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Page 1: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

#1,Cffiffi SW IIMMIUilIN AI{D WVMtr


July - December 2007


tl{ THE REEE}| (2085-20u7) -EIEVATE0 Tll THE HAtt 0F FAl'lE

W " made it again this year!

In the September 28,2007 letter of Mr. Martin B. Manodon, Chair-man, Awards Committee of the Regional Cooperative Development Councl(RCDC), noted 9y nnn. Emerita C. Fuerte, Chairperson of RCDC, our Coop-erative, the Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Cooperative (BBCCC) "hasagain been chosen by the RCDC Awards Committee as the Most Out-standing Cooperative in the Region for 2007." Since BBCCC has consis-

Mffit-. ::L0Alt|AiIltlE$TTPROGRAI'!(tAPlllilPLEl'lEltlTED

'To be able to reduce our loan delinquency ratio by affording our de-faulting members an opportunity to settle their past due loan accounts,' theBoard of Directors of BBCCC approved thru Resolution No. 01-08-31-07, and

-s amended thru Resolution No.01-09-07-07, the Loan Amnesty Program(LAP) was successfully implemented.

(Continued on oase 4)

From thc Chalrman's I Presl-dent's Corner . . Change:Both A Challengc And Oppor-tunlty


EDITORIAI ... Thcme TwolNaimbag A Nakcm: TowardsPagpapakatao and Pakiklpag-kapwa-tao




BBCCCFI Intra-Coop FunDraw


BBCCCFI Scho'lars E'lect0ffi cers

From the Manager's Desk:More Changes


Who's Who at BBCCC

Are We Competitive?


Housing Conmittee Update:The Wishing Star


Adverti sements

Greeti ngs



Page 2: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

Page 2 rhe BBCCC C(DPSERVER futv - Decenber 2007

By: DR. AMPARO T. RIMASPresidentand Chairman of the Board of Directors, BBCCCGeneral Manager, BBCCC Foundation, lnc.President and Chai rman of th e Board, lrORlrllEStU


Viktor Frankle once said: When we are no longer able to change our situation. we are challenged tochange ourselves. Indeed, the subject and object of change may very well be ourselves. Change presents tous the challenge that is captured in the following passage:

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courageto change the one I ean change, and the wisdom to lvtow it's me

Admiuedly, systems and stnrctures in themselves may not be the cause of problems and complica-tions. It's really us as when we do not see the situation clearly enough and thus we are not able to initiate thenecessary changes to improve the situation. Let us not be guilty of what Leo Tolstoy said: Everyone is think-ing of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself.

Every moment is a moment of opportunity and decision to courageously change that which impedesprogress and development in the organization. Charles Dickens commented: "It is not the strongest of thespecies that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." In keeping with thetimes, organizations, like C ooperatives, must respond to changes both within and outside of the system. Thesymbiotic relationship of the internal and external fo4ces must always be evident all the time so that changesmay be smooth and productive of results.

We cannot belabor the issue that the changes we make in the Cooperative constitute both,a challengeand an opportunity; it is the challenge to give the best of ourselves{ur talents, our resources, our whole be-ing. It is the opportunity to make the difference towards improved directions and systems.

George Bernard Shaw said it succinctly: Some men see things as they are and say "Why?'o I dream ofdreams that never were and I say "Why not?" We are to make the difference! Change is the vehicle by whichthe status quo can be improved. Where innovation and initiative tansform people, system, and structures,into a synergy that brings about dramatic progress, change can not do this, per se, for after all GeorgeLichtenberg asserts "I cannot say whether things will get better if we change; what I can say is that they mustchange to get better."

Continuity of purpose, direction, system and procedures in the Cooperative gives roots but it is changethat gives the branches letting us stretch and grow to reach new heights. Roots are basic and fundamental butit will be the branches that will respond to internal and external forces which will make programs 6nd activi-ties in the Cooperative relevant and responsive to the needs of the clientele.

Redirecting values is the need of the time. Our Cooperative needs from each of us a redirection ofvalues: from personalism to altruism; from indifference to passion for service; from ignorance to enlightenedmembership; from individualism to unselfish service motivated only by concern for others.

Where things are good but can be made better, let us not shrink from the challenge to do just that. Letus change our fears and anxieties into courage and confidence. Let us change our pessimism into optimism,with God's grace, our Cooperative can see better times and better things. Let us change what can be changedbecause we love our Cooperative. Let us accept the challenge and seize the opportunity to improve and de-velop. Let us SHARE BECAUSE WE CARE!

Page 3: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

Page 3

Note: Articles on diflerent themes will be printed in this pageinstead of the usual editorial stylefor this yean (Editorial Board)


By: Dir. Mario S. Valdeq Vice Presidenffiice Chairman, BBCCC BOD

"God is perfectly and fully revealed in fellowmen/women, in dealing with them, in the trans-action of goods and serttices which help them to gtow and nourished. No one can love theFather, whom one does not see, without loving the brothers and sisters whom one sees."

Jattes Bwtchael

Gilbert Chesterton, an English writer said, "the object of a new year is not that we have a new year. It is Thatwe should have a NEW SOUL". If only each one will commit to transformation to become better men and women,then the world becomes a paradise. A PEACEFUL and ABLJNDANT 2008 TO ALL.

This column continues the journey to spiritual conversion. The theme, Naimbag a nakem . . . attempts toexplore the possibility of revitalizing the Filipino cultural value in its contribution to the moral life of the people.

Lamentably, the impact of the Western values, mentality, attitudes and life-style, radically influence thehearts and minds of the indigenous Filipinos. The situation can be addressed by evaluating with critical and apprecia-tive attitudes on the richness of our cultural values. Today is the opportune time to heed to the wisdom of the Taga-log proverbi "Ang hindi lumingon sa pinanggalingan ay hindi'maknkarating sa paroroonan." Inspired by the prov-erb, the ilocano value of naimbag a nakem has been chosen as the primary subject of reflection in this issue of ourCOOPSERVER.

Naimbag a nakem is a combination of two positive Ilocano elements: naimbag and nakem. Naimbag is acombination of two dynamic Ilocano words - na and imbag. Na is an Ilocano prefix which means "full of life" andimbag is a word which embodies goodness, benevolence, virtues, values and positive aspects of life. Naimbag is aquality of being which is rooted in nakem, hence, naimbag a nakem emerged as a concept.

Nakem received a comprehensive indigenous interpretations. It encompasses rikna (eeling), nakem(intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's personhood. Nakem is the seat of a person's dignity and the essence of beinghuman. It is the divine image of God (Gen. l:27) in every person that enables one to desire and attain all that is goodand noble, not only for oneself, but for others as well.

The fundamental value of naimbag a nakem is that, it promotes the ideals of integration and harmony of life.The desire of the Filipino who yearns for these ideals is expressed in the process magpakatao (to become fully hu-man). Pagpapakatao (to be human) for the Filipino, is the key to being able to live a good moral life. It is a process

wherein a person transcends oneself and achieves worth as part of a community. It is a sound character development,(Contimed on page 5)

tar Valdez Rlza Bueza

l074l44,2-s872(074) 442-6603(074)4446419

(074) 4444993


BOD Chair, Dn AmpyfiimasGM OscarR. Advetlo


Riza V. Gacao









Abby Ganipas Bong Tadeo

Page 4: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

Page 4 The BBCCC LUIfi)EKVEK July - Decen$er 200t

(Continuedfronpage l)named as Outstanding Cooperative for three (3) consecutive years, from 2005 to 2007, "it is therefore elevatedto THE HALL OF FAME.'

In a fitting Culminating Program of the Regional Cooperative Month Celebration at the Peopte's Gym-nasium, Dagupan, Tabuk City, Kalinga, on October 27, 2007, the Hall of Fame Plaque was awarded toBBCCC. This prestigious award wurs accepted by the BBCCC offrcers headed by ChairpersonPresident Am-paro T. Rimas, some members and staff who formed the delegation to the important affaii.

With this award, we serve as "an inspiration to other growing and developing Cooperatives in our Re-gion" according to the Awards Committee

(Coiltirtuedfrotrpgel), ,',,:i,,:::,t'

The LAF offered a toot that helped" the de-faulting, .bonqwert.,, otl,,:th*i*lgeco,iotu",', fi pio-.


vided them an opportunig to remove such financialburden on their part and revert themselves back tothoir pr-€vlou$ go i.lnernbiemhip::St"t- :The t*Apas weli, pro*e 6d, BBCCC, Cince itassured the o#ice colledibn of these past dueloans. The program promised a WIN-WIN scenariofor both the Cooperative and the concemed mem-ber-bonowers. Dir. Amado Jesus F. Cendafia initi-ated lhe f,omulation of the objectives, rationale andmechanics of the LAP. Please refer to page 9(From the Managerts Desk) for some mechanics ofthe LAP.

The duration of the'program was from Octo-ber 1, 2007 to December 31 ,2007 .

The LAP availees were rnade aware of thefollowing:

Trre : *goCc Acqquntins secri ::,'iiru,.,.tru.

Managemer$ riney ffiect: etting,of loan arnountplus penalties against the Fixed Deposits of a de-linquent member-borrower provided that at leastP1,000.00 is retained as his remaining Fixed De-posit if he desires to retain his membership withBBCCC without prejudice to capital build-up;

r$e,tempffirily: suepen ed during the above-statedperiod; \


As a prerequisite for loan availment, a LAP-ataileg'i d.ito..U rgiorldrr a:tiohseminar,themeghanics of which was taken care of by the Edu-cation, Member-ship, and Training Committee. Acertification to this effect was issued by the Ed-Gor,n.. ,. $uch :cer,tification rnusl be presented whenthe,,,l P,avsilee files for his lean;

;Faet amnesty grar$oer were alloqred to availof the LAP provided that their membership shouldbe terminated, and without rgfrt of re-entry;


fill :penaities collected by the BBCCC Offlce,ficr.:la the arnnesty period were deerned eollectedandn€H"r' adabls; : ,,:

All eollection cases being handled by the Le-gal Committee except those under foreclosure pro-ceedings were deemed abandoned if the defaultingmembers availed thernselws of the LAP;

:. :: ,, ::ThlS .,pr'Wrfint of tfre Cooperative wes dis-

seminaGd,,,by 1 * Manageme*t to the GeneralMembership; and,

LAP grantees shall be categorized as L,-{P-availees and their accounts shall be closely moni-tored by the Billing and Collection Section. Fur-ther, l-AP-covered members can only avail ofloans within their Fixed Deposit within two (2)years following the date when the member availsof the first loan. However, availment of the Gro-cery Service Privilege and Petty Cash Loan shall

LAP availees cannot aet as a co-maker fortwo (2) years, but can avail of other bdnefrts givenby the eooperative except those stated above.

As sf December 31 ,2W7, there were ThreeHundred Thirty Four (334) LAP-availees. The collec-tion:: during this amnesty period from the t.AP-aveilces was Thirteen Million Four Hundred FortyOne Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Two and FortyTwo Centavos (P 1 3,4 41,282.42).

Page 5: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

rhe BBCCC COOPSERMER rulv - Decenber 2(xtl Page 5

(Continuedfrom page 3)

good Sreeding and a virtuous and value:laden life. It is a process of growth towards maturity, emotionally,physically and spiritually.

The quest for pagpapakatao is founded and motivated bythe presence of the divine (God's image) in everyonewhich makes human dignified (may dangal). The scriptural verse 8e perfect cts your Heavenly Father is perfect'; em-phasizes the centrality of pagpapakatao. [t is in this context that one should not make excuses for misdeeds, by theworn-out expression "Sapagkat ako/knmi ay tao lamang". The word "lamang" implies a serious rejection of one's truehuman nature, that is, dignity and goodness. Underestimating the creature (tao) is underestimating the Creator (God),the source of life and love.

Pagpapakatao is manifested in the virtues and values of love, justice, peace, endurance, self-control, gentleness,compassion, generosity, respect, honesty and all other love-filled habits and practices. It invokes and nurtures integrity.Pagpapakatao takes the rest of our life. Hence, spiritual powers are indispensable; i.e.: prayers, Holy Eucharist andreading the Bible. Only God is perfect and holy, so we seek His guidance.

Naimbag a nakem is never an individualistic notion. One of the noblest orientations is towards pakikipag-kapwa-tao. It is the antidote to the worst enemy of human existence - the big I or self-centeredness(manangimbubukod). Pakikipagkapwa is recognizing the dignity of others. It is inherently other-focused and out-wardly radiating. It seeks growth in others and shares with their aspirations, visions, joys, pains and needs. It is the corereason to do something for others, to work for their welfare, benefits and rights. Personhood is best expressed in relationto others. Human beings never existed in solitary but as social beings. Co-existence is life itself. Growth/character de-velopment is not a solitary, individual pursuit. Others provide the support for a meaningful life.

Pakikipagkapwa is community-building. It becomes the practical and immediate moral and social support. Itbinds people regardless of position, possession, culture, race, belief age and gender. It promotes panagkikinnabsat(brotherhood/sisterhood), pannakikadua (being-along with) and pannakikaarruba (neighborliness). The "hqves" andthe "have nots" become one for a common good of the community. Hence, bridges, "not walls " of discrimination, arecreated where people meet to dialogue. Consequently, a beautiful and a prosperous Christian communify emerge - acommunity that grows, prays, dreams, works, suffers and celebrates together under the Triune God. Likewise,Christian leadership becomes the guiding "star" that lights the whole community. For Jesus, love of God and love forpeople are one. (Mt.22:27-40).

The life-giving and love-enhancing effects of naimbag a nakem lessen human suffering and pains. Difficultiesand problems become bearable. Truly, nothing genuinely human fails to raise an echo in good hearts (Gaudium et Spesno. l1). In this troubled time, naimbag a nakem is the moral and social solution.

Papapakatao and pakikipagkapwa-tao as the major orientations of naimbag a nakem , are sealed in a qualityof life that is God-centered (maka-Diyos) and people-centered (maka-tao). It is a life that fulfills God's will, that is"Love one another as I have loved you". It is an active discipleship whereby Christ His Son, is acknowledged as "theway, the truth and the life" (Jn. 14:6).

When people in need have been fed, housed, clothed, employed, healed, (body and spirit); when justice is servedwithout discrimination; when people are empowered with their rights and privileges; when people are willing to sharetheir time, talents, goods; when people are willing to assume duties and responsibilities freely, then one can honestlyjudge that naimbag a nakem offers nannakapnek ti bias or sin-awa ti bias.

The absence of naimbag a nakem is equally the absence of pannakapnek. Human selfishness creates situa-tions of ladingit (sadness), leddaang (grief) and salimuor (problems). A deep need (nakutkutatan) arises. Estrangementand animosity prevail over unity and bSotherhood. To sustain a "nekem" that s life-giving, let us put into practice thewisdom of Sir John Wesley: "Do all the good you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all timesyou can, in all the people you cnn, os long as you ever can". The liturgical song, Pag-aalry ng Puso, supports it. Thesong goes

"Minsan lamang aho daraan sa daigdig na ito,Kaya anuman ang mabuting maaring gawin ko ngayon;O ano mang kabutihan ang maari kong ipadama;Itulot ninyong magawa ho ngayon...Nawa'y huwag ko itong ipagpaliban o ipagwalang bahala...Sapaghat di na ako muling daraan sa ganitong mga landas."

(Continued on page 8)

Page 6: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

Page 6 The BBCCC LI/{,/H>EKVEK Juty - December 2007PICTOWS---e




=F '+i

(Rightside pictures lrom lop-bottom): I) Some of the staf rendering a Christmassong; 2) Representing the of/icers4elivering a poem; 3) Individual awmdeesduring the BBCCC Bowling Cup 2007: Atty. Arman Velasco, Dir. Josie Perez,Ronald Linglingan and Blanche receiving their respective nedalsfronBOD ViceChair and EdCom Chair Mar Valdez; an4 4) Vice Chair Mar Valdez(eftmo*), EdCom member and Sports Coordinator Bong Tadeo (3rdfrom right-front row) and GM Oscar Adversalo (Rightnost) pose with this year's bowlingteam champion-the "Gray Team" composed o! (lelt to right-front row) Treas.Ruby Balangue, Dir. Josie Perez, Rizza Gacao, Llmn Apostol, (W to right-backrow) Joseph Austria and Henvi Sblon.

Page 7: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

PICIFOWS---{> ePage 7e

(fop pictwe) BOD Chairperson, Dra. Ampy Rimas Qndfrom leJt) and For'ner-BOD Clairperson Emy Fuerle pose displaytng their awards wtth some

tle avar&es at the Eagio City HaU.(Bottom Picturefrom lefi-righr) Fonner Treas. Linda Alvaro, Vice Chair MarValdez, Audit Asst. Rosenarie Gamotlong, BOD Chair Ampy Rimas, Acctg.

Clerk Beth Cinco, Audit Asst. Jot $ryatan and Grocery Staf Vic Barlin posea remembrance alnr the au,arding ceremonles at the Ctty Hall.

Housing on the go... (First 3 pictures) The inspection teamfrom the Municipal-ity of la Trinidad and BBCCC conferring what must be done so that the devel-opment of the housing project will be started tls soon6t, (Above picture L-R)Housing Com. Members Engr. Albert Talco and Engr. Apolonio l{alsien, LaTrinifud Coancilors Hon. Romeo Salda and Hon Thomas Chamos, EdCottt/EleCom member Bong Tadeo, Housing Com. Clwir, Dir. Maan Bungag, IaTrinidad Zoning Admin. Engr. Riclcy Lando, Housing Com, Member MaryMinglana and Brgt. Lubas Kagawad Alcido pose at the site of the HousingProject BBCCC after fie inspection.

Page 8: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

I 'Ihe BBCCC C60iPSERVER fsly - Decenser 2007

Editorial: Theme Two . . .(Continuedfron page 5)

To conclude: The reflective analysis of naimbag a nakem, an Ilocano cultural value, is a testimony that cultureis developed for the wholeness of humanity. It articulates in intelligible term the Gospel of LOVE and LIFE.

No life is more meaningfulthan that which is lived from NAIMBAG A NAKEM.

JOIN the BBGCC Foundation, lnc. lntra-coop Fun Drawl!!And your help will entitle you to beautiful prizes:

o 29" Flat Screen Color TV with Rack o Oven Toastero 7 cu. ft. Refrigerator o Rice Cooker. La Germania Gas Range . lmarflex Electric Air Pote Washing Machine with Dryer o Electric Fane Home Theater Set o La Germania 2 Burner Stoveo DVD Player o Electrolux Vacuum. Microwave Oven . Bread Toaster

You can buy your tickets at the BBCCC office at P50.00 per ticket



In their rc-organizational meeting last August,2007,the Baguio-Benguet Community Credit Coopera-tive Foundation, Inc. (BBCCCFI) scholars elected the following as their officers for school-year 2007-2008:

President: Faith LadyongVice-President: Baguio : Josephine Payumo

Benguet: Ronalyn SalasaSecretary: Julien Ofel B. Emoc Representatives:

Treasurer: Kimberly Mendoza lst Year: Dexter BandaoAuditor: Sherry Ao"" Dennis 2ndYear Tahara Manuel

Busness Managers: Roselyn oyagon 3rd Yeaf: Sheen Yap

Marilou Cuyasan 4th Year: Arjea Nara

P.R.O.: Arriane Pangsiw

There are forty (40) scholars from first year to fourth year high school at present. These scholars en-joy benefits from BBCCCFI like free tuition and miscellaneous fees, book allowance, monthly allowance,skills training and graduation token (for those who reach fourth year) among others. Every month they meet

(Continued on page 9)

Page 9: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

lv - I}ecg*er 2OOl


three-pronged program: increasing income,redusing expenses, and arresting and pre-venting loan delinquency.

To achieve said objectives, we havepainstakingly introduced (but not withoutstrong resistance from the membership),proactive changes in our internal controlsystem in view of protecting the Coop's in-terest and members' money. Althoughmany members have openly and even arro-gantly criticized us for those adjustmentswhich probably caused them a little incon-venience, we stood our ground, becausewe felt they only saw the trees, not the for-est as well. lndeed, more changes arecoming in especially at the time when ourcomputerization program is moving at amuch faster pace and steadily approachingthe finish line, and moves toward profes-sionalizing the Coop's operation are under-way.

On the side of loan delinquency, the Board ofDirectors has approved a loan amnesty for delin-quent accounts that have fallen due on or beforeJune 30, 2007. The Loan Amnesty Program (LAP)grants 100o/o amnesty on all fines provided that pastdue loans are fully paid form October 1,2007 to Oc-tober 31, 2007: 75o/o dmnesly on all fines providedthat past due loans are fully paid from November 1,2007 to November 30, 2007; and 50% amnesty onall fines provided that past due loans are fully paidfrom December 1, 2007 to December 31 , 2007 .

Moreover, LAP-availees can only avail themselvesof loans within Fixed Deposit within two (2) yearsfollowing the date of loan amnesty availment, andavailment of Grocery Service Privilege and PettyCash Loan are temporarily suspended during saidtwo-year period. ln addition, a LAP-availee has toundergo a re-education seminar as pre-requisite toloan availment.

With the loan amnesty program, we hope toaddress to some extent our loan delinquency con-cern, which delinquency has been plaguing theCoop for the past few years, and significantly affect-ing our net surplus vis-A-vis provision for probablelosses.

We believe that with teamwork we will makeour dream come true. As the saying goes, team-work makes the dream work.

FROII THE iJIANAGER'S DESK ..8y: Mn Oscar R. Adversalo

e started year 2007 with a


(Contimedfron pge 8)

at BBCCC for their well-rounded personality development given or supervised by the Scholarship Committeecomposed of Dr. Amparo T. Rimas, Chaiperson/President of BBCCC; Dr. Mario S. Vald.ez, Vice-ChairmanA/ice-President of BBCCC and Chairman of the Education Committee; Dr. Juliet C. Sannad, CitySchools Division Supervisor representing Baguio City; and Sir Pepe S. Tubal, Benguet Division Supervisor,representing Benguet.

Interested applicants for scholarship may get application forms at the BBCCC office after the school-year ends in March 2008 and comply with the requirements to qualiff for the screening. The scholarship isopen to high school students studying in the public high schools in Baguio City and Benguet.

Page 10: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

Page 10 C(DPSERVER rurv -


From the town ofQuirino Province comes avery spirited woman by thename of Rose Ann Pascua.For her, there is always a timefor everything. She envisionsthat in the right time she can

what other employeesf BBCCC have achieved ca-

reer-wlse.Rose Ann is a graduate of Bachelor of Science

in Accountancy at St. Mary's University in Bayom-bong, NuevaYizcaya. Prior to her employment inthe Cooperative, she worked at the Rural Bank ofBayombong, Inc. for seven (7) years (1999-2006)where she gained skills and training to be what sheis right now.

Blessed to be a part of the BBCCC family inNovember 2006 as an accounting clerk, Rose Annand her family decided to migrate in Baguio Citynot only to live closer to her working station but forthe whole family to enjoy life in the City of Pines.Rose Ann is a fulfilled woman happily married toAlex who is cunently working at Saint Louis Uni-versity and they were gifted with two (2) kids-Adrian Kleiss and Ghia Kaxandra.



ln the BBCCC Rice Sec;tion is asimple but hardworking emplolee -r- Mr.Johnny Paga. "Manong Johnnt' (or'JP'or "Rice Dispenser" as most of his. eemployees calls him) hails from the torvnof Pangad, Tinglayan, Kalinga. He iscurrently in-charge of the Rice Sectionafter proving himself as an efficient main-

tenance/utility worker during his first three years of servicein the Cooperative.

After four (4) years of humble service in the Cooferative since August 1, 2003, Manong Johnny hopes thatthe Cooperative will stay long to help others not only themembers but the employees as well especially as far aspersonnel development and benefits are concerned.

When you hear from the pipe-in speakers of the cooperative the reminder - "Apo dagijay mangala ti bagas,agpalista kayon ta asidegen ti oras ti panaga-awid. Thankyou...", - that's the golden voice of Manong.Johnny.

Manong Johnny is happily manied to Maylene andblessed with one kid named Mark John.

ARE WE COMPETITIVE?Atg. Zosimo Abratique (Member, BBCCC Legal Commiftee)

I have been a member of the Baguio Benguet Community Credit Cooperative since 1986 (?). Back then thebank interests rates were quite high. The BBCCC rate of 1o/o par month was a great help and quite attractive to mem-bers. Not to mention the facility by which loans were granted. ln those days the membership was only about 5,000 oreven less.

Today, the membership has grown to about '17,000. lt now has its own seven storey building and assets ap-proaching a billion pesos. lts problems or challenges as we would rather callthem has grown with the Cooperative.

This question, "Are we competitive?" was raised by Atty. Fernandez during one of the Board meetings I hap-pened to attend. The topic on the table was the compensation package of the employees.

I am inclined to adopt the same query with regards to membership benefits. ln casual conversations with mem-bers whom I know from other endeavors they confided that they have not been availing of tne credit services of theBBCCC for the simple reason that banks have offered them lower interest and bigger credit lines.ln the recent general assembly meeting there were grumblings about a perceived decrease in the dividends distributed.It would seem less members are borrowing with mostly limiting their borrowings to the equivalent of their fixed deposits.ln this situation would we expect increased earnings for the cooperative?

We need to reflect on some issues:Are we, in the BBCCC, for the dividends? Are we, in the BBCCC, for the credit services? Do we patronize its

services enough? These three issues seem related. ln fact they should be and would have to be discussed jointly.

(Continued on page I I )

Page 11: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

Ihe 8B€CC LlJltli>EKVEK Ju'lv - Decenber 2oo7 Page 77



The Housing Service of the BBCCC is hopeful that its wishing star will be reached this earlyJanuary. The four hectare CoHouser Project at Lubas, La Trinidad, Benguet of BBCCC is at its peakof its progress comparatively. After the issuance of its conversion from agricultural to residential lotafter a three-year long application for conversion with persistent follow-ups, the application for the de-velopment permit has'also commenced.

The application for the Development Permit with the Sangguniang Bayan of La Trinidad thruthe Municipal Planning and Development Office started right after the conversion way back year2003. This process has also gone a long and tedious process. Due to the persistent personal follow-ups from one line agency to another of Director Mary Ann Bungag, who is the current Chairperson ofthe Housing Committee, the permit to cut the twenty two trees traversed by the proposed roads of theproject from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), has been finally ob-tained.

The final documents required by the Municipal Council of La Trinidad, Benguet have been fi-nally submitted after a long lull. Mary B. Minglana, a member of the Housing Committee in-charge ofMembership and Awards and Maan B. Bungag, the new Chairperson of the Housing Committee, sub-mitted the final requirements and followed-up persistently until finally the Chairman of the Committeeon Zoning, Housing, Urban and Rural Development, Hon. Rorneo K. Salda, scheduled the final in-spection of the area on Friday, December 7,20Q7. This final inspection was attended by Hon. RomeoK. Salda and Hon. Thomas L. Chamos of the Municipal Council of La Trinidad, Engr. Enrique Lando,the Zoning Administrator of the Municipal Planning and Development Office (MPDO), Engr. ApolonioWalsien, Jr., the Project Surveyor of Lubas, Engr. Albert Talco, a member of the Housing Committeeand incharge of Technical aspect, Kagawad Alcido of Barangay Lubas, Maan Bungag, MaryMinglana, Bong Tadeo, an officer of BBCCC, and Jojo Redondo, a BBCCC employee. Hon. Saldapromised to table and present our application for Development Permit as soon as possible in theirWeekly Regular Council Meeting.

lf the permit will be obtained, the development of the area will commence so that the awardeescan already start applying for their Pag-ibig Loan Availability and eventually start putting up theirhouses in the area.

Are We Gomoetitive? . . .

(C ontiru,ed fron page I 0)

Every general assembly, participation of the members in the actual deliberations on the floor seem to be dwin-dling. More of the members just loiter around or go elsewhere simply to return in the afternoon to line up for the dividends,That is their right and we respect it. With the success of the BBCCC and its continued growth, there seems to be a senseof complacency.

Lest we forget, the Cooperative is not primarily an investment vehicle to provide us with dividends, lt is supposedto provide us with ready credit to meet our needs which other financial institutions could not otherwise give us. We be-came members so that we could borrow money. in the Cooperative movement, would explain that the dividendsare but the surplus of the amount we have imposed on the borrowings of the members to cover administrative expenses.

Dividends are actually profits of the investments we make. ln the Cooperative movement, profits would be anath-ema because service is what should be paramount. Thus lesser dividends should not be an issue. lf the services beingrendered would diminish then that should be the issue and cause for concern.

Page 12: ffit-. · 2018-06-26 · (intuition), konsensya (conscience), pakinakem (wilA, puso (heart), kararua (spirit) and panunot (intellect). It is in-teriority, the core and worth of one's

Page 72









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(Former Chairman/President, BBCQC and member ofthe Board of Directors, Former General Manager,

BBCCC)For being appointed as the 7th member of the Boardof Directors, BBCCC, until the 2008.Gen. Assembly.

(Former member, Board ol Directors)For being appointed as the new membet

of the Audit and lnventory Committee,until the 2008 General AssernD/y

DR.,AMPARO T, RIMAS(C,hairperson/President, Board of Arectors, BBCCC)

' Awarded as the lst Runner-up Outstanding Regional hoperative Leaderduing the Regional hoperative Month Celebration 20A7.

' Received a Ceftificate of Recognition for Volunteerism duringthe Baguio Cityfu pe rative M onth Celeb ration.


(Former Director and Audit & lnventory CommifteeChairperson)

For being appointed as the CooperativeTreasurer, , until the 2008 General Assembly

...oonGnnTalnTIont t t t


MRS. EMERITA C. FUERTE(Member and Former Chairperson and

member of the Board of Directors, BBCCC)Awards received in 2N7: 1) Outstanding Woman Award (C,ooperative

Sector-Kababaihan Festival); 2) Plaques of Recognition-from the De-partment of Agicufture, hoperative Union of Baguio City and fromthe

Cordillera Administrative Region Cooperative Union; 3) Ceftificate ofRecognition tromthe CDA-QEO; and, 4) Most Outstanding Regional

Coope rat ive Lea d er Aw a rd.

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