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Page 1: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.


Page 2: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

LEQ:What were the motives behind European exploration?

Drill: “gold, glory, and God” is a phrase used to describe the motives for European exploration during the 15th and 17th centuries. What does this phrase mean?

Page 3: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

The Age of Exploration •Describes the time between 1400 and 1600 when Europeans began leaving their native countries to explore distant lands•New technology in ship building and navigation made long-distance sailing possible

Page 4: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Astrolabes•used to show how the sky looks at a specific place at a given time

•helped sailors identify latitudes

Page 5: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Magnetic Compass•By 100 CE ancient Chinese discovered that if a magnet swings freely, it will always point north = first magnetic compass

•The Arabs improved the magnetic compass and brought it from China to Europe by the 15th century

Page 6: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

The Caravel•A ship first used in the Arab world

•Improved on by the Portuguese in the 15th century

•Had triangular sails to sail against the wind, a large cargo hold, and moved quickly

Page 7: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Motives1.Trade 2.Knowledge 3.Wealth4.Religion5.Power

Page 8: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Homework 10/14 Read pages 407- 410 in Age of Exploration

•Available on Mrs. Leonard’s website on the World History tab and on the Homework Calendar

•Available in print beginning at 1:55; first come first serve, 35 copies total

Page 9: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

LEQ:What were the results of European conquests in foreign lands?

Drill:Why were Europeans able to conquer far away lands? What advantages might they have had?

Page 10: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Pop-Quiz1. List three of the five motives for European exploration in the years

between 1400 and 1600.

2. ______________ _____________ wrote about his experiences in China in a book titled The Travels.

A) Christopher Columbus

B) Henry the Navigator

C) Marco Polo

Page 11: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Pop-Quiz: True or False 3. The English lead the race in exploration.

4. Europeans acquired much of their knowledge about sailing from the Arabs.

5. The main motive for Portuguese exploration was for conquest and land.

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Page 13: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Portugal•Portuguese explores sailed along the western coast of Africa and discovered a source of gold; sighted the Congo in 1482

•Portuguese empire in Africa was the earliest and longest lived of the colonial empires, lasting from 1415 until 1974

•Vasco da Gama sailed around Africa to India

•Pedro Álvares Cabra makes it to Brazil (on accident)

Page 14: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Portugal•The motives of the Portuguese were essentially commercial (trade)

•1440-1640, Portugal had a monopoly on the export of slaves from Africa

• It is estimated that during the trans-Atlantic slave trade, Portugal was responsible for transporting over 4.5 million Africans

Page 15: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Spain•Conquistadors allowed the Spanish to establish an overseas empire

•Sponsored Columbus expedition in 1492 giving Spain claim to the Americas

•Hernan Cortes conquered the Aztecs of central Mexico in 1520

•Fransico Pizarro conquered the Inca of modern day Peru in 1532

**The Aztecs and Inca had complex and diverse civilizations; were not “savages”**

Page 16: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Historical Significance of Columbus

•Europeans flooded the New World after Columbus’ voyages = permanent settlements = colonies that added wealth to the Mother Country

• Supported the rape, murder, and enslavement of natives and eventually Africans

•90 % of the Native Americans were wiped out by diseases = land is easier to take

Page 17: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

LEQ:What were the results of European conquests in foreign lands?

Drill:What impact did Columbus, Cortes, and Pizarro have on the indigenous populations of the Americas?

Page 18: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

History of Belgium to 1830•Was part of the Roman province of Belgica; Conquered by Julius Caesar in 57–50 B.C

•Overrun by the Franks (a Germanic Tribe) in the 5th century A.D

•Ruled by Philippe II, king of Spain in 1555 and remained in Spanish control until 1713

•Occupied and later annexed to France

•Rebelled in 1830 and declared independence

Page 19: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Leopold II•King of the Belgians from 1865 to 1909

•Wanted to establish Belgium as an imperial power, he led the first European efforts to develop the Congo River basin

•The regime under Leopold’s control, became notorious for its exploitation and mistreatment of the colony’s inhabitants

A Devil in the Congo

Page 20: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

The Congo Physical Features:Congo River – 2,900 miles longTropical RainforestPlainsMountain RangesVolcanoesGrassland PlateausClimate:Tropical w/Rainy and Dry Season Natural Resources: oil, natural gas, gold, wood, zinc, copper, uraniumPrimary Exports: diamonds, lumber, and petroleum

Page 21: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

LEQ:Which label best describes European immigration to the Americas in the late fifteenth to early sixteenth centuries: explorers, missionaries, merchants, or conquerors?Drill:

Why do you think the Europeans felt entitled to the lands they “discovered”?

Page 22: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

LEQ:Which label best describes European immigration to the Americas in the late fifteenth to early sixteenth centuries: explorers, missionaries, merchants, or conquerors?Drill:

Get into your groups from yesterday

Page 23: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Which label best describes… Explorers Missionaries - a person sent by a church into an area to complete a mission

Merchants - a businessperson who trades in commodities produced by others, in order to earn a profit


Page 24: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

LEQ:How did colonies increase the wealth of European nations?


What was the Columbian Exchange?

Page 25: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

The exchange of resources, ideas,and diseases between the Americas, Europe, and Africa in the 15th and 16th centuries

Page 26: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Colonies and Mercantilism Colonialism - the policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control over another country, occupying it with settlers, and exploiting it economically

Mercantilism - economic theory that a nation's prosperity depends on its success in accumulating wealth by exporting more than it imports, thereby earning profits from its exports

◦ Raw Materials from colonies sent to Mother Countries to be manufactured and exported

Page 27: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

The Atlantic Slave Trade•enslavement and transportation, primarily of African people, to the colonies of the New World

•lasted from the 16th to the 19th centuries

•most of the enslaved were taken from West and Central Africa

•sometimes called the Maafa by African and African-American scholars, meaning "holocaust” or "great disaster" in Swahili

Page 28: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

Effects of Colonialism•Increased European Trade

•Destroyed native cultures and populations

•Atlantic Slave Trade

•European Rivalries

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Word Art: Colonialism


Page 30: European Exploration UNIT 2: CHAPTER 4: THE AGE OF EXPLORATION.

LEQ: How did the commercial revolution transform European economic life?


In what ways might Europe of benefited from expansion and colonization?

The Commercial Revolution was a

period of European economic expansion,

colonialism, and mercantilism

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