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Page 1: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

Thr woid or Fighting Fantasy, peot'lf,lby or.s, diagons, zombies inn ein'pircs, has .aptrrcd th€ inlgi'rilnnr nlnillions ol rcaders world widc, lh'illing advcnrffcs oi sword and so'{(r.onc to lifc in the rightinB l:.!rli.rlGinebooks, wherc th€ readcr ir ilxhero, dicing with death and deDnns inse.rch olvillains, h€asure or rr.Ldon,.

Now IOU .an .reale you own Fi,jhl i,!t1fnnlnsy ndventur€s and scnd yourfri€nds off on dange(nE nisrionsl rnthis clearly written handbook. thc(.,xrhints on devising c.mb.ts. nrnr\krsto use, tricks nnd ta.ti.s, rs w.ll is i$omini-adv€'tu€sc.mpletewith Cn rsMnst.r! notcs for you to slnit with.

is tne ide.l nrl(llr,tion to thc fist-growinA world oi nnrplnying gnncs, .nd literallt .ounll(\,



( l : .{l


rn. ( t l

Page 2: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


Page 3: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


An lrt oduclory Role-Playin8 Gane

lllustntcd t1! Drren Snith

Page 4: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

1 116Fuh5rceeb@kbtur{ht4

Page 5: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

lPbeinsdd Mry srqry


eiddn'el ,ybkb[Whifu6J

rh jr!6i F€hdns Puha ctrbo!@d he

rho'iso& d Rde6 3 h.k !I vor& d n4i(

FaoE\ ciGbokhdis{lhiL@r8. wh€nsFt4;dod, r@emPk,'h.G&rrru^.ulo!6c;rv Moq6edor1 !d s w'I v@6dr s" ireah., * ^

tun 6" **r, -


" ".d, *.*h hb yd' p,&

-d;des. * h"--."d he-h-. .*rd qlb edvnrdbtsyswdhw€k rklPtutq!hP d

drhoqi ,bi r tuhs ri 6ee b@k ds Jr rhep6,ibb od@n4 fi!l'4 f!!hy wI 66 rq

pLr idrh yN id6de. And b sse rdritarq

rr F Ffh ooioruts her 6c o idns dre


Page 6: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

[email protected]"5Pd'olde

lid +rmie hqphbGnholgihseredaiY'ryrb3 {qdoPaerb \F5 who eEr ir rhe@npriadois d 3(h Fns) For 06r Phys, the



ndjy i lg i !h.6J!Pd' lhefun|



6Dih! drh rtwerd Mdnkt tyou

EeDnod rhtyou by meberore Pbnq Fte,ir

b 6n;s ro rh$ft bi€fly hM F 3rr4loery{qk' ldrc?h w4h1,/rislqM@dd a8u

e me oi rhe durpn dEu out oi i shet dFErch hon L rukd lo enid re 9h.;;iftB ild ftisqa ar hdd€ 0i |,a d/ n

Bdte 6u etury 6u dE dtroFd, rr 8iwYousneb*Fundi fuado4dhg'd

Page 7: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

h! i* $h{e Joq de h'


r4cgoigrYod[R]*!aLaE6N'bi 'oridryouLnh Your v{' b rishr n be6E ii

,You| i3|ryosbnbF:nd@nu€d@nthe

Pasn$way undr q Eei ! r.jundo d64

siworheoPbndtuniB€ {e6'q w*r, bd

P*hrPs Fu dd jE ee b & e6'srds ?nd

b rhe w6t (rhe d+iry orc *ihr turdq dwo

bd!;i, 'h4youue'wil}!!runlbrcu3h!ihpls,od. l ryUP'JluFJdrrqibX's lderva'4rAGPTnrrybjJt i ibssPn.




Page 8: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


ruks 3iwo here dn €n )bq how b ru4e atr eanioi3trubG'hideeee\ bdf , hr6€

h 'heqrnPh

wehEju*w€d, yqw*rhe qry


{:c l 'y 'ndreyieJ| l ry iBbrmPh'he

qanph, rhd rhe w{b.ts tENre). rhev nsr

u.( ore. tuv dr h:w bckF*5 b hold rhdrksaE,, bnkft rorisn rh€n leyrd Eoii6,


Fdiis a msEr F a rcm, s4 nsr &ddeb;L*; rm*!*.b'

'd. nq


c*.,;".lhcsqhf $ ro6e$G$turrb!

;u w e iddd d hw r( oq 6€!dii"--rh*

-;" -'. d"8"." G"..yb"

;ed\ indntr{r wdro@ srii r4rshlFddhgsle,oremyboladly{dd'a's&s; Ld bph b ! ishr ander nay e [e hrfrk/tyPe!\he'hadon&ob(q

Page 9: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


kd|'$eody6ligbls4abflt. i3' i4., i '4

$e shn, 6 6ey wr jus qPrde rnd ishr (orNn isy b) hd5k6. Bur haniM ci4

lDr3ire 'b 'you&aqs,Klsd'hecd,

bddyof !!bFd! Y@k€p!!qcod odi6

vrrhis ovq e wqid ri ryhilh h€ advennE

a&dNs. a3 you oi rnarre, bdqr,sod," id


ide,add,H.e d Psi 6? qsqidEdlE

d €^;aoad cin$MA eB nq.rbh !ddshiEd h rhe Fanbsy cinehl nItr rh*

nl lFi lodd! |dgBiyofwnrd@uE8


'@o) the Phte6 !{ sb! dso 'he


ech aE d ee nap t@4) | or€d sid a

6ob tu; Go $e cM an qdt lep h* or

Page 10: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

qikra@n tuno#ir fhc(ndFddnL 4!Ehec'n$Mdd5rch!r ,Pjry++4/d

advoere bd srh siiqhdy r€ed d$ b dory

j lu3Elodybegioinidvenfue


16h;affasPe Pbdns h. dssei r@tn3

HoN'heygoiedTs'i4,f ' ./4'andhow

hi em FoqnoisGidPdiq\ rsq !€Pb)

Bur rhb n ,1 $€y nd b r^ow [€ beuq d

Page 11: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rqr job 6 Gn€tuds 6 qbr lhe idwntuE.tumsih+b*olwhge' teyaehde

ibry d de Jqi.dois rh{ 'h.r

?d€ ar APd

rh€o rhe dddpbo (h ibl4 otr $c qBhtshand

chdes fth€ nGr itkdy oie) !i[ e N4d ii ]he


@reEdbyelb!d 'heEHo$'&y@ca[s '

ae{tdhsacMweshdr dn

'hG'ceadw GnsM{b4,.

M4hrli@,enAabbhiudFhoq aqlslordrhePifr/sPhsnis6'& You my ddde

'h{. Brdoh, p6n wir wok d6od'kdhc ib

da ds(;s Fo qroPre, if they dt bb a

{id you judF the .hane ot s!@s b &. this

jtqnay jqndldde 6i,$d! phnka?i6s1

ToatanNnPb,b6'ye9FIt ' fuvedswdiHohgoblii i isldelrcm'lhqhve



Page 12: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

deyrcebebhl ikstoh'ensP!.dsbbwn r n n. robsobrh wodd ns' ee\ Levqmnqd'Asld9blsae5bPjdandQry,g36w,Iwoddgj$a5h6!fuiethds€


ed*[Llheo|h€Pho6iLindthePi iyre

Lqe bjuds€ {rhcFrty doelbin dis' 3*ihere

thi'edk Pifu,ili|y'h'PhswhidlrcdddeF oi hov sltr ri edwftEr t (eab dshBrh, ntsrrtse pcB@. q d. )otr ed€cd€dbirc[ i8 ipn*{ [ !hrcne'rh4| fu

rqtue! 6riq doM a Pr hds siery q hrt


4d'rtd!ru b 'htr

die olk (be6E th€ dte &srcwn) bY il@dh8 btrusF q ifrPosls P4

tu5;'i&aMFu h.,ed{id nd re.datfugwdh.vebdl lg i t r ls{ [*de&ied

n{ ni{*. 'p;!pedb

{ mdia @ s"

Ai ia@ih;i{^Mrx^isanesu€ddh€$

b5c{d{thi8s$ol Ih€Goibabdlg5

Fniedi hish; bw '^uNA

shau hiuse

Page 13: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

Pend oo dE idYqtlllE ttuesrws (6r b5hne,whe6gdm'aHo'gobhwjldi9eandtFhc! &qsh i do@) shodd be dddd byPrburi9Nrs Hereft ecMddd4 6ri.dh

oE 'he

pert hd jun @re 4rc$ wil 'ry

b sape

I tr Ls, the idbn hapPeN lu rh* as, s€ o(


fuin,ft!wbh'ngwd'[i8[hcbdl'en'Nokhow dE cansMsrs (cM jqdsls e.h dtudhi

5Eoos (A), esd (!) ?id c$d (c) rhq hde

.Nt*netrd tuwn i d4 Mr h.4 6 tu tatm dt( h]bllo! dn

' e 6e bdhm dh€ *r

crttrri*htttu rewnndde rp, hnke bttu.l

*toldl Yo! [;e the 5he hn de brh d the

cMr ohr y@ difb down 6e rcpe. tr/ai diPri4b3,s[ !drF,qr rrod rei id iouEun

Page 14: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

shafttsarircw$eseMr tsr!ru 3 /P 4

cM ttu/r{ ,tr cM,s 4,r5, ,@ n! rnr. 'rd

d{tulatu e q k. ne!t@ E t Eio*(ri4 b.s,rct tu h4' blt ' ts ne.MdLaEdidQdal

' i.n: ht @n tn ltv A)r1t;/ shrr jh.c.tlt

wi '@ihnus6!$ne'{gl t 'nsEsaden

ouddt. tsh4 rE4 dr |d0! l

c[ tcbns i n sry s,ird Do Fu {a* b t4 th€

ci rRte tu e'Dth' ll M1 i r\v. q. 6dsrr! 3 obd rt ,@.1 You hsr i cft eltuns


hldkr j lsebth! |adh?ndb'boPen

, rJ {r! L,, btr 't

i@fuir&r.Pr IThedoot

Arnstrs idd{li a &eP {re F$u4

\ \o,@hl i r rve jue16r is xNAPont

Page 15: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

BA[n3htms,r[.hr'e|hedofrcM, tul eo dic. lrkcMha4 drirdr{fftr,

6. d@r pt t t lv rp htEtuEa.a/ \ t i.w|Na, exci'ur tdict qrit!ry ret iov ra

eii0r I Asyod chae i '[e

doo, I tE opo htud d yq. You so nnq hed@3 hb th!

rtu6M /tu. ul ae tuliptin ot,@u t qd ta6,an iePnbE rk ]*rE r!n!t'; b elt3sdnllfu':j}rafuarfucht@b&?N|6'

a Hdb. El wdE n€w ilrud hse ,u* vNdis

^ioh,NdEjuer@* gi@nd.

:i* Utdd$ ad0 rilh rorlco on, b'k thq.

A:rhinLyoq lldkdhPabedh6t shqrdwe4t'[e'hhF?lEy[ightbeFislqJ

B, rwrip4t r doft rik ftn L& runr. urs rh.k

cr twri',*# b tl Nc he nish'

I " !d\ 6 i r .eb;nsh4henrdry '*AldAi[,drrq-rhLN6 Ipqtherurmb

cM; ridtu,r! ii b5e dc4v i t ei d m'. &rs 4

;.\ ri-ab-i.r. tur".." i"i N."

.M tdkr rn br Nr ol rEu. tt\a ' i 'dn 1)

'h;dosdh bs, r^{rN^poh| c46dtnd

nore ri6 1. t qioy shadq tud wrh Indts

isy'; d q[ ror ( you so thilu8h the od

hrcnsl b ho *s@, s€ cD.u kr' {l

B tv/ t rab&dhFlc4n€ioH{nd sodd

Page 16: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

ci twi6F6 b slhdt [e stupid w€ wod' er^anyrhhs by hn4 hh. Iro tu 6Ml rhnk youi

GM I;@rd xi rdd. b r anr r d"n, h^.

fn P.\ t.r kirdtungtu t.b.n\ba

dsbi.e ahsd n i wod6 dooi

cM ld,.er-rcr^.t 'o!


cM: LqqB rre tuf ,{ri- af chrt1 t. re',t


ftu cM Me 0r *ttucn'd,.tn{o Pqd rN'

hr a rddowi d; pn:c No Le.s so hck b riroshhd3 rcon d h1


&ie dE ene. rbcM iis bbe$aE dwh!,hpinhg-iid @hd .ikybtuPPo hd Le

rh $oe 6h?bndodd dErtui sod de


Page 17: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rhs tr wil ut@dakry e oLli;s d, rh€E n

I ro! do [E he.dr4uE6\ ' i ;e; ]ouw


ft ![i,nsrots,turF! m6'onoie;r; [email protected]* Pj€,

hitsbd (!idduraq^In. FGr!!,, r rh€

arn. trrheodds rE hi8hl*€ @n @, rhderheeh: { h 6 ctune rhn the o.bF: wikrhck), the


&ub,&P46ess*e;lqns bh@d!

a! @r d dn. wou vil r; ned b 6d 6n6id lbr 6 h,iPo4 n b16 rq NdiB

!m; REr b scibbh nd$. b o'[e wods, yourcrne;Ni!6bls krwu.oisLid eo die, a Fd

rhj pi:re6 u rr nd, then lr@reE e&6, apsor, pai'q (deny *!ph Fpd rd

'hen mP,

lri@sDh@ ii the sane. hh b !d lmdhbg

qpen€c ari t c6in rnount d 6nibnry

&+trr hhHns @!gh bR{r indedbhylu

awEd by ,he ivs noh ro a rc@. a 3od cM

hrlh; h i;ctuc &;vhveiskonc &G' fteoi y; t r Lr t reFi6hE $'n!sb!hL,!@isi i*on $br sr iybhppi iA.cM!4

Page 18: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

tci@d'heruB Re&d'hjs ri 'hewrryq

r*bd€nh5tuDwd) w@ rhe P0ry €ob! @n Ilid buch &n{hhs (olsins a anbrns) be wry



\;E@ siihr", @ ia Er! b PhY N 6'En4 ;bper6.dcpbF6 "ho-rbe

,h.idr k;dhs ind,6ri$6. Ra&60rrkwd6d orrrdt Me

" wfl be anrb! !d tu

d4eF m;' bessq.aPyrf Esher nrtuonAdb!phohsPE Fn Fi@ c9{i bPhoLeq rhb sh4t oid 6r q* r yoq osn 3rtu,ody). r yo do nd bE aG$ b q Peb@Pfr,pi€a5dpbfFpqcnbesdboo€do{n

i,tu4ftm q hoh b o! up 6€Lqh"6.k6



Page 19: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

arbvEmtuuRE sHj';;' -l tr^*;t




l- tl

Page 20: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

qUPNN Ge FF + I r[es ,hord n$ e

ibo{ lheruksF{fud|y lery6]nd!h4iN




'4{'x!, drhoud r niy be eP66i€d (io ii '

Page 21: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

!ucx6 i hddrfe h Fakni3 F4i6y. rhe hrsh€r

& quid b r$J b dd$nhe {h€s{ Isive!slunioniyso6fragii|n'h.h'rd{sln€fDe ii adw^ruq Ny vih b r4, fo hd

ThePrcadft6!T4tr4,il.rorLa|olbrys.AlrdEirus rariq ,| Ld id rcn &o dtoe ad

,[3obh36rcu'nt6erunber'ldLd.l, 'a

4dq/rr s,4, q one Ftr, lhdhq sc rctu[

UUaib4la$d6j l idh8dd64

sdne h h;Fi+ 0 d{€i* th. t6d, d{ou^ds

dildvedqe $ne tips q sp{.r peerds mv

A ebF! s 'Axd

r q chaB€ @F€i'\ dunisanidtdqe*no9e6'qfuuli iodpeGjd4hktholb| lq in 'x^ndqdb'e '4 ' ,c

Page 22: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

d Prclqois L rinind, ehysF nsr b dFiur b

br dn*4 r rssE d rhe Pdhi dskeqrh

dne he or lhe r6L /o/ !i4. wc; !!r t e,bni$€d h rwow4s h ciih lhrdotr wh; ths

Gaa[!LeeM Ia r lucr poh6) n{r6bq

dt6! Podon dFotuft rhis iir !sb;i ,.r hr<

.drJb5 d.idndner no.qR.I@ Lhepodl(d6!hRsddidmeb6eddh'dhw](9)

d & ar{ rhey ide .pbEd. is sor iin $riL

*'a, 6rs 'houd

a rnP d@r q hb a Pr), th4


Podoc or srr, stos'h q Fqtrue (opdoriD

Page 23: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

adreNures tu ibw rhe phyen b !e rhen waF ^

iny dneduris 6eidlrft r b@b;5r^M1N^pohh Pdsbnssreraadhunib(quiEhr

iiddk d! b e vodd nd& rbN€d .adn{

.dto6. ^r

ss cM,5 oPdon, rhe Phy; nr, bsdb'edb€kiPohotrdskL|'sftrythqFonuN


.-,^aEr.Gwchi@rsidc tud(di.iqt

ii*. h-id r a eHk. An^cE t rhe Nnh! dad*dutslbhnd{frcnigtrd'ew.l' i l

n4N 'hey

cn ody t8hbre idwriqrent a nne.

I rh.;@ioE! rcrL r{o dte and idds hE q

Page 24: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

orc !d!she!6 6 faMh^ ores (r iny)

1) tr ei adtdud wth$ b &@ fton a htr.

nfuri ind{oudsrheidEduE!f8(ddrr

duam ahnrdtiq b nih r noE sctqE e@!d

- , ;*i,e 0 b nhinte sr dGd d

-oudsIi i^ adwdqd hd i$t louidd a lEatue hc

q she oly br & !tr{ i, rh! NEr eav (sr Pi3*

lEruE, ,hor i€ q shenlylb 16/ b4d h drc

po inEid d the iqmd, r$eadr uw;

Page 25: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


tuer his r6d to, .er {d I EcK eoit m6i 6

63hrhg, dE od. rt &rk (uro rshb fho L

ddr har ri ^{Acs

roE or i rtui6Erc^

liF^lwg A, ] 1 naidwofug B ald 5.6

riinrdF@ddriod ft€ cobrh3 Arrlr


hs dEidr ic4ed a so E6q A no 3 {rr hk

Page 26: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

nb4sGi,e{ the cM I rhecobrit oftdth!

'The wk[ 3 wdf iradqE &rh4ide!unMdadEdureEa9isishslefoc'g'

iur@drdEdu$lai l l lht*@clErc '

snnsrh bEA"{LsrrenB'h &iri4,y b4d, olrf


Eeufl. t: r@ eqnli'! vilsrwah@wl))a

idr, ft GM shaLd i$r *r rre reiiN6

Page 27: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game



n6!edon{irb;sto, 6rvh*$ndLibe A5,

Prcbbind 4a( i h6 r i i6 eE) ' *r ier{


Page 28: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

LM e oq4 &hbd eld &G ibtr b sfl

rdoq(hdrdisrh! ri+r, 1'AN,NApoirru*

Page 29: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

n& r54q.d. A r pdrt oodii(!ldd€d b rhe

,[rq nd!6 a^d n !d'4, 'he

uNry wil e 4

Mownsr h F{rh! &r6y c Eebtd 6! @G

de dEtu; ,r h a bry @der {d seirr

' m'tP6tbk ft 6eidldse6tunpqrhq

hjury coqrrv sP;hg a iuld atr nn twndle drhqd ijq Fanis dr or I rFe oL dr abuidis sorr isd: sne hjw 6dr3h.,i

rhe {ei o' { ijqry k ddded bi &b4e {d

Page 30: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

sRlPod |q n!bN, ! ju ii)idd iry p{dq nqdLi{s b dE rcLr iepqrdis oo

i |lh nldiru(6 3) wodd & idd<1

;\arod.ft you$yio,rEtrtryan hh

?dE' uE 6(h r Iq werd 4 r,ihr Mo,kd)

P{lnelso6Le6dtn'Tkfl i |@L!kdj}

A! idvenuie(and $N ionsrsr !!y 'rnDr

bfid $e P@k' da dlNtsroeve dh( DoiiEr

Page 31: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

aas bdhs 6 ka$e q hidd{ obj€d whe

qilrt w[ee hlr ne *arii8 (q qanph, ao

& iound (q qanPh, *dr pNF or :P(hr5ts1|b@l)el ,bgfour$eFnrcdhg6@'

B&cr(q;t @n othahewLhDswdi.

hsEad es: 1 br ehhd rhe pihrhg, thei 'hc

Page 32: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game



h Filrr,s .ohsy, $re dfr€ G rd riee Yd !r

study tbr oR nhde. Yo! ;wt fodry d! rh,

ehPtyrcon,bulvoqhi^goi iDf! tsnd[

vil rme b.r b rtre arb! n€l9 niiualnd s*r

n*ill ^inur!

n q rlu -il

*!d th! Mlnnr

6 a anair k^(h d rine (iq i$,ie, en3

w;ir. vou rqid tu en lED Ihd the p5j4 wil

" " d." hi*d ytu n-rd r*P yN'

L[d!lrcqb!.{!PhgP{l'soaNdiis' i l^ot6e.ddedBdl lhead*dug! lEgPio*khidiiulvd{tnq${ddEgdhig{tBaglss[!oln;F"d LFdroq+r F' tsn* i h$ikr i Fi(edJ. saFh!hdiq+@u

Page 33: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

l I.

Page 34: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

€-.-r---Tm--f:'' wrsHrNG WELL

,rL narhr'6',r$Lrdb |l i irrddrdi! !

rr)$ nu ht 4r f i lt tll b ti d r. \rit ltl( i5 ! i i Inr i4 ! 'n!i f i fr dJ.41r'd di] rl

dshN{ dr6Lti i! ci^$v"i-e \i id€ik;s!dura-^n6!Ldr.d6!trdL5hNrr

Fi l

VtII . R,*,

Page 35: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rhey $n r$ iob down d 6€n &;qkE eEa.

ihen rhe r$' paFsaph drhis dipbnh brs) b3!e

'hen sneh4r€re@d b

'herdwtuE tho

se otr fte ;ap s* a runer r ; Fidd otr dE

iion rhe p6yr$. ftlj re"d bo! whn F hidds

Page 36: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

atu u)rdrard 11r n.toqd rh4dt r lthr!Ldis af tuewa' nln ta wn rllt n q titu!

h(hriemsiesinaisdrep. tthqkde

Page 37: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

," ,. "A

)-; "n"

. , t*1t 1-' 1, '-n q t,Fqr.,{r44rrdrtllani did'fi

"r'lry.hnien If rhq do id e dn Gi€ 6eh $irc

'hEb sA*n thL &6rc inpdis sr peMuy), thq

rbm o.bF' ! h i ( .*Frr) rkr6rh!drRE'. 'hh!Fd".seioqIFd qP; ed a bqd w@ ! bon od: &wee.

Page 38: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

I]t lqu b '4h4| hj Md ddr fu| \r| ind.a|&dwn 6dor t;ra @tr, nur 4d rtu@t 3dttr. t\d ):^L Nu tut F tot !r4 hrydltqol

t kth tu xstut tu iq&, rn 16 bs tur i&ks

iri'ds tq q rd'.r Md ppi! t6 itu rE radhrr4 tuq bat'.f{n. krl. a5w'4d xe n$q

dEn lLqt h.;cdE {wheE th4 @ne idni{hirh.rian$aE,ahn'heyvad,r sootr) r

*;*derMb-d.nft a.i *b*rh.-oi'"

" *' .. .o. b

'h*, .' .nb, i.. h.d

rh{ qwsiis 6rn. tr thq 4' t6e !ds, he wir kePbrihi BursdNrhirh6died&ivbr

Page 39: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

!l 4ed rhe c4sb' k/ b 6E rhe ninl

BEARD qU i $AMM ? INrcS 1


Page 40: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rtr M6 6 '|btq'h'

di tet bd nq r b h'ryn 5qben4r ri. tav n tu od rct! tu 4'

W[,{ro6dj(3h.h]{its'*(d'&fue@nn t h*!!tb!t tt 6\!i e65d h tutkqnu,. a

rke ajid{re iE Po4rtottug rt. !u,n'!.rer adn ttut ttttl \14\rn tf

na d'ds tkt tu \ssse ret r b w r sb!

j4E1 ft i' 1 Fdn' 1xe tw) L 1r q t hni\ ttd'

s! r the! b(h an! d ft obj€ds, a d*p runbris

now away non th€ obtd r ftly hk io ohied

L;&( .o{h. s; i i rodh d PkN n $ &

Jcwd h plidid. r[* E !i re Jed (rL hkrbyinldvsfucrtr ! [ |soindrdo{bi

Page 41: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

l "I,ifuMikeswldu'1y'yqlh*lt€dh{Brkea]l!fuu,kn'34!]ENre'urh'ad'!

\o utns F hPtt|t stueqr6rhllr3bhnr

wn. A tupb@utkatuuhz lrexkanntlbitb h

^.dd{lra44w[ atin, tur not nnoii!3I!

Frai, -

) | "l-aih ". "i ") t"-"s tq,h n"

,nn"n d,r Ad utd k r*.h'tu"-i k 1-"r

,rrcush b 6; spid{ ri31 chinbeF He w0 blthflt*Idgynadd|4rbodho9|qcn$t

Page 42: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

srcqhbthgbg*ws'3dhe'dndsjEl[ghthE kr udls rhe Lir se MuiFr (h @n 4,

ben an! drhe rEcur rrch tum { (NandRs },ir

\ r druh!(n-rha pirh i .€, .4! hrh

Page 43: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rrt lN! h tri,t,t b,,tu tftu, t&t ( i 41@l\u'hrqn]iglh!P

!d,* ri@yPht trttrt *,Pr 6nt 4tr hewk b ttu dtureotrE rcan, o) r4w dkt, t, 16ls@attu rlnk4ditin r abtttta' li,th'aseqrt, ashq,etnnt.ofit) h in rtwt.h@,100P/r D h'tu!.s tutmere|atalra@jtn nd @n6 h@& y!! ad! aE dirt tuq h1a5

arhoush 'hs

p'ry nay detor thl cF!tue t.due [s n^,NA b !rc), rhe! s d rfl i.r6q ihqb afi* r b b+i deh'd r $r

atr tuqrd 1{0'h rc cdd Piet

Page 44: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

. - - ;a s@ueh d! ! . i , r ' r . -

B' io,i , r - i , , - F, I rd M'nn. tum"-r t

Page 45: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

n6 rcor,@6 r'd i {io, oi!7e ktr 4 utr i4hr4d vtt4 latN rt6qi)r thtd unr rihq

rhe? n4ba44d lntshst&ryh ttunn D66t4db it n,h,suk ur wt ahte tu

^' wn N t@

14t al iv frtiwa. tuo lnt hhl$h &i u! ene

tfrtun\lirJfet al r" nddh kte **rn!

keg6doeetrb€5bydNgdensnsl! d;6teFi btu- rdfqrPP@r i rLo s

rh t'u rdt (rhe hrFhaid oG6 {Ey hol * 'he

"a @li d6l irhe nidd! o^s) n dE hon€ d a

Page 46: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

lE 4rr 16r (fie nshsand ooo sdii, wtur

sgPed'rcehEdlhlheihlitybnintsjn$!obFd, tr ,iyoie Pids uP rhe {rid, Lir tum

wouid r e.i * rhe *rF* ElaL rftr G


'hsn {ad c I Podo^ dscnha j6'd'h!n

Page 47: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

1@tttrerEoqaF@t nt,ar ad enia cltknalhv6a8,@arrrhlg.hfurEir \grddry 5l4 16,,1@f6, dda4, !id, ,rccNd tu 1ib t! plh@ dl ev cfllnr! ec e$e t


o'the@n]hcPinekEry'ndl-ibodsen|Iedhdshd ed ao dy 6 rhh vhss er


udLodd@.|dt6eF' I thI theeh4].

$d ou* thei b eons dowsr (dcdud I *n '

poh6i due 'o

hrr 'Adrxt

6r ieei nh

sF[, lFadq E snr! fi! d lEasqP (,. cdd

she ryr 6{4e dti4rd (squhty eys Mn'Dnen rerh, d! ) tu

'6 nhuts

Page 48: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


n.F'v'u|.w18|t!adtwnuac1tqalt|as wn 4rp.ut $6 @ @ rai | 6&trtt N@, q 4r lr tu Lr!

^1.1 p I @d' r4rwolrt ur

a r rd aryt tud @r 4 f. a thril{li kitttld\iadlk|'&)nfurnn nn\ u r rct h ra nrah44tn'4, ,1 'x ' i {Tko/!4lo6dis^bdl fef$ & dv o, r{ & er, i a5q.,ry /dr

IE,hgiqsis iMsGidg{rcne,udhq

E;5 d dE FLrl wil rindlkry 6[ h ro? {trhh{ shs{fl +Lotredrhen(dsids'hLbyrcn sadG)lidrryb€ ehrohb'helrqbFDhlr

Fr$,hdhstre$i6bFhh{db3o{ rr€

t t i [etUidv'kdediebEis 'hegi f th iw^Q!dctrsdhGs9adque'



Page 49: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

But&6Flheysl' ind'lh{$bftePldynr,

'ry b e{@ 6en bvsicr &nBe B d! sD

vir ry bddsd iqdd d rthr 4ahn 6€ dh€r

GfuP(|i*idthen@r@$h3by'heM6h^k'r theFl tyntnPlbq6thedHtothg

Page 50: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


tu .$Ntu! di4a adr h/ t lh n !t' dt *

f t ! t?n€ndk$P{s4eq?yIheP{t 'my

Page 51: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


ttrit. n1r pr arir t.irl: di!, 6 l4r 6 su 6\ s\bdq\n$th( Mht wua ti. u\L 4 rE tu1j'!4' * edb.@ttu!,

'ntu turr or i, taioJ


fiui$ ub 'he

cr bdow6!b'taPPedh'hesnewi'$id@slndkl


!*€ n, 'he

tunh{ rhe hds b


ro Pi4'

iave blen d4idi3 bjunp ndEyd€dednidr

3hoddaddlheful4FhGdFniyxthe!drde b hd€

'ihp &ibd (wsPor b4kpd|'

ks6we, €r ) b rthrs th€n brd, tM w nrkdE junp q&{ ad Fu ns' d<id€ iow nary

IthL hk adhe nbu€), rh$ se doqs ni! &oP{d od dr vr,inc) o eaPe. , dyor L

'ijqry * n rans shd, ud$s rh* Fso $c*

Page 52: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


b. tu\ t is d &r tu b r*Idi, 6,1J at e \ d ^

hr h

tor'n .!r.t otr6n lnh ta,qu. tugiqot wr w n Pirrre k hranq ctn ueiq,!ur.

tsui,t64 fq1,t\ rqtta kqe n Fh3wln!, ,do /r !!4! r,rr !r$ td oAr d d. {1{!

AtrhoqhtheP{t 'v l | IhhLth 6!yhrt

sdldhrt(u{yosi f i3 lodoi 'oqs€thLd,hq 6r rtu Fn se cdi@m wd ddDnd

Page 53: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


oh@F5ar frd€nd bd6'h dmcc ud *$e

har eLd€ ii the tun n[ junP up on $e&dandsMekhbdi, lodogthePad'b

k*&E rhe 6vo swds aE jud ruty dd swodrad e nsior h,runo' b

'u* 'h*.

Behind iheF.bftth€yd[fud'hecdasn36lfu$E

n€e,:Th@vngDasg,dhddooachahddun nebL !d a bui.h d6freys

merhdsnsDqsrqresediahrts(oiyoNe pq btrh) od iib a 5 h 6 crdc or sdking


hdr to Eneoer b ptk n up atur ihe bde n

?6,i4 @ Lr.r / w56s $b Anqbr. B* do nd€nrhq6L-6e|ns'dsEllbpowghydJ

rhebqn.hdkeF;dnoueGb@@r j!&!h


funoh3a@und, lNyePeslzddbgiktheFdysonehiolDadon'Itnaybns4|r6e


Page 54: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


a,3&!,{h,eb 'd

r' h Nt! hk' at r: dia.

, tu* a@w x $de r! r likn4 +ib. e,


&@ne iiEi h r. the blsrhs eft-( d dE {eb

Page 55: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

inhrcntd/d, ! |d9onT&idei fuFlnsl

nrnsbbiL:lD.edi.)ioGubrRdsrr,(add,, G!h&d e) -:, lidd D) rc, Gubtre' +) 6, lldd

ts{E aE vsl iid .r eriq h{ni6 (pdftdirrrhqFi^bGhn I aryotre qpbrc!

're i!'h ied

Page 56: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


LMr'ti1s6pra bh& LMrhr@r d Nt rr4ritqry. { y! i iu eL! t di\ lkra, t i6 E, k.P

ll3lJi ' , iJ@,@1,1o,] '-s{0v!i46${!

Hdi ldd !h, ; r i , . .

| fuP&'r lb$elhedos$q!I6idIn

r@!s jrws i^d +dp rdi, a HdLhouid h- i^

Page 57: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


rc Lnt 5 bre u,Pl tu n ea htu 4rhn tr

hE nre rc r@M!' 1d4s n lr'b'oq ryt tu a.

br' a zonbr wl app6m th; ionh ad @Fq


Page 58: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

hrfr ! dG hPFN h inloft h rtu Pdry,

Ui$:{EF.! l ! . t ! l@rciLy,udjserr4d

Page 59: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game



Xr 17

rh!tMhsilexhli]lyfurdtfr,6r|183Ho^tm, rct$,4e t tu.n$ at ltu citw o.sdd,, N tib !& hi' E d iar nan A $s4e.rks]sad0ol@qh|fuh' IWrq.d kd d e. ti & at e,a4 6 k. srtu.xlthiettt 4 !3tt, L,t4 leturepie r qnol6d! qd,r h,tu rttn@ A' w! wL 4 rn Mqt er,'

b rtu sa)id qd. rE Eat.ri4

t r f i rFyhtbfuF\6od'dhhls i iq


irr+[, i qdr rine then unile h;r dre6&be o (eoh$ i nius runen, dly wiL r;c

Page 60: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

riestde Gsbrbsh{i[ntuoroebssdd

l t idE, 1'4ltNApohhf gbidolthgif nd,'n69Pad'dobqdoq6kqEdieui |

qLyLeoP{€dinthisPd|Ddt|r 'hGsPdjc

Page 61: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game



rk,@u G tnre rB4lkt 1!,rtud hee&(4

ard Pi{6 and 4Jew€L, qodh 3 cdd Pi{E adrrhe c[6r L id boo6rripped (!trhou8h thsr dned rr s,6Pqr [Rr n 6), nq n i b*ed. th!o{qi

^osk! r 5dHie, Yor n6r d{ide

Page 62: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game



Fq rhts ldventuc, lou $odd rbw th Flq 6




Page 63: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

I Ttu htr re 'h'

Nid b he tq* rl re lre.6 , r t .dr io\ald

' t ! t < tq4nsrntrut

Fdbbur h rE ri{rot tt rQ t@, v! ahtu nad Ik Fh dd r rt Daa. ol i. lrd x t

.it rua i. nod hloE w 54 c tii 0d /i*

.atrt 4tr,1tuh6 APrtu fltuiaos\ih4 hgo. d. lo}& !{ ls, l .* iPl l )al i ,4,dl!! la,n' lyUdbhc{{or4,!na, 'D@]'f lytrE

4o16fu{r'|^1!daiuldt@wdrrn@/ubltdrt tst tMa!dd atu turatutrttitIFq.) iq! rL hi .4a, t i t i , \ !1.d. , t

vt4\fd At l4k I bi w' F! u. a r..aQt

Page 64: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

dilb &wn b Qd me d4@;

'3i tu \t t' q udiN n! wu ett'fl, dv4qft6h,,IElq.w !n!, t16t d* nRdrttd4a/ rat a4 afg! EvdlN | @kwtfrad ryqwtdrrdunttr i lrq N.,ntdn(

Page 65: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

ftu t nr d@t tu 4t ltt 4r Nd et fr' al q

4@1qr ontw k. d\mtu b e. eat, a\n. e1

Page 66: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

h!{ hn nb ! tunL tr h4 adloh E6 ! sP ^




Page 67: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


ol44sPdlstr6,fi l !." 'ulsn4{, t4t't t/pt 4b nrekhentryrbNuiett ht3ed dl)qdi,,6t iivs m h Nnh h1aetrutrs ah'rtu oirant( Fu h9e qP ttrcatu wq ft*odft|M'6 Atlulfth*rqth4e. r !,in, ${ ut .t ac 4 een l)d nrc

au B, Mddq,: a, @t r@. ew tq kql

re.haun, rhev sdr dtrd iii b Le a iony hd-' cnow,erio dPRdiGrjoks He hs $ns ru8n $dnay'rydyqJjddE6n@hgchiqi lg 'he@b{dth€rco(.h{3iryflqdbhdesi!be!(,eEdhnr6\rNNr6)r nilqsnidventuErsPd h a hth Pfthed sie in €n niid4 (you


Page 68: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rhn tu edh dtrua)J @dq Lde noun& d6d iin! 6 rhe [@r (lw duns q rehe^ rsh, tueuhPle),hrh eadvohqs d deP hbr os.

Ntr |nd3i t ! 'ayDudhlmqdqabql ' fu


6e nhuE (ddud ? ,^urN^ pd6) r q .d


sloPt i l {d id jNde'heun'Adld1o,

( the adEduE$ wnh b q fbhr4 rhe kP

Page 69: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

D@^hd.sdl .d. InaI tse?'{dl 'WF

rhe up (oo) psrho, n drr pir I dq'i, 'he


*{qh) a Po!.h otr 6! a@r oibhhs 3 cdd

Page 70: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


t,i.4a- h b I4qtqu tl sM. tid ar st'"l

i'l& a)hab lnr uo*tut P!tr'r\s, tnrv. Mr

*dbd 6€ tu6 s hqq a $i d iunbblkwaEiqEe, qd'\ {h* hiPPlG

'ir e d€dd€d

Page 71: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

,bkod, l!&ligbihcl, dEn"@/{hclj l

{h!hhhts.hl]hq ne.+.1ls s@" Lns';

n $ry nid boLq srcusr ii 6€ ju* h sc

Dedbied b the d$ciptron soe r hly m;dbtr

shrrd), ,hen you nd rcn ois dr r ]!! rel 1,

IPow-i fu lnmPk[tEioFiP4&rq


eiLlik|ythdlhePanyd|asFdthnthestutrd {inib iid nocb$ @N b r{e dt rth'

Page 72: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rh a\ l l r r t t . Fl h t

htuu atn ahtnhd q td at al eu. bdF.qvflridld rtt sbtddl,3 dad! ryr$ htu ut

6v" nb A na'q s-d1t$s i' k. ,, Md Pqrc; turntut dl M @4q al h. hN. n 4 he!\ki@tan ihe thn Fa4udr,ae*i.

,h4tuies;odi*o, oF nhd, nk! rhe

rh€ h*d h phe md, oG 'he

iob h* bM on

Page 73: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

n€dseff lhskdebiqnd' [eyhEh|hdhe

i .]'cEnsrcLEroN 3 t

fur s40!d,, rhe 6i$ r@n rke adhedre wir sbi r

l[s odr ft4es b rhe rcoi is rhe dq du€

Page 74: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

Trxrcdt;rnkJnF'A|El !kd3e'dul l,tbt ud,, 1 rr!tund ttu dh 4, idba I n pt i, 5'l!d.irh ad L jn! odm nd E d.,p fi. t1M aleert 6 Nb, bi t3 udt,, sby. b tt edt cfh.Pi t t aw td?,tut mft ,. hn. Md q bP ol *i Fk4 t kitu /a|d, et tu wr ot tu dqn, it@nyFrc$tu)e?dw *atu@t4{

hp rhry ;r qrk fFdy ;remd 6e hage. hroe dyore nePs on &

'@dm i@rcIih c! i

poibord:n,setdioied.:' 4i6Nthrieiy

cFbbiq 6nF (hr Pou.h q Gnow adEn

'heft ts?.tune rhiihe {eth' drFdr d€ adwn.


Page 75: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

r$ E4a nzt 143 tut dk ht tQ fur' i h\\,

iiu q6r. raq. rqtutla@rlr|ind ni'qtu'r? \iae olb.,o/r wn t0&n,@d4) tu n4nr tu6)dqthhdt\i4n, huic \n43. adqol3L fu t edfuL fu| hi M kak rk l ,nn 4. aJik rhi, dfi t!6 dMs ,! t tr tei8,,r'5. b,,4 ru bvr, tor /tr rrits, L. r,id rcn rd 4b4


rq$Ech$r,@r ihs i ch6hiP &{r Gnd$netaiQ) rheioecquhodha4 judahqrhdrcPeidgingl(n'heeihs


Page 76: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

IJ*hei tfq ! q^!n. poiE dd.niFlbv Lh;.l.-hipBes' h.ddi!! sse6! ! ;!dianerh* fte h* dn Fb fte adEiqEr (iq 6 f{x_

ydinrMsFbbd n€ ad@dqE6 my lner

b$e), hr rhe strll b a md( sand antb ddas&asi iEeD. u

'h; ernd c h€ld b, rr



Page 77: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

?a,Fa nqa r( utde 4 rr nar A Qaq

fu!! ' | is 'J.BJuldto /di(6{D!i/ / ! ,

oi { i ,4. ar r i t d44. ! ldb ftr0. rq,ilu ldirj rlr *. rcor, d t' t r. !/r,! u rlir

Page 78: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


dLz! rnd P**s dt tu i! nh(b (bd no hrm

fb rou w:ii b r4p on ahi37) bd I rhey dnish

'h€h r !I id6e erd s4d 6!

'hen b nqs h

eb h e^erN^ potr6 (by irx i is odnqrh I

ridrhad€d NosP{hr€ftds

rbd rhe nsFn Pe@n Gio'hsn€n&i or

'he pad q a h!io.

Page 79: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


Page 80: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


x l]rrb q b;ltidty ||ri, w a6 @nhn tun

nrw. E8'wn, e.f@a\a k 4ri4u k+ th*hfu1odll*esneItrud|i|bd{fukari'

Nt ne a4 tn k e. n6 6 a kth{ b}F*,

6niyd kPF! thtu, vho dr;hlk

tsr fam$;dihe np rhe iFbisiftn@sih

stulb bc6e rhey nr4 and rhe i:iqhr d 3h e

adEduEE hs h*aq bs dEi (rq { n^Mrx^

Pohbd6m3.) 'ien

e€ ibht lrr @mnu€ d


rftqH|I[eshaiks, d.'ei(/thryEnehe4

ink inro 6? wabr. In n th€y vi in4 ? rflds (!

ddiGe nr 5e4"qia:hn. t-rb%n

bmi4rheaiE!tuErs€reddi@n )ItdnidE{r b ,hior daoe G6r iishm4 I 6e ?ds'iuq efts i @a lth a noN6 dsd rn vewr

r fetsrb hr b EqF duiq ftenb ft {rh

eriL bre 6en tuie 6 b4 b rld de &d. $lhe'wilhktheBoFp€ndt!hie

Page 81: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


bv;! whrh hok 4,houd r 6id ekse a othh hd i do$dr. r rh4 pdr th€ r€q, a jrl d 8as


Page 82: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


tua.d6snnMra* a.fu hiea f4*4rcnse! [@r, n @7!s (u' ! hiy iru* m qr rsifuirha d t' tu n tM f , I i eur b lf s. H d r r 4a 1,4 r;ia 0k orii 1{4o! d{r? wh d pt wht io @lndr.4t tuafipxrwu!bwnFv M nhrh Nel

riie thdi,b mrxryr taal9rlta 615rdrh.\t.Lr4,httsFqttndy. \Fd h t ntht\r tt;@ hrr w t @tL k4 t tur)it\ i) r. a tu

eru[+r roicddr'{e obuy!d,po kdretr t6q8iEhhore'heyi l*Lfol fuerfow

Page 83: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

aE Fru;q 6d rie {ir n;q €[ rhen rhr ht[

n 'her

dsh hin b jdn rhe palrr, dr oie di. nrqrcna{5q6hewiragl&b jo6rhen.Yq{irhdetoladfuhjn0dis[rlo.[iil lth€,3i8

Page 84: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


t a1d ! tt 3e4t tr), r | tr1 . q tutrl,dt, td 1r r, u,r r' t . .dr 4 h' d xt t , 1 d

Jta44 ttiit4i l@t d)fu Mb id. ira re itl

tu lahhn Dn{tu tv. h. datet t eetstuN

b rdri hreD brnoD&i dsh6l'uch d ,,@

ioft wcis) sodd id & dbved. yqr Dsr !!e

'ho, e dE 6 b wh{k!

're $6 i wdh; o


bwh (ror hnaNe, b r* the Ligud) sn a$e :

turrphn!! !p b rhedbw (f(' hnac b r@ws I

N^ Poib)a^dr[eLa nr]ideu*dqahii

IE Pbn6 and 5htu4 aE Ped{\ nomr

Page 85: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

Ishn Fsidon ew4 h*dy s{o;ds. rhe 6u ouiir

orte rhe Pidy hsenkd !@n ,, lou usri*or{r d

'rhe ard dE pdtdor dd; ons A[ei

d h€ ,whd,(@n $) aid andhs lhnh qr, b

r n Le hrd rd n4 !d b; opiid qen b\

p66e diniF' rhr prO qn o i i 6; ibr b


- t

' ) lI




Page 86: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


tr't D)i, \ lra.$na, ufu, ah @t rbr,t!tq3


n @w6 a snrh .hsr (Esnbiis a trser.h60 lhrh is rqkd Bui b Bd r rhe re$E

ryih rhe 6no'bs nlsg. oi I (r&1 I iow\ tu


Page 87: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


pi q shd1tu+a i.fr6 | h6t t hiq.


* Gs p{q ry b on6n i, i if i l dlP.+q. It


Page 88: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

udhr|d{4rtstrhsaFndio6idtrid and a sdbbr sddos * s€ bdbn nir

Ed dne ii n qsd, i wil deh , $aMrx^ d;r

*ondd r a eoF &, wfiP ledrgih€ dot,


Page 89: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


urr rh3lErbru \ I qr(a lr4n. hu;aits@lid! ]uh]otrJ|h€Pid} ' io[q!gien+r€, 16 uiid hrm i r"

'h{ i @ii.

Pwss rd ri5 ju* o$ i se,r wiih udr ri;v$ehbwdklhrcugh{dGAnrcrcklhs6t!l

hod nb r bienr b(dq r, d'ho d wLih

Page 90: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


la@nxs4dNtunld D'td ftu6 Md swdndrv ka.

^ut u r. an da ts ufi n qPL ol

dhrtr, Abdt4iit l lhi.d. rv i! l |1rt.snth'ortttttdnns stunfl6t€p wr tut hut6 t ius wna'. $t E qh Miitut ue wxl

hu(ry dd w ?:k thn @Nhurr 6r Pisl$; rfiq giw h{ P@\ti6,5he {ir 3i€ rhs

Page 91: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rtl tr) rhr rhq h* id rer sihd F, nq!

IolsoigftorubGtrs!/d€ddrblis|Ih!I ' :he

Page 92: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


\at & r n 5 )nr rcur tlar rd, fqt dnrint 64

Page 93: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


rttr d sbrs 8oh* dqrwdd' r rheyndhc

l.arr 44fue tud1@rhu\tu&4| tueldndB4! nar hr rympd@n ht db,irt t trh46

dos $ dd G Ls(y u d rcl$(q 4y d;nde.oi rhe d bdl d rh€ dE. I'haE

'hq-hdei$ ohefromi6"eEmse j "scrdbi . rhr

eFnd rhe rdr,bn oo fte a*side d rh n!ei.

Bde*@sdde''i ihh4enufuhiqil3frfrtr

nEr (buiri{dont trre' rh6 ), r^d thq my wa*

bNh; o€ d m$g ive d 6e frqib e 'Mtf

Page 94: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


Page 95: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game



Nnsift!k Nd Eaiwrqhdaretuotd 'i.Nlhqdp4|@kBt'|nr,qdi4lld\]u/6',a

4{ j&n! ldf l ' ;3L&ddtc]b[ !

-ir.di @, ). Bi

- | F

"Ft, " t ndt *th"l

Ndrii:! e' Pbthn ee tua ej.tb: n sfhti

Iiw ;€.s b rhe oFs itrd i'r neP! hd 4ih

.J-,li\. ;


Page 96: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

tr sry nir h rhe reo^ 6r b3q si thnry

b 6r srio{ds r qr rct B'e e; ;d

cirybft ) rhe$rcnwirbunlpoi 6eyalh(r

PL(s),hrhbdorg5br[ewe h@n16.

Page 97: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


rE rcM 4'tu'd p&rtuh a Le. rnk na.k6tu tir b. t$t qd qtu 6hti* ot ilrhd5 rrtM| nder rro lfuwn aa61rc4iv4/h

'drrM q4 wh fb f@' t dIn, d$qtQ .ttb[s

'tra @,,t nu{ re M ae\dh'tu eture4Mrx*4i3 Aflarg1i4\u, rdr45I ht

and trand e6E $er He ; ilr ;nd sr@rg, 4,s

se srillp kdh.Ihb nan tsi w€ftsq, @"sd h

" *eik.dhhc I

-^ d',

-d I

"rr **tuJv

;w dr: rre Do,Fe b,, how${, re{rd rhe

'ig ;5{Fr. Aryoi€

'adrs the wis t ibh b htr

n4 hl ! cdd Phes h trt Pdds

r;ruBe [Ph,n wi nop FAhhuind;lhinRrar ;i lnFa 5o@d;s

HG idandtpeh.,

Page 98: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game



., hn, -

,itu( bttu Ndrur kurktsitalt a tudq {t' 4n @ * tus tu' lv rtu b., I eu. clla\|fu{]refu\a'Fqtlu]au4q'@*fl31pibctidk: i&s, radid hntw

ruk h 6d n js 01 bui ra rst E[ rhen oiv

Page 99: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


rht 8{4\ qtua,rr Fa .lat @n dust hn t\ @Mhhrq \at l t r l4r t 'dd t4r

Page 100: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


ati,rdt ktq' tf itrt rk '@u

r \''3n! Eut

n\rd'dtndtQ;eu 3i 4h3M k' flo nar3. dr5 al

'i. na nE

" td6: PhF tuid r

tur1nt@ h ta rrn fu 4!d tu nd 4n 6 n

Pftn eM ! 'ndhs

ft, pd'y lrcD dE e*

(bd th€ qduE$ wirr dir nd kno{ h! b dPrc)

Page 101: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


h 6e durslon (you ![o@. !Pd)

Prq rur hk rEn ,rh then on th€i eu$' ad

Page 102: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


rr Jt@t Eflart A.qthl Ntt dial9{ tlqrinb h rn 4! 4't, at il6 !rt.@\ truthrlqtrw Er.4r Td ot r qqut 4 nttd r,!r 1v

hFiE4h;.$; !nd;q s"c(bheui ' r l

rs lod&n.doiyu$dh{ ldbf4hl

{a$jd|ywqndldby' [eTcddnnn6J

. 'h4hgqni id ' . lh i84Nor*"s. '

-[nn"F j 4,3!,e.i{rdsddrEcaoN!.4e

Page 103: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

rc Eo64s curcrn4s(nii&(dad)

! Bdhdrs c idish,;{ms

Page 104: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


b! 4b\ k, adL, fni qr atiN at I tu!. Th,re

^||aql!|ft ?lhq


Page 105: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


hi4\ tirhr lra wt rd'\y at h' ^&au!

rq, ttu

{d iy bweds rhen r ! r0o h nod dirEn

Ud€$'he! 'h. |$6i3htaway,[ehd|hy!

adii bnbw se pr5, b $aPe (orc hE.h!i

t f rp lnr ' . igh

Thedh{bi6fuiF4doidec bsqIdo|o

iid s cdd PFa' ,ewdr$y .id ceN qqrh

eci rtdad. i dr o{ f6ElidissLq

Page 106: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


rhe tuq i !an! Mr u& tu t nar I L f'nt!

d{6rdobFds,i $ned'hsenishtbeG4d

n 6i d'y ,ed rhe tun, you Dsr @ ud$€n sad { hnoE& h! nom{ q:r (6r

'tutdo4 iorsab*booho6 wbr* hir 3l,Fu nu* i* e.h d

'he Flv wtut thry if


Page 107: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

ns tur 'rh

rd.4tuE! n o4t Joed oc

Page 108: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


ya, uk, t h4 vd's,tud 'w4

AM al wxQtuhb*e nekG, t r. hliteatu kryuht Theo/ /r r4di rr,4r'{ d &@*, @d !f &{ r4 i

Page 109: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


depq hb sr tu.l. Rdroie dhio d;de whih d

r-4 d se hiddh Fsger r 6 ror rhs dghr iairr

rrcn r h, 6el nwr riqhr n

dqDd the 6wr 6r DoE trd de;i\.]b. rhi

Page 110: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


d. 4! (k d ndi5 ori N& .i,i;$ r;

I f th€pdt 'sathlP'dh[c 'd[ ' t rdJ

Page 111: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


fu .|q 1 au uh ,\qk N\y |vlt' ^


vh4hqtbt r leet t i i k . r1. aQ

an $en*N6 6$, rhe !d.e , i6;er Th6 |

nry {ii laEh rhe c;qi d6qr iidhs ai!

h s€ av$ l thq ht thel heplF do{n' !;ddnaiw|hi{'UD3sh*sd|5t96n€ds6on

i.urcibL, r* tu n *rcM c rh Md d NnrY

Mo4iF0rrno ) in @n 16, helilbe ebirv

he johs i d,r ish6 rq rhe way, h€ s:

(Pu wil tule b se !@ qq *iI 4 r crns.

Mo.P|rla$url4thlheyh enddEad'kikd Moryiyn, he dr Ercd rhem lrh ho er$bBe6 ({hrih ei b E.d i8!be r[e vanpir h

Page 112: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


q||r1,M enntt resalt;8fu 3tum icnn tu rM didtr, tr I h*c t4iir idtr dn 4 'Dnt

Etu! $al'4, rk trkt .,1 litN ui2. 1a!3 d8r b vt odrisr taa di.ti^t tlitu! tht tii\ o@h,a ot1tlhstrud 3d P, @, fz Ntuit


bdKide{6@) a[@irdswil

Page 113: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

3ne $n$is q h(r d n6r (dt b d{idqqho .d$ r q y'NAPohrd

Page 114: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


yu|1t' ' ,qnB&aQtu\1ukia\l i l i |5,Nht d,) td! tu+@ doq h Mr ut rr

'Lt,t\ tv! iiv h ah13 nt ibtked.,d ed

st]t f l6h4t* :@Fytu tud Mr old Gnit,


pobd b:rcli;! @n, thq o: r 6fr h $€ sn€


Page 115: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


,',Feri!/4 ei d&do,y Lr@' & hrcrd4'l

ad%t'iorblfu ntt4e(iiht\|, br r iefiat h, .drdvr, i4*rd&n{e

rcon qnL ? Po{rtur ior (io 6 n^M{^ Fh6 ddafrrse) r rhlr bq.i th€ spaik wrh 3iysh8ndd (tr eunPb, a ,sod), r u[ k[ rhen


Page 116: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

lnigd 6 'he

04 lnh dEps and prh6m!rhhsrhe lrs Moefr N{r5e, bMd; ftd.

edftr her Esxd (s o srq hFl rt [;Y

h! inFd *ehotr \r+ he ui @ni!; up

stush. rir m€n ! n€haubi 6hd 6ei

DaF.:'qd 'h{h

liB di ho$i @{q8'jek

rhei ?ndhq w*r r$ he r;! $ndhnf a brnqevrubh He dn !b 8ia d€n, cdd n@:

sd th.n 3P!a,r4 bckwa& (tro &ruF) &

trrhryhaverednrenbs€Dh-,ir8n!r!w*h:ldgiw'hen5cddPtsc6achn6ey56'ynhhnildPsbhm'hewlbqiibgdd[oydtse dr @duF uP

'he 6nwh3 {@tur6 dd



lhhq5ns),rocddPc!6: aPdondFdqne

Page 117: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


\u or4 r atd lwrr lrd t\tdt t nqtu tl4la@,pad'M ot. Atthtr6 k &*.hot k nq't

awn, a.hedhshi'hrbea; 6qio^edrhee orc, (dte b d{Lde u hth oiq trE ! rsh

ie4he bEh. m6 n eoqnds an a&trtus, irl. dh ihs r $r nuobr or daibryr sl^urN^Do[l,ddinrsin,lid.dbyth€Ylfsb(h'

n rh€y dsre{i[e!reauq 6ey dnnd? crdenAndsieou ib ndr. thE i h ibdl uodh 4cddn€a'El [email protected] ibnThhb$!Anddd&,idloi6FPfubdoifrcn

Page 118: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


Page 119: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game
Page 120: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


fu.t4 o hue, brj@M{wt Ptu$ary kptutr,tus uttskl ktI t htz.qritxid6b ed

rtrd tur h ttu 4e wn 4r atu @w os'iq Ntiy! il" LadiB rrn 4q 1 Nte td at lt na

'd 'dt@ af d,tk q1o!!.tud nqdb nrnE, ht@ ty

r s€ adaihEElGhr & Dnson,,@ nuu6

'bi ii wir *nd a jer d nry bqth * oi. d rh-,

idveN!€6 (dic b 3e whth one) whcn trn

ri{6sd) *t6ey ide dridydkd rhe D636,


6*henN*!fr4Ndhalebl€h''heD4qfu4 abck tuun& (hefts No 6hd! d b€onbre{h) on rhln wly od. tr rhq $aF snh $e

Page 121: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game


F]di,iry.{rr,q Prc@ a bisr sFkn d ruh 6r4nDs6nbsy@kPhyngldvenfuAB*e!&oseEdssiEi !P6yionetr lhehib


Phc h dms@6 .6[e (7r, obd .I cb6t

'rdei$*s (D. .d6r ot tud), !id4 f.irl !r

r,tr), NiEd bnPEs lid h,u d hos6 iE

nd$ oi b nldii€d b 5qn ,pirr ,trutbs

ed€dui t [*bol-F{ l |n i3felnryts i

cam nb! !!d rhe idwdqes rtaPry b[ b

Bd rh{k b the ror onPrio'd rek Phnq

iq, * nEadr rE lbc or th$e, Fafi 13 FdkryPby$FaybesslL!ineEnedh6rci<5id$M'R'q.f{ ldr idFl@'Phf

Neq{k, NosrshinshiE) rrodue hurdldr d


Page 122: Fighting Fantasy - The Introductory Role-Playing Game

Frq Ph6 (pd!d br can* wqkLo, hLodoi) ae Plhbd qdbqd shrtb d du @n

dcs.isr;3 Fod4q bNne nEh;oE q!tu, 6bdi 'bdI tJ&pcsibkb@ild 'bInud]nq! atrrc,eioy A5 c\I lou a^ d;F hn4rulerr {hesq 0 ior phyeE f4 a;tFh

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