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  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    From: Damian Carstens [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Saturday, 1 January 2011 8:07 PMTo: 'Peter Scott'Cc:[email protected] ; 'Doongul Creek'; 'Allen Peter'; '[email protected]'; 'Peter Care'; 'Brent Lillywhite'Subject: RE: lenthalls river heights EAP

    Dear Peter,

    You have heard definitively the two numbers did not work at all due to WBW/James Castles action and will not be used we had to deal with the distress

    caused you did not. I have left phone messages to this affect with you and Donna has emailed you.

    As stated James Castles calls went well out side of EAP requirement and caused a panicked premature evacuation in which he did not follow procedure

    the consequence of his action as stated was panic and leaving of the site without winches light etc.

    According to EAP and agreed process the contacts to be made by WBW to these numbers were to relay information only! in the case of Marie WBW did

    not have a brief to repeat call causing panic, putting herself and others at risk.

    We can definitively tell you we cannot risk this behaviour from WBW in communication to this number we have told Marie she will not have to deal with

    the stress and will not be receiving your calls I think this is the third time this has been stated. Ditto with the call to Nicole Condon also as James Castle

    admitted to Damian Carstens he phoned Nicole well before the evacuation level at 350mm above RL26 ( EAP).

    We will not be advising these people of our whereabouts in order to save them the distressing experience they have just been put through as we attempt

    to localise we experience due to the development.

    James Castle did not adhere to the EAP and I still do not have an explanation as to why a panicking ? James Castle contacted Marie 3 times, prior to the EAP

    requiring evacuation at 350mm above RL26. Why did he panic her saying he was party to special information This statement from James Castle in

    particular caused her to panic . The statement regarding special information made by James Castle was was made without elaboration or additional fact

    and as such was not helpful, it just added to the uncertainty. What concerns me is that these comments were well outside of the EAP requirement and for

    no good purpose, if there is genuinely no need to evacuate yet (ie350mm above 26 has not been reached) and there was no special information.

    Water Levels: Further we have strong reason to doubt it peaked at the times you advise or the levels and our experts do also.

    The water was much higher on Maries late leaving well after 7.10 than her entry I might remind you that the panic caused a not very well strategized

    crossing of rising water levels at Powel Creek when James called her he said the water was rising at 1cm every 20m and that he had additional data ? what

    did he mean?

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Powell Creek rose rapidly and went very high as did the water generally. As stated this was not a sound way for WBW to minimise risk, these actions made

    the situation much worse.

    We say please follow procedure as outlined in the EAP ( until such a time as it is rewritten and given the carry on contacting mobiles we now say do not

    contact these people) we no longer know what the solution is regarding contacts as these numbers CANT be used.

    I appreciate and look forward to your provision of the data.



    A note. I believe that James Castle had some part in the construction of a lowered Powell Creek crossing ( below the bed and bank) and at the time of

    construction when we pointed out that the risks to us were enhanced I can recall that he was not very concerned. I think the tone we have experienced

    from Peter Care and Mr Castle in the past has been sneering disinterest.I also recall that either or both Peter Care and David Wiskar told Ron Guppy (DERM) that there was no problem with Lenthalls Dam Gates when they were

    jammed early in 2008. Ron Guppy DERM had to call them back to get the facts when I alerted Ron to the level of incoming rainfall not correlating with the

    peaks at that time. Some of your staff are not always clear regarding the facts with DERM or ourselves.

    Luckily in that instance DERM was dispassionate and investigated further.

    You can understand given the irregularities in the past week, why we keep asking questions.

    I have maintained contact with you in the hope that your expressed sincerity as new CEO was and is genuine and that we will receive accurate and credible

    reportingnot something we could rely on in the previous CEO and Peter Cares day and that moves will be made to resolve the risk once and for all.

    As Peter Allen has stated more than once, the relocation should have been finalised prior to construction, I think your consultants at GHD have stated

    similar at conference informally and advised that this was a low cost solution given the value of a life. The informal commentary at the time ( under lastCEO) was that it was a concern when WBW did not take their own experts advice.

    Thankyou for your time.

  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    From: Peter Scott [mailto:[email protected]

    ]Sent: Saturday, 1 January 2011 6:24 PMTo: 'Damian Carstens'Cc:[email protected] ; 'Doongul Creek'; 'Allen Peter'; '[email protected]'; Peter Care; Peter ScottSubject: RE: lenthalls river heights EAP

    Dear Esther,

    I have attached the email I sent to Donna during the evening of the 28th and confirm that the peak was as per the dot point below.

    I will see what data we have when I return to work on Tuesday re the plot but as I indicated previously our Scarda/Telemetry system went down during the

    height of the flooding and we relied on staff advice from site re heights.

    I am not sure why FCRC still is showing on the Graphic below but will also check that out next week, I suspect that this change to WBWC just hasnt been

    advised to the Bureau.

    1. Lenthall Dam RL 28.120 at 7:10pm tonight and has peaked;

    There were no repairs whatsoever to the Dam during the flooding at or around the 28th the 4 gates worked automatically post our maintenance earlier in

    the prior week other than gate 5 which stayed up.

    As indicated in the attached email James made the call to the secondary text ,mobile out of genuine concern for the whereabouts of Marie et al.

    I havent heard whether your family wants to revert to the landline or stick with the two mobile system which worked well albeit I readily acknowledge we

    will stick strictly to the agreed protocol going forward if that is agreeable with your family.

    Kind Regards.

    Peter Scott

    Chief Executive Officer

    Wide Bay Water Corporation

    Phone 07 4194 7888

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    Mobile 0438 054 308

    Email:[email protected]

    From: Damian Carstens [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Saturday, 1 January 2011 3:53 PMTo: Peter ScottCc:[email protected] ; 'Doongul Creek'; 'Allen Peter'; '[email protected]'Subject: FW: lenthalls river heights EAP


    Assuming below is accurate ( it appears to be FCRC data) could you please advise at what level and time the water peaked, and provide us with a

    copy of the missing data on this plot?

    I am hearing that on the evening of the 28th

    the early calls that so distressed Marie Carstens and Nicole Condon ( out of step with EAP) wereplaced due to repairs at the dam, I would be grateful if you could elaborate?


    Esther Allan

    Latest River Heights for Burrum R at Lenthalls Dam #Issued at 10:11 pm EST Thursday 30 December 2010About river heights plots|About this PlotStation details:Station Number: 040906 Name: Burrum R at Lenthalls Dam # Owner: CBM/FCRC:137903

    Data from the previous 4 days.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Data as Table|Previous Station|Next Station|Back to Bulletin

    About this plot

    1. The river height data is the latest available operational data provided for flood warning purposes and has not been quality controlled.2. Stations marked with * or # indicate that the data is provided from automatic equipment.3. Stations marked with * are Telephone Telemetry Devices and are nominally polled once a day and more often during floods.4. Stations marked with # are ALERT Radio Telemetry and report every 3 hours and more often when the water level changes.5. All river height reports are in metres and are shown in local time.6. Heights or depths above/below roads, bridges, dam spillways and weirs are given as a guide only. For road open/closed information, see theRACQ

  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    7. This product includes data made available to the Bureau by other agencies. Separate approval may be required to use the data for other purposes.Refer toListing of Operating Agenciesfor Station Ownership.

    8. Where data is supplied from a Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Monitoring Site, please follow thislinkto get advice

    on data use and copyright.

    From: Peter Scott [mailto:[email protected]

    ]Sent: Monday, 27 December 2010 8:55 AMTo: 'Damian Carstens'Cc: 'Allen Peter'; Peter Care; James CastleSubject: RE: lenthalls river heights EAP

    Hello Esther,

    The chronology in brief last evening is that James rang the primary mobile number to talk to Maree around 6.30 pm and sent a text to the secondary mobile

    thereafter ( he rang the Brisbane number around the same time just as a further back up and I suspect that is the 10pm log?) Maree called back for abriefing from James before 7 pm.

    As I understand James then made contact again around 8.30 via both mobiles and the same again around 9.30 pm.

    The Dam peaked as per our telemetry at 2.45 am at 26.420 ( James was on site nearly all night thus is at home trying to get some sleep) yet the BOM site

    provides 26.6.

    In terms of the variance the BOM site is about 200mm higher than our electric equipment shows thus provides a buffer.

    The four gates are down but as previously advised G5 isnt and we dont expect it will come down at this stage.

    Clearly the way the forecast is the levels are going to rise again and perhaps substantially in the next 48 hours.

    Regards.[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://
  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    Peter Scott

    Chief Executive Officer

    Wide Bay Water Corporation

    Phone 07 4194 7888Mobile 0438 054 308

    Email:[email protected]

    From: Damian Carstens [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Monday, 27 December 2010 8:20 AMTo: Peter ScottCc: 'Allen Peter'Subject: RE: lenthalls river heights EAP

    HI Peter,

    I have just received a very odd electronic message to my Brisbane number that said it was sent at at 10pm last night this would be of little or no help

    to any one at the farm. The phone ringing at 8.04 this morning in Brisbane. Who sent that ? This is new?

    Has any one followed procedure last night when the water was 350mm over? Further the anomalies in the plotting are really odd See below for the same

    time frames. If the lower plot belongs to FCRC it should be more accurate than DERM given that FCRC feed into BOM and DERM?

    Yet you tell me plot number 1 issued at 5.41 and being data supplied by FCRC is wrong and that the DERM below is correct? As I understand it the 5.41

    would be more accurate as it is FCRC telemetry being fed in.

    The long and the short of all of this is that we are trying to gauge road conditions locally for example and family safety and need to make us use of the

    property. We have stock to feed etc. The sort of data we are receiving seems unreliable/ contradictory and delayed there fore unusable.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete



    Latest River Heights for Burrum R at Lenthalls Dam *Issued at 7:41 am EST Monday 27 December 2010About river heights plots|About this Plot

    Station details:Station Number: 540267 Name: Burrum R at Lenthalls Dam * Owner: DERM:137303

    Data from the previous 4 days.

    Data as Table|Previous Station|Next Station|Back to Bulletin

    About this plot
  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    1. The river height data is the latest available operational data provided for flood warning purposes and has not been quality controlled.2. Stations marked with * or # indicate that the data is provided from automatic equipment.3. Stations marked with * are Telephone Telemetry Devices and are nominally polled once a day and more often during floods.4. Stations marked with # are ALERT Radio Telemetry and report every 3 hours and more often when the water level changes.5. All river height reports are in metres and are shown in local time.6. Heights or depths above/below roads, bridges, dam spillways and weirs are given as a guide only. For road open/closed information, see theRACQ

    website.7. This product includes data made available to the Bureau by other agencies. Separate approval may be required to use the data for other purposes.

    Refer toListing of Operating Agenciesfor Station Ownership.

    8. Where data is supplied from a Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Monitoring Site, please follow thislinkto get advice

    on data use and copyright.

    9. For other Station details:Flood Classifications,Road Crossings,Survey/AHD Details,Maps

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    CopyrightCommonwealth of Australia 2010, Bureau of Meteorology (ABN 92 637 533 532)Please note theCopyright NoticeandDisclaimerstatements relating to the use of the information on this site and our sitePrivacyandAccessibilitystatements. Users of these web pages are

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  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    From: Peter Scott [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Sunday, 26 December 2010 6:25 PMTo: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; James CastleCc: '[email protected]'; '[email protected]'; Peter CareSubject: Re: lenthalls river heights EAP

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    Hello Esther,

    I have just sent a text to James to ring you which he was eminently about to . The levels on the bom site are higher than our telemetry shows hence the

    slight mismatch in timing. He has been watching this closely all day as you would expect.


    From: Damian Carstens [mailto:[email protected]]Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2010 05:59 PMTo: 'Allen Peter' Cc: 'Donna' ; Peter Scott; 'Sue Brooks' Subject: lenthalls river heights EAP


    We received a call this morning telling us the river height was rising, we were told we would get a call when the dam level was 350mm above RL 26 We

    have not received any contact since this morning, do you know what is going on?



    Latest River Heights for Burrum R at Lenthalls Dam #Issued at 5:41 pm EST Sunday 26 December 2010About river heights plots|About this PlotStation details:Station Number: 040906 Name: Burrum R at Lenthalls Dam # Owner: CBM/FCRC:137903

    Data from the previous 4 days.

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    Data as Table|Previous Station|Next Station|Back to Bulletin

    About this plot

    1. The river height data is the latest available operational data provided for flood warning purposes and has not been quality controlled.2. Stations marked with * or # indicate that the data is provided from automatic equipment.3. Stations marked with * are Telephone Telemetry Devices and are nominally polled once a day and more often during floods.4. Stations marked with # are ALERT Radio Telemetry and report every 3 hours and more often when the water level changes.5. All river height reports are in metres and are shown in local time.6. Heights or depths above/below roads, bridges, dam spillways and weirs are given as a guide only. For road open/closed information, see theRACQ

  • 7/27/2019 Exhibit 1 January 2011 807am to Peter Scott Paniced Evacuation Distress Dam Gate Failure / Crest Gate Failure / Lenthalls Dam Gate failure / Wide Bay Water Corporation Pete


    7. This product includes data made available to the Bureau by other agencies. Separate approval may be required to use the data for other purposes.Refer toListing of Operating Agenciesfor Station Ownership.

    8. Where data is supplied from a Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM) Monitoring Site, please follow thislinkto get advice

    on data use and copyright.

    9. For other Station details:Flood Classifications,Road Crossings,Survey/AHD Details,Maps


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