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LAREDO TRUCKING INC. Health & Safety Manual 

Pre amble

The information in this manual does not take preedene o!er an" le#islation$manufaturer%s instrutions or industr" reommended praties. Al&a"s re!ie&applia'le douments prior to 'e#innin# an" &ork. Consult "our super!isor for

help interpretin# le#islation. Al&a"s ondut "our pre(o' safet" meetin# andassess)ontrol all ha*ards 'efore ommenin# &ork. 

Laredo Trukin# In. +

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LAREDO TRUCKING INC. Health & Safety Manual 

Laredo Trucking Inc.


Laredo Trucking is committed to ensuring that practical and effective measures are in

 place to protect the health and safety of our employees, clients, subcontractors,

suppliers, the environment, and the public.

The management of Laredo Trucking endeavours to provide and maintain a safe work

environment. It is a requirement that personnel plan and implement safety strategy

into each of their operations. Laredo Trucking management, supervisors and

employees shall be aware of, and comply with, all relevant law, regulations, policy and


 All employees, including management, are responsible and accountable for the

Companys overall safety initiatives, following all procedures, working safely, and

 providing information towards the improving of safety measures. Total commitment to

the safety program by everyone, every day, is e!pected.

 An in"ury and accident free workplace is our goal. Through continuous safety

improvement efforts, we can accomplish this.


 __________________________ ________________

President Date

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LAREDO TRUCKING INC. Health & Safety Manual 

Table of Contents

-etion +. ana#ement Commitment and In!ol!ement

+.+ Responsi'ilit"

-etion ,. Communiations

,.+ Information ana#ement,., Responsi'ilit"

-etion /. 0a*ard Identifiation$ Assessment and Control

/.+ 0a*ard Identifiation/., 0a*ard)Risk Assessment/./ 0a*ard Control/.1 Responsi'ilit"

-etion 1. Trainin#

1.+ Competene1., Responsi'ilit"

-etion 2. Emer#en" 3reparedness

2.+ 4asi steps for an emer#en" Response 3lan2., E!ent Classifiations2./ Natural Disasters2.1 Responsi'ilit"

-etion 5. Inident ana#ement

5.+ Inident Reportin#5., Inident In!esti#ation5./ Inident 6ollo& up5.1 Responsi'ilit"

-etion 7. aintenane 3ro#ram

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-etion 8. Inspetions

8.+ 6ormal Inspetions8., Informal Inspetions8./ Inspetions inlude8.1 Audits8.2 Responsi'ilit"

-etion 9. 3raties

-ee 3ratie Contents

-etion +:. 3roedures)Risk Assessments

-etion ++. 3erformane)-tatistis

-etion +,. Administration

-etion +/ Definitions.

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Practice Contents

9.+ Disiplinar" 3roess

9., Compliane

9./ Alohol and Dru#

9.1 Ri#ht to Refuse

9.2 ;0I-

9.5 Compan" <ehile

9.7 6ire E=tin#uisher 

9.8 33E

9.9 0ousekeepin#

9.+: -mokin#

9.++ ;orkin# Alone

9.+, >ourne" ana#ement

9.+/ 6ire Arms

9.+1 edia

9.+2 <iolene$ 0arassment and Disrimination

9.+5 En!ironment

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9.+7 6ati#ue ana#ement

9.+8 0ot ;eather 

9.+9 Cold ;eather 

9.,: O!erhead 3o&er Lines

9.,+ 3urhasin#

9.,, 6irst Aid

9.,/ Respirator" 3roteti!e E?uipment

9.,1 0and -i#nals

9.,2 6uellin# of E?uipment

9.,5 -tep Ladders

9.,7 0and Tools

9.,8 Offie -afet"

9.,9 0andlin# and Liftin# aterials

9./: Cleanin# 3roduts

9./+ Transportation of aterials and E?uipment

9./, Transportation of ;orkers

9.// Grindin#

9./1 Compressed Air 

9./2 Defeti!e Tools

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9./5 Char#in# 4atteries

9./7 TDG

Section 1 Management Commitment and Involvement


The purpose of this setion is to ensure the suess of the pro#ram '" ha!in#responsi'ilities defined and doumented.


To maintain a safe &ork en!ironment and in!ol!e e!er"one in the 'usiness fromtop mana#ement do&n is responsi'le for safet". Clearl" definin# responsi'ilities

in &ritin# &ill ensure the suess of the pro#ram.

Emplo"ees must 'e a&are of their responsi'ilities. These responsi'ilities &ill 'edisussed in the ne& hire orientation and &ill 'e reinfored throu#h out theemplo"ee%s areer.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

 Name Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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1.1 esponsibility

Management !illB

• 3ro!ide and ommuniate poliies and proedures to emplo"ees.

• aintain a safe and health" &orkplae for emplo"ees$ lients$ ontratorsand !isitors.

• aintain o!erall ontrol of the 0ealth and -afet" 3ro#ram.

• Re!ie& poliies and proedures ensurin# that all meet re#ulator"re?uirements.

• Ensure that all esta'lished safet" poliies are administered and enfored.

• onitor personnel and hold them aounta'le for their performane.

• Ensure that proper e?uipment$ tools and personal proteti!e e?uipment are

a!aila'le to all emplo"ees.

• Take reasona'le measures to identif"$ eliminate or ontrol ha*ards.

• In!esti#ate all inidents$ pro!ide orreti!e ations and ensure follo& up isommuniated throu#h out the or#ani*ation.

• Administer the 0ealth and -afet" pro#ram.

• 3artiipate in safet" meetin#s.

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Supervisors !ill"

• 3ro!ide safe &orkin# onditions for all &orkers under their super!ision.

• Understand and kno& ho& to appl"  Insert Name 0ealth and -afet"3ro#ram$ rele!ant la&s and re#ulations.

• -hedule and ondut re#ular inspetions inludin# emplo"ees to identif"and ensure proper orreti!e ations are implemented to eliminate orredue aidents.

• Enfore safet" poli"$ proedure and re#ulation on site.

• Ad!ise emplo"ees on safe &ork proedures and make them a&are of potential ha*ards and ho& to ontrol them.

• entor emplo"ees$ eduatin# them on health and safet" poli"$ proedure$la& and re#ulation.

• Ensure safet" meetin#s our re#ularl" and are doumented.

• Report inidents)aidents to mana#ement &ithin ,1 hours of ourrene.

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#mployees !ill"

• Read$ understand and ompl" &ith  Laredo Trukin# 0ealth and -afet" pro#ram.

• Carr" out their &ork in a manner that &ill not reate a ha*ard to their o&nsafet" and the health and safet" of others.

• Report ha*ards and aidents)inidents immediatel" to a super!isor or


• 3artiipate in safet" meetin#s.

• Understand all poli" and re#ulator" e=petations 'efore startin# a task.

•  Not take on tasks that are a'o!e or 'e"ond their skill le!el.

Contractors !ill"

• 6ollo& all emplo"ee outlined responsi'ilities.

$isitors !ill"

•  Not #o an"&here on a Laredo Trukin# &ork site unesorted.

• ;ear proper personal proteti!e e?uipment.

• 6ollo& all Laredo Trukin# poliies and proedures as &ell as #o!ernmentre#ulations and la&s.

•  6ollo& instrutions #i!en '" esort.

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Section % Communications



The purpose of this setion is to promote re#ular ommuniations of   LaredoTrukin# ommitment to safet". It is also to reate an opportunit" for emplo"eesto pro!ide input on the safet" pro#ram and an" other initiati!es.


Open ommuniations are ritial for identif"in#$ assessin# and ontrollin#ha*ards. 6rom ne& hires to top mana#ement$ all &ill partiipate in ensurin# theontinual impro!ement of the health and safet" pro#ram '" maintainin# openommuniations. This in turn &ill pro!ide a measura'le impro!ement ineffiien" and redution in inident fre?uen".

All in!ol!ed &ith Laredo Trukin# need to 'e a&are of ne& initiati!es$ safe &ork proedures and #oals. Re#ularl" sheduled safet" meetin#s &ill ensure that all

ha*ards and remedial ations are 'rou#ht to e!er"one%s attention and doumentedfor further referene. Re!ie& of the ompan"%s ommitment to safet" anddialo#ue on &h" safet" is important also helps to maintain the safet" ulture.


-afet" meetin#s &ill 'e sheduled and held re#ularl". The minutes of allmeetin#s &ill 'e made and a!aila'le to all emplo"ees.

Laredo Trukin# mana#ement &ill tour &orksites re#ularl" to o'ser!e &ork praties and disuss an" safet" issues &ith emplo"ees.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

 Name Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Laredo Trukin# In. ++

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Safety Meetings

-afet" meetin#s &ill 'e held monthl" and are mandator" for all emplo"ees toattend. The" are an open forum to disuss safet"$ re!ie& elements of the safet"

 pro#ram and to introdue ne& items. inutes of safet" meetin# s &ill 'e takenand kept on file. Conerns &ill 'e prioriti*ed$ orreti!e ations assi#ned andre!ie&ed to ensure ompletion &hen issues are raised.

Laredo Trukin# In. +,

Meeting Schedule

hen ho hat


One per "ear Date T4A

• ana#ement

• Emplo"ees

• Disuss ompan" safet" statistis.

•  Ne& safet" initiati!es

• Compan"%s ommitment to safet"

• ;h" is safet" important

• ;ho safet" affets


Date T4A -ee safet"

 'oard in shop

• ana#ement

• Emplo"ees

• Disuss ompan" safet" statistis

• Disuss ha*ards id%s

• Disuss an" onerns

•  Ne& initiati!es

• Re!ie& inidents

• Compan"%s ommitment to safet"

• ;h" is safet" important

• ;ho safet" affets


Tool'o= meetin#3rior to &ork startin#or &hen the sope of

&ork han#es

• -uper!isors

• Emplo"ees

• Contrators

• Client representati!es

• An"one in!ol!ed in the


• Disuss sope of &ork 

• Disuss ha*ards and ontrols

• Disuss preautions

• Disuss an" other rele!ant topis

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%.1 Information Management

Emplo"ees of Laredo Trukin# &ill 'e informed of and)or ha!e aess to the


• Inident and aident reports.

• 6ollo& up ations.

• 0a*ardous onditions and orreti!e ations.

• -afet" pro#ram #oals and e=petations.

• An" urrent industr" alerts$ safet" information$ le#islation.

• Last meetin#s minutes.

• An" ne& or re!ised poli"$ proedures$ la&s or re#ulations.

Throu#h this proess Laredo Trukin# mana#ement &illB

Keep doumentation on all ommuniations and meetin#s.

• 3ro!ide feed'ak to emplo"ees on safet" onerns.

• 3ro!ide detailed instrutions to emplo"ees on safet" poli" and proedure.

• 3ro!ide an open forum for emplo"ees to disuss and ha!e onernsaddressed.

To ensure that all ommuniations are a!aila'le to e!er"one$ Laredo Trukin#

mana#ement &illB

• 3ost all ommuniations on 'ulletin 'oard.

• Re!ie& pre!ious meetin# minutes at sheduled safet" meetin#s.

• 3ost ha*ard Ids on 'ulletin 'oard.

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%.% esponsibility


• Ensure attendane at all meetin#s.

• If not possi'le then ensure that a op" of the meetin# minutes is re!ie&ed.

• Read and understand all ommuniations$ &hih are posted or deli!ered.

• 3artiipate in all meetin#s$ as the" are an open forum.


• Ensure meetin#s are sheduled and a notie is put out to all emplo"ees inre#ards to the time and loation of the meetin#.

• 3repare an itinerar" o!erin# rele!ant topis.

Appoint someone to take the minutes.

• 6ollo& up on health and safet" onerns.


• Ensure rele!ant topis are presented at meetin#s inludin# ne& le#islation$rules$ re#ulations and proedures.

• Ensure follo& up on emplo"ee onerns.

• 3artiipate in safet" meetin#s.

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Section * Ha+ard Identification, Ha+ard 'ssessment and Control


The purpose of this setion is to pro!ide the tools neessar" to identif"$ assess andontrol ha*ards 'efore the" ompromise safet".


Throu#h #eneral o'ser!ation$ inspetions and assessments Laredo Trukin# and

affiliates &ill identif" ha*ards 'efore the" 'eome issues. 4" doin# thismiti#ation an 'e made inludin# omplete elimination$ administration$su'stitution$ en#ineerin#$ trainin# and personal proteti!e e?uipment usa#e toensure the health and safet" of &orkers.

0a*ard Identifiation$ 0a*ard Assessment and Risk Assessment forms &ill 'eused to identif" ha*ards esta'lish risk le!els and ontrols. All tasks &ithinemplo"ee (o' sopes &ill 'e in!entoried$ risk le!els and ontrols identified. Ne&or hi#h risk (o's &ill 'e assessed and ontrols identified and implemented. If an"?uestions e=ist re#ardin# safet"$ a Risk Assessment &ill 'e done.


0a*ard assessments &ill 'e onduted for all tasks for &hih Laredo Trukin#undertakes.

All ontrols &ill 'e put into plae 'efore an" &ork is ompleted.

All emplo"ees &ill partiipate in the ha*ard identifiation$ assessment$ riskassessment and ontrol pro#ram.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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 Name Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Laredo Trukin# In. +5

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*.1 Ha+ard Identification

The ha*ard identifiation s"stem ser!es to alert mana#ement to an" ha*ardousonditions or proedures. 4" immediatel" identif"in# ha*ards and ontrolsLaredo Trukin# In. an onsistentl" pro!ide a safe &ork en!ironment.

0a*ard Identifiation 6orms detail the follo&in#B

• Desri'es ha*ard$ loation$ and date.

• Desri'es an" ontrol measures taken or needed to 'e taken.

• All 0a*ard Identifiation reports &ill 'e su'mitted to Laredo Trukin#In. mana#ement for re!ie& and follo& up.

• All emplo"ees$ ontrators and affiliates of Laredo Trukin# In. &ill partiipate in the 0a*ard Identifiation pro#ram.

• All ha*ards &ill 'e reported to mana#ement.

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*.% Ha+ard-is 'ssessment

4" ondutin# a thorou#h e=amination of an operation$ ha*ards and assoiatedrisk an 'e e=plored and proper ontrols an 'e put into plae to eliminate orredue risk to an aepta'le le!el.

E!er" &orkplae onsists of four elements. These elements must all 'e onsidered&hen ondutin# a 0a*ard Assessment.

• 3eople F All people in!ol!ed in or around the &orksite.

En!ironment 0ousekeepin#$ temperature$ li#htin#$ dust$ fumes$ et.

• aterials F 0armful a#ents$ hemials$ eletrial.

• E?uipment)tools F In #ood ondition$ lokout)ta# out$ proper ppe.

 NoteB This is not a omplete list of items$ &hih falls under eah element.

Conducting a Ha+ard 'ssessment

• Assem'le the people that &ill 'e in!ol!ed

• Disuss possi'le ha*ards &ith emplo"ees

• Tour loation

• Rank tasks onsiderin# potential se!erit" and e=posure to potentialinident.

•   Doument and implement orreti!e ations

•   Re!ie&

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*.* Ha+ard Control

4" identif"in# ontrols$ ha*ards an 'e eliminated or redued to a tolera'le le!el.Tasks an then 'e safel" ompleted.

All Laredo Trukin# affiliates &illB

• Compl" &ith presri'ed ha*ard ontrols.

• 3artiipate in the 0a*ard Identifiation$ 0a*ard Assessment and 0a*ardControl pro#ram &hile &orkin# for and or on a Laredo Trukin# loation.

A ha*ard an 'e defined as ph"sial situation &ith a potential for in(ur"$ dama#eto propert" or dama#e to the en!ironment. ;hile a &orksite ma" ontain hundredof ha*ards$ the risk of in(ur" or loss an 'e mana#ed '" identif"in# the ha*ard$assessin# the risk and implementin# effeti!e ontrol measures$ suh as usin#e?uipment #uardin#$ safe &ork proedures$ &earin# of personal proteti!ee?uipment$ et.

Ha+ard Identification

If a ha*ard is diso!ered$ a desription of the ha*ard$ &here it is loated$ interimation taken or ontrol measures re?uired should 'e taken and the informationrela"ed to mana#ement.

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H#'/TH H'0'S

 Chemical" an" form of hemialinludin# ompressed #asses

Physical" noise$ heat$ old$ !i'ration$radiation

#rgonomic" desi#n$ repetition$ fore$ posture

2iological" 'ateria$ !iruses$ fun#i$ parasites$ insets

S'3#T4 H'0'S

Machine" mo!in# parts

#nergy" pneumati or h"drauli pressure$ steam$ eletriit"

Material handling" manual and

mehanial handlin#

or Practices" 6ailure to ha!e orfollo& safe &ork praties



Laredo Trukin# In. ,:

S56C#S 53 H'0'S

• ;orkplae ati!ities

• Tools and e?uipment

• ;orkplae materials

• Atmospheri Conditions

• 0uman error 

S56C#S 53 I7864

• -lips$ trips and falls

• Contat &ith o'(ets and e?uipmentB-truk '"$ struk a#ainst$ and au#htin.

• E=posure to harmful su'stanesBChemials$ dusts$ fumes$ mists.

• 6ires and e=plosions.

• E=ertionB o!ere=ertion$ repetiti!emotion

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Hierarchy of Control

M5ST #33#CTI$#

/#'ST #33#CTI$#

Laredo Trukin# In. ,+

C57T5/S #9'MP/#S

+ Elimination Desi#n to eliminate ha*ards suhas falls$ noise$ ha*ardousmaterials$ onfined spae andmanual material handlin#.

, -u'stitution -&ith tools$ positions$ ande?uipment for to a saferalternati!e.

/ En#ineerin#Controls

ahine #uardin#$ saffoldin#$!entilation s"stems.

1 Administrati!e


3roedures$ inspetions$

shedulin#$ trainin#

2 3ersonal3roteti!eE?uipment 33E

0earin# protetin# fae shields$safet" harness$ 'reathin#apparatus

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*.: esponsibility


• To partiipate in the ha*ard identifiation$ assessment and ontrol pro#ram.

• To understand ha*ards that affet their (o's and the ontrol measures in plae.

• To ensure that tasks are not arried out &ithout the proper ontrols in plae.


• To partiipate in the ha*ard identifiation$ assessment and ontrol pro#ram.

• To train emplo"ees on the pro#ram and ensure ompetene.

• To ensure the proper ontrols are pro!ided and 'ein# used.

• To keep doumentation on all ha*ard identifiation$ assessment andontrols.


-ame as super!isor.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code 3art ,$ 0a*ard Assessment$ Elimination and Control.

Laredo Trukin# In. ,,

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Ha+ard Management 3lo!


Continual 'ssess





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is 'ssessment



5ccurrence %




% *



+ F Rare$ -eldom ours, F edium$ Could our at least 2:H of the time/ F 0i#h$ ;ill our o!er 2:H of the time


+ F inimal$ No lost time$ No in(ur"$ osts under +:::.::, edium$ 6irst aid$ No lost time$ osts 'et&een +:::.:: 2:::.::/ F 0i#h$ An" lost time$ osts #reater than 2:::.::

5CC6#7C# ; S#$#IT4 < IS= 

Laredo Trukin# In. ,1


Class C


Class 4


Class A


Class 4


Class A


Class A


Class A


Class A


Class A

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is 'ssessment or Sheet




Laredo Trukin# In. ,2

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     e  s   i   d  u  a   l

      i  s   .

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H'0' I#7TI3IC'TI57

 NameB DateB

LoationB TimeB

0a*ard DesriptionB

Immediate Ation TakenB

Ation Completed on dateB TimeB

4" ;homB

-u##ested Controls)Remedial AtionsB

ana#ement CommentsB

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ana#ement -i#natureB

Section : Training


The purpose of this setion is to ensure speifi trainin# is pro!ided throu#houtthe or#ani*ation.


Trainin# is one of the 'est tools mana#ement has to ensure ompeten" and?ualit" emplo"ees. Throu#h trainin#$ Laredo Trukin# is a'le to pro!ide ser!ieseffiientl" and safel" '" takin# into aount preser!ation of life$ en!ironment and

 ph"sial resoures &hile adherin# to presri'ed la& and re#ulation.

Trainin# &ill pa" off immediatel" as &ell trained and ompetent emplo"ees &orksafer and more effiientl".


All emplo"ees of Laredo Trukin# &ill maintain all mandator" industr"trainin#tikets and su'mit opies of ertifiates to head offie.

Laredo &ill orientate all ne& hires on the first da" the ne& hire reports for &ork.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

 Name Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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Trainin# &ill inlude 'ut &ill not 'e limited toB

7e! orer Safety 5rientation

On the first da" a &orker sho&s up for &ork the follo&in# items &ill 'e re!ie&edB

• -peifi (o' ha*ards

• -afet" Responsi'ilities

• E=petations

•<iolene$ harassment and Disrimination 3oli"

• ;orkers Ri#ht to Refuse

• ;0I-

• ;orkin# Alone

• 3ersonal 3roteti!e E?uipment 33E

• 0a*ard$ Inident$ Near iss Reportin#

• Emer#en" Response

• 6ire 3re!ention

• Dru# and Alohol 3oli"

• Compan" 3oliies• An" speifi re?uirements

A heklist and Akno&led#ment form &ill 'e ompleted durin# orientation.

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5n the )ob training

All (o's re?uire some le!el of trainin#. On the (o' trainin# &ill 'e onduted '" aJompetent &orker &ho is one that is ade?uatel" ?ualified$ suita'l" trained$ andhas suffiient e=periene to safel" perform the &ork &ith onl" a minimal de#reeof super!ision.

On the >o' Trainin# In!ol!esB

• The ne& &orker re!ie&in# a &ritten (o' desription$ risk assessment

The &orker is teamed up &ith a ompetent &orker &ho demonstrates thetasks to the &orker.

• The &orker then performs the tasks under the super!ision of the ompetent person.

• Doumentation &ill 'e ompleted sho&in# the tasks ompleted$ date &ho&as the ompetent person and si#ned '" 'oth parties.

• The &orker &ill 'e monitored to ensure ompeten".

Trainin# an 'e pro!ided in a formal lassroom settin#$ on the (o'$ !ia theInternet or an" other form appro!ed '" Laredo trukin# mana#ement.

inimum trainin# re?uirements are as follo&sB

• ;0I-

• 6irst Aid

• 0,- Ali!e

Other ertifiations &ill 'e ditated '" task re?uirements.

All ori#inal tikets &ill aompan" the emplo"ee on e!er" (o' site.

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:.1 Competence

All emplo"ees &ill ha!e doumented trainin# pro!in# ompetene 'efore tasksare undertaken unsuper!ised.

Competen" heks &ill 'e ompleted sporadiall" throu#hout an emplo"ee%sareer. This &ill 'e aomplished throu#h o'ser!ation.

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:.% esponsibility


• To take the time to understand Laredo Trukin# In. safet" pro#ram.

• Keep up to date on industr" speifi trainin#.

• Ensure trainin# doumentation and ompeten" forms are 'ein# si#ned off.


• Communiate all items of the -afet" 3ro#ram to the emplo"ee$ ans&erin#all ?uestions ensurin# the emplo"ee understands.

• Ensure that emplo"ees ha!e ade?uate trainin#.

• Do not assi#n tasks to emplo"ees &ho are not ?ualified to undertake thetask.

• -i#n off on trainin# and ompeten" forms.


• To keep the safet" pro#ram up to date$ ommuniatin# all or an" han#esto the emplo"ees.

• To ensure time is #i!en to orientate ne& emplo"ee as soon as possi'le one

the person is hired.

• To ensure that speiali*ed trainin# is a!aila'le &hen need 'e.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Re#ulation ,+

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5rientation Checlist

I$ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ha!e partiipated in The Laredo Trukin#Emplo"ee Orientation &hih outlines and re!ie&s ompan" poliies$ safet"

 proedures and &orksite responsi'ilities.

The orientation o!ered the follo&in# topis hek appropriate topisB

 @@@ 3roedures and &ork s"stems @@@ 0ours of &ork  @@@ E=petations

 @@@ Compan" poliies$ ethis and priniples @@@ General safet" poliies @@@ Loal praties and standards @@@ 3ersonal proteti!e e?uipment and proteti!e lothin# @@@ Dri!in# and !ehile poliies @@@ ;orksite and (o' ha*ards @@@ 0a*ard identifiation$ assessment$ ontrol @@@ Inident and aident reportin# @@@ 6irst aid stations

 @@@ Emer#en" response plan @@@ 6ire e=tin#uisher loation and operation @@@ 3ermits @@@ Restrited areas @@@ -afet" meetin#s @@@ >o' trainin#

I understand and aept m" responsi'ilities as outlined in the Ne& Emplo"eeOrientation.

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3rint Name -i#nature Date

 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -uper!isors -i#nature Date

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7e! #mployee 5rientation

'cno!ledgement 3orm

I ha!e 'een orientated to the poli" and proedures of  Laredo Trukin#. The ne&emplo"ee orientation o!ered ompan" poliies$ safet" proedures and &orkplaerules as &ell m" roles and responsi'ilities re#ardin# safet".

I ha!e read and understand all the a'o!e aforementioned poliies and proeduresand here'" affirm that I &ill ompl" &ith ompan" poli" as &ell as le#islated

re?uirements pertainin# to m" emplo"ment &ith Laredo Trukin# In.


responsibilities as outlined in my ne! employee orientation and accept these

procedures as part of my employment !ith /aredo Trucing Inc..

7e! #mployee



Company epresentative



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Section @ #mergency Preparedness


The purpose of this setion is to pro!ide the tools neessar" to redue loss in thee!ent of an emer#en".


0a!in# a #ood Emer#en" 3lan in plae an redue the risk of loss durin# anunplanned e!ent. -impl" ha!in# the doumentation$ ommuniation and trainin#in plae an si#nifiantl" miti#ate the dama#e aused '" that e!ent.


All of Laredo Trukin# &orksites &ill ha!e a doumented Emer#en" Response3lan.

All Emer#en" Response 3lans &ill 'e learl" identified and aessi'le to allaffiliates at the speifi &ork site.

All people on Laredo Trukin# &orksites &ill familiari*e themsel!es &ith theEmer#en" Response 3lan.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

 Name Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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@.1 2asic steps for an #mergency esponse Plan

• List all potential ha*ards.

• Identif" possi'le onse?uenes fatalities$ in(uries$ fires$ et

• List ontrols and implement.

• 3repare a &ritten desription of the response.

• Ensure Emer#en" Response E?uipment is in plae$ inspeted$ ertified andread" for use.

• Ensure ade?uate trainin# is pro!ided to emplo"ees. Inludin# drills.

• 3ost emer#en" num'ers and site maps in strate#i plaes shop$ lunhroom$ '" phones$ et

• Update plan as sope of &ork han#es.

• Communiate plan throu#h safet" meetin#s.

Emer#en" Response 3lans &ill 'e tested '" mok drills at a minimum ofannuall" or as soon as possi'le after an" han#e in plan or en!ironment. Results&ill 'e doumented and re!ie&ed to identif" defiienies.

Defiienies &ill 'e orreted as soon as possi'le.

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@.% #vent Classifications

E!ents &ill 'e lassified into three le!els inor$ oderate and a(or  .

As e!er" e!ent &ill ha!e its o&n indi!idual sets of irumstanes the responses 'elo& an 'e used onl" as #uidelines.

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 A small interuption in production, not a disaster 

Eliminate source of event


Get First Aid

Report to supervisor 

Complete incident report

No Injury

Report to supervisor 

Complete incident report


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 A serious event, potential for major loss

 Assess situation

!Contact " Emer#ency $ervices

% Mana#ement!Conduct &ead count

People missin#

!!Protect self,

conduct searc&

and rescue!!

Provide First Aid

No'ody missin#

Provide First Aid

$ecure area


!Desi#nate someone to p&one

)&ile ot&er steps are ta*in#


!!nly if +ualified to do so!!


Eliminate source if possi'le

Evacuate if necessary and or notify ot&ers of t&e &a-ard

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 A disaster, possi'le e.tensive loss

Evacuate, protect yourself, sound alarm

 Assess situation

!Contact " Emer#ency $ervices% Mana#ement!

Conduct &ead count

People missin#

!!Protect self,conduct searc&and rescue!!

Provide First Aid

No'ody missin#

Provide First Aid

$ecure area


!Desi#nate someone to p&one

)&ile ot&er steps are ta*in#place!

!!nly if +ualified to do so!!


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@.* 7atural isasters

 Natural disasters are e!ents &hih are out of our ontrol. There is no &a" to predit &hen$ &here or ho& the" &ill affet 'usiness operations. -ome naturaldisasters &hih ma" affet us are$ 'ut not limited toB



;hen onditions are fa!oura'le to produe a flood and "ou ma" 'e affeted thefollo&in# steps must 'e takenB

• -ta" a&a" from lo& areas

• ake "our &a" to hi#her ele!ations

• -ta" lear of 'rid#e rossin#s$ ri!ers$ reeks$ &ater soures or areas &ith ahistor" of floodin#.

• onitor the &eather ser!ie on radio or tele!ision for &eather &arnin#s.


;hen onditions are fa!oura'le to produe a tornado the follo&in# steps must 'etakenB

• onitor the &eather ser!ie on the radio or tele!ision for &eather&arnin#s.

• -eek refu#e indoors and &ait out the storm.

• A!oid areas &hih are hea!il" treed.

• -ta" a&a" from &indo&s and doors.

 NoteB These are 'asi #uidelines in e!ent of storm monitor the &eather net&orkand follo& diretions from loal authorities.

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@.: esponsibility


• Ensure self is familiar &ith emer#en" proedures and indi!idual roles&ithin the plan.


• Ensure the plan is implemented$ ommuniated and pratied.

Ensure emplo"ees ha!e ade?uate trainin#.

• Ensure all aspets of the plan are re!ie&ed and pratial.

• Ensure the plan is doumented and is posted.

• Ensure all re?uired resoures are a!aila'le.


• Ensure all re?uired resoures are a!aila'le.

• Ensure ade?uate trainin# is a!aila'le.

• All other duties as listed &ith super!isor.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code$ 3art 7$ Emer#en" 3reparedness and Response

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PH57# /IST

Police B 11 3ire B 11 'mbulance B


ST'S B 1(DDD(DDD(:@?>

;orkplae 0ealth and -afet" O0- F +8551+2859:

0ospitals F

 NoteB If the loal hospital num'er for the area is not listed it is a re?uirement tolook it up and doument it 'efore startin# &ork.

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Map of or 'rea

9 B E=its3 B 6ire E=tin#uisher M B edial Aid first aid kit#S B Emer#en" -hut Offs2 ( 4riefin# area


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Section ? Incident Management


The purpose of this setion is to mana#e inidents in a matter that allo&s theompan" to determine root ause and implement ontrols.


Throu#h effeti!e inident mana#ement Laredo Trukin# an make ontinualimpro!ements in the health and safet" pro#ram. 4" identif"in# root auses$ontri'utin# fators$ identif"in# trends and implementin# orreti!e ations thefre?uen" and reourrene of inidents an 'e redued.


All inidents and aidents &ill 'e reported$ doumented and in!esti#ated. Onethe root ause has 'een esta'lished it &ill 'e ommuniated to emplo"ees to

ensure a&areness. All doumentation &ill 'e put on file for further referene.Controls &ill 'e put in plae to a!oid reourrene.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

 Name Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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?.1 Incident reporting

Inidents affet all of us either diretl" or indiretl". 4" utili*in# this reportin# proedure trends an 'e anal"*ed$ ontrols and pro#rams an 'e implemented toredue loss.

• Emplo"ees &ill o'tain first aid or medial aid if re?uired and report allaidents)inidents to a super!isor immediatel".

• All inidents)aidents &ill 'e doumented on an inident report form.

All inidents)aidents as presri'ed '" the ;orkers Compensation 4oardand)or other a#enies &ill 'e reported to the o!er seein# a#en".

?.% Incident investigation

4" in!esti#atin# inidents root ause an 'e determined. 4" determinin# rootause orreti!e measures an 'e implemented thus reduin# inident fre?uen".

• A Laredo Trukin# super!isor &ill in!esti#ate all minor to moderateinidents.

• All serious inidents &ill 'e in!esti#ated '" Laredo Trukin# mana#ement.

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?.* Incident 3ollo! up

4" follo&in# up on inident root ause$ ontri'utin# fators and remedial ationsontrol measures an 'e ommuniated to all emplo"ees and affiliates of LaredoTrukin# '" doin# so$ &e an redue or eliminate reourrene of the inident.

• 6re?uen" rates and other statistis &ill 'e used to ommuniate rates.

• All inident follo&ups &ill 'e ommuniated to emplo"ees durin# safet"meetin#s.

• All inident follo&ups &ill 'e doumented.

• -tatistis &ill 'e utili*ed to demonstrate rates and fre?uenies.

• All ontrols &ill 'e implemented 'efore &ork ommenes.

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?.: esponsibility


• To immediatel" report all inidents)aidents to a Laredo Trukin#super!isor.

• To fill out inident forms for minor inidents.

• -eure the inident sene durin# ma(or inidents.


• To omplete all the re?uired doumentation and for&ard to mana#ement

• To in!esti#ate minor to moderate inidents to diso!er the root ause andimplement orreti!e measures.

• To follo& up '" ommuniatin# reports to emplo"ees


• To in!esti#ate serious inidents to diso!er root ause and implementorreti!e measures

• To anal"*e inident fre?uenies and identif" pro'lem areas$ implementin#orreti!e measures to redue or eliminate the issue.

• To ommuniate all inident follo& ups to emplo"ees.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At -etions +8+$ +9+

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Incident eport

  Inident M @@@@@@@@@ 

Compan"B @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3ro(etB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

DateB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ TimeB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

LoationB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -uper!isorB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Incident Classification "ECircle 5neF

In(ur" <A 3ropert" Dama#e En!ironmental Near iss

PersonEsF Involved

7ame Company Phone


Reported '"B @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Reported toB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Date ReportedB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Time ReportedB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Conditions at time of inident &eather$ road onditions$ !isi'ilit"$ housekeepin# etB @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

Desription of inident ;hat (o' &as 'ein# done ;hat materials$ tools et. &ere in!ol!ed ;hathappened @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 


7ame Company Phone

iagram of Scene

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Incident 3ollo!(up

 Name of Lead In!esti#atorB

Inident MB DateB

In!esti#ation TeamB

P'T 1 ( #$#7T

 -truk a#ainst Cau#ht 'et&een 6all on same le!el

 6ell to lo&er le!el O!erstrain)e=ertion Cau#ht on

 Cau#ht in -truk '" Contat &ith

P'T % ( S62ST'7' P'CTIC#

 Operatin# e?uip &)oauthorit"

 Under Influene ofalohol)dru#s

 Improper plaement

 Operatin# at improperspeed

 Improper pass&ord protetion

 Improper liftin#

 -afet" de!iesinopera'le

 Improper 'akup)!irus protetion


 6ailure to use 33E properl"

 6ailure to &arn Lak of sleep

 Remo!in# safet"de!ies

 6ailure to seure 3oor ontrol of ontrator  

 Improper position fortask 

 Improper loadin#

 -er!iin# e?uip inoperation

 Usin# defeti!e e?uipment

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P'T * B 2'SIC C'6S#S

Personal 3actors 8ob 3actors

 Lak of kno&led#e Lak of skills Inade?uateleadership)super !ision

 Inade?uate tools$materials$ e?uip.




 Inade?uate &orkstandards

 -tress 6ati#ue Inade?uate purhasin#

 A'use or misuse

 -u'stane A'use Inade?uatemaintenane

 ;ear and tear 



P'T : B /'C= 53 C57T5/

 Commitment Leadership

 Or#ani*ation Resoures

 Risk ana#ement Implementation onitorin#




-upplier #mt

Desi#n 3lannin# Assessment


P'T @ B G#7#'/


Lost 3rodution

; E?uipment Dama#e

; Other 

< Total

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Cirle One 6irst aid edial aid Lost time Not Applia'le



-u'stane -pilledB Amount -pilledB

A#en" NotifiedB

Loation of -pillB

Clean up ompleteB irle one 4#S 75


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P'T ? ( S6MM'4

;h" did e!ent our root ause

;hat is #oin# to 'e done to ensure e!ent does not happen a#ain

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P'T > B #M#I'/ 'CTI57S

   C  o  m  m  e  n   t  s

     a   t  e   C  o  m  p   l  e

   t  e   d

   T  a  r  g  e   t     a   t  e

   '  s  s   i  g  n  e   d

   T  o

   '  c   t   i  o  n

   I   t  e  m  s

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   H 1 % * : @ ? > D

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Section > Maintenance Program


The purpose of this setion is to ensure all e?uipment assoiated &ith and used '"Laredo Trukin# is maintained to ma=imi*e the safet" of all personnel.


4" adherin# to a strit maintenane pro#ram Laredo Trukin# an minimi*e the potential for loss due to 'reak do&n of e?uipment. 4" doin# this LaredoTrukin# an pro!ide a safe and ?ualit" ser!ie.


Laredo Trukin# &ill maintain all tools$ !ehiles$ and e?uipment in a onditionthat &ill ma=imi*e the safet" of all personnel. All manufaturers% speifiations&ill 'e stritl" adhered to. This &ill inlude all re#ulations and standards. Onl"

?ualified tehniians &ill perform ser!iin# of tools$ !ehiles$ and e?uipmentfollo&in# a doumented maintenane shedule. All doumentation ofmaintenane &ork &ill 'e reorded in the appropriate maintenane 'ook.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

 Name Title @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and Re#ulation$ -etion +,+

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Section D Inspections


The purpose of this setion is to take a proati!e approah to ontrollin# loss '"identif"in# and orretin# unsafe onditions 'efore inidents our.


Throu#h re#ular inspetions Laredo Trukin# an effeti!el" monitor &orksiteonditions and &ork proedures. Inspetions &ill ensure that standards andre#ulator" re?uirements are 'ein# maintained. Inspetions &ill also ena'leLaredo Trukin# to identif" ha*ards 'efore the" 'eome issues and re!ealimpro!ement opportunities.


All affiliated &ith Laredo Trukin# from top mana#ement do&n &ill partiipate

in the inspetion pro#ram. The results of inspetions &ill 'e anal"*ed and alldefiienies noted and orreted.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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D.1 3ormal - Planned Inspections

• A detailed o'ser!ation and e!aluation of e!er" item on an inspetionheklist.

• Conduted '" mana#ement and)or emplo"ees on re#ularl" sheduledinter!als.

4asi steps to ondutin# a planned inspetionB

• Identif" the inspetor or inspetion team

• Re!ie& pre!ious inspetions

• Use a formali*ed inspetion sheet

• 3roeed &ith inspetion tour$ Look o!er$ under$ around$ 'ehind et.

• Take time to o'ser!e

Take immediate ation &hen unsafe ats or onditions e=ist

• Rank items noted on the inspetion sheet

• Assi#n orreti!e ations &ith ompletion date

• 6ollo& up

• Communiate results to emplo"ees

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D.% Informal - 5ngoing Inspections

• An on#oin# a&areness of health and safet" ha*ards and the ontrolsneessar" to miti#ate them.

• Conduted '" mana#ement and all emplo"ees.

• Conduted on an on#oin# 'asis.

• Conduted throu#h o'ser!ation and the use of heklists.

• Could 'e pre(o' o'ser!ations$ heklists$ &alk arounds.

D.* Inspections include but are not limited to"

• 6ire e=tin#uisher Cheklist

• <ehile Cheklist

6irst aid kit inspetions

• E?uipment inspetions

• 0ousekeepin# inspetions

• -hop);orksite

D.: 'udits

An audit is a samplin# &here a statistiall" !alid num'er of items are e!aluatedand applied to the &hole. Audits &ill 'e onduted internall" and e=ternall"follo&in# a sheduled fre?uen". ana#ement$ super!isors and)or ontratauditors &ill ondut the audits.

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D.@ esponsibility


• To partiipate in inspetions on an on#oin# 'asis.

• To fill out inspetion heklists as re?uired.


To ensure inspetions are 'ein# ompleted.

• To partiipate in inspetions.

• To ensure orreti!e ations are 'ein# implemented &hen defiienies arenoted.


• To shedule and or#ani*e audits and inspetions.

• To partiipate in inspetions.

• To ondut audits.

• To anal"*e doumentation and implement orreti!e ations.

ReferenesBCCO0- Effeti!e ;orkplae InspetionsAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code 3art ,$ 0a*ard Assessment$ Elimination and Control.

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Section General Practices

Laredo Trukin# has doumented praties to ser!e as a #eneral safet" #uidelineto protet all emplo"ees from ha*ards and to ensure all re?uirements re#ulator"$internal are met.

All affiliated &ith Laredo Trukin# &ill follo& all rele!ant rules$ proedures$ poliies$ re#ulations and le#islation. It is e!er" ones responsi'ilit" to do so and indoin# so &e &ill maintain a safe and health" &ork en!ironment for all assoiated&ith the ompan".

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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.1 isciplinary Process

The disiplinar" proess ena'les Laredo Trukin# mana#ement to enfore poli"$ proedure and la& on its &ork sites. The poli" ensures that all re?uirements an 'e ahie!ed to #uarantee a safe &ork en!ironment.

All ontra!ention of Re#ulation$ La&$ 3oli" and )or proedure &ill 'e dealt &ithusin# one or more of the disiplinar" le!els listed 'elo&. All disiplinar" ations

&ill 'e doumented and kept on file. The le!el of disipline applied is up toLaredo Trukin# mana#ement disretion.

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isciplinary /evels

+ $erbal"  A disussion 'et&een Laredo Trukin# mana#ement or super!isor&ith the emplo"ee in ?uestion fousin# on the speifidefiien")'eha!iour)ation. The orret ation &ill 'e e=plained in detailand notes &ill 'e plaed on file.

, ritten"  A doument onsistin# of the follo&in# points &ill 'e issued tothe indi!idual alon# &ith a disussion e=plainin# the pointsB

• Date$ time$ loation of non ompliane.

• A re!ie& of non ompliane.

• A disussion on purpose and importane of poli"$ proedure andre#ulation in ?uestion.

• Disussion of more se!ere disiplinar" ations if 'eha!iourontinues.

• 4oth mana#ement and indi!idual in ?uestion &ill si#n and date thedoument. The indi!idual &ill reei!e a op" and a op" &ill 'e puton file.

/ Suspension"  If at is serious enou#h an emplo"ee ma" 'e suspended for a period of time &ith out pa". A &ritten doument M, &ill 'e issued andsi#ned '" mana#ement and the indi!idual in ?uestion.

1 Termination of employmentB This ation &ill onl" 'e onsidered ifB

• The non ompliane is serious enou#h to &arrant termination ofemplo"ment$ as determined '" mana#ement.

• It is a repeat ation and pre!ious &arnin#s &ere not heeded.ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At$ -etion /7+ Disiplinar" Ation Complaint.

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.% Compliance

Laredo Trukin# is ommitted to ondutin# its 'usiness la&full" and ethiall".It is the responsi'ilit" of all emplo"ees to follo& ompan" poliies$ direti!es$

 proedures$ re#ulations and la&s.

All affiliates from top mana#ement do&n &ill al&a"s remain in ompliane &ith poli"$ proedure$ la& and re#ulation.

Three main aspets of omplianeB

• Understandin# "our role and the re?uirements "ou need to follo&

• 4ein# proati!e in reportin# situations that ma" lead to nonompliane orha*ardous situations.

• -harin# results of inspetions$ audits and e=perienes so e!er"one an


If an" nonompliane is noted the speifi task in!ol!ed in the nonompliane&ill ease. A Laredo Trukin# super!isor &ill 'e notified and appropriatedoumentation &ill 'e ompleted. One orreti!e ations are identified the" &ill

 'e implemented and &ork &ill resume.

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.* 'lcohol and rug

Laredo Trukin# is dediated to the health and safet" of all its emplo"ees$su'ontrators$ the pu'li$ the en!ironment$ and lients. To ensure this$ LaredoTrukin# shall take e!er" possi'le and reasona'le effort to redue the risks of itsoperations and ensure a health" and safe &orkplae. As part of this ommitment$Laredo Trukin# reo#ni*es that the inappropriate use of dru#s and inappropriate

use of alohol an ha!e an ad!erse effet on the health and safet" of emplo"ees$su'ontrators$ the pu'li$ the en!ironment$ and lients.The o'(eti!e of Laredo Trukin# alohol and dru# poli" is to minimi*e the riskof impaired performane due to su'stane use. Emplo"ees$ ontrat emplo"ees$suppliers$ and su'ontrators performin# ser!ies &ill not 'e permitted to remainon the &ork site &hile their a'ilit" to &ork is affeted '" dru#s$ alohol$ or othersu'stanes. This matter is onsidered to 'e a safet" and performane issue andshall 'e dealt &ith as suh.

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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.: ight to efuse or 

As le#islation ditates an emplo"ee has the ri#ht to refuse &ork$ if on reasona'le#rounds$ he or she 'elie!es there e=ists an imminent dan#er to the health andsafet" of the &orker.

Laredo Trukin# e=pets all emplo"ees to e=erise the ri#ht to refuse '"follo&in# the steps listed 'elo&.

Remo!e "ourself from immediate dan#er.

• 3rotet others from the dan#erB Alert$ -i#n$ 4arriade$ et.

• Contat Laredo Trukin# mana#ement or super!isor.

• Doument the ha*ard.

• Alon# &ith a Laredo Trukin# super!isor ondut a ha*ard assessment.

• Implement orreti!e ations.

• 6ollo& up &ith mana#ement or super!isor.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At$ -etion /2+$ E=istene of Imminent Dan#er.

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.@ or Place Ha+ardous Materials Information System EHMISF

Laredo Trukin# is dediated to protetin# &orkers from ha*ardous materials inthe &orkplae. All ha*ards re#ardin# to ontrolled su'stanes an 'e identifiedusin# the ;0I- s"stem thus protetin# emplo"ees.

• All ontrolled su'stane must 'e la'elled in aordane to ;0I-


• A file &ith all aterial -afet" Data -heets -D- is readil" a!aila'le toall emplo"ees.

• All emplo"ees must 'e ;0I- trained.

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2ioha+ardous Infectious 

Compressed Gas

 Corrosive Material

 3lammable and Combustible Material

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5idi+ing Material

Poisonous and Infectious 

angerously eactive 


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.? Company $ehicle

Road ha*ards pose one of the sin#le most si#nifiant risks to &orkers. Asemplo"ees of Laredo Trukin# it is important to reo#ni*e and ontrol the ha*ardsassoiated &ith !ehile operation.

An"'od" that dri!es a !ehile is responsi'le for the safe operation of that !ehile.The follo&in# rules appl" &hen on dut" for Laredo Trukin#B

• Compan" !ehiles &ill 'e used for 'usiness onl".

• <ehile speeds &ill not e=eed the posted speed limits on pu'li or pri!ateroads. -peeds &ill 'e ad(usted to ompensate for road and &eatheronditions.

• Dri!in# under the influene of dru#s)alohol is for'idden.

•  <ehile inspetions must 'e ompleted 'efore dri!in# !ehile

•  No passen#ers are allo&ed in Laredo Trukin# !ehiles &ithoutmana#ement%s authori*ation.

•  No alterations to !ehiles are allo&ed.

• Dri!in# &hile fati#ued is not tolerated. If tired pull o!er and sleep or

arran#e for aommodation. Call mana#ement.

• Dri!e &ith headli#hts on at all times.

• Keep &indshield lean at all times.

• The use of seat 'elts is re?uired '" la&.

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• Do not lea!e !ehiles unattended or runnin#

• Lok all !ehiles &hen unattended

• Do not idle for e=tended periods of time

• Turn off !ehiles and ell phones &hen refuellin#

• Ensure all ar#o is seurel" fastened

• Ensure insurane ards are in the !ehile$ al&a"s arr" "our dri!ers liense.

• Ensure all safet" doumentation is in the !ehile fitness reports$inspetions

• All emplo"ees &ill arr" a kit onsistin# of first aid kit and firee=tin#uisher

In event of accident"

• 3ull off the road to a!oid o'strutin# traffi

• 3lae refleti!e trian#les or flares on the road as neessar"

• Render first aid as neessar"

• ake no admission of lia'ilit" to an"one

• Contat polie)fire am'ulane as re?uired

• Report to Laredo Trukin# mana#ement as soon as possi'le

• 6ill out an aident)inident report form

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NOTEB These items are in no partiular order$ as e!er" inident &ill ha!edifferent irumstanes.

.> 3ire #tinguishers

3roperl" maintained and plaed fire e=tin#uishers alon# &ith ade?uate trainin#an #reatl" redue loss in the e!ent of a fire.

Laredo Trukin# reo#ni*es this therefore ensures onsistent onformanere#ardin# fire e=tin#uishers and all safet" e?uipment.

• 6ire e=tin#uishers must 'e plaed in aordane &ith loal fire re#ulationsand National 6ire 3rotetion Assoiation N63A #uidelines.

• Al&a"s ensure e=tin#uishers are !isi'le$ eas" to aess and read" to use.

• 6ire e=tin#uishers &ill 'e inspeted monthl".

• All fire e=tin#uishers &ill 'e reertified "earl".

• Al&a"s ensure that the proper t"pe of e=tin#uisher is a!aila'le for use.

6se the P'SS method !hen utili+ing an etinguisher" Pull, 'im, SJuee+e,

and S!eep"

PB 3ull the pin'B Aim the e=tin#uisher as the 'ase of the fireSB -?uee*e the tri##er &hile holdin# the e=tin#uisher upri#ht

  SB -&eep the e=tin#uisher from side to side$ o!erin# the area of thefire &ith the e=tin#uisher a#ent

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Fire Identification and Suppression Chart

Class A These fires onsist of &ood$ paper$ ra#s$ ru''ish and otherordinar" om'usti'le materials.

ecommended #tinguisher"  ;ater from a hose$ pumpt"pe &ater an$ pressuri*ed e=tin#uisher 

3ighting the 3ire"  -oak the fire ompletel" F e!en thesmokin# em'ers.

Class 4 6lamma'le li?uids$ oil and #rease.

ecommended #tinguisher"  A4C units$ dr" hemial$foam$ ar'on dio=ide e=tin#uishers

3ighting the 3ire"  -tart at the 'ase of the fire and use as&in#in# motion from left to ri#ht$ al&a"s keepin# the fire infront of "ou.

Class C Eletrial

ecommended #tinguisher"  Car'on dio=ide and dr"hemial A4C units e=tin#uishers.

3ighting the 3ire"  Use short 'ursts on the fire. It an 'eome a Class A fire &hen the urrent is shut off if thematerials around the eletrial fire i#nite.

ReferenesB N63A +: -tandard for 3orta'le 6ire E=tin#uishers +998 EditionIR3 <olume +8$ Upstream 3etroleum 6ire and E=plosion ana#ement EN6OR

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.D Personal Protective #Juipment EPP#F

33E an redue the se!erit" of an in(ur". Emplo"ees$ ontrators$ lients and!isitors of Laredo Trukin# &ill &ear the presri'ed 33E for the loation the" areon and for the &ork that is 'ein# onduted. This poli" helps to meet le#islati!ere?uirements as &ell as industr" standards.

• Laredo Trukin# e=pets all emplo"ees to use the 'asi 3ersonal 3roteti!eE?uipment re?uired to omplete their (o' safel".

•  No &ork &ill ommene until all re?uired 3ersonal 3roteti!e E?uipment is 'ein# utili*ed.

• A'solutel" no one is permitted on Laredo Trukin# &orksites &ithout usin#the presri'ed 3ersonal 3roteti!e E?uipment.

inimum 33E re?uirements are as follo&s &hen on a &orksite outside of theoffieB

• Appro!ed steel toed &ork 'oots

• Appro!ed safet" #lasses

• Appro!ed hard hat

 NoteB This is 'asi 33E$ some (o's and loations &ill re?uire additional protetion

hearin# protetion$ fae shield$ ru''er apron$ et

-i#nature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Date @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 

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3ersonnel 3roteti!e E?uipment 33E is the third and last means of protetin#&orkers from in(ur". 33E is onl" emplo"ed &hen administrati!e and en#ineerin#

ontrols are ineffeti!e or insuffiient. Ensurin# that all (o's are &ell planned$that &orkers are properl" trained and that all safe &ork praties are follo&edshould minimi*e ha*ards. 33E then pro!ides an additional de#ree of protetionfrom in(ur".

Types of PP#

33E falls into t&o ate#ories. The first ate#or" 4asi is the 33E that should 'e

&orn at all times '" all personnel in the &orkplae. This inludes hard hats$safet" foot&ear and appropriate proteti!e lothin#. The seond ate#or"-peiali*ed o!ers 33E &hih is used onl" for speifi (o's or for protetionfrom speifi ha*ards. This inludes #lo!es$ &elders #o##les$ respirator"

 proteti!e e?uipment$ fall arrestin# e?uipment and speial lothin#.

3oot Protection

-afet" foot&ear is desi#ned to protet a#ainst foot ha*ards in the &orkplae.

-afet" foot&ear protets a#ainst ompression$ punture in(uries$ and impat.

-afet" foot&ear is di!ided into three #rades$ &hih are indiated '" olored ta#sand s"m'olsB The tag color tells the amount of resistane the toe &ill suppl" todifferent &ei#hts dropped from different hei#hts. The symbol indiates thestren#th of the sole. 6or e=ample$ a triangle means a punture resistane solea'le to &ithstand +/2 k# /:: l's of pressure &ithout 'ein# puntured '" a 2m, in nail.

ReferenesBAl'ertas Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At and Re#ulations 3art +8

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/imb and 2ody Protection

3ersonal proteti!e e?uipment in this ate#or" &ould 'e items suh asB• Le#$ arm$ hin and 'ell" #uards

• -peialt" hand pads and #rips

• Leather aprons and le##in#s

• 6ull 'od" suits

• 6lame and hemial resistant lothin#$ and

• <arious t"pes of plasti 'oot o!ers$ and o!ershoes

E?uipment like this &ould 'e neessar" for tasks like hain sa&in#$ hemial

handlin#$ &orkin# in e=treme heat. 6or more indiation on the t"pe of speialt"33E "ou re?uire$ ondut a ha*ard assessment and hek O0- Re#ulations and-D-s.

Hand PP# EGloves and MittsF

33E for the hands inludeB fin#er #uards$ thim'les and ots$ handpads$ mitts$#lo!es$ and 'arrier reams. Choose hand 33E that &ill protet a#ainst the (o'ha*ards. Glo!es should fit &ell and 'e omforta'le. This t"pe of 33E has to

 protet a#ainst hemials$ srapes$ a'rasions$ heat and old$ puntures andeletrial shoks.


• Inspet hand 33E for defets 'efore usin#

• ;ash all hemials and fluids off #lo!es 'efore remo!in# them• Ensure that #lo!es fit properl" and their the t"pe re?uired for the (o'• Ensure e=posed skin is o!ered no #ap 'et&een the slee!e and the hand


5 75T"

• Use #lo!es or hand protetion that is &orn out or defeti!e

ReferenesBC-A P,29.1 Ru''er Insulatin# Glo!es and ittsQ C-A P,29.2 Ru''er Insulatin# -lee!es

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#ye and 3ace Protection

This 33E is desi#ned to protet the &orker from suh ha*ards asB• 6l"in# o'(ets and partiles

• olten metals

• -plashin# li?uids$ and

• Ultra!iolet$ infrared and !isi'le radiation &eldin#

There are t&o t"pes of 33EB

+. K2asic eye protectionK inludesQ

• E"e up #o##les• onoframe #o##les and spetales &ith or &ithout side shields

,. K3ace protectionK inludesB

• etal mesh fat shields for radiant heat or hot and humid onditionsChemial and impat resistant plasti fae shields

• ;elders shields or helmets &ith speified o!er 

• 6ilter plates and lenses

Hardened glass prescription lens and sport glasses are not an acceptablesubstitute for proper, industrial safety eye protection.

Comfort and fit are !er" important in the seletion of safet" e"e &ear. Lensoatin#s$ !entin# or fittin#s ma" 'e needed to pre!ent fo##in#.

Contat lenses should 75T 'e &orn at the &orksite. Contat lenses ma" trap ora'sor' partiles or #ases ausin# e"e irritation or 'lindness. 0ard ontat lensesma" in(ure the e"e &hen hit.

4asi e"e protetion should 'e used &hen &orkin# &ith fae shields. 6aeshields alone often are not enou#h to full" protet the e"es from &ork ha*ards.;hen e"e and fae protetion is re?uired$ ad!ie from speialists$ information onaterial -afet" Data -heets -D- for !arious hemials$ or "our supplier &illhelp "ou selet suh protetion.ReferenesBAl'ertas Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At and Re#ulations 3art +8-tandards for Industrial E"e and 6ae 3rotetors CAN+C-AP91./99 and P91./.+ 3roteti!e E"e&earB A Users

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• Ensure "our e"e protetion fits properl" lose to the fae

• Clean safet" #lasses dail"$ or more often if needed• -tore safet" #lasses in a safe$ lean$ dr" plae &hen not in useQ and

• Replae pitted$ srathed$ 'ent and poorl" fitted 33E. Dama#ed fae)e"e protetion interferes &ith !ision and &ill not pro!ide the protetion it isdesi#ned to deli!er.

5 75T"

• odif" e"e)fae protetionQ or 

• Use e"e)fae protetion &hih does not ha!e a proper ertifiation.

#ye Protection for elders

;elders and &elders helpers should also &ear the presri'ed e?uipment. An"oneelse &orkin# in the area should also &ear e"e protetion &here there is a hanethe" ould 'e e=posed to a flash.

Hearing Protection

0earin# protetion is desi#ned to redue the le!el of sound ener#" reahin# theinner ear. An" sound o!er 8: d'a re?uires hearin# protetion. 0earin# loss an

 'e !er" #radual$ usuall" happenin# o!er a num'er of "ears.

The most ommon t"pes of hearin# protetion in the onstrution industr" areearplu#s and earmuffs. It important to ha!e different st"les of hearin# protetiona!aila'le. Different st"les allo& a 'etter hane of a #ood fit. Eah persons head$ear shape and si*e is different. One st"le ma" not fit e!er" person on "our re&.

If the hearin# protetion is not properl" fitted$ it &ill not suppl" the le!el of protetion it &as desi#ned to deli!er. If noise le!els an not 'e 'rou#ht do&n toompliant le!els a noise mana#ement pro#ram &ill 'e reated.

ReferenesBC-A -tandard 0earin# 3rotetion De!ies 3erformane$ -eletion$ Care and Use P91.,

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Head Protection

-afet" head#ear is desi#ned to protet the head from impat from fallin# o'(ets$ 'umps$ splashes from hemials or harmful su'stanes$ and ontat &ithener#i*ed o'(ets and e?uipment.

In onstrution the reommended t"pe of proteti!e head&ear is the Class 4 hardhat &hih has the re?uired dieletri stren#th. There are man" desi#ns 'ut the"all must meet the C-A -tandard P91.+ for Industrial 3roteti!e 0ead&ear.

ost head protetion is made up of t&o partsB

The shell li#ht and ri#id to deflet 'lo&s• The suspension to a'sor' and distri'ute the ener#" of the 'lo&

4oth parts of the head #ear must 'e ompati'le and maintained aordin# tomanufaturers instrutions. If attahments are used &ith head #ear$ the" must 'edesi#ned speifiall" for use &ith the speified head #ear 'ein# used.

3roper are is re?uired for head #ear to perform effiientl". The ser!ie life isaffeted '" man" fators inludin# temperature$ hemials$ sunli#ht and ultra!iolet radiation &eldin#.

espiratory Protective #Juipment

All respirator" e?uipment &ill 'e maintained aordin# to manufaturer%sspeifiations and &ill 'e use '" trained personnel onl".

Safety 2elts, /anyards and /ife /ines

4od" harnesses are used to pro!ide &orkers &orkin# at hei#hts &ith freedom ofmo!ement and protetion from falls. These de!ies &ill arrest a fall and a'sor'some of the shok of the fall. The s"stems are usuall" &orn around the 'od" andattahed to a lan"ard$ fall arrestin# de!ie or rope #ra'. 4etter ?ualit" s"stemsusuall" ha!e some form of shok a'sor'er in the s"stem.

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Instruction of orers

3rior to allo&in# a &orker to &ork in an area &here the use of a fall protetions"stem is re?uired$ an emplo"er must ensure that the &orker is trained in the safeuse of the fall protetion s"stem and proures to 'e follo&ed.

Harnesses and Safety 2elts ( An emplo"er must ensure thatB

a A &orker &ears a full 'od" harness meetin# the re?uirements of C-A

-tandard CAN)C-A P,29.+:9: RI998$ 6ull 4od" 0arnesses$&hen usin# a personal fall arrest s"stem$ and

 ' -afet" 'elts are permitted onl" for use in tra!el restraint s"stems andmust meet the re?uirements of C-A -tandard P,29.+92 R+999$-afet" 4elts and Lan"ards.

/anyards and Safety Straps

An emplo"er must ensure that a lan"ard meets the re?uirements of C-A -tandardCANIC-A P,29.+92 R+999 Safety 4elts and Lanyards.

The emplo"er must ensure that &hen a tool or orrosi!e a#ent is used that ouldse!er$ a'rade or 'urn a lan"ard or safet" strap$ the lan"ard or safet" strap is madeof &ire rope or other material appropriate to the ha*ard.


Co!eralls must 'e fitted as to not #et au#ht in an" mo!in# e?uipment. Co!erallsmust also meet C-A fire retardant lothin# standards.

 NoteB Loose$ 'a##" lothin# is prohi'ited. 0an#in# (e&eller" is prohi'ited.Lon# hair must 'e tied 'ak. An" artile &hih ma" #et au#ht in mo!in#e?uipment must 'e remo!ed or tied 'ak.


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. House eeping

Good housekeepin# is a refletion on the ompan" as &ell as the person. Keepin#our &ork sites orderl" is not onl" #ood for e!er"one%s health and safet"$ 'ut alsoreputation.

Laredo Trukin# e=pets all &ork sites &ill 'e maintained in an orderl" and safefashion.

• All tools and e?uipment &ill 'e leaned and put 'ak in desi#nated area.

• All floors &ill 'e maintained in a lean state.

• All ha*ards on floors$ li?uids$ ie$ o'(ets &ill 'e leaned$ dried remo!edimmediatel" or the area &ill 'e fla##ed off and si#ned until it an 'eleaned.

• All &ashroom failities &ill 'e kept lean and sanitar".

• Coffee)lunh failities &ill 'e kept lean and sanitar".

• All &aste &ill 'e disposed of as per loal le#islation.

• All e=its must 'e lear of o'strutions.


ReferenesBO-0 ;orkplae 0ousekeepin# F 4asi #uide&&&.ohs.a)oshans&ers)hspro#rams)house.html

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.1L Smoing

-mokin# has 'een pro!en to ause ill health and is le#islated a#ainst in man"loales. Due to Laredo Trukin# ommitment to health and safet" as &ell asonformin# to le#islation the follo&in# poli" is enfored.

• -mokin# is onl" permitted at desi#nated smokin# areas.

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.11 oring 'lone

Due to the nature of the Laredo Trukin# 'usiness &orkin# alone is sometimesre?uired. ;orkin# alone poses its o&n uni?ue ha*ards so for the health andsafet" of all emplo"ees% this poli" has 'een de!eloped.

Efforts &ill 'e made to ensure emplo"ees are not &orkin# alone 'ut if it doesour the follo&in# measures &ill 'e takenB

• ;orkers &ill ad!ise Laredo Trukin# super!isor of intended departure andarri!al times.

• Upon arri!al emplo"ee &ill all mana#er and report in.

• Call in time fre?uen" &ill 'e esta'lished 'efore departure.

• If a sheduled hek in is not made$ efforts &ill 'e made to loateemplo"ee.

• All all in%s &ill 'e doumented.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code$ 3art ,8 ;orkin# Alone

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.1% 8ourney management

Emplo"ees &ill radio their super!isors &hen lea!in# the shop$ arri!in# on site$departin# site and arri!in# 'ak at the shop.

0ours &orked &ill 'e reorded on dail" time tikets and kept on file. 0ours of&ork &ill 'e traked to ensure ompliane &ith hours of &ork le#islation.

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1* 3ire 'rms

6irearms are not al&a"s the 'est solution for protetion a#ainst &ildlife.3roati!e means suh as trainin# and a&areness ourses ma" 'e more effeti!e.

•  No firearms are permitted in or on an" &ork sites or Laredo Trukin#!ehiles. Unless #ranted appro!al '" Laredo Trukin# mana#ement.

• If a firearm is permitted proper trainin# and doumentation must 'e on file

&ith Laredo Trukin# mana#ement.

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.1: Media

essa#es an sometimes 'e misinterpreted durin# inter!ie&s. To protetemplo"ee%s reputation and seurit"$ as &ell as the ompan"%s reputation andseurit"$ emplo"ees &ill not talk to media re#ardin# e!ents the ompan" isin!ol!ed &ith.

• All media re?uests for inter!ie&s$ omments or opinions must 'e

for&arded to Laredo Trukin# mana#ement.

• Under no irumstanes is an"one authori*ed to represent in the mediaLaredo Trukin# e=ept Laredo Trukin# mana#ement.

• If ?uestioned the ans&er JNo omment &ill suffie.

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.1@ $iolence, Harassment and iscrimination

Laredo Trukin# is ommitted to pro!idin# a &ork en!ironment that is free ofdisrimination$ !iolene and harassment.

• An" ondut$ &hih threatens$ intimidates or demeans an indi!idual &illnot 'e tolerated.

• All inidents of !iolene$ disrimination or harassment &ill 'e immediatel"reported to mana#ement$ in!esti#ated and doumented.

• An" Laredo Trukin# emplo"ee found to 'e in ontra!ention of this poli"&ill 'e su'(et to disiplinar" ation.

• An" emplo"ee or affiliate of Laredo Trukin# found to 'e in ontra!entionof this poli" ma" also 'e reported to the loal polie.


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LAREDO TRUCKING INC. Health & Safety Manual Al'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code$ 3art ,7 <ioleneCanada La'our Code$ 3art ,$ Chapter L,$ The At$ Duties of Emplo"ers$ -etion +,2s

.1? #nvironment

It is a priorit" for Laredo Trukin# to lea!e no en!ironmental footprint at &orkloations. All emplo"ees of Laredo Trukin# are ommitted to the preser!ation ofthe health and safet" of en!ironment$ emplo"ees and #eneral pu'li.

• All &astes &ill 'e disposed of in aordane &ith loal standards.

• All spills &ill 'e leaned up and doumented in aordane to le#islation.

• All spills &ill 'e reported to appropriate re#ulators as presri'ed '"le#islation.


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.1> 3atigue Management

 It is a re?uirement that &hen a &orker is fati#ued that he or she stop &ork andreport to a super!isor. The super!isor an then make the proper arran#ements forthe indi!idual.

Arran#ements ma" inludeB

• Da"s off 

• 0otel

• odified &ork

 No emplo"ee &ill operate e?uipment &hile fati#ued.

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.1D Hot eather

Indi!iduals &orkin# in hot en!ironments are at an inreased risk for de!elopmentof heatrelated illnesses. ;ork en!ironment$ relati!e effort in!ol!ed$ and lothin#are all potential fators leadin# to heat stress onditions.

;hen the 'od"%s a'ilit" to ool itself is disrupted$ 'od" temperature$ heart rateand perspiration inrease. If the 'od"%s temperature does not return to nearnormal or tolera'le le!els$ serious illness an result.

The follo&in# are desriptions of the forms of heatrelated illness that an ourdurin# &ork in hot &eatherB

Heat ash F also alled prikl" heat$ appears as little red 'umps on the skin$&hih are inflamed s&eat #lands. It usuall" appears on areas of the 'od" that

 'eome and sta" damp$ as under s&eat soaked shirts$ pants$ and #lo!es.0eat rash is not usuall" serious$ althou#h it an 'eome infeted. Treatmentinludes allo&in# the skin to dr" and keepin# affeted areas as dr" as


Heat Cramps  F are aused '" hea!" perspiration &ith a resultant loss of 'od" fluid$ ausin# an im'alane in the salts and minerals of the musles$&hih in turn auses rampin#. 0eat ramps an 'e !er" painful 'ut do notusuall" last !er" lon# and do not ause permanent disa'ilit". Treatment forheat ramps inludes remo!in# the indi!idual from the hot en!ironment and

 pro!idin# plent" of &ater to drink.

Heat Syncope F is a faintin# or nearfaintin# ondition that ours amon#

 people &ho ha!e 'een standin# in one position for a period of time$ usuall"in the sun$ 'ut it an our in an" &arm en!ironment. -tandin# still ausesthe 'lood to pool in the lo&er re#ions of the 'od"$ &hih leads to faintin#after some time. In summer$ this is not unommon at outdoor e!ents.Indi!iduals &ith heat s"nope should lie do&n in a shad" spot and drink&ater. 6le=in# le# musles and mo!in# around periodiall" durin# the &orkshift alon# &ith re#ular intake of &ater all help pre!ent the ondition.

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Heat #haustion  F is a ondition that usuall" de!elops amon# indi!iduals&ho ha!e e=periened loss of 'od" fluids due to hea!" perspiration.

-"mptoms of heat e=haustion inlude nausea$ di**iness$ headahes$tiredness$ and possi'le faintin#. An indi!idual sufferin# from heate=haustion is usuall" s&eatin# profusel" and ma" 'e onfused ordisoriented. Treatment inludes remo!in# the indi!idual from the hoten!ironment and pro!idin# ool &ater 7+: C to drink.

Heat Stroe F is the most serious form of heat related illness. Indi!idualssufferin# from heat stroke ma" or ma" not 'e perspirin#Q the" &ill ha!e anele!ated 'od" temperature$ at or a'o!e 1: C +:1 6. -"mptoms of heat

stroke inlude a red$ hot fae and)or skinQ lak of or redued perspirationQerrati 'eha!iourQ onfusion$ or di**inessQ and ollapse or unonsiousness.This ondition is an e=tremel" dan#erous medial emer#en". The personshould 'e mo!ed to a ool area and a##ressi!el" ooled$ usin# &et 'lanketsand fannin#. <itims should 'e transported '" a medial team to the nearesthospital. Outomes inlude possi'le oma and death.

-e!eral fators an affet the potential for &orkers to de!elop heatinduedonditions. The" inludeB

'cclimati+ation F ;orkers e=periene an alimati*ation period durin# thefirst ten da"s to t&o &eeks of &ork in a hot en!ironment. Durin# this time$their 'od" #raduall" ad(usts to operatin# in !er" &arm onditions. After the

 'od" has alimated$ &orkers are less likel" to e=periene heatrelated pro'lems. ;hile indi!iduals need +: to +1 da"s to 'eome heatalimated$the" ma" lose this alimation after onl" a fe& da"s a&a" from the hoten!ironment.

Physical 3itness F ;orkers &ho are in #ood ph"sial ondition are lesslikel" to e=periene heat related illnesses. O'esit" also ontri'utes to a&orkers ina'ilit" to handle heat stress.

'ge  F Older &orkers ma" ha!e more diffiult" operatin# in hotteren!ironments$ and ma" take lon#er to 'eome alimated.

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'lcohol and rug 6sage F Alohol onsumption ontri'utes to deh"drationand makes &orkers muh more likel" to e=periene heatrelated illness.

-ome presription and o!ertheounter dru#s ma" also inrease a &orkerssusepti'ilit" to heat stress.

'tmospheric Conditions F 0i#h humidit"$ diret sunli#ht$ and radiant heat#reatl" inrease heat stress onditions.

orload F ;orkers performin# strenuous &ork are more likel" to sufferfrom heatindued illness sine the" are #enerall" losin# more 'od" fluidsthrou#h perspiration. In addition$ the heat produed '" the 'od"%s

meta'olism adds to the o!erall heat load of the 'od".

The 'est treatment for heat stress is pre!ention. In most situations$ a om'inationof se!eral pre!entati!e measures an pro!ide an effeti!e pro#ram for a!ertin#heatrelated illness. If possi'le$ heat and humidit" produed '" the proessshould 'e en#ineered out usin# loal and #eneral !entilation. -ome possi'lemeasures areB

+ ad(ustin# &ork shedules$

, alternatin# &ork &ith 'reaks$ and

/ monitorin# &orkers for heat stress s"mptoms. aintainin# fle=i'le andade?uate &ork)rest shedules is relati!el" eas" and an effeti!e method ofreduin# heat stress. ;orkers should 'e a'le to take 'reaks to ool do&nand should 'e enoura#ed to drink &ater fre?uentl". Coffee or affeineontainin# soft drinks are not ad!ised sine their diureti effets ontri'uteto deh"dration. 4reak and lunh areas should 'e ooler than the &ork area.

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.1 Cold !eather

6nderstanding ind(Chill"

;indhill is the loss of 'od" heat '" replain# the mirola"er of &arm airsurroundin# "our 'od" &ith a la"er of older air. If the air &as not mo!in# &ind the la"er of &arm air &ould at as an insulator. ;hen that insulationla"er is 'lo&n a&a"$ the 'od" then tries to heat up the ne&$ older la"er &hihauses the 'od" to lose heat. This onstant loss of heat auses "ou to feel like thetemperature outside is ooler than the thermometer indiates.


Dampness pla"s a minor role in &indhill. A fe& "ears a#o$ the militar" did astud" usin# limateontrolled$ old ham'ers to ompare the effets of dampold and dr" old on people. Testin# sho&ed that the soldiers did not find dampold more penetratin# than dr" old and that the differene 'et&een dr" old anddamp old &as ne#li#i'le.

Let the sun shine in There is a reason$ ho&e!er$ &h" Ontario &inters ma" feelolder than 3rairie &inters the sun or rather the lak of it. It shines on more da"sin the 3rairies than it does in southern Ontario. A &alk in the sun ma" &arm "ouup '" as muh as +:C. This om'ined &ith the hori*on to hori*on 'lue skies ofthe 3rairie &inters make them seem less misera'le than those in southern Ontario.

Dress for effet 3lease remem'er that &indhill is (ust one of the man" fatorsthat ma" affet ho& old "ou feel in the &inter. Others inlude "our a#e and

 'od" t"pe as &ell as the t"pe of lothes "ou are &earin#$ the amount and t"pe ofe=erise "ou are en#a#ed in and &hether or not "our lothes are damp from sno&$rain or e!en perspiration.

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ind Chill Calculation Chart



53 I7 '7


'CT6'/ T#MP#'T6#

@ L (@ (1L (1@ (%L (%@ (*L (*@ (:L (:@ (@L

=.P.H. #6I$'/#7T T#MP#'T6#

@ 1 , 7 +/ +9 ,1 /: /5 1+ 17 2/ 28

1L / / 9 +2 ,+ ,7 // /9 12 2+ 27 (?*

1@ , 1 ++ +7 ,/ ,9 /2 1+ 18 21 (?L (??

%L + 2 +, +8 ,1 /+ /7 1/ 19 25 (?% (?D

%@ + 5 +, +9 ,2 /, /8 12 2+ 27 (?: (>L*L : 7 +/ ,: ,5 // /9 15 2, 29 (?@ (>%

*@ : 7 +1 ,: ,7 // 1: 17 2/ (?L (?? (>*

:L + 7 +1 ,+ ,7 /1 1+ 18 21 (?1 (?D (>:

:@ + 8 +2 ,+ ,8 /2 1, 18 22 (?% (? (>@

@L + 8 +2 ,, ,9 /2 1, 19 25 (?* (>L (>?

@@ , 9 +2 ,, ,9 /5 1/ 2: 27 (?* (>L (>>

?L , 9 +5 ,/ /: /7 1/ 2: 27 (?: (>1 (>D

?@ , 9 +5 ,/ /: /7 11 2+ 28 (?@ (>% (>

>L , 9 +5 ,/ /: /7 11 2+ 29 (?? (>* (DL>@ / +: +7 ,1 /+ /8 12 2, 29 (?? (>* (DL

DL / +: +7 ,1 /+ /8 12 2, (?L (?> (>: (D1

;ind speeds#reater than 7:K30 ha!e littleadditional effet



Risk of frost'ite in prolon#ede=posure if 

&ind hill is 'elo& ,2



6rost'ite possi'le in+: minutes at /2 if

&arm skin issuddenl" e=posed.

-horter time if skin isool at the start.



6rost'ite possi'le in less than, minutes at 5: if &arm skinis suddenl" e=posed. -horter

time if skin is ool at the start.

 NoteB ;ind hill is used to &arn people of dan#erous onditions due to lo&temperatures and &inds so &ind hill is not normall" alulated for airtemperatures a'o!e 2 C or &ind speeds 'elo& 2 km per hour.

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ind Chill Ha+ards

Chek the &ind hill 'efore "ou #o outdoors in the &inter$ and make sure "ou are&ell prepared for the &eather. E!en moderate &ind hills an 'e dan#erous if "ouare outside for lon# periods.

ind Chill Ha+ards

ind Chill escription Health Concern hat to do

: to +: Lo&-li#ht inrease indisomfort

Dress &arml"$ &ith theoutside temperature in mind.

+: to ,2 oderate

Unomforta'le E=posed skin feels old Risk of h"pothermia ifoutside for lon# periods&ithout ade?uate protetion

Dress in la"ers or &armlothin#$ &ith an outer la"erthat is &indresistant. ;ear a hat$ mittens andsarf. Keep ati!e.

,2 to 12 Cold

Risk of skin free*in#frost'ite Chek fae ande=tremities fin#ers$ toes$ears and nose fornum'ness or &hiteness Risk of h"pothermia ifoutside for lon# periods&ithout ade?uate protetion

Dress in la"ers of &armlothin#$ &ith an outer la"erthat is &indresistant. Co!er all e=posed skin$ partiularl" "our fae andhands. ;ear a hat$ mittens anda sarf$ nek tu'e or faemask. A!oid e=posin# the skindiretl" to the &ind. Keep ati!e.


12 to 29


E=posed skin ma"free*e in minutes Chek fae ande=tremities fre?uentl" fornum'ness or &hitenessfrost'ite -erious risk ofh"pothermia if outside forlon# periods

4e areful. Dress !er"&arml" in la"ers of lothin#$&ith an outer la"er that is&indresistant. Co!er all e=posed skin$ partiularl" "our fae andhands. ;ear a hat$ mittens anda sarf$ nek tu'e or faemask. Limit outdoor ati!ities toshort periods.

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9.20 5verhead Po!er /ine Safety eJuirements

;hene!er &ork &ill or ma" in!ol!e infrin#ement of the J-afe Limit ofApproah to the po&er line '" persons or e?uipment$ the po&er ompan"in!ol!ed shall 'e notified for disonnetion$ isolation$ or deFener#i*in# of theline. Laredo Trukin# personnel and ontrator emplo"ees shall not attempt toraise a po&er line under an" irumstanes. All personnel and ontratoremplo"ees shall ompl" &ith the follo&in# safe limits of the approah to po&erlines.

+ Condutors must 'e insulated or o!ered throu#hout their entire len#th toompl" &ith these #roups.

, Condutors must 'e manufatured to rated and tested insulation le!els.

S'3# /IMITS 53 'PP5'CH

5perating $oltage of 5verhead Po!er /ine

2et!een Conductors

Safe /imit of 'pproach istance for

Persons or #Juipment

: F 72: <Insulated or 3ol"eth"lene Co!ered Condutors

+/:: mm

: F 72: <Insulated or 3ol"eth"lene Co!ered Condutors

++.: m

A'o!e 75: <4are$ uninsulated

+.: m

72: < F 1: k< /.: m

59 k<$ 7, k /.2 m

+/8 k<$ +11 k< 1.2 m

,/: k<$ ,5: k< 2.: m

O!er ,2: k<$ Less than 2:: k< 5.: m2:: k< 7.: m


75 852 IS S5 IMP5T'7T TH'T 456 C'775T T'=# TH# TIM#

T5 /55= 6P '7 #C5G7I0# TH# H'0'S 53 HIGH $5/T'G#


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Static #lectricityB

-parks resultin# from the aumulation of stati eletriit" an ause fires ande=plosions. -tati an 'e #enerated from numerous soures$ inludin# the fritionof oil passin# throu#h a pipeline$ pourin# li?uids from one ontainer to another$ orsteam passin# throu#h a hose an #enerate an e=tremel" hi#h stati har#e. Inorder to minimi*e the risks or stati eletriit" ompl" &ith the 4ondin# andGroundin# re?uirements listed 'elo&.

2onding and Grounding

an" of the pro'lems assoiated &ith stati eletriit" an 'e remo!ed$ or at leastredued$ '" drainin# off the stati har#e as fast as it is produed. 4ondin# and#roundin# of e?uipment redues the risk of stati eletriit" sparkin# 'et&eenonduti!e 'odies$ and 'et&een these 'odies and earth.

4ondin# is onl" effeti!e &hen applied to onduti!e 'odies and e?uali*es the potential of the 'odies 'onded. Groundin# eliminates a differene in potential 'et&een an o'(ets and the earth.

6luid transfer stations at failities are e?uipped &ith 'ondin# e?uipment and#roundin# s"stems are to 'e heked '" a ?ualified indi!idual durin# inspetionsor as re?uired.

To ensure proper operation$ 'ondin# and #roundin# s"stems are to 'e heked '"a ?ualified indi!idual durin# inspetions or as re?uired.

4ondin# &ire si*e shall 'e minimum 8#au#e. Groundin# shall onsist of t&osoures. The primar" soure for #round is the &ell head$ as lon# as a proper

onnetion is made. A 2)8 inh diameter #round stake an 'e used as theseondar" #round soure.


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.%1 Purchasing

4" ensurin# #oods purhased meet or e=eed standards$ Laredo Trukin# anonsistentl" pro!ide ?ualit" ser!ie.

Laredo Trukin# &ill ensure that e?uipment and supplies purhased meetoupational health and safet" le#islati!e re?uirements as &ell as pro!inial andfederal re#ulations. If le#islation does not appl" to the item purhased$ it shouldmeet one of the follo&in# standardsB

• Canadian -tandards Assoiation

Canadian Gas Assoiation• Under&riters La'oratories of Canada

•  National Institute for Oupational -afet" and 0ealth

• ine -afet" and 0ealth Administration

• Amerian 3etroleum Institute

All items purhased &ill 'e 'aked '" appropriate doumentation$ &arranties$ser!ie ontrats and are purhased from relia'le suppliers.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At ,/$ ,1

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.%% 3irst 'id

Training Standards

Laredo Trukin# pro!ides and maintains first aid supplies for eah &orksite asdetermined '" potential &orksite ha*ards$ re& si*e$ and re#ulator" re?uirements.Contrators shall pro!ide and maintain first aid supplies and ser!ies for theiremplo"ees in aordane &ith re#ulator" re?uirements.

• 6irst aid supplies shall 'e a!aila'le and aessi'le durin# all &orkin#hours$ and shall 'e maintained in a lean$ dr"$ ser!iea'le ondition.

• Contents of first aid kits shall 'e maintained as speified on the Jin!entor"of kit ontent list$ &hih is inluded &ith eah kit.

• 6irst aid #uides 'ooklets shall 'e kept in all first aid kits. 6irst aid inidentreports shall 'e ompleted and deposited in the first aid inident report


• To protet a#ainst 'lood 'orne patho#ens$ first aid kits shall 'e stoked&ith late= #lo!es and one &a" !al!e.

• ;orksite super!isors or desi#nates shall ondut monthl" inspetions offirst aid kits$ e"e &as failities$ and emer#en" sho&ers. Identifieddefiienies shall 'e orreted s soon as possi'le$

• Ensure that first aid e?uipment and supplies are maintained in a lean$ dr"and ser!iea'le ondition$ ontained in a material that protets the ontentsfrom the en!ironment$ and learl" identified as first aid e?uipment andsupplies$

• 3ost$ at onspiuous plaes at the &orksite$ si#ns indiatin# theloation of first aid ser!ies$ e?uipment and supplies or$ if postin# of si#nsis not pratia'le$ ensure that eah &orker kno&s the loation of first aidser!ies$ e?uipment and suppliesQ and

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• Ensure that an emer#en" ommuniation s"stem is in plae for&orkers to summon first aid ser!ies.

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#mergency Transportation

• 4efore &orkers are sent to a &orksite$ the emplo"er must ensure thatarran#ements are in plae to transport in(ured or ill &orkers from the &orksite to the nearest health are failit".

• In ases Laredo Trukin# &ill pro!ide a means of ommuniation at the&ork site to summon an am'ulane ser!ie or transportation desri'ed insu'setion.

3irst 'id Training

Laredo Trukin# &ill ensure that the first aiders at a &orksite ha!e suessfull"ompleted a first aid trainin# ourse appro!ed '" a Diretor of edial -er!iesand hold a !alid ertifiate in first aid.

uty to eport In)ury or Illness

If a &orker has an aute illness or in(ur" at the &orksite$ the &orker must report

the illness or in(ur" to the emplo"er as soon as pratia'le.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At$ Code and Re#ulation -hedule ,

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.%* espiratory Protective #Juipment

Respirator" 3roteti!e E?uipment an 'e lassified aordin# to eah t"pe%slimitations and intended use.

The four main types are"

Self(Contained 2reathing 'pparatus ESC2'F"

-C4A%s are air respirators that re?uire the &earer to arr" a suppl" of 'reathin# air.

'll models of SC2'Os must"

• 0a!e at least a /:minute suppl" of 'reatha'le airQ

• 3ro!ide full fae protetionQ

• 4e the 3ositi!e 3ressure t"pe$ &here the pressure inside the fae piee

is al&a"s #reater than atmospheri pressureQ

• 4e a om'ination 3ositi!e 3ressure ) 3ressure on demand t"pe &herethe pressure inside the fae piee is in relation to atmospheri pressureQ

• Is positi!e durin# e=halation and ne#ati!e durin# inhalationQ

• This om'ination t"pe must 'e apa'le of maintainin# positi!e pressure&hen used in an atmosphere that is immediatel" dan#erous to life or

health IDL0.

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1F Supplied 'ir 2reathing 'pparatus ES'2'F"

-A4A%s are &ork masks onneted '" a suppl" hose to a "linder ofompressed air. This t"pe of respirator has the ad!anta#e in that the airsuppl" is not limited to the ?uantit" that an 'e arried.

0o&e!er$ users are restrited in mo!ement '" the air suppl" hose and mustreturn to a safe atmosphere '" retrain# their route of entr".

'll models of S'2'Os must"

4e e?uipped &ith +: minute au=iliar" suppl" of 'reatha'le air toallo& the &earer to esape from a dan#erous atmosphere if the primar"air suppl" failsQ

• 4e e?uipped &ith full fae pieeQ

• 4e apa'le of maintainin# a positi!e pressure inside the fae piee atall times.

$apour and Gas emoving espirators"

<apour and #as remo!in# respirators are e?uipped &ith artrid#es oranisters to remo!e !apours and #ases from the air.

These respirators Jo 7ot  pro!ide protetion a#ainst o="#en defiientatmospheres$ autel" to=i #ases$ or partile ontaminants. 6se vapours

and gas respirators only"

•6or protetion a#ainst lo& onentrations of or#ani !apors and

#ases$ pestiides$ and paint !apours or mistsQ

• Aordin# to the appliation speified on the anister or artrid#e.

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%F Particulate emoving espirators"

3artiulate remo!in# respirators are e?uipped &ith filters to remo!e partiulate matter suh as dust and fumes from the air. These respiratorsJo 7ot  pro!ide protetion a#ainst o="#en defiient atmospheres or to=i#ases$ and should never  'e used in atmospheres that are immediatel"dan#erous to life or health.

3it Testing 3or espirators

Respirators that need ti#ht seals to perform effeti!el" should 'e &orn onl" &henan effeti!e fae seal an 'e maintained. ;orkers &ho are re?uired to &earrespirators must 'e leansha!en.

#very time a respirator is used, conduct a test to ensure that an effective face

seal is maintained by one of the follo!ing methods"

7egative pressure fit test"

  After losin# off inlet$ inhale so that the fae piee ollapses sli#htl"Q

  If after +: seonds the fae piee remains sli#htl" ollapsed and no in&ardleaka#e is detetedQ

  The fae piee fit is onsidered ade?uate.

Positive pressure fit test"

• After losin# off the e=halation !al!e$ e=hale #entl" into fae pieeQ• If a sli#ht positi!e pressure 'uilds inside the fae piee and no out&ard air

leaka#e is deteted$

• The fae piee is onsidered ade?uate.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At$ Re#ulation$ and Code 3art +8

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.%: Hand Signals

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.%@ 3uelling of #Juipment

• -tationar" stora#e fuel tanks shall 'e !ented and kept lear of 'uildin#s$and if not 'uried$ should 'e #rounded.

• Gasoline must 'e arried in a ertified losed ontainer that is ade?uatel"!ented.

• -mokin# is prohi'ited &hile fuellin# is in pro#ress. There shall 'e no openfires$ &eldin#$ et. in the fuellin# *ones.

•otors on e?uipment shall 'e stopped 'efore fuellin#.

• In fuellin# e?uipment$ the metal fuel no**le shall 'e kept in ontat &iththe lip of the tank to eliminate an" stati aumulation.

• Care shall 'e taken to not o!erfill an" e?uipment fuel tanks.

• -tora#e tanks &ill 'e #rounded for fuel transfer.

Dri!ers shall keep their e?uipment in #ood ondition and follo& allapplia'le rules under the Transportation of Materials and Equipment and

Transportation of Dangerous Goods re#ulations.

• Cell phones &ill 'e shut off durin# fuellin#

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.%? Step /adders

•  No &ork is to 'e done from the top t&o steps of the stepladder$ ountin#the top platform as a run#.

• ;hen in the open position read" for use$ the inline of the front step setionshall 'e one + hori*ontal to si= 5 !ertial.

• The stepladder is onl" to 'e used in the full" opened position &ith thespreader 'ars loked.

Tops of step ladders are not to 'e used as support for saffolds.

• Don%t o!erreah &hile on the ladder. Clim' do&n and mo!e the laddero!er to a ne& position.

• Onl" C-A -tandard ladders &ill 'e used.

• Al&a"s maintain / point ontat &hen on ladders.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" At$ Re#ulation and Code 3art ,/$ -affolds and Temporar" ;ork3latforms.

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.%> Hand Tools

The follo&in# are some #eneral safet" points that need to 'e onsidered &henusin# hand tools.

• Al&a"s 'eome familiar and follo& the manufaturer%s speifiations.

• Keep tools in an orderl" fashion$ al&a"s put a&a" after use.

• Inspet all tools and e?uipment 'efore use.

•Do not use defeti!e tools.

• Do not use dull uttin# tools.

• Al&a"s use proper si*ed tool for the (o'.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code 3art +,B General -afet" 3reautions$ 3art ,2 Tools$ E?uipment andahiner".

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.%D 5ffice Safety

• Ensure "ou are on!ersant &ith emer#en" e!auation.

• Ensure that all eletrial ords are in #ood ondition and are noto!erloaded.

• Ensure that omputer monitors are ad(usted to the orret hei#ht and keptlean.

•Ensure fans)spae heaters are used to manufaturer speifiations.

• Ensure floors and aisles are kept lear and not luttered.

• Ensure that onl" one dra&er of filin# is open at one time and that dra&ersare losed &hen not in use.

• Ensure proper t"pe of fire e=tin#uisher is a!aila'le.

;hen transportin# materials of a hea!" nature ensure that handarts andtrolle"s are used properl".

• Operated miro&a!e aordin# to manufaturer speifiations.

• Ensure offee makers are used aordin# to anufaturer speifiations.

• Ensure photoopier is maintained aordin# to manufature speifiations.

• Ensure hairs are in #ood repair.

• Ensure ru#s are kept lean and #ood repair F free of trippin# ha*ard.

• Ensure paper utter 'lade is plaed in losed lok position.

• Ensure all loose lothin# is tied 'ak &hen usin# the paper shredder.

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LAREDO TRUCKING INC. Health & Safety Manual ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code$ 3art 8$ Entranes$ ;alk&a"s$ -tair&a"s and Ladders$ 3art +,

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.% Handling and /ifting Materials

0andlin# materials is one of the ma(or soures of &orkplae in(uries. ost of theseare aused '" simple$ sometimes repetiti!e ations. In(uries an 'e pre!ented '"onentratin# on the (o' at hand. 4ruises$ laerations$ punture &ounds$ strains andsprains are the most ommon in(uries.

• 4efore handlin# materials$ 'e alert to the possi'ilit" of sharp ed#es$ nails$sli!ers$ sharp &ire ends$ strap ends or other pro(etions that mi#ht ause utsor puntures and &ear appropriate #lo!es.

Keep hands and fin#ers a&a" from the Jpinh points J&hen handlin#materials. E=amples inludeB 'enh$ floors$ strutures$ 'o=es$ mahines oran" other fi=ed o'(et.

•  Ne!er arr" an o'(et '" "ourself if it o'sures "our !ision. Get assistanefrom o&orkers.

• Chek the &ei#ht of hea!" or lar#er o'(ets 'efore attemptin# a lift '" tippin#one ed#e or mo!in# the item from side to side.

• Keep the o'(et as lose to the 'od" as possi'le. the lar#er and 'ulkier the paka#e$ the more strain it plaes on "our 'ak and other musles

• 4e sure "our route is lear and "ou an safel" plae the o'(et do&n '"re!ersin# the a'o!e proedure.

• Onl" small$ li#ht paka#es are to 'e arried up or do&n stairs. 6or lar#er andhea!" o'(ets use a ramp or mehanial lift.

• 3rotrudin# nails should al&a"s 'e remo!ed from srap lum'er &hether its to 'e used a#ain or disarded.

• Do not allo& materials that ha!e sharp or rou#h ed#es to slide throu#h "ourfin#ers.

• ;hen liftin# 'a##ed materials hek the paka#e for tears that ma" ause it

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to fall apart &hen "ou lift or mo!e it.

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#M#M2#"  3roper Liftin#  or proper handlin# methods &ill help pre!entin(ur". ;here proper liftin# e?uipment mehanial is a!aila'le use it. If

mehanial e?uipment is not a!aila'le or not pratial$ then proper liftin#methods must 'e utili*ed. ;here possi'le$ a!oid liftin# an"thin# o!er 72 l's$ ifan o'(et is hea!ier than 72 l's then t&o or more people and or a forklift &ill 'ere?uired re#ardless of the o'(et 'ein# lifted.

;hen it is neessar" for "ou to lift an o'(et$ use the follo&in# methodB

• 6ae the o'(et$ plae feet at shoulder &idth and lose to the o'(et to 'elifted.

• 4end the knees and s?uat '" the o'(et in a omforta'le position. Dontstoop o!er it.

• Get a firm$ 'alaned #rip on the o'(et.

• Keep the 'ak and arms as strai#ht as possi'le and do not t!ist your body

!hen lifting or carrying any ob)ect.

• Lift the o'(et '" strai#htenin# the le#s and keep "our 'ak strai#ht as "ourstand up.

ReferenesBAl'erta Oupational 0ealth and -afet" Code 3art +1$ Liftin# and 0andlin# Loads

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.*L Cleaning Products

• Ensure all ;0I- re?uirements are met.

• Chek to=i ha*ards of all sol!ents 'efore use. .-.D.-.

• ;hen 'reathin# ha*ards e=ists$ use the appropriated respirator" protetion.

• Use nonflamma'le sol!ents for #eneral leanin#.

• -tore flamma'les and sol!ents in speial stora#e areas.

• Ensure that proper ontainers are used for transportation$ stora#e and fielduse of sol!ents)flamma'les.

• Do not use sol!ents in areas &here food ma" 'e ontaminated.

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.*1 Transportation of Materials and #Juipment

• Eah !ehile shall 'e inspeted dail" '" the dri!er. An" defet shall 'ereported immediatel" to the dri!er %s super!isor or the person in har#e ofe?uipment maintenane.

• <ehiles shall not 'e operated on or off hi#h&a" in e=ess ofma=imum apait" allo&ed '" the applia'le #o!ernmental re#ulations or


• All loads must 'e ade?uatel" seured to pre!ent mo!ement &hile 'ein#transported.

• Loose e?uipment or material shall not 'e arried in the dri!er or passen#erompartment of !ehiles.

• Controlled produts$ flamma'le produts or ha*ardous materials shall not 'e arried in the dri!er or passen#er ompartments of !ehiles.

• All re#ulated materials suh asQ ;0II- ontrolled produts$Transportation of dan#erous #oods or 0a*ardous ;aste$ must 'e hauled inaordane &ith the appropriate le#islated re?uirements.

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.*% Transportation of orers

• -uita'le pro!ision shall 'e made for seatin# &orkers &hen the" are 'ein# transported

• ;orkers are prohi'ited from 'oardin# or lea!in# an" mo!in# !ehile$e=ept in ase of an emer#en".

• ;orkers shall not ride on runnin# 'oards$ fenders or the outside of truksor trailers.

•  No stops shall 'e made on a trestle or 'rid#e for unloadin# or pikin#up &orkers.

• Cre& !ehiles shall 'e pulled off to the side of the road &hen &orkersare 'oardin# or disem'arkin#.

• ;hen &orkers are 'ein# transported '" !ehile$ loose e?uipment ormaterial shall not 'e arried in the passen#er ompartment.

• 6lamma'le material shall not 'e transported &ithin the re& ompartmentof a !ehile used to transport &orkers.

• The num'er of passen#ers arried in the a' shall not e=eed that allo&ed '" applia'le #o!ernment re#ulations.

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.** Portable Grinders

• 6amiliari*e "ourself &ith the #rinder operation 'efore ommenin# &ork.

• Ensure proper #uards are in plae and that safet" #lasses$ fae shields$#lo!es and safet" 'oots are &orn &hen usin# porta'le #rinders.

•  Ne!er e=eed the ma=imum &heel speed e!er" &heel is marked. Chekthe speed marked on the &heel and ompare it to the speed on the #rinder.

• ;hen mountin# the &heels$ hek them for raks and defets$ ensure that

the mountin# flan#es are lean and the mountin# 'ottles are used. Do noto!er ti#hten the mountin# nut.

• 4efore #rindin#$ run ne&l" mounted &heels at operatin# speed to hek for!i'rations.

• Do not use #rinders near flamma'le material.

•  Ne!er use the #rinder for (o's &hih it is not desi#ned$ like uttin#.

• easure speed of #o!ernor ontrolled air dri!en #rinders after ,: hours ofuse or e!er" &eek$ &hihe!er omes first. easure speed after an" repairs.

• easure speed of eletriall" dri!en #rinders monthl" and after repairs.

2efore Grinding"

• C0ECK that ne&l" mounted or e=istin# &heels do not !i'rate or operate

rou#hl" at operatin# speed.

• U-E raks or hooks to store porta'le #rinders.

• IN-3ECT all &heels for raks and defets 'efore mountin#.

• EN-URE mountin# flan#e surfaes are lean and flat.

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• U-E mountin# 'lotters supplied.

RUN ne&l" mounted &heels at operatin# speed for one minute 'efore #rindin#.• ;EAR e"e$ ear and fae protetion.

5 75T"

• DO NOT U-E #rinders near flamma'le materials.

• DO NOT CLA3 porta'le #rinders in a !ise for #rindin# handheld &ork.

DO NOT U-E li?uid oolant &ith porta'le #rinders.• DO NOT 6ORCE &heels onto a #rinder or han#e mountin# hole si*es.

• DO NOT O<ER TIG0TEN the mountin# nut.

• DO NOT U-E #rinders for (o's for &hih it is not desi#ned i.e.$ uttin#


• Chek the tool rest for the orret distane from the a'rasi!e&heel$ ma=imum +)8 or / mm.

• Replae the #rindstone &hen ad(ustment of the rest annot pro!ide +)8 or / mm learane.

• If the &heel has 'een a'used and #round to an an#le or#roo!ed$ replae the &heel &ith the appropriate surfain# tool.

• 3rotet "our e"es &ith #o##les or a fae shield at all times&hen #rindin#.

• Eah time a #rindin# &heel is mounted$ the ma=imumappro!ed speed stamped on the &heel 'ladder should 'e heked a#ainst theshaft rotation speed of the mahine to ensure the safe peripheral speed is note=eeded. A #rindin# &heel must not 'e operated at peripheral speed

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e=eedin# the manufaturer%s reommendation.

• The flan#es supportin# the #rindin# &heel should 'e ama=imum of +)/ the diameter of the &heel$ and must fit the shaft rotatin#speed aordin# to the manufature%s reommendation.

• 4enh #rinders are desi#ned for peripheral #rindin#. Do not#rind on the side of the &heel.

• Do not stand diretl" in front of #rindin# &heel &hen firststarted.

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.*: Compressed 'ir

• Compressed air must not 'e used to 'lo& de'ris or to lear dirtfrom an" &orker%s lothes.

• Ensure that the air pressure had 'een turned off and the line pressure relie!ed 'efore disonnetin# the hose or han#in# tools.

• ;ear personal proteti!e e?uipment suh as e"e protetion and faeshields$ and ensure other &orkers in the area are made a&are of or ha!erestrited aess to the ha*ard area.

• 0oses must 'e heked on a re#ulator and relief de!ie must 'e in thes"stems to ensure that orret desired pressures are maintained.

• A proper pressure re#ulator and relief de!ie must 'e in the s"stems toensure that orret desired pressures are maintained.

• The orret air suppl" hoses must 'e used for the tool)e?uipment 'ein#used.

• The e?uipment must 'e properl" maintained aordin# to the manufaturesre?uirements.

• 6ollo& manufaturer%s #eneral instrutions and ompl" &ith le#islatedsafet" re?uirements.

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.*@ efective Tools

To ensure safe use of hand tools$ remem'erB

+. Ne!er use a defeti!e tool

,. Dou'le hek all tools prior to use

/. Ensure defeti!e tools are repaired

1. 6la# and take out of ser!ie an" defeti!e tool

Air$ #asoline or eletri po&er tools$ re?uire skill and omplete attention on the

 part of the user e!en &hen the" are in #ood ondition. Do not use po&er tools&hen the" are defeti!e in an" &a".

;ath for pro'lems likeB

•  'roken or inoperati!e #uards

• insuffiient or improper #roundin# due to dama#e on dou'le insulated tools

no #round &ire or plu# or ords of standard tools

• the on)off s&ith is not in #ood &orkin# order 

• tool 'lade is raked

• the &ron# #rinder &heel is 'ein# used

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.*? Charging 2atteries

• Ensure the har#er is off 'efore attahin# or remo!in# lamp onnetions.

• Attah lamps to the 'atter" in proper polarit".

• Ensure proper !entilation is in plae &here 'atteries are har#ed.

• Inspet for defeti!e a'les$ loose onnetions$ orrosion$ raked ases oro!ers$ loose holddo&ns and deformed or loose terminal posts.

• Ti#hten a'le lamp nuts &ith the proper si*e &renh.

• Utili*e a a'le puller to remo!e a a'le lamp from the 'atter" terminal.

• Remo!e orrosion on the terminal posts$ holddo&n tra" and hold do&n parts.

• Use a tapered 'rush to lean 'atter" terminals and the a'le lamps.

Clean dirt from the 'atter" &ith 'akin# soda solution.

• Utili*e a 'atter" arrier to lift a 'atter".

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.*> Transportation of angerous Goods

In #eneral$ the re#ulations pro!ide forB

• -afe paka#in# to minimi*e the hane of an aidental release$

• 0a*ards identified in the form of la'els$ plaards$ and doumentation$

• Emer#en" measures inludin# emer#en" response plannin#$ reportin#of Aidental Release$ and takin# reasona'le measures to ensure pu'lisafet"$ and

 • Appropriate trainin#. An" emplo"ee handlin# lassified #oods &ill

ha!e appropriate TDG trainin#.

Refer to the Transportation of Dan#erous Goods Clear Lan#ua#e re#ulations forspeifi details.

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TG Classes


Classification ivision Pacing Group

1 ( #plosives 1 ( ass E=plosion 0a*ard


% F ass 3ro(etion 0a*ard

* F ass 6ire 0a*ard

: F inor Loali*ed 0a*ard

@ F Insensiti!e E=plosion 0a*ard

? F E=tremel" Insensiti!e

% ( Compressed Gases 1 F 6lamma'le 75

% F Non6lamma'le Pacing Groups

* F 3oisonous for Class %

* ( 3lammable /iJuids 75 I$ISI57S I$ II$ III

: ( Combustible Solids, etc 1 F 6lamma'le -olids I$ II$ III

% F -pontaneousl" Com'usti'le I$ II$ III

* F ;ater Reati!e I$ II$ III

@ ( 5idi+ers 1 F O=idi*in# -u'stanes I$ II$ III

& 5rganic Peroides % F Or#ani 3ero=ides I$ II$ III

? ( Poisonous 1 F 3oisonous -u'stanes I$ II$ III

& Infectious Substances % F Infetious -u'stanes Risk Groups


> ( adioactive Materials 75 I$ISI57S Categories 57/4

I minor$

II moderate$

III e=treme

D ( Corrosive Substances 75 I$ISI57S I$ II$ III

( Miscellaneous Products,

Substances or 5rganisms

75 I$ISI57S


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TG Placards



!   1


!   1



Class 1.1, 1.%, 1.* Class 1.: Class 1.@ Class 1.?

Class %.1 Class %.% Class %.* 5ygen

%.% [email protected]

Class *

Class :.1 Class :.% Class :.* Class @.1 Class @.% Class ?.1

Class ?.% Class > Class D Class

ReferenesBTransportation of Dan#erous Goods At

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Section 1L Safe or Procedures

A safe &ork proedure is a step '" step doumented desription of ho& to perform a task from start to finish. These proedures are intended to instrut&orkers on ho& to ondut omple=$ ha*ardous or infre?uent tasks. 3roedures&ill 'e de!eloped for these tasks.

'll safe !or procedures are developed to comply !ith"

• Le#islation.

• Laredo Trukin# poliies and #uidelines.

• -peifi lient poliies.

Procedures !ill be"

• Clear and onise.

• Re!ie&ed periodiall" '" mana#ement to ensure ompliane$ aura" andurren".

Steps to drafting a procedure"

• In!entor" all tasks in!ol!ed in the (o'.

• Identif" ha*ards in!ol!ed &ith all of the tasks.

• Condut ha*ard assessments and esta'lish ontrols for the ha*ards.

• Inorporate the ontrols into a step '" step #uide on ho& to omplete the

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Procedures-is 'ssessments

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The follo!ing contains a list of the most ha+ardous tass undertaen by

/aredo Trucing

+. Dri!in#

,. ;orkin# alone

/. Loadin# e?uipment

1. Unloadin# e?uipment

2. Gettin# in)out of mahine

5. ;orkin# near roads

7. ;orkin# near po&er lines

8. ;orkin# on une!en #round

9. 4akin# up


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Section 11 Safety Performance and Statistical Information

Laredo Trukin# keeps all inident and aident reords on file. -afet" performane statistis are re!ie&ed on a re#ular 'asis to determine trends andfre?uen" rates. 4" re!ie&in# these statistis pro'lem areas an 'e identified andontrol measures ma" 'e implemented.

-tatistial information is re!ie&ed &ith emplo"ees durin# safet" meetin#s.

• All inidents &ill 'e traked usin# an inident trakin# form.

onthl" and "earl" totals &ill 'e reorded.

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Section 1% Program 'dministration

All emplo"ees of Laredo Trukin# &ill ha!e aess to a op" of Laredo Trukin#0ealth -afet" anual. The manual is re!ie&ed &ith them in the emplo"eeorientation an akno&led#ement is si#ned and kept on file.

;hen updates or amendments are made opies &ill 'e irulated to allemplo"ees.

Le#islati!e doumentation &ill 'e made a!aila'le to emplo"ees.

Section 1. Management Commitment and Involvement

+. The mana#er &ill si#n and date the ompan" poli" and ha!e it posted inan o'!ious plae.

,. Indi!idual responsi'ilities &ill 'e re!ie&ed.

/. -omeone &ithin the or#ani*ation &ill 'e appointed safet" representati!eand &ill mana#e all doumentation.

Section %. Communications

+. A safet" meetin# shedule &ill 'e de!eloped and ommuniated toemplo"ees.

,. -afet" meetin# forms &ill 'e made a!aila'le to all emplo"ees.

Section *. Ha+ard Identification, is 'ssessment and Control

+. 0a*ard Identifiation$ Risk Assessment and Control forms &ill 'e madea!aila'le to all emplo"ees.

,. An in!entor" of all (o's &ill 'e made and re!ie&ed to ensure all ontrolsare in plae and to help esta'lish proedures.

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Section :. Training

+. All emplo"ees &ill su'mit opies of all trainin# ertifiates.

,. Trainin# needs &ill 'e re!ie&ed and appropriate ations taken.

/. All emplo"ees &ill reei!e a safet" orientation and manual.

1. On the (o' trainin# re?uirements &ill 'e re!ie&ed$ emplo"ees &ill 'etested$ heklists and si#n off sheets made and used to ensure ompeten".

Section @. #mergency Preparedness

+. Emer#en" phone lists &ill 'e ompleted and posted in o'!ious plaes.

,. Loation maps &ill 'e ompleted and posted in o'!ious plaes.

/. Emer#en" resoures fire e=tin#uishers$ first aid kits et. &ill 'ee!aluated and &ill adhere to le#islati!e re?uirement.

1. 3ersonnel trainin# &ill 'e e!aluated and &ill adhere to le#islati!e


2. All Emer#en" Response re?uirements &ill 'e ommuniated to personnel.

Section ?. Incident Management

+. Inident report forms &ill 'e made a!aila'le to emplo"ees.

,. Emplo"ees &ill 'e made a&are of all re?uirements.

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Section >. Inspections

+. Inspetion forms &ill 'e made for speifi items used for &ork mahiner"$loations et..

,. All affiliated &ith Laredo Trukin# &ill partiipate in the inspetion pro#ram.

/. 6ormal inspetions &ill 'e sheduled and ompleted. 6ollo& ups &ill 'eommuniated to emplo"ees.

1. Audits &ill 'e sheduled$ ompleted and re!ie&ed.

Section D. Miscellaneous

+. The setion &ill 'e re!ie&ed. -etions &ill 'e added as ditated '" thesope of &ork.

Section . Safety Performance and Statistical Information

+. A Laredo Trukin# -afet" Representati!e &ill omplete all summar" sheets

to omplete month end and "earend statistis.

Section 1L. Safe !or procedures.

  +. In!entor" all (o's and omplete a (o' safet" anal"sis form on eah.

Section 11. 'dministration

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Section 1* efinitions


An undesired e!ent#i!in# rise to death$ illness$ dama#e or an" other loss.


An" person emplo"ee$ ontrator or !isitor at an" Laredo Trukin# &orkloation.


A s"stemati e=amination to determine orret arran#ements and implementation.


-omethin# put in plae to eliminate or redue a ha*ard


A person &ho &orks diretl" for and &ho ontri'utes to prodution of a ompan"


A person or ompan" &ho pa"s people to do &ork for a ompan"


A soure &ith potential to ause harm or loss

Ha+ard Identification

A proess of reo#ni*in# ha*ards

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An ourrene$ &hih leads to an interruption in normal proess. Often results inan aident.

7ear miss

An undesired e!ent$ &hih under different irumstanes ould ha!e resulted inloss

Personal Protective #Juipment EPP#F

Items used to minimi*e ha*ard impat on the person


A #uidin# priniple


A doument$ &hih e=plains step '" step ho& to do somethin#


A presri'ed diretion for ondut


The ondition of 'ein# free from ha*ards

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