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Page 1: Faith Notes - Clover Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawerence 9. Not Knowing Where by Oswald Chambers

Faith Notes But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh…Now those who

belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Galatians 5: 16, 24

As we come to the month of March, we are entering fully into the season of Lent

which began on Feb. 10th with Ash Wednesday. In the early church, Lent began as an intense

period of spiritual discipline of those converts who were completing instruction in preparation

for baptism on Easter Vigil/Sunday. The Lenten preparation was tied to Christ’s 40 days in

the wilderness as well as Israel’s 40 years of wandering in the wilderness. The preparation

that these events symbolized and the Lenten preparation of those soon to be baptized was

gradually picked up as a practice for the whole Church to embrace as all remembered their

own baptisms and entered into this time of repentance from sin and renewal to new life.

Baptism signifies crossing over from one condition to another; from the old state to

the new, from the kingdom of evil and darkness to the Kingdom of Christ, life and light. In

Lent, we take this baptismal journey anew. If there is a sin exercising control over us, we

seek to crucify it, take it to the tomb, leave it there, and rise to newness of life in Christ. We

put off the ‘old man’ and put on the ‘new man.’ Galatians 5: 16 – 24 might be a good

passage to review for your Lenten discipline to be reminded of some of the sins that so easily

entangle us, and then the fruit of the Spirit that we might take up in their place after we have

put off a particular sin.

While we were baptized once, and only once, we continue to work out our Baptism as

an ongoing process. Lent is a time to reevaluate my baptismal vows and ask, “How am I

doing in my commitment to Christ?” “What power or influence of evil do I need to turn my

back on, in order to give myself more wholly to Christ?”

Thus the things that we give up for Lent are supposed to be things that will help us in

this process, while picking up something else that might aid us in the pursuit of putting off

those things/sins that have been tripping us up in our Christian walk. To that end, I am

including a list of some “good” books that might encourage you in your Lenten journey. The

first two on the list are more “Lentish,” but I think they all will encourage you in your walk. It

is not a complete list by any means, but might be a place to start for those who are wondering

about some worthwhile reading material.

Some may ask, “Well, Pastor, that sounds like a great idea, but where am I going to

get the time to read?” Might I suggest using this time of Lent to turn off the TV for a bit. I

know it sounds almost “un-American,” but it just might do your soul some good. Or with

regard to children, you might possibly have them shut down the computer, X-box or cell phone

from texting for a bit and focus on something else. I know these are “radical” ideas, but they

might bring more real substance to our Lenten disciplines than simply giving up things that

weren’t large stumbling blocks in our life in the first place. As with physical working out, if it

doesn’t hurt a little bit, you may not be doing that much. “Run in such a way that you may

win” (1 Cor. 9:24).

I used to not like Lent much when I was younger, but now that I am older, it is one of

my favorite times of the year, for it allows me to focus on my relationship with my Lord while

others are doing the same. It is an encouragement to me that millions of others around the

globe are attempting to hone their Christian life so that it will be more glorifying to God. I pray

that you and your family may catch the passion this Lenten season, and not simply give

something up, but pick up something good for the glory of God. May you “crucify the flesh,

and walk by the Spirit.” Have a blessed Lent and Holy Week!

In His Agape,

Pastor Taylor +

Flowers in March

6th—Pat & Missy Sagebiel

13th—Brandon & Jessica


20th—Betty Lou Hulcy

27th—Seidel Family

• Daylight Saving Time Begins—Sunday, March 13th

• Maundy Thursday Service—March 24th, 7 PM

• Good Friday Services—March 25th, Noon & 7 PM

Things to


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01 Brad Flippin

02 Grant Wuest

02 Susan Shanafelt

02 Caden Canion

03 Clarice Ullrich

03 Jeff Holtkamp

05 Amanda Serold

05 Cameron Patek

06 Candi Andrews

07 Shay Boenig

07 Jenna Beason

07 Travis Lohmeyer

07 Zeke Zimmerman

08 Lane Hodge

08 Debbie Bacon

08 Willie Bloch

08 Cynde Parker

09 Danny Shelnutt

12 Jim Parker

13 Andy Taylor

14 Lawrence Wolter

15 Patty Fox

15 Lisa Lohmeyer

15 Cliff Lehmann


Wyatt James Hilbert, son of

Stefan and Jamie Hilbert, was

received into the Kingdom of God

through the Sacrament of Holy

Baptism on February 7, 2016.

Prayers are requested for Wyatt as he begins a New

Life in Christ.

Pastor Taylor’s Recommended Reading List Here is a list of books that you might consider for “good Christian reading” this

Lent (or anytime) that I mentioned in my opening article. Some of these books are easier

to read than others, but they are all spiritual “classics” that will serve you well in your

journey. All these books can be obtained on probably cheapest or at Half-

Price bookstores or the like. Another good site to check for books and Christian

reference tools is Christian Book Distributors (CBD).

1. The Cross by Martyn Lloyd-Jones

2. A Violent Grace by Michael Card

3. Knowing God by J. I. Packer

4. The Knowledge of the Holy by A. W. Tozer

5. Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

6. The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis

7. Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis

8. The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawerence

9. Not Knowing Where by Oswald Chambers

10. The Bondage of the Will by Martin Luther

11. For the Life of the World by Alexander Schememann

12. On the Incarnation by St. Athanasius

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16 Babs Kiel

17 Pat Sagebiel

17 Paul Kalkwarf

18 Keli Seidel

18 Courtney Eldridge

19 Carter Ullrich

19 Clem Howe

20 Linda Dietz

21 Sophia Taylor

21 Madelyn Reininger

21 Doug Eckhardt

22 Andrew Shanafelt

22 Rita Whitwell

24 Ryder Wuest

24 Mike Andrews

24 Faye Talley

25 Carla Anderson

25 Mark Dietz

26 Bradley Fransen

27 Ed Engelhardt

29 Teresa Kiel

29 Anita Hoff

31 Samantha Andrews

31 Kim Koenig

Church Council Communication Corner Church Council meets the second Tuesday of every month at 6:30 PM in the

Activity Center with agenda-setting meetings on the first Tuesday of every

month also at 6:30 PM in Activity Center. The council encourages any member

of the congregation who would like to bring something before the council to

contact any council member or attend the agenda-setting and council

meetings for the month.

Highlights from the February Council Meeting: The council elected officers and appointed committee liaisons for 2016.

They are as follows: Bill Ermel, President, and Junior High Youth

Committee; Amy Cantrell, Vice-President, and Parish Education Committee; Dianne Chambers, Secretary, and Social Concerns Committee; Doug

Eckhardt, Treasurer, and Stewardship Committee; Ed Engelhardt, Asst.

Treasurer, and Worship Committee; Lisa Barnes, Mission Outreach

Committee; Sara Edwards, Senior High Youth Committee; Katharine

Schievelbein, Preschool Committee; Kitty Keller, Property Management

Committee; and Albert Menn, Evangelism Committee. Approved the William Lange Scholarship Fund and Committee (to be

approved by the congregation) Approved three Constitution additions/changes (to be approved by the


Approved the funding of Sunday service broadcasts on KWED with possible

sponsorship by Faith members

Appointed membership of Standing Committees, Nominating Committee,

Financial Review Committee, Human Resource Committee, Endowment

Fund Committee, and Guadalupe Christian Counseling Center Board


Social Concerns Committee Continues to Sponsor Item of

the Month Food Drive Benefitting the Christian Cupboard

For the month of March, the Christian Cupboard states that their

most needed item is coffee. This includes any type or brand of coffee

including instant, flavored varieties, and decaffeinated. Please bring your

donations through March 31st and place them in the basket in the

narthex marked Christian Cupboard.

Items of the month for the next two months are as follows: April,

canned fruit, and May, canned beans. Faith’s members have committed

to being wonderful supporters of the Christian Cupboard, and the Social

Concerns Committee thanks you for your ongoing generosity. You have

helped us make the Item of the Month Food Drive a success!

All donations are appreciated, however; on two separate occasions

last month it was discovered that someone donated expired food. Some

items had expiration dates as far back as 2010. It is possible that this

could have been an oversight, but a good rule of thumb is that if you

would not eat it yourself or serve it in your home, please do not donate it

to the Christian Cupboard. Thank you for your cooperation and

understanding in this matter.

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Announcing Purposed Constitutional Amendments

Faith Lutheran Church will hold a special Congregational Meeting

on April 3rd, to look at approving additions to the constitution as well as

making decisions regarding the William Lange Scholarship Fund

(pending Council approval of date.) The reason for these additions to

the constitution is to protect Faith Lutheran with proactive steps from

potential lawsuits with regard to issues of life, sexual orientation and

gender identity and to establish in Faith’s Constitution a Biblical

clarification of our views on these matters. Activist groups have been

targeting churches in smaller towns who are not prepared so as to set

legal precedents; for a legal precedent in Seguin is just as valid as if it

occurred in Los Angeles or New York. These additions to the

Constitution have been advised by groups such as Alliance Defending

Freedom so that churches can protect themselves and their ability to

effectively proclaim the Gospel of Christ. The special Congregational

Meeting will convene after morning worship on April 3rd.

Constitutional Additions/Changes Reviewed information from brochure by Alliance Defending Freedom.

Recommended Statements for Faith’s Constitution to protect our beliefs.

1. Because God has ordained marriage and defined it as the covenant

relationship between a man, a woman and Himself, Faith Lutheran

Church will only recognize marriages between a biological man and a

biological woman. Thus, we believe that the term “marriage” has

only one meaning; the uniting of one man and one woman in a

single, exclusive union as delineated in Scripture (Gen. 2:18-25).

Further, the Pastors and staff of Faith Lutheran Church shall only

participate in weddings and solemnize marriages between one man

and one woman. Finally, the facilities and property of Faith Lutheran

Church shall only host weddings/events between one man and one


2. Faith Lutheran Church believes that all human life is sacred and

created by God in his image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all

its dimensions, including pre-born babies, and the aged, the

physically or mentally challenged, and every other stage or condition

from conception through natural death. We are therefore called to

defend, protect and value all human life (Ps. 139).

3. The Bible itself, as the inspired and infallible Word of God that

speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality and the proper

conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we

believe. For purposes of Faith Lutheran Church’s faith, doctrine,

practice, policy and discipline, our residing Pastor along with the

Church Council is the final interpretive authority on the Bible’s

meaning and application.

Pastor Bill

Moberly to


Information on


Lives to World


On Sunday, March 6th, Pastor Bill Moberly will be our guest. He

will give a Temple Talk during the service, and he will present a more in-depth presentation during adult

Sunday School at 10:30 AM.

ALWM exists to call, equip,

mobilize, and network

congregations for effective and intentional

obedience to Jesus’ command

to take the Gospel to all


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01 Neal &



13 Bill & Rose

Mary Ermel

13 Kurt & Amy


22 Bryan &

Suzette Long

23 Willie &

Brenda Bloch

30 Jim &

Lenoir Hilbert

Why Plant Churches? Making NEW Disciples

Last month we took a look at the biblical mandate for planting new churches and recognized church planting as being faithful to the Great Commission and modeled after the first century church multiplication that we read about in the New Testament. This month I'd like to propose that we should plant new churches because new churches are more effective at making new disciples.

"More churches mean more disciples." This is a church multiplication saying that is often attributed to the Baptists. Timothy Keller puts it this way: "New churches best reach new generations, new residents, and new people groups." Studies have repeatedly demonstrated how younger generations, people new to a community, and different socio-economic or ethnic groups are reluctant to join established organizations or groups. And this is not a new phenomenon nor does it only impact the church. I personally witnessed this in North Dakota with local Senior Citizen Clubs. In town after town on the prairie, these clubs have folded in the past decade after a 30 or 40 year run. Why? Not because there are no longer any senior citizens! It's just that today's seniors don't identify with those established clubs of an older generation. We see the same thing in churches, too. New churches break down barriers of participation for new people to come and be a part of a community of faith.

Yet even more important than this is the fact that the new people coming to new churches in large part come from an unchurched background. Approximately 8 out of 10 new adult members of established congregations join by membership transfer from another congregation. Conversely, in new churches, the numbers are nearly reversed: approximately 7 out of 10 new adult members were previously unchurched. Church planting is so effective at reaching the unchurched, Ralph Moore reports, that one denomination discovered that 80% of new believers across their denomination came to Christ through the ministry of new churches less than two years old!

There is no doubt about it, church multiplication is essential to reaching the unchurched and making new disciples. Establishing new churches is the evangelical frontier for our association of congregations to be faithful to the Great Commission, to "Go and make disciples of all nations," reaching new people for Jesus.

Pastor Bryce Formwalt is the Director of Mission Growth for the LCMC Texas District. Residing in Georgetown, Pastor Bryce is available to coach congregations on mission. Feel free to contact him with any questions or comments: 512-942-7776 or [email protected]. Like us on Facebook:

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What fun the children have had this month in Sunday School! They enjoyed one of the all-time favorites...Sandbox Stories. The lesson was “The Forgiving Father,” which is something we all need to be reminded of often. Families took part in making a crown of thorns to display in their homes. The crown of thorns is a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made and serves as a reminder for us to make sacrifices

this Lenten season. Skits, games, and activities have contributed to a busy month.

Memory Verses

You willingly forgive, and your love is always there for those who pray to you.

Psalm 86:5

Peter cried "Lord save me!" Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him.

Matthew 14:30-31

Prayers for

Those In the


At this time in the

life of our nation

and all that is


throughout the

world, it is most

appropriate that we

remember in our

prayers those in the

military and their

families. Please

remember in your

daily prayers the

following military

personnel and their


Ann Sagebiel

Stoney Portis

Todd Wegner

David Daniels

Raul Davila III

Tony Leal, Jr.

Shannon Nance

Brad Dillon

Victor J. Rodriquez

Amanda Sagebiel

Cameron Koehler

Michael McBride

Jason Sagebiel

Michael Fruehling

Shelly Park

Ricky Fryer

Brian Branin

Jason Hubbard

Lance England

February is the month of love. During the year we talk about loving one another, but during the month of February, love is the star of the show! First of all, love for God and second, love among all people.

The Five Day classes are deep into Sound Table. Learning letters and the sounds they make is so much fun. During February we studied the letters Hh--with horses and hearts; Vv--valentines and vegetables; Nn--numbers and noodle painting; and Pp--with patterning, prayers, and pizza making. With each new letter, we are enjoying writing in our journals and doing our "homework" of listing words that begin with the sound. Show and Tell is still our favorite on Fridays when we bring an object that begins with the letter and our classmates try to guess what it is from the clues. We get particularly excited when we "stump" one another! We are enjoying all of our tasting foods and have tried new things such as hash browns, honeydew, venison, and noodles. Our Chapel stories were Jesus' Helpers, The Good Samaritan, The Net, and Prayer. The TLU Motor Development Class has begun, and the children are excited about learning age appropriate preschool skills through movement. We are so blessed to partner with the university for this program!

The Three Day class studied the letters Hh, Vv, Nn, and Pp as well. They had fun making hats, valentines, neckties/necklaces, footprint penguins, and pink pancakes. They are working hard on cutting with scissors and writing their names.

The Mother's Morning Out class studied love and friendship for Valentine's Day and exchanged valentine cards. The class talked about hibernation and shadows and were introduced to the letters Hh and Ii. The Bible story for February was The Good Shepherd and to be kind to one another. Color Day is always a favorite, and Blue Day was celebrated with blue food at snack time.

Cupid came to visit all the classes for Valentine's Day. Each class had a party and exchanged valentines with one another. It was a great day full of love and friendship! Thanks to all of you for being our valentines. We love you!



Saturday, March 26th at

10 AM

Ages—infants through

5th grade

Please meet in the LEC.

We need donations of filled plastic Easter Eggs to make our Easter Egg Hunt a success. Please bring filled

eggs to the church office by Friday, March 25th. The congregation’s help is

always appreciated.

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MEN OF FAITH The Men of Faith Lutheran Church will meet in the Activity

Center from 8:30 to 10:00 AM for breakfast and a

devotional on Saturday, March 19th.


CHARITY CIRCLE—Monday, March 21st, 7 PM at the home of Doris

Engelhardt, 107 High Country Drive

LOVE CIRCLE—Tuesday, March 15th, 9:30 AM in the Activity Center

HOPE CIRCLE—Thursday, March 17th , 2 PM at the home of

Diane Lippe, 211 Twin Oak Road

World Day of Prayer Please join the Church Women United as they celebrate 2016 World Day of

Prayer. It will be held Friday, March 4th, at 2:00 PM at Cross Church. You

are invited to worship with them as they begin their 2016 journey titled

“Gathering at God’s Table.”

I would like to thank my Faith family for

your prayers, cards, food and visits after

my resent back surgery. It meant so much to know that I was lifted up with prayer and I know

that helped with my successful recovery.

God Bless, Lydia Whitwell

Prayers of the Congregation Requested for:

the family of Charline Ehlers, who passed through death into eternal

life on February 22, 2016, in Seguin. Private interment will be held at a

later date in the Shiner Cemetery.

Prayers of the Congregation Requested for:

The family of Billy Sullivan, brother of Julia Glenewinkel. Billy passed

through death into eternal life on February 11, 2016. His funeral was held

on February 16th at Prince of Peace Catholic Church in San Antonio.

Congratulations To:

Danny and Maggie (Keller) Passmore, who were united in holy

marriage on February 20, 2016, at Travis Park United Methodist

Church in San Antonio, Texas.

Prayers of the Congregation Requested for:

the family of Ann Fransen, mother of Kirby Fransen, who passed through

death into eternal life on December 14, 2015, in Kenedy, Texas. Funeral

Services were held on December 20th.

Prayers of the Congregation Requested for:

the family of Eric Fransen, father of Kirby Fransen, who passed through

death into eternal life on February 15, 2016, in Kenedy, Texas. Funeral

Services were held on February 20th.

Sincere thanks goes to everyone who

participated in the Blood Drive on

February 14th. A total of fifteen units

were collected, which equals 45

lives saved. Thank you to the

individuals who were able to donate

blood and helped

exceed our goal!

Sincerely, Social Concerns


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Wednesday Nights @ Faith!!

There will not be Wednesday night Youth group throughout the Lenten season.

3/2/16: Potato Bar

3/9/16: Spaghetti

3/16/16: Pulled Pork (Spring Break)

3/23/16: Holy Week - No meal

3/30/16: Leftover Surprise



March Birthdays!!

Cameron Patek 3/5

Shay Boenig 3/17

Carter Ullrich 3/19

Madelyn Reininger 3/21

Happy Birthday from the Faith Lutheran

Church Youth Department!

Junior High - After the Easter Sunrise

Service, we will once again be providing a

continental style breakfast between services. Please bring $10 between now and Easter to help offset the costs. Thank you!

Senior High - The annual Easter

Lock-in and Sunrise Service is coming up quickly. We will begin divvying out parts in Sunday School very soon, so come out and get a part! We hope you can all be part of this special service!

Blessed! No other word comes close to describing these last 2.5 years working

with the amazing youth at Faith. I’m truly grateful to have had the opportunity to get

to know each and every one of you. Thank you for being a part of my life and I

will never forget any of our adventures. I miss you guys already!

Thank you to everyone who

participated in the Annual Soup, Chili,

Stew Cook-off! All the entries were

delicious, and we are lucky to have so

many amazing cooks in our



1st Place—Katherine Biediger

Taco Soup

2nd Place—George Mannel

Winter Vegetable Minestrone

3rd Place—Jon Bostick

Cajun Shrimp Soup

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OUR LOVE AND PRAYERS GO OUT TO Jeff Mueller Donald Jackson Wallace Dube

Allan Dreibrodt Nora Lavalett Julie Sagebiel Allison Goodson, friend of Janyce Dreibrodt

Sydney Brucks Dorothy Burris Laura Nash Mildred Weaver, friend of Fred and Sue Blumberg

Jim Leiber Tootsie Rodgers Doug Eckhardt Mary Herrera, friend of Irene Menn

Correen Dube Lisa Boenig Lee Roy Schievelbein Donna Becker, sister of Debbie Lehmann

Kitty Keller Glenda Leiber Bryan Terp Reid Strauss, great-grandson of Carla Anderson

Doris Beicker Ruby Linsey Lydia Whitwell Doug Brown, brother of Sammie Pooley-Means

Gina Mannel John Murray, brother of Sandy Wille

Sandra Aadland, mother of Kolleen Kallus Marilyn McLauchlan, mother of Jamie Shashack

Art Hiltgen, brother/uncle of Glenda Leiber/Nicole Dietz Felix Garza, friend of Katharine Schievelbein

Nora Naumann, friend of Wallace and Coreen Dube Nancy Mercer, friend of Kim, Deborah, and Diane

Felix Hahn, Jr., father of Margie Campbell Judy Spruce, sister of Patty Fox

Ron Ridge, father of Syndra Schulze Debbie Dykes, friend of Doris Beicker

Pam Taggart, sister of Lisa Lohmeyer Kim Isaacs, sister of Kristin Moum

Kathy Gorman, friend of Dolly West Rossi Flores, friend of Syndra Schulze

Barbara Roesler, cousin of JoAnn Bogisch Kathy Spitler, friend of Marvin and Loretta DeLong

Cristo Rey Lutheran Church in Pharr, Texas Kenny Dykes, brother of Sharon Westerholm

Dianne Mueller, mother of Mike Mueller Michelle Waag, friend of Cliff and Debbie Lehmann

Milton & Mary Mattke, friends of Jesse & Deloris Atzger Melissa Kaiser, sister of Cori Bloch

Rebecca Haskin, niece of Carolyn Sagebiel Miles Takington, friend of Cliff and Debbie Lehman

Leigh Couch, sister of Kathy Ersch Betty Wiederstein, sister of Dorothy Burris

Glen, Gene, and Wanda Badgett, family of Clara Fischer Marilyn Lubbering, niece of Dorothy Burris

Nancy Rodgers, sister of Damon Rodgers Shirley Masterson, relative of Ruby, Mona & Roxanne

John Brannan, friend of Steve and Susan Foerster Sara Rainwater, friend of Allan and Janyce Dreibrodt

Diane Allbaugh, friend of Birdie Kuempel Nancy Swanger, friend of Lisa Lohmeyer

Faye Henze, sister of Birdie Kuempel Judi Pyburn, sister of Jerry Vogel

Lessie Shashack, mother of Steve and Jamie Shashack Audrey/Amelia Hettinger, friends of Margie Campbell

Marti Radicke, friend of the Reiningers Nancy Bittrich, sister of Susan Wuest

Pat Armour, friend of Fred and Sue Blumberg Bridgette Smith, great-great niece of Clara Fischer

Mary Moss, cousin of Jo Ann Bogisch Barbara Harborth, sister of Linda Foreman

Amy McCallick, friend of the James Walker Family Brenda Hodge, step-mother of Richard Hodge

Edward Marquardt, brother of Sherline Bogisch Emmett Engelke, friend of Ted and Doris Engelhardt

Clay Brawner, cousin of Rusty Reininger Corinne and Paul Becker, family of Emma Jean Becker

Erika Dubois, mother of Patrick Lang Eric Moum, brother of Kristin Moum

Willie Mae Brondstad, mother of Donna Boelter Marie Karm, mother of Sharon Stollewerk

Landon Douglass, friend of Lisa Lohmeyer Clara Lindig, mother of Melvin Lindig

Richard Luensmann, friend of the Reiley Family Marilyn King, friend of Steve and Susan Foerster

Brittany Bonner and family, friends of Ashley Bogisch Jo Ann Hoel, cousin of Anita Hoff

Sammy Hodgett, cousin of Jeanine Ullrich Jerry Elsworth, friend of Teressa Cope

Family of Clyde Weikert, friends of Tim Bogisch Family Father Dennis Darilek, Priest at St. James Catholic Church

Rose Hunt, friend of Faith Lutheran Church Paul Gilmore, father of Julie Gellert

Herb and Helen Roberts, friends of Bill Keller Cherie Almand, friend of Vanita Hodge

Jill Mannel, sister-in-law of Gina Mannel Bill Mires, Jr, son of Geri Mires

Genevieve Moore, friend of Mark & Sharon Westerholm Bill P. Davis, friend of Roxanne Heckmann

Bertha Elen Beall, friend of Pat Bodine Betty Vetter, sister of Emma Jean Becker

Jim Ahrens, father of Jamie and Stefan Hilbert Trish Valentine, sister of David Brucks

Korey Kirchner, friend of Kitty Keller and family ..................................


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Pastor Taylor’s KSLR Radio Devotionals

For those of you who missed Pastor Taylor’s devotions on KSLR 630AM here they are. They were for 43 seconds on air; possibly you could

use them as a devotional this Lent and Holy Week.

Great Organic Gardener

Have you ever cried before? Do you think those tears were wasted? David says in Ps. 56:8 that “You (God) have taken account of my

wanderings; put my tears in Your bottle. Are they not in Your book?” It seems God even keeps track of our tears. God is truly the Great

Organic Gardener, He wastes nothing. No matter what you’ve gone through in life, if you will give it to God, He can put it in His “great compost

pile,” and over time with the heat and love of God, those tears and pains; all the trash of our lives, can become the richest soil of our lives.

Won’t you give Him your hurts today and let Him transform them into rich soil? I pray you will.

Apple of God’s Eye

Has something ever touched the pupil of your eye? Generally, we jerk away quickly when something comes even close, if we are able,

because we know our eyes and specifically our pupils, are precious. Basically everything stops when something comes at the “apple of our

eye.” God in the Song of Moses in Deut. 32:10 says that He will guard us as the apple of His eye. Isn’t this a wonderful image? -- that the God

of the Universe would “stop everything” when something comes near to harm us. May this Truth empower you to tackle the obstacles of your

day as you realize, you are the “apple of God’s eye.”

God Only Uses Failures

Have you ever done something dumb or foolish in your Christian walk? If you are courageous enough to admit it, God can use you mightily.

God says in 1 Cor. 1: 27 that “He has chosen the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, and the weak things of the world to shame the

strong.” So many people fail in the Bible that it seems like God only uses failures. The key though, is that through these failings, they learned

to depend on Him, rather than themselves. Do you need to admit to trying to live the Christian life in your own strength? If so, you’re not

alone, for we all need to admit that apart from Christ, we are all weak. Thank God today that when “you are weak, He is strong.”

Faith in His Faithfulness

“If only I had more faith,” is the cry we hear, and maybe you have uttered the phrase yourself. How does faith come? The Bible says faith

comes from hearing the Word of God. Faith comes as one hears the Word and realizes that God always keeps His promises, which motivates

us to action. So our faith is really based on His Faithfulness, or as the old hymn says, “Great is Thy Faithfulness.” One possible solution then

to lack of faith, might be to get the focus off ourselves and onto the Faithfulness of God, for He always keeps His Word. May Faith well up in

your heart as you contemplate His Faithfulness and that He is a Father who always keeps His promises.

God Doesn’t Fall in Love

Have you ever fallen in love? Have you ever contemplated the phrase? – “to fall in love?” It sounds as if some sort of accident has happened.

You were minding your own business and then suddenly, you “fell.” Humans talk this way about love, for some times, we feel beguiled by the

object of our affections. A wonderful truth from Scripture though, is that God doesn’t ‘fall’ in love. God doesn’t love us because we are so

wonderful or great, but because He is so great. 1 John 4 says, “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us.” God’s love is not

influenced or manipulated by the object, but is unconditional – He loves us because of who He is, not because of who we are – and thank the

Lord for that.

Page 10 MARCH

Page 11: Faith Notes - Clover Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawerence 9. Not Knowing Where by Oswald Chambers

Page 11

How’s your Prayer Life? Submitted by Linda Dietz

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread

and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles. And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were

selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food

with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved. Acts 2:42-47

Have you ever thought about how excited the early Christians were? The ultimate joy that they

experienced because of their faith in Christ? The power that they received to share their faith with others because of their prayers?

We are empowered by God when we pray. Yes, we can pray by ourselves in our own homes, but the

early Christians received even more power in community.

Our community of believers at Faith is blessed to have opportunities to pray with fellow believers every

week. Weekly opportunities are Monday morning at 7:00 AM and Wednesday at noon. If neither of those times fits your schedule, how about an evening time? Maybe Tuesdays at 7:00 PM? If you would

be interested in an evening prayer group, call Linda at 830-660-6557.

An additional prayer opportunity is the Prayer and Healing Service held on the third Tuesday of the

month. Pastor Taylor is leading this time of Prayer and Worship, and it is a blessing that we need not miss. This is a worship opportunity not only for our members, but one that should be actively shared

with our Seguin community. It's almost impossible to live and not need God’s peace available to us

through this community service of worship, prayer, anointing with oil and communion. Mark your calendar now for March 15th, and invite friends to attend this special worship opportunity with you.

Social Concerns Committee to Sponsor

San Antonio Food Bank Distribution

Faith’s Social Concerns Committee has partnered with the San Antonio Food Bank to

distribute food to approximately 150 - 200 Seguin and Guadalupe County residents.

Distribution day takes place on Saturday, March 5th, from 9:30 AM to12:30 PM. Look for the

sign-up sheet in the narthex. Volunteers will be tasked with unloading boxes of food from a

refrigerated Food Bank truck, breaking down boxes, and/or putting individual food items into

bags that will then be placed in trunks of cars in a drive-through line in Faith’s parking lot. If

you are unable to help in March, remember there will be second distribution scheduled this


HOLY WEEK SCHEDULE Maundy Thursday, March 24th (with Communion).....7:00 PM Good Friday Services, March 25th ................Noon & 7:00 PM

Easter Sunday Worship, March 27th ....7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, & 10:30 AM

EASTER MORNING SERVICES The Senior High Youth Group invites everyone to the Sunrise Service at 7:00

AM on the front lawn, weather permitting. If the service is outside, we ask

that you bring your own lawn chair. Please bring a fresh flower with you

Easter morning, as these flowers will be used as part of the service. Other

options for Easter Sunday worship are services at 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM.

Holy Communion will be celebrated at all of Faith’s Easter Services. After the

Sunrise Service, the Junior High Youth Group will provide a continental

breakfast in the LEC. Please join us for this wonderful fellowship time. This is

the Junior High Youth Group’s thanks for supporting them during the Lenten

dinners, fellowship activities, and summer camp. Please consider inviting

friends and extended family to church on this holy day. We look forward to

seeing you!

Order Your

Easter Lily


The cost is $8.00

per plant. Deadline

for ordering is

Wednesday, March

23rd. P lea se lea ve

checks or cash

(clearly marked)

and the form below

in the church office.

There are 58 Lil ies

remaining, so please

place your order as

soon as possible.




Number of



In Honor or

Memory of:



Page 12: Faith Notes - Clover Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawerence 9. Not Knowing Where by Oswald Chambers


Bill Ermel Count: Albert Menn Count:

COMMUNION Lisa Barnes Katharine Scheivelbein Dianne Chambers Bill Ermel

ASSISTANTS Count: Sara / Amy Ed Engelhardt Count: Amy / Dianne Doug Eckhardt

Lock up: Lisa Lock up: Ed Lock up: Amy Lock up: Doug

Clem Howe Kristy Serold Jesse Atzger Bill Keller

Harry Dietz Ron Vanbeek Bryan Terp Tim Fox

USHERS Bill Ermel Joan Vanbeek David Moltz Willie Bloch

Danny Neumann Terry Freeman Fred Blumberg Ronnie Glenewinkel

Dolly West Lary Lippe Mike Andrews

ALTAR Set Up Diane Lippe Diane Lippe Diane Lippe

GUILD Eileen Schultz Eileen Schultz Eileen SchultzClean Up Kim Kauitzsch Kim Kauitzsch Kim Kauitzsch

Lydia Whitwell Lydia Whitwell Lydia Whitwell

NURSERY Sunday School Carly Bornemann Carly Bornemann Carly Bornemann Carly Bornemann

HELPERS Church Essy Lamb Essy Lamb Essy Lamb Essy Lamb

GREETERS Ronnie Foreman Ronnie Glenewinkel Kim Koenig Damon Rodgers

Linda Foreman Julia Glenewinkel Debbie Lehmann Brandon Westerholm


COUNT/ Bill Ermel Dianne Chambers Doug Eckhardt Bill Ermel Kitty Keller

LOCK UP Katharine S. Albert Menn Bill Ermel Ed Engelhardt Bill Ermel

USHERS Ed Engelhardt Ben Weise Mark Herbold Tim Bogisch LeAnne Heckmann

Missy Sagebiel John Taddy Damon Rodgers Brian Dahl Anita Hoff

Pat Sagebiel Alexander Taddy Cecil Schulze Albert Menn Vanita Hodge

Bill Hicklin Robert Raetzsch Patrick Schulze Blake Pruitt Carolyn Westerholm

Gina Mannel Ric Landvatter Doug Eckhardt




LAY READERS Gail Herbold -10:30Harold Bogisch Sherline Bogish Jan Quello

Page 13: Faith Notes - Clover Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawerence 9. Not Knowing Where by Oswald Chambers

MARCH 2016


6:30-7:00PM Council Board 9:00-1:00PM Sewing(AC) 9:00-10:00AM Men's Bible 10:00-11:00AM Al-Anon.(AC)

7:00PM(AC)Committee 12-1PM Noon Prayer group Study (Ed Wing) 9:00-11:00AM (LEC) Carolyn Zipp

Meeting 5:30PM (LEC) Supper

5:30PM Hand Bells

7:00PM Lenten Service

Choir practice after Service

Ringing the Bell @ 2PM

3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS 3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

9:00-10:00AM Worship w/Holy 7:00-8:00AM Prayer group NALC Deanery(AC) 9:30-2:00PM 9:00-1:00PM Sewing(AC) 9:00-10:00AM Men's Bible 10:00-11:00AM Al-Anon.(AC)

Communion(Sanctuary) 12-1PM Wmns Noon Bible 6:30 PM (AC) Council Meeting 12-1PM Noon Prayer group Study (Ed Wing)

10:30-11:30AM Bible Study 5:30PM (LEC) Supper 7:00PM(AC) Adopt a School/

Study(AC/Ed Wing) 5:30PM Hand Bells Mentoring Meeting

Coleman Stollewerk Baptismal 7:00PM Lenten Service

(AC) Bill Moberly-Temple Choir practice after Service

Talk & Adult Sunday School

3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS 3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

9:00-10:00AM Worship (Sanct) 7:00-8:00AM Prayer group 7:00-8:00PM Prayer & Healing 9:00-1:00PM Sewing(AC) 9:00-10:00AM Men's Bible 10:00-11:00AM Al-Anon.(AC) 8:30AM (AC) Men of Faith

10:30-11:30AM Bible 12-1PM Wmns Noon Bible Service(Sanctuary) 12-1PM Noon Prayer group Study (Ed Wing)

Study(AC/Ed Wing) Study Love Circle 9:30AM (AC) 5:30PM (LEC) Supper

5:30PM Hand Bells

6:00PM Detention Ministry 7:00PM Lenten Service

Meeting (Ed Wing) Choir practice after Service

Hope Circle 2PM (AC)

3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS 3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

9:00-10:00AM Worship w/Holy 7:00-8:00AM Prayer group 9:00-1:00PM Sewing(AC) 9:00-10:00AM Men's Bible 10:00-11:00AM Al-Anon.(AC) 10:00 AM Easter Egg Hunt

Communion(Sanctuary) 12-1PM Wmns Noon Bible 6:30-9:00PM(AC) Bible Club 12-1PM Noon Prayer group Study (Ed Wing) Good Friday Worship

10:30-11:30AM Bible Study Deloris Atzger 5:30PM Hand Bells Service 12PM & 7PM

Study(AC/Ed Wing) Choir practice after Service 7:00PM Maundy Thur. Service

with Communion

PALM SUNDAY Charity Circle 7PM (AC)


* Newsletter Deadline* 3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS 3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS OFFICE CLOSED AT NOON

27 28 29 30 31

7:00AM Sunrise Service OFFICE CLOSED FOR EASTER 9:00-1:00PM Sewing(AC) 9:00-10:00AM Men's Bible

8:00AM(LEC)Breakfast HOLIDAY 12-1PM Noon Prayer group Study (Ed Wing)

9:00AM Easter Worship 4:00-6:45PM WWF(LEC)

w/Holy Communion (Santuary) 5:30PM (LEC) Supper

10:30AM Easter Worship 9:00AM (AC) Last LWR Packing 6:00PM Hand Bells

w/Holy Communion (Santuary) 6:30-9:00PM (AC) Via de Cristo 6:45-7:45PM Confirmation


7:00-8:00PM Choir practice

3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS 3:00-3:45PM(LEC) TLU MDS

Page 14: Faith Notes - Clover Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawerence 9. Not Knowing Where by Oswald Chambers

Faith Lutheran Church 1326 E Cedar Street Seguin, Texas 78155 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED







Reading List / Baptism 2

Council Corner / Birthdays 3

ALWM / Constitutional Amendments 4

Mission Moment / Anniversaries 5

Sunday School / Preschool 6

Women / Men / Thank Yous 7

Youth Page 8





Director/Teacher……....Sharon Stollewerk

5 Day & Ext Care Teacher..Paula Neuman

3 Day Teacher……...……..Angela Beasley

Preschool Aide………..…..Georgie Dittrich

MMO Teacher…………………...Beth Shea

MMO Aide………………….Jenny Goodwin

5 Day Aide & Extended Care

Teacher…………….………....Sheri Scaief

Volunteer……...………..……..Nancy Estes


Senior Pastor……….Andrew Taylor

FLC Administrator.Danny Neumann

Evangelism Director…...Harry Dietz

Comm. Director……..Teressa Cope

Church Secretary….....Angie Rohde

Youth Director…..Mark Westerholm

Financial Assistant ….…...John Hoff

Parish Education……....Amy Casey

Choir / Handbell Director...Roxanne


Organist/Pianist ….…Annette Stout

Bill Ermel, President…...Junior High Youth Committee

Amy Cantrell, Vice-President…..Parish Education Committee

Dianne Chambers, Secretary…...Social Concerns Committee

Doug Eckhardt, Treasurer…...Stewardship Committee

Ed Engelhardt, Asst. Treasurer….Worship Committee

Lisa Barnes…...Mission Outreach Committee

Sara Edwards…...Senior High Youth Committee

Katharine Schievelbein…...Preschool Committee

Kitty Keller….Property Management Committee

Albert Menn….Evangelism Committee