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Annals of the Association of American Geographers

, 92(3), 2002, pp. 385–398© 2002 by Association of American GeographersPublished by Blackwell Publishing, 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, and 108 Cowley Road, Oxford, OX4 1JF, UK.

Emerging Applications of Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) in

Geomorphology and Hydrology

Laurence C. Smith

Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles

Interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) is a powerful geodetic tool used to construct digital elevationmodels of the earth’s topography and to image centimeter-scale displacements associated with crustal deformationand the flow of ice sheets. The past decade has seen significant improvements in our understanding of earthquakes,volcanoes, and glaciers as a direct result of this technology. Geomorphology and hydrology can also benefit fromInSAR. A small but growing body of work shows that it is possible to interferometrically measure centimeter-scalemotions associated with unstable slopes, land subsidence, fluctuating soil moisture and water levels, and deformingriver-ice cover. Maps of interferometric correlation provide information about the structure of snow and reveal areasdisturbed by erosion, sedimentation, flooding, snowfall, and aufeis growth. At present, such techniques are under-developed and largely overlooked by the geographic and radar communities. This article reviews these emerginggeomorphic and hydrologic applications of InSAR and presents a first demonstration of motion detection for riverice.

Key Words: erosion, floods, hillslopes, interferometry, land subsidence, river ice, SAR, snow, soil moisture.

he past decade has seen interferometric syntheticaperture radar (InSAR) progress from a pioneer-ing technology to an accepted remote-sensing

tool with diverse applications in the earth sciences. EarlyInSAR applications in the late 1980s and early 1990s in-cluded topography derivation (Graham 1974; Zebker andGoldstein 1986), and the measurement of ice-stream mo-tion (Goldstein et al. 1993) and seismic strain (Masson-net et al. 1993; Zebker, Rosen, et al. 1994). Subsequentwork in these areas has contributed to our understandingof earthquakes, vulcanism, ice-sheet dynamics, and landsubsidence (see reviews by Gens and Van Genderen1996; Madsen and Zebker 1998; Massonnet and Feigl1998; Klees and Massonnet 1999; Bürgmann, Rosen, andFielding 2000; Rosen et al. 2000; Zebker 2000).

The ability of InSAR to provide information that isuseful to geomorphologists and hydrologists has been lessrecognized. A small but growing collection of studies sug-gests that slow slope motion, sediment erosion and depo-sition, soil and snow properties, water-level fluctuations,and river-ice motion can all be observed using InSAR.Some of these measurements are complementary to tra-ditional field data. Others provide observations that aredifficult to collect in the field, such as rates of soil creepover broad areas or maps of flood inundation madethrough clouds or during conditions of unfavorable me-teorological conditions (notably wind). Much as InSARmapping of crustal deformation (Massonnet et al. 1993;


Zebker, Rosen, et al. 1994) and ice velocity (Goldsteinet al. 1993) has impacted earthquake studies and glaciol-ogy, certain areas of geomorphology and hydrology arewell positioned to benefit from this technology. For ex-ample, InSAR allows study of river systems in several dif-ferent ways. Spatial patterns of flood erosion and sedi-mentation can be interferometrically mapped and, in somecases, their volumes can be determined (Smith et al. 2000).Simultaneous interferometric measurements of water-level fluctuations from hundreds of locations across aninundated, forested floodplain allow direct observationof how floodplains respond hydraulically to main-stemdischarge (Alsdorf et al. 2000; Alsdorf, Smith, and Melack2001). The subtle motions of winter river ice cover canalso be interferometrically measured and related to icemechanics and below-ice discharge conditions. Theseapplications are in early stages of development.

This review aims to highlight these and other geomor-phic and hydrologic uses of InSAR. To this end, the ar-ticle begins with an introduction to InSAR fundamen-tals, including imaging geometry, data processing, andprecision limits, and a comparison with photogram-metry, total station, global positioning systems (GPS),and airborne laser altimeter technologies. It then reviewsseven emerging InSAR applications in geomorphologyand hydrology: (1) slope motion; (2) land subsidence; (3)sediment erosion/deposition; (4) soil moisture; (5) riverinundation; (6) snow cover, and (7) river ice, including

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an original demonstration of the ability of InSAR todetect river-ice deformation. The discussion focuses ona collective assessment of these applications and iden-tifies some promising areas for future research.

The Interferometric Method

This section provides an overview of InSAR imaginggeometry, interferogram construction, and precision lim-its on derived digital elevation models (DEMs) and dis-placement maps. Because numerous reviews of the InSARmethod and applications have now been published (Gensand Van Genderen 1996; Madsen and Zebker 1998; Mas-sonnet and Feigl 1998; Klees and Massonnet 1999;Bürgmann et al. 2000; Rosen et al. 2000; Zebker 2000;

Baltzer 2001), the section emphasizes aspects relevantto geomorphic and hydrologic studies.


In particular,interferometric correlation is described in some detail,owing to a growing use of this quantity in studies of sur-face change.

Interferograms, Displacement Maps, and Digital Elevation Models

Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images are formed byrecording the phase (time delay) and amplitude (energyintensity) of microwave echoes returned from the earthsurface and assigning them locations in the image basedon their return time and Doppler frequency shift. Tradi-tional radar remote sensing utilizes only the amplitudeportion of a single radar image (Figure 1A). In contrast,

Figure 1. Synthetic aperture radar (A) amplitude image and (B) interferogram of the Skdeiðarárjökull glacier and its outwash plain, Ice-land. Image centers are located at approximately 64N, 17W. Amplitude data were collected by a single ERS SAR overpass (1 January 1996) andshow contrasts in surface roughness and moisture content. The interferogram is generated by subtracting the phase of a second image (2 January)from the phase of the 1 January image. Each color cycle represents a 0 to 2� cycle of interferometric phase. Patterns in the interferogram are largelycaused by topographic relief. On the Skeiðarárjökull, additional cycles of interferometric phase are contributed by ice motion. Transect A-A’ il-lustrates an example of phase unwrapping (described in the text section on “Interferograms, Displacement Maps, and Digital Elevation Models).

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InSAR uses the phase values from two radar images. Fora given point on the ground, the InSAR viewing geome-try therefore consists of two SAR antenna positions sep-arated by a short distance, or


, and the ground lo-cation. The phase measured by each SAR antenna isrelated to the number of wavelengths required to traversethe round-trip distance between the antenna and groundsurface. Any ground motion that transpires in the radarline-of-sight direction between the times of the first andsecond images will introduce a small shortening orlengthening of round-trip distance, causing an offset inphase (see Zebker, Rosen, et al. 1994). This offset is readilyseen by subtracting one phase image from another, yield-ing a map of interferometric phase called an


(Figure 1B). Because the microwave signal must traveltwo ways, a line-of-sight displacement of one-half of awavelength introduces one 2

cycle of interferometricphase to the interferogram. For example, SAR data fromthe ERS (European Remote Sensing) satellites is 5.66cm in wavelength, so one cycle (0 to 2

) of interfero-metric phase is always equivalent to 2.33 cm of displace-ment in the line-of-sight direction, regardless of base-line. Centimeter-scale ground displacements are thusreadily observed because they contribute directly to thephase shifts captured by an interferogram.

If the two SAR antenna positions are exactly thesame (i.e., the baseline is zero), all interferometric phasemay be attributed purely to ground displacements. How-ever, as the baseline increases, additional cycles of inter-ferometric phase are introduced to the interferogram dueto parallax, even if ground motion has not occurred. Themagnitude of this effect is controlled by baseline and sur-face relief. The topographic “equivalence” of one 2

cycledecreases nonlinearly with baseline (more specifically,the component of baseline that is perpendicular to theradar line of sight). Longer baselines increase this sensi-tivity to topography, generating even more cycles of inter-ferometric phase in the interferogram for the same amountof relief. To illustrate how this effect controls the verticalprecision of InSAR DEMs, consider the analogue of a to-pographic map. Much as the elevation interval repre-sented by the contour interval of a topographic map de-creases with increased map scale, the elevation intervalrepresented by one 2

cycle of interferometric phase de-creases with increased baseline. Therefore, short-base-line (zero to tens of meters) interferograms are optimal fordetecting displacement because they are relatively insen-sitive to topography. Long-baseline (up to several hun-dred meters) interferograms are required for DEM con-struction; they are also sensitive to topography, as well asdisplacement.

Because interferometric phase values are only known

between 0 and 2

(modulo 2

), adjacent 0 to 2

phasecycles must be cumulatively summed, or “unwrapped,”across the interferogram to yield a new interferogramwith values greater than 2

. This process is similar to“counting” contour lines on an unlabeled topographicmap to obtain elevations. For example, the four interfer-ometric phase cycles [0


, 0


, 0




] along the transect A


in Figure 1B maybe unwrapped to values like [6


, 8




, 12


]. If no motion has occurred, con-version of unwrapped interferometric phase to elevationis then a straightforward trigonometric computation basedon the baseline orientation, antenna altitude, and SARlook angle. If motion has occurred, topographic and dis-placement contributions to the interferogram must beseparated from each other before a DEM or displacementmap can be made. This requires independent knowledgeof static topography, from which the equivalent interfer-ometric phase may be modeled and subtracted from theinterferogram. In practice, this is achieved with an inde-pendent DEM or by subtracting a second “topography-only” interferogram (for which it is known that no mo-tion has occurred), scaled by its baseline, from the first.Residual values of interferometric phase are then attrib-uted to displacements in the radar line-of-sight direc-tion. If the baseline is short, even a coarse-resolutionDEM may be used, because a large interval of relief is re-quired to generate a single cycle of interferometric phase.

It is important to recognize that limits to InSAR pre-cision are millimeter-scale for measurements of


, but meter-scale for measurements of


Onereason for this difference is that displacements are deter-mined solely from interferometric phase (which is mea-sured to a fraction of a wavelength), whereas elevationsare also controlled by baseline effects. Inexact knowl-edge of the baseline will therefore introduce errors toInSAR DEMs. Current satellite navigation and trackingtechnology does not allow the baseline to be determinedexactly; instead, it is estimated using a variety of tech-niques (e.g., least-squares fitting of unwrapped phase toan existing DEM). Uncertainties in this estimate intro-duce systematic elevation errors to InSAR DEMs thattypically range from meters to tens of meters. Further-more, small errors in the estimate of the interferometricphase itself translate to large errors in derived elevationvalues. As example, this effect results in a minimumroot-mean-square (rms) height error of 1.8 m for ERSDEMs (Zebker, Werner, et al. 1994). A third source oferror results from temporal and spatial variations in at-mospheric water-vapor content. Slight radar propaga-tion delays can lead to significant height errors (tens tohundreds of meters) in InSAR DEMs and centimeter-

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scale errors in displacement measurements (Goldstein1995; Rosen et al. 1996; Zebker, Rosen, and Henley 1997).Such errors are spatially irregular, with length scales onthe order of kilometers, corresponding to the scale of spa-tial variation in atmospheric water-vapor content. Inpractice, atmospheric effects are commonly mitigated byaveraging multiple interferograms.

Interferometric Correlation

Because two or more radar images are required to cal-culate an interferogram, currently operating SAR satel-lites must return to image the same area twice. This methodfor constructing interferograms is often called “repeat-pass” interferometry.


The time lapse between image ac-quisitions is called the

temporal baseline.

Temporal base-lines typically range from as short as one day (during theERS “tandem” mission phases, in which one satellite fol-lows the other) to as long as several years. Althoughthere is no theoretical limit on the temporal baseline, itis commonly restricted to a few weeks or months due tosome change in surface conditions that makes the radarimages incoherent with each other. This phenomenon,called “decorrelation” or “coherence loss,” precludes in-terferogram construction if sufficiently severe. As such,determination of interferometric correlation is a prelim-inary step in InSAR data processing and has previouslybeen viewed as something of a data byproduct. More re-cently, interferometric correlation has proven useful fordetecting a range of geomorphic and hydrologic pro-cesses that cause surface disturbance.

Two sets of co-registered radar echoes will be corre-lated with each other if each experiences the same ornearly the same interaction with scattering elements onthe ground. This property is quantified by the total inter-ferometric phase correlation


, calculated from two co-registered complex radar images








where asterisks denote complex conjugation and angularbrackets denote statistical expectation, realized by spa-tial averaging within a user-defined filter. Correlationvalues for each pixel lie between 0 (no correlation) and1 (perfect correlation). In practice, even uncorrelatedsurfaces display nonzero values of


due to the spatialaveraging or “multilooking” of radar echoes required inInSAR processing. Provided that orbit trajectories areapproximately parallel, instrument-noise levels stableand surface scattering dominant, loss of interferometriccorrelation between radar passes may be attributed to a

ci1i2�⟨ ⟩

i1i1�⟨ ⟩ i2i2�⟨ ⟩------------------------------------�

temporal change in surface scattering properties (Zebkerand Villasenor 1992). Examples include vegetationgrowth, erosion from water or wind, or a change inmoisture conditions, each of which effectively presentsa new set of scattering elements to the radar. Such pro-cesses change the scattering element geometry or dielec-tric properties, reducing interferometric correlation. Lowcorrelation values (


~0.3) significantly reduce inter-ferogram quality, precluding measurement of topogra-phy or motion. However, the correlation loss itself pro-vides useful information about the temporal stabilityand/or scattering properties of the imaged surface. Forthis reason, interferometric correlation is experienc-ing increased use in vegetation, geomorphic, and hy-drologic studies (Ichoku et al. 1998).


Comparison with Laser, Photogrammetry, and GPS Methods

As described earlier, InSAR can measure deformationto within millimeters, but uncertainties in InSAR DEMelevations are on the order of meters. Imaging airbornelaser altimeter systems can provide high-resolution DEMswith a vertical precision of around 10 cm, making themsuperior in quality to InSAR DEMs. However, to detectdeformation, a second altimetric DEM must be obtainedand subtracted from the first, resulting in rms errors thatexceed 10 cm. Therefore, laser altimetry can producemore precise DEMs but less precise deformation mapsthan can InSAR. An additional consideration is thatmost airborne laser altimeters either are profiling instru-ments or obtain narrow swaths of data less than one kilo-meter in width. Therefore, numerous overlapping flightlines are required to construct a DEM comparable in areato those obtained using satellite InSAR.

Nearly all currently available U.S. Geological Survey7.5 minute (30 m) DEMs are “Level-1” data derived fromphotogrammetric processing of aerial photographs ac-quired by the National High-Altitude Photography Pro-gram, the National Aerial Photography Program, or equiv-alent programs. Vertical and horizontal accuracy of thesesource data varies. However, to meet the Level 1 stan-dard, an rms height error of 7 m is desired, with a maxi-mum allowable value of 15 m. For absolute elevation, anerror tolerance of 50 m is expected (U.S. Department ofthe Interior 1993). These specifications are met or ex-ceeded by most InSAR DEMs, particularly in nonforestedterrain. For the anticipated Shuttle Radar Topography Mis-sion (SRTM) Level 2 Terrain Height Data Sets, absoluteelevation accuracy will be better than 16 m. Estimates ofeven smaller, spatially varying errors will be provided ina separate image called a Random Height Error Data Set.

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Ground-based surveys using GPS and laser total sta-tion technology can detect millimeter-scale deformationwith precision comparable to or better than that pro-vided by InSAR. In general, GPS provides superior esti-mates of horizontal displacement. Also, installation ofpermanent benchmarks allows slow deformation (e.g.,tectonic motion) to be monitored for years without con-cern about surface decorrelation. The primary advan-tages of InSAR over GPS and total station methods arethat measurements can be made in absence of fieldworkand that they are measured over broad areas, rather thanpoint locations. However, it is important to keep inmind that displacements derived from a single inter-ferogram are measured only in the radar line-of-sightdirection. Decomposing this motion into vertical andhorizontal components requires either additional inter-ferograms with different viewing geometries or inferencebased on ground data.

Geomorphic Applications

The following section presents three geomorphic ap-plications for InSAR displacement maps and DEMs.Topographic studies using a single InSAR DEM closelyresemble traditional DEM analysis and are not discussedhere. Instead, the section focuses on measurements ofslow slope movement, land subsidence from fluid with-drawal or subterranean mining, and mapping and volu-metric estimation of surface erosion and deposition.

Slow Slope Movement

Rapid landslides are difficult to measure interferomet-rically because they can deform the ground in excess ofthe phase gradient limit (Carnec, Massonnet, and King1996) and commonly disturb the scattering surface, de-stroying interferometric correlation (Zebker et al. 1996;Massonnet and Feigl 1998). Also, SAR data are often ofpoor quality in areas of rugged relief due to radar fore-shortening and layover effects. However, where slopesare moderate and interferometric correlation is preserved,slow slope movements can be measured using InSAR.Fruneau, Achache, and Delacourt (1996) generated sixERS-1 interferograms of a 1 km


landslide at the LaClapière landslide, near Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée in thesouthern French Alps. After each image pair is normal-ized to account for the time intervals between them, theinterferograms are remarkably similar, suggesting steady-state downslope movements up to 30 mm day


. Spatialvariations in the displacement field are also found,with a velocity decrease from top to bottom and signif-

icantly faster displacement on the western part of thelandslide. A simple model of translational slide, ac-companied by plastic deformation near structural dis-continuities that cut the slide, satisfactorily explainsthe observed interferogram.

Carnec, Massonnet, and King (1996) report similarfindings over the La Clapière landslide. However, theycaution that they were unable to achieve similar successfor another landslide nearby, and that the La Clapièresite represents an optimal situation for detection of slopemovement using InSAR. These conditions include aslow deformation rate that does not exceed the phasegradient limit and a near-grazing local incident angle.The latter produces an unusually fine ground-elementresolution (approaching that of the slant-range resolu-tion), allowing a small (less than 1 km


) sliding slab to beeffectively resolved.

Rott, Scheuchl, and Siegel (1999) detect much smallerdisplacements on a slowly creeping rock mass in the ÖztalAlps, Austria. ERS interferograms spanning time periodsof up to three years are used to detect downslope motionon the order of millimeters to centimeters per year. Theinterferometric observations are in good agreement withearlier ground-based geodetic measurements. Also re-vealed are previously undocumented creep on the upperslope and a three-fold interannual variation in motion,with fastest creep associated with a period of increasedsummer rainfall. Key to the study’s success is the preser-vation of interferometric correlation over the one- tothree-year time intervals required to detect such slowdisplacement, due in this case to the above-treeline loca-tion of the study site.

Ground Subsidence

InSAR studies of land subsidence in flat, arid terrainare more abundant and have generally achieved greatersuccess than studies of slope movement in mountainousregions. It is now established that differential InSARcan image centimeter-scale ground subsidence caused bythe removal of subsurface groundwater, petroleum, orcoal. Most researchers have validated their interferomet-ric observations with ground-based survey measurementswith good success.

Van der Kooij (1997) used ERS repeat-pass imagepairs with time separations ranging from 35 to 175 daysto generate a composite map of subsidence caused by pe-troleum withdrawal at the Belridge and Lost Hills oilfields, about 100 km west of Bakersfield, California. Sub-sidence rates were steady between November 1995 andApril 1996, yielding an extrapolated rate as high as3000–4000 mm year


. Fielding, Blom, and Goldstein

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(1998) also examine the area using ERS data, reportingsimilarly rapid rates of subsidence as high as 40 mm in 35days, or

400 mm year


.Also using ERS, Massonnet, Holzer, and Vadon

(1997, 1998) find maximum subsidence of 18–19 mmyear


at the East Mesa geothermal field, California, ingood agreement with ground survey data. Integration ofthe InSAR-derived subsidence bowl yields a total vol-ume of 4 million cubic meters, a value quite similar to anestimated 5 million cubic meters of net water withdrawal(including reinjection) between 1992 and 1994. At theCerro Prieto geothermal field in Baja California, Mex-ico, Carnec and Fabriol (1999) find a maximum verticaldeformation of 91 mm over 37 months (~280 mm year


)using interferograms from 1993 to 1997. Again, theirInSAR observations are in good agreement with conven-tional leveling data. Furthermore, the observed fringepatterns are effectively reproduced by assuming elasticdeformation in the subsurface with five spherical Mogisources (Mogi 1958), confirming a theoretical model ofsubsurface withdrawal geometry.

Galloway and colleagues (1998) use ERS-1 data toimage land subsidence in the Antelope Valley, locatedabout 60 km northeast of Los Angeles in the MojaveDesert, California. Since 1926, aquifer compaction dueto groundwater withdrawal has caused nearly 2 m of sub-sidence in the area. Despite the import of surface waterand a reduction in agricultural consumption, water de-mand due to population growth and urbanization in the1980s has led to groundwater withdrawals in excess ofnatural recharge, furthering land subsidence problems inthe area. By assuming only the vertical component ofdisplacement to be significant, they measured up to ~50mm of subsidence between October 1993 and December1995 (Figure 2). The InSAR-derived subsidence fieldcorresponds well with the distribution and magnitude ofsubsidence simulated for the same period using a coupledmodel of groundwater flow and aquifer system compac-tion, and generally agrees with the historical pattern ofsubsidence measured between 1926 and 1992. An ob-served InSAR-derived subsidence of 40 mm compareswell with the 42–49 mm computed for the site from aborehole extensometer that measures compaction in the6–256 m depth interval below the land surface (Figure2). The authors argue that in addition to detecting andquantifying land subsidence with a high degree of spatialand measurement resolution, InSAR can provide valu-able insights into the distribution and magnitude of pre-consolidation stress, vertical hydraulic conductivity, andthe time constant for compacting aquifer systems, as wellas their storage properties. These parameters are essentialfor the successful management and modeling of aquifer

compaction and resulting surface subsidence. Further-more, it appears that InSAR can detect even small-magnitude, recoverable deformation that occurs at seasonaltimescales, allowing estimation of elastic storage coeffi-cients for aquifer systems (Hoffman et al. 2001).

Amelung and colleagues (1999) use a series of ERS in-terferograms to identify time-varying rates of subsidencecaused by groundwater withdrawal in Las Vegas, Nevada.Periods of uplift associated with water-level recovery arealso found. While spatial patterns of subsidence are sim-ilar in all interferograms, rates declined over the studyperiod (from 70 mm between April 1992–November1993 to 40 mm between November 1993–February1996). The imaged deformation field further revealsthat the spatial pattern of subsidence is controlled byQuaternary faults to a much greater degree than previ-ously realized.

InSAR can also be used to detect the effects of subter-ranean mining on the overlying surface. Using a 35-dayERS interferogram, Carnec, Massonnet, and King (1996)measure up to 42 mm of subsidence over a coal field nearGardanne, France. This study was later extended to cap-ture three years of subsidence from 1992 to 1995 in thearea (Carnec and Delacourt 2000). By superimposingmaps of underground mine workings on their interfero-grams, the authors observe migration of the surface sub-sidence halo caused by the advance of the coal-working

Figure 2. Interferometric (colored) and historical (contoured) ob-servations of ground subsidence, Antelope Valley, California (35N,118W). ERS InSAR measurements captured subsidence between20 October 1993 and 22 December 1995. Historical observations(contours, in meters) span approximately 1930–1992. Beige colorssignify temporal decorrelation; black colors signify regions of small-magnitude uplift. Adapted from Galloway and colleagues (1998).

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face. A similar methodology has been applied to theSelby coal field in the United Kingdom (Stow andWright 1997). In a follow-up study, temporal averag-ing of ERS interferograms is used to track the extentand depth of a developing subsidence bowl, with depthincreasing at about 400 mm/month (Wright and Stow1999). Such methods are useful in environments thatexperience surficial change, because areas that experi-ence decorrelation in one interferogram may be stablein another. They also reduce the need for phase-unwrapping (Sandwell and Price 1998) and allow de-tection of very slow, steady displacements that mightotherwise be obscured by atmospheric effects or epi-sodic events (e.g., Peltzer et al. 2001). However, in thecase of land subsidence, additional difficulties are in-troduced where subsidence rates are large or featuressmall (Raymond and Rudant 1997).

Erosion and Deposition

Two InSAR methods show promise for erosion anddeposition studies. The first relies on the fact that in-terferometric correlation is destroyed by erosional ordepositional processes that disturb the scattering sur-face, allowing the extent of disturbance to be mapped.The second employs subtraction of InSAR-derivedDEMs to estimate volumes of net topographic changeresulting from large erosional or depositional events.

While not expressly stated, the idea that temporaldecorrelation can be used to detect surface erosion wasprobably first implied by Zebker and Villasenor (1992).Using L-band Seasat SAR data, they examine interfer-ometric correlation for Death Valley over an eighteen-day period. Finding no decrease in correlation, they in-fer an absence of surface disturbance during the studyperiod. Wegmüller and Werner (1995) interpret tem-poral decorrelation in a 14–29 September 1991 ERSimage pair of the braided Tanana River, Alaska as “ero-sional tracks.” In a more detailed study, Wegmüller andcolleagues (2000) revisit Death Valley with ERS im-ages acquired in 1993. Using a series of classificationthresholds, they use variations in backscatter and cor-relation to define categories of stable and unstable sur-faces, including erosion due to water or wind. They findan inverse linear relationship between field observationsof unstable area fraction (i.e., the percentage area forwhich erosion is likely to occur) and interferometriccorrelation. By extrapolating this empirical relation-ship to other nonvegetated areas, they construct a mapof erosional activity between 5 March and 14 May 1993.In an inverse approach, Smith and colleagues (2000) use


interferometric correlation to identify remnant

floodplain fragments that survived sedimentary resurfac-ing by a 1996 catastrophic glacier outburst flood in Iceland.

Izenberg and colleagues (1996) use airborne TOPSARdata from the Jameson Island/Lisbon Bottoms, MissouriRiver to estimate net erosion caused by the record floodsof 1993. Vertical errors in their airborne TOPSAR inter-ferometric digital elevation model are estimated at 1–2 m,providing enough accuracy to compare preflood interfer-ometric topography with postflood ground surveys. Fromheight differences between the two, they estimate netscour of 4.7 million metric tons of sediment from leveesand the river floodplain. In a similar approach relyingsolely on InSAR, Smith and colleagues (2000) present amethodology to estimate volumes of flood erosion ordeposition, using ERS data from Skei


arársandur, Ice-land. The method requires ~4 m of topographic changeto occur and should also be applicable to landslides. Cen-timeter-scale precision is not possible because sedimentresurfacing destroys interferometric correlation inflooded areas, precluding construction of interferogramsacross the time of the flood. Instead, independent pre-and postevent InSAR DEMs are constructed, subjected toa correction procedure for height errors caused by base-line and atmospheric effects, and subtracted. This pro-duces a three-dimensional map showing volumetricchanges in surface topography resulting from an extremeflood (Figure 3). Integration of the map over definedareas yields estimates of






of net sedimentdeposition along the ice margin,






of net ero-sion in channels downstream, and a total net balance of






for the entire 40-km


study site.

Hydrologic Applications

The following section discusses applications of InSARto studies of soil moisture, surface-water extent, snowcover, and river ice. Except for decorrelation mapping ofsurface water, all are in the early stages of development.InSAR applications in glaciology are well developed andhave been reviewed elsewhere (Bindschadler 1998; Mas-sonnet and Feigl 1998; Rosen et al. 2000; König, Win-ther, and Isaksson 2001). Along-track interferometry ofocean current velocity (which should also be applicableto inland rivers or large lakes) is also excluded from dis-cussion, as this form of interferometry differs signifi-cantly from repeat-pass InSAR.


Soil Moisture

Gabriel, Goldstein, and Zebker (1989) detect small phaseshifts in Seasat data acquired over agricultural fields in

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the Imperial Valley, California. The observed centimeter-scale displacements conform closely with field bound-aries and occur both toward and away from the radar.This effect is attributed to changing water content of hy-groscopic clays—that is, the expansion of a field whenwatered or its contraction when dried. To test this hy-pothesis, the authors derive estimates of soil moisturecontent for 52 test sites derived from watering records ofthe Imperial Valley Water District. The ground dataagree with the directions of interferometric displacementfor 48 of the 52 sites. In subsequent studies with ERS,soil-swelling phenomena are noted for agricultural areasnear Barstow, California (Zebker, Werner, et al. 1994),the Ukraine (Massonnet and Vadon 1995), the Nether-lands (Gens and van Genderen 1996), the ImperialValley again (Massonnet, Holzer, and Vadon 1997)and possibly in the Eureka Valley, California (Peltzerand Rosen 1995). However, despite the well-knownsensitivity of InSAR to soil swelling, a focused study eval-uating its potential for moisture retrievals or soil mappinghas yet to be published.

Wegmüller (1997) uses ERS interferometric correla-tion over bare and sparsely vegetated agricultural fieldsin Middle Zeeland, The Netherlands, to aid remote esti-mation of soil moisture. Radar backscatter is sensitive tochanging moisture content (from dielectric effects) andsurface roughness. If surface roughness is fixed, all tem-poral changes in backscatter may be attributed to mois-ture effects. Because altering surface roughness (e.g., fromplowing or vegetation growth) destroys interferometriccorrelation, presence of high correlation identifies where

a backscatter-based moisture retrieval algorithm may besafely applied. Wegmüller employs this logic to success-fully estimate soil moisture over fields with interferomet-ric correlation greater than 0.7.

Inundation Extent and Water-Level Change

SAR appeals strongly to hydrologists as a tool formonitoring surface water due to its ability to obtain high-resolution imagery under all weather and illuminationconditions. This characteristic is useful, for example,when observing floods during periods of monsoon cloudcover or shortening polar daylight. However, a primarylimitation of SAR for detecting open water is caused bysurface waves generated by wind or turbulence, particu-larly at C-band (Smith 1997). The resulting increase insurface roughness can raise backscatter amplitude valuesto levels similar to those from surrounding terrestrialareas, making lakes and rivers difficult or impossible tosee in radar imagery. This problem is eliminated in inter-ferometric correlation images. Because open water sur-faces experience constant motion, C-band correlation isdestroyed, allowing unambiguous mapping of open waterbodies regardless of clouds, darkness, wind, or turbu-lence. This approach has been successfully used to obtainprecise maps of river flooding in Siberia (Smith and Als-dorf 1997, 1998) and southern France (Marinelli et al.1997), and to delineate wetland ecosystems on theMackenzie River Delta (Hall-Atkinson and Smith 2001).In addition to low correlation, Strozzi and colleagues(2000) employ additional criteria of low backscatter

Figure 3. InSAR estimates of net erosion and deposition caused by an extreme glacier outburst flood in Iceland, 4–7 November 1996. Ice ter-minus is the Skeiðarárjökull glacier, also seen in Figure 1. Red hues indicate net deposition and blue hues signify net erosion. Pre- and post-flood ERS image pairs were acquired 21–22 October 1996 and 1–2 January 1997. From Smith et al. (2000).

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intensity and high temporal variability in backscatter in-tensity to classify water bodies in temporal SAR data.

In flooded forests and other floodplain environmentsin which rigid emergent vegetation is present, a double-bounce mechanism between trunks and water surfaceenhances radar backscattering to the satellite (Richards,Woodgate, and Skidmore 1987). This effect can main-tain L-band correlation, allowing construction of inter-ferograms over inundated areas. Observed interferomet-ric phase values are then attributed to centimeter-scalechanges in water level. Using L-HH SIR-C radar datacollected by the space shuttle on 9–10 October 1994,Alsdorf and colleages (Alsdorf et al. 2000; Alsdorf, Smith,and Melack 2001) image subtle water level changesacross ~3300 km


of the flooded Amazon River floodplain. Using InSAR observations from over 200 loca-tions, they show that water levels in floodplain lakes andtributaries dropped 2–11 cm between orbits, with great-est drop magnitudes near the Amazon main-stem. A 12-cm drop was measured by the Amazon River gaugingstation at Manaus. Clearly, the interferometric observa-tions capture the spatial pattern of floodplain waterevacuation in response to a small drop in river stage. Als-dorf and colleagues (2001) further show that the methodalso works over large lakes, even with long time-separa-tions between images. They combine radar altimeter andJERS-1 InSAR measurements to measure an averagewater level increase of 12 cm (corresponding to

280 m


of water storage) between 14 February and 30 March1997 in Lake Balbina, a large man-made reservoir in theAmazon. It is particularly noteworthy that interferomet-ric correlation was preserved over a 44-day time intervaland that the presence of only 1–2 emergent tree trunksper SAR pixel (~25 m) was sufficient to produce the re-quired double-bounce mechanism. Such evidence sug-gests that InSAR retrieval of water level change is a ro-bust methodology.

Snow Cover Extent and Scattering Properties

Melt onset over snow surfaces is commonly associatedwith a sharp decrease in radar backscatter intensity. How-ever, at low incident angles (e.g., ERS, at 23

), dry snow,wet snow with a rough surface, and snow with a thin wetsurface layer can all yield similar backscatter intensities.Furthermore, soil freeze-thaw causes fluctuations in back-scatter that can mimic wet snowfall. In recognition ofthe problems associated with backscatter-based snowmapping from single-parameter SAR such as ERS, Shi,Hensley, and Dozier (1997) examine interferometriccorrelation properties of snow cover at Mammoth Moun-tain, Sierra Nevada, California. Using SIR-C data ac-

quired in April and October, they report strong correla-tion loss over April snow cover. This interpretation isvalidated with cloud-free Landsat thematic mapper datataken one day after the April SIR-C radar acquisition, with86 percent agreement between Landsat and correlation-based snow cover classifications. Strozzi, Wegmüller, andMatzler (1999) use interferometric correlation to obtainunambiguous discrimination of wet snow cover for fieldand forest test sites in Middle Zeeland, The Netherlandsand Bern, Switzerland. Time-series of interferometriccorrelation and backscatter intensity show that a wetsnow cover dramatically reduces correlation, even whenbackscatter does not display a significant response. Fur-thermore, soil freeze-thaw is effectively separated fromsnowfall due to preservation of correlation in the formerevent, but not the latter.

Hoen and Zebker (2000) use ERS phase, backscatter,and interferometric correlation to estimate topography-induced variations in grain size and accumulation ratefor a test site in the dry snow zone of the Greenland IceSheet. Because the total interferometric correlation


de-creases with increased volume scattering, it is possible toinfer snowpack scattering structure from correlation ob-servations if the temporal and thermal contributions to


can be removed. Hoen and Zebker observe greater valuesof both correlation and backscatter intensity on the lee-ward sides of small-scale (~10 km) topographic undula-tions, suggesting reduced-volume scattering in the snow-pack there. By employing simple modeling relating (1)snow grain size to backscatter and volume correlationand (2) the derived grain sizes to accumulation rate, theyestimate variations in accumulation rate across the testsite, finding a ~40 percent accumulation decrease in to-pographic lees.

River Ice

River-ice breakup and associated ice-jam floodingrepresent the most significant hydrological event of theyear for most high-latitude rivers, with profound impactsupon biological activity, river loads of sediment andorganic carbon, and water supply to perched lakes andother floodplain ecosystems. From a societal perspective,ice-jam floods are an unpredictable hazard that causedamages estimated at $100 million in the United Statesalone (White and Eames 1999). Pivotal to the study ofriver-ice breakup is the question of how and where me-chanical ice breakup is initiated. We have now attainedthe capability to model and predict ice-debris accumula-tion and associated flooding levels caused by ice jams,given that the jam has formed somewhere (Pariset, Hauser,and Gagnon 1966; Uzuner and Kennedy 1976; Beltaos,

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1984, 1993; Ferrick, Weyrick, and Nelson 1993; Ettema,Muste, and Kruger 1999). However, predicting where icejams are likely to form is a question that remains intrac-table to date (Beltaos 1997). The problem is analogousto traffic flow: when a stop-and-start pattern of trafficflow is established, the location of where automobiles“pile up” is controlled by the location of where they pre-viously “released.” Similarly, successful prediction of icejams location requires knowledge of where ice breakup willinitiate. InSAR has already been used to detect small mo-tions in sea ice (Dammert, Lepparanta, and Askne 1997,1998; MacAyeal, Rignot, and Hulbe 1998; Rignot andMacAyeal 1998; Morris, Li, and Jeffries 1999). Similarly, itnow appears likely that InSAR can detect centimeter-scaleice displacements prior to the breakup of river ice cover.

Shulyakovskii (1972) theorized that increased flowshear stress applied to the underside of the ice covercauses horizontal bending moments, owing to the mean-dering planform of most rivers. Bending stresses in excessof the flexural strength of the ice causes transverse frac-tures to occur, a process subsequently confirmed by fieldobservations (Beltaos 1984, 1990). Vertical motionsdriven by increased river discharge typically occur alongthese fractures. Similarly, discharge decreases can causecollapse of the overlying ice cover. Figure 4 presents afirst use of InSAR to detect both types of deformation onthe frozen Ob’ River, Siberia and the Mackenzie RiverDelta, Canada. Interferograms were generated from rawERS signal data using the Gamma SAR Processor andInterferometry Software (Wegmüller and Werner 1997).SAR processing steps included range compression, auto-focusing, and azimuth compression of raw ERS signal data.

Interferometric processing included precise baseline es-timation, image co-registration, estimation of interfero-metric correlation, 2 10 averaging in range and azimuth,interferogram computation, and phase-unwrapping. Mo-tion detection was simplified by the fact that river ice isrelatively flat, eliminating the need for an independentDEM or second interferogram to separate topographicand motion components. If “active” transverse fracturesdo indeed represent loci of subsequent ice breakup, Fig-ure 4 demonstrates that InSAR may be used to identifywhere mechanical breakup is likely to initiate, providinga critical parameter needed to predict likely location ofsubsequent ice jam floods.

Aufeis mapping provides a second correlation-basedapplication of InSAR to the study of river ice. Aufeisdeposits—also called naleds, icings, or overflow ice—formannually on many rivers in high-latitude regions. Thesedeposits may reach thicknesses of three meters or morein response to repeated episodes of overflow and freezingthroughout the winter. Where large, they can signifi-cantly augment summer discharge due to their delayedmelting period. Li and colleagues (1997) use a time seriesof tandem ERS correlation images to map aufeis growth fora test site in the Brooks Range, Alaska. As in the previ-ously discussed snow-cover study by Strozzi and col-leagues (1999), they find variable backscatter and lowinterferometric correlation over areas of aufeis forma-tion. Correlation-derived estimates of aufeis area comparewell with estimates from an earlier mapping study basedon Landsat Multi-Spectral Scanner data (Dean 1984), butwith better differentiation of spatial details such as chan-nel structure.

Figure 4. (A) ERS interferogram showing motion of river ice along transverse fractures, Mackenzie River Delta, Canada (68N, 135W). Line-of-sight displacements of 1–3 cm occurred between 22 and 23 January 1996. (B) Approximately 2 cm of localized ice collapse (reddish spot,center), Ob’ River near Salekhard, Siberia (66N, 66E), again using tandem ERS data (26–27 March 1996). One color cycle of interferometricphase represents 2.3 cm of line-of-sight displacement for both interferograms.

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Future Developments

InSAR is now being developed in novel ways to ex-amine a variety of processes in geomorphology and hydrol-ogy. Of the emerging applications described here, land-surface subsidence caused by pumping or subterraneanmining is best developed and should be widely applied inthe near future for arid regions with low topographic re-lief. Urban centers are particularly well suited for long-term monitoring programs, as human dwellings maintainhigh interferometric correlation over time (Wegmüllerand Werner 1995; Usai and Hanssen 1997; Carnec andDelacourt 2000; Strozzi et al. 2000). It also appears to befeasible to use InSAR for estimating the distribution andmagnitude of a range of parameters needed to successfullymodel aquifer compression and associated surface subsid-ence, such as preconsolidation stress, compaction timeconstants, and elastic storage coefficients. InSAR studiesof slope motion are more problematic, requiring a largemass waste with optimal orientation and incident angle,stable correlation properties through time, and a creep-ing rate of motion. However, if InSAR DEM subtractioncan be used to measure extreme flood erosion (Figure 3),it may also be feasible to estimate landslide volumes if el-evation changes exceed ~4 m and relief is moderate.

The ability of InSAR to observe centimeter-scale mo-tions of shifting river ice, fluctuating water levels, andswelling soils has been demonstrated, but it requires fur-ther development. Mapping of water-level change (Als-dorf et al. 2000, 2001; Alsdorf, Smith, and Melack 2001)is particularly novel because it provides measurementsfrom hundreds of locations in a single instant of time, un-like a river gauging station, which collects continuous datafrom a single location. Similarly, mapping of subtle river-icedeformation (Figure 4) is a new type of hydrologic observa-tion that has not previously been demonstrated. Clearly,InSAR is more than a limited surrogate for certain fieldmeasurements, inasmuch as it also has the potential to pro-vide fundamentally new types of observations. It is surpris-ing that soil-swelling phenomena, first reported more thanten years ago (Gabriel, Goldstein, and Zebker 1989) andsubsequently noted by many authors, have not been furtherexploited to estimate soil moisture or type: soil mapping ap-plications would particularly benefit from the ability ofInSAR to distinguish clay-rich hygroscopic soils from loamsand sands that are less responsive to changing moisture.

Maps of interferometric correlation, once viewed assomething of a byproduct of InSAR data-processing,hold promise for detecting a wide range of geomorphicand hydrologic processes that disturb the scattering sur-face, and the examples described here probably representonly a small fraction of possible applications. However, it

is important to keep in mind that decorrelation, like dis-placement, is cumulative over time. Therefore, temporalbaselines should be minimized to avoid occurrence ofmultiple (and therefore indistinguishable) disturbanceevents. Preservation of correlation over time can also beused to infer surface stability, such as undisturbed soils(Wegmüller 1997) or floodplain fragments that escapeflood damage (Smith et al. 2000). “Stability studies”such as these represent a largely untapped area of research.

InSAR has achieved a high level of visibility in thegeophysical sciences, thanks to a series of exciting dis-coveries in solid-earth and ice-sheet research. This hasspurred InSAR research in other fields as well, includinggeomorphology and hydrology. The trend should con-tinue as new applications emerge and InSAR becomesincreasingly accessible to new users. Five years ago, InSARprocessors (processing software) were limited in avail-ability and often proprietary or prohibitively expensive.Today, there are a variety of freeware and commercialsoftware packages from which to choose. However, evenwith improved software design and availability, genera-tion of InSAR data products remains an often iterativeand time-consuming process, and new users must antici-pate an initial time investment to gain proficiency inInSAR data-processing. An excellent supply of suitableSAR data is available for the past ten years. The Euro-pean Space Agency (ESA) has steadily archived suitableC-band SAR data with near-global coverage since thelaunch of the ERS-1 satellite in 1991. Archives of L-bandJERS-1 SAR data are also maintained by the NationalSpace Development Agency of Japan (NASDA). How-ever, ERS-2 has recently experienced yaw pointing un-certainties of �10 degrees, making the resulting SARdata unsuitable for interferometry. It is unclear whetherthis problem will be resolved in the future, and in anyevent ERS-2 has now exceeded its design lifetime. Thecurrently operating Canadian RADARSAT provides use-able SAR data, but lack of zero doppler steering (whichkeeps the radar beam perpendicular to the flight path)makes interferometry a chance affair. However, the cur-rent reduction in InSAR data collection should be re-solved by planned satellite missions that include Envisat(launched by the ESA in March 2002) and ALOS (sched-uled for launch by NASDA in 2003). Both will be capableof interferometry and should assure a continued supply ofsuitable InSAR data as we enter the twenty-first century.


This work was supported by the NASA New Investi-gator Program (grant NAG5-10609). Figure 2 was adapted

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from a figure provided by D. Galloway, U.S. GeologicalSurvey. The author thanks D. Alsdorf, B. Bauer, M. Bul-mer and one anonymous reader for their constructive re-views of this article.


1. For additional background, see rigorous treatments of topog-raphy derivation (Graham 1974; Zebker and Goldstein 1986;Madsen, Zebker, and Martin 1993; Zebker, Werner, et al.1994), displacement mapping (Gabriel, Goldstein, and Zebker1989; Zebker, Rosen, et al. 1994; Joughin, Kwok, and Fahne-stock 1998), and phase-unwrapping (Goldstein, Zebker, andWerner 1988; Zebker and Lu 1998).

2. Note that interferograms can be recovered immediately froma single platform if two radar antennae are used, such as thosedeployed by the February 2000 Shuttle Radar TopographyMission.

3. For further description of interferometric correlation and itsproperties, see Zebker and Villasenor (1992), Rignot andVan Zyl (1993), and Rosen et al. (2000).

4. Gens and Van Genderen (1996) and Rosen et al. (2000) givebrief descriptions of this application.


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Correspondence: Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1524, e-mail: [email protected].

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