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Eyeblaster Creative Presentation

Page 2: Eyeblaster Creative Presentation.  Company and Solutions  The Creative Opportunity  Video Best Practices  Eyeblaster Analytics  Services.

Company and Solutions

The Creative Opportunity

Video Best Practices

Eyeblaster Analytics


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Global Digital Marketing SolutionsSuperior Technology & Expert Service Spanning 15


Digital ad serving and campaign management since 1999

Recognized rich media and video leader

Offices in all key digital markets providing 24/7/365 coverage

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Eyeblaster: A Winning ProviderEliminating Challenges Today & Paving New Roads for


Built on the Foundations of Rich media Success to delivery tomorrow’s needs

Provides a integrated solution to all needs, that is fully loaded with time and

cost efficiencies

A true global leader, present in all key markets

First to market with integrated emerging media in-games

An innovative partner to an entire non-technical industry

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Eyeblaster Ad Server

Eyeblaster Rich Media

Eyeblaster Video

Eyeblaster Search

Eyeblaster In Game

Future / 3rd Party

Eyeblaster Ad Campaign ManagerPlanning &

BuyingTrafficking &

WorkflowTracking &


Data & Analytics

Eyeblaster Advertising Campaign Manager (ACM)

Direct AccessEyeblaster Services

Training & Certification

Creative Management

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Engagement – All Rich Media & Video formats supplemented by a range of

interactive features

Scale and Time saving – Eyeblaster interface built into flash that reduces Ad

production time and eliminated knowledge barriers

Accountability – Our Engagement and Interaction reporting is the industry’s

only solution for reliable reporting on ad engagement at unique user level

Best practices & Knowledge – Eyeblaster Account Management team will

provide you with Rich Media & Video best practices, customized reporting and

benchmark data for Planning and analysis of campaigns

Services – Full Creative and Full Production Services available to enable scale and

eliminate knowledge barriers

ACM Rich Media & Video Creative Key benefits

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The Creative Opportunity

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From This… (Pull)

Most online advertising uses banners to point at a destination website

So why does the ‘Pull’ not always bring results?

Only one measure of success i.e. Yes or No - Click thru

Industry average CTR is below 0.3%

Clicks are not qualified Small file sizes and

pixel sizes compromise the online message

Users are focused on online goals and don’t want to be side tracked

Trying to attract the user to your website

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…To This (Push)

Eyeblaster brings the website into the banner, reaching 100% of users

Interaction rates show at least 300% uplift on click-thru’s

Average duration over 1 minute*

Polite & progressive downloading enhances user experience

Benefit from unlimited file size available on Demand

Customised tracking and reporting Costs can be combined with

website development

Delivering content to the user, exactly where they are

*Source: Campaign data for Sony Ericsson P910

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Rich Media – Driving conversations with consumers

Engaging and Rich content to ‘compete’ successfully for user attention

Viral mechanism

Voting, user participation

Before & AfterBiosUnique content

Serving the content in user-initiated layers allows a rich brand experience as well as the means to measure those interactions in multiple ways

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The Formats

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Rich Banner FormatsA Showcase of Creative Uses of Eyeblaster Formats


Initial ad creative displayed whilst page loads, then unlimited file size can be served

Can be used for Std Banner upgrade



Multiple panels and/or floating ads launch from banner via click, mouse-over or auto-initiation

Adam Corolla


User or auto-initiated push down banner

‘Slides’ publisher content aside rather than covering it


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Out of Banner Formats


A Showcase of Creative Uses of Eyeblaster Formats

Ads display on transparent layer over page

Works within dimensions specified by sites

John Lewis

Full Page Overlay

Ads display on transparent layer over page

Can cover entire content within a web browser


Floating to Expandable

Floating ad to banner

Banner can include additional multiple expandable panels

Audi A3

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The Features

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Volvo XC90 Seat Leon Lynx

Creative Features

Page wipes

Encouraging user interaction through compelling creative ideas

A series of animated effects in response to user interaction


Users control the pace of the message being revealed


Multiple ad units seamlessly interact across a page

Works like a page ‘mask’

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Interactive Functionality


Encouraging user interactivity beyond mere click-thru

User interactions determine what ad is shown next

Unlimited creative ‘paths’


Dynamic Data

Live data fed into the ad

Updateable ad content

Optional personalisation

Weather Channel


Users respond to question/s in the ad

Aggregated results displayed to the user in real time


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Video Ad FormatsEyeblaster supports video content in all formats

Video served within fixed size ad unit

Can ‘tease’ by looping few frames until user interacts

Video Strip

Strip of video plays in banner space

Rollover reveals complete video in full size with audio

Louis Vuitton

Full Screen

High impact full-page media player

Optional control buttons


Video Banner

Honda Civic

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Video Functionality


Pushing the capabilities of video content beyond streaming

Push multiple media streams into ad unit

One video can trigger another via synchronisation



Interactive layer plays on a timeline over the video

Additional content can be navigated within the video



Video segments are delivered in response to user interaction

User controls the experience

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The Future : Website = mini site = Ad ?

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Video Best Practices

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IAB UAP sizes were not created for Video!

Video Strip circumvents Size and Audio limitations

Kingdom of Heaven

Maximized value from the leaderboard placement

Resolved Audio conflict Didn’t compromise quality

Results: TV quality with little compromise

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Using TV ads more creatively

TV ads online need to take advantage of the ‘interactivity’ of the medium


Wanted to use TV ad in an engaging way

Cut ad into 8 clips

User could ‘remix’ the ad and send to a pal

Engaged the audience in the brand on a deeper level

Result: Interaction rate was 50%

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Purpose shot video

Video created specifically for online use or new video used from TV shoot


Created for the launch of Virgin Casino Delivers the message with video, interaction and humour

Result: High interaction and click through rates. Most ‘talked about’ gaming launch for a long time!

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Interactivity that fits with your brand

Engage the viewer to deepen the connection with the brand

Content relevancyVideo should complement, not distract from the message. Be relevant to the viewers

High Quality is a mustRushing / lack of planning / no creative training….means low quality video quality and will result in Negative impact on brand / movie. Ensure video is encoded to highest level

Widest reachMake sure the video is served to multiple player formats: Flash 7/8 and WMP

different bandwidths: Low/Medium/High.

Site SpecsConsult with Eyeblaster in Publisher specs before the design phase

Video Best Practices - Summary

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In-Game Advertising

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Source: eMarketer, April 2006 (Yankee Group 3/2006)

In-Game Advertising StrengthSpending Will Reach $733 Million By 2010







2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

US In-Game Advertising Revenues, 2004-2010 (in millions)

A “new medium” that is exhibiting rapid growth

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In-Game Advertisingeb.ingames - dynamic & engaging


Intro message

Intro message

In game reminder


Branded playing space


Between level pre-roll

• Launched with 12 GameHouse titles in July and expanding to 50 games

• 15 & 30-second commercials shown between levels w/ one ad every 10 minutes max

• Full Screen Video & Clickable In Game Reminder

• Users are granted an additional 30-min of demo time or free forever game in exchange for ads

• Sponsorship opportunities with dynamic logo placement

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In-game ad solutions for marketers and game developers

In Browser;

Dynamic Pre-Roll

In Game;

Dynamic Video

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In Game Streaming Video AdvertisersEarly Adopters

Advertiser Complete video play rate CTR

Honda 77% 19%

Rachel Ray 80% 15.1%

Fox (Prison Break) 70% 27.15%

Pfizer 79.8% 14.6%

Progressive 73% 21%

Lower My Bills 80% 14.6%

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Gaming: Paving Roads Via New Digital Channels

New Roads

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Eyeblaster Analytics

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Best Practices for Interaction/Engagement


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Automatic interactions

Automatic and Negative InteractionsIs This What You Want to Measure?

These interactions are often included in interaction rates.

Negative interactions

Expands when banner loads

Video plays whenbanner loads

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Automatic and Negative Interactions Affect Rates Automotive Category

Source: Eyeblaster Internal Data, 1/07

16% 17%









Interaction Rate + NegativeInteractions

+ Auto Interactions

85% increase

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Automatic and Negative Interactions Affect Rates Consumer Packaged Goods

Source: Eyeblaster Internal Data, 1/07












Interaction Rate + NegativeInteractions

+ Auto Interactions

422% increase

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Expandable BannersUnique Expansions Vs. Unique Expanders

Entertainment brand

15MM Impressions, 6.9MM Unique impressions

Ad Unique Expansions (The amount of impressions with at least one

expansion) : 765K

Ad unique Expanders : 548K

Mouse over expansions, especially on Top page placements, can skew expansion and interaction rates

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Nissan : QashQaiDriving Interest by Racing Around Cities

Games lasted average of 90 seconds

0.9% of gamers clicked to play again

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Consumer Engagement, measured accurately! – Using the Industry’s

only Unique engagement reports, determine the true size of the audience engaged.

Measure Unique Video Plays, Unique Expansions and more

Flexible campaign Analysis means – choose between Real-Time reports,

Overview reports and Desktop based pre-formatted reports.

Benchmark data – Available by Vertical, Format and Feature

Determine the effect of Frequency and Audience overlap on your

campaign Performance

Video & Rich Media reportingBest of breed analytics for Media and Creative Clients

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Making Interactive Easier Than Ever

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People. Knowledge. Access.

Eyeblaster’s help break down the barriers to

launching rich media campaigns - delivering help when

you need, for all you need

24/7 global access

Complete service solutions

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Designed to alleviate challenges - from the simple to the complex -

Eyeblaster service solutions make rich media campaigns easy

Service Solutions That WorkHelping Synchronize Concepts, Plans, Creative and Media

Client Services and Support

Media Services

Creative Services

Full Production Services

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Expert help is never hard to find. Eyeblaster provides the guidance that makes its

world-leading Platform easy to use.

Full Campaign Management

Account managers on call

On site training


Eyeblaster Universities

Client Services and Support: Eyeblaster 101Industry Expertise. Best Practices

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Eyeblaster Campaign Launch Process

Media Planning & Buying, Creative Design and Production

Eyeblaster Campaign Production & QA

Publisher QA Process

X Days

Campaign kick off

Creative Spec and Design analysis

Designer Training

Tracking and Reporting

requirements definition

Creative Asset produced

Master Ads built in the

Eyeblaster System from

Eyeblaster Compatible assets

Media Plan inserted into

the Eyeblaster system

Full Ad QA

Ads copied to Flights/Placements

3rd Party tracking tags and

Brand survey tags implemented

in the EB system

Ads submitted to Publishers

Custom interaction defined

Publisher approval process

Creative amendment

as response to possible creative

rejections from publishers

3-5 working days (depending on publisher)

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1

3 working days

-8 -7 -6

Campaign sheets submitted to Eyeblaster

Eyeblaster IO sign-off

Collaborative TaskEyeblaster Performed TasksCreative Agency Performed Tasks Media Agency performed Tasks


Flight Live

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