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A. Old and Middle English Literature

1. Beowulf  : Old English poem in the seventh century, thefirst English epic.

2. Chaucer: Canterbury Tales (1387)-Pilgrimers tellstories on the way to Canterbury. For example, themiller’s tale, the story told by wife of Bath.

3. The alliterative metre: Sir Gawain and the GreenKnight (1360?)-one of the stories of King Arthur andhis Knights of Round Table.

4. Sir Thomas Malory: Morte D’   Arthur ( Arthur ’  sDeath)(1485)-the story of Arthur and his knight in

search of the Holy Grail

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B. Elizabethan Poetry and Drama 1.Edmund Spencer: The Faerie Queene (1589-96) “Queene” 

refers to Queen Elizabeth. 12 knights (King Arthur)representing different values . The knight’s adventuresare the basis of an allegory.

2. John Donne: a metaphysical poet who shows clever tricksof style and unlikely comparison.

3. Christopher Marlowe: Dr. Faustus (1588)-Faustus agrees togive his soul to the devil (Mephistopheles).

4. William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet (1594-5),AMidsummer Night’s Dream (1595-6), The Merchant of Venice (1596-7), Hamlet (1600-1), King Lear (1606?),

Macbeth (1605-6), Othello (1604-5)5. John Webster: The Duchess of Malfi 

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C. John Milton and His Time 

1. During 1648-51, Milton works hard at his pamphlets,supported Cromwell, and became a minister of thegovernment.

2. Great epic poem-Paradise Lost (1667):fall of the angels(Heaven and Hell), the story of Adam and Eve, and their

failure to keep God’s command.

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D. The 17th century and the 18th CenturySatire and Drama

1. John Dryden: Heroic Couplet/ All for Love (1678)Satire: Macflecknoe (1682)

2. John Bunyan’s prose (allegory): The Pilgrim’  s Progress 


3. William Congreve: The Way of the World (1700)4. Alexander Pope: Essay on Criticism (1711)/ The Rape of 

Lock (1712-4)

5. Oliver Goldsmith: She Stoops to Conquer (1773)

6. Richard Brinsley Sheridan: The School for Scandal (1777)

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F. Eighteenth Century Novels 

1. Jonathan Swift: The Gulliver ’  s Travels (1726), young

adults usually read the first two books-voyages to Lilliputand Brobdingnag.

2. Daniel Defoe-Robinson Crusoe (1719)

3. Samuel Richardson-Pamela (1740)/ Clarrisa Halowe (1747-8)

• Henry Fielding- Joseph Andrew (1742), satire of Pamela• Laurence Sterne: Tristram Shandy (1760-7)

6. Gothic Novel (story of a castle haunted by ghosts):Horace Walpole-The Castle of Otranto (1764)

Anne Radcliffe-The Mysteries of Udolpho


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G. Early Nineteenth-Century Poets Poets in Romantic Age

1. William Wordsworth: Lyrical Ballads (1798)

Ode on Intimations of Immortality (1807

2. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner ,Christabel , Kubla Khan (1816)

3. George Gordon, Lord Byron: Don Juan (1818-24)4. Percy Bysshe Shelley: Prometheus Unbound (1820), Ode to

the West Wind 

5. John Keats: La Belle Dame Sans Merci , Lamia (1819) 

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H. Later Nineteenth-Century Poets

1. Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)- The Lady of Shalott ,

The Lotos– Eaters

2. Robert Browning (1812-1889)-dramatic monologue: My Last Duchess

3. Christina Rossetti (1830-1894)-Goblin Market 

4. Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)-Culture and Anarchy 

5. Thomas Carlyle- Sartor Resartus (1838)

6. Walter Pater (1839-1894)-Renaissance

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I. Nineteenth-Century Novelists Part I

1. Jane Austen –Sense and Sensibility (1811), Pride and 

Prejudice (1813), Emma (1815),Northanger Abbey (18182. Mary Shelley-Frankenstein (1818)

3. Charles Dickens- A Christmas Carol (1843), David Cooperfield (1849-1850), Great Expectation (1860-1861)

4. Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre (1847)

5. Emily Bronte: Wuthering Heights (1847)

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J. Nineteenth-Century Novelists Part II

6. George Eliot-The Mill on the Floss (1860)

7. Wilkie Collins-The Woman in White (1860), Moonstone (1868)

8. Thomas Hardy-Tess of D’  Urbervilles (1891) Jude theObscure (1896)

9. Joseph Conrad-Lord Jim (1900), Heart of Darkness (1902)

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K. Victorian and the Twentieth CenturyAdventure and Fantasy Stories

1. Lewis Carroll- Alice in Wonderland (1865)

2. R. L. Stevenson- Treasure Island (1883), The Strange

Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hide (1886)3. H. Hider Haggard- King Solomon’  s Mines (1885), The

adventure hero: Allan Quatermain

4. Oscar Wilde- The Picture of Dorian Gray (1891)

5. Rudyard Kipling- The Jungle Book (1894)

6. Bram Stoker- Dracula (1897)

7. H.G. Wells- The War of the Worlds (1898)

8. Sir Conan Doyle-The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes (1891-1892), The Lost World (1912)

The rise of detective story-Agatha Christie9. C. S. Lewis- Chronicles of Narnia (1949-1954)

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L. Twentieth-Century Poetry

1. William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)- Irish Myth, Second 

Coming, Sailing to Byzantium 2. W. H. Auden (1907-1973)- In Memory of W. B. Yeats 

2. T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)- The Waste Land 

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M. Twentieth-Century Drama

1. Oscar Wilde- The Importance of Being Earnest (1895)

2. George Bernard Shaw- My Fair Lady 

3. Samuel Beckett- Waiting for Godot (1954)

4. Harold Pinter- The Birthday Party (1957), Caretaker 

(1960)5. Tom Stoppard- Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead  


6. Peter Shaffer- Equus (1973)

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N. Twentieth-Century Novelists

1. D. H. Laurence- Sons and Lovers (1913)2. James Joyce- A Portrait of the Artist as a Youngman 

(1916), Ulysses (1922)

3. E.M. Forster- A Passage to India (1924)

4. Virginia Woolf- To the Lighthouse (1927), Orlando (1928)

5. George Orwell- Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), Animal Farm (1945)

6. William Golding- Lord of the Flies (1954)