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Evaluation Question 7 – Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt

in the progression from it to the full product?

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180 Degree Rule and Shot Reverse Shot

In our preliminary task, we aimed to stick to the 180 degree rule because we felt it would be good practice for filming and editing, to create a coherent video. The 180 degree rule is associated with shot reverse shot, because both techniques are needed when editing. These two editing techniques combined create a film that is continuity edited and the piece is clear and coherent for audiences. Below is an example of where we have used the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot in our preliminary task.

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180 Degree Rule and Shot Reverse Shot

Following our preliminary task, we discovered the importance of including the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot, to create a greater piece and conform to the rules of continuity editing. However after having the practice from our preliminary task, we learnt that we may be able to use both the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot in a slightly more subtle way, so it is less noticeable, yet still creates continuity and it coherent for audiences. Below is an example of where we have used the 180 degree rule and shot reverse shot in our final piece.

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Match on actionOur preliminary task was good practice for applying match on action to our video, as it can sometimes be challenging to edit an action, so that it starts in one shot and is finished in another. This is why we practiced this in our preliminary task. Using match on action is important, because it creates a smoother flowing video, as the action will look less staged and more natural, and therefore the horror will look more realistic, having a greater impact on the audience. Below is an example of where we have used match on action in our preliminary task.

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Match on action• When creating our final video, we decided that we should use match on

action, as it is important for making actions look more natural. From the preliminary task, we decided to use two cameras as opposed to one when filming, this way we could set up two cameras in different places, and put the footage together and edit it. Whereas before, we used only one camera, and found it more challenging to film an action twice and then edit the footage. Had we not practiced with the preliminary task, we may not have known to use two cameras when filming our final video. Below is an example of match on action we have included in our final video.

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Camera Angles • During the creation of our preliminary task, we did not experiment with

camera angles as much as we possibly could have, the shots are relatively similar, which is not entirely conventional of horror films. This helped us when deciding what shots we will use in our final video to create a more enticing video, that satisfies our target audience. Below is shows the lack of different shots we used in our preliminary task.

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Camera anglesAfter our preliminary task, we decided that we should use more of a variety of shots in our final video, as a use of different shots makes the final piece look professional and realistic. Therefore when we created our shot list, we included shots such as; extreme close up, close up, canted angle, establishing shot, and a pan to the left and right. Below are screenshots from our final video demonstrating our varied use of shots.

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• To conclude, completing the preliminary task was useful, as it taught my group and I the importance of editing and camera angles. Also, I believe that if we had not completed the preliminary task, our final video would not be the quality it is now, as we would have been inexperienced, and we would be unfamiliar with some editing techniques. Therefore it would be correct to say that we have learnt many skills in the process of creating our preliminary task to our final video.