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    Dr. J.K.H. De SilvaConsultant Anaesthetist T.H.K.

  • Anaesthesia for ENT Surgery

  • Anaesthesia for ENT Surgery Bleeding tonsil FB removal EpiglottitisPeritonsillar abscess ML, DL , oesophagoscopy

  • General ConsiderationsPatients- most are young / children - old pts ( tumours ) smokers / alcoholicsAirway obstruction if present- consider difficult intubation & Tracheostomy under LA Shared airway- intubation (mostly with RAE tubes) and a throat pack is often required Cocaine spray / Moffetts solution to reduce bleeding Limited access to airway - monitoring with Et CO2 essential Place for hypotensive anaesthesia N.M. blockade is often avoided in parotid sx. N2O may be avoided in middle ear sx. Laser may be used.

  • Tonsilectomy / Adenoidectomy Usually childrenPremedicate with atropine / glycopyrolateIV / Gas inductionIntubation may be difficult ( large tonsil )RAE tubes preferred ( reinforced oral ETT )Throat pack +/- ( surgical access )AntiemeticsIV fluids to replace blood loss & fastingBlood transfusion if loss > 10%Awake extubation, lateral positionKUO for bleeding

  • Bleeding Tonsil Problems Hidden blood loss (most swallowed).Hypovolaemia may be severe. Risk of aspiration (swallowed blood).Airway management & intubation may be difficult if bleeding is torrential. Residual effects of previous anaesthetic agents. ? un diagnosed coagulation ds.Anxious parents

  • Bleeding Tonsil cont. Management Quick assessment + resuscitation is mandatory IV fluids 20 ml/kg bolus + blood. NG aspirations - controversial.Induction - Gas / RSI Gas - in left lat. position with O2 & Halothane.Adv: spont: respiration preserved Disadv: prolong induction Hal:% - BPRSI - TPS (smaller dose) & Sux Adv - rapidity of intubation (smaller size )NG /OG aspiration before extubation Anti emetics

  • Nasal Surgeries*Preparation - prior to induction with moffatts solution ( cocaine, Na Hco3, adrenaline )*Oral reinforced ETT / RAE tube & throat pack*Avoid hypercarbia and halothane as dysrhythmias are common*Awake lateral extubation*Oro- pharyggeal air way if both nostrils are packed

  • Inhaled FB removal Common in children.Stridor / Bronchospasm + oedema. Distal atelectasis / over inflation due to ball-valve effects. Rigid bronchoscopy requiring relaxation ( deep an: / sux )Airway shaired by aneasthetist and the surgeon Pre-medication with atropine / glycopyrolateInhalational induction with O2, Halothane /sevoflorane (N2O avoided - ? air trapping)IPPV - may blow the FB further down. - very gentle ( if needed ) Anaesthetic maintained with gases ( 100% O2 & Halothane ) via ventilating bronchoscope May intubate for recovery and extubate awakePost-op laryngo/broncho spasm (dexamethaxone 0.1mg/kg) Humidified O2 via mask.

  • Epiglottises Haemophilus influenza type B.Children 2 3 years, adults.Present with - (i) fever (ii) upper airway obstruction (stridor) (iii) sitting position, open drooling mouth.Complete airway obstruction ( if pharyngeal examination, iv cannulation, ect)Clinical diagnosis no need of X-rays.Tracheal intubations is usually required.Experienced Anaesthetist and ENT Surgeon.

  • Epiglottitis cont.. Gas induction with O2 + Halothane.Child in sitting position,on mothers lapMonitoring & iv cannulation only after deepening.Intubation - difficult, smaller tube.Urgent tracheostomy may be needed.ITU / HDU care.IV antibiotics, IV fluids Keep the tube for 24 48 hrs.Humidified O2, sedation.Extubation when clinically better, fever, leak around the tube.

  • Peri tonsillor / Retropharyngeal Abscess Gas Induction Smaller tube Careful laryngoscopy (can rupture) Throat pack

  • DL / ML / Bronchoscopy Common considerationsSharing of airway.(mostly compromised )Hypertensive response to laryngoscopy & dysrhythmias Need muscle relaxation ( rigid scopes )Maintanance of aneasthesia difficultGlycopyrrolate to minimize secretionsGood preoxygenationPost op: laryngeal spasm

  • DL If no airway obstruction, induce with tps & sux Ventilate with 100% O2 hand over the airway to the surgeon ML -Pass a smaller Ett ( 5 6 min ) if takes >15min nasally (ant: lessions), orally (post: lessions) - (Sanders) Injector techniqueBronchoscopy - ventilating bronchoscopy.

  • LaryngectomyPatients - smokers +/- RS and CVS problemsLung function test & chest physiotherapyPresence of stridor Gas inductionProlong surgery with considerable blood lossETT is withdrown and a laryngectomy tube or tracheostomy tube is insertedSterile connectors should be kept readyPost op care ideally in ITU / HDU

  • Middle Ear SurgeryHypotensive aneasthesia was the practice to minimise bleeding ( microscopic veiw )Good premedication , head up positionNormocarbia to avoid vasodilatationRise in middle ear prs can dislodge the graftAvoid N2O or off 10 min before endAnti emetic therapy

  • Anaesthesia for Dental Surgery

  • Anaesthesia for Dental Surgery Tooth extractions. Cleft lip & cleft palate.wiring Faciomaxilalry cosmeticcancer

  • Gas Extraction Principles are as for day case surgery.Anxious, unpremedicated children / mentally handicapped.Pre-op assessment + adequate fasting.Children with Heart disease prior to surgery.Gas induction with O2, N2O halothane. Arrhythmias common Ett.+ a throat pack if - nu of teeth - bleeding disordersPlace for LMA Close co-operation between Anaesthetist & Surgeon.Analgesics -Diclofenac sodium PR (prior to induction )IV opioids IV antibiotics - Heart disease Recovery in lateral position with slight head down.Post-op laryngeal spasm

  • Cleft Lip / Cleft Palate Problems of Paediatric age group.Difficult intubation.Use of RAE (curved) tubes. Throat pack.Monitoring with EtCO2 (for obstruction) Blood loss is usually minimal. IV fluid - N/2 saline.

  • Faciomaxillary Surgery Restricted mouth opening Gas induction & blind nasal intubation Awake fibreoptic intubationTracheostomy under LA.Reinforced nasal tube & throat pack Blood loss Antiemetics

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