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    Esoteric Decathlon

    Leukofilos Ierofaes Computer graphics: Theodoros Maurogiorgis.

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    Ten Stages of Spiritual Process

    Robert Fludd, Summum bonum, Frankfurt, 1629. Engraving.

    Leukofilos Ierofaes1

    Translation in English: Eytychia Katsandri

    1 The author began his incarnation in 1959 in Athens, Greece. He has been a mental and body therapist since 1986, after graduating from the University of Athens. The author does not claim the originality of the scientific positions or esoteric beliefs. This essay is a collection of knowledge and aims at the correct orientation of every esoteric seeker. The cited illustrations are alchemic emblems and works of art.

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    1st Stage

    Azoth Valentine Azoth, sive Aureli occult philosophorum, Frankfurt, 1613. Emblem 1.

    Awareness of the Unconscious

  • 4

    Every human is important to be aware of the actual reality, to experience their external environment and inner world as it really is and not as they fantasize it to be. Being in touch with the actual reality of a persons life results in: 1) The creation of a painful background which leads to the awareness of the unconscious of the persons existence, and 2) The tendency to seek for a change of the persons here and now When unaware, the person experiences (unconsciously) pain of malaise and dissatisfaction. This pain is perceived by various psychical2 and somatic symptoms (stress, somatic anxiety disorders) which the person cannot interpret. As a result, the person becomes a potential Seeker, asked to follow the proceedings of the transformation of his/her notions both about the external environment and the inner world. This course of transformation consists of successive transubstantiation of his/her entire human nature.

    2 Psychical is everything that composes the psyche (mental level) of a person, the aggregation of his emotional and cognitive functions. Everything a person can feel, experience and think, constitutes the psyche. Apart from humans, psyches also have the animals and the plants, at a different level of development. The mental level is governed by bipolarity (doublet). This means there are two poles between which life vibrates (formed creation). The bipolarity is expanded in multi-polarity but life always vibrates within two opposing poles.

  • 5

    2nd Stage

    Michel de Marolles, Tableaux du temple des muses, Paris, 1655. Engraving.


  • 6

    Full acceptance means to realize and experience, within a controlled context, every aspect of the unconscious psychic part, no matter how unreal it may seem. In this awareness process any kind of valid, scientific, non fanatic knowledge can be very helpful. Attention should be paid because there lays the danger of intellectualization rationalization. The purpose is to experience every single unconscious part in its full intensity. One parameter that confirms full acceptance of all psychic parts is for the Seeker to find the corresponding aspects of his/hers psychic states in every external situation he/she deals with. Rejection3 of any kind related to the Seekers external situation, disorients him/her from the path of Truth. It is important for every Seeker to know that every feeling and every psychic aspect can be of absolute use. The way these psychical elements are used is significant as it demonstrates whether the aim is self-centric 4 or mature 5.

    3 Rejection: Im not jealous. I am not violent (physically or mentally). I do not have immoral feelings or thoughts. 4 Entering the womb, the fetus feels love for the mother; she is his whole world (universe). That is the reality for the fetus and subsequently for the newborn. As the relationship between mother and baby is growing, any rejection or frustration from the mother could traumatize the baby and cause severe pain (due to the primordial rejection or frustration of the baby from the mother, as she is his whole world). [Rejection: You do not have the right to exist, meaning, I want you to stop being, meaning, I want you to die. . Frustration: I allow you to exist but you do not have any right, meaning, you have no right to feel and express any kind of need]. To avoid pain, caused by the trauma, the ego (of the fetus or the newborn), develops defense mechanisms to be protected from the revival of that pain. This happens every time the person retrogresses, every time external situations mobilize the emotional intensity of the trauma (primordial rejection or frustration). The rejected or frustrated needs of the baby create the ego-centric, childlike part of the persons psyche. This part is in excessive pain and uses the defense mechanisms developed after experiencing the initial trauma, in order to avoid pain every time the person retrogresses. The use of the defense mechanisms results to the ego-centric (selfish) behavior. Every Seeker should recognize that every time a person has an ego-centric behavior, using the defense mechanisms, actually the person has been retrogressed, unconsciously, to the trauma and behind the mask of the childlike, ego-centric behavior is in excessive pain. The knowledge of the above help the Seeker develop a sense of compassion (analyzed thoroughly in Stage #5) which has two prerequisites:

  • 7

    Suppose a person filled with hatred and dominated by his instincts to kill, if his aim is ego-centric, he becomes an assassin, while if he has an adult aim he becomes a surgeon. A person filled with love and dominated by his need for companionship when acting in an ego-centric way becomes possessive (symbiotic) while when acting in an adult manner forms a relationship based on ultimate respect. In depth contact with and acceptance of the psychical aspects lead the Seeker to realize the distress caused by the cancellation of the internal desire6 (libido) inherent in everybody towards the real, mature, unselfish life. If the ego-centric part of the persons psyche is not the predominant one and the defense mechanisms are weakened, may be the time for the prevalence 7of the will 8 to change.

    a) The Seeker should first revive his/her own primordial pain and thus discontinue his/her ego-centric behavior and b) Being in touch with the traumatic pain of others, the Seeker sets limits to their childlike ego-centric demands in an adult manner. 5 The person gets in touch with the actual reality (analyzed thoroughly at Stage 4) in a way that the unconscious or conscious childlike, ego-centric emotions are not influencing his/her actions. 6 In a mental level, self-induced frustration, inhibition, barring desire occurs when there is a primordial rejection or frustration of the initial desire desire for nurture from an accepting mother who is offering with affection to the newborn. In defense, the newborn is frustrated, blocks the desire to avoid being in pain due to the annulment of his desire from a rejecting mother. The above mentioned self-induced frustration of the desire (depressive background) may result to the automatic inhibition of the desire for spiritual quest as well (in avoidance of the pain caused by any cancellation). 7 The emotional load of this decision is the pain caused by the trauma. The childlike part of the psyche always strives to: a) fulfill its rejected or cancelled needs and b) use its defenses to avoid pain. When the mature (adult) part of the psyche is connected to the persons Here and Now and decides according the adult interest, the childlike part feels rejected and frustrated, is in pain even if this rejection derives from the individuals own adult part. In this stage, every Seeker realizes that the process of fulfilling the adult desire (avoidance of the ego-centric defenses) passes through the constant revival of the pain caused by the primordial (childhood / psychic) trauma. 8 I have the will: I decide after thought I desire because I have decided to.

  • 8

    3rd Stage

    Book of Lambspring Musaeum hermeticum, Frankfurt, 1625. Emblem 7.


  • 9

    Grounding is composed by the acts of getting in touch with and experiencing the wholeness of the psyche in the actual reality, while simultaneously the person manifests an adult attitude. Adult attitude9 should be constant in the Seekers everyday life. Consequences of the adult attitude are: 1) a stoic philosophical lifestyle, acting without emotional surges (enactments) but also without mental rigidity, 2) the creation of a psychic astral vehicle to cross the astral world which is the connection between the earthly material level and the spiritual10 level, to reach the spiritual level. The results of the manifestation of the persons grounded, adult attitude are: 1) to experience the guileless love11 which pre-exists the primordial rejection or frustration and goes beyond time and space

    9 The Seeker is aware of: a) of his/her mental side which is activated without any kind of censorship, b) the here and now of his/her life and ) his /her adult interest The result of this awareness is to be activated without the influence of ego-centric (childlike) emotions. 10 Spiritual is everything composing the Divine Law from which emanates the Divine Plan for the achievement of the formed creation. Platos theory of Forms and Ideas Archetypes are the names by which the Divine Plan is known. Central role in the Divine Plan has the One Law (the Law of Divine Harmony) on which is expanding both the unformed (Platonic World of Ideas) and the formed (manifested) creation. The One Law (Law of Divine Harmony) is the first manifested, unchanged Divine Essence, which coincides with number zero 0. In the core of every individual there is a Divine Essence which at the same time is part and whole of the cosmic (universal) Divine Essence. Being in connection with their individual Divine Essence (inner self), every Seeker is connected with the universal Divine Essence because, as mentioned above, the individual Divine Essence is at the same time part and wholeness of the universal Divine Essence. Spirituality is governed by non-polarity, by Unity (Integrity), hence by Number One. Every Archetype expands in two opposing poles within which life vibrates (see footnote 2). 11 See footnote 4. Because of the primordial rejection or frustration, the fetus (or the newborn) hates the person object (mother) who is making it suffer absolute pain. Later, the newborn feels disgust for the transacting care given by the mother, primordial object, because of this absolute pain. Fear is located in between:

  • 10

    2) to save the necessary psychical energy for crossing the astral world. If the Seeker repels some of his/her psychical sides by rejecting them, not only loses the energy contained in the repelled sides but also the energy is using to keep them undisclosed. As a result, there is lack of the necessary energy required for setting off the esoteric process. An important clarification: there is a difference between accepting ones sides and having an ego centric behavior (see footnote 9).

    a) pain and hatred (afraid of the pain that can, since it is absolute, lead to despair and madness), and / or b) hatred and disgust (fear to hate the person object causing this absolute pain, if the object is killed by the fetus or the newborn then the fetus or the newborn will die as well). To feel the primordial love, the individual should realize and experience the above mentioned emotional process in reverse order. This means to feel disgust fear hatred fear pain love. To feel the guileless love which pre-exists the primordial rejection or frustration and goes beyond time and space, in other words to love completely, the individual should experience and encompass, in an adult manner, without repulsion, all the aforementioned emotions.

  • 11

    4th Stage

    Michael Maier Symbola aurea mensae, Frankfurt, 1617. Engraving.

    Obviate the Projections

  • 12

    People comprehend feel the outer world by projecting on the outer objects (psychology term which defines and designates the individuals) and situations (facts) their own psychical sides. As a result, people experience subjectively the real (objective) world. Adult behavior can lead to the experience of the objective actual reality12, to the obviation of the psychical projections. Criterion of whether the obviation of projections is successful, is the constant revival of the pain (trauma). The childlike part of the psyche tends to perceive13 parental presence everywhere even if the parents have hurt it (rejected it frustrated it) completely. If the Seeker is able to withdraw his/her psychical projections every time then is able to see the reality of the process he/she has to go through in the astral (psychic) world which will lead him/her to the spiritual level (cosmos). The obviation of the psychical projections results in: 1) Bridging the schism14 (Alchemical compound of the opposites15), and

    12 See footnote 9. 13 See footnote 4. Two analogous versions of the theory of defense, having exactly the same results for the individuals both on their emotional reality and their activation in the outside world are: a) the theory about the recurrence of the recorded emotional scenario: the interactive emotional relationship the individual (fetus newborn infant) has with the persons objects that surround it (parents) from the moment it enters the womb (conception) until the third year of his life (minor additional influences until the sixth year), creates an emotional psychical scenario the individual repeats (revives) throughout his life in response to different external stimuli. The dominant object, from conception until the first nine months of life, is the mother. The father at that time acts subsidiary by supporting the mother to provide correctly. b) the theory about the introjection of the object relations: the individual introjects (internalizes appropriates appends) the disposition of his/her parents, the sum of these dispositions constitutes the individuals disposition. The Seeker is asked to realize experience both the scenario and the introjections, to act consciously (being in contact with his/her emotions) and his/her actions be free from psychical emotional childlike influences. It is easy to understand that the above mentioned procedure is immensely painful (see footnote 7). 14 The schism is a fundamental defense mechanism created by the ego in order the individual to bear at the same time: a) the pain caused by the primordial rejection frustration and b) receiving care from the rejecting object (mother) who is causing immense pain. To combine these situations the individual (fetus newborn) introjects two objects (mothers), the first is rejecting and the second (different from the first)

  • 13

    2) Cancellation16 of the childlike impulses in an adult manner (Alchemical transubstantiation17).

    is providing. The result is to experience one object as two opposite ones (rejecting frustrating and providing). In the adult world, the schism defense mechanism leads the individual to swing into contradictory emotions towards the people objects in his/her environment. The transition occurs depending on whether the objects action is painful for the egocentric child, whether the child feels that the object is providing or not. For example, if a person - object primarily seen as providing, for any reason even minor or fantastic, is experienced as non-providing (rejecting frustrating), the schism is activated and the object is rejected (the individual does not want the object in his/her life acting like his/her mother who rejected him/her from her life). 15 Conscious Unconscious. In practice is the experience of one real objective world and not of many, analogous to the childlike emotions. 16 See footnote 7 and 9. When the Seeker is able to encompass his/her ego-centric childlike part and act irrespectively of the childlike emotions, his adult part inevitably cancels the childlike impulses and revives the pain of the primordial rejection frustration. The advantage of the adult frustration is the use of the childlike impulse energy (primordial desire) from the Seeker to achieve any adult aim. This procedure is indeed very painful though the result could be brilliant (the entire emotional world assisted by the cognitive function as a whole, work together to achieve the adult aim). 17 Alchemic substantiation through the element of Fire (consciousness), in practice is the use of the childlike impulse energy of every ego-centric part in the achievement of any adult aim, with an adult attitude.

  • 14

    5th Stage

    Hermaphroditisches Sonn -und Monds- Kind, Maintz, 1752. Emblem 3.

    Sealing the Completion of the Psychic Astral Vehicle

  • 15

    To confirm that the creation of the appropriate correct astral (psychic) vehicle is completed, it should be tested interactively in the actual reality. The Seeker is asked to develop and manifest his/her compassion (not just his tolerance) for the childlike ego-centric part of others. This ego-centric part should be experienced and comprehended as being the mirror of the ego-centric part of the Seekers psyche. The Seeker is asked to know and feel that people use their ego defenses, behave in an ego-centric manner when, for whatever reason, they are retrogressed and thus the pain of their primordial trauma is mobilized. The Seeker is asked to know and feel that behind the ego-centric painful behavior towards him or among people, there is a child in immense pain. The Seeker is asked to constantly recognize his/her childlike part behind the ego-centric behavior of others. The Seeker may, by experiencing the pain of his/her trauma in every ego-centric behavior of others presented and reflected to him/her, feel compassion for them. Consequently, endurance to the pain of the primordial trauma and activation in accordance with an adult attitude are the criteria for the consolidation18 of compassion. This compassion has no trace of pity, as pity is ruled by disgust. Solid evidence for the consolidation of compassion is the ability to accept and respect every different, ego-centric fanatic dogmatic childlike belief. Accepting, of course, does not mean to lack adult limits to the ego-centric behavior of others. Besides, the adult interest of any human never contradicts the adult interest of another (Alchemical marriage, formation of the Androgynous19).

    18 Feeling lonely, inevitably, follows compassion. The Seeker realizes that being compassionate has altered his/her emotional dialogue with others. The result is lack of communication. This results from the ego-centric behavior of others. It is impossible for them to understand the Seekers adult attitude and they are trying in every way to make him/her as well behave in an ego-centric manner (childlike). 19 Androgynous is the person who has realized his/her entire psyche, united the Masculine Conscious part with the Feminine Unconscious part. The capstone of this Alchemical procedure is the unification of the Conscious part with the core of the psyche, the center of the Unconscious (Jung had chosen for Center the names of Animus for Anima for ) consequently, the transformation of a raw human to a complete one, able to knock courageously the Mysteries door, hoping they will be disclosed.

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    6th Stage

    Zadith ben Hamuel De Chemia Senioris, 1566, Woodcut.

    Adult Creation

  • 17

    Evidence for the manifestation of the complete human in the actual reality, is adult creation. Given that the adult interest of any human never contradicts the adult interest of another (5th Stage), adult creation in actual life has the following properties: Express Harmony and, therefore, advance the world (universal) Harmony. Reduce entropy20. Promote the adult interest of the creator and appeal to others through the promotion of their adult interest. A fundamental adult aim every Seeker should set is the material emotional sufficiency21. The Seeker is asked to be constantly activated in producing adult creations and move towards his/her material emotional sufficiency. Every Seeker is asked to know that the adult creation is the precursor for his/her spiritual creation and his/her identity for the spiritual process. Consequence of the adult creation is the active philanthropy, the psychic vehicle of which is compassion22 and aims at reducing pain23 of any kind. The completion of the first six Stages is a prerequisite for anyone who wants to become a Mentor and be able to guide correctly other people. Every Mentor (parent, teacher, psychotherapist, politician etc) in order to be able to guide without being influenced by his/her psychical condition, should complete the first six Stages, otherwise the experiences will be repeated, as received, to the people he/she is guiding. The completion of the first six Stages is also a necessary prerequisite for every Mentor in order to start the spiritual process. If the six Stages remain incomplete, they should at least be realized (experienced in depth), otherwise any spiritual progress is only a fantasy.

    20 Term in Physics, equals the energy of ataxia in all levels as well as in the universe. 21 Sufficiency (material emotional) is the ability to exist and survive without being dependent (having a symbiotic relation) on any substance action - person. The basis of sufficiency is the acceptance of humans inability to survive on their own and the need for adult assistance from the others; not the childlike dependence (parental relationship) on others when for any reason they do not want to offer. 22 See Stage 5. 23 This is one of the reasons the Seeker is asked to exclude meat from his/her meals. It is obvious that meat eating involves causing severe pain.

  • 18

    7th Stage

    Abraham Bosse (1602-1604 - 14/2/1676), La calcination Solaire de l'antimoine. Engraving.

    Spiritual Deficiency

  • 19

    Every Seeker having contact with the actual reality, being an adult and keeping his/her creative part activated through adult creation, has the requirements to experience adult happiness in his/her life. But, although there is adult happiness, the person feels deficient. The deficiency is not of the psyche the person is psychically complete, feeling compassion for other people (Stage 5). The reason the person feels deficient is that feels incomplete in a level superior to the psychical. The Seeker should pay great attention to the nature of this deficiency because it is supplementary to the psychical completion, the adult attitude, the sufficiency (material and emotional), the loneliness and the compassion hence it is accompanied by the constant contact with the pain of the primordial trauma. If the Seeker is deficient due to psychical parameters has retrogressed24 to the primordial trauma, then should arrange his/her psychical level (Stages 1 6) because the experience (deficit) is not spiritual. Consequence of the Seekers spiritual deficiency is the experience of: 1) adult pain due to remoteness from the Divine Source, and 2) eager adult desire and will to return to his/her origin Source. This is a revival of Stage 1 in a superior spiritual level.

    24 In this case the sufficiency lays in the childlike part which eagerly desires an accepting providing supporting parent (mainly the mother) who will provide and support it in every aspect of its life.

  • 20

    8th Stage

    Le triomphe hermetique, Amsterdam, 1689. Engraving.

    Choosing the Appropriate Path

  • 21

    Every Seeker, felling the eager desire and will to return to his/her Divine Source of origin, to the spiritual level from which all emanate and all return, is led to look for and find the spiritual path. The Seeker is asked to know that every internal process should be under the protection of an organised Mystical Tradition. The theurgical activities of the framed grounded Mystical paths are based in authentic organized rituals. As a result, theurgical activities are valid regardless of the psychic emotional, ego-centric state of the person who performs the ritual (theurgical activity). The performed ritual should be structured in a way that every participant Seeker could experience the rituals entity itself, regardless of the performer. The theurgical activities rituals should be unaffected from the persons who perform them. Initiatory paths without the protection of a Mystical Tradition are spiritually unsupported because they are lacking inner frame and can become prey for any ego-centric ignorant. Every Mystical Tradition should be authentic, directly connected with the spiritual level and accredited by it. Authentic Mystical traditions have certain qualities: 1) They fully accept, not just tolerate, all the mental aspects of the participants. 2) They allow the adult manifestation of all mental aspects, setting adult25 limits to every ego-centric behavior; therefore, have a non-authoritarian functioning. 3) The philosophical background (theory), on which the Initiatory process is grounded should not be rigid, on the contrary, should be developing according to documented scientific revisions. Aristotles view that when a theory is not consistent with the scientific evolution, should change the theory not the scientific framework is the base of a solemn esoteric process. Evolution of the philosophical background according to science or inspiration is fair, but each change should be based on the revised Initiatory process. 4) They claim to posses the Truth like other solemn esoteric organizations. No serious esoteric organization claims the absolute Truth that no one else knows. Comparative religion can enrich the Mystical path of a solemn Initiatory process. Choosing the appropriate esoteric organization should match the Seekers status, meaning the Initiatory path should match his/her physique26 and

    25 Stage 5: The adult interest of any human never contradicts the adult interest of another 26 It should be easy for the Seeker to take the bodily positions the rituals demand. Standing for a long time, often and repeated kneeling, prone or supine elongation, lotus position etc, could be deterrent for someones physique. In this case the Seeker should look for a different appropriate path.

  • 22

    psychical27 structure, otherwise there is the risk of finding themselves in a deadlock. The Seeker should know that multiple spiritual activities show lack of esoteric solemnity. A solemn Seeker is asked to investigate thoroughly and in detail before choosing which path to follow. Entering the Initiatory process the Seeker should decide his/her staying or withdrawal regardless of his/her psychical projections. This is another confirmation that is necessary for the Seeker to have completed the first six Stages before entering any Initiatory path. This is about a revival of Stages 2 and 3, in a superior spiritual level.

    Inability to follow the Initiatory process due to the persons physique is experienced as a rejection (despair), mobilizes the primordial pain and may cause frustration for all esoteric organizations. 27 Initiatory processes should avoid activities that mobilize internal conflicts because there is the risk of raising psychical defenses and miss the desired spiritual effect. Initiatory processes certainly mobilize psychical sides so as to be realized but the required activities should not be in contradiction with the psychical structure of the Seeker (sacrifices of any kind) as that would mobilize the defenses (rationalization) and disorientate the Initiatory process.

  • 23

    9th Stage

    Camille Flammarion 'L'atmosphere: meteorologie populaire', Paris, 1888. Color Image.

    Spiritual Coupling

  • 24

    A solemn Initiatory path leads ultimately to the continuous communion connection with the Divine level. This connection is achieved simultaneously both with the internal (inner self) and the external, Divine Essence, which are identical concepts. A solemn Mystical path passes through the experience28 of: 1) the formed (manifested) creation on its whole, 2) the Laws (Archetypes Platos theory of Forms and Ideas), which govern the formed creation and its rhythm (Divine Plan), 3) the Divine Law (Law of Divine Harmony). At the end of the path there is the Sacred Marriage with spirituality and the absolute coupling (devotion) to it. This is a revival of Stages 4 and 5 in a superior spiritual level.

    28 See footnote 10.

  • 25

    10th Stage

    Domenico Beccafumi. Woodcut, Siena (1525 1540). Emblem 10.

    Spiritual Service

  • 26

    The activation following the spiritual coupling is one-way leading to the adult impulse of conveying the acquired consciousness to everyone. Every conscious Seeker feels that everything he /she experiences is his/her greatest honor to offer it back to humanity. Spiritual man cannot withstand experiencing both internal29 and external30 Divine unity on his/her own, cannot withstand being happy while others suffer because they are lost. Spiritual man sets a double aim in life: 1) to convey the Divine Truth he/she posses, to expand cosmic universal Harmony (to reduce cosmic universal entropy) 2) to service the Divine Essence (internal and external) he/she experiences, to advance others consciousness by helping them with philanthropy in every level (to reduce cosmic universal pain). Psychical and spiritual Truth is given in a way appropriate for the persons conscious level, that is, the Truth appropriate for him/her. Spiritual Truth is not given to those who are not ready to listen and attend to it. Divine Service can be accomplished: 1) in direct ways, like the adult philanthropist activity, the adult and pure political activity, the adult teaching of the grounded internal spiritual Truth, the adult organized Initiatory theurgy. 2) in indirect ways, like the indulgence in the arts and the engagement with the sciences. This is a revival of Stage 6, in a superior spiritual level.

    29 Contact with the personal Divine Essence. 30 Experience the pure Divine Essence.

  • 27

    Divine Assistance

    Franchinus Gaffurius, Diccionario de Autores, 1492. Woodcut.

  • 28

    In the ten (10) Stages of the spiritual process Divine entity is perceived as follows:

    I. Time and place of birth.

    II. Rearing environment. III. Educational process.

    IV. Social environment.

    V. Inspiration ingenuity.

    VI. Love for Harmonic activities.

    VII. Pain of unfulfillment loneliness.

    VIII. Finding the appropriate Initiatory tradition.

    IX. Completion of the Initiatory process.

    X. Activation in a grounded spiritual path.