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Project:IdentItyFall 2014 edItIon II

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Collage by: HeatHer roeder

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Project: Identity participants found in this issue:Ariana Auclair, Katherine Bakalis, McKinley Bernitt, Cerrwida Brown, Kristen Buckstad, Rebecca Budrock, Niya Burgos, Ember Cermilli, Will Colpoys, Elizabeth Dos Santos, Kayla Gagliardo, Massimo Glynn, Ashley Hendrickson, Savannah Iavarone, Leah Jacobson, Bobby Kehrley, Mary Kellerman, Kacia Kern, Kayla LaBagh, Brittany Leventoff, AJ Lumalcuri, Anthony Lupardo, Ayanna Martine, Kayla Mathews, Naomi Ortiz, Isabella Pizzo, Ana Ponce, Heather Roeder, Paige Russell, Aliza Santos, Leizel Schlott, John Torres, Alyssa Trotti Bellina and Emily Zachariah.

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MynameisEmberandI'm15.OnOctober19th,atBethelWoodsCenterfortheArtsProject:Identity,of whichI'mapartof,andRockAcademyfromPittsburgh,PennsylvaniajoinedtogethertometMichaelShrieve,thedrummerfromthebandSantana(1969-1974).EventhoughI'mnotamusicianitwasfascinatingtohearMichael'slifestoryandhowhegottowhereheistoday.Itwasalsoprettycoolbeingabletoaskhimquestionsduringhisspeech.Someof theteensfromProject:Identityaskedhimwhatkindsof musichelikesandif hecouldnamesomeof hisfavoritebands.AfterhenamedsomebandslikeCream,TheWho,andTheBand,ourgrouppepperedhimwiththenamesof morecontemporarybands,askingwhetherhe likedthem.Provinghereallyknewhisstuff,hehadaknowledgeableopinionabouteverybandwenamed,evenchallengingus:“What is it thatyou likeaboutSkrillex?”Heacknowledgedlikingmanynewartistsandbandsfrommygeneration,whilealsoreallyknowinghisowncontemporariesaswellasvastmusicalhistory.Thishasinspiredmetolearnaboutnotonlymusicfrommygeneration,butalsomusicfrommyparents’generation.IhopeinthefutureProjectIdentitywillgiveme,andmanyotherteens,theopportunitytomeetmorepeoplewithlifeexperiencestheycansharewithus,sowe’llbebetterequippedforwhenit’sourturntowanderoutintothisbigworldwelivein.

Meeting Michael Shrieve Woodstock Festival Alumni by Ember Cemelli

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Cerrwida Brown

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From the start this book caught my attention. Paper Towns by John Green, is a story about Quentin or just Q, a boy who’s loved Margo Roth Spiegelman from a far, since they were kids.

One day when she opens a window between them and asks him to go on a wild adventure with her, he can’t say no. So in the middle of the night he sneaks out to help Margo get revenge on people she feels have hurt her. As Margo says in the book, “We won’t do any breaking and entering, we’ll just break or enter.” They take off, making many stops including the store to get a list of things she needs for her plan. Half this book is about just this one crazy night. But after it is finally over and he wonders what well happen next, she goes missing.

This isn’t the first time that she has run away and Margo’s parents and most of Quentin’s friends aren’t so worried, but all he can think about is finding her.

Q searches for clues she might’ve left behind, following her bread crumb trail, but he finally gets stuck and realizes that he has to see the world through Margo Roth Spiegelman’s eyes if he’s ever going to find her.

When it comes to the day of graduation Margo still hasn’t been found so Q and his three friends ditch Graduation and go on a 21 hour drive to Agloe to try and find this paper town where they hope to find Margo. They have a time limit so on the way they only make four stops each six minutes long, and they learn how to hold their pee for a really really long time.

This is my one of my favorite books. John Green Is an incredible writer and I love his novels. Paper Towns came out in 2008, but is still flying off the

shelves. I’ve heard rumors about it becoming a movie, and I sure hope it does because I think it would be a great one. This young adult mystery is full of adventures and jokes that don’t always make sense. But here I’ll tell you what the title means.

So the title of this book is Paper Towns, and what that has to do with the book is, the character Margo has always stated to Q that they live in a paper town where everything and everyone is fake. Now they don’t actually live in a fake town that’s just what she sees it as. But before she runs away she tells him that actually shes the one who’s fake, she’s the one made out of paper. Everyone has always seen her as someone she really isn’t. And so now she’s run away.

In the book there’s a place called Agloe, which is a Paper Town in the book but is also a dot on a real map, locally, in Sullivan County. A paper town is a fictitious village created and inserted into tourist maps as a copyright trap. Maybe one day I’ll visit a Paper Town or go on a really long road trip like Q and his friends did.

One of my favorite quotes from the book has to do with the fact that the parents of one of the friends of Quentin has a collection of twelve hundred black santas everywhere in there house. The quote is, “IT’S NOT MY FAULT THAT MY PARENTS OWN THE WORLDS LARGEST COLLECTION OF BLACK SANTAS.” I know it sounds pretty random, but it almost makes sense in the book.

Not trying to give anything away, but you might need a box of tissues for the ending of this book. And yes this is one of those books I throw across the room because the ending made me want more, and sadly as I’m aware there is no sequel.

By EmBEr CEmElliPaPer Towns

For more of Ember’s work:Twitter:

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EmbEr CEmElli

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Heather Roeder

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by Heather Roeder

by McKinley Bernittby McKinley Bernitt

by McKinley Bernitt

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AnaPonceMy name is Ana Ponce. I like to write poetry and work with different mediums of art. I also play drums in my school’s Jazz Ensemble and the marimba for the school’s symphonic band. I have been a percussionist ever since I was in the fourth grade. I have been playing for eight years now.

by McKinley Bernitt

by McKinley Bernitt

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Meeting Alyssa AdamsOn November 19th, 2014 Alyssa Adams came to Project:Identity to share her work with the teens. As a

photo editor for TV Guide Magazine, she was able to give the teens insight into the editing process and so much more. She prompted the group by asking them questions she asks of herself: “Which one do I like?” “Why do I like it?” “Is the image sending the message I want my audience to know?” By asking ourselves

these questions in anything we do, we can be our own editors. In a time where technology is moblie and accessible, we have to edit what we share with the world and how we critically interpret the messages

and images we recieve. During Alyssa’s discussion many of the teens came to realize they where photographers through the prolific use of their phones.

Another highlight to Alyssa’s visit was when she shared her husband; Eddie Adams photography work. A Nobel Peace Prize winner, he photographed many iconic movements and people of the 1960s. Alyssa shared

his correspondence when he received the Nobel Peace Prize and other letters Eddie had kept throughout the years. Before Eddie passed away, he made 4x6 images for Alyssa and his friends that were shared with the group. These images included his infamous images from Vietnam, portraits of celebrities such

as Jerry Lewis and other artistic creations from his long career. The teens’ walked away with a deeper understanding of the creative process and the importantance of editing. Through Alyssa and Eddie Adams’ own artistic experiences Project: Identity teens had a once in a lifetime learning experience to take lessons

from the past and apply them to their lives today.

by Christine Bunce

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Will Colpoyst

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When we admitFear

We are vulnerablebut,

Are we showing weaknessOr strength?

When we sleepwe are

vulnerable,because your mind shows you,

your highestHOPES,

Sleep and your innermost FEARS.

When we allowOthers

to see us as weSLEEP,

WE give THEMour

TRUST and FAITH Fully & Completely

WE don't give our Love to THEM

yetWE continue living,WITH or WITHOUT

them...Until we give them our HEARTS.

THE Love we feel is a

SICKNESS,that we feel in our

HEARTS.Tears are

Shed,Breathes are held,

until our cheeks are DRY and

we continue toBREATHE.

The Love we feelis a gift that is



we keep it anyway.BLISS and PAIN,

Opposites that complete one ANOTHER.

THEYare a part of our Love and


the Most important is to have LIVED,

UNTIL you can't go on,ANYMORE.

by: Kendra LaBagh

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by Rebecca Budrock

My mind moves fast like a speeding train, Lips moving,

Fingers touching,The wheels spinning in their brains,

Thinking, thinking, thinking, Of the words to say,

The right words to say,

But only when they’re spoken will the blue eyes watch,

The brain waits and waits To make the connection that the small upwards

curve of the lips is a good thing,A positive thing,

A happy thing.

by Kendra LaBagh

SecretsLiesWays of passing,TimeSmall townUnreserved judgement,Rumors SadnessVictims of friendship,LoyaltyDeathEmotional breakdown,Bound AdultryNothing left of thisGhost town

Secrets LiesLeft alone,Time Small townNarrow minded thoughts,RumorsSadnessDeep Depresion,LoyaltyDeathA Resounding sound,Bound AdultryNo one is comingBack.

Everyone leaves, it's only a matter of time.



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by Heather Roeder

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On October 26th, 2014, John Collura, formerly of the band The Ataris and an owner of his own independent recording studio, was a guest speaker at Project: Identity. The teens were highly engaged and really enjoyed John’s insight into the music industry. He talked about the trajectory of his career, highlights of his career, the music touring industry, and how he got to where he is today based on the power of networking. The main point he really impressed upon the teens was the power of networking in whatever you choose to do with your life and career – “seek out the people you need to talk to.” He began his talk with how he became a part of The Ataris: starting as a guitar tech for the band on the Vans Warped Tour, where he knew if he helped the general Warped Tour roadie crew with loading in and out and made friends with them, they would be able to help him. “It is all about respect… I showed them respect, and they gave me respect in return – again the power of networking.” Though he knew none of them before the tour, they started to help him with his load in and out after about the third day. Once hired by The Ataris as the guitar player, he toured with them around the world, made numerous TV appearances, including MTV Live, Late Night with Jay Leno, The Tonight Show with Jimmy Kimmel, and other late night shows, and recorded albums and EPs with the band, including The Ataris’ Gold-Certified So Long, Astoria album.

Meeting John Collura

While not previously aware that Project: Identity commemorates the accomplishments and talents of the participating teens in a zine, he made a great connection by talking about how zines play an important role in the music industry. While he is a musician, his insights, discussion of zines, and identification of essential life skills resonated with all the teens – those that identify as musicians, as well as the poets, writers, painters, actors and dancers! He closed his talk with a pragmatic breakdown of a touring band, including the array of jobs involved, an expense breakdown and the numerous considerations for which need to be accounted. It really gave them an overarching concept of what the touring side of the music industry entails from business managers and band/tour managers to booking agents to legal to ancillary expenses like payroll, bus, merch, hotels, and production costs (to name a few). He created a great opportunity for the teens to more deeply understand the value of hard work, dedication, networking, and selflessness in all that they aspire to become.

by Laura Ferranti

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Meeting John Collura

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Once upon a time,There was life, There was freedom,Everything had colors,And everything was different

Once upon a time,We lived in a diverse world,Where being weird was inspiring, And where chaos was beautiful,

And then once upon a time everything dulled,The colors died and blended together,Now it’s only black and white,

But we still go on day by day,Living and leaving the dullness unnoticed,

Even though once upon a time all it takes is one person One person to pick up that living and colorful flower and put it behind their ear,One person to tell the world that its more than okay to be different and weird,

And if we try,And I mean really,Really, Try

Then maybe we can all be that person, Because everyone is different, And everyone is beautiful,Just like that lone,Bright,Flower in a field of grey.


I am from the mountains,Long winding trails lead to a magical place,A place to lose yourself,A place to be free,

I am from being on the loose,On the loose,I can live the way living should be,

I am from the greens,The light, The bright,And the dark all make me my special self,

I am from the world around us,Just as we all are.

I Am From

Rebecca Budrock

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I am from the mountains,Long winding trails lead to a magical place,A place to lose yourself,A place to be free,

I am from being on the loose,On the loose,I can live the way living should be,

I am from the greens,The light, The bright,And the dark all make me my special self,

I am from the world around us,Just as we all are.

AJ Lumalcuri

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Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high lies hopes and dreams of all people alike. Where blue birds fly and trouble melts like lemon drops, people smile and people laugh. Oh, somewhere over the rainbow things are nice and peaceful. But what of that place below the rainbow? What of the places of grey and crying? The place where people are dying?Where people starve and people carve into each other’s hearts?

Do they ever get beyond the rainbow? Do they ever get to fly over, carefree with the birds?

Oh why, why can’t they? Are they held down by disappointed frowns? Are they weighted with the expectations of others? Are they being controlled by a higher power? Why can’t the rainbow be around all the time? Why do people have to make things miserable for the innocent?

Below the Rainbow

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Sweetie You’re Better Then Vogue People say she’s beautiful, but no one wants her because she doesn’t fit their image.People say she’s loved, but no one likes dealing with her.People say she’s wanted by so many, but there is always no one there.Words are nice, but actions are so much better.


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AyJay Martine

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Photo by Jeanne Eschenberg Sager

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Oh Sweet Catastrophe

Oh Sweet Catastrophe celebrated their one year anniversary of being a band this year! Band members, Kayla M., McKinley, AJ and Kayla G. pictured above performed in Jeffersonville, New York on October 31st, 2014. They where a part of the Halloween festivities that gave the public a safe place to spend their Halloween and enjoy an awesome show.

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Oh Sweet

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Thank youThank you Bethel Woods Center for the Arts’ CEO, Darlene Fedun, Museum Education Manager, Christine Bunce,

Arts Education Manager, Mark Robinson, Education and Outreach Coordinator, Laura Ferranti, Senior Director of

Arts and Humanities, Kathleen Christie and the entire Bethel Woods staff for their support of Project:Identity.

A special thank you to Bethel Woods’ Board of Trustees and their significant contribution and ongoing

passion for our mission.

Alan Gerry, Chairman

Darlene Fedun

Kathy Frommer

Jeffrey Gerson

Ronald Greenberg

Paul Guenther

D.W. Porto

Stuart Salenger

Keith Suehnholz

We wish to thank our sponsors, members and individual donors that help to underwrite the maintenance of this

exceptional venue, the presentation of innovative, captivating performances, exhibitions, museum, community

outreach and educational programs of the highest quality.

Bethel Woods’ educational and children’s programming is made possible in part by:

Annelise Gerry and Family


The Rhulen/Loughlin Family- In Memory of Trevor John Loughlin

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