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Page 1: EMYH Funding | $1,000,000 Cash Advance

Get a $5,000 to $1,000,000 AdvanceAgainst Your Future Credit Card Sales

Get a $5,000 to $1,000,000advance against your futurecredit card sales from yourcustomers in as little as oneweek. A merchant cash advancefrom EMYH offers easyaccess to business capital withno fixed monthly payments orpayback period.

About Us How it Works Now is the Time

Your advance can beapproved in as little as 24hours.

No time limits, No interestpayments.

No monthly minimumpayments.

Our alternative fundingprogram is simply anadvance against yourfuture credit card receipts.

Banks often protect their assetsby saying "no" to loan requests.But at EMYH, we say "yes" to qual if ied small businesses 90% of the t ime. That's because we see a big future for small businesses. And that is because we al low your business to leverage an asset that banks don't even take into account - your future credit card

Basic Requirements:To take advantage of all thata EMYH merchant cash advance has to offer, youmust:

Have a history ofprocessing customer creditcards from your businessfor at least 60 days.

Process at least$5,000/month in creditcards from your customers.

The economy may be slow, butyour EMYH merchant cash advance could arr ivesurpr is ingly fast. In fact, anadvance of $5,000 to $1,000,000could be approved in as l i tt le as24 hours - and be in your bankaccount in as l i tt le as one week.

Al l of which means that in notime at al l , you could be usingyour merchant cash advance tobuy new equipment, expand orrenovate, advert ise, open newlocations, pay off past debt, ordo whatever else you can thinkof to help your business succeed.

For more information onobtaining working capital foryour business, please contact:

This is a business cash advance and NOT a loan product.*

2445 SW 18 th Ter race S te . 1 009 | F t . L auderda le FL | 305 -924 -6200

Andres Garcia2445 SW 18th Terrace Ste. 1009

Ft. Lauderdale FL305-924-6200


Andres Garcia
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