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Page 1: Employees come first when it comes to successful business management

Employees Come First When It Comes to

Successful Business Management

Page 2: Employees come first when it comes to successful business management

• Today’s post talks about the importance of appreciating and awarding employees for higher production and earnings. In short, happy employees make a successful company so business owners better come up with award schemes and proper promotions.

• Managers should never disregard their partners in success. When it comes to successful management, employees should always come first. A good manager is someone who can motivate his subordinates to work effectively.

Page 3: Employees come first when it comes to successful business management

• Sadly though, most managers think that they are above their employees. They tend to forget that without the employees, they will not even be needed in a company. There are a lot of great employees that leave a company because of bad management.

• Here are a few things to keep in mind in order to make employees stay longer in the company:

Page 4: Employees come first when it comes to successful business management

Don’t Overwork Your Employees

• It is not hard to end up overworking employees, especially if you know they are good at their job. Overworking them may seem like punishment for performing well. Though this may tend to be more productive for the person in charge, overworking is counterproductive to the employee involved.

• According to a Stanford research, productivity actually declines per hour if the workload exceeds 50 hours a week. If workload exceeds 55 hours, employee productivity drops off even faster that nothing ever gets done properly beyond this.

Page 5: Employees come first when it comes to successful business management

Recognize and Reward Good Work

• If you can’t help but overwork your employees, it is important to recognize this extra effort. Employees are usually very much willing to do more work with recognition.

• A reward does not always have to be a raise or a promotion. Even though this is the main goal of everyone in the industry, sometimes a simple pat on the back for a job well done can do a lot of wonders to an employee’s morale.

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Care about Them

• The most common reason for a company’s high employee turnover is a problematic relationship with the boss. Believe it or not, a lot of employees resign from their work not because of the workload but because of the boss. If you want to keep your employees happy, you have to actually care about them and they have to feel your sincerity too.

• If a boss only cares about productivity and numbers, employees will not be able to work more than 8 hours a day with that mentality. A manager does not necessarily need to know every single detail of an employee’s personal life. He just needs to empathize with them especially if they are going through a rough time. A simple questions of “How are you?” can open up a lot of doors in improving employee relationship.

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Honor Your Commitments

• If you are a manager, you should always honor your commitments. This kind of attitude can make or break your reputation amongst your employees. They will need to know that you’re trustworthy. If you don’t honor your commitments, employees will see you as disrespectful and uncaring.

Without trust, it will be harder to make your employees do what they need to do. After all, why should everyone else honor their commitments when the boss doesn’t?

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Give Credit to Where It’s due

• Employees lose enthusiasm when credit is not given to where it is due. Promoting the wrong people is one good example of this situation. When an employee works his tail off just to prove his worth and this effort is not seen by the manager, he will lose his motivation. This is especially true if the management later promotes the one member of the team who is very vocal and outgoing but didn’t contribute to the work.

• In order to avoid this kind of problem, the manager should be very keen in observing how his employees work. Just because one person in the team is more confident and outspoken does not mean that he contributed to the work.

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Let Them Pursue Their Passion

• Great employees are very passionate. Managers should provide opportunities for great employees to cultivate their passion in life. Most managers feel that doing so will result to a decrease in employee productivity.

Contrary to that, making employees pursue their passion can very much improve productivity. There are studies that have proven that people who chase their dreams are around 5 times more productive than employees who work without it.

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Develop Their Skills

• Most managers fear that teaching their employees what they know may render them useless in the long run. This should never be the mentality of a great manager.

A good leader should always help their subordinates improve their skills. They should be on a constant watch on what their employees are doing. Aside from that, they should always provide feedback for better productivity.

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