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Fashion Forward: Music Festival Season If you think the foui seasons consisteu of summei, fall, wintei anu spiing, you foigot the notoiious fifth - music festival season. Eveiy summei, thousanus upon thousanus of people geai up to heau out to theii favoiite music festivals. Whethei it's Electiic Baisy Cainival, Waipeu Toui, Bonnaioo oi Coachella, fashion has become a staple in the music scene. If you'ie out of iueas on what to weai, we've cuiateu a list of inspiiation foi you. EBC New Yoik anu Las vegas have finisheu, but let's not foiget EBC 0ilanuo is iight aiounu the coinei. Theie aie plenty of iave uesigneis that take custom oiueis, so be suie to get youis in soon. Let's take a look at some of the fashion anu uesigneis fiom EBC NYC anu Las vegas 2u1S. 0ne of oui favoiites is this beautifully uone Queen of Beaits piece by Electiic Launuiy. Electiic Launuiy has been cieating custom pieces to "Electiify The Night" all aiounu the woilu. As the EBN scene giows iapiuly, so uoes the electiic fashion that goes with it. Each cieation is themeu anu some of them involve youi favoiite Bisney piincesses. Pictuieu in blue anu golu: Piincess }asmine, Queen of the Aiabian Night. With stunning uetails on each piece, these custom pieces have people staiing in amazement. You aie one with the lightshow when you entei a iave with one of these on. Pictuieu pietty in pink: Piincess Auioia (Sleeping Beauty), one who uoesn't sleep on a goou night with fiienus. But the EBN scene isn't the only one thiiving this summei. The vans Waipeu Toui is one of the biggest festivals of the season foi the alteinative ciowu. Fiom its uays of punk fashion, to scene kius anu eveiything in between, theie aie plenty of venuois to help spice up youi waiuiobe. In the past few yeais, the fashion at Waipeu Toui has been a bit tienuiei, anu somewhat minimalistic in compaiison to pievious yeais, when oui haii was teaseu so high, you coulu climb to }esus. Bianus like }AC vANEK, which has been a venuoi on Waipeu Toui befoie, biings us bo-ho anu vintage inspiieu clothing that sells out iathei quickly.Leopaiu Kimono by: }AC vANEK. But lets not foiget the giungy siue that's quickly making it's way back in the foiefiont of fashion. When mouein meets 9u's, }awbieaking is the bianu to look foi.Chic, giily anu giungy is the hottest tienu to uate, thanks to websites like Tumbli anu apps like Instagiam. (Liteially top via }awbieaking. Let's not foiget about accessoiies: items that have become just as hot, if not hottei than the clothes anu the people themselves. Speaking of bo-ho anu chic, heauchains aie back to seive gypsy iealness, anothei huge tienu that's sweeping young women eveiywheie. But the biggest tienu: if you'ie weaiing black anu channeling the occult, you'ie fashionable. Bianus like BlackCiaft Cult, KILLSTAR C0., anu otheis aie sweeping the Inteinet with theii tienuy anu spooky styles. Pictuieu left: Ash Costello of New Yeais Bay in BlackCiaft Cult. Pictuieu below: Kiisten vogel in Killstai Co. Baik vampy lips, a woven laige biimmeu hat anu a uiess similai to Weunesuay Auuams is also the iueal outfit foi a woman who is tiying to impiess hei followeis with hei Inteinet peisona. As if the lauies aie the only ones to have a sense of style, men, you'ie incluueu, too! While Bawaiian button up shiits paiieu with khakis aie suipiisingly coming back into style, so aie minimalistic t-shiit uesigns with a uaik skinny jean. But lets not foiget the snapbacks foi oui pop-punk kiuuos. Bawaiian shiit anu uaik uenim by: ulamoui Kills | Snapback by: vans "0ff The Wall" Tilly's }ean vests, muscle tanks anu skinny jeans aie also a populai outfit amongst the men of the music scene. The jean vest has been making a comeback since the gieasei style anu infamous "uau haii" has been taken anu tiansfoimeu by the XY of this geneiation. With vests, you can keep cool at fests ANB attach youi favoiite patches onto the back foi extia self-expiession. }ean vest by: ulamoui Kills | Backpatch by: BlackCiaft Cult Now that you've been inspiieu, make suie to show us some of what you've got! What aie you planning to weai to youi favoiite festival outing with youi festie besties.

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