, Hay

Drawings: Pencil & Colored Pencil

Ganvié Dwelling Study

A study of the cultural significance and structural design of pile dwellings on Lake Nokwé, located on the southern coast of Ganvié, Be-nin; an entire community that revolves around the fishing industry.

The model was built in the same method that it is built in reality, tying individual sticks together as the base struc-ture and using hay and other organic material as insulation.

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Spring 2009

Model: Illustration Board, Stained Bass Wood, Copper Sheets, Plexi-Glass, Aluminum Piping

learning through deconstruction...

A structurally detailed model of an environmentally con-scious three - story row house

The section model was built with construction methods in mind. Each sub-layer and detail element was represented accordingly.

Row House

The house was designed with the modern method of rain-screen building. With three vastly dif-ferent sidings: copper, wood, and a live earthen wall; each is attached to the surface using metal clips to decrease the level of structural wear and weathering

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pop-up 3D design...


Nightmare Birds

Spring 2007

Pop-Up: Paper & Rubber Cement

A three dimensional expression in the form of a pop-up. A little girl's nightmare (very much influenced by a personal dream experi-ence) of vicious and dangerous birds.

Only the birds themselves are made of colored paper to attract attention and emphasize the ex-perience and fear of the child.

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2 Dimensional Work...

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simple shapes & colors...


Clockwise From Left...

"Calme et Violet", Drawing Ink & Pencil"Dormir en Jaune", Marker & Pencil"Dormir en Gris", Marker & Pencil

Spring 2009

An independent project focusing on human figures that have been reduced to their basic curvilin-ear shapes. Drawing directly from live figure models, each drawing was done in less than 20 min-utes initially using pencil and followed by thick markers. The goal was to achieve depth and form by eliminating detail and ornament.

Pen & Ink Drawings

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From Left to Right...

"A Bloody Colorful Mess", Drawing Ink & Pencil"Enormously Subtle", Marker & Pencil"Tres Chicas", Marker & Pencil

Note: The drawings on the Front & Back Covers of this portfolio are also included in this same study.

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the beauty of nature’s curves...


Spring 2009

This Page, Clockwise From Top Left...

"Highlighted Seated Figure", Drawing Ink & Pencil"Highlighted Sleeper", Marker, Pencil, Charcoal Pencil"Faceless & Seated", Graphite Crayon"Faceless & Standing", Compressed Charcoal"Standing Nude", Pencil, Colored Pencil

A project focused on drawing from live models using various materials. Each drawing was done under 15 minutes focusing on the subtlety of line and shadow. No color was incorporated except for a few neutral skin tones.

Figure Drawings

Facing Page, Clockwise From Top Left...

"Charcoal Figure 1", Compressed Charcoal"Charcoal Figure 2", Compressed Charcoal"Absentminded", Vine Charcoal"Lying About", Graphite Crayon

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additional 2 dimensional studies...

Summer 2007 - Spring 2009More Drawings...

An assortment of drawings over the last few years where I have experimented with various materials and methods.

Clockwise From Top Left...

"Bill Jones", Vine Charcoal & Pastel"A Night On The Town", Colored Pencil"Collective Fashion", Pastel"Handy Purses", Pen & Water Color"Samantha Rivera", Vine Charcoal

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From Left to Right...

"Erratically Thinking", Pastel Pencil"Erratically Asleep", Pastel Pencil"Erratically Sitting", Pastel Pencil

A short figure project that stud-ied the chaos of line and color to form a solid and identifiable figure. Each drawing was drawn under 15 minutes and from a live model.

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satin, cupcakes, & graveyards...

Spring 2009Black & White Photography

All photos were taken for a black and white analog pho-tography class.

The 5 photos on this page are from a single project that focused on the social connotations of the word, "girlie". The four models were dressed in feminine fabrics and prints, and of course, all dresses. The goal was for them to look innocent, helpless, and scared.

The photos on the opposite page are a random assort-ment from the other proj-ects in the class.

Clockwise From Top Left...

"Les Trois Filles""Un Fille Seule""Les Filles Ensembles""Deux Filles"

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Clockwise From Top Left...

"Eleanore 1""Eleanore 2""Lonely Puppies""Cupcake""Grave""Carey"

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Punta del Este, Uruguay


travel photography...

Winter 2008 - Fall 2009Digital Photography

Bahia, Brazil

Bahia, Brazil

Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay

All photos were taken on independent trips throughout Uruguay, Colorado, Germany, and Brazil. Each photo was digitally shot and then edited using Adobe photo editing software.

Clockwise From Top Left...

"Amarillo""Sunset at the Vineyard""Bananas for Breakfast""Doorway to Bahia"

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Clockwise From Top Left...

"Colorado Landscape""Arturo""Candlelit Dinner"

Bahia, Brazil

Punta del Este, Uruguay

Gunnison, Colorado, USA

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from Europe to Latin America...

Travel Sketches & Paintings

All drawings and sketchbook entries are either pen or gauche and pen.


Drawings and small paintings from a few places that I have visited over the last few years. The small paintings on the left, which are in a single column, were painted us-ing only the colors of the Brazilian flag. Inspired when I was traveling throughout the country, I chose to limit myself since those colors (even the ones in the crest in the center of the flag) accurately expressed the ambience and energy of the country.

Cordoba, Uruguay

Brussels, Belgium

Budapest, Hungary

Berlin, Germany

Berlin, Germany Salvador, Brazil

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Professional Work...

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Vivienda Barreira

A house built in 1941 by the architect Roman Fresnedo Siri, in the center of Montevideo. The new owner, our cli-ent, desired to convert the house into offices for a Uru-guayan branch of his Italian company.

preserving & designing...

Over the years the house had been inhabited by both the Venezuelan Embassy and the offices of the Euro-pean Union. With each of these occupants, additions and changes to the building were made.

Carlos Siccardi & Assoc.ArquitectosBvar. Espana 281111300Montevideo, Uruguay

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Fall 2009


Digital Renderings Created on RevitArchitecture 2010Hand Drawn Rendering: Pencil & MarkerPlans Created on AutoCAD 2006

As the intern architect at Carlos Siccardi & Associates, I was put in charge of a team to propose a new design of the house. The final design was to keep the original structure of the house, while all new additions would be made of glass. This would create more interior spaces while still drawing attention to Siri's original design.

The client requested that the original plan of the house be respected as well as adding a completely modern office layout.

All renderings, graphics, photographs and technical drawings shown are my own work.

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Casa Rodó

A house originally owned by the Uruguayan essayist, José Enrique Rodó (15 July 1872 - May 1917), with only the facade being salvageable. The project was to design a structure for the new offices of the European Union Embassy in Montevideo, Uruguay.

highest grade of preservation...

The original 3-story facade shall be preserved while a 5-story glass structure shall be placed at a distance behind.

The building includes a cafe, small library, computer center, conference rooms, audi-torium, atrium, executive and administrative offices, patio, and rooftop garden.

Carlos Siccardi & Assoc.ArquitectosBvar. Espana 281111300Montevideo, Uruguay

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Fall 2009

Renderings Created on RevitArchitecture 2010

Technical Drawings Created on AutoCAD 2006

As the Intern Architect for Carlos Siccardi & Associates, I helped with the design of the building and layout of the plans. All digital renderings and technical drawings shown are my own work.

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Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA; May 2009 B.A. Architecture

Field Study Participant, Lehigh in Paris; Paris, France; Summer 2008•Studied the urban development of Paris from the end of The French Revolution to present day.•Traveled Paris and its surrounding areas conducting field research of design through sketches.

1072 St. Joseph Ave | Los Altos, CA | 94024 [email protected] 415-350-2585


Intern Architect, Siccardi & Associates, Montevideo, Uruguay, September 2009 - December 2009 •Architecture Internship working on various projects from interiors to redesigning and restoring national historic structures. •Working with the European Union Representatives of Montevideo to design new headquarters. •Working in a Spanish-speaking environment.

Honored Participant, Art & Architecture Juried Art Show, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, Spring 2009 •Submitted a model of a One-Room-Cabin that was selected to be displayed in a show.

Honored Participant, Vagina Monologues Art Show, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, Spring 2009 •Three figure sketches were chosen to be on display during the show, The Vagina Monologues. •One of the sketches was sold to san attendee of the show.

Graphic Designer, Product Design Department, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, January 2007 - May 2008 •Hired by 2 product design teams to create posters and marketing presentations to present to the private companies funding their projects. •Won "Best-Poster-Design-Award" for one of the groups.

Creative Director, Epitome Yearbook, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, June 2007 - May 2008 •Designed layouts for every section while leading meetings for those sections 5 times a week. •2nd to the Editor-In-Chief; master designer on the cover.

Curriculum Vitae

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Experience cont.

Photography Editor, Epitome Yearbook, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, September 2004 - May 2007 •Awarded top Editor for the academic year 2006 - 2007.

Intern, Monsoon Gallery, Bethlehem, PA, January 2007 - December 2007 •Worked opening exhibit nights by helping customers answer questions and make purchases. •Wrote press releases and mailings for the upcoming exhibits.


Computer: Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and Flash, Java, C++, HTML, RevitArchitecture 2009 &2010 AutoCAD 2006 & 2009, ArchiCAD, Google SketchUp. Representational: Sketching, Drawing, Painting, Photography, Drafting, Model Making, Woodworking.Language: Fluency in French, Conversational Spanish and Portuguese, Literacy in Hebrew.


"BALANCE" Art and Architecture Club (position held: Co-Fundraising Chair), Women's Club Rugby (position held: Social Chair), Lehigh University Emergency Medical Support, Various Intramural Sports.

Travel Experience

Canada, Mexico, Honduras, Belize, France, England, Wales, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Vatican City, Germany, Hungary, Austria, Tunisia,Egypt, Israel, China, Japan, Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Bahamas, Turkey, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Chile, Slovakia, Bolivia, Peru.


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Claire Rothstein1072 St. Joseph Ave. Los Altos, CA94024USA

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