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Question 4How did you use media

technologies in the construction, research and planning and

evaluation stages?By Bethany Harvey

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Software I usedIn order to produce the ancillary tasks and my main product, I needed to use many media technologies throughout the research, planning, construction and evaluation stages.

I used:

Adobe Photoshop CS4 Adobe Premier Pro CS4 Adobe Encoder Audacity Slideshare YouTube Prezi Camera Microphone

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Adobe Photoshop CS4“CS4 features smoother panning and zooming, allowing faster image editing at a high magnification. The interface is more simplified with its tab-based interface making it cleaner to work with.”

I used Adobe Photoshop for the planning and construction stage of my task. I used it for the planning stage when I was producing my storyboards and for the construction stage for when I was producing my ancillary tasks.

Using photoshop allowed me to use special effects within my ancially tasks, .e.g it allowed me to produce the title of my film for my poster and my magazine.

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Adobe Premier Pro CS4Adobe Premiere Pro is a timeline-based video editing software application. It is part of the Adobe Creative Suite, a suite of graphic design, video editing, and web development applications developed by Adobe Systems, though it can also be purchased separately. I used Premier Pro for my construction and evaluation stages. This software allowed me to produce my drafts and my final trailer and also let me put effects and transitions into my trailer. However, after learning how to use the software, I suffered a lot of problems when I started to edit and produce my trailer. I'm not completely sure what the problem was, but everytime I wanted to play my footage on the software it would play for around 5 seconds and then stop and jump to the end. Therefore, when I was cutting down videos and editing them I couldn't see what I had cut completely. Because of this it took me a lot longer than expected to produce my final trailer after producing 2 drafts. I would have like to have used more effects within my trailer, however with me not being able to see the effect when I put it on I had to guess and hope for the best. However, after managing with the software I was happy with my trailer considering all the problems I have followed.I used this software at the evaluation stages, so that I could show evidence for what I say in my evaluation.

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Premier Pro

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Adobe EncoderAdobe® Flash® Media Live Encoder 3.2 live audio and video capture software is a media encoder that streams audio and video in real time to Adobe Flash Media Server software or Flash Video Streaming Service.

I used this software for when I was encoding my videos from Premier Pro and turning them into files of their own so that I would be able to upload them to YouTube and onto my blog.

This software was used at the construction stage and the evaluation as I produced some video examples for my evaluation, and for my construction I used encoder to encode my videos so they can be uploaded.

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AudacityAudacity is a free, easy-to-use and multilingual audio editor and

I used this software in my construction so that I could say what I had done while producing my film trailer.

This software was simple to use and I only needed a microphone so that I could taklk and record. After I recored on Audacity, I exported the file so that I could use it in Premier Pro so that I can put voiceovers to my videos of evidence.

When producing my trailer I used audacity to produce one voice over that is used within my trailer. This is the female scream at the end in which I got one of my cast to do.

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PreziPrezi is a web-based presentation application and storytelling tool that uses a single canvas instead of traditional

I used prezi to produce an interactive presentation. This software is online and free to use, I created my own username and this software allows me to edit my presentation online and also add effects that MS Powerpoint don't offer, e.g. you can have a path which is the order of your slides.

Prezi is easy to use and allowed me to do different things. I used this in my construction stage to show all the scenes I had changed/removed within my trailer drafts.

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YouTubeYouTube is a video-sharing website on which users can upload, share, and view videos.

I used YouTube to upload all my construction videos, my trailer drafts and my final trailer. After uploading them to YouTube it allowed me to put them onto my blog so that other people can see it and also so it can be evidence for the construction of my trailer.

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SlideshareSlideShare is an online slide hosting service. Users can upload files in the following file formats: PowerPoint, PDF, or

I used Slideshare so that I was able to upload my presentation online, so that it can be accessible on my blog. I used this for my research and planning stage as well as construction and evaluation, because having this software allowed me to make as many presentations as I needed at any stage and upload them onto my blog.

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