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  • 1. Ernest Shackleton
    Shipwreck At the Bottom of the World the Extraordinary True Story of Shackleton and the Endurance
    By Jennifer Armstrong
    Dylan Lindquist

2. Life Timeline
Shackleton went on theHe leaves Georgia Island and
Discovery to the South Pole. heads for the pole. There
The ship has to go through the is no turning back now.
Southern Ocean the most December 5, 1914
treacherous ocean anywhere.
August 1, 1914December 6-31, 1914
Shackleton leaves on Endurance The Endurance starts
heading to the South Pole. through the ice. The icebergs
The trip will be at least one make navigation very
and a half years.dangerous.
3. Life timeline
He decides to stay on the shipThe crew leavesHe launches the three life
that is stuck in the ice. The ice the safety andboats into the cold
can crush the ship and warmth of theSouthern Ocean. If they
the South Pole has Endurance.miss Elephant Island they
bad weather in the winter. October 27, 1915 have very little chance of surviving.
January 19, 1915April 8, 1916
March 16 1915October 30,1915
Shackleton turns off the Shackleton starts dragging two
engines of the Endurance.lifeboats across the ice. They
This means the crew willhave to drag them 346 miles
stay on the ship until the ice across the cold Antarctic.
breaks in the spring.
4. Life Timeline
Shackleton andthe six man crew
leave Elephant Island to go
800 hundred miles to Georgia
Island. If the navigation is wrong
the six man crew will most likely die.
April 24, 1916
May 18, 1916
Shackleton, Worsley and Creen
start hiking across the mountains
on Georgia Island. They dont have
a map to show where they were going.
5. Patient-Blue
Ernest Shackleton is a very patient man. One example of his patience is on page 26. But by March 16, winter on the ice seemed inevitable. Shackleton ordered the fires to be burned down. The men all knew what that meant: they were stuck until the ice broke in the spring. Another example is when he announced they would stay where they were and let the drifting pack carry them Northward. From there they would be in better position to make for Paulet Island. They pitched camp where they were on the ice. The new camp was called Patience Camp.
6. Adventurous-Purple
Shackleton is also a very adventurous man. He once said, I am good as an explorer and nothing else.As a child he had been something of a loner reading adventure stories in the day. The author Armstrong wrote the forty year old Shackleton was a showman with a polar Glory. She also said he had been bitten hard by an exploration bug. Shackleton had gone to the South Pole twice before the journey of the Endurance.
7. Leader-Red
Shackletons leadership was very important to his journey.Shackleton was a master at keeping his crew working together. He never let the crew forget that their strength lay in unity.Under Shackletons leadership fighting never broke out among the men even though they werent exactly cut out to be buddies.Shackleton made sure the ships routine was always followed. Even when hiking across the mountains of Georgia Island Shackleton lead the way. He brought all the men home through the hard times.
8. Shackletons Special Place
A special place for Shackleton would be at the end of the South Pole where there is no more ice. Shackletons goal was to cross the South Pole end to end but he got stopped by the ice. It would be very special for him to make it across. On each of the three journeys he took to the South Pole his goal was ruined by Mother Nature. His polar glory was his life.
He set out on another journey after theEndurance in 1922 even though he was very sick. On his journey when he was close to dying Macklin the Doctor said to him youll have tochange your way of life boss. He said back to him that I cant do. He died soon after.
End of South Pole ice
9. Confidence Button
Once Shackleton got home from the South Pole I would give him a Confidence Button. His motto was by endurance we conquer. A man in his crew named Bakewell said he was always cheerful and gave everyone confidence that we would get out of the Antarctic. Shackleton said he was confident that the Norwegian built ship with the thick skull could get them through the winter. He only had one concern that the ship would drift off course. He didnt even worry about them all surviving. Shackleton was confident the men could march 346 miles across the frozen sea with three lifeboats.
by endurance we conquer
This button represents Shackletons confidence that they would get to land.
10. Shackletons Caf Menu
Leader Lobster $11.25
This lasagna is
Leader Lobster $11.25
This lobster is a crowd pleaser. It is a Maine lobster
smothered in lemon sauce. Shackleton was a
master at keeping his crew together. You will have a tight
crew if you let your family buy this lobster.
Boat Trip Special $8.95
This was a special treat for the crew and it can be for
you too. The buffet consists of anchovies in oil, baked beans
and hare for appetizers. The entrees are ham and sausage.
Boat Block Soup $8.75
The boat block is a block of food composed of lard, oatmeal,
beef protein, vegetable protein, salt and sugar. The block is
boiled and is turned into a soup.
11. Shackletons Caf Menu
Surf & Turf Buffet$12.55
This buffet consists of turtle soup, jugged
hare and whitebait fish as the main course. For dessert
there is mince pies, figs and plum pudding. This meal
can feed your whole crew (family).
Light Endurance Lunch $8.75
The Light Endurance Lunch is
an everyday meal that the crew
would eat. It consists of jam, bread
and soup. It is served with a nice
hot cocoa.
12. Shackletons Caf Menu
South Pole Chills $2.50
This white vanilla ice cream is just like the
South Pole.It is chilled at -72
Degrees (average temp. of South Pole)
and is white just like the color of
the Pole. You might even
get a few chunks of frost with it.
Hot drinks all around $6.25
Just what Shackleton would have
loved a round of hot cocoa.
He would always give out
hot drinks to cheer everyone up.
By the end of the journey the crew
was limited to one hot drink a day
each. This round of drinks would
have kept the crew warm.
13. Shackletons song
I think Shackleton would really enjoy Eurekas song Going Home. The song is about him and his crews journey on the Endurance. Eurekas Going Home talks about Shackletons confidence that they will all get home alive. An example of this is the lines Our ship is gone but our will is strong. Wellsurvive. This is like when Bakewell said he was always cheerful and gave everyone confidence that we would get out of the Antarctic. The song is a brief summary of the key events. The words no missions won but hope is not gone have an important meaning. Shackletons goal was to go across the South Pole end to end but he was stopped by the ice. He never gave up hope though that they would get out of the ice and get back to land. The part about are stores are gone is about how all their food was gone. They had to eat seal to survive. I think this song nicely summarizes Shackletons journey.

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