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  • English-to-Chinese Transliteration with a Phonetic Auxiliary Task

    Yuan He∗Department of Computer Science

    University of [email protected]

    Shay B. CohenSchool of Informatics

    University of [email protected]


    Approaching named entities transliteration asa Neural Machine Translation (NMT) prob-lem is common practice. While many haveapplied various NMT techniques to enhancemachine transliteration models, few focus onthe linguistic features particular to the relevantlanguages. In this paper, we investigate theeffect of incorporating phonetic features forEnglish-to-Chinese transliteration under themulti-task learning (MTL) setting—where wedefine a phonetic auxiliary task aimed to im-prove the generalization performance of themain transliteration task. In addition to oursystem, we also release a new English-to-Chinese dataset and propose a novel evalua-tion metric which considers multiple possibletransliterations given a source name. Our re-sults show that the multi-task model achievessimilar performance as the previous state ofthe art with a model of a much smaller size.1

    1 Introduction

    Transliteration, the act of mapping a name from theorthographic system of one language to another,is directed by the pronunciation in the source andtarget languages, and often by historical reasons orconventions. It plays an important role in tasks likeinformation retrieval and machine translation (Mar-ton and Zitouni, 2014; Hermjakob et al., 2008).

    Over the recent years, many have ad-dressed transliteration using sequence-to-sequence(seq2seq) deep learning models (Rosca and Breuel,2016; Merhav and Ash, 2018; Grundkiewicz andHeafield, 2018), enhanced with several NMT tech-niques (Grundkiewicz and Heafield, 2018). How-ever, this recent work neglects the most crucialfeature for transliteration, i.e. pronunciation. To

    *Work done at The University of Edinburgh.1Our code and data are available at https://github.


    English IPA Chinese Pinyin

    A /"eI./ 艾 àimy /mi/ 米 mı̌

    Table 1: An example of English-to-Chinese transliter-ation, from Amy to 艾米. Each row presents a groupof corresponding subsequences in different representa-tions.

    bridge this gap, we define a phonetic auxiliary taskthat shares the sound information with the maintransliteration task under the multi-task learning(MTL) setting.

    Depending on the specific language, the writtenform of a word reveals its pronunciation to variousextents. For alphabetical languages such as Englishand French, a letter, or a sequence of letters, usuallyreflects the word pronunciation. For example, theword Amy (in the International Phonetic Alphabet,IPA, /"eI.mi/) has the sub-word A corresponding to/"eI./ and my corresponding to /mi/. In contrast,characters in a logographic2 writing system for lan-guages like Chinese or Japanese do not explicitlyindicate sound (Xing et al., 2006).

    In this paper, we give a treatment to the problemof transliteration from English (alphabet) to Chi-nese3 (logogram) using an RNN-based MTL modelwith a phonetic auxiliary task. We transform eachChinese character to the alphabetical representationof its pronunciation via the official phonetic writingsystem, Pinyin,4 which uses Latin letters with fourdiacritics denoting tones to represent the sounds.

    2A logogram is an individual character that represents awhole word or phrase.

    3The Chinese language we mention in this paper refers ex-plicitly to Mandarin, which is the official language originatedfrom the northern dialect in China.

    4Pinyin is the official romanization system for StandardChinese (Mandarin) in mainland China and to some extent inTaiwan. It does not apply to other Chinese dialects.

  • For example, the Chinese transliteration for Amy is艾米 and the associated Pinyin representation is àimı̌. We summarize the correspondences occurringin this example in Table 1.

    Due to the similarity between the source nameand the Pinyin representation, Jiang et al. (2009)proposed a sequential transliteration model thatuses Pinyin as an intermediate representation be-fore transliterating a Chinese name to English. Incontrast, our idea is to build a model with a sharedencoder and dual decoders, that can learn the map-ping from English to Chinese and Pinyin simulta-neously. By jointly learning source-to-target andsource-to-sound mappings, the encoder is expectedto generalize better (Ruder, 2017) and pass morerefined information to the decoders.

    Transliteration datasets are often extracted fromdictionaries, or aligned corpus generated from ap-plying named entity recognition (NER) system toparallel newspaper articles in different languages(Sproat et al., 2006). We use two datasets forour experiments, one taken from NEWS MachineTransliteration Shared Task (Chen et al., 2018) andthe other extracted from a large dictionary. Weevaluate the transliteration system using both theconventional word accuracy and a novel metric de-signed for English-to-Chinese transliteration (seeSection 5). Our contributions are as follows:

    1. We make available a new English-to-Chinesenamed entities dataset (“DICT”) particular tonames of people. This dataset is based on the dic-tionary A Comprehensive Dictionary of Names inRoman-Chinese (Xinhua News Agency, 2007).

    2. We propose a substitution-based metric calledAccuracy with Alternating Character Table(ACC-ACT), which gives a better estimation ofthe system’s quality than the traditional wordaccuracy (ACC).

    3. We propose a multi-task learning transliterationmodel with a phonetic auxiliary task, and runexperiments to demonstrate that it attains betterscores than single-main-task or single-auxiliary-task models.

    We report accuracy and F-score of 0.299 and0.6799, respectively, on the NEWS dataset, with amodel of size 22M parameters, compared to the pre-vious state of the art (Grundkiewicz and Heafield,2018), which achieves accuracy and F-score of0.304 and 0.6791, respectively, with a model ofsize 133M parameters. On the DICT dataset, for

    Source (x) Target (y) Pinyin (p)

    Caleigh 凯莉 kai li

    Table 2: An example data point under our multi-tasklearning setting.

    the same model sizes, we report accuracy of 0.729as compared to their 0.732.

    2 Problem Formulation

    We use the word vocabulary to describe the set ofcharacters for the purpose of our task specification.Let Vsrc and Vtgt denote the source and target vo-cabularies, respectively. For a source word x oflength I and a target word y of length J , we have:

    x = (x1, x2, ..., xI) ∈ V Isrc,y = (y1, y2, ..., yJ) ∈ V Jtgt.

    where the kth element in the vector denotes a char-acter at position k.

    We formulate the task of transliteration as a su-pervised learning problem: given a collection of ntraining examples, {(x(i),y(i))}ni=0, the objectiveis to learn a predictor function, f : x → y, ofwhich the parameter space maximizes the follow-ing conditional probability:

    P (y|x) Chain Rule=J∏


    P (yj |y1, ..., yj−1,x).

    For our multi-task transliteration model, the pre-dictor becomes fMTL : x → (y,p), where p de-notes the written representation of the pronuncia-tion of the target word y. For decoding, we maxi-mize the conditional probabilities, P (p|x, ỹ) andP (y|x, p̃), where ỹ and p̃ refers to the implicitinformation channeled by one task to the other.

    The phonetic information we use for our taskrefers to the Pinyin version of the name in Chi-nese, without tone marks,5 because they are oftenremoved for spelling Chinese names in an alpha-betical language. We present an example data pointin the form of (x,y,p) in Table 2.

    3 Dataset Preparation

    We experiment with two different English-to-Chinese datasets. For simplicity, we denote the one

    5For example, the Pinyins, chı̄, chı́, chı̌ and chı̀, are alltransformed to chi. Note that this process will decrease thevocabulary size.

  • taken from NEWS Machine Transliteration SharedTask (Chen et al., 2018) as “NEWS,” and theone extracted from the dictionary (Xinhua NewsAgency, 2007) as “DICT.”

    3.1 NEWS DatasetWe use the preprocessing script6 created by Grund-kiewicz and Heafield (2018) to construct theNEWS dataset from raw data provided in theShared Task (Chen et al., 2018). This script mergesthe raw English-to-Chinese and Chinese-to-Englishdatasets into a single one, then transforms it to up-percase7 and tokenizes all names into sequences ofcharacters (words are treated as sentences, charac-ters are treated as words). In addition, it takes 513examples from the training data to form the internaldevelopment set and uses the official developmentset as the internal test set.

    To make the final comparison, we download thesource-side data of the official test set from theShared Task’s website,8 and submit the translitera-tion results (see Section 6.4).

    3.2 DICT DatasetThe source dictionary contains approximately680K name pairs for transliteration from other lan-guages than Chinese. We extracted 58,456 pairsthat originated in English and performed the fol-lowing preprocessing steps:

    1. For the source side (English), we remove theinverted commas and white spaces from namesthat contain them (e.g. A’Court, Le Gresley).

    2. For both sides, we lowercase9 all the words andtokenize them into sequences of characters.

    3. Name pairs with multiple target transliterationsare removed from the dataset and saved in a sep-arate file for the construction of the ACT (seenext paragraph). As such, every name pair be-comes unique in our preprocessed dataset. Werandomly divide the rest into the ratio of 8 : 1 : 1,to form training, development and test sets.

    We report the final partitions of both datasets inTable 3.

    6Available at

    7We lowercase all the words in both NEWS and DICTdatasets as evaluating transliteration is case-insensitive.

    8The official test set with task ID T-EnCh is availableat:

    9Lowercasing does not affect Chinese characters as theyare not alphabetical.

    Source Train Dev Test

    NEWS 81,252 513 1,000DICT 46,620 5,828 5,828

    Table 3: Numbers of data points in training, develop-ment and test sets of NEWS and DICT datasets. Devand Test for the NEWS dataset (first row) refer to theinternal development and test set, respectively.

    3.3 Alternating Character Table

    Chinese characters10 that sound alike can often re-place each other in the transliteration of a namefrom other languages. Unlike an alphabetical lan-guage where a similar pronunciation is boundedto sub-words of various lengths, characters in Chi-nese have concrete and independent pronunciations.Thus, we can conveniently build the AlternatingCharacter Table (ACT) with each row storing a listof interchangeable characters.

    We construct the ACT based on the DICT datasetbecause it contains less noise after applying signif-icant data cleansing. In total, 449 English namesfrom the DICT dataset have more than one translit-erations in Chinese. We purposely removed allthese names from the DICT data during the pre-processing so as to ensure that we are not usingany knowledge from the test set. The final ACTcontains 29 rows (see Appendix) and we use it withour adaptive evaluation metric (see Section 5).

    3.4 Pinyin Conversion

    In transliteration, the pronunciations of the Chinesecharacters are often unique (even for a polyphoniccharacter, e.g. 什, that has more than one Pinyins,shı́ and shén, only shı́ is commonly used in translit-eration). Therefore, we can directly transform eachChinese character into a unique Pinyin, thus form-ing the target data for the auxiliary task. The proce-dure is as follows: for each character yt in the targetname y, we use the Python package pypinyin11

    to map yt to the corresponding Pinyin (without thetone mark). The tool will generate the most fre-quently used Pinyin for each yt based on dictionarydata. We then apply further manual correction onthe Pinyins because the most frequent Pinyin is notnecessarily the one used in transliteration.

    10Limited to the set of characters (with size ≈1K out of80K) commonly used in transliteration.

    11Available at: We use the lazy pinyin feature togenerate Pinyins without tone marks.

  • Figure 1: Visualization of the Seq2MultiSeq model.The left half illustrates the components involved in themain task and the right half is for the auxiliary task.The shared part is the encoder that consists of a sourceembedding layer and a stacked biRNN (top middle).

    4 Model

    Our model is intent on solving English-to-Chinesetransliteration through joint supervised learning ofsource-to-target (main) and source-to-Pinyin (aux-iliary) tasks. Training closely related tasks togethercan help the model to learn information that isoften ignored in single-task learning, thus obtain-ing a better representation in the shared layers (inour case, encoder). Moreover, the auxiliary taskimplicitly provides the phonetic information thatis not easily learned through the single main taskgiven the characteristics of Chinese (see Section 1).Our model has a sequence-to-multiple-sequence(Seq2MultiSeq) architecture that contains a sharedencoder and dual decoders. Between the encoderand decoder is a bridge layer12 that transforms the

    12We call it “bridge” because it connects the shared encoderto each decoder. It allows flexible choices of the hidden sizesof the encoder and decoder and serves as the intermediate“buffer” before passing the encoder final state to each decoder.

    encoder’s final state into the decoder’s initial state(see Figure 1).

    The encoder has an embedding layer withdropout (Hinton et al., 2012), followed by a 2-layer biLSTM (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997). Thebridge layer consists of a linear layer followed bytanh activation. The shared encoder passes its finalstate to the main-task decoder and the auxiliary-task decoder via separate bridge layers. In eachdecoder, we use additive attention (Bahdanau et al.,2015) to compute the context vector (weighted sumof the encoder outputs according to the attentionscores), then concatenate it with the target embed-ding to form the input of the subsequent 2-layerfeed-forward LSTM. The prediction is made byfeeding the concatenation of the LSTM’s output,the context vector and the target embedding into alinear layer followed by log-softmax.

    Our model is expected to simultaneously max-imize the conditional probabilities mentioned inSection 2. To achieve this goal, we use the lin-ear combination of the main-task decoder’s loss13

    (negative log likelihood; ly) and the auxiliary-taskdecoder’s loss (lp) as the model’s objective func-tion:

    lMTL = λ · ly + (1− λ) · lp,

    where the subscript MTL stands for multi-tasklearning and 0 < λ < 1. Note that for λ = 0and λ = 1, it is equivalent to train on a single aux-iliary task and a single main task, respectively. Thewhole system is implemented using the deep learn-ing framework PyTorch (Paszke et al., 2019).14

    5 Adaptive Evaluation Metrics

    We evaluate the transliteration system using wordaccuracy (ACC) and its variants on the 1-best out-put:

    ACC =1




    where N is the total number of test-set samples,Icriterion(ŷ,y) is an indicator function with value 1 ifthe prediction (top candidate) ŷ matches the refer-ence y under certain criterion. The simplest crite-rion is exact string match between ŷ and y. If thetest set contains multiple target words for a singlesource word, we let indicator be 1 if the predictionmatches one of the references (Chen et al., 2018).

    13We use nn.NLLLoss() from the PyTorch library.14Available at

  • Source Target (F) Target (M) MED

    Mona 莫娜 莫纳 1Colina 科莉娜 科利纳 2

    Table 4: Examples of a single source name with morethan one target transliterations, with (F) and (M) indi-cating female and male, respectively.

    We use ACC and ACC+ to denote the original ac-curacy and its variant with multiple references.

    The drawback of ACC is that it may underesti-mate the quality of the system because it neglectsthe possibility of having more than one transliter-ation for a given source name, as is the case forEnglish-to-Chinese transliteration. For example inTable 4, if the test set only includes Target (F) for aSource while the model predicts Target (M), ACCwill mistakenly count it as wrong. Although ACC+considers the alternatives appearing in the dataset,it is unrealistic to expect the dataset to contain allpossible references. To resolve this issue, we pro-pose a new variant of word accuracy specific toEnglish-to-Chinese transliteration.

    Based on the knowledge of a native Chinesespeaker, we analyze the English-to-Chinese datasetand summarize the key observations for sourcenames with multiple target transliterations as fol-lows: the minimum edit distance (MED) betweenany two target names ≤ 2, and the lengths are thesame; for any two such target names, distinct char-acters occur in the same position, and they oftenindicate the gender of the name (see Table 4).

    To use ACT in accord with the above obser-vations, we propose the following criterion forthe accuracy indicator function (we refer to it asACC-ACT). Let subscript t denote the positionof a character, then Icriterion(ŷ,y) = 1 if eitherMED(ŷ, y) = 0 (which covers all the cases forACC) or the following conditions are met in or-der:

    1. ŷ and y are of the same length, L;2. MED(ŷ, y) ≤ 2 and distinct characters of ŷ andy must occur in the same position(s);

    3. If ŷt 6= yt for 1 ≤ t ≤ L, replace ŷt by lookingup the ACT and this condition will be satisfied ifany of the modified ŷ(s) can match y exactly.

    There is no guarantee that characters that areinterchangeable according to ACT can replace eachother in every scenario. But since we only apply

    Enc Dec-M Dec-A

    Emb.h 256 256 128δ 0.1 0.1 0.1

    RNNh 512 512 128δ 0.2 0.2 0.1

    Table 5: Illustration of the model settings, where Emb.and RNN stand for the embedding layers and RNNunits in each part (column) of the model, h and δ arethe hidden size and dropout value, respectively. Thecolumn names (from left to right) stand for encoder,main-task decoder and auxiliary-task decoder.

    substitution on the output predictions rather thanthe references, we are not manipulating the testset by creating any new instance. This new metric(ACC-ACT) will ensure cases like in Table 4 arecaptured without requiring extra data in the testset, thus giving a more reasonable estimate of thesystem’s quality than both ACC and ACC+.

    6 Experimental Setup

    Recall from Section 4 that we use λ to denote theweighting of the two tasks we train. We set thesingle-main-task (λ = 1) and the single-auxiliary-task (λ = 0) models as the baselines, and com-pare the multi-task models of different weightings(λ ∈ {16 ,

    14 ,

    12 ,

    23 ,

    56 ,

    89}) against them. We conduct

    experiments on both the NEWS and DICT datasetsand select the best model for each of them to com-pare to the previous state of the art.

    6.1 Model and Training SettingsThe configurations of hidden sizes and dropoutvalues of embedding layers and RNN units arepresented in Table 5. The type of all RNN units isLSTM and the number of layers is set to 2. Besidesthe bridge layer that transforms the encoder’s finalhidden state to the decoder’s initial hidden state,we add another one to carry the final cell state forusing LSTM (in total, we have 4 “bridges”).

    We use the Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba,2015) with the batch size set to 64. Evaluation ofthe development set is carried out on every 500batches. We record the validation score (ACC) anddecrease the learning rate (initially set to 0.003) by90% if the score does not surpass the previous best.We pick the final model that attains the highestvalidation score within 100 training epochs.

    For decoding in the training phase, we applyteacher forcing (Williams and Zipser, 1989) with


    Main Auxiliary Main Auxiliary


    1 0.723 0.731 0.746 NA 0.725 0.748 NA

    1/6 0.666 0.672 0.688 0.698 0.728 0.750 0.7441/4 0.734 0.743 0.751 0.755 0.725 0.747 0.7461/2 0.724 0.733 0.740 0.738 0.723 0.748 0.7392/3 0.698 0.707 0.715 0.705 0.722 0.746 0.7395/6 0.739 0.749 0.760 0.757 0.729 0.752 0.7468/9 0.670 0.679 0.686 0.705 0.722 0.746 0.734

    0 NA NA NA 0.743 NA NA 0.743

    Table 6: Experiment results on NEWS internal test set and DICT development set, where λ = 1 and λ = 0 arebaselines of main task and auxiliary task, respectively. Maximum score in each metric is is bold.

    Figure 2: The plots of main-task ACC against auxiliary-task ACC on the NEWS (left) and DICT (right) develop-ment sets. Colors indicate which multi-task model (by λ value) the evaluation points belong to. To highlight thedense regions, we set the minimum of the x-axis to 0.5 and 0.6 for NEWS and DICT datasets, respectively.

    the following empirical decay function:

    tfr = max

    (1− 10 + epoch× 1.5

    50, 0.2


    where tfr refers to the teacher forcing ratio, i.e. theprobability of feeding the true reference instead ofthe predicted token. We use beam search decodingwith beam size 10 and length normalization (Wuet al., 2016) for evaluation.

    6.2 Evaluation

    We use ACC and ACC-ACT to evaluate the perfor-mance on the main task and ACC on the auxiliarytask. Note that since the only data portion we havethat contains multiple references given a sourceword is the internal test set of NEWS data, weapply ACC+ on this particular set exclusively.

    6.3 Model Selection

    In the experiments in this section, we tune λ on theNEWS internal test set and DICT development set,and select the model with the highest ACC on themain task.

    The experiment results in Table 6 show thatλ = 56 yields the best models on both datasets. Weobserve a significant improvement against the base-lines on NEWS while a less noticeable increase onDICT. Besides, the models are more sensitive toλ on NEWS than DICT (with standard deviation0.03 and 0.003 on ACC, respectively).

    Furthermore, we investigate the relationship be-tween the main and the auxiliary tasks based on theevaluation points of the development set. In Figure2, we observe a nearly-total positive linear correla-tion between the main-task ACC and auxiliary-taskACC, and this is further evident in the Pearson cor-

  • Internal Test Official Test

    Main Auxiliary Main


    Baseline 0.724 0.733 0.742 0.736 NAMulti-task 0.739 0.749 0.760 0.757 0.299BiDeep 0.731 0.739 0.746 0.740 NABiDeep+ NA 0.765 NA NA 0.304

    Table 7: Experiment results on the NEWS internal test (official development) set and official test set, where“Baseline” refers to the single-task model and “BiDeep+” refers to the best system Grundkiewicz and Heafield(2018) submitted to the NEWS workshop, and the corresponding scores are taken from their paper.

    Main Auxiliary

    System ACC ACC-ACT ACC

    Baseline 0.726 0.748 0.738Multi-task 0.729 0.751 0.749BiDeep 0.732 0.755 0.760

    Table 8: Experiment results on the DICT test set, whereBaseline refers to the single-task model.

    User ACC+ F-score

    romang 0.3040 (1) 0.6791 (2)Ours 0.2990 (2) 0.6799 (1)

    saeednajafi 0.2820 (3) 0.6680 (3)soumyadeep 0.2610 (4) 0.6603 (4)

    Table 9: Table of the NEWS leaderboard (avail-able at, accessed 19 June2020). User “romang” refers to Grundkiewicz andHeafield (2018).

    relation coefficients15, which are 0.982 and 0.992for NEWS and DICT, respectively. This meansthe multi-task model improves the performance onboth tasks simultaneously.

    6.4 Test-set Results and System Comparison

    We submit our 1-best transliteration results on theNEWS official test set through the CodaLab linkprovided by the Shared Task’s Committee and wepresent the leaderboard partially in Table 9. Notethat in addition to ACC+, the leaderboard also

    15Computed by pearsonr() from Scipy library, whichis available at:

    records mean F-score16 on which we rank first.We report the test-set performance of our best

    multi-task model on NEWS in Table 7 and DICTin Table 8, in comparison to the system built byGrundkiewicz and Heafield (2018). The base-line model of their work employs the RNN-basedBiDeep17 architecture (Miceli Barone et al., 2017)which consists of 4 bidirectional alternating stackedencoder, each with a 2-layer transition RNN cell,and 4 stacked decoders with base RNN of depth 2and higher RNN of depth 4 (Zhou et al., 2016; Pas-canu et al., 2014; Wu et al., 2016). Besides, theystrengthen the model by applying layer normal-ization (Ba et al., 2016), skip connections (Zhanget al., 2016) and parameter tying (Press and Wolf,2017). We reproduce their model without changingany configurations in their paper (Grundkiewiczand Heafield, 2018), and train it on both tasks sep-arately.

    In Table 7, we can see that the multi-task modelperforms significantly better than both the single-task baseline and the BiDeep model in all met-rics on NEWS. Note that the BiDeep model wereproduce achieves the same ACC+ as reportedin the work of Grundkiewicz and Heafield (2018)and ACC+ is the only evaluation metric used intheir paper. “BiDeep+” in the third row refersto the final system they submitted to the SharedTask, on which they adopted additional NMT tech-niques including ensemble modeling for re-rankingand synthetic data generated from back transla-tion (Sennrich et al., 2017). Our ACC+ score on

    16The F-score metric measures the similarity between thetarget prediction and reference. Precision and Recall in thisparticular F-score are computed based on the length of theLongest Common Subsequence. See details in the NEWSwhitepaper (Chen et al., 2018).

    17Implemented with the Marian toolkit available at

  • Source Output (ST) Output (MT)

    ocallaghan 奥卡拉根 奥卡拉汉 Xholleran 霍尔伦 霍勒伦Xajemian 阿赫米安 阿杰米安

    Table 10: Example outputs and the correspondingsource words of our systems, where “ST” and “MT” re-fer to “single-task” and “multi-task” models. The ticksymbols indicate which outputs match the references.

    the anonymized official test set is 0.299 which isslightly worse than their 0.304. However, we at-tain a better F-score (0.6799) than them (0.6791)as shown in Table 9. Moreover, our model is ofsize 22M parameters, which is much smaller thantheir baseline BiDeep of size 133M parameters,18

    and we do not apply as many NMT techniques asthey did. Nevertheless, on the DICT test set, thereis no prominent difference among the single-taskbaseline, multi-task and BiDeep model, possiblybecause the noise pattern in the DICT dataset is notcomplex enough to reflect the learning ability ofthese models.

    7 Discussion

    In our experiments, a system has ACC-ACT>ACC+>ACC because both ACC-ACT andACC+ consider the cases of ACC but ACC-ACTcan capture more acceptable transliterations.Despite a consistent ranking given by the threemetrics, ACC-ACT reveals different informationfrom ACC and ACC+. For example, in Table6, the model of λ = 56 outperforms λ =

    12 by

    0.015 and 0.016 in ACC and ACC+, respectively,but the difference is 0.020 in ACC-ACT, on theNEWS dataset. This suggests a more prominentgap between these two models. In contrast, bylooking at the same two rows but on the DICTdataset, ACC-ACT indicates a smaller gap (0.004)than ACC (0.006). If we conduct experimentson another dataset, the disagreement among themetrics might be significant enough to render aninconsistent ranking.

    Furthermore, we present some typical examplesin which the multi-task model generates better pre-dictions than the single-task in Table 10. In the first

    18We compute the size of our multi-task model by count-ing the number of trainable parameters extracted frommodel.parameters(); For the BiDeep model, we usethe numpy package to load the model in .npz format andcalculate the number of parameters via a simple for-loop.

    example, the single-task model wrongly maps thesub-word ghan to根 (emphasizing on the characterg) while the multi-task model correctly maps hanto汉. The erroneous grouping of the English char-acters also occurs in the second example where thesingle-task model maps er to尔 instead of morereasonably ler to 勒. Even in the third examplewhere both outputs are mismatched, the multi-taskmodel predicts the character杰, which is closer tothe source sub-word je than the single-task model’s赫 in terms of pronunciation. Overall, it seems thatthe multi-task model can capture the source-wordpronunciation better than the single-task one.

    Still, the multi-task model does not consistentlyhandle all names better than the single-task model–especially for exceptional names that do not havea regular transliteration. For instance, the nameFyleman is transliterated into 法伊尔曼, but thecharacter伊 does not have any source-word corre-spondence if we consider the pronunciation of thesource name.

    Finally, our model can be generalized to othertransliteration tasks by replacing Pinyin with otherphonetic representations such as IPA for Englishand rōmaji for Japanese. In addition, ACC-ACTcan be extended to alphabetical languages by, forinstance, constructing the Alternating Sub-wordTable which stores lists of interchangeable subse-quences. Another possible future work is to re-design the objective function by treating λ as atrainable parameter or including the correlation in-formation (Papasarantopoulos et al., 2019).

    8 Related Work

    Previous work has demonstrated the effectivenessof using MTL on models through joint learningof various NLP tasks such as machine translation,syntactic and dependency parsing (Luong et al.,2016; Dong et al., 2015; Li et al., 2014). In most ofthis work, underlies a similar idea to create a uni-fied training setting for several tasks by sharing thecore parameters. Besides, machine transliterationhas a long history of using phonetic information,for example, by mapping a phrase to its pronun-ciation in the source language and then convertthe sound to the target word (Knight and Graehl,1997). There is also relevant work that uses bothgraphemes and phonemes to various extents fortransliteration, such as the correspondence-based(Oh et al., 2006) and G2P-based (Le and Sadat,2018) approaches. Our work is inspired by the intu-

  • itive understanding that pronunciation is essentialfor transliteration, and the success of incorporatingphonetic information such as Pinyin (Jiang et al.,2009) and IPA (Salam et al., 2011), in the modeldesign.

    9 Conclusion

    We argue in this paper that language-specific fea-tures should be used when solving transliteration ina neural setting, and we exemplify a way of usingphonetic information as the transferred knowledgeto improve a neural machine transliteration system.Our results demonstrate that the main translitera-tion task and the auxiliary phonetic task are indeedmutually beneficial in English-to-Chinese translit-eration, and we discuss the possibility of applyingthis idea on other language pairs.


    We thank the anonymous reviewers for their insight-ful feedback. We would also like to thank ZhengZhao, Zhijiang Guo, Waylon Li and Pinzhen Chenfor their help and comments.

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  • A Alternating Character Table in Full

    Alternating Characters莉,利,里,丽弗,夫,芙思,斯,丝妮,内,娜,纳,尼萨,沙,莎亚,娅玛,马,穆琳,林芭,巴茜,西,锡萝,罗滕,坦莱,来,勒代,黛,戴瓦,沃,娃吉,姬,基雷,蕾薇,维,威鲁,卢,露塔,特尤,于安,阿菲,费纽,努范,文蒙,莫查,恰保,葆柯,科

    Table 11: The Alternating Character Table in full.

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