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July 2021 VOLUME 74 ISSUE 7

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is,

there is freedom.” 2 Cor. 3:17


July 2021 Page 2

At 4 o’clock on Saturday, June 11, 2021, pickup trucks, cars, and 4-wheelers full of men, boys, and camping gear pulled up to the Whitewater Falls Stock Farm. The day was hot and many of the men and boys headed straight to the river to do some kayaking and swimming. Chad Busenitz and Wes Ranfeld fired up Church’s giant charcoal grill and began grilling hamburgers, bacon, onions and mushrooms. “Come and get it!” was called at 5:30 and everyone came up from the river to eat hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, grilled onions and mushrooms, and bacon. After supper, Pastor Tim shared a devotional, and then everyone headed to the games, led by Karlin Wiebe, including Nine-Square and Wiffle Ball. While every-one played Wiffle Ball, eyes went to the sky and to phones, watching the storm building to the south. Near the end of the game, the storm let loose. All headed for the barn where the games continued. Kan-Jam, Cornhole, and giant Jenga were played all evening. Contests were held to see who could climb high-est on a rope, hanging from the ceiling of the barn. The younger boys played with the Jenga blocks, mak-ing domino trains. Around 9:00, everyone gathered on the ground floor of the barn for singing, led by Wes Ranfeld. Afterwards, a contest was held to see who had brought the best s 'more stick. Prizes were given for the most perfect s’more, most efficient roaster, most unique design, and most impractical roaster. By then, the rain had stopped, and a fire was built in the driveway, because the fire ring as full of water by that time. After s 'mores, everyone who wasn’t staying the night started to leave. Several guys got stuck in the mud south of the barn, and Jason Wiebe pulled some of them out with his truck, and after he left, a 4-Wheeler was used. After everyone left who was going to leave, the rest of the guys went to bed. The next morning, after breakfast, many of the men went home to feed cattle. The rest of the men and boys spent the morning fishing, swimming, and kayaking. -Eben Busenitz

The children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of Walter and Susie Busenitz

met for an extended weekend in May for our "every third year" family camp at the

Webster Conference Center by Salina. Family Camp was always a huge highlight for

our parents for the past 40 years, and we really missed Dad not being there this

year. Over the course of the weekend, many references were made concerning our

parents and the tremendous heritage we have been blessed to pass along to follow-

ing generations. A verse that Dad picked to be our theme three years ago was

printed on a large banner and it again hung over the entrance to the dining room

this year. It read: "One generation commends your works to another; they tell of

your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4" And that summarizes the purpose of our reunion.

It is always interesting to note the changes in our family every three years. A

few more members have graduated to their final Home in heaven, waiting for that

final grand reunion of the Saints, several have married and brought new spouses,

and a lot more little ones keep joining our family here on earth. Along with lots of

visiting, there were volleyball tournaments, basketball competitions, talent shows,

zip-lining, swimming, and tons of good food! Our family has some talented musi-

cians, so good music and singing graced our evening meetings and Sunday morn-

ing worship. About 110 people were able to attend this year. - Liz Pearce


July 2021 Page 3

WHAT HAPPENED IN JUNE from Thomas Goebel

We left for Michigan on Wednesday, June 2nd. Our drive was uneventful until we hit Indiana where the construction and drivers were just terrible. We made it to Camp Selah Thursday around 5 with a little extra time to spare before the rest of the staff would arrive. My family decided to try out the paddle boats on the lake. Paige and I ended up with the broken paddle boat so every time we tried to speed up our chain fell off. At 6 the other staff members arrived and I was officially on duty. The guys seemed super cool. Isaac is like a younger Joshua Wiebe; he is fun, lovable and balding as well. He is also just a little better than Josh because he is a blacksmith. And he acts like an older brother to me and he makes dad jokes - way too many dad jokes. The other counselor Eli is like Jake Entz, always seems to have a good time and is chill and just seems to al-ways have a good time. The girls are so awesome and chill as well. After our first staff meeting, we went canoeing where I lost my brand new water shoes to the clay of the lake. We also had a fire and talked about what we wanted to be like for the campers. Friday, June 4 we headed out on our staff camping trip. This actually was the first time I set up a tent so I was proud that it didn't fall over during the night. Saturday was a busy day. We went to a cafe for breakfast, then got changed for canoeing down a river. It was exciting and I only got stuck once! After this we took a few hours break before going to the upper peninsula of Michigan. At this time I learned that the people of Michigan on the lower peninsula consider themselves trolls and the upper peninsula consider themselves up-pers. When going over the Mackinac Bridge, I saw the beauty of the Great Lakes and just marveled over God's creation. When we stopped in the upper peninsula, we got some bread with meat and veggies inside of it. It's totally different from bierocks. We explored the UP and learned all we could about it. We also spent some time swimming in Lake Michigan! I’m wondering why flies in Michigan are so annoying. After seeing the sunset over Lake Michigan we headed back to Camp Selah for a week and a half of training to prepare us for the next 5 1/2 weeks of campers. We did a Wal-Mart run for supplies and I discovered there is a 10 cent tax on all cans of pop. I didn’t want to pay an additional $3 for pop, so I bought 2 liters instead! I practiced the go-karts, archery, archery tag, and riflery. During this time, I also met the Youth Servant Leader, also known as YSL. They are kids from 14-18 who help around camp and sometimes with the cabins. It was time for the first week of camp. I had 10 campers but only 9 beds for the campers, so one of them had to go home every night. Luckily, it was the administrative director's son and he lives only a few feet away from the camp. These kids were great. I loved them all. It was a super busy week! My favorite activity with them had to be playing sponge ball and being a cheering squad for the other teams. Another great memory is from a mail call. Isaac and I wanted to get an adapter for the chapel so we could watch shows on the big screen. So when I got a package that week I was excited until I opened it and found someone had sent me a Thomas the tank engine.

The second week I had 9 boys and these kids were just great! One of the boys was homesick all week long but that didn't stop him from having a great time! I have so many great memories from this week but one of my best has to be the night C.A.P. which stands for chapel and play. My boys asked so many good questions. This week was an amazing week and so many more weeks to come that I will enjoy. As the weeks go by, the children will be older and they will start to ask harder questions so I am praying I will have the right words to answer their ques-tions. Beginning June 28 I will have a cabin of junior high boys.. A few prayer requests as I end this off:

Humility in all I do, that the kids may see it and be uplifted

Continued strength - as of writing this I have four more weeks of camp and my voice sounds worse.

That my home sickness does not hinder me from doing God's work, because believe it or not I miss all of my church family back home and miss seeing everyone.

If you want to send me a letter the address is Camp Selah, 3600 Long Lake Rd, Reading, MI, 49274. It would mean a lot to me to hear from you guys.


July 2021 Page 4

While doing construction work for Dan Harder, son of Richard and Glenda

Harder, our son William served a one year internship with Grace Community

Church in Newton. Grace is an FEC affiliated church so through their contacts

they knew about Miracle Camp and Retreat near Lawton, Michigan needing a

director and encouraged William to apply. William was offered the job, so four

years ago he moved his family, wife Stephanie and one year old Isabella, to

Michigan to work at the year round camp and live on campus. When they

moved, Ellen Rohl was going to visit her parents in Kalamazoo so I got to ride

along and spent a week helping them get settled. It was also a blessing to return

in September to help, when Malachi joined their family, and get to know some

of the other staff members and enjoy the natural beauty of the area.

Through the years, we have visited several times or met them somewhere in between anticipating that

schedule would continue; however God had other plans. When William and his family came to celebrate

Christmas last year, he visited Grace where, unknown to us, the interview process was beginning. After some

online interviews and a quick trip to Kansas in March, William accepted the position of Associate Pastor of

Communication and Care. Part of his duties will be facilitating small groups. We are thankful for God’s provi-

sion for them to be closer and for Laurence Wiebe renting them a house. Pray for their adjustment to life in

Kansas and just the right house for a permanent residence. - Debbie Regier

My dad fell in his apartment and was brought to the ER. Two of my sib-

lings were already going there for the weekend. My younger brother hopped

on over from MA even though he lives in Maine, they were visiting family. It

was sounding serious and it was & wasn’t. No broken bones, stroke, or any-

thing. He just wasn’t doing what he had the last 8 years since my mom passed.

He was into rehab the second day I got there, he

thrived with all the family there and I had the oppor-

tunity to just stay. Before a week was out I knew that

I had come to take him home to Kansas with me. This

was not automatic but everyone believes it is right,

siblings, his friends, doctors, therapists and

most importantly Mike and I.

At first I thought he would need medical transport but as he improved, it

was agreed that with 2 support people and wheelchair service we could do it.

Some days he sleeps lots and other days he walks, talks, and seems more like

he used to.

It is going to be quite the transition for all 3 of us. Please keep us in your

prayers and hopefully soon you’ll see us back at church maybe even some-

times with dad. - Marti Ross






LOOKING FOR CANNING JARS If you have some you no longer need, please contact Julia Entz, 316-833-4620 or [email protected].


July 2021 Page 5


The William & Grace Busenitz family had a reunion June 11-13. Uncles and Aunts along with their families arrived Wednesday evening with lots of excitement. Thursday we had lunch together-barbeque meatballs and cream cheese potatoes. About 4, we left for Carlen and Katie’s house for a potluck with William’s siblings and their families. We ate outside and played some games. Friday we had lunch with Grace’s brother’s (Howard & Anna Beth Birky) family and then headed to Salina. We arrived at the Webster Conference Center and discovered there were lots of mosquitoes! The guys played basketball and some of us went swimming. The camp had tether ball and a recreation room so we played that some throughout the weekend. Saturday morning we woke up to sunshine and fewer mosquitoes. After a breakfast of egg casserole and bagels, we split up into 4 teams and played a game of ultimate frisbee. We had a talent show with musical numbers and magic tricks. Then we had lunch which was tacos and popsicles. Naptime was next on the schedule, but some of the ones that didn’t need naps went swimming. We had a greased watermelon relay in the pool-to see which team could get a greased watermelon from the shallow end to the deep end the fastest. Skits were next. The grandchildren acted out skits written by Janelle, of true to life happenings in years past-most of which were very funny. Supper was pizza. After a game of kickball, we had root beer floats to top it off. A late night game of fishbowl proved to be very entertaining and was enjoyed by many. Sunday morning we had cereal, yogurt, and donuts for breakfast. We then had some music and a sharing time. Some of the grandchildren played capture the flag. It was boys against girls and it was a

tie! The camp cooked lunch for us-country fried steak and mashed potatoes. The fountain pop machines were a big hit! After lunch, some of the girls went for a swim before the next game. Uncle Luke & Aunt Cheryl taught us how to play a Swedish guessing game. Each round 3 people were chosen to participate in a challenge. Next he gave us a theme.

Each round there was a different theme-some were money, hot air, sporty, Bible, chance, and math. The audience individually guessed who they thought would win the challenge for that round. Uncle Luke then told them what the challenge was-for hot air they had to blow up a balloon and get it to pop first. For the money themed round we had to spin a Swedish coin and see who could get it to spin the longest. Each round had a

winner. The person who guessed the most winners correctly was the overall winner. Andrew and Luke Nissley were declared the winners and their prize was a Swedish bar of chocolate. Then it was time to clean up. We had a supper of lasagna, french bread, angel food cake and strawberries. After that we headed back home. Monday we went to a splash park and had a

hotdog roast for supper. Tuesday everyone headed home. Thankful for the fun time we had with all 47 people of our family. -Jill Busenitz

This summer Sight and Sound tv is having a special

first Friday event. The first Friday of every month

one of their shows will be streamed in a special pay

what you want event. This series is designed to make

these shows accessible to as many people as possi-

ble. The June and July showing is over, but tune in

August 6 for Ruth, September 3 for Jonah, October 1

will be Queen Esther, November 5 and December 3

will be Voices of Christmas. Find more info



July 2021 Page 6

New in the Library - June 2021


Women Who Risk: Secret Agents for Jesus in the Muslim World by Tom and Jo Ann Doyle. Riveting real-life stories that take

you deep into the heart of the Muslim world. The Doyles have seen firsthand that when Jesus sets a Muslim woman free, she be-

comes unstoppable for God.

An Open Door: A true story of Courage in Congo by Maud Kells. This is a remarkable story of an ordinary woman who decided

to walk through the door God opened for her, whatever the cost.

Bringing God's Word into New Contexts by William D. Barrick, Donated by Bob Busenitz. He said it was the “easiest” book he

knows of to describe translation work! It would be worth your while to peruse this book just to see what translators have to know and

do. I could see Walter Busenitz being interested in it. What a ministry!


Scattering Seed Under a Setting Sun: Inspired by the journals of two pioneering missionaries to Morocco—Elsie Regier Friesen

and Wilma Harder Friesen. Both of these women grew up in Emmaus and answered the call to missions in the 1950s. Talk about

pioneering and laying down all for Jesus. You will want to read this.

Twice Rescued Child by Thomas Graumann

God of the Untouchables by Dave Hunt

Gianna by Jessica Shaver: A powerful witness to what is being destroyed by abortion. This book is a "must read” to where you

stand on the abortion issue.


No Longer Little: Parenting Tweens with Hope and Grace by Hal and Melanie Young If you have a child about 9 years of age,

and you wondered what happens to the “perfect” child you are raising, this book and CD is for you. If you are a teacher of tweens you

will benefit by reading this book and CD. Hal writes with experience, vulnerability and humor about what has/is happening. You will

find the accompanying CD in the adult CD section.


Competing Spectacles: Treasuring Christ in the Media Age by Tony Reinke “Critiquing his own habits, Tony Reinke invites us

along to see what he discovered as he investigated the possibilities and pitfalls of our image-centered world. In the end, he shares

the beauty of the Greatest Spectacle—Jesus capable of stabilizing our gaze in this age of the digital spectacle.” A question he raises

is what is the first thing you reach for in the morning and last thing at night? Convicting. Is our cell phone our idol?


The God You Can Trust by Ray Pritchard. “Come and experience the encouragement and hope that are yours when you place all

your concerns in the hands of ‘the God you can trust’.” Ray Pritchard was our winter conference speaker who highlighted Daniel in


Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers by Dane Ortlund. 2020 publication


Danger Ahead by Paul McCusker—Adventures in Odyssey

Phantom Outlaw of Wolf Creek: Accidental Detectives by Sigmund Brouwer

A Little Prairie House by Laura Ingalls Wilder

A Picnic with the Barleys by Karen Hunt


The Lady of Tarpon by Judith Miller


Patterns of Evidence Exodus: A Filmmaker’s Journey. You never know where a crisis of faith will lead you.

American Gospel


A Cry From Egypt by Hope Auer. Radio drama. This is good drama for kids and adults. Very well done. You will find it in the

adult audio section in the library. Kept our grandkids enthralled.


July 2021 Page 7


On May 31 Richard and Glenda left home to go see the Grand Canyon. It was something we had talked about

doing for quite a while and had actually planned to go last year but covid and visiting grandchildren trumped

our plans. When we decided to go mid-May we found we were 6 months late for making reservations, but a

campground near the North Rim had a few first-come first-serve campsites, so we loaded some camping gear

and left. We visited the sand dunes in Colorado on our way out. After driving through 150 miles of sage

brush and sand we got our first look at Page, AZ. There were large boat dealerships on both sides of the high-

way with massive yachts on display! That seemed out of place in the desert setting, but Page is built near the

Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Perry which stretches many miles north into Utah. We celebrated our 46th Anni-

versary at a western restaurant there.

The next morning we visited Horseshoe Bend and could see tiny boats on the river far below. We moved

on to see if we could find a campsite before they were all taken. Actually there were 6 to choose from, so after

claiming our site we got our first glimpse of the canyon.

Words and even pictures cannot describe the canyon. It is so large and so many colors that keep changing

throughout the day. There were even shark teeth in the top layer of rock! No one said anything about Noah.

We hiked and drove to many different overlooks and with each new vista thought “This is the best!” We did-

n’t know which way to point the camera. The second day we hiked down about 1300 feet into the canyon (and

about 2600 feet back up) sitting and resting while some mule trains came by. We loved camping. At 8000

feet it would get chilly at night but fairly warm in the afternoon. The spruce and pine smelled wonderful and

the stars were so bright.

On our way to visit friends in Phoenix and Tucson we visited 900 year old Indian ruins and the Meteor Cra-

ter. We got in on the Emmaus church service online. Glenda’s closest friend from elementary and high school

took us to the Biosphere where 8 people lived for 2 years in a sealed dome, raising their own food and recy-

cling everything. Great preparation for Covid! They could only raise enough coffee for a cup every three

weeks—not too appealing!

By that time we were ready to get home. Our impressions of Kansas? It’s so green, and it’s HOME!

- Richard & Glenda Harder


Armed with a list of items to check in the field of hog production, we drove to Des Moines, IA, for the World

Pork Expo in early June. Our tickets admitted us and also gave us access to all food, mostly pork related. Held

at the Iowa State Fair Grounds, Donovan spent all 3 days walking the aisles and gathering information, while

Velma spent one of those days doing computer projects in their motel room. Visiting with other pork produc-

ers and meeting new people is always a bonus. One couple we enjoyed visiting with about everything from

world conditions, our grandkids and our gracious God, invited us to stop by their booth, following our pork rib

dinner. When we stopped there later, we learned they were owners of the company that employs 700 people

rather than the salesmen as we had assumed! The most unique foods we tasted were Bacon Chocolate Chip

Cookies and Chex Mix with Bacon. - Donovan & Velma Claassen

CHURCH ONLINE PICTORIAL DIRECTORY We are in the process of putting together a new pic-torial directory. Submit your picture by e-mailing it to [email protected].

“Tell Me the Story of Jesus”

Missions Conference 2021

July 25-28

with Jay Jackson


July 2021 Page 8


Adam was born to Wilmer and Alvera (Classen) Thiessen on March 3, 1986, in Newton, Kansas. He graduated from Berean Academy in 2005 and attended one year at Frontier School of the Bible in LaGrange, Wyoming. There he met Jenna Eliza Nageotte, and they were married on July 21, 2007 in Guysmills, Pennsylvania. Adam enjoyed the outdoors, work-ing with cattle, and riding horse. His dream from little on was to have a ranch someday. Be-yond the normal duties of operating a ranch, he enjoyed woodworking, welding, and being a member of the NRA. Living and working on the ranch provided him with one of his greatest joys: spending time with his wife and kids. He trusted Jesus as his Savior when he was 5 years old and was baptized at Emmaus Church as a youth. As an adult, he and his family attended Hope Community Church.

His loving family includes his wife, Jenna; children, Wyatt (12), Daniel (9), Cole (8), and Jeannette (5) Thiessen all of the home; parents, Wilmer and Alvera Thiessen, brothers and their wives, Doug and Crystal Thiessen, Joe and Charisa Thiessen all of the Whitewater area; sister and her husband, Karen and Chad Williams of Atlantic, Iowa and many nieces, nephews and cousins. Adam passed away Tuesday, June 15, 2021 at the age of 35 years old.

Adam’s memorial service was held at Hope Community Church on Tuesday, June 22.

Extra! Extra! Step right up! Come under the big top for the thrill of a lifetime. You’ll see wonders big and small, far and wide: Experience the

drama. The crafts. The activities. And most of all -- learn about our EXTRAor-

dinary God!!

Everyone welcome! Grades Pre-K thru 6.

Monday, July 5 - Friday, July 9, 2021

8:30-11:30am, daily

Directors: Rachel Busenitz, Ashley Busenitz, and Bitty Wiebe

Missionaries: Mark & Shabnam Penner

Craft Leaders: Emily Bielenberg, Krista Busenitz,

Ruth Harder, Marcy Ranfeld, and Denise Wiebe

Thanks for your prayers!

VBS 2021


July 2021 Page 9

WILLING WORKERS - June 3, 2021 President Brenda Harder opened our meeting with prayer. She then introduced the first part of our program, a style show with our very own young girls (and one mother) as the models who modeled clothes from the Great Beginnings Bou-tique store, owned by the El Dorado Pregnancy Center. This store (hours are 11-5 Wed.-Friday and 11-3 Sat.) recently moved to Central and Main in El Dorado and is a store with gently used men’s, women’s, and children’s clothing. All store items are donated with the proceeds going to the El Dorado Pregnancy Center. Last year, after rent and utilities were paid, they donated $67,000 to the Center. So far this year, $48,000 has already been donated! The following 13 girls gracefully modeled their beautiful clothes: Serena and Aubrey Harder (Jeff and Heidi), Ellie, Annie, and Jenny Harder (Josh and Ruth), Rose, Georgia and Lila Wiebe (Curtis and Bitty), Addison, Shaylie, Sierra and Marcy Ranfeld (Wes and Marcy), and Kaitlynn Thiessen (Joe and Charisa). The clothes they bought and modeled were anything from jackets, tops, dresses and even frilly wedding party dresses. After that, we were all ready to go there ourselves to see what lovely bargains we could find for ourselves! Brenda then interviewed 2 ladies involved with area Preg-nancy Centers: Whitney Wiebe who is a Client Advocate for the El Dorado Pregnancy Center and Ramona Busenitz who is on the Board of Heartland Pregnancy Care Center in New-ton. Brenda asked the following very thoughtful and insightful questions: 1. What have you been doing in the Pregnancy Centers? 2. What is the strength of the Pregnancy Center that you work with? 3. What drives your passion for volun-teering? Why is this something you wanted to get involved in? 4. Do you have a story to tell us about an experience you had working there? 5. What are some areas they need help with currently? 6. How can we be praying for our local preg-nancy centers? Different areas were covered since Whitney represented working with the women and girls who come in to the Center and how she effectively ministers to them and Ramona from the Board’s point of view where God’s wisdom is needed for decisions to be made for the future. HPCC (Newton) is asking God to send just the right Nurse Manager so we can get our brand new, state of the art, Sonogram Ma-chine up and running as well as looking into the future for a larger building that we can perhaps own, rather than just rent-ing. El Dorado Pregnancy Center has a large building that they have purchased but now need the funds to get it ready for them to move into. Both Pregnancy Centers need addi-tional volunteers to be mentors/client advocates (men and women), donations of clothes (up to 3 years old for HPCC and up to 2 Toddler for El Dorado. Currently they have all


they need, but take donations of all clothes for the Bou-tique), diapers (all sizes for HPCC and for El Dorado sizes 5, 6 and 7). Something new that El Dorado Pregnancy Center is doing this year is called HopeSync. Those who sign up to do this get emails with very basic information monthly to pray for their clients’ (no names mentioned) immediate needs. See Whitney for more information if interested in this wonderful ministry or call the Center! Whitney told of an amazing experience she had with a girl who was determined to have an abortion. Nothing Whitney counseled her with made any difference as she had her mind made up. Whitney and the Center committed this to the Lord! Later this girl returned and told Whitney that she had decided to keep her baby and had even come to know the Lord. What a joy the Center had to get her plugged into a local church where she could grow as a believer. Terry Wiebe gave a book report on the book Tear Soup by Pat Schwiebert (an RN who works with Hospice) and Chuck Dekylen (Pat’s son) which is a recipe that makes Tear Soup, grieving over a loss, which was beautifully il-lustrated by Taylor Bills (Pat’s nephew). Everyone grieves differently which is why the different ingredients are all added to the Tear Soup. The book is what Pat has learned about grieving and is most helpful for those going through this. At the back of the book are all kinds of helps. This very helpful book is available through Amazon and Chris-tian Book Distributors and could possibly be ordered by Faith and Life Bookstore in Newton or Mardels in Wichita. Nellie Myers introduced a brand new book written by her son in law, Ricardo Pinedo called With God and Neurosci-ence which also is available but only on Amazon. The young girls present worked on assembling Pencil Packs for Shoe Boxes and made necklaces. Evelyn Penner and Hazel Wiebe were Hostesses and made a delicious pink strawberry and angel food cake dessert served by Debora Claassen’s granddaughters. - Ramona Busenitz, Secretary

Congratulations to Eric Busenitz & Lauren McGuigan on their engagement! A July wedding is being planned.




July 2021 Page 10


Editor………………...……..….…Debora Claassen

Youth Reporter…..........................Mackenzie Unruh

Staff Writers........................................................You

Layout/Circulation Editor………...Wanita Busenitz

Please send articles to: [email protected]


Youth Retreat is always a highlight of the summer for the

youth group and this year was no different. At two o ’ clock

on a Friday afternoon kids and sponsors began gathering at

church before heading to Camp Quaker Haven in Ark City.

The weekend was filled with swimming, sessions with our

speaker, good food, competitive games, and even a little rain. Our speaker was Ben Bielenberg

and he challenged us to set the bar high, especially in the five areas listed in I Timothy 4:12. We

really appreciate Ben and Kristen ’ s willingness to spend their weekend sharing their wisdom

with us. We also want to thank our cooks Jake and Nely Reimer and Diedrich and Judy Reimer

for preparing excellent food the whole weekend. We played multiple games this weekend which

included speed volleyball, steal the bacon, and glow - in - the - d ark capture the flag. On Satur -

day, we held our annual business meeting. The new youth group sponsors are Tyler and Shelby

Busenitz. The new officers are as follows: David Fasnacht is president, Andrew Harder is vice

president, Trevor Nusz is treasurer, Jill Busenitz is secre -

tary, and Sam Entz and Ezra Entz are the party people. We

want to thank Casey and Ellie for being youth sponsors the

past two years. It is a big time commitment and we appre -

ciate their willingness to donate their time and energy to

pour into us over the last couple years. - Mackenzie Unruh

Single Bed available - no longer needed.

Works for up through teenager. We can de-

liver if needed. Mike & Marti Ross

(Mike 503-680-9510, Marti 503-939-2888)