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Page 1: Filvet 82nd convention issue for web

PVMA Welcomes New VeterinariansThe successful examinees of the 2014 licensure examina-tion for veterinarians were welcomed in two oath-tak-ing ceremonies. The announcement by the Professional Regulations Commission Board of Veterinary Medicine, was met with high spirits by the new veterinarians and their families, who rightly share in their achievement. The PVMA Board of Directors join the whole veterinary industry in welcoming into its folds, its new members.

The first oath-taking ceremony was done last Oc-tober 2, 2014 at the Sofitel Philippine Plaza, Manila.

Continued on page 8 ...

Dr. Veronica Matawaran, PVMA President inducted the new veterinarians into the PVMA.

The second oath-taking was done last October 11, 2014 at the Pearlmont Hotel, Cagayan de Oro City. The PVMA has organized this oath-taking for the benefit of new veterinarians from the south Philippines for the second year in a row.

Page 2: Filvet 82nd convention issue for web

The Filipino Veterinarian - The Official Newsletter of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association2


Professional Deportment

Editor-in-ChiefDr. Roselle Falconite - Cudal

Editorial AdviserDr. Veronica Matawaran

CirculationLolit Patricio

Vilma G. TejucoContributors

Dr. Mariano Ll. JovellanosDr. Daniel C. Ventura Jr.

Dr. Eduardo TorresDr. Hercules Baldos

Dr. Pastor Tumaliuan Jr.Dr. Lani Acero

Dr. Marie Vevienne Fortich-Casino

Layout artist: Ivan L. Dacanay

I am a veterinarian.

I shall not use other degrees or titles to which I am not entitled;

I shall not belittle nor injure the professional standing of my fellow

veterinarians nor condemn the character of their professional act;

I shall not endeavour to build up my practice by undercharging my fellow


I shall not assail the professional reputation of my fellow practitioners

particularly for my own advancement;

I shall comply with the common laws governing my obligations to my clients

and shall obey the official public regulations governing their acts;

I shall conduct myself at all times to my professional deportment in a manner

above suspicion or reproach.

The Filipino Veterinarian (Formerly PVMA Newsletter) is published regularly by the Philippine Veterinary Medical

Association, Inc. with editorial and office address at Unit 233 Union Square Condominium, 15th Avenue, Cubao, Quezon

City, PhilippinesEmail Address: [email protected]

[email protected]: (+632) 9113159; Tel.No. (+632) 912 9381



5th Regular Board MeetingThe fifth Regular BOD Meeting was

held last July 19, 2014 at the College of Vet-erinary Medicine, South Western University in Cebu City, hosted by Dr. Dan Ventura. The joint-meeting with the PVMA Central Visayas Chapter took place and the prepara-tions for the upcoming 2015 PVMA Con-vention based on a collaborative mindset is forged.

6th Regular Board MeetingThe sixth Regular BOD Meeting was

held last August 16, 2014 at the the De La Salle Araneta University, in Malabon.

Joining the PVMA board were repre-sentatives from the Council on Education, lead by the Chairman, Dr. Luzviminda T. Simborio and the Council on Legislation, lead by the Chairman, Dr. Amie B. Alejar. Also on hand to share the outcome of the 2nd HOD Assembly was Dr. Tom M. Acor-da, Speaker of the House and to share up-dates on FAVA was Dr. Eugenio P. Mende, FAVA Treasurer.

7th Regular Board MeetingThe seventh Regular BOD Meeting was

held last September 20, 2014 at the meeting room of VetHealth Corp. where we were hosted by Dr. Cora Policarpio-Occidental.

The highlight of this meeting was the good news from both Dr. Marie Vevienne Fortich-Carino and Dr. Veronica Mata-waran – that the financial support for veteri-narians affected by Yolanda, have been given.

8th Regular Board MeetingThe eighth Regular Board Meeting was

held last October 18, 2014 at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Cebu City. The chosen venue hosted the PVMA meeting to ensure that all details are ironed out for the upcoming convention.

Coordination meetings were done and the signing of the MOA was a fitting end to the meeting - between the PVMA Na-tional, represented by Dr. Hercules Baldos, Convention Chair and the PVMA CV, with Dr. Gerald Aycardo, President.

9th Regular Board MeetingThe ninth Regular Board Meeting was

done last November 15, 2014 at the Quezon City Circle.

The details of the convention were tack-led and progress reports were given on dif-ferent tasks assigned.

10th Regular Board MeetingThe tenth Regular Board Meeting was

held last December 13, 2014 and was hosted by Dr. Cora Policarpio-Occidental.

The preparation for the convention was the main focus and progress reports from the different committees were given. The PVMA Christmas and Thanksgiving Din-ner followed after.

11th Regular Board MeetingThe eleventh Regular Board Meeting

was done last January 10, 2015 at Cebu City. The highlight of the visit was the meet-

ing with Cebu Governor Davide, who agreed to host one of the dinners for the convention.from the different committees were given.

12th Regular Board MeetingThe twelfth Regular Board Meeting

was done from January 31 to February 1, 2015 at Tagaytay City.

The final details for the PVMA Con-vention are ironed out to ensure a successful event for veterinarians.

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July 2014 to February 2015 Convention Issue 3

PVMA SHINES AT FAVATime flies so fast that by February 28, 2015, my time to serve as PVMA President is over. No regrets!One year ago, the PVMA membership elected me to become the President. I sin-cerely thank the members for giving me their trust to lead the association. It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure to have served the PVMA. To the current officers who assisted me and shared with me their thoughts and ideas in leading the association, in the projects that we as a team formulated and implemented, thank you very much!Convention time is here again: a time for a new leader to step in, a time for a new set of officers to serve the association. Let us not be complacent in choosing our leaders because the PVMA is a strong respected and recognized organization lo-cally and internationally, that whoever we choose will be the representative and spokesperson for us.

“Bridging Veterinarian Competencies and ASEAN cooperation” is the theme for this 82nd PVMA Scientific Conference and Annual Con-vention on 18-20 February 2015 at the amazing Radisson Blu Hotel Cebu, Cebu City. With this theme, I can gladly say that we are ahead of our ASEAN counterparts in the knowledge of the ASEAN 2015 integration. With the seminar held last year on AFAS, this lead to the understanding of the participants on the agreements that our Ministers have involved for us – the four modes of supply. And with this knowledge, we have to put our veterinary skills in place to become com-petitive veterinarians in the ASEAN region as the world is becoming borderless.As the world turns, the challenges to the Filipino veterinarian are increasing: new knowledge gen-erated, rapid diagnostic techniques invented, ex-panding fields of specialization up to subspecies level such as canine dermatology, feline oncology, etc., novel drugs, refined vaccines, emerging and re-emerging diseases, etc., to name a few. All of these we cannot ignore, otherwise we become passe. We cannot just learn by ourselves from reading, thus, it is encouraged that we do attend continuous professional development (CPD) programs to update ourselves and where we can have discussions for further clarifications. To be a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine requires life-long learning and the Annual Scientific Conference during the Convention updates us with what is going on surrounding our profession. Our major affair in February is accredited CPD by the PRC. CPDs are important to level off with our ASEAN counterparts in terms of veterinarian competen-cies. So, hopefully, see you during the Convention in Cebu City!

- Dr. Veronica A. Matawaran

President’s Corner

The Filipino Veterinarian was once again in the limelight at the 18th FAVA Congress held last November 28-30, 2014 at the Marina Bay Sands, Singapore.

As a pre-event meeting, the FAVA Council Meeting was held from November 26-27, 2014 at the Ma-manda, Sukatn Gate. The meeting was attended by 11 Asian countries, PVMA was represented by Dr. Veron-ica Matawaran, Dr. Hercules Baldos, Dr. Eugene Mende (PVMA Past Pres-ident and FAVA Treasurer), and Dr. Pastor Tumaliuan, Jr. Dr. Matawaran reported PVMA’s accomplisments, to-gether with all the member countries. The two day council meeting’s agenda focused on the by-laws of the federa-tion. A short over turn over ceremony was also done.

During the opening of the 18th FAVA Congress, Dr. Teodulo M. Topa-

cio, Jr. launched the FAVA publication: Celebrating 36 Years, FAVA: Birth, Progress, Performance and Sustain-ability. Dr. Topacio and PVMA, hold the distinction as the founders of FAVA and the two organizations histories are closely linked to each other.

Another honor for Dr. Topacio, is the WVA Presidential Award from Dr. Ke-chrid Faozid, WVA President.

He also received the FAVA Recognition Award from Dr. Shane Ryan, FAVA President. Both were awarded during the WVA Assembly, last November 29.

Continued on page 10 ...

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The Filipino Veterinarian - The Official Newsletter of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association4

PVMA CARESPVMA Conducts Mass Dog Vaccina-tion and Rabies Awareness Advocacy Campaigns in Cebu

In line with having its corporate social responsibility to promote the pro-fession, educate communities to ensure provision of good welfare to animals and safeguard public health, the PVMA pro-tected dogs against rabies and reached out to grade school pupils in Cebu City last July 18, 2014.

Some 60 dogs were vaccinated and 35 were provided dewormers and vita-min supplementation during a brief vet-erinary medical mission at Barangay Po-blacion Pardo. On hand to give further support to the PVMA were veterinar-ians from the Cebu City - Department of Veterinary Medicine and Fisheries (DVMF) assisted by SWU veterinary clinicians.

Meanwhile, lectures on responsible pet ownership and rabies awareness were delivered to school children at South-western University South Campus, Basic Education Department located in Ba-rangay Basak. Dr Eugene Tan discussed about responsible pet ownership while the provisions of the Anti-Rabies Act were simply explained by Dr Hercules Baldos.

The activities on July 18 were coordi-nated with Dr Gerald Aycardo (PVMA-Central Visayas President), Dr Ryan Yandug (CCAPA, Cebu Companion Animal Practitioners Assoc., President), Dr Verna Agriam (AFAPPI, Association of Farm Animal Practitioners, President), Dr Jocelyn Tingson (OIC, SWU-CVM, Southwestern University - College of Veterinary Medicine), Dr. Daniel C. Ventura Jr., with the cooperation of Dr Pilar Romero (OIC, Cebu City-DVMF) and Hon. Althea R. Lim (Punong Ba-rangay of Poblacion Pardo).

PVMA Conducts Seminar at BSUThe PVMA together with the PC-

MVLP and AWC conducted a seminar on ‘Updates on Veterinary Services’ at the Benguet State University last Au-gust 29, 2014. PVMA National Officers, Dr. Hercules Baldos and Dr. Lani Acero gave support.

PVMA Gives Aid to Yolanda - Affected Veterinarians

The PVMA has taken action to give assistance to our Yolanda - affected vet-erinarians. Funds were given by the OIE, FAVA, JAVA and some more were gath-ered during the 2014 PVMA Conven-tion in Palawan.

Dr. Marie Vevienne F. Casino and Dr. Veronica Matawaran flew to Taclo-ban City last August 30, 2014 to meet with Eastern Visayas veterinarians who assisted them in the distribution. Dr. Mike Manuta, PVMA EV President, Dr. Jose Arnil Corong VP, Dr Leo Mira Dr. Noriettea Ursua (from DA Tacloban) and other veterinarians from the chapter and DA’s office.

A total of 110 individuals were given assistance. The PVMA is grateful to all those who extended their help and uplifted their fellow veterinarians.

PVMA Ensures Veterinarian Repre-sentation in the CAW-IRR and Public Consultations

The discussion for the Implement-ing Rules and Regulations (IRR) for Re-public Act No. 1063 (An Act Amending Certain Sections of RA 8485 or the Ani-mal Welfare Act of 1998) has been long drawn at the DA-CAW (Committee on Animal Welfare) Technical Working Group who meet regularly at BAI.

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July 2014 to February 2015 Convention Issue 5

PVMA CARESTo ensure that veterinarians are rep-

resented, the PVMA ensures attendance of board members as well as getting the legal services of Atty. Ernesto Tabujara III.

Two public consultations were al-ready done: the first one in Quezon City last September 12, 2014; and the second one in Cebu City last October 1, 2014.

BAI and PVMA Signs MOA for a Rabies-Free Philippines

On the occasion of the 2014 World Rabies Day Celebration, last September 29, 2014, BAI and PVMA agreed to help in the fight against Rabies.

A Memorandum of Agreement was signed by Dr. Rubina Cresencio, Acting BAI Director and Dr. Veronica Mata-waran, President PVMA.

PVMA Holds AFAS Symposium The PVMA sponsored a symposium

to address the concern on the AFAS (ASEAN Framework Agreement on Services) last October 2, 2014 at the University of Makati. With the theme: Impact of AEC 2015 on the Veterinary Profession. PVMA partnered with the AWC (Animal Welfare Coalition), and the University of Makati.

Notable was the talk by Mr. Ramon Vicente T. Kabigting, former ASec for International Trade on ‘Making the Best of the ASEAN Economic Community’. Mr. Kabigting was able to relate the his-tory of how the ASEAN cooperation

which lead to the formation of the AEC came to place.

Hon. Ma. Elizabeth D. Callanta, Chairman of the PRC Board of Veteri-nary Medicine shared the ‘PRC Initia-tives on AEC 2015’. Her topic got the most interest from the attending veteri-narians. She has promised to update all on the Philippine Qualifications Frame-work/ ASEAN Qualifications Reference Framework, come 2015 PVMA Con-vention.

Dr. Elyxzur C. Ramos, University Secretary of UMak shared his thoughts on ‘ASEAN 2015, Threat or Opportu-nity for Veterinarians: Effects of AFAS on Vet Business”

PVMA Supports LEBEThe PVMA has thrown its sup-

port behind the animal welfare advo-cacy group LEBE, Let Elephants, Be Elephants. Their advocacy is to educate people to stop the trade of ivory, Asia is known to biggest market of ivory prod-ucts. Elephants have to die for poachers to get their tusks.

Celebrity supporters Nadya Huta-galung and couple Ian King and Joey Mead are supported by Tammie Matson in their efforts.

The PVMA indicated support, and were present during the launching of the campaign. The LEBE team was likewise

invited to speak to the group during the AFAS symposium.

Learn more, and sign up your support at http://www.letele-phantsbee lephants .org/#pledge-menu

PVMA Attends the 3rd Philippine Pro-fessional Summit

The 3rd Philippine Professional Sum-mit was held last October 16-17, 2014 at the Manila Hotel, with the theme: En-suring International Alignment of Edu-cation and Professional Practice. The meeting was organized by the Philippine Association of the Professional Regula-tory Board Members, Inc. (PAPRB), in cooperation with the Professional Regu-lation Commission (PRC).

Various Professional Regulatory Boards (PRBs) and Accredited Profes-sional Organizations (APOs) attended the event. PVMA was represented by Dr. Veronica A Matawaran and Dr. Hercules P Baldos.

PVMA in NMIS CelebrationsThe NMIS celebrated the 2014

Meat Safety Consciousness Week and the 42nd NMIS Anniversary Celebra-tions last October 21-23, 2014 at the NMIS Compound in Quezon City. The theme was ‘RA 10611 Food Safety Act: Kaligtasan ng Mamamayan at Katuwang sa Kalakalan’.

Dr. Veronica Matawaran, attended the NMIS Meat Inspection Seminar, last October 23. It impressed her that NMIS is trying to make all the inspectors to be well organized, and looking out for their benefit. They also gave the guidelines for meat inspection surveillance. She also re-ported that Meat Inspection Act 9296 is now being amended by RA 10526.

Continued next page...

See photos posted on the PVMA FB

page -!/



Page 6: Filvet 82nd convention issue for web

The Filipino Veterinarian - The Official Newsletter of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association6

“and He shall wipe away every tear from their eyes and there shall no longer be any

mourning or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.”


Recorded/recalled byDr. Mariano Ll. Jovellanos

ReyNAldo B. GAlBAN+ 2013

GAUF, Swine PractitionerARtuRo R. VAleRio

+ 2013 VMUF, Siconbrec

StAliN t. tuCAy+ May 24, 2013

UP, Philippine NavyChRiStopheR C. MANGABAt

+ Jan 2014, CLSU, Swine PractitionerANdRew S. AGAto

+ March 22, 2014 UP, DA- National Dairy Authority

CReSeNCiANo R. pAMpARo+Mar 31, 2014

GAUF, Naga and Mandaluyong City, USAARtuRo R. CABAdiNG

+ March 2014 former Cebu City Veterinarian

leVy t. CeNteNo+ 2014

UP, Practitioner, USACASiANo i. iNGCo

+ Oct. 1, 2014UP, former Provincial Veterinarian

AlFRedo p. MeNdozA+ Oct. 2014

UP, PCSP/ Swine PractitioneredwiN A. AdRiANo

+ Nov.22, 2014 UP

dAN ANGelo J. delA CRuz+ February 2015

UPLB, Elanco

We ask everyone to inform the PVMA Secetariat of the passing of our PVMA members so that we

can honor them and update their status on the membership list.

( all recently deceased PVMA members are supported by a P5,000.00 funeral benefit)

FILVET OBITUARY PVMA CARESPVMA Participates in CPD Councils Workshop

Dr. Eduardo B. Torres attended the seminar/workshop conducted by the PRC and which was participated by various CPD Councils last September 29, 2014.

The workshop emphasized that for the CPD programs conducted by the different professions PRC will be dealing with policies and CPD Coun-cils would be involved in the over-all implementations and one of their big-gest responsibilities is to ensure “Career Progression”. Accredited CPD providers that would develop instructional designs must follow the Outcome Based Educa-tion (OBE) approach, wherein it is not the input that is being evaluated but the outcome. “OBE is you know and how to do what you know”.

CPD Councils for Veterinary Medi-cine will be meeting with PAVMES to finalize the OBE approach for veterinary medicine. As such, Dr. Torres reiter-ated that for CPD council topics regard-ing Day 1 Competencies, they are not acceptable to be accredited. Likewise, training of CPD providers on how to make OBE programs, should be spear-headed by PVMA.

Dr. Veronica Matawaran who is also the Chairman of CHED Techni-cal Committee for Veterinary Medicine, said that that OBE approach will be im-plemented in all schools in all programs by next school year June 2015.

PVMA Attends the 4th OIE Sub-Regional Workshop for Veterinary Educational Establishments and Veterinary Statu-tory Bodies

The 4th OIE Sub-Regional Work-shop for Veterinary Educational Estab-lishments (VEEs) and Veterinary Statu-tory Bodies (VSBs) was held in Hanoi, Vietnam from December 8-10, 2014. The Philippine delegation included: CLSUCVSM Dean Dr. Romeo Gun-dran, PVMA President and UPCVM Professor Dr. Veronica A. Matawaran, PRC Board of Veterinary Medicine Hon.

Chair Dr. Elizabeth Callanta, UPCVM Dean Dr. Loinda R. Baldrias, Acting BAI Director Dr. Rubina Cresencio, OIE Sub-regional Director Dr. Ronello Abila, organizer and DLSAU DVM Program Director Dr. Kevin Dycoco, Jr.

PVMA Joins the PVDA Christmas PartyThe PVMA attended the PVDA

Christmas Party last December 5, 2014 at the Crowne Plaza. The event was doubly significant as it was also the in-duction of officers, with past PVMA President and now PVDA President, Dr. Eugene Mende taking the helm.

We also gave out copies of the new FilVet issue to promote the 82nd PVMA Convention. Working and having fun, Ms Lolit, Ms Vheng, Doc Vera, Doc Cora, Doc Roselle and Doc Eugene.

PVMA Attends the Joint Rabies Work-shops

The Animal Rabies Communica-tions Planning Workshop sponsored by OIE, DA-BAI, and GARC was held last January 19-22, 2015 at The Lake Hotel, Tagaytay City. In attendance was PVMA President, Dr. Veronica A. Ma-tawaran together with DOH facilitators, BAI officials, Provincial and City vets, Regional Coordinators and Information Officers, Academe members and PAHA Representatives. The overall objective is moving towards a Rabies-Free Philip-pines by 2020.

PVMA Cares... from page 6

Page 7: Filvet 82nd convention issue for web

July 2014 to February 2015 Convention Issue 7

Feature : Words oF advicedr. Romeo Gundran is currently the Dean of the College of Veterinary Science and Medicine, CLSU. He was the PRC’s Out-standing Veterinarian for 2013 and he gave such an inspiring talk at the 2013 Oath-Tak-ing, that he was invited again to give as In-spirational Speech at the 2014 Oath-Taking.

Here are excerpts from his speech.2014 Message for New Veterinarians during the oath-taking Ceremony held at Sofitel plaza, october 4, 2014

“Success is not Accidental. It is Intentional”. There is a need to do something. There is a formula to follow. The following 7 points are the suggested steps in order to succeed in life: the AlphABet oF SuCCeSS1. To be successful, we must have letter A: AttitudeAbility is not enough. It should be combined with attitude: Abil-ity + Attitude = Good Results.According to Winston Churchill: Attitude is the little thing that makes a big difference. Many jobs have been lost, many promo-tions have been missed. Many clients have walked away. Many subjects in school have not been passed. Many relationships have been ruined, etc… Why? Because of wrong attitude.However, if we have good, right and positive attitude: our prob-lem may turn into a blessing; our failure may become a backdoor to success; our mess may become a powerful life message. Remember: It’s not what happens to you that matters most. It’s how you react to it which is more important. With good, right and positive attitude you can succeed in life.Examples: David & Goliath. Soldiers said: He is so big, we can never kill him. David said: he is so big, I cannot miss him. What giant do you face today? Just like David, let us have a Winning AttitudeStory of Two Shoe Salesmen sent to an island. One salesman said: We will return home tomorrow, no one wears shoes. The other said: Send 10,000 shoes. Everyone here needs them. At-titude makes a difference2. To be successful, we must have letter B: BelieVe

Believe that it can be done even if it’s impossible.Story of Church without Parking Space because of the mountain at the back. 24 church members prayed for 3 hours and claimed the scripture. (Mat 17:20 NIV) …if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” And a construction company offered to buy the ‘mountain to help fill up a lot.Example: Dr. Gian Canlas. He believed that he can. He unlocked his potential. He emerged Top 2 last year. Lesson: Keep believing, keep hoping, keep trusting3. To be successful, we must increase our C: CoMpeteNCe John Maxwell said: “We cannot become what we want by remain-ing what we are.” Continue building your competence – improve your knowledge, skills and abilities. It’s a lifelong learning. This is the reason why we have continuing professional development seminars, PVMA Conventions and others. Remember this:

“Highly successful people have a continual thirst for knowledge” The Challenge for Us: Don’t remain what you are today; Build your competence. Improve; Reach your maximum potential; “You have a Great Potential”.4. To be successful, we must have letter d: deteRMiNAtioN All of us experience problems and failures. James 1:2 says: “Con-sider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds…” From this verse we can say that problems are inevitable. Problems are variable. That’s why we must have determination to succeed. Examples: Thomas Edison (greatest inventor): conducted 10,000 experiments to invent light bulb; Abraham Lincoln: (1831-1860): For 28 years he failed in family, business and politics (Congress, Senate, VP); Failure is a Fact, a Friend (backdoor), and not Final (3F); Winston Churchill: Never, never, never, never, give up!, and he also said “Success is the ability to go from one failure to an-other with no loss of enthusiasm”5. To be successful, we must have letter e: eXCelleNCeExcellence means: Doing the best you can to make things happen; Doing ordinary things the extraordinary way.

Result - When you do your best: You will become a better person tomorrow than what you are today; You will experience Promo-tion; You will win Favor and a good name. My Wish for you: “Through your excellence, may your immediate community become better because of you”. May you contribute something that will benefit others. 6. To be successful, we must have letter F: FoCuSFOCUS = Following one Course until SuccessfulOur Topnotcher– Dr. Cyron Sarmiento (2014) and the Top-notcher last 2013 - Dr Felkins Macabitas, both have set goals, stay focused on their priorities. What can we learn - set your goal and stay focused. W Churchill said, “You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones at every dog that barks”. Life is like a cam-era, focus on what’s important and you will capture it perfectly. Focus ang kailangan hindi hocus pocus.7. To be successful, we need the perfect No. 7, G: GodMatthew 6:33 says, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteous-ness, & all these things will be given to you as well”. Seek God, Do what is right. Trust Him. (Proverbs 3:5-6)One verse that I asked my children to memorize. Psalms 5:12,

“For surely, O LORD, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield”. God is the source of our bless-ings & favor. What is the desire of your heart? Psalm 37:4, “De-light yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart”. Joshua 1:8, “Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosper-ous and successful.”Challenge: “Include God in your success formula. CONCLUSIONWith good Attitude, with strong Belief, with Competence, with Determination, with commitment to Excellence, by staying Fo-cused, and with God on your side – you can all succeed. I believe and I declare today, you will all be prosperous and successful in the years ahead.God bless you all.

dr. Mariano ll. Jovellanos is currently a Member of the PRC’s Board of Veterinary Medicine. A strong supporter of PVMA and all things veterinarian, he was invited to give the Inspirational Speech at the 2014 Oath-Taking in Cagayan de Oro City. inspirational Remarks by dr. M.ll. Jovel-

lanos, dVM, Fel.pCVph, dd at the oath taking Ceremonies of New Veterinarians, Cagayan de oro City, october 11, 2014 Marie Vevienne Fortich-Casino, Board Member, Philippine Veterinary Medical Association, Presidents, Officers and Board Members of the PVMA Regional Chapters of Mindanao: Region 9, Region 10, Northern Mindanao, Southern Mindanao, Our very supportive parents, guardians, siblings, spouses and guests of our New Veterinarians My New Colleagues in the veterinary profession, the 2014 Batch of Board Passers, Guests, ladies and gentlemen:

Perseverance (persistency) as defined by Dr. Frank Boyd, is ” The steady and certain advance to a definite goal that engages all the powers of body, mind and soul”. A man or woman who resolutely perseveres can accomplish much in any given direction or goal. The result of one’s perseverance and then arrives at a just estimate is one great factor of a person in order to succeed. The Filipino saying or kasabihan “Kung may tiyaga, may nilaga” will exemplify this given trait to most of you, new veterinarians. Because of your “tiyaga” or perseverance you were able to hurdle the problems and trials in your studies, develop one’s character, sharing one’s talent with family, school, and community; studying hard or living within one’s means, your desire to graduate, pass the board and become a licensed veterinarian . Benjamin Franklin said, “Perhaps you are weak handed, but stick to it steadily, and you will see great effects— for constant dripping wears away stones and little strokes fell great oaks.”

Albert Einstein said, “Never give up on what you really want to do, the person with big dreams is more powerful than one with the facts”JFK said, “One person should make a difference and every person should try”With the foregoing introductions in mind, I welcome you all, our new veterinarians, your parents/guardians, siblings, relatives, love ones. spouses and the capable and persevering deans, teachers and mentors of your respective colleges. The community of animal lovers and users and stake holders in the animal industry as a whole are waiting for your contribution for the development of our profession in particular and a healthy animal industry in general. Ipagbunyi and PRC! Pagbabago sa bansa’y matatamo! Pagbabago sa Propesyon Matatamo!

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The Filipino Veterinarian - The Official Newsletter of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association8

Dr Veronica Matawaran, swears in the new veterinarians into the PVMA. Led by the Top 10, all new veterinarians automatically become members of the PVMA.

The successful examinees who garnered the ten (10) highest places in the September 2014 Veterinarian Licensure Examination are the following:

ABAlle, Darling RafolsABeNoJA, Jaypee ArtatesACAMpAdo, Flavel TagasAdRiANo, Kristine TupasAGRudA, Jamiel AlamoAGyAo, Ruby Orange BorretaAlAMedA, Nestle Ann SalumbroAlBANo, Jennifer TameyaoAlCANtARA, Nathan Gene RodriguezAlVARAN, Paul John JustoAMiGo, Loricet Anne AtiwagANdAyA, John Marc ManingasANdReS, Emmanuel NifasANtoNio, Amante Jr CaducioANtoNio, Rhodora LucioARellA, Crystal Jade MondejarAVileS, Jesus Jr BayasbasBAlANQuit, Gianno PioBAlBAGuiN, Noureen De JesusBAldoS, Leah BanigoosBAlMoReS, Kevin Nehru Dela CruzBASSiG, Bryan Jerome RalutinBAutiStA, Genalyn SalvadorBeltRAN, Louie Jay ManingasBeNtillo, Albert AbundaBeRNASoR, Ronn Kristian SamsonBeteNio, Dominga LidawanBoJoS, Louwel CasinasBoliVAR, Ivy DelmiguezBoRJA, Loren VillegasBRioNeS, Ma Pilar PesueloBuMANGlAG, Kim Edrianne BaltazarBuRNoS, Harold James ViloriaCAAGoy, Jeah Mae Asilan

CABANAyAN, Jolly Beth LicosCAloNiA, Kenji CasaclangCARdeNio, Paul AldonzaCARiÑo, Jay BalanCASupANG, Joven Ray OmboyCAtABoNA, Jenah Lou SanchezCAteRiAl, Hanah DasilaoCAuSiN, Stevenson De Los SantosCeRVANteS, Marc Bryan ManalastasCipRiANo, Janie TolentinoClAuS, Divina PajarilloCoNStANtiNo, Mary Joy MarcosCoRAleS, Joyce Marielle IñigoCRuz, Mary Kristel RigodonCRuzAt, Jenilyn MalabananCuMAliNG, Hepzy Joy ReyesdAGuRo, Ted Aries AmboydANGloSi, Arianne Atayande CAStRo, Renzi Owell Vitentede lA CRuz, Lea Jan Rublicode loS ReyeS, Diana Jean Casupangde loS tRiNoS, Joash David BautistadeCeNA, Elora Dana Custodiodel RoSARio, Drexler GabrieldelA CRuz, Adrian SuacodelA CRuz, John Lemuel VivasdelAtAdo, Maybelle AguiddelFiN, Zaldy BatangandeSCAllAR, Jeffrey Jan BautistadetABlAN, Analou SapdodiAz, Alfred AmoyendiMAyA, Gabriel Danison PamogasdoMiNGo, Leslie Jr MelladdoRoNi, Wilver Sabio

doSAdo, Joseph HiponiaduGAyo, Cyrus Michael MantoseBueNG, Kate EstacioeGoS, Genette Mae DanieleMilA, Loida AgravanteeNCARNACioN, Jose Maria LingadeNRiQuez, Magnolia BataseRMitANio, Ermyn DagahuyaeSpiNA, Leilanne RequironFeRNANdez, Apple AlamaniFulGeNCio, Sheridan IberaGABiN, Aladin MartinGACAyAN, Gennivie MendozaGAlApoN, Jerylyn ViloriaGAliNGANA, Ephraim Nico PuatoGAMAS, Jessa Leianne MagdayaoGANtAN, Rhossel PinedaGAoyeN, Maricar FamilanGiMeNo, Janine De GuzmanGolloSo, John Michael RomanGRANAdoziN, Manuel Jr PauloGRANde, Karen Mae JornadalGueRRA, Dexter MacalaladGueSe, Patrick Ashley ReyesGuy, Antoinette TanheRBAS, Raniel CepedahiSole, Aron Roy CamporedondoiBACARRA, Norelie ObraJAMACA, Jester EsdiculJuNAtAS, Karen LamanerolACSoN, Lou-Reiz SimongolAGMAy, Adriane SantelANSANG, Mariamne Alexis Pineda

Rank Name School Rating(%)1 Mann Cyron eser Jose Sarmiento Central Luzon State University 86.082 Jaypee Artates Abenoja Central Luzon State University 86.043 paul Aldonza Cardenio Central Luzon State University 84.644 emil Joseph SanvictoresVergara University of The Philippines - Los Baños 83.825 Jenah lou Sanchez Catabona Central Luzon State University 83.746 Allan paulo zamora Valenzuela University of The Philippines - Los Baños 83.667 Gabriel Alexis San pedro tubalinal Central Luzon State University 82.588 Gabriel danison pamogas dimaya Central Luzon State University 82.489 Royd Joseph Racasa Mosaso University of The Philippines - Los Baños 82.44

10 Maria Carmencita Jamilla Riva University of The Philippines - Los Baños 82.40

Roll of Successful Examinees in theVeteRiNARiAN liCeNSuRe eXAMiNAtioN

Held on SEPTEMBER 2, 2014 & FF. DAYSReleased on SEPTEMBER 5, 2014

Continued on page 10 ...

TOP 10 Veterinarians

lARuAN, Abegail BalasleNizo, Alixes DeguerioliBuNAo, Jewel CacanantaliMoSNeRo, Brian MacarandanloJeRA, Catherine GadayanloNGNo, Jeorge Michael FernandezloReNzo, Augustus Marco AdinoloReNzo, Marvin BorromeoloReNzo, Ruby YarraloyolA, Karl Marx LadiaolozANo, Karlo Sta MarialuMBeRA, Wenchie Marie LaraMAAlA, Charish Erica SuyatMABANAG, Benjamin Jr PaladMACABAleS, Rosemarie IngenieroMACAlANdA, Adrian Miki CularMACeRo, Mark Edison PagurayanMAduli, Ron Ron Kange-EtMAhAit, Rogiel LlevadoMANdoCdoC, Kim Ryan DimayugaMANiNGAS, Wilson June DausMANito, Ma Maureen MalayaoMANuelA, Ron Rian TulabotMANzANo, Paul Christian Ver JosonMARtiN, Ana Rose CruzMAteo, Alpha Finn FariñasMedRANo, Christian Dave ReyesMedRANo, John Erick DalejaMeNdozA, Erwinia BernardoMeNdozA, Katia AnilaoMillARe, Federico Jr Antonio

Page 9: Filvet 82nd convention issue for web

July 2014 to February 2015 Convention Issue 9

PVMA R-10The PVMA R-10 Chapter held their 5th Annual Regional Convention and Sci-entific Conference last August 21-22, 2014 at the Pearlmont Inn, Cagayan de Oro City. With the theme “Enhancing Competencies for Global Competitive-ness”, the annual activity drew veterinar-ians from all over the country to discuss important topics.

PALASPALAS joined the BAI-AWD Ac-tivities in the CVRC in Ilagan, Isabela. PALAS member and PVMA Vice-President, Dr. Hercules Baldos was on hand to give support.

A seminar on ‘Proper Handling of Laboratory Animals in the Conduct of Scientific Procedures’ was given to the faculty members of different Cagavan Valley schools.

A seminar on ‘Improved Animal Wel-fare Program in the Transport of Ani-mals for Slaughter’ was attended by RAWOs, Shippers, Farm Owners, PNP and Quarantine Officers.

PVMA BatangasThe PVMA Batangas Fo-rum on ASEAN C o m m u n i t y Integration and Climate Change was held at the Lima Hotel, Lipa City last November 28,

2014. Led by its President, Dr. Sam Co-mia, the activity tackled important is-sues affecting veterinarians.

PVMA Director for Chapters, Dr. Ma-rie Vevienne F. Casino was on hand to represent the PVMA National. Dr. Mariano Ll. Jovellanos also represented the PRC Board of Veterinary Examin-ers.

PVMA Western MindanaoThe PVMA Western Mindanao Chap-ter Convention was held last October 19-21, 2014 at Ipil, Zamboanga

Dr. Hercules Baldos, represented the PVMA National at the convention. Dr. Elmer Nueva is the new president of the chapter.

PVMA Southern MindanaoThe PVMA Southern Mindanao Chapter held its 35th Annual Convention and Sci-entific Conference last September 25-26, 2014 at the Sarangani High-

lands, Brgy. Tambler, Gen. Santos City, with the theme: ‘The Veterinarians: At Pace with Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Resilience’.

Dr. Nelrey L. Calvo was succeeded by Dr. Joselito B. Gleyo as president of PVMA-SMC, and was inducted with a new set of officers.

PVMA EVThe Philippine Vet-erinary Medical As-sociation – Eastern Visayas (PVMA-EV) Chapter held its 34th Annual Sci-entific Conference

and Workshop last December 11-12, 2014 at Sabin Resort Hotel, Ormoc City, Leyte. This year’s theme is “One Health: Globalization and Climate Change”. The two-day affair gave the participants insights on new trends and technologies to be globally competitive and cognizant with the impact of climate change in the veterinary profession.

The activity is headed by Dr. Jose Arnil C. Corong, Vice-President and Con-vention Chair. PVMA-EV is led by Dr. Michael Arman B. Manuta, President.

PVMA welcomes its new affiliates - PAVMES (Philippine Association of Veterinary Medicine Educators and Schools) and CCAPA (Cebu Companion Animal Practicioners Association).


Page 10: Filvet 82nd convention issue for web

The Filipino Veterinarian - The Official Newsletter of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association10

PVMA Shines at FAVA... from page 7

Board Passers... from page 8

Another shining star for the Philip-pines is the award given to Dr. Noraine

Titik at musika ni Dr. Mariano Ll. JovellanosIsinaayos ni Edna Orlina-Padilla

Isinaayos sa Koral ni Neil SalardaInawit ng Southwestern University Chorale Cebu City

Mahal ko, mahal ko ang Pilipinas. Bansang mahal ng Diyos, Dakilang

Lumikha. Mahal ko rin ang propesyong

Beterinaryo ng bayan at ibang panig ng mundo.

Alay sa pangmadlang beterinaryo Loobin ay maka-Diyos, makatao. Marunong, magilas, matatag sa

paglago ng propesyon sa bayan at sa mundo.

Mahal ko, mahal ko ang Pilipinas.

Tungo sa kanyang pag-unlad hanggang wakas.

Mahal na mahal ko ang lahing Pilipino.

Pagbabago sa bansa’y matatamo.

Tayo ay nagpulong muli at nagkakaisa. Upang talakayin ang suliranin sa pagtataguyod ng kalusugan, mga alagang hayop sa bakuran,

kanayunan.Pagbabago sa bansa’y matatamo.

Mahal ko, mahal ko ang Pilipinas.

Tungo sa kanyang pag-unlad hanggang wakas.

Mahal na mahal ko ang lahing Pilipino.

Pag-unlad sa propesyon, matatamo.

The PVMA is a strong, unified dynamic professional association whose esteemed

members are responsive to the veterinary needs and related

concerns of our society.

Our mission is to the rights and interest of all members, promote their professional development and enhance

recognition of the veterinary profession.

Imno Beterinaryo Pilipino



Medina, recipient of the Animal Wel-fare Cause given during the 18th FAVA Congress.

Also giving credit to PVMA are the following speakers: Dr. Veronica A. Matawaran, gave a lecture tribute to Dr. Rodolfo S. Peneyra, the first FAVA President, in the Asian Society of Vet-erinary Pathology Session; Dr. Eliza-beth Callanta talked on Mutual Rec-ognition in ASEAN and the role of PRC; and Dr. Ronello Abila, presented the “Outcomes of the 3rd OIE Global Conference on Veterinary Education and VSB, and its Implications in Asia” during the 18th FAVA Congress

MoNGAliNi, Sherwin BinwagMoNteRo, Ronniel IgnacioMoSASo, Royd Joseph RacasaMulliNS, Neil Fred JunsayNABio, Charlaine June BalucaNAVAl, Mark Joseph CandonesNAVAleS, Mary Ann BuzarangNiedo, Joadel Amyree MarronolAN, Karen Joy VillanuevaopeÑA, Sherwin SalangsangoRtiz, Jessica Gay MoralespAGAduAN, Aurie Flor CuajotorpAGuyu, Benjamin Ike PaclarinpAlMA, Abraham AlmaizpASCuA, Juliet ResmapAz, Angelica Lee CruzpedRoN, Joseph RudicopeRez, Anselmo Jr MagadapiliS, Jenneelyn Sabadopol-AS, Kathlyn Pis-OpoliQuit, Ibarra Ariel RivapoNCiAN, Samaita Joy BartolomepuCtiyAo, Florence GolwingonpuNGtilAN, Olivia DomingoQuiAMBAo, Ralph Jordan CaballesQuipANeS, Alvin CablayRABACAl, Nemesio Iii OlaliaRABAGo, Jefferson FragataRACho, Ma Rosario SamaniegoRAMA, Aleya Albert BaldonadoRAMoS, Gayle CulanganRAMoS, Jeorge Michael IncogReGNo, Dawnette Rose May NacionReGoNdolA, John Christopher IbarretaReQuitillo, Mary Grace MolinoReyeS, Virgie BaxalRiVA, Maria Carmencita JamillaRoNdARio, Melanie NoblezaSAle, Fernan James RanarioSAMillANo, Leon Paolo PeSAMpAtoN, Micah Angela GomezSANChez, Maricar Monette SongcuanSANtoS, Karen Chel Romero

SANtoS, Vanessa Vigna GuilleroSARMieNto, Mann Cyron Eser JoseSiNoy, Keflin TiuSo, Rachelle PetACloB, Rita Leonila PepitotAN, Guillermo Ii UyteCSoN, Jerick LisingtiBAlAN, Windy Mae SarialtioNGCo, Clarine Omega CastillotizuelA, Rys Marie June CarotoJe, Brea May PuguontoliNG, Jesus Jr UltratoRdA, Peter John VillanuevatoRMeS, Angelo VillamortoRReS, Ritchie TangalintuBAliNAl, Gabriel Alexis San PedrouBAldo, Franz Philip Joseph RebonguMiNGA, Franco Luciano CapalaranVAldez, Michael TabugocVAleNCeRiNA, Ivy Mary Liz De LeonVAleNCiA, Katrina Angela GarciaVAleNzuelA, Allan Paulo ZamoraVAlieNte, Avelyn CabagVAliNo, Lara Shinette InocencioVARGAS, Angelo Martin MahusayVeNCi, Kent Gary FernandezVeNuS, Virna Ren BabeloniaVeRGARA, Emil Joseph SanvictoresViAdo, Danica Trisha Dela PeñaViCeNAl, Joveth LotayoViCeNte, Ian Jay BorjaViCeNte, Marianne April AlvarezViCtoRiNo, Manny GarbilesVieRNeS, Juna MarianoVillABlANCA, Mikaela AngelicaVillAViCeNCio, Leah RuizViNoyA, Kathleen CarolinoViRtuCio, Rena Camille PisiganViVeRo, Agnes Belinda ObaobViÑAS, Dave Christopher GuevarrawAdASeN, Mark Lloyd PiagayAp, Archie Cris ChingyARANoN, Glenn Mark SolomonyASAy, Rachelle PalenciayuCAddi, Ericzon Contig

New Lyrics

Page 11: Filvet 82nd convention issue for web

July 2014 to February 2015 Convention Issue 11

tion and healthcare and to share her knowledge to anyone who needs it. She’s from Siniloan, Laguna, a typical probinsyana in the city. She’s the doting fur parent of 5 dogs (4 sweet dachshunds and a bossy Chihuahua) and a loving daughter to An-doy and Lita and charming sister to her brothers and sisters-in-law.

Doc Cora is the owner of Vethealth Corporation and the Country Manager of Me-riden UK. She also holds the positions of Social and Sports Committee officer of the Na-tional Federation of Hog

Farmers Inc. (NFHFI) and the Philippine Vet-erinary Drug Association (PVDA). She is like-wise the official Secretariat of the Bulacan Hog Farmers Association. She is a loving mother of three of whom two of them are helping her out in the business. Following in her footsteps, one son is already a veterinarian and one daughter is taking up veterinary medicine..

Doc Roselle is with Elanco and specializes in swine health and production. Her idea of a night-out is a visit to the abattoir, and she advo-cates the batch management

system for pig farms. She hails from Dipolog City in Zamboanga del Norte and is currently residing in San Mateo, Rizal. She is a Cebuano and mar-ried to Marlo, an Ilokano and they have a daugh-ter Marselle Luida, a tae kwon do black-belter.

Doc Eugene is currently em-ployed as corporate sales man-ager for Rizal Poultry. As a veterinarian his expertise is in poultry and game fowl medicine. He is also a part time small animal practitio-

ner in his free time. He is a third generation from a Chinese family immigrant in the Philippines, and he grew up in Pasay City. He currently resides in the province of Bulacan with his wife Maribel and their son, Roland.

Doc Joe is the Dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine of Central Bicol State University of Ag-riculture in Camarines Sur. His field of expertise is doing researches on ethno-veterinary drugs for

use of animal raisers in rural areas. He also explores the or-ganic production of food from animal origin. He is married to Marichris with whom he has 2 sons Joachim and Jastin, and 1 daughter Sofia Bianca –

his eldest is following his footsteps and taking up veterinary medicine.

Doc Pio is the Provincial Vet-erinarian of Palawan. He is proud to declare that Pala-wan is OIE recognized as FMD-, AI-, and HC-Free and now gearing towards Rabies-Free. Doc Pio is also

Apong Dakolo (tribal chieftain) of the Tagbanua Tribe of Calauit Island in Busuanga, Palawan. He is a freedom and indigenous people’s rights fighter and helped reclaim Calauit Island as an ancestral domain. He is also proud of the fact that he has served PVMA as Board of Director and in all those times, PVMA has won the PRC Outstanding APO Award. He is married to Ma. Celestina and a proud father to 5 daughters

– Librada Sylvia, Viva Lorena, Gracie Leeona, Vickarose and Victoria and 1 son - Julius. And a doting grandfather to Geraldine, Jericho, Sheenan Julius Pio, King Pio and Queen Maria.

Doc Bing is a farm veteri-narian and works at Mater-pilca Corporation, in Valencia, Bukidnon. Truly an animal lover at heart, it is a multi-animal farm with cows, hors-es, chickens and dogs, and soon

she will raise pigs as well. She has always said that she serves in PVMA because she has the time, and she is relentless in her pursuit for the better-ment of PVMA.

Doc Ed is a Professor at the College of Veterinary Medi-cine in the University of the Philippines at Los Banos, La-guna. His specializations in-clude Theriogenology, Equine

Medicine and Large Animal Surgery. He is married to Doc Aya and they have one daughter, Eya and two sons, Allan and Andrew.

Get to know your PVMA officersThe current group of officers that served from March 2014 to February 2015 - are a good mix of academe, government, and industry persons. Such diversity ensured that all sides of an issue were discussed. And as we say during meetings, together we continue the tradition of making PVMA the best!

But our positions are not the only facet to our persons, read on and learn more about your national officers.

Doc Vera is a Professor and the Chair of the Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of the Philippines Los Banos. Her

interest is in veterinary pathology and laboratory medicine. Doc Vera is also a prolific speaker and as a veterinary pathologist, she is actively involved in many professional and civic organizations.

Doc H is the Senior Man-ager of the Simian Conserva-tion Breeding and Research Incorporated and also the Veterinary Consultant of St. Lukes Medical Center’s Re-

search and Biotechnology Division. His areas of discipline are Laboratory Animal Medicine and Research Facility Management. His leading light in coping with life’s daily grind is profoundly glowing within his personal view that “No wave reaches the shore unbroken”.

Doc Jong is the City Vet-erinarian of Tuguegarao City. He also shares knowledge as part time lecturer at the Cagayan Valley State Uni-versity, College of Veterinary

Medicine. He has served PVMA as Secretary for 2 consecutive years, also as current President of the PVMA Cagayan Valley Chapter and as PRO of the Provincial, City and Municipal Veterinar-ians League of the Philippines (PCMVLP). He has been awarded the 2013 PVMA Outstanding Veterinarian for Rural and Extension Service because of his great passion and social responsibil-ity as a government veterinarian. He hails from Barangay Atulayan Sur, Tuguegarao City. He is the only son of Pastor Sr. and Elpidia and is the fourth of five siblings - Pyrene, Parnel, Perla and Pinky. Still single, Jong is a jolly person, family oriented and committed to public service.

Doc Lani is the Specialist Channel Manager of Mars Phils. Inc. She loves life and animals. Her passion and ad-vocacy is to educate pet owners on responsible pet ownership particularly on proper nutri-

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The Filipino Veterinarian - The Official Newsletter of the Philippine Veterinary Medical Association12

Hashtag it!All smiles bright and beautiful,

All gadgets great and small,All posts wise and wonderful,Hashtag so we see them all.



PVMA Website

What is interesting?

Updated Membership List – check your name, ensure you are listed.Complaint Form – look for it in the Contact Us page. Make sure your complaints are filed properly for fast action. Check the Archives – and see all of the past 35+ issues of the then PVMA Newsletter and the Filipino Veterinarian

The 82nd PVMA Scientific Conference and Annual Convention is expected to be another memorable gathering of Filipino Veterinarians. The gathering is set in elegant Radisson Blu, in the historic city of Cebu. Veterinarians are coming in to discuss highlights about the veterinary profession, as well as explore the beauty of Central Visayas.There are more than 8 awards to be given to deserving individual veterinarians and organizations.There are : meetings, 3 for Government (PAVMES, BAI-Animal Welfare & PCMVLP), 2 for PVMA (HOD and Business Meetings); 7 Plenary topics; a new breakout session for the PVMA Councils with a total of 21 topics; and an afternoon break out session with 42 papers

PVMA Facebook

Like us! The page is managed by your officers and messages sent are always welcome and addressed.

PVMA Mobile App

Partnering with Tetra Consulting Corp., the PVMA is set to be the first professional organization with its own mobile app.

The 82nd PVMA Convention will also have its own Convention Navigator, download it using the QR code provided

February 18–20, 2015

Radisson Blu Hotel Cebu, Cebu Ci


The PVMA has also partnered with the PRC for the renewal of vet licenses as well as with the PDEA for the application and renewal of the S2 licenses. We even have an Aero party prepared on Friday morningWe hope that the Filipino Veterinarian will be encouraged and empowered by all of these. PVMA the best!And we share the success of this event with our partners:

The PVMA has managed to keep abreast in new communication tools. Below are a listing of what we have continued and started to ensure that the Filipino Veterinarian is equipped and informed.

What is new?Your own PVMA Profile – Register yourself and help PVMA update its list to prepare for Asian Economic

Community (AEC) integration.


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