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Envisage Bloom

Take a


through th


art sid


November 2010

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Dear Readers,

This is our first issue! My goal is to help inspire those who are lost in the creative world. Hopefully, I do just that.

I had a blast putting this magazine together and I hope that all of you had fun reading it. I hope to better the magazine and let it grow into something bigger and more beautiful. Thank you for all of your support.


Envisage Bloom

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Julia Cox

The Turkey Month ; November

Pg 28

Ashlee Wright discusses her beautiful outlet

Get lost in Dream Land

Living in the world of Steven Sites

My absolute favorite beauty products!

What you can do to keep your skin blemish-free

pg 8

pg 12

pg 20

pg 24

pg 26

Waiting for the tide

Write your heart out

Madeline Irene’s Journal

Meet the Staff of Envisage Bloom

pg 29

pg 36

pg 38

pg 44


Pg 42

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Johanna Love

Madeline Irene


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Mia Sara

Natalie Lauren

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Maddie Roberts

Nat Fang

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Maddie Roberts

Brenna Percy

Lauryn Holmquist

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Envisage Bloom: So, looking through your self-portraits, I can tell that you’re honestly a very deep person... Is that what you are trying to accomplish with your photography or is it something that just happened on accident?

Ashlee Wright: I am quite a private person, I hold a lot of my emotions to myself so when I first started taking self portraits I perceived it as another meth-od to exhibit, to emit, how I feel as an outlet. It connected quite on its own so I suppose it’s by a beautiful accident.

Envisage Bloom: Is that why you take more self portraits than you do of models?

Ashlee Wright: Yes and no. I have always taken photographs of myself for myself, as an outlet, to assist me in becoming more open.

I did/do it for fun and I discover that it still is to this day. I find enjoyment each time I shoot. I would love to shoot others, but then

I also, kind of like discovering myself as well.

Envisage Bloom: I know what you mean… Photography seems to lose its feeling when it’s not your own emotion you’re putting into a photograph, it ends up being someone else’s [the model]. I read in a past interview that you are a college graduate, which shocks the hell out of me, haha. I didn’t think you were anything past 16. I think part of that is because your pictures seem so vulner-able and innocent… How do you manage to keep that innocence, despite your age?

Ashlee Wright: To be honest, I don’t feel an age. I feel that time is set on everything and it’s quite incredulous. We have such a time limit on everything, but I just want to feel youthful and I’m quite elated my photos exhibit that, I mean we’re only ‘young’ for such a short amount of time, why not feel it every day of your life, no matter what age.

E-chat with Ashlee Wright!


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“I suppose

it ’s by a

beautiful accident.”


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Envisage Bloom: I see that you have a lot of pictures of clothes on your stream, is fashion a big part of your life too?

Ashlee Wright: Oh yes, I find fashion another form of art as well. I would like to start a series of fashion photography, but exhibited in my own way, from my perception. I even started a fashion blog with my brother as well!

Envisage Bloom: Awe, give us the link to that! I love your style and you have so many clothes! I’m pretty sure every girl on flickr is jealous aha.

Ashlee Wright: Ha thanks I’m still getting used to it!

Envisage Bloom: No problem! Okay, last question and I promise to leave you be! Do you think photography will always be a part of which you are as a person, or do you think over time it’ll just be something that fades?

Ashlee Wright: I believe photography will always be a part of me, if I didn’t believe that, I might as well end it right now. If it’s honest, if it is truly meant to be a part of my existence, it will stay and honestly believe it has its place in my life as a beautiful outlet.

“I find fashion another form of art as well.”



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Dream Land

Dress; Xhilaration At Target

By Jenny Woods


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Dress; Xhilaration At Target


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Girl on the left: Sweater; For-ever 21, Shirt; Mom’s Eighties Time Capsule, Skirt; Urban Outfitters, Necklaces; Mom’s Eighties Time Capsule.

Girl on the right: Crop top; Urban Outfitters, high waisted shorts; American apparel


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Girl on the left: Sweater; For-ever 21, Shirt; Mom’s Eighties Time Capsule, Skirt; Urban Outfitters, Necklaces; Mom’s Eighties Time Capsule.

Girl on the right: Crop top; Urban Outfitters, high waisted shorts; American apparel


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Girl on the left: Sweater; For-ever 21, Shirt; Mom’s Eighties Time Capsule, Skirt; Urban Outfitters, Necklaces; Mom’s Eighties Time Capsule.

Girl on the right: Crop top; Urban Outfitters, high waisted shorts; American apparel


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A Look into Steven Sites’ World


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Envisage Bloom: What got you into photography? What/who were your influences as you started becoming a photographer?

Steven Sites: There has always been a lot of art in my family. A lot of my extended family is really into acting and music, and both my mom and my brother draw, so I grew up around artistic people. My mom started getting really into photography as a hobby when I was about 13, so she encouraged me to take a photography class my sophomore year of high school. I ended up really enjoying it. I was in the darkroom every day at lunch and after school, I was do-ing extra credit with every project, and my teacher always singled me out for extra benefits in the class just because she saw that I was becoming so passionate about it. That first photography teacher ended up leaving my school at the end of the year, but we still keep in touch. She still looks at my work and gives me feedback. I don’t know if she even realizes it, but she’s the whole reason I dove into photography so fully.

Envisage Bloom: How would you explain you as a photogra-pher, and your photography?

Steven Sites: I see myself as a fairly abnormal thinker. I’m not a conventional person, so it’s only natural that I would want my photos to be unique. Some people really enjoy the classics, simple portraiture or still life photography, and certainly some artists can stand out that way, but I pride myself on doing something that peo-ple have never seen before. Even if they don’t like it, I want to make sure it’s something new to them. I rarely consider meaning, even in my conceptual shoots, but can usually pull something out of the photo, my own interpretation after the fact. I also really like telling stories. I don’t necessarily have specific tales in my head about each photo, but I love reading comments about what people think is go-ing on or what it all means.

Envisage Bloom: Do you have any favorites out of your pho-tos? Reasoning?

Steven Sites: I have two favorites of my photos for two very dif-ferent reasons. (see next page to the left)

Aesthetically and conceptually, this is my favorite. I love the pro-cessing I pulled off, I love the composition, the small details like the vein in his arm and the out of focus fingers, and overall it’s probably the most subtle dark photo I’ve done. I’m infatuated with darkness, both physically and conceptually, and I think dead flies caught in cobwebs, bunched together, literally just swept up off the ground, is a pretty grim thought when you’re thinking symbolically. (see next page to the right)I’m not sure I can entirely explain why I love this one so much. I like it aesthetically, but I think this was one of the happiest times in my life. Abandonment was what really got me to push myself, my thinking, and my skill as a photographer. These buildings are my roots photographically. Besides which, the entire abandonment era in my photos just marks a lot of good memories in my life in general. It was just a good ti me for me.

Envisage Bloom: Your photos are, like I said, FULL of variety. You have some disturbing, gore-fested photos, classy, calm photos, elegant photos, scenic, and even a subtle nude photograph. Where do you get the inspiration/idea to create these photos?

Steven Sites: My friends and I bounce ideas off of each other whenever we’re together, even if we’re just hanging out, they’ll come to me saying they have an idea for me. Otherwise, I played a lot of video games growing up, and the scary ones were always my favorites. Same with movies, I just love horror in general. So every once in a while, I’ll go back to old games like Silent Hill or Resident Evil, and pay close attention to the atmosphere, the dialogue, and the story line, and something will usually come to me. I even have the Silent Hill movie sound track on my iTunes. Try doing this for inspiration, turn off all the lights in your room, lie in bed, stare at the ceiling with Silent Hill music blaring in the middle of the night, and wait until you see something. A few of my ideas have literally come from being so scared or paranoid in that situation that my mind starts racing. Adrenaline is a fantastic source of inspiration for me, which is also one of the many reasons that I enjoy aban-donment. As far as location shots, the ones I like best are usually the ones I didn’t plan. I tend to try too hard to get a photo to look exactly the way it does in my head, and that isn’t so easy to do. Usu-ally I’ll just see something that looks cool or a spot with nice light and I go from there.


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Envisage Bloom: How do you choose your models?

Steven Sites: I’m lucky enough to have a lot of really stunning friends, both male and female. For the most part, my models are just my closest friends who are willing to do weird stuff for me. Not every friend would be willing to be up to their nose in dirty creek water or lay down in asbestos and what we often call “dead people dust” in an abandoned hospital. My models are usually just the people who support me the most, who are most willing to help me with my photos, who are most willing to trust my abilities as a photographer enough to do crazy things, knowing that there is a method to my madness.

Envisage Bloom: This photo, especially, blows my mind. And it’s morbidly amazing. Inspiration / reasoning?

Steven Sites: For the photo of Kara on the ground with her head turned backwards, I had previously attempted a photo with a girl’s head turned around, and it wasn’t particularly successful. That one is on flickr as well, but unless you’re really looking at it, it just looks like the model’s hair is in her face. Anyway, it didn’t really come from anything specific. Sometimes weird stuff just pops into my head, and I believe that was one of those occasions, where it just came to me randomly. Sometimes I try to think of the weirdest possible situations, the creepiest thing anyone could ever see, and try to put it into a photo, and I do believe that was one of those situations.

Envisage Bloom: Can you imagine your life without photography? Meaning, are you going to pursue this as a career, or is it just a


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hobby?Steven Sites: Photography is the one thing I can do to ease pain. There’s always something going on in my life, and when I’m taking photos, I literally feel nothing. I don’t think, things just happen. I have a tendency to not talk when I’m taking pictures as well, unless I’m directing a model. If I didn’t have photography, my one outlet, my one escape from everything would be gone. I’m not going to be overdramatic and say I couldn’t live, but I can’t say my life would be nearly as manageable as it is now. I do plan on pursuing photography professionally. I’ve already done engagement and senior photos, and I’ve actually discussed with a friend opening a “creative portraiture” business where we’d come up with conceptual shoots with clients, for bands or models or anyone who just wants really cool photos of themselves. Who knows if that’ll ever happen, but I think it’s a cool idea.

Envisage Bloom: How do you pick your locations of where to shoot at? From water, to fields, to landscapes, how do you decide where to shoot at?

Steven Sites: Usually I choose locations just by suggestions from friends. Someone will tell me they have a creek in their back yard or that there’s a really cool spot that they always pass on their way home from school. Every once in a while, I do my own exploring, I turn down roads I’m unfamiliar with just to see if there’s something new. As far as abandonment go, a lot of people ask me how I find so many, but you’d be surprised how easy it is to find an abandoned hospital if you just know the right keywords to put in Google.



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Editor’s Favorites As a beauty fanatic, I wanted to share some of my favorite prod-ucts I’ve ever bought. These are simply my opinions and I’m not telling you what to like, although I am encouraging you to try them out! :)

MAC lipstick in “Innocence, Beware!” from their Venomous Villians Collection

Okay, I don’t normally wear lipstick but I’m in love with this one! I love the color so much. It’s a nude color but it has a pinkish tone to it. I don’t like bright colors on me and if you don’t either, you’ll love the color. It’s really creamy but sometimes it dries up, so I always make sure to put on chapstick before applying it, but that’s just me!

$15.50 from MAC Cosmetics -

Yves Saint Laurent Matt Touch Primer

The first primer I’ve ever used and the only one I will keep using. It’s pricey but I honestly don’t mind. It has lasted me over a month and I still have some left. You don’t need much of this prod-uct to cover your whole face either. It’s white but goes on clear and it almost feels like powder when you start rubbing it in. It makes my face feel so smooth and easy for foundation application. My skin isn’t too oily or dry; it’s in the middle. So I’m not sure how it reacts on other skin types but I’ve heard reviews from all kinds of people and they say they are in love with it too.

$42.00 from Sephora -


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Purpose Gentle Cleansing Wash by Johnson and Johnson

When I was younger I used to have horrible skin problems. My mom took me to a Dermatologist and she gave me perscription drugs and also recommended this product to me. I started using it daily and after about 2 weeks, my skin was completely cleared up. I didn’t have skin problems for, literally, 2 years after that. I stopped using it, just to try different products and I started breaking out again. I cannot live without this face wash. It’s so gentle and it doesn’t smell. I go through a whole bottle in about 3 weeks, which is fine because it’s so cheap.

Around $6.00 at any Drugstore

Daisy by Marc Jacobs

All time favorite perfume!! I absolutely love the smell of it. It’s not too strong and it lasts all day. You only need a little bit to have it last a long time. And of course, it comes in the cutest bottle! I’ve kept all my empty bottles, haha.

Depending on what size, the prices range from $20 - $75 from Sephora -

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Taking care of your skin, is a big deal, in the teenage world, especially when you have ge-netics of acne. When I say taking care of your skin, I don’t just mean applying SPF 10 at the beach, ladies, I actually mean pure hygienic

care. When you are taking a shower, or bath it is highly im-portant to wash your face with appropriate face wash. I used to wash my face with Johnson baby soap every night, and it really didn’t do the job that my face needed, to be cleansed appropriately and efficiently.

To wash your face, you should take a sponge and lather it with face cleanser and move the sponge in circular motions, not up in down and side to side. Using the sponge side to side and up in down, just causes bad bacteria to spread through-out the small pores on your face. Another thing you can do to keep your skin healthy and moist is to create a skin-care routine, and don’t touch your face as much; say you touch your hair, then rub your face, that just spreads oil from your hair, onto your face and oil is another common factor in caus-ing break-outs of blackheads and pimples.

If you are one of those people who get pimples, the reason behind that may be that you aren’t taking care of your skin well enough. Even though, we all know how gross it is to have a puss-filled pimple lying on your face do not pop it! Popping pimples are terrible for your skin because when you pop the

blemish, the extra puss gets onto your skin and just develops more pimples; so as tempting as it may be just to pop that little sucker, refuse it! Another reason, to not pop pimples, is because they can scar your face up, and no one wants their beautiful face scarred due to acne.

If you apply blemish fighting products on your pimple, make sure you apply it, everyday, until the blemish disappears from your skin. Trust me, using products to stop blemishes is much better than receiving more pimples.

Skin care routines are highly recommended from myself, and most likely every educated dermatologist. Your routine can in-clude: washing your face twice a day, applying oil-free make-up remover (for those of you who wear make-up), and pos-sibly even purchasing Foundation with SPF, so when you go to the beach, or go tanning, your skin will still be protected. Everyone can create their own personal skin care routine, de-pending on their personal prefrences. Taking care of your skin, is an easy way to keep your hygiene up to date, and keep your skin healthy and happy. Skin is the cherry on top of being fabulous, and don’t ever forget it! Don’t ever let a pimple bring you down; keep your face up and shin-ing! Keep up the good work in your skin care. And remember, healthy skin is one step away from a healthier you!

Skin care, and you.

By J.M. Smolka

Photos on left: Liz Scheiner

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Interview with Julia Cox

Envisage Bloom: When did you start photography, and what got you into it?

Julia Cox: My interest for photography started when I was at the age of thirteen. The arts had always intrigued me. I would paint, sew, par-take in pottery... but when a camera was first placed in my hands, it was then I chose photography to be the medium in which I expressed myself through. It wasn’t so much me that got into photography, but more so photography that got into me. It just...happened.

Envisage Bloom: What was your first camera?

Julia Cox: My very first camera... I can’t re-member the exact name of the model, but I do remember it’s description. It was a point and shoot camera and took four double A batteries in order to function. Ha

Envisage Bloom: And you’re a Canon user, yes?

Julia Cox: Yes. My first dSLR was a Canon XTi and recently I have upgraded to the Canon 5d Mark II.

Envisage Bloom: Where do you stand on the Nikon vs. Canon debate?

Julia Cox: I guess it all depends on what you got started off on and what you shoot. Nikon is better with low lighting situations like if you shoot weddings... and Canon is a lot better if you are shooting video. It really all depends. It also depends on the camera model.

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Envisage Bloom: I was looking through your stream and noticed something about you being on warped tour! Were you photographing a specific bands, or just touring to tour?

Julia Cox: Yes! A band from Miami known as Spinlight City had a few tour dates on Warped over the summer and had asked me to travel with them on their tour bus to document their performanc-es and tour lifestyle. I had the opportunity to photograph other bands since I was VIP but have kept the photographs to myself. I can be super critical on my photographs and what is worthy of posting, etc.

Envisage Bloom: Aw, why so critical?!

Julia Cox: I’m not too sure why I’m so critical ... I guess it just comes with being an artist.

Envisage Bloom: Do you tour at all, aside from being on tour with Spinlight City? Or was it just a one time thing?

Julia Cox: The summer before last I went on tour with Robots & Butterflies and as of next year, January through April I will be hitting the road with non profit organization Redeem the Shad-ows. I’ll be documenting there trip as we tour east to west coast as they raise awareness and money to build a rehabilitation center in India for children previously involved in human trafficking.

Envisage Bloom: You shot photos with Fireworks, how was it working with those boys? I saw them with New Found Glory, and they seemed very outgoing, and rowdy! & are there any musicians you’d really like to photograph as well as Fireworks?

Julia Cox: They are funny guys! It was a pleasure working with them. As far as certain musicians I would like to photograph go... I wish As Tall As Lions didn’t recently break up! They are my fa-

vorite band and I would have loved to be given the opportunity to photograph them. Devendra Banhart is another musician I would adore photographing.

Envisage Bloom: How would you describe yourself as a pho-tographer, and your photography?

Julia Cox: I’d like to say I am a narrator of souls through images. My photography a lot of times consists of my loved ones. I have a hard time letting people go when it’s time for them to move on. I always want to hold on to them. I think that’s why I love photog-raphy so much. It’s my own little way of holding on to the people I want to love forever.

Envisage Bloom: I adored a ton of your photos, but this one especially, popped out and said “ask her about this”so, the meaning/inspiration behind this?

Julia Cox: Ah, I remember that photo. Ask anyone that knows me very well and they will tell you most of the time I am in my own little world. Sometimes I can’t even hear questions being asked to me because my mind is completely somewhere else. Inside my head I live in moments of photographs. That box I am in, with polaroids surrounding me and the stars up top represent that.

Envisage Bloom: And finally, wrapping up. A lot of your photos are in black and white, do you prefer b&w over color? If so, why?

Julia Cox: There is a quote that reads “When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. But when you pho-tograph people in black and white, you photograph their souls.” I can’t explain it better than that! Ha.


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The Deep Blue

By Franey Miller

High wasted shorts; Ralph Lauren. shirt; Mossimo Supply at Target

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High wasted shorts; Ralph Lauren. shirt; Mossimo Supply at Target

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High wasted shorts; Ralph Lauren. shirt; Mossimo Supply at Target

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Photo / Lauren Kristin


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Dear you,

Sometimes, I get so angry. And sometimes, I get so sad. Right now, my eyes are teary, and I am letting you know that it is very difficult to see the keyboard. I understand and know now that things have to change. I understand and know now that people leave for a reason. And please, before you even try to stop me mid-sentence to remind me that you aren’t really leaving, just stop while you are ahead. You are leaving. In fact, you’ve already left. The cold, sad, and awful truth is that I can’t stop the winds of change from blowing. They are a force to be reckoned with, and you should know by now that will power alone is not enough to stop them. I’m going to feel this gust of wind the rest of my life, whether I like it or not, and it is something I must adapt and get used to. I guess I just feel defenseless. Some time ago, I had several trees surrounding me. They would stand tall and strong, blocking that cold wind from even so much as letting the teeniest hair on my head gen-tly brush my face. I am learning now that as life slowly marches on, the trees start to vanish. It sounds like a sad thing, but it something everyone must go through. However, I will have you know that you were one of the tallest trees still standing around me. When I was scared, you sheltered me under your branches. When I achieved a great goal, you stood tall and were proud of me. When I was happy, I would dance around you and you would do your best to dance too, even if all you could do was just sway back and forth. But now, it seems as if this tree is getting shorter and shorter. The wind is hitting my face full force, now. It’s blowing my hair in one hundred different direc-tions and sending chills down my spine. I don’t want this tree to go. I want this tree to prosper as long as possible. If you couldn’t tell by now, you leaving has really made me open my eyes. I have felt empty and hallow inside, and I really am tired of it. I want to be happy and dance in the sun, and not mind the wind. I want to believe it’s something I’m getting used to, but I would think I would be well adjusted to this idea of change by now. That is why I am writing this to you at one o’ clock in the morning. I need closure, and I need to get this off my chest.

I am going to miss not seeing you around everyday.

I am going to miss not having you to talk to.

I am going to miss our late night phone conversations.

I am going to miss your jokes.

I am going to miss you making me laugh and smile.

I am going to miss our friendship, if it somehow falls through the cracks. I have been praying to god every night that it wont, and I personally believe we are going to ride out the storm.

I am going to miss ... Just you. Everything about the best friend, who changed me and helped me grow so much this past year.

I can say I am not going to let this bother me anymore, but I was never good at lying. However, I’ve felt as if I have said everything I can say. The first volume of our friendship has been written and finished, and now all we can do is hope for a sequel and so on. I have told you once and I will tell you again, I love you, my tree. I hope you plan to stay firmly rooted to the ground, and will always be the tree I can run to whenever I’m happy, sad, anxious, or any other emotion. I hope you will always shelter me under your branches, stand tall and proud, and sway in the wind with me.

With much love,

Keaghan Hahn

Far Away

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Electricityrunning through the depths of your bodybubbling under your skin, only it doesn’t hurtnot exactlyyou’re diving head first off the high divefallingyou break the surfaceimmersed in a pool of emotionsit surrounds you, taking everything else overintense reactionsall the air seems to disappeargaspingfor something to steady yourself withonce you step out of the poolonce the emotions subsideyou yearn to jump backindescripableyou can feel where the electricity burned under your skinwhere a touch left a tingling markand all you want it more.

Internal ReactionsBY MADELINE IRENE


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In this photo is my boyfriend, Nigel. It’s my absolute favorite photo I’ve taken as of recently. It was taken on his visit to see me, for I am away for school at Grand Valley State University. We travelled to the Arboretum on campus to take photographs on his last day. The mid-October colors were absolutely beautiful. Around his neck is my film camera; I taught him how to use it and loaded it so he could snap some shots that day as well. He’s a musician, but I like to see how he perceives the world. He’s taken some lovely photos of me as well as others, seeing his results, any-time, always make me smile.

It reminds me of how good change can be for oneself and that sometimes things appear to fit together even if they are the wrong way round ... Or even contrary.

Lauren Siergrist


Chris Bell


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The day I took this picture something inside of me changed. It was last Summer, a few weeks after I turned 18. I felt young and strong, ready to start my life! Ready to fly away to follow my dreams and to know who I am and I thought that airplane was perfect to cap-ture that feeling.

This means the most to me because it reminds me of summer, and of waking up in between someone else’s clean sheets, bathed in early morning half-light.

Sophie Greenidge

Osanna Francesca


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Meet Envisage Bloom

Founder and EditorJenny Woods

Co-EditorKayla Trail

ReporterKayla Trail

Staff WritersMadeline IreneJ.M. Smolka

Graphic DesignJenny Woods

We are in the process of looking for Co-Editor’s and Staff Photographers. Please e-mail Envisage Bloom with your resume. Explain your experience and give reasonings as to why we should pick you to join our Magazine.

All Submissions should be e-mailed to [email protected]



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Featured Photographers

Interviews: Ashlee Wright, Steven Sites, Julia Cox (cover)

Submissions: Johanna Love, Madeline Irene, Natalie Lauren, Mia Sara, Maddie Roberts, Nat Fang, Brenna Percy, Lauryn Holmquist (last photo), Liz Scheiner, Lauren Kristin, Osanna Francesca, Sophie Greenidge, Lauren Stergrist, and Chris Bell

Fashion Spreads: Franey Miller, Jenny Woods

Featured Models

•Lisa Walker•Kyra Dalton

• Ashley Goffinet

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Keep dreaming. Keep loving.

- Envisage Bloom

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