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Irvine Hall Student Leadership Workshop

Jamie – Ann Chevannes Administrator May 18, 2015

Page 2: ETHICAL LEADERSHIP FOR CHANGE - Irvine Hall Leadership Presentation

What is the Role of a Leader?

• As a leader you will be expected to “establish direction by developing a vision of the future; then … align people by communicating this vision and inspiring them to overcome hurdles” (Stephen Robbins, 2003).

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Some Leaders Perspective on a Leader

• Martin Luther King Jr- “A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus”

• Adolf Hitler – “To be a leader means to be able to move the masses”

• Richard Nixon – A leader “implants noble ideals and principles with practical accomplishments”

• Vance Packard – “ Leadership appears to be the art of getting others to want to do something that you are convinced should be done”

• John Maxwell – “Leadership is influence – nothing more nothing less”

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What is Leadership?

• Leadership is a specialized form of social interaction : a reciprocal, transactional, and sometimes transformational process in which cooperating individuals are permitted to influence and motivate others to promote the attainment of group or individual goals.

• Leadership is based on the ability of an individual to influence others in a legitimate way and not through exercising sheer power.

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Transactional Leadership

• Transactional Leadership is focused on the role of supervision, organization, and group performance.

• It promotes strict compliance of the established rules and culture and a “follower” will be rewarded for their compliance and punished if they are non-compliant.

• Transactional leaders are not looking to change the future but are looking to maintain the status quo.

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Transformational Leadership

• Transformational leadership allows for “leaders and followers to help each other to advance to a higher level of morale and motivation”.

• Not based on a give and take relationship but rather on the leaders characteristics and his ability to make a change/difference through his actions and articulations.

• Leaders who inspire followers to transcend their own self-interests and who are capable of having a profound and extraordinary effect on followers.

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What is Ethics?

• Ethics can be defined as the principles of conduct governing an individual or group,


• A discipline dealing with what is good and bad or with moral duty and obligation

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What does Ethics have to do with Leadership?

• “The power that comes from a leader can also be used for evil as well as good. When we assume the benefits of leadership, we also assume ethical burdens” (Craig Johnson; Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership)

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“Six Pillars of Character” for an

Ethical Leader – Josephson Institute (1999) • Trustworthiness – Integrity, honesty, keeping promises and

not deceiving others.

• Respect – listening to others, accepting individual differences

• Responsibility – accountability, self-control

• Fairness – making informed judgements without favouritism or prejudice, playing by the rules, transparency

• Caring – acting to minimize hardship and to help others whenever possible, altruism

• Citizenship – making our democratic institutions work, operating within the law, protecting the environment and working to make one’s community better

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Leadership and Ethical Dilemmas

• An ethical dilemma occurs when important values come into conflict, and the leader (decision maker) must make a choice between these values. E.g. caring vs trustworthiness

• When ethical dilemmas occurs a leader has to exercise “moral courage” as the decision is a difficult.

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Guiding Your Ethics in Leadership

Objectives of the Hall Committee (Constitution)

• To promote, foster and develop internal activities for the educational, cultural and social interests of members of the Hall

• To promote unity and fraternity among members of the Hall

• To represent the interest of Hall members at the Hall, Guild and University levels

• To promote maximum participation of members of the Hall in Hall, Guild and University activities.

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Results of Unethical Leadership

When unethical and damaging behaviour is not appropriately and proportionately dealt with, trust and respect breaks down.

85% of Jamaicans feel that the political parties are corrupt, 74% that the parliament is corrupt,

48% our judiciary and 46% public servants.

(TI 2013)

58% of Jamaicans believe politically connected criminals go free (UNDP 2012)

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How to Treat Unethical Behaviour

Misconduct includes (Constitution):

• Unauthorized removal of Hall Committee property and/or assets

• Misappropriation of Hall Committee funds

• Any other actions or activity not listed above but deemed inappropriate by a simple majority of the Hall Committee

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