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Nr 3/2016 - May-June




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FIM Europe congratulates SMCFIM Europe congratulates SMCfor Road Safey activ it iesfor Road Safey activi t ies

FIM Europe at the inauguration ofFIM Europe at the inauguration ofthe new FIM Headquartersthe new FIM Headquarters









FIM Europe meets FFMFIM Europe meets FFM

Focus on: FIM Europe Focus on: FIM Europe Tour ing CommissionTouring Commission

FIM EUROPE MAGChief Editor: Fiammetta La GuidaraPhotos: Dorna, Youthstream, R. Pairan, M. Zanzani,Susanne Hüttinger,Ewa Jezak

FIM EUROPEVia Giulio Romano, 1800196 - Rome Italy E-mail: [email protected]

FIM Europe MAG #3 May-June 2016The articles published in this magazine do not neces-sarily reflect the official position of FIM Europe. The content of this publication is based on the bestknowledge and information available at the time thearticles were written.The copying of articles and photos even partially isforbidden unless permission has been requested fromFIM Europe in advance and reference is made to thesource (©FIM Europe)

European Motocross Women’sEuropean Motocross Women’sCupCup

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The Swedish MotorcyclistAssociation (SMC), which inSweden takes care of allnon-sporting motorcyclingaspects, has always beeninterested in finding waysto improve Road Safety ofSwedish motorcyclists. In the latest days, they si-gned a very important

agreement with the mostoutstanding motorcyclebrands in Swedish market,in order to give to all thebuyers of a new motorcyclethe possibility to take partto a free safe-ride trainingcourse, according to thestandards defined by ACEM(Association of European

Motorcycle Industry).«The FIM Europe considersthis initiative a very goodsample of ‘best practice’,which should be adopted asmuch as possible in all Eu-ropean contests», statedSilvio Manicardi, FIM Eu-rope second Deputy Presi-dent.

FIM Europe congratulates SMCfor Road Safety activities


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To whom it may concern

FREE Advanced Riders’ Training bun-dle with new motorcycles in Swe-den!Riding a new motorcycle will no lon-ger mean an increased accident risk

Buying a new motorcycle is usuallyassociated with great joy and happi-ness, whether you have had a mo-torcycle before, or  if  it  is  the veryfirst bike you just bought. The Swe-dish Motorcyclists Association,SMC, wants  to contribute  to keepthat nice feeling among the new ow-ners by teaching them how handlethe new motorcycle. Meanwhile therisk of being involved in an accidentis reduced.

In April 2016 there was an increasein the registration of new motorcy-cles in Sweden with 12 percent com-pared to last year. More and moreSwedes discover the joy of a life ontwo wheels. Statistics of road acci-dents,  however,  shows  that  untilnow it has been higher accident riskfor those who recently bought a mo-torcycle  compared  to  those  whoowned  the motorcycle  for  one  ormore years. About half of those whodied on a motorcycle had owned itless than a year. The cause of the ac-cident is often a lack of riding skillsand knowledge. This will be changedby SMC together with the Motorcy-cle industry by inviting every buyerof a new motorcycle to a rider trai-ning in SMC School.

Modern  motorcycles  are  oftenequipped with advanced technologysuch as advanced ABS systems, tirepressure  monitoring  system  andtraction  control.  Since  2011,  theSwedish market only provided bikeswith ABS if it was available on thecurrent  motorcycle  model.  From2016, all motorcycles above 125 cchave ABS brakes.- Modern motorcycles have develo-ped to a level we hardly thought waspossible a few years ago, when phe-nomena as wobble was still discus-sed among motorcyclists. Now thereare  chassis,  tires,  safety  systems,ABS and traction control that makesriding safer and even more fun thanbefore.- It´s not the motorcycles that causes

The text of the SMC School, whichoffers more than 250 trainingevents each year. Because «It´snot the motorcycles that causesaccidents. It´s the humans and humanerrors. When we learn to handle theamazing bikes we ride, we can enjoythem to 100 percent», says Jesper Chri-stensen, General Secretary at SMC.

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accidents.  It´s  the humansand  human  errors.  Whenwe learn to handle the ama-zing bikes we ride, we canenjoy them to 100 percent,says Jesper Christensen, Ge-neralSecretary at SMC.Therefore SMC and the mo-torcycle producers  in Swe-den  take a  comprehensivetraffic safety grip.Everyone who buys a newmotorcycle, from the mostcommon brands, gets a roadsafety education with SMC,one of the largest motorcy-cle  organizations  in  theworld with rider education.The producers in this colla-boration are: BMW, Indian,Victory,  Yamaha,  Ducati,Piaggio, Moto Guzzi, Vespa,Honda and Triumph.Christensen  adds,  this  is  amajor  investment  for  SMCwith a potential  cost peakclose to one million Euro´s,if all buyers take a trainingsession and even enjoy thefree test membership. But,our members are riding 80%of all motorcycle kilometers,so just in savings costs withless accidents may paybackin  reduced  insurance  pre-miums for our members.SMC  School  offers  morethan  250  training  eventseach  year.  SMC  has  morethan 500 trained instructorsand further more than 300persons  in  the  crew,  whowork voluntarily  for SMC's71,000 members and othermotorcyclists  to  becomesafer riders. SMC will conti-nue  to  certify  the  trainingcourses via the standard re-commended  by  the  Euro-pean motor- cycle industryACEM.Further information, pleasecontact:Sveriges  Motorcyklister  –Swedish Motorcyclist Asso-ciation, SMC  -  Jesper Chri-stensen,  [email protected]  Tel:  +46705577500.

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FIM Europe at the inaugurationof the FIM new Headquarters

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On 12 May 2016, the Fédéra-tion Internationale de Motocy-clisme (FIM) inaugurated itsnew Headquarters situated inMies (Canton de Vaud, Switzer-land).

This celebration was atten-ded by over 120 participantsincluding Members of the FIMBoard of Directors, Commis-sion Directors, Representati-ves of National Federations,

promoters, sponsors andlocal partners, as well formerchampions, members of thelocal authorities and mem-bers of the FIM Administra-tion.

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Above, the moment of the inaugu-ration of the new Headquarters. Onthe left, FIM Europe President DrWolfgang Srb with Carmelo Ezpe-leta, CEO of Dorna. Below, from theleft Enrique Aldama - Dorna COO &CFO, Anton Breznik - President ofAMZS, Nasser Khalifa Al Atya - FIMDeputy President, Dr Wolfgang Srb- FIM Europe President, and Ales-sandro Sambuco - FIM Europe Se-cretary General


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In presence of the Head ofthe Department of Eco-nomy and Sports of theCanton of Vaud, Mr Phi-lippe Leuba, PresidentVito Ippolito, accompaniedby the building’s architectAntoine Robert-Grandpierrecut the inaugural ribbon –declaring the new “Houseof Motorcycling” officiallyopened.«Upon my arrival to thepresidency of the FIM, Iwanted for our Federationa clear vision and strate-gic plan: this led to the Vi-sion 2020 with ambitiousgrowth targets. With thesignificant developmentof motorcycling and inorder to achieve its objec-tives, the expansion ofthe FIM Headquarters be-

came inevitable», statedthe President.To commemorate this uni-que day, an inaugural pla-que was unveiled andofficial speeches werepronounced in the brandnew and fully equippedAuditorium. The FIM CEO,Mr Ignacio Verneda, tookthe opportunity to high -light three key words:continuity, link and com-mitment. «Our daily com-mitment is to improve theFIM services towards theFIM family and stakehol-ders. This modern build-ing offers a comfortableworking environment pro-viding facilities to accom-modate the whole FIMfamily for any type ofmeetings or events: semi-

nars to educate our Offi-cials, commissions’ gathe-rings, conferences orexhibitions».To conclude this uniqueday, the participants hadthe opportunity to walkaround the transparentand modular new FIM buil-ding and explore the offi-ces and the exhibitionspaces around the elegantcentral staircase. A num-ber of unique vintage mo-torcycles are currently ondisplay in the building, in-cluding an Indian from1904 belonging to theFIM’s permanent collec-tion built in the year theFIM was created.

From left: Jesper Christensen , Director FIM Public Affairs Commission; Daniela Leveratto, Technical DirectorIMMA (International Motorcycle Manufacturers Association); Edwin Bastiaensen, Secretary General IMMA;Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM Europe President.


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FIM Europe meets FFM


FIM Europe is continuing itsprogramme of meetings withthe European Federations,with the aim of sharing thebest practices for administra-tion, and then to know eachother better for growing toge-ther.This process of reciprocal kno-wledge is showing that we ope-rate in a world extraordinarilyrich in commitment, passionand creativity. In fact the mee-ting with FFM, having followedthe one with SVEMO on theprevious year, has highlighted aFederation really at the height

of its history and projected to-wards the future.On May 31st, Alessandro Sam-buco and Silvia Monatti havemet, at the FFM headquartersin Paris, the President, the Ge-neral Director as well as all theStaff of the French Federation.Mr. Sébastien Poirier - Direc-teur Général FFM - has presen-ted all the structure of hisFederation and during the visitit was evident, not only theperfect organization of the of-fices, but that FFM is reallyprojected to the continuousimprovement and its staff

works with passion and flexibi-lity.A particular value is given tothe history of the Federation,as strongly wanted by its Presi-dent, Mr. Jacques Bolle. It isfor this reason that, at theFFM, you can find in the sameroom the person in charge ofthe new IT system and the onecaring the historical heritageof the Federation.Therefore an important pastfor supporting an important fu-ture!The best practice offered by

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FFM, which is common aim tobe shared with the other FMNs,is a digital management systemfor licenses and events. Theaforesaid system allow a conti-nuous and complete controlalong all the administrativeprocedures, starting from thelicense request until the mana-gement of the events.By few click, the riders, wi-thout loosing themselves in thelabyrinths of bureaucracy, areable to e nter in the Frenchsports system and get all theyneed for their agonistic or lei-sure activities.

The platform structure is veryfunctional and intuitive in allits parts.Besides the complete control ofthe administrative flows, it isalso possible to extract stati-stics data and histograms inreal time.The programme of how sharingthe best practices among theEuropean Federations is understudy and will be communica-ted as soon as completed.«I consider these meetings withthe European Federations notonly an important moment of

growth for our organization,but also and mostly a personaland professional enrichment. Itis really surprising as, fromeach one of these occasions,you can always learn somethingnew», said Alessandro Sambucoat the end of the event.«I am very satisfied about thisexchange with Alessandro andSilvia. The sharing of best prac-tices among the Federationsthrough FIM Europe is essentialfor the development of our ac-tivities», concluded SébastienPoirier.

In the other page, from the left Silvia Monatti - FIM Europe Financial and Accounting Department,Alessandro Sambuco - FIM Europe Secretary General, Jacques Bolle - FFM President, SebastienPoirier - FFM Dircteur Général, Philippe Thiebaut - FFM Directeur Technique National.Below, a moment of the meeting. From the left Silvia Monatti, Alessandro Sambuco, Sebastien Poi-rier and Lilian Martorell - FFM Webmaster

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FIM Europe mourns FIM Europe mourns Kenneth Throndsen’sKenneth Throndsen’sdeparturedeparture

FIM Europe mournsKenneth Throndsen’sdeparture: a memberin the Norwegian DragBike Commission, Ken-neth was born August23 1955. He had beeninvolved in Drag Bikesince the mid 80's andwas holder of licensesfor both motorcyclesand cars. He worked as technicalscrutineer both in Nor-way and abroad, andwas asked to be JuryPresident during theGrand Opening at Gar-dermoen raceway from3rd to 7th of August2016.Due to his academicand technical strengthand recognition in DragBike community, theNorwegian MotorsportFederation was askedto nominate him as amember of Drag BikeCommission in FIM Eu-rope. There, he served

as technical expert andwas a positive contri-butor to the develop-ment of Drag Bike inEurope.«Yesterday came theincredible sad newsthat Kenneth Thron-dsen has passed awayafter a short illness»,stated Lin Granlund,chairwoman of the Nor-wegian Drag Bike Com-mission.«Kenneth was arguablythe most knowledgea-ble official in dragrace in Norway, all or-ganizers, officials andathletes benefitedfrom. For years he wasa monument, not onlyin Norwegian, but alsoin European drag ra-cing.«He has held numerouspositions, both athome and abroad, andhas given his life todrag racing. «Kenneth was friends

with everyone andworked faithfully onboth the car and mo-torcycle side. He wasclearly a link in oursport.«When GardermoenRaceway now being up-graded, Kenneth has agood share of the cre-dit.«He sat in the courtcommittee, and wasbehind many of the so-lutions.«Therefore, we arevery pleased that Ken-neth defied the diseaseand even got to see thestatus of the track, afew days ago. Thisshows how much hearthe had for the sport.«Kenneth called us hisdrag racing family,now we unite in grief.«Our thoughts and dee-pest sympathy go tohis family», concludesLin Granlund.

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From the left: Silvio Manicardi, Dolf Willigers, Jesper Christensen, Steve Aeschlimann, Morten Hansen, Rolf Frieling,John Chatterton Ross

17th of May was the occasionfor another meeting of theFEMA and FIM Europe workinggroup.The meeting was hosted byFIM at the new headquartersin Switzerland.From FEMA the representati-ves were Morten Hansen, RolfFrieling and the Secretary Ge-neral Dolf Willigers, from FIMEurope Vice President SilvioManicardi, Jesper Christensenand John Chatterton Ross and

from FIM Steve Aeschlimann,Executive Director Opera-tions.The Group discussed the pro-gress of co-operation of thetwo organisations; subjectscovered included the forthco-ming FIM Europe Congress andRoad Safety Conference.Other items included the con-tinuing work on the new CENstandard for protective clo-thing for street riders, andthe many challenges and op-

portunities coming to our mo-torcycling world from new de-velopments on automaticvehicles.Vice President Manicardi is-sued an open invitation to theFEMA colleagues to attend theFIM Europe congress in Kavalanext month.Vice President Manicardiadded: «I appreciate verymuch how the discussion isprogressing in a very friendlyand collaborative way».

FIM Europe and FEMA: FIM Europe and FEMA: collaboration progresscollaboration progress

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The podium of the European Women’s Cup, with the winner Sara Andersen (Denmark), Julie Dal-gaard (Denmark) in second position, and Emelie Dahl (Sweden) in third. From the left, the officialsNita Korhonen (Director FIM Women's Commission), Dr Wolfgang Srb (FIM Europe President) andAndrzej Witkovski (PZM President). Photo of the podium @Susanne Hüttinger. All other photos@Ewa Jezak/X-cross


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On a sunny day the firstround the EMX 65cc and85cc North East zone kic-ked off at Cieszyn, in Po-land. The event hosted alsothe Women's Cup, with 54female riders are at thestart.In the first race of the Wo-men's Cup, on Saturday,the winner was Julie Dalga-ard, from Denmark, who fi-nished in front of her

compatriot Sara Andersen.On the podium also Ga-briela Seisdedos, fromSpain.On a very nice sunny Sun-day with temperatures upto 27 degrees and no wind,the racing day. In Race 2 - on Sunday - thefastest rider was Britt vanDer Werff, from The Nether-lands. Second place for SaraAndersen, from Denmark,

who finished the race beforeNatalie Kane, from Ireland.In Race 3 the winner wasEmelie Dahl, from Sweden.With her on the podium JulieDalgaard and Sara Andersen,both from Denmark.The overall standings for theWomen's Cup 2016 see SaraAndersen winner in front ofJulie Dalgaard and EmelieDahl.

EMX Women’s Cup:EMX Women’s Cup:the debut at Cieszynthe debut at Cieszyn

«The first ever European Motocross Cup for Womenwas a big success», stated Dr Wolfgang Srb, FIM EuropePresident. «The high number of entries - 54 - is a bigmotivation to go on and probably expand the numberof events as of next year. The Polish Federation PZMand the club in Cieszyn did an excellent job».


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The Women's MX EuropeanCup has become a fact. Ho-wever, nobody expected itto provide so much excite-ment.The registration list alone,which included nearly 60names, commanded respect.Probably nobody expectedsuch a high level of interest.Finally 54 women competi-tors from 21 countries tookpart in the event. It isenough to list Julie Dalga-

ard, Natalie Kane, Sara An-dersen, Caroline Belglund,Britt Van Der Werff or or ourown Joanna Miller, to seehow fierce the competitionwas likely to be. And indeed,the minimal time differencesin the qualifying races sho-wed that the final resolutionwould only take place in thelast minutes of the thirdrace. Particularly as the fa-stest riders fought wheel towheel over two days from

start to finish. However, before we talkabout the competition it-self... Several months ago,during a regular meeting ofthe Commission for Womenin Motorcycling CFM, a deci-sion was taken to organisethe Women's MX EuropeanCup. Nita Korhonen, directorof the Commission forWomen in Motorcycling CFMsays: "Our idea is to try tofind an intermediate formula

The report by PZMThe report by PZMphotos @Ewa Jezak/X-Cross

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between the world cham-pionships and nationalchampionships. This is acompetition, in which womenriders aspiring to be thebest on the European conti-nent can start. Judging bythe huge interest, we havetaken a step forward in po-pularising women's moto-cross". So the idea existedand all that remained was todecide on the location. Thechoice was made to use the

track in Cieszyn. AleksandraKnyszewska (the Commis-sion for Women in Motorcy-cling FIM) says: "This eventis a great opportunity notonly to promote women'smotocross in Europe, but anopportunity to increase thepopularity of the sport itselfin our country". A promotional campaign wasquickly undertaken, and thetrack's host - the CieszynMotor Club - began prepara-

tions to receive almost twohundred riders, because theEuropean Championship(N/E) and the Polish Cham-pionship in the 65 and 85 ccclasses were to be held si-multaneously with the Wo-men's European Cup. Thetrack was modernised in arelatively short period oftime and a machine parkwas prepared capable ofhandling this large group ofriders.

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Finally the long-awaitedweekend arrived (21/22May). Never before in Polandthere had been the opportu-nity to host such renownedwomen riders, which is whythe level of competition farexceeded expectations, andnot just those of the fans.The importance of the eventwas confirmed by the pre-sence in Cieszyn of the hi-ghest governing bodies fromFIM Europe, with the FIM Eu-rope President, Dr WolfgangSrb, at the head. The compe-tition was also watched bythe members of the CFM:Anne-Laure Rey, Susanne

Hüttinger, Iris Kramer andthe chairwoman Nita Korho-nen. The Polish side was re-presented by the Presidentof the Polish Automobile andMotorcycle Federation(PZM), Andrzej Witkowskiand the Vice-President forMotorcycling, Michał Sikora -Chairman of the PZM Com-mission for MotorcyclingSports. The spectacle was of the hi-ghest calibre with unexpec-ted twists and turns worthyof the master of thrillers, Al-fred Hitchcock.The biggestsurprise was the victory bySara Andersen, competing on

a 150cc Yamaha - theoreti-cally the weakest motorcy-cle in the field. In Cieszyn, itturned out that strength laynot in the power of the en-gine, but in the incredibleskill of this fifteen year oldDanish girl. Her exceptionaltalent and fighting spirit isdemonstrated by the factthat in one of the races shestarted last but was in se-cond place by the finish line.An extraordinary talent! The outright favourite forthe Cup, Julie Dalgaard (alsofrom Denmark) lost againsther by one point. Julie cur-rently holds 12th place in


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the Women's MX World Cup,and her excellent start inTeutschenthal placed heramong the rivals aspiring forfirst place. Emelie Dahl, from Sweden,came third. However, not everyone wasso lucky... The terrible fallin the last race eliminated agreat rider, Britt van derVerff, from the competitionfor a place on the podium,and among the biggest losersthere was Irish Natalie Kane,former UK Women's Cham-pion. She is currently insixth place in the world butin the first race she finished

only seventh, behind JoannaMiller, among others, whomanaged to beat her rival ingreat style. Our representa-tive finished fifth in the ge-neral classification,however, just seconds sepa-rated her from the winnerleaving hope for a high ran-king in the next World Cupcompetition. And the otherPoles? A major success canbe considered the fact thatthree qualified for the finalheats. It's true that AlinaŁaszcz placed helself only35th, Victoria Horodyńska37th and Dominik Orlik 40th,however, for the girls it was

not the result that countedbut the experience gainedfrom their participation toan international event withsuch strong competitors. "The high level of competi-tion, the great atmosphereand the fantastic supportfrom fans may well persuadethe governing bodies of FIMEurope to hold one of therounds of the Women's Euro-pean Championship on thetrack in Cieszyn. Let's hopethat it will happen", theysay in Polish Automobile andMotorcycle Federation.


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Some photos of European Women’s Cup. In the other page, withnumber 325 and in the photo below, the winner Sara Andersen(Denmark). With number 703 Julie Dalgaard (Denmark) in secondposition, and, below, Emelie Dahl (Sweden), who finished in thirdposition. Photos @ Eva Jezak

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World Environment Day(WED) is the United Na-tions’ most importantday for encouraging wor-ldwide awareness andaction for the protectionof our environment.Since it began in 1974, ithas grown to become aglobal platform for pu-blic outreach that is wi-dely celebrated in over100 Countries.Above all, WED serves asthe ‘people’s day’ fordoing something to takecare of the Earth or be-come an agent ofchange. That ‘some-thing’ can be focused lo-cally, nationally orglobally.On this occasion AdamoLeonzio, Chairman ofFIM Europe EnvironmentCommission, has writtenan open letter to all Fe-derations: «Dear friends, as every year, the nextJune 5th will be theWorld Environment Day,dedicated to draw theattention of all the inha-bitants of this planet onthe problems connected

to the respect ofthe environ-ment.The world ofmotor cyc l i ngcan only be inthe forefront,considering theimportance ofthis aspect incarrying out itsactivities. Andalthough thismust be an eve-ryday effort, itcannot fail tocelebrate thisday in the bestway.This year thetheme of WED isdedicated to therespect for ourfriends of theanimal worldand thereforeFIM Europe invi-tes all associa-ted Federationsto celebrate this impor-tant day with initiativesin all race tracks, rai-sing the awareness ofthe respect for the envi-ronment in general andfor the animal world in

particular, because theworld of motorcyclingconsiders environmentalranks high in the scale ofits priorities».

FIM Europe for theFIM Europe for theWorld EnvironmentWorld Environment



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FIM Europe PresidentFIM Europe Presidentat Sports Eventsat Sports Events

On 30 April on the occasion of the FIM SpeedwayGP in Krsko, Slovenia, FIM Europe President DrWolfgang Srb wanted to congratulate personally toTai Woffinden, 2 times Speedway World Champion.In the photo, from the left: Andreja Prel, Head ofMotorcycle Sports and Karting Department ofAMZS, Tai Woffinden and Dr Wolfgang Srb.

FIM Europe President Dr Wolfgang Srb was at Talavera de la Reina, in Spain, for the MXGP and EMX.In the photo, from left: Jos Driessen, FIM Board Member, Josep Abad Pous, President Federació Cata-lana de Motociclisme, Angel Viladoms, President Real Federación Motociclista Española and Dr WolfgangSrb. (photo Massimo Zanzani for Youthstream).

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Starting from the 18th FIM Europe Congress inCracow (Poland) in 2014, a new Touring Commis-sion was put in place and the chairman Nils Frei-valds was appointed during the ManagementCouncil in Riga on 29th September 2014.

The other members are:Mr. Laurynas Baltrunas (LMSF/Lithuania)Mr. Panagiotis Kalaitzis (AMOTOE/Greece)Mr. Vladymyr Mykhaniuk (FMU/ Ukraine)Mr. Franz Pintarich (OeAMTC/Austria)

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The large number of moto-rized two-wheelers (38million units) in Europe istriggering an expansion ofalready increasing motor-cycling tourism intensity,therefore FIM Europe isurging the development ofnon-sporting motorcyclingactivities and recognizesthose as important assporting activities.A series of initiatives for

the promotion of touringactivity has been laun-ched:- FIM Europe Club - The relaunch of the Mo-torcycle Friendly HotelProgram- The activation of coursesfor the training of FIM Eu-rope Tour Assistants;- Support to touristic-cul-tural activities.

FIM EUROPE CLUBSince Touring initiativesare important for FIM Eu-rope, last year the FIM Eu-rope Club was launched.The members ex officioare all FIM Europe offi-cials, in addition to Natio-nal Federations' Presidentsand Secretaries General.The FIM Europe Club hasthe aim, through the orga-nization of Touring events

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(the FIM Europe Club Expe-riences), to improve rela-tionships and collaborationmore about people co-ope-rating inside FIM Europe,increasing the level of trustamong colleagues, motiva-ting the group and creatingcohesion and integration.The first Road Experiencewas held last October, inTuscany, and was a goodsuccess as was reported onour Magazine fully dedica-ted to this event( A video of the event is onFIM Europe YouTube chan-nel ( next Road Experiencewill be held in Septemberand the venue and all de-tails will be communicatedduring the next FIM Europe

Congress inK a v a l a( G r e e c e ) .Furthermore,the work forthe 2017 Ex-perience is al-ready inprogress.

MOTORCYCLEF R I E N D L YHOTEL PRO-GRAM The aim ofthis project isto supportc on c r e t e l ythe develop-ment of theTouring acti-vities all over Europe. Infact FIM Europe's role is notlimited to the sporting mo-torcycle activities, but alsoaddressed to the millions ofEuropean amateur bikers-travellers.

It is in this perspective,that in 2001 the FIM Europeproject "Motorcycle Frien-dly Hotels" started, in orderto create and progressivelyenlarge a network of hotels

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FIM Europe Mag 3/2016 27

& camping friendly to themotorcycle touring.Under the guidance of Al-bert Kockelmann, the pro-ject gradually grew toreach 120 hotels. Thework continued also withthe strong support of theSecretariat, reaching 150Hotel and Campings in 11Countries. The new Touring Commis-sion has taken up the pro-ject to further increase,especially in the Countrieswhere we are not so wellrepresented. The contract was re-writ-ten taking also in conside-ration the change from

UEM to FIM Europe, thenew economic situation inEurope with enlargementof the EU and for this rea-son also a new hotel-platewas designed (see in thephoto). Therefore selected hotelsand camping, which arewilling to welcome the bi-kers, but also to offersome dedicated servicesand facilities (ie for main-tenance), are “evaluated”through a questionnaire. In change of a registrationfee for three years, FIMEurope offers to the se-lected hotels and cam-ping:

- Presence and promotionin the FIM Europe web-site;- Presence in the FIM Eu-rope App, used by motor-cycle travellers;- Presence in the AnnualFIM Europe Yearbook di-stributed in all 48 MemberCountries, both printedand web-based;- Promotion in all FIM Eu-rope events and rallies.

FIM Europe is sure thatthe success of this initia-tive will depend on thesupport of the Federationswhich know well their ter-ritory and the hotels


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which might bepart of thisprogram. TOUR ASSI-STANT TRAI-N I N GPROJECTFIM Europeand itsNon-Spor-ting Coun-cil stressthe needto deve-lop a

cross-national coopera-tion development amongall National Member Fe-derations in order tohave coordinated andstandardized Tour-Assi-stant services that arecurrently lacking. Deve-loping the Tour-Assistantconcept enables FIM Eu-rope National MemberFederations to providewell-organized and pro-fessional touring servicesfor those willing to travel


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in Europe. An importantissue is that there is a po-tential demand and busi-ness perspectives forreliable and FIM Europerecognized Tour-Assistantsto receive qualified travelassistance services curren-tly National Member Fede-rations are unable toprovide. The FIM Europe and itsNon-Sporting Council an-nounced a call for FIM Eu-rope co-financed training

of Tour Assistants and invi-ted all National MemberFederations to delegatecandidates for the trainingbeing held from Septem-ber 2 to 4 at Honda SafetyCenter in Barcelona,Spain.The FIM Europe is organi-zing a training session forpre-selected group ofTour-Assistants who will belisted as qualified FIM Eu-rope’s Tour-Assistants.Tour-Assistants will be pre-

selected at their respec-tive National Member Fe-derations according to thepre-qualification asses-sment check-list (in thephoto) in order to selectthe most qualified candi-dates for this training. FIMEurope's intention is to se-lect a group of 15-20 Tour-Assistant candidates fromNational Member Federa-tions and provide them a 1day theoretical and practi-cal riding training on Tour


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FIM Europe Mag 3/2016

Assistants' skills at HondaSafety Center.

The training will also intro-duce the list of Tour Assi-stants on FIM Europe’swebsite and all trained in-dividuals will be publicallyavailable at www.fim-eu-rope.comFIM Europe for the firstevent provides the follo-wing services:- 1 day theoretical andpractical (riding expe-rience with trainers) trai-ning at Honda SafetyCenter;- transferservi-

ces to/from the hotel se-lected by FIM Europe andHonda Safety Center;- lunches and coffee breaksduring the training session;- insurance of all partici-pants;- attendance certificatesafter completion of thetraining (see diploma in thephoto);- publicity services and pu-blication in FIM Europewebsite.

Trainees willhave to covertheir traveland accom-modat ioncosts inB a r c e -lona.

The deadline for NationalFederations to submit thecheck-lists is July 15th2016, to the e-mail ad-dress: [email protected].


SOLAR ECLIPSE - In 2017there will be the totalSolar eclipse in America,and taking advantage ofthis particular event, FIMEurope has decided to sup-port this trip that has agoal to observe this astro-nomical phenomenon. Thetour will start from Atlantawith the guidance of ex-perts who will explain theevent. The presentation ofthe initiative can be foundon FIM Europe MAG2/2016:(

MOTORCYCLE MUSEUMS -Furthermore, on FIM Euro-pe's website a list of Motor-cycle Museums has beenpublished for a long time,in order to match the pas-sion of our history with thepassion of travelling allover Europe with intere-sting, cultural targets. Thislist is at the moment underrevision, to be updatedwith the latest newcomers,but it is available at the fol-lowing link:h t t p : / / w w w . f i m

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I have been in active motorcycling for 12 yearsand have ridden approximately 200 000 km sofar. Knowing that the season for riding is about5-6 months in Latvia, its a rather active riding.I am a member of Latvian Motorcycle Club As-sociation and represent the Association at theLatvian FMN. Chairing the FIM EUrope TouringCommission for 2 years at both - Latvian FMNand FIM Europe. Have been active organizer ofdifferent motorcycle tours (groups of 10 to 20riders) to Europe, mainly Germany and Scandi-navia as well as organizer of different motorcy-cle gatherings and rallies (up to 5000 riders) inLatvia.


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«Motorcycle riding experience since1996, and I am riding from 15.000 till25.000 km every year, now.Activities: Member of Mototourismcommittee in Lithuanian MotorcycleSport Federation, member of FIMEurope Touring committee.I am organizing different events forthe motorcyclists since 1999: “Bi-kers midwinter party“, “Retro rallythrough Lithuania“, “Bikers tourna-ment“, Lithuanian Retro motocrosschampionship, Baltic States Retromotocross championship, “Motor-cycles with sidecars meeting“ andso on.I started riding the old Russian mo-torcycles – K-750, Ural and so onand then I bought and rode motorcyclesmade in Japan: Yamaha XV700, KawasakiVN700, Suzuki VS1400 from 2001 till 2003.I’ve been riding different Harley Davidsonmotorcycles since 2003 till now: FXDL,XL1200R, FLSTI, FXD and old Russian orUkrainian bikes: Ural or Dnepr.Some magazines, such as “Bikers World“(Slovenia), “Bikers News“ (Germany), “MotoPress“ (Lithuania), “Moto+“ (Lithuania),“Moto ekspert“ (Russia), “Biker Baltics LT“wrote about my trips and adventures».



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«As for my mototouring porfolio,adding the clocks of my bikes,past and present, it sums to morethan 500.000 accident-free kms,most of them touring Greece andabroad and I am holder of the Ad-vanced Riders Diploma ofRo.S.P.A.. Also, on the last FIMMototour of Nations, I was awar-ded the 1st Pilote distinction».



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“I’ve been in Motocross since 1974, when I was14. I am also the organizer of the Stone Storm com-petition - annual extreme Enduro competition. Ihave been travelling all across the region of theBlack Sea (a tour around the sea) and also tra-velled around the Baltic Sea. I had also the in-tention to organize a tour around Mediterraneansea, however the military activity in the regioncancelled my plans. I prefer dual sport and tra-vel off-road in my region of Ukraine”.



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In 1969 I got my driving licence andfor the next four years I rode a scoo-ter (Puch DS50), the sidecar of myuncle (BMW R50 ) and different ren-ted bikes.From 1973 to 1992 I was riding in-structor. I still ride my Yamaha XS360from 1973,which was one of my bikesas instructorAs I always used the bikes of the dri-ving school I never had the chance togo beyond the national borders of Au-stria for insurance reasons.After stopping my activities as ridinginstructor I bougth a Piaggio Zip espe-cially for riding in my hometown.How many kilometres I have made sofar? I don’t know ...I am also involved in the organizationof motorcycle events: in 1974 the FIMRally Krems/A (I was a member ofthe organizing team); in 1983 the FIMRally Melk/A (I was the clerk of theorganizing team); in 2008 the FIMRendezvous Meritum/Krems (I was amember of the organizing team), in2011 the FIM Rally Tulln/A (I was di-rector of the event).


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FIM Europe CongressFIM Europe Congressat Kavala, Greece at Kavala, Greece A PreviewA Preview

Greece is going to host the2016 FIM Europe Congressand Road Safety Conference,which will be held from Fri-day June 30th to SaturdayJuly 2nd in Kavala, at theLucy Hotel (in the photo). The meeting is to host FIM-Europe delegates from Euro-pean Federations to discussand approve decisions regar-ding FIM Europe manage-ment and 360° issues in thefield of Motorcycling: fromSport to Safety, to Touring. The program of the Congressforesees the meeting of theSporting Council and of the

Non-Sporting Council onThursday, of the Manage-ment Council and of the Se-cretaries General on Friday,and again the Sporting andNon-Sporting Council mee-ting on Saturday, followedby the Management Counciland by the General Assem-bly, with the Official Dinnerto conclude the Congress. For the first time the Gene-ral Assembly will be broad-cast in live-streaming, sothat it will be possible towatch it all over the worldfrom FIM Europe officialwebsite, www.fim- The live-strea-ming will begin on Saturday2nd July at 14.00 local timeand the video of the GeneralAssembly will be then avai-lable on demand on thewebsite.As for the topics the Con-gress will deal with, duringthe General Assembly therewill be the report of Mr Mar-tin de Graaff, chairman ofthe Working Group on Mini-mum Age for InternationalMotorsport. On the sametopic, the scientif report ofProf. Fabio Pigozzi will fol-low, Rector of University of

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Rome “Foro Italico” and Pre-sident of the InternationalSports Medicine Federation.Among the other topics, par-ticular attention will begiven to Safety - on July 1stthe 10th edition of the RoadSafety Conference will beheld, which traditionallytakes place yearly during theFIM Europe Congress.FIM Europe comments thatsince its foundation, “thethemes of road incidentality,of industry responses andinitiatives, to improve RoadSafety systems and the sa-fety of 2-wheeler behaviour

and their safety have beenof importance for FIM Eu-rope”. The main focus at this year’sconference will deal withthe development of electro-nics and technology. In particular, the agenda ofthe conference foresees thewelcome speech of Jean-Pierre Moreau, Chairman FIMEurope Public Affairs Com-mission, followed by thespeech of a representativeof the Ministry for Infrastruc-ture, Transport and Networkon "Powered Two WheelersSafety in Greece", and by

the report from the Directorof Public Affairs - Mr JohnChatterton Ross, FIM EuropeDirector of Public Affaires. The following speeches willfollow: "Transfer of techno-logy from racing tyres toroad one", by Mr NicolasGoubert, Deputy Directorand Technical Director of theMichelin Racing Group, and"A window on future techno-logy: from science fiction toreality", by Mr Daniele BibboPhD, Biolab3-Biomedical En-gineering Laboratory, Uni-versity Roma Tre.

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