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Enforcement of Vintage Differentiated Regulations: The Case of

New Source Review

James B. Bushnell and Catherine Wolfram∗

February 2012


We analyze the effects of the New Source Review (NSR) environmental regulations on coal-fired electric power plants. Regulations that grew out of the Clean Air Act of 1970 requirednew electric generating plants to install costly pollution control equipment but exemptedexisting plants. Plants lost their exemptions if they made “major modifications.” We examinewhether this caused firms to invest less in grandfathered plants, possibly leading to lowerefficiency and higher emissions. We find evidence that heightened NSR enforcement reducedcapital investment at vulnerable plants. However, we find no discernible effect on other inputsor emissions.

JEL Classification: L51, L94, Q58, and Q52 Keywords: New Source Review, EnvironmentalRegulations, Productivity, and Electricity

∗Bushnell: UC Davis and NBER. Email: [email protected]. Wolfram: Haas School of Business, UCBerkeley and NBER. Email: [email protected]. We are grateful to Meredith Fowlie, Michael Greenstone,Erin Mansur, Nancy Rose and Rob Stavins for valuable comments and discussions, and we thank Justin Gallagher,Rob Letzler, Carla Peterman, Amol Phadke, Jenny Shanefelter and Ethan Yeh for excellent research assistance.

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1 Introduction

Many regulations in the United States apply different standards to new and old units, whether the

units are cars subject to fuel-efficiency standards, buildings subject to building codes, or electric

power plants subject to environmental regulations. This asymmetric regulatory treatment is

known as vintage differentiated regulation (VDR). There are several rationales for using a VDR.

From an efficiency perspective, it is often prohibitively expensive to retrofit existing units with the

new technology, either because the retrofits themselves are expensive or because the transaction

costs involved in running a recall program are prohibitive. From a political perspective, if owners

of existing units are exempt from the new regulation, their incentives to oppose it are limited.

Policymakers envision that over time, new units will replace old ones, so that in the long run,

the universe of units will reflect the new standard.

Previous theoretical and empirical work has shown that vintage differentiated regulations can

lead to several types of distortions in the short run (see Stavins (2006) for an overview of the

literature). First, if the regulations increase the cost of building the new unit, old units will be

kept in service far longer than they would have absent the VDR. For example, previous work

has found some evidence that the Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards for new vehicles

increased sales of used vehicles (Goldberg, 1998). Related to this, in contexts where consumers

face a choice between using a new or an old unit, they may favor the old unit if the new regulation

imposes an additional variable cost.

Another distortion can arise in contexts where regulators attempt to impose the new standards

on old units. Often this is accomplished by enforcing the new standards when the old units

engage in what the regulator deems significant retrofitting. Regulators target retrofitting both

to mitigate the incentive to keep old units in service to avoid building new units compliant with

the stricter standard and because the costs of complying with new standards may be lower when

coupled with other changes. If units subject to this oversight take costly steps to avoid meeting

the new standards, this can lead to distortions. For example, in many states, new residential

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buildings are required to meet certain safety or energy efficiency standards. To avoid triggering

those standards when they remodel, existing homeowners may hire unlicensed contractors or

design their remodeling plans to preserve enough of the existing structure to avoid invoking the

new standards, actions they might not have taken in the absence of the VDR. More significantly,

the threat of meeting new standards may lead homeowners to defer or avoid any remodeling,

even though the contemplated changes may have made the home somewhat more safe or energy


This paper considers evidence that this second type of distortion impacted electric power

plants subject to environmental regulation. Specifically, we consider the effects of the New

Source Review (NSR) program, which grew out of the Clean Air Act of 1970. Under the Clean

Air Act, new fossil-fuel-fired power plants have been required to install various forms of pollution

control equipment. In an attempt to counteract the incentive to defer retirements of grandfa-

thered plants, the regulations require that existing plants install pollution control equipment if

they perform a major overhaul. However, exactly what qualifies as a major, lifetime-extending

modification has been the subject of extensive debate. Sparring over the application of the

retrofitting rules culminated in several lawsuits filed by the Department of Justice on behalf of

the EPA beginning in late 1999. The lawsuits alleged that a number of utilities had performed

modifications to their coal-fired power plants without seeking the proper permits or installing

required mitigation technologies. The utilities countered with claims that, enforced in the way

the lawsuits suggested it should be, NSR could become “the greatest current barrier to increased

efficiency at existing units” (National Coal Council, 2001). In a 2002 report, the EPA largely

accepted these arguments, finding that “NSR discourages some types of energy efficiency im-

provements” (EPA, 2002). This paper provides the first empirical evidence to address these


The stakes in this debate are substantial. Power produced at coal-fired plants, a prime target

of NSR enforcement, provides roughly half of the electricity consumed in the US. These power

plants used over 30 billion dollars in fossil fuels during 2004, so even a small fractional impact

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on fuel efficiency could lead to large absolute increases in costs. Coal-fired power plants are

also major polluters, emitting nearly 30 percent of the carbon dioxide, the major contributor to

climate change, and 67 percent of the sulfur dioxide, the major contributor to acid rain, in the

US. Policies that impact their emissions can have significant effects on environmental quality.

NSR has also been one of the most contentious pieces of environmental regulation, and legal

wrangling over how to determine whether plants have engaged in routine maintenance have been

taken all the way up to the Supreme Court (Environmental Defense v. Duke Energy 549 U. S.

(2007)). The lawsuits have resulted in substantial payouts by the utilities. For instance,

American Electric Power settled its NSR enforcement case in 2007 by agreeing to pay over $4.5

billion in fines and for new pollution control equipment (see Cusick, 2007).

The onset of carbon dioxide (CO2) regulations may produce an important new chapter in the

debate over the enforcement of NSR. Since a 2007 Supreme Court ruling determined that the EPA

was responsible for regulating CO2 under the Clean Air Act, the agency has been developing a

new set of performance standards.1 These standards would create CO2 performance requirements

for both new facilities and those undertaking “major modifications.” The substantial additional

compliance costs will likely exacerbate the tensions over NSR, which were previously dominated

by concerns over the costs of complying with SO2 regulations.

We consider evidence that coal units concerned about triggering NSR changed their operations

in the late 1990s and early 2000s when the threat of NSR enforcement became acute. We argue

that plants that had already installed the most expensive type of pollution control equipment,

scrubbers, provide a useful control group, so we use a difference-in-difference approach to compare

input use at plants with and without scrubbers. We see some evidence that plants without

scrubbers reduced their capital investment more than the control plants, but little evidence that

they changed their operations and maintenance expenditures. Also, we see no evidence that fuel

efficiency degraded or that emissions increased at the plants without scrubbers compared to the

control plants.

1These initiatives are summarized at

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This paper proceeds as follows. The next section presents an overview of the NSR program

and reviews some of the existing literature that speaks to the effects that it has had. Section 3

outlines our empirical approach to testing for an effect of NSR on unit operations and Section 4

discusses the empirical results from applying those tests. Section 5 concludes.

2 The New Source Review Program

The 1970 amendments to the Clean Air Act (CAA) established the New Source Performance

Standards (NSPS), requirements for the installation of pollution control equipment on major

stationary sources of emissions, including electricity generation units. In recognition of cost

concerns and political realities, these standards were applied only to new facilities (Ellerman and

Joskow, 2000). Existing facilities were not required to retrofit.

Due to frustrations over the pace of emissions reductions, the NSR program was created as

part of the 1977 amendments to the Clean Air Act. The 1977 amendments also strengthened

source-specific emission regulations on new facilities, particularly those for emissions of SO2. The

new requirements effectively mandated the use of flue gas desulfurization (FGD), also known as

“scrubbers,” further widening the cost gap between existing and new (post-1978) facilities.

The NSR program was designed to review any proposed new source as well as major modifi-

cations to existing sources. By including major modifications, regulators intended to counteract

the incentives provided by the 1970 and 1977 amendments to extend the lifetime of existing

facilities in order to avoid building a replacement that would require more costly mitigation tech-

nology. In order to police attempts to artificially extend the lifetime of plants, however, the EPA

was put in the position of trying to differentiate between “routine maintenance” and “major

modifications.” Almost from the inception of the NSR program, there has been controversy over

which activities constituted a major modification to an existing facility and what criteria should

be used to identify these activities.2 Eventually, in November 1999, the Department of Justice,

2A background paper by EPA, EPA (2002), describes the history and controversy surrounding NSR enforcement.

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acting for the enforcement division of the EPA, filed suits against seven utility companies as well

as the federally owned Tennessee Valley Authority alleging NSR violations at many power plants.

The violations cited in the lawsuits involved actions going back 15 to 20 years. The EPA

claimed that major, life-extending modifications had taken place in these plants without proper

permitting under the NSR program. The agency sought the installation of pollution control

equipment compliant with NSPS or the immediate shutdown of the plants, as well as up to

$27,500 per violation-day in civil penalties.

The defendants and other firms in the industry expressed dismay that actions that could po-

tentially trigger new source review might include “like kind replacement of component parts with

new equipment that has greater reliability”(Utility Air Regulatory Group, 2001). Such activities

might include “[r]epair or replacements of steam tubes, and [r]eplacement of turbine blades,”

activities which utilities believed to be completely routine. For its part, the EPA claimed that

it was not reinterpreting the rule and that such projects were non-routine, increased genera-

tion capacity, and extended the lifetime of the plant, so the rule governing major modifications


The struggle during this period highlighted the differences between those who were frustrated

at the lack of proliferation of mitigation technologies mandated 20 years earlier and those who

felt existing plants should never have to install such equipment. The original Clean Air Act of

1970 was intended to avoid the incremental costs of retrofitting these technologies in favor of

applying them to new facilities. But in order for the technologies to proliferate, new facilities

had to replace the old ones. However, aggressively policing the incentives to artificially extend

the life of existing plants threatened to severely impact the efficiency of those existing plants.

The lawsuits and the more aggressive enforcement stance underlying them spawned a huge

outcry within the electricity industry. A utility group argued that “the NSR interpretations

currently being advanced by EPA Enforcement would create an entirely unworkable system where

every capital project would be deemed non-routine” (UARG, 2001).

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The scale of the lawsuits and the broader implications of the EPA enforcement initiatives

made NSR policy a major focus of lobbying efforts and policy debate during the early years of

George W. Bush’s presidency. In 2001, the EPA initiated another review of its NSR policies

that culminated a year later in the June 2002 New Source Review Report to the President. In

this report the EPA established a finding that “NSR discourages some types of energy efficiency

improvements when the benefits to the company of performing such improvements is outweighed

by the costs to retrofit pollution controls or to take measures necessary to avoid a significant net

emissions increase” (EPA, 2002). In August 2003, the EPA issued the Equipment Replacement

Provision (ERP). It stated that any repair, replacement, and maintenance activities would be

considered routine maintenance, and therefore not subject to NSR, so long as those activities

did not exceed 20% of the capital costs of the plant in one year. By establishing an extremely

high threshold for routine maintenance, the ERP effectively eliminated the risk that an existing

power plant would be forced to retrofit emissions controls under the NSR provisions.

2.1 Existing Empirical Evidence on NSR

Early empirical work on NSR focused on its impact on the retirement of old plants and entry of

newer, cleaner ones. Maloney and Brady (1988) found that electric power plants were kept in

service longer during the 1970s in states with more stringent environmental regulations. Nelson,

Tietenberg, and Donihue (1993) estimate a similar model using utility-level data and also show

that tighter regulation increased the age of capital, but they emphasize that the aging capital

stock did not significantly impact overall emissions.

Several recent papers analyze various dimensions of NSR. Heutel (2011) builds a structural

model to revisit the question of the extent to which NSR and NSPS delayed power plant retire-

ments. Lange and Linn (2008) present results from an event study of the 2000 election and show

that stock prices for electric utilities with a large fraction of coal-fired power plants increased

more than the stock prices of other utilities when the Supreme Court decision established George

W. Bush’s presidency, a result which they attribute to anticipated weakening of the NSR pro-

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cess. Keohane, Mansur and Voynov (2009) consider whether the threat of the NSR lawsuits

caused coal plants to reduce SO2 emissions in the year before the first round of lawsuits were

announced, hypothesizing that utilities would reduce emissions in an attempt to avert a lawsuit.

While they are studying the effect of NSR on generating plant level variables over a similar time

period to ours, the two papers differ in several ways. First, Keohane, Mansur and Voynov focus

exclusively on emissions, while we analyze the substitution in plant inputs that could be caused

by NSR enforcement. They also focus on behavior in the year following October 1998, when they

hypothesize that efforts to avert a lawsuit would be highest. We look at a longer time period.

Finally, they identify an effect based on the estimated probability of being sued for historical

actions, while we focus on the expected costs of triggering the NSR provisions.

There has been little empirical work addressing the incentive effects of the regulatory policing

of plant retrofit activities, which is our focus. Yet, many of the policy decisions by the EPA with

respect to NSR have been driven by the belief that the enforcement of NSR has negatively

impacted productivity. One exception is List, Millimet, and McHone (2004) who use variation

in county attainment status to examine modification decisions at manufacturing plants in New

York State from 1980-1990. Under the highly plausible assumption that the costs of complying

with the NSPS are higher in nonattainment areas, the disincentive to invest in a plant, for fear of

triggering NSR, should be strongest there.3 They find some evidence that plants were less likely

to undertake modifications if they were located in non-attainment areas, although they did not

find an effect on the retirement of existing plants. Facing data limitations, List, Millimet and

McHone are only able to look at modification decisions and not the resulting effects on efficiency

or emissions, as we are able to do in this paper. Also, while they measure the impact on a

count variable indicating the number of modifications, we are able to measure capital directly.

Finally, we focus on coal-fired power plants, and, as we documented in the introduction, these

are significant sources of pollution and were the only targets of the NSR lawsuits.

3We also explored distinctions between plants in attainment and nonattainment areas but found no effect. Notethat the attainment-nonattainment distinction may be less relevant for coal power plants since all new plants mustinstall the same SO2 emissions control equipment, regardless of location.

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3 Empirical Approach

As is true of most capital equipment, power plant performance can degrade over time. Firms can

undertake a number of different capital projects to recover lost efficiency. We assume that all

power plant owners are optimizing their choice of inputs against a set of incentives provided by

the market and regulatory environment in which they operate.4 These firms decide how much

capital to invest (i.e., how many projects to undertake) by comparing the cost of new capital

versus the expected savings and benefits from lower input costs (primarily through lower fuel use

and greater reliability).5 Rigorous NSR enforcement increases the effective cost of capital, since

firms must not only pay for the specific project, but also risk having to pay for new pollution

control equipment. This means that under a rigorous NSR enforcement regime, firms will see

fewer capital projects that have the required pay-back in terms of fuel and other savings. This

will cause plants to invest less capital, but perhaps spend more on other inputs to the production

process such as fuel or nonfuel materials.

To assess the impact of NSR enforcement activities, we characterize units as either being con-

cerned about triggering NSR or not concerned. We then use a difference-in-difference approach

to compare input use across the two types of units around the various NSR enforcement events

to evaluate whether fear of increased NSR enforcement impacted the mix of inputs. The units

that were not concerned serve as controls for other changes in coal-fired power plant operations.

In the following subsection, we detail a model that summarizes our research design, discuss our

identification strategy, summarize our data and discuss evidence bearing on the validity of our

identifying assumptions.

4We also assume that these incentives do not change during the period of heightened NSR enforcement, withthe exception of the effect of NSR enforcement itself.

5As all of the firms in our data set were subject to some form of cost-plus regulation over the time period westudy, it is reasonable to question whether they would minimize costs. For this reason, part of our null hypothesisis that the NSR enforcement did not affect utilities’ incentives because their costs were regulated. We note thatthis view is inconsistent with the vociferous objections the utilities raised to NSR enforcement, some of which wehave quoted above.

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3.1 Research Design

Electric generating plants have been used to estimate production functions in a number of pre-

vious papers (see, e.g., Nerlove, 1963; Christensen and Greene, 1976; Kleit and Terrel, 2001;

Knittel, 2002). All of these papers specify output as a function of several inputs. Here, to

motivate our empirical specifications, we posit a Cobb-Douglas production function:

Qit = FγFiit OM


it KγKiit (1)

for plant i in period t where F describes fuel, OM captures non-fuel operating and main-

tenance expenses, including labor, K represents capital, and the gammaI parameters capture

output elasticities for input I. While several of the papers mentioned above focused on pro-

ductivity and jointly estimate the set of inputs used to produce Qit, we follow the approach of

Fabrizio, et al. (2007) and use factor-demand equations for the specific inputs of interest. A cost-

minimizing firm faced with input costs St, Wt, and Rt for fuel, O&M, and capital respectively

would select optimal inputs by


St · Fit +Wt ·OMit +Rt ·Kit

s.t. Qit ≤ FγFiit OM


it KγKiit

yielding the following factor demand equations

Fit = (λitγFi Qit)/St, (2)

OMit = (λitγOMi Qit)/Wt, (3)

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Kit = (λitγKi Qit)/Rt (4)

where λit is the Lagrangian on the production constraint.

We adopt the factor-demand approach because our focus is on dissecting the use of individual

inputs. The argument that NSR enforcement has impacted power plant operations suggests that

by reducing their capital investment, utilities have compromised their units’ fuel efficiencies or

increased their operations and maintenance costs and so are spending more on other inputs for

a given level of output. Put another way, we are interested in whether NSR introduced a new

bias against capital, and what the implications of that change in relative input costs were to

input usage. We are particularly interested in assessing whether NSR enforcement caused the

plants to reduce fuel efficiency (e.g. substitute fuel for capital), since fuel use is highly correlated

with pollution output. We cannot exclude the possibility that any new bias provided by NSR

enforcement partially offset existing biases, perhaps even improving overall productive efficiency.6

However, even in that case there is still a perverse environmental impact in that fuel consumption

and emissions would have increased as a result of more stringent environmental regulation.

We develop our first empirical specification by taking the logs of both sides of (4).

ln(Kit) = ln(Qit) + ln(λit)− ln(Rt) + ln(γKi ). (5)

Similar transformations can be applied to (2) and (3). Note that λit is defined simultaneously

by equations (2)-(4). Our hypothesis is that heightened enforcement of NSR increased the cost

of capital for firms, to Rt ∗NSR1 where NSR1 > 1, causing a potential shift away from capital

toward one of the other inputs.7 Intuitively, an increase in one of the factor prices causes an

increase in the shadow value of the production constraint, to λit ∗ NSR2 where NSR2 > 1.

6Existing biases may have favored capital due to the Averch-Johnson effect, for instance.7Modeling NSR as an increase in the price of capital reflects the assumption that the likelihood of triggering

the regulation was increasing in the amount of the capital expenditure. This is consistent with the distinction theregulation drew between “routine maintenance” and “major modifications.”

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It is now more expensive to produce at the same level, and therefore the value of relaxing the

production constraint has increased. We would therefore expect λit to increase with an increase

in a factor price.

ln(Kit) = ln(Qit) + ln(λit) + ln(NSR2)− ln(Rt)− ln(NSR1) + ln(γKi ) (6)

For any given level of Qit, the direct effect (NSR1)dominates, leading to a reduction in capital

and increase in other inputs.8 Conversely, for the other inputs, an increase in the implied cost

of capital would have only an indirect effect through λit. From equation (2) this would in turn

increase utilization of fuel, as fuel price St has remained unchanged.

ln(Fit) = ln(Qit) + ln(λit) + ln(NSR2)− ln(St) + ln(γFi ). (7)

Our base specifications use equations (6) and (7).

ln (Iit) = β1 ln (Qit) + β2V ulnerable ∗NSR Enforcement Periodit (8)

+β3V ulnerable ∗ Post NSR Enforcement Periodit + β4Xit + κt + µi + εit

for unit or plant i in period t where I indexes the input category, Q is output of the plant,

V ulnerable∗NSR Enforcement Period is a dummy variable equal to one during the enforcement

period for V ulnerable units (we define both the enforcement period and the set of V ulnerable

units in the next subsection), and Xit is a set of control variables. The unit-fixed effects (µi)

reflect the unit-specific production characteristics captured by the γi in equations (6) and (7).

Note that we do not directly observe input prices or the λit. The unit- and time-specific fixed

effects capture most of the variation in these factors.

8Combining equations (4) and (2) one can see that KitFit




. For a given output level Q, an increase in

capital costs Rit therefore implies both a reduction in K and increase in F as the ratio K/F must decline and Qis unchanged.

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We hypothesize that β2 will be negative for I = capital if the heightened enforcement of NSR

caused utilities to cut back on investing in their vulnerable plants. We conjecture β2 will be posi-

tive for I = fuel if degradations in the capital caused fuel efficiency to go down, in effect creating

a substitution of fuel for capital. The expected sign for β2 for I = maintenance expenditures

is less clear. To the extent our variable measures expenditures that reflect truly routine main-

tenance, they may be positively affected if they substitute for capital. On the other hand,

the category may include expenditures that firms perceive to be subject to regulatory scrutiny.

V ulnerable ∗ Post NSR Enforcement Period is a dummy variable equal to one after the en-

forcement period. We include it to assess whether utilities increased capital at V ulnerable plants

to make-up for any reductions made during the enforcement period. We discuss the assumptions

necessary to identify β2 in the following subsections.

3.2 Identification Strategy

An important step to our empirical approach is identifying the units that were most concerned

about NSR. Our fundamental identifying assumption is that firms were less concerned about

heightened enforcement at plants where they had already installed state-of-the-art pollution

mitigation technologies. This is due less to the fact that such plants were unlikely to be the

subject of an enforcement action, and more to the fact that the likely result of any enforcement

would be a requirement to install equipment that they already had. Since these plants had

already borne the main costs that would arise from enforcement, they had relatively little cost

exposure to an NSR enforcement action.

Environmental regulations (see 40CFR52) specified that new coal units, or existing coal units

that triggered the new source requirements, were required to mitigate multiple pollutants, in-

cluding nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur dioxide (SO2) and particulates. Retrofitting a plant with

a scrubber to remove SO2 was far more costly than retrofitting a plant with a control device for

NOx or particulates. Industry estimates suggest that installing and operating a scrubber was

over six times more expensive than the comparable costs for the most expensive type of pollution

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control equipment required to remove NOx, and particulate controls are less than one-tenth the

cost of NOx controls (see ICF, 2001). Confirming this, of the 20 plants in our data set that we

know installed scrubbers during our time period and for which we know the year of installation,

the median increase in the total capital of the plant in the year the scrubber was installed was

17 percent and the mean increase was nearly 40 percent. By contrast, of the four plants that

we know installed selective catalytic reduction equipment, the most expensive and effective NOx

removal technology, the mean increase in the total capital of the plant in the year the equipment

was installed was two percent. For these reasons, we focus on SO2 removal technology and char-

acterize plants that had scrubbers installed (i.e., were Scrubbed) by 1998 as not concerned about

NSR since they had already installed the most expensive pollution control device that would be

required if they were to trigger a new source review.9

The outcomes of the lawsuits brought beginning in November 1999 support the assumption

that plants with scrubbers were less concerned about NSR. In all of the cases involving coal-fired

plants that have settled to date, the companies have agreed to install scrubbers, suggesting that

the lawsuits foced the companies to do what they should have done had they gone through the

NSR process at the time they made the capital investments.10 Further, company expenditures

on pollution control equipment were by far the largest monetary component of the settlements.

Our base specifications use the time between 1998-2002 as the period of heightened NSR

enforcement. We start the enforcement period in 1998 (implying that the utilities were sensitive to

the heightened risk of NSR enforcement action throughout most of 1998) as it is roughly halfway

between two dates that could plausibly be linked to a signal of heightened enforcement.11 We end

the enforcement period in 2002. By the end of that year, the Bush Administration had signaled

9Six plants installed scrubbers in 1998 or later, several in response to the NSR lawsuits. We treat these plantsas part of the treatment group and include a dummy variable to measure the effect the installation of the scrubberhad on the plants’ operations.

10See US EPA Compliance and Enforcement, Case Settlements ( a summary of the disposition of the NSR cases.

11In testimony to the Senate in 2004, Bruce Buckheit, formerly the EPA Enforcement Chief, stated that inFebruary 1997, the Air Enforcement Division, “began investigations of coal fired utility boilers to determinecompliance with NSR provisions” (Buckheit, 2004). It is unclear how long it took the utilities to become awarethat the EPA could be interpreting past investment decisions as potentially requiring an NSR process. In October1998, an article in the trade press announced that the EPA requested information from boiler manufacturers onknown changes to boilers they had sold to utilities (Electricity Daily, 1998).

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its willingness to relax the enforcement of NSR, culminating in the Equipment Replacement

Provision, which as we described above, was issued in August 2003 and articulated very generous

definitions of what constituted routine maintenance. We explore the sensitivity of our results to

the specific delineation of the enforcement time period.

Our main estimating equation is thus equation (8) where we define V ulnerable units as

NotScrubbed and use 1998 to 2002 as the enforcement period.

3.3 Data

We use data on nearly 900 coal generating units housed at over 300 plants.12 We use both detailed

hourly data on fuel use spanning the nine years from 1996 to 2004, and annual data on all inputs

from 1988 to 2004. We draw on data filed with various regulatory agencies by investor- and

municipally-owned utilities. The sources are described more fully in the online data appendix.

Our panel is not balanced because non-utility owners are not required to report these data and

some of the plants in our sample were divested to non-utility owners. (We discuss the potential

bias this may create below.)

For inputs, we analyze fuel use, operations and maintenance (O&M) expenditures and cap-

ital. O&M expenditures include both labor and materials.13 For consistency with the industry

standard for describing fuel use, we divide Fuel by Q and use the HeatRate–the inverse of fuel

efficiency.14 Our measure of capital captures the aggregate depreciated value of land, buildings,

and machinery for each plant. For capital and O&M, we consider dollar amounts and not quanti-

ties. Because these categories comprise many different physical inputs, we cannot properly define

a variable that measures the physical inputs given the data we have. Note that we do not include

the prices of the inputs, but to the extent that these are constant within a time period across

units, the time effects (κt) pick up price trends. Also, in some specifications, we allowed κt to

12Most electric power plants in our data comprise multiple generating units, ranging from one to ten.13We also have data on the number of employees at the plants. Estimates using employees as the input showed

no statistically significant effect of Not Scrubbed ∗NSR Enforcement Period.14Except for the coefficient on Q, the results are numerically identical if we use ln(Fuel) as the dependent


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vary by age, size, region, divestiture status, or other covariates which could be correlated with

input prices.

The set of controls, the granularity with which we observe input use (i.e., what t measures),

and the unit of observation (i.e., whether i indexes a plant or a unit) all vary by input. A

number of the items that comprise O&M and capital are not attributable to a particular unit.

This is true for most of the employees and oftentimes multiple units will share facilities such as

the fuel handling system or a cooling tower. For these reasons, our data on capital and O&M

are reported at the plant level and not the unit level. Because fuel use is directly tied to a unit,

we can estimate the fuel equations at the unit level.

Because some input data are only available at the plant level, we must aggregate unit charac-

teristics to form our control and treatment group identifiers. Specifically, some plants have some

units that are scrubbed and others that are not. We define a plant as Scrubbed if the capacity-

weighted average of the scrubbed units at the plant is greater than .5.15 Summary statistics and

more detail on our data are provided in the online data appendix.

3.4 Identification Assumptions

This section considers the assumptions necessary to interpret β2, the coefficient on V ulnerable

in equation (8) where V ulnerable is measured as Not Scrubbed ∗ NSR Enforcement Period,

as an NSR effect. We discuss and address issues related to the comparability of our treatment

and control groups, including the existence of pre-existing time trends, and potential endogeneity


Potential Pre-existing Time Trends

By including plant- or unit-fixed-effects in equation (8), we are controlling for the time-

invariant differences between Not Scrubbed and Scrubbed plants. This does not address the

15The distribution is skewed towards either 1 (all scrubbed) or 0 (no units scrubbed). Out of 329 plants in oursample in 1996, less than 1/3 (93) have any units with scrubbers. Of those, 68 plants are fully scrubbed, and 9more have a capacity weighted average between .5 and 1. We have also estimated specifications where we enterNot Scrubbed as the capacity-weighted share of units without scrubbers (i.e. as a continuous variable). Results arequantitivatively very similar for Total Capital and qualitatively similar (insignificant) in the case of Total O&M .

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concern, however, that trends in input use varied across these different plant types. Specifically,

the Scrubbed plants help identify the year effects, κt, which control nonparametrically for time

trends in input use. β2, therefore, captures systematic shocks to the factor demands of the

Not Scrubbed (treatment) plants that are contemporaneous with the heightened NSR enforce-

ment. The crucial assumption is that the Scrubbed plants serve as good controls for all other

industry-wide trends in factor demands. In other words, our identification rests on the assump-

tion that there is no systematic difference between plants with and without scrubbers during the

NSR enforcement period other than the exposure to NSR.

If they were ideal controls, Scrubbed units would be identical to Not Scrubbed units on

all dimensions except the fact that they had pollution control equipment installed. This is

hardly the case: the average Scrubbed plant is almost 13 years younger and ten percent larger

than the average Not Scrubbed plant (see Table A1a and A1b in the online data appendix).

While the means of the Size and Age variables differ, the distributions overlap substantially, as

demonstrated in Figures 1 and 2. In most of the specifications reported below, we control for age-

and size-specific trends by dividing the distributions into two age and two size subgroups. Figures

1 and 2 suggest that there is enough overlap in the distributions to identify a Not Scrubbed effect

within subgroups. The regressions reported below are also robust to using different cut-offs to

define the two age and size bins, as well as to the inclusion of finer cuts in the distributions (we

have tried up to five categories of both the age and size distribution).

To assess the extent to which time trends in input use differed between Not Scrubbed and

Scrubbed plants in the pre-period, we estimated the following variant of equation (8):

ln (Iit) = β1 ln (Qit) + β2Scrubber Added After 1997it (9)

+Not Scrubbedi ∗ κt + Scrubbedi ∗ κt

+Largei ∗ κt + Y oungi ∗ κt + µi + εit

where Not Scrubbedi,Scrubbedi, Largei and Y oungi are indicator variables for plants with

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those fixed characteristics.16 Large plants are defined to be greater than 800 MWs in size, of

which there are 36 Scrubbed plants and 105 Not Scrubbed. A t-test on the difference in means

amongst the Large plants fails to reject the null of equal means (t=0.85), although amongst

the Small plants, where there are 41 Scrubbed and 147 Not Scrubbed, the t-test suggests that

the Scrubbed plants are significantly larger. Y oung plants are defined to be less than 30 years

old, of which there are 55 Scrubbed plants and 60 Not Scrubbed plants. The Scrubbed plants

are significantly younger (t=2.63) in the Y oung category, although they are indistinguishable

from the Not Scrubbed plants in the Old category, where there are 22 Scrubbed plants and 192

Not Scrubbed (t=1.15).

Figures 3a-c and 4a-c plot Not Scrubbedi ∗ κt and Scrubbedi ∗ κt (1997 is the omitted year).

Consider first Figure 3a, based on specifications with ln(Total Capital) as the dependent variable

where we do not estimate Largei ∗ κt or Y oungi ∗ κt, the year-effects by size and age group. In

the years before 1998, the beginning of the treatment period, the trends in input use are not the

same: Scrubbed plants’ capital stocks grow more slowly than Not Scrubbed plants. This causes

two problems. First, this suggests that the two groups of plants trend at different rates, which

could suggest that the Scrubbed plants may not be good controls during the treatment period, if

the difference in trends continues. Second, even if the Scrubbed and Not Scrubbed plants followed

similar trends during the treatment phase (absent an NSR effect), the pre-period mean will be

lower for the Not Scrubbed plants, which will cause the difference-in-difference methodology to

estimate a larger change for these plants.

Figure 3b plots Not Scrubbedi ∗ κt and Scrubbedi ∗ κt from specifications that included the

age- and size-specific year effects, Largei ∗ κt and Y oungi ∗ κt. In this specification, Scrubbed

plants’ capital appear to grow more quickly than Not Scrubbed.

As we document above, installing scrubbers entails a large capital expenditure. If some

of the Scrubbed plants in Figure 3b installed their equipment during the pre-period, this could

explain why their capital was growing faster than Not Scrubbed plants. Figure 3c plots coefficient

16Note that this equation replicates equation (8), our main estimating equation, but captures the treatmenteffects through the NotScrubbed year effects.

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estimates from the same specification depicted in Figure 3b, but estimated on the subset of plants

that either had no scrubber or for which we could confirm that the scrubber was installed before

the data set begins (before 1988). We have scrubber installation dates for only approximately

80 percent of our plants, so the restriction may exclude plants with scrubbers built before the

period covered by our data.17

In Figure 3c, the Scrubbed and Not Scrubbed plants appear to follow very similar trends in

capital during the pre-period. The year effects during the treatment period suggest that there

was an NSR effect and that Scrubbed plants reduced capital spending relative to Not Scrubbed

plants. The next section reports regression estimates to test this hypothesis directly. Based on

the pre-period trends, we will focus on results that include age- and size-specific year effects and

that exclude plants at which scrubbers were installed after 1988.

Figures 4a-c depict the year effects for Scrubbed and Not Scrubbed plants from specifications

with ln(Total O&M) as the dependent variable. In Figure 4a, the newer, scrubbed plants appear

to increase their rate of expenditures on O&M slightly faster than the older plants, which may

have already been at higher annual O&M expenditure levels. When we control for age- and

size-specific trends in Figure 4b the difference diminishes. When we exclude plants that might

have installed scrubbers during the pre-period, the Scrubbed plants appear to spend on O&M

at an increasing rate relative to Not Scrubbed plants, although the differences are statistically

different in only three of the ten pre-period years.

The data that we use to estimate equation (8) for fuel and emissions is only available begin-

ning in 1996, so we have a very short (two-year) pre-period. Our plant-level database contains

information on heatrates beginning in 1988, and we have produced figures similar to 3a-c and 4a-c

using ln(HeatRate) as the dependent variable. In all specifications, the trends in ln(HeatRate)

were similar across Scrubbed and Not Scrubbed plants, and in no case could we reject the hy-

17Note that this restriction requires that the plant itself was built before 1988. We have not imposed a similarrequirement on the nonscrubbed plant, although results are almost identical when we do as there was only onenonscrubbed plant built after 1988. Once we exclude plants for which scrubber installation was either unknownor after 1987, we have 20 Small and 22 Large plants that are Scrubbed and 33 Y oung and 9 Old plants that areScrubbed.

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pothesis that the year effects were the same across the two groups of plants. This provides some

comfort that trends in Scrubbed and Not Scrubbed heat rates were similar, although the result

should be interpreted cautiously, both because it is estimated at the plant- and not the unit-level

and because the plant-level heat rate data can be noisy.

The second approach we take to controlling for pre-period differences in input use trends is

to condition on the trends directly by estimating versions of the following equation:

ln (Iiτ ) = β1 ln (Qiτ ) + β2Not Scrubbedi + β3Xiτ + β4Pi + εiτ (10)

for input I at plant i in year τ . We estimate separate versions of equation (10) for τ ∈

{1998, 1999, ...2004}. We expect β2 to follow the same pattern as in equation (8): negative for

I ∈ {capital} in 1998-2002 if the heightened enforcement of NSR caused utilities to cut back

on investing in plants that were at risk of triggering expensive upgrades in pollution control

equipment (Not Scrubbed plants), but positive for I ∈ {fuel} for Tau ∈ {1998 − 2002} if low

capital investment caused fuel efficiency to degrade. Any post-enforcement catch-up would be

reflected in positive values of β2 in 2003 and 2004. As in equation (8), Q measures electrical

output and Xiτ is a vector of contemporaneous control variables. Pi is a vector that includes levels

of input use and, in some specifications, output (Q) from the years before the NSR enforcement

period began. This approach is very similar to one used by Greenstone (2004). Essentially,

the variable Pi controls flexibly for the pre-existing trends in input use, and β2 is identified by

differences between Scrubbed andNot Scrubbed plants in the NSR enforcement period conditional

on these trends.

Potential Endogeneity of Output Levels

One further issue we confront in estimating factor demand equations as in (8) is the potential

for simultaneity in the relationship between Q and I. This would arise if units adjusted their

output to accommodate shocks to their efficiency, for example lowering output when a malfunc-

tioning piece of equipment causes the unit to be less fuel efficient. This is analogous to the

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simultaneity of inputs problem identified in much of the production function literature.18 We

choose to address the simultaneity problem by instrumenting for Q with electricity demand at

the state level. This instrument is highly correlated with unit-level output but uncorrelated with

information that an individual plant manager has about a particular unit’s shock to productiv-

ity. We do not instrument for Q when we estimate equation (10). Under the assumption that

capital investment in previous periods measures the plant-specific productivity shock (this is the

assumption used by Olley and Pakes (1996)), εiτ will not be correlated with Q.

4 Empirical Results

This section presents the results from estimating equations (8) and (10). Because the data sets

and control variables differ across nonfuel and fuel inputs, we consider the two sets of results


4.1 Capital and Operations and Maintenance Inputs

Table 1 reports results from estimating equation (8) using ln(Total Capital) as the dependent

variable. In light of the analysis in the previous section, all specifications include plant-fixed

effects. We also estimate every specification with year-fixed effects that vary for big and small

plants and old and young plants. In column (1), which includes all of the plants in the dataset

and is estimated using OLS, the coefficient on Not Scrubbed ∗ NSR Enforcement Period is

negative, suggesting that plants that were concerned about NSR reduced capital investment

relative to control plants during the period of heightened NSR enforcement. The coefficient is

statistically indistinguishable from zero.

The specification reported in column (2) is nearly identical to column (1), except that we

use ln(StateSales) as the instrument for ln(Output). The coefficient on ln(StateSales) in the

first-stage regression is positive, since higher demand in a year (e.g. due to hotter weather) causes

18See Griliches and Mairesse (1998) for an overview of the issue and survey of various approaches to dealingwith it. Recent papers by Olley and Pakes (1996) and Levinsohn and Petrin (2003) propose structural approachesto addressing simultaneity. Ackerberg, Caves and Frazer (2005) compares and critiques the approaches proposedby them. Fabrizio, Rose and Wolfram (2007) address the simultaneity problem by instrumenting.

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plants to run more intensively over the year. The F-statistic soundly rejects the hypothesis that

the coefficient is zero (F=14.59), suggesting that our instrument is not weak a la Staiger and

Stock (1997).19 Note that the coefficient on ln(Output) increases substantially between the OLS

and IV specifications. This is consistent with a negative correlation between input shocks and

output. Purely mechanically, plants must be shut down and the boilers cold for most capital

projects to proceed. Also, since our data are measured yearly, this could reflect the fact that plant

outages due to capital equipment failure necessitate large capital expenditures in the following


When we instrument for output, the coefficient on Not Scrubbed∗NSR Enforcement Period

increases in absolute value. Output at Not Scrubbed plants increased during the treatment period

(this could be independent of the enforcement and driven by the demand shocks captured in our

instrument), so with a larger coefficient on output suggesting a tighter relationship between out-

put and capital, the effects of the reduced capital during the NSR period are accentuated. Also,

the standard error goes down slightly, so the negative coefficient is now statistically significant

at the five percent level.

Figure 3c above suggested that capital levels at Scrubbed and Not Scrubbed plants tracked

each other most closely once we excluded plants that could have been installing scrubbers

during the pre-period (1988-1997). Columns (3) and (4) report OLS and IV results on this

subset of the data. Comparable to columns (1) and (2), the coefficients on Not Scrubbed ∗

NSR Enforcement Period are both negative, and larger and statistically significant in the IV


Finally, columns (5) and (6) report specifications where the NSR enforcement period ends

in 2000. It is possible that utilities were confident that a Bush Administration would interpret

NSR less strictly and did not need the detailed policy statement in the Equipment Replacement

Provision to signal that the cost of investing in their Not Scrubbed plants had again fallen.

Consistent with this hypothesis, the coefficients on Not Scrubbed ∗NSR Enforcement Period

19F-statistics from the other IV specifications are reported in the final row of the table. They are also bothabove 11.5.

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in columns (5) and (6) are larger in absolute value than the comparable coefficients in columns

(3) and (4).

The magnitude of the coefficient in column (6) suggests that plants concerned about triggering

NSR reduced Total Capital by over seven percent relative to the control plants during the

period when NSR enforcement was most likely. Given that Total Capital measures capital

stock, this amounts to a substantial change in annual expenditures. For example, at the mean

level of Total Capital for Not Scrubbed plants, a seven percent reduction reflects approximately

a $25 million dollar reduction in total capital. Consistent with this finding, when we estimate a

specification idential to column (6) but use the change in Total Capital interacted with a dummy

variable for positive changes, the coefficient on Not Scrubbed ∗ NSR Enforcement Period (-

0.824, standard error = 0.196) suggests a reduction of over 50 percent.

In all columns of Table 1, we include two additional control variables. Not Scrubbed ∗

Post NSR Enforcement Period tests whether utilities changed their investment patterns at

Not Scrubbed plants after the heightened enforcement of NSR. The positive coefficient is con-

sistent with a policy of accelerating investments to “make up” for the period of low investment,

though the standard errors on the coefficient are large and it is never statistically distinguishable

from zero. Finally, the coefficient on Scrubber Added After 1997 suggests that plants increase

their capital by around 20 percent when they add scrubbers, though it is also estimated with

considerable noise and statistically indistinguishable from zero.

Table 2 reports estimates of equation (10) using ln(Total Capital) levels in 1998 to 2004. The

table is based on the same sample as reported in columns (3)-(6) of Table 1 (i.e., excluding plants

that installed scrubbers after 1988). The signs of the coefficient estimates are consistent with

those reported in Table 1, suggesting slower growth in capital at Not Scrubbed plants in the 1998-

2002 period. The implied magnitudes of the effects, eight percent less capital at Not Scrubbed

plants in 2000 and more than three percent in 1998, imply a slightly larger effect than reflected

in Table 1.20 Not Scrubbed plants invested significantly more capital in 2003, perhaps suggesting

20In light of the differences in age and capacity identified in Section 3, we re-estimated the specifications reported

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they were making up for several years of low investment.

As the number of observations by year reported in Table 2 indicates, we have a fair amount of

attrition in our data set. This is primarily due to divestitures, wherein plants are transferred to

nonutility owners who are no longer required to report plant financial statistics to the regulatory

agencies. Between 1998 and 2004, there were only 25 coal units retired (out of over 800 in our data

set) and 8 coal plants retired (out of over 300 in our data set). As a result, it seems unlikely that

the attrition is related to efficiency.21 We estimated versions of both the specifications reported

in the fifth column of Table 1 and the specifications reported in Table 2 using a balanced panel

and obtained similar results to those reported.

Table 3 report specifications of equation (8) for the operations and maintenance expenditures.

The coefficients on Not Scrubbed ∗ NSR Enforcement Period are small and statistically in-

distinguishable from zero across all specifications. Specifications based on equation (10) showed

similarly inconclusive results in the early years or the treatment period, and significantly negative

results in 2001 and 2002.

The results discussed in this section suggest that the increased enforcement of NSR during

the 1998-2002 period may have reduced capital spending at plants at risk of triggering a costly

review. NSR enforcement does not seem to have systematically reduced spending on O&M.

4.2 Fuel Efficiency and Emissions

The data we use to estimate equation (8) for fuel inputs are available with much finer disag-

gregation than the capital and O&M expenditures both over time and across units, but are

unfortunately only available beginning in 1996. As described more fully in the appendix, the

fuel input data are collected by the EPA every hour from each unit. Since we have nearly 900

units operating over 9 years, we begin with an hourly data set with over 55 million observations.

in Table 2 using five-part linear splines in both Age and Size instead of the third-order polynomial. The resultswere very similar to those reported.

21Divestitures were essentially mandated by some state regulatory agencies as part of the electricity industryrestructuring. See Bushnell and Wolfram (2005).

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The NSR effects that we are looking for require nowhere near this level of detail, but the con-

trol variables that we use, output and temperature, vary hour to hour in important ways. To

balance these factors, we aggregated observations for each unit up to the weekly level.22 Since

the temperature data are only available after July 1996, we do not use the first half of 1996

in our specifications, although unreported specifications that omitted temperature and included

observations from the first half of 1996 were very similar to the reported results.

Table 4 reports specifications for which the dependent variable is ln(HeatRate). All speci-

fications include unit-fixed effects and year-fixed effects that vary depending on whether a unit

is Large or Small and depending on whether it is Y oung or Old. The specification in column

(1) is based on all units in the data set and uses 1998-2002 as the treatment period, while col-

umn (2) is estimated using all non-scrubbed units and scrubbed units if their scrubbers were

intsalled before 1988. Column (3), which is based on the same data sample as column (2),

uses 1998-2000 as the treatment period, and column (4) uses instrumental variables to estimate

a similar specification to column (3).23 Note that in the case of fuel efficiency, instrument-

ing has the classic effect and dampens its relationship with output. The variable of interest,

Not Scrubbed∗NSR Enforcement Period, is small and statistically indistinguishable from zero

in all specifications. The coefficient is so precisely estimated that we can reject the hypothesis

that Not Scrubbed units’ heat rates increased (i.e., fuel efficiency decreased) by one percent in

every specification.

Table 5 reports results that evaluate whether emissions rates changed with heightened NSR

enforcement. The first two columns of Table 5 are estimated using ln(NOxRate) as the dependent

variable, and the last two columns use ln(SO2Rate) as the dependent variable. Sulfur dioxide

(SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) are the most expensive pollutants for coal-fired power plants to

22In related work, we used the hourly data to estimate a nonparametric relationship between output and fuelefficiency (Bushnell and Wolfram, 2005). The estimated relationship is quite close to the log-log specification weuse here.

23To save space, Table 4 does not include IV versions of the specifications in columns (1) and (2). In thosespecifications, the coefficients on Not Scrubbed ∗NSR Enforcement Period is smaller in absolute value than incolumn (4). Also, hourly sales data were not available for 6 states in 2004, so there are slightly fewer observationsin column (4) than in column (3). OLS results using the column (4) data set were very similar to those reportedin column (3).

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mitigate.24 The specifications are comparable to columns (3) and (4) of Table 4.25 Results from

other specifications, including those comparable to columns (1) through (4) of Tables 1 and 3,

similarly showed no discernible effect. The specifications in all of the columns of Table 5 suggest

that increased NSR enforcement had no appreciable effect on either NOx or SO2 emissions.26

As noted above, a feared perverse outcome is that rigorous enforcement of NSR inhibited

firms from investing in capital leading to higher emissions from existing plants than there would

be if they were not policed. Our results are inconsistent with this outcome, at least over the short

time period when NSR was strictly enforced. Note that our specifications test whether emissions

at grandfathered plants are higher under rigorous enforcement of NSR than they would have

been under a lax enforcement regime. It is theoretically possible that an increase in emissions

from existing plants subject to tight NSR enforcement could more than offset the reduction in

emissions from the new plants driven by their compliance with the New Source Performance

Standards, suggesting that emissions are overall higher with the regulation than they would be

absent any regulation. As we find no discernible impact on emissions at the existing plants, we

do not consider this counterfactual.

5 Conclusion

This paper considers the effects of NSR on coal-fired power plant operations. A vintage-differentiated

regulation such as NSR can distort behavior in several ways. Perhaps most obviously, it may

cause owners of existing plants to keep their capital in service for longer since building a new

24Carbon dioxide was not mitigated during our sample period, and CO2 emissions are proportional to fuelefficiency.

25The results in Table 5 include three dummy variables to control for changes in regional regulations thatimpacted NOx emissions rates, including the Ozone Transport Commission NOx Budget Program and the NOxBudget Trading Program. While highly significant, the inclusion of the dummy variables does not affect thecoefficients on Not Scrubbed ∗ NSR Enforcement Period, suggesting that there are roughly equal fractions ofscrubbed and unscrubbed plants across the regions affected and not affected by these regulations.

26Keohane, Mansur and Voynov (2009) find that plants that faced a high probability of being sued reduced SO2emissions in 1999. That paper has a different control group than ours – plants that faced a low probability of beingsued, whether or not they had a scrubber. They also have a different specification for the emissions regression, asthey estimate emissions while our dependent variable is the emissions rate. Also, we control flexibly for differentialtrends by age and size of the plant. However, we suspect that the main cause of the differences is that Keohane,Mansur and Voynov (2009) consider the addition of a scrubber, if the investment happened during the treatmentwindow, as a treatment effect. By contrast, we isolate plants that add scrubbers during the treatment windowwith a separate dummy variable. For this set of plants, emissions do indeed decline substantially.

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plant becomes more expensive. Early work on NSR found some evidence of this effect (Maloney

and Brady, 1988 and Nelson, Tietenberg and Donihue, 1993). At the same time, monitoring of

existing plants to ensure that significant, life-extending upgrades include state-of-the-art pollu-

tion control equipment may cause firms to invest less in their plants. We find some evidence

that this effect was relevant at coal-fired power plants, but no evidence that this led to reduced

fuel efficiency or increased emissions. There are several possible interpretations of this result. It

could imply that industry claims about the efficiency impacts of heightened enforcement were

overblown, or even that the new bias against capital introduced by NSR offset some pre-existing

bias in favor of capital.27 However, given the complexities and durable nature of power plants, it

is also possible that continued under-investment in the capital stock would have eventually led

to a decline in fuel efficiency. We find some evidence that the reductions in capital investment

during this period were offset when the rules were subsequently relaxed.

Over the past decade, the New Source Review program has come under fire from both en-

vironmentalists and the utility companies. The environmentalists, apparently frustrated that

plants exempt from regulations in the 1970s are still in service today, contend that utilities are

routinely flouting the regulations and performing major overhauls to their plants without apply-

ing for permits. While this might be true, it is possible that the utilities would have overhauled

their plants even in the absence of the regulations, so the question boils down to how stringently

the EPA should enforce the NSR requirement and whether the old units should be required to

install pollution control equipment.

Since the early 1990’s the EPA has moved away from command-and-control regulation and has

implemented or proposed implementing market-based cap-and-trade programs. This calls into

question the role of performance standards such as NSR. For instance, the Acid Rain Program

caps the number of SO2 permits available nationwide, so if the EPA took steps to require the

older plants to install scrubbers, this would just mean that those plants could sell their permits

27For example, if plant owners were allowed a regulatory rate-of-return in excess of their true cost of capital, the“Averch-Johnson effect” may have led toward excessive spending on capital. The additional capital cost introducedby the NSR effect may then have offset this pro-investment bias and pushed the plant closer to an efficient frontier.

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and other plants could increase their emissions of SO2. In light of this shift, EPA regulators

with whom we have spoken suggest that NSR is now most effective as a tool for preventing local

“hot spots” of pollution. With performance standards for greenhouse gas emissions potentially

on the horizon, there will again be questions about the extent to which new source performance

standards should be imposed on existing plants that retrofit. This paper provides evidence that

applying these standards can induce distortions in capital investment.

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Power Plant Emissions,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 40(4), 571-591.

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[25] Nelson, Randy A., Tietenberg, Tom, and Michael R. Donihue (1993). “Differential Environ-

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Figure 1: Plant Age Distribution – Not Scrubbed versus Scrubbed








0 20 40 60





AgeGraphs by Scrubber Dummy (1=Scrubbed)

Figure 2: Plant Size Distribution – Not Scrubbed versus Scrubbed









0 1000 2000 3000 4000





Size (MW)Graphs by Scrubber Dummy (1=Scrubbed)

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Figure 3a: Plant Capital – Trends by Plant Category







t Ca


l Re


e to



1985 1990 1995 2000 2005Year


NSR Enforcement Period: 1998-2002

All Plants, No Controls

Figure 3b: Plant Capital – Trends by Plant Category





nt C


tal R



to 1


1985 1990 1995 2000 2005Year


NSR Enforcement Period: 1998-2002

All Plants, Age & Size Controls

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Figure 3c: Plant Capital – Trends by Plant Category





nt C


tal R



to 1


1985 1990 1995 2000 2005Year


NSR Enforcement Period: 1998-2002

Existing Scrubber, Age & Size Controls

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Figure 4a: Plant Operations and Maintenance Expenditures – Trends by Plant Category









to 1


1985 1990 1995 2000 2005Year


NSR Enforcement Period: 1998-2002

All Plants, No Controls

Figure 4b: Plant Operations and Maintenance Expenditures – Trends by Plant











to 1


1985 1990 1995 2000 2005Year


NSR Enforcement Period: 1998-2002

All Plants, Age & Size Controls

Page 37: Enforcement of Vintage Di erentiated Regulations: The Case of … · 2012-02-27 · Enforcement of Vintage Di erentiated Regulations:


Figure 4c: Plant Operations and Maintenance Expenditures – Trends by Plant Category










to 1


1985 1990 1995 2000 2005Year


NSR Enforcement Period: 1998-2002

Existing Scrubber, Age & Size Controls

Page 38: Enforcement of Vintage Di erentiated Regulations: The Case of … · 2012-02-27 · Enforcement of Vintage Di erentiated Regulations:


Table 1: Plant Capital – Fixed Effect Method Dependent Variable: ln(Total Capital)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)






No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing

Scrubbers Not Scrubbed* NSR Enforcement Period

-0.047 -0.070** -0.025 -0.057** -0.038* -0.076*** (0.037) (0.034) (0.020) (0.026) (0.020) (0.028)

Not Scrubbed*Post NSR Enforcement Period

0.089 0.059 0.103 0.087 0.047 0.028 (0.115) (0.108) (0.084) (0.084) (0.044) (0.045)

Scrubber Added After 1997

0.194 0.220 0.193 0.220 0.193 0.220 (0.131) (0.145) (0.128) (0.145) (0.128) (0.145)

ln(Output) 0.154*** 0.600*** 0.139** 0.647*** 0.139** 0.647*** (0.054) (0.212) (0.058) (0.211) (0.058) (0.211)

Estimation Method OLS IV OLS IV OLS IV NSR Enforcement Period

1998-2002 1998-2002 1998-2002 1998-2002 1998-2000 1998-2000

Observations 5063 5063 4519 4519 4519 4519 R2 0.97 0.97 0.97 First-stage F-statistic 14.59 11.84 11.80

Standard errors adjusted for clustering at the plant level. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

Data are annual, plant-level observations from 1988-2004. All specifications include plant effects and year effects that are allowed to vary depending on whether

plants are Large (>= 800 MW) or Small and Young (< 30 years old) or Old. Instrument for ln(Output): ln(State Sales).

The “No or Pre-Existing Scrubber” sample includes all Not Scrubbed plants as well as Scrubbed plants so long as their scrubbers were installed by 1988.

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Table 2: Plant Capital – Lagged Controls Method Dependent Variable: ln(Total Capital)

1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Not Scrubbed -0.034** -0.067 -0.081* -0.033 0.002 0.090* 0.075

(0.015) (0.052) (0.048) (0.051) (0.028) (0.053) (0.070) Observations 255 230 211 200 190 189 163 R2 .99 0.95 0.96 0.96 0.99 0.96 0.95

* significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1% Sample includes all Not Scrubbed plants as well as Scrubbed plants so long as their

scrubbers were installed by 1988. Each cell represents a coefficient from a regression where the dependent variable is measured in the year specified in the column header. All specifications include ln(Output), Scrubber Added After 1997, third order polynomials in Age and Size, ln(Total Capital)1988 - ln(Total

Capital)1997, ln(Output)1988 - ln(Output)1997

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Table 3: Plant Operations and Maintenance Expenditures – Fixed Effect Method

Dependent Variable: ln(Total O&M)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)






No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing

Scrubbers Not Scrubbed* NSR Enforcement Period

-0.025 -0.058 0.029 -0.024 0.042 -0.020 (0.036) (0.038) (0.039) (0.046) (0.043) (0.049)

Not Scrubbed*Post NSR Enforcement Period

-0.021 -0.065 0.086 0.060 0.039 0.008 (0.049) (0.060) (0.054) (0.074) (0.044) (0.061)

Scrubber Added After 1997

-0.024 0.012 -0.027 0.018 -0.026 0.019 (0.076) (0.084) (0.078) (0.092) (0.078) (0.092)

Ln(Output) 0.212*** 0.861*** 0.182** 1.022*** 0.182** 1.019*** (0.080) (0.269) (0.086) (0.282) (0.086) (0.281)

Estimation Method OLS IV OLS IV OLS IV NSR Enforcement Period

1998-2002 1998-2002 1998-2002 1998-2002 1998-2000 1998-2000

Observations 5063 5063 4519 4519 4519 4519 R2 0.93 0.94 0.94 First-stage F-statistic 14.59 11.84 11.80

Standard errors adjusted for clustering at the plant level. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

Data are annual, plant level observations from 1988-2004. All specifications include plant effects and year effects that are allowed to vary depending on whether

plants are Large (>= 800 MW) or Small and Young (< 30 years old) or Old. Instrument for ln(Output): ln(State Sales).

The “No or Pre-Existing Scrubber” sample includes all Not Scrubbed plants as well as Scrubbed plants so long as their scrubbers were installed by 1988.

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Table 4: Unit Heat Rates – Fixed Effect Method Dependent Variable: ln(Heat Rate)

(1) (2) (3) (4)




No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing


No or Pre- Existing

Scrubbers Not Scrubbed* NSR Enforcement Period

-0.005 -0.007 -0.010 -0.011 (0.007) (0.008) (0.007) (0.007)

Not Scrubbed*Post NSR Enforcement Period

-0.003 -0.002 -0.002 <0.001 (0.010) (0.012) (0.011) (0.010)

Scrubber Added After 1997 -0.007 -0.007 -0.007 -0.002 (0.019) (0.019) (0.019) (0.018)

ln(Output) -0.308*** -0.307*** -0.307*** -0.203*** (0.013) (0.013) (0.013) (0.019)

Temperature 0.006 0.007 0.007 0.009* (0.004) (0.005) (0.005) (0.005)

Estimation Method OLS OLS OLS IV NSR Enforcement Period 1998-2002 1998-2002 1998-2000 1998-2000 Observations 344,363 313,013 313,013 310,387 R2 0.48 0.47 0.47 First-stage F-statistic 200.9

Standard errors adjusted for clustering at the unit level. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

Data are weekly, unit level observations from July 1996-December 2004. All specifications include unit effects and year effects that are allowed to vary

depending on whether units are Large (>= 400 MW) or Small and Young (< 30 years old) or Old. Instrument for ln(Output): ln(State Sales).

The “No or Pre-Existing Scrubber” sample includes all Not Scrubbed units as well as Scrubbed units so long as their scrubbers were installed by 1988.

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Table 5: Emissions Rates – Fixed Effect Method

(1) (2) (3) (4) Dependent variable: ln(NOx Rate) ln(SO2 Rate)

Not Scrubbed* NSR Enforcement Period

0.002 -0.003 -0.003 -0.003 (0.022) (0.022) (0.025) (0.025)

Not Scrubbed*Post NSR Enforcement Period

-0.043 -0.035 0.029 0.030 (0.041) (0.042) (0.042) (0.042)

Scrubber Added After 1997 -0.025 -0.001 -1.824*** -1.817*** (0.068) (0.064) (0.230) (0.229)

ln(Output) -0.167*** 0.336*** -0.116*** -0.041 (0.012) (0.085) (0.013) (0.088)

Temperature -0.157*** -0.161*** -0.006 -0.006 (0.013) (0.014) (0.009) (0.010)

Estimation Method OLS IV OLS IV NSR Enforcement Period 1998-2000 1998-2000 1998-2000 1998-2000 Observations 308,952 306,328 311,965 309,339 R2 0.66 0.84 First-stage F-statistic 218.3 217.7

Standard errors adjusted for clustering at the unit level. * significant at 10%; ** significant at 5%; *** significant at 1%

Data are weekly, unit level observations from July 1996-December 2004. All specifications also include a dummy variable indicating the beginning of the Ozone Transport Commission NOx Budget Program, which covered 9 states and DC and

began in 1999, and two dummy variables indicating the beginning of the NOx Budget Trading Program in 2004—one variable for the units in the states that were already part of the Ozone Transport Commission and a second for the units in the

12 states newly covered by the NOx Budget Trading Program. All specifications include unit effects and year effects that are allowed to vary depending on whether units are Large (>= 400 MW) or Small and Young (< 30

years old) or Old. Instrument for ln(Output): ln(State Sales). All specifications are estimated using the “No or Pre-Existing Scrubber” sample, which includes all Not Scrubbed units as well as Scrubbed units so long as their

scrubbers were installed by 1988.

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