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Page 1: Expert consultation “New Directions for Inclusive Pluralistic Service Systems”

Pluralistic Service Systems


May HaniPolicy Officer – Institutions and Services

Magdalena BlumExtension Systems Officer

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Rome, 11-13 May 2016

Expert consultation“New Directions for Inclusive Pluralistic Service Systems”

Page 2: Expert consultation “New Directions for Inclusive Pluralistic Service Systems”

Pluralistic Service Systems


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Pluralistic Service Systems

Objectives To open a debate and suggest action on Inclusive

Pluralistic Service Systems (PSS) to inform policy and development planning

with a focus on - Governance, accountability, coordination and- Financing mechanisms and sustainability

Create a common understanding on challenges and issues related to inclusive PSS

Formulate actionable recommendations in terms of policies and transformative investments

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Pluralistic Service Systems


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Pluralistic Service Systems

What brought us here?

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Why a focus on inclusive services?

80% of the poor live in rural areas majority of them are small farmers

75% of them depend on agriculture and natural resources

80% of world food is produced by smallholders 43% of the agricultural labor force are women Improving livelihoods of small men and women

farmers is key to reducing rural poverty

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Overall policy framework

Framework of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG1) on eliminating extreme poverty

FAO Strategic programme on reducing rural poverty

Access initiative – strengthening organization and ensuring access to resources, information, services and markets- Enhancing service provision targeting the poor

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Services and livelihoods Rural advisory services that contribute of

enhancing livelihoods of small farmers- Productivity- Profitability and income- Market access- Resilience- Learning- Social and economic opportunities

Services that are inclusive, gender sensitive, demand-driven and market-oriented

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Participants’ views on Inclusive Pluralistic Advisory Services

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Advisory Services are inclusive when … Responding to local demands and opportunities

of all types of farmers/rural producers All farm household activities are included in the

services (livestock, fisheries, high value crops, farm management, …)

No one individual service is likely to be broadly inclusive, if it is to be tailored enough to meet farmers’ needs.

To be truly inclusive, there needs to be close collaboration, participation and downward accountability to end users

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Advisory Services are inclusive when … They have certain qualities/characteristics

- Affordable, easily and equally accessible, sustainable, gender equal, downward accountability to end users, demand driven, ….

- holistic, bottom-up approach, and horizontal communication They are participatory in the sense of

- Stakeholders and users involved in establishing priorities, decision making, delivering services, monitoring and evaluation

Inclusion/Exclusion can occur at the point of entry and in the process of delivery. Services can be exclusive in terms of - Particular population/users- Some needs/demands- Types of providers / services they offer- Means needed (e.g. restricted mobility can limit access)

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Inclusion is about … Engaging with different actors, systems, disciplines, for

different purposes, with a common goal. Recognizing that the risks (climate or conflict related)

are of different characters for different groups in society Recognizing where there are gaps in the overall

landscape of service provision Understanding if and how local government and others

might be held accountable for inclusive services

Understanding how culture and context influence participation in different services

Looking at incentives and disincentives for inclusion in the political institutions that steer service provision

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Working Definitions

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Services are considered inclusive, if they target resource poor and vulnerable farmers,

especially women and youth are tailored to the multiple capacities, needs and

demands of these farmers are characterized by continuous dialogue and

learning between farmers and service providers are based on complementary services by different


Inclusive Services

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Advisory Services

Advisory services are understood as encompassing all intangible services to farmers, including

information, knowledge, brokering and advice, on issues such as production, inputs and technology, credit, nutrition, processing, marketing, organization and business management

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Why new directions?

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Where do we stand? Considering heterogeneity of farmers and their

needs/demands Recognizing the role of rural women and youth in

agriculture and rural economies From linear, bi-lateral approaches to a system

perspective From production focus to improving livelihoods From universal public services by a single provider

to diverse state and non-state providers Changing role of the State in a pluralistic


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Pluralistic Service Systems

Questions Plurality is evident - Is there a system? In a changing institutional environment, how to

ensure that the poor don’t fall through the cracks? How can farmers and their organization be

empowered to amplify their voice and role in decision making?

What kind of coordination would be needed? And by whom?

How can service providers be made accountability to farmer?

How to achieve complementarity among service providers?

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Questions What form of policy environment is conducive to

achieve relevant, efficient and effective services? How can development agencies support

governments and non-state actors - in enhancing quality, inclusiveness and

sustainability of services?

- in taking up new roles, collaboration and partnerships?

What mechanisms for coordination and accountability can be supported?

What financing mechanisms and partnership opportunities can help to achieve inclusiveness and sustainability?

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Pluralistic Service Systems

Our challenge

Do we have the knowledge and evidence to give answers to these questions?

This group has the expertise and mandate to come up with doable recommendations and suggestions for action that would make a difference

We are looking forward to working with you over the next three days

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