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Page 1: Emergency & crisis protocol



Page 2: Emergency & crisis protocol

This presentation is a review of the Emergency and Crisis procedures and policies

There will be a scenario based test following this presentation

The test will be an “open book” timed test where you will be allowed to use this presentation as a reference guide.


Page 3: Emergency & crisis protocol


Page 4: Emergency & crisis protocol

ALCOHOL CONFISCATION PROTOCOL The fo l lowing procedures are to be used when use of a lcohol in the res idence

ha l ls is not in accordance with federa l , s tate , and/or loca l laws, or un ivers i ty pol ic ies.

 1. The RA should request that the res ident(s) who is responsib le for the a lcohol

d ispose of the a lcohol in the ir possess ion and have the res ident(s) recycle the conta iners themselves. Th is d isposa l should be done on s i te in the nearest s ink.

2. I f there is no a lcohol present , but empty a lcohol conta iners are present , the RA should request the res ident col lect the empty conta iners and deposit them in the nearest recycl ing b in .  

3. I f the res idents are not able to d ispose of the a lcohol or they refuse to do so, then the RA should ca l l for RA back up and confi scate the a lcohol and d ispose of i t in the nearest s ink as a team. The RA should document in the Inc ident Report that the res idents refused to dump the a lcohol .

4. When a keg or kegs are found in the ha l ls FAU PD should be not ifi ed immediate ly. A l l kegs (and keg apparatus/parapherna l ia) should be confi scated by FAU PD whether they are opened or c losed. RAs wi l l remain with the res ident(s) unt i l the keg(s) has been confi scated. The RA should a lso not i fy Prostaff On-Cal l . I f Prostaff responds before FAU PD, they are to wait with the res idents unt i l FAU PD has confi scated the keg. Confi scated kegs wi l l not be returned to the res idents.


Page 5: Emergency & crisis protocol

ADDITIONAL GUILDELINE: These guidel ines should be used in the event of part ies or large groups.

1. The fi rst s tep i s recogniz ing the s i tuat ion and to determine i f back-up i s needed. Most o ften th is wi l l be in the form of a par ty ind icated by some or a l l o f the fo l lowing: loud mus ic , loud conversat ions , ye l l ing, laughing, or poss ib le sounds of dr ink ing games or c l ink ing of bot t les .

2. Once a par ty s i tuat ion i s recognized an RA should ca l l for RA back-up. This wil l be a judgement call from the primary RA based on the information gathered from the above

examples. A second RA is vital in these situations as they can provide crowd control and help to promote the authority of Housing staff . Overall back up wil l make it easier to document the situation accurately and safely.

3. When RA back-up arr ives on the scene both RA’s should approach the room and knock on the door and announce: “Hous ing and Res idence L i fe Staff , RA On-Cal l , p lease open the door ” .

Increase volume may be needed in situations where load music is present or if the resident inside the room do not open the door in a t imely manner.

4. Once the door has been opened the pr imary RA should assess the fo l lowing: Is anyone in need of medical attention? If so call FAU PD immediately. Is alcohol present? Continue to the steps outl ine below.  

5. I f a lcohol i s found RA’s should fi nd who i s respons ib le for the room/party. RA’s should collect OWL Cards for documentation. If they do not have an OWL Card attempt to get a

State ID or another form of photo ID. In situations where alcohol is permitted (UVA/IVA) State ID’s should be checked for appropriate drinking age and the appropriate amount and type of alcohol is present.

At this t ime it ’s best to attempt to calm down the situation. Ask the person responsible to turn off any music and ask them for the cooperation of their guests.


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Bed Bug Bias Inc ident Bomb ThreatB

Page 7: Emergency & crisis protocol

During regular business hours, contact the RC of the building and Capstone on Campus; if the RC is unavailable, call the RC on call. After hours notify the RC on call.

Submit work order for resident if not already completed.

Follow instructions by the RC


Page 8: Emergency & crisis protocol

FAU defi nes a B ias Inc ident  as an ac t o f d i sc r im inat i on ,  ha rassment , i n t im idat i on , v i o l ence , o r c r im ina l off ense commi t ted aga ins t any person , g roup , o r p roper ty tha t appears to be i n ten t i ona l and mot i va ted by p re jud i ce o r b ias .   Such ac ts a re usua l l y assoc ia ted w i th negat i ve fee l i ngs and be l i e f s w i th respec t to o thers ’ race , e thn i c i ty , na t i ona l o r i g in , re l i g i on , gender , gender i dent i ty , sexua l o r i en ta t i on , age , soc ia l c l ass , po l i t i ca l affi l i a t i on , d i sab i l i t y , ve te ran s ta tus , c l ub affi l ia t i on , o r o rgan i za t i on membersh ip . I f a s tudent approaches you to repor t ha rassment tha t i s sexua l i n na tu re , p l ease re fe r to the sexua l ha rassment po l i cy.

I f a s tudent approaches you as a w i tness to a b i as i nc iden t o r as a v i c t im o f a b i as i nc ident , p lease take the fo l l ow ing s teps .

I f the i nc iden t i nvo l ves p roper ty ( i . e . a de faced pos ter o r bu l l e t i n board , an i nappropr i a te message on a wh i teboard , g raffi t i on a wa l l ) :

Take a photo of the item and forward the photo via email to your Resident Director for the area. Contact FAUPD to make an offi cial report. Contact the RC on call to inform them of the situation. Cover or remove the item in question after professional staff has taken the report. Submit an incident report via Maxient.

I f the i nc iden t i nvo l ves a s tudent and i s w i tnessed by s taff : Identify the al leged perpetrator of the incident via ID. Submit an incident report via Maxient. Inform the victim of the abil ity to fi le a separate complaint the Dean of Students and ask if the student is

interested in fi l ing a report with FAUPD. I f the i nc iden t i nvo l ves a s tudent and i s no t w i tnessed by s taff bu t repor ted to s taff by the

s tudent : Off er to submit an incident report via Maxient on the student’s behalf. I f the student does not wish to fi le the report via Maxient, inform the student of the option of submitt ing a

report via the Offi ce of Diversityand Mult icultural Aff airswebsite as well as the option of fi l ing a formal complaint at a later t ime via the Deans Offi ce and FAUPD.


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I t is important that a l l bomb threats be treated ser ious ly.   A qu ick and organized response to a perce ived threat can min imize the r isk of in jury to students , staff and v is i tors . Making a fa lse bomb threat is a federa l off ense punishable under United States Code 18-844e, with a penalty of up to ten years in pr ison, $250,000 fi ne, or both. Bomb threats can be del ivered v ia phone, letter , emai l , in person, or wr i t ing in conspicuous p laces. A l l threats rece ived by HRL staff must be reported.

I f a bomb threat is rece ived by phone: 1. Remain Calm. Attempt to keep the ca l ler on the te lephone as long as poss ib le . 2. Use the Bomb Threat Worksheet (page 10)3. Record the t ime and phone number i f a ca l ler ID is ava i lab le .4. Contact Univers i ty Pol ice at 911 f rom a campus phone or 561-297-3500 from a

ce l lu lar phone, immediate ly a fter rece iv ing the threat . 5. Contact RC of the aff ected bui ld ing (dur ing business hours) , or the RC On Duty.6. Take no further act ion unt i l advised to do so by the Univers i ty Pol ice.

Responding offi cers wi l l assess the threat and advise the bui ld ing occupants i f i t is necessary to evacuate the bui ld ing and/or area.

7. I f suspected that the threat is rea l and eminent begin evacuat ing the bui ld ing by not i fy ing ind iv iduals one by one. At no point in t ime should a fi re a larm be pul led to not i fy ind iv idua ls of an evacuat ion other than for a fi re.

8. Keep a l is t of students that have evacuated.


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Questions to Ask Caller:1. When is the bomb going to

explode?2. Where is the bomb right

now?3. What does it look l ike?4. Did you place the bomb?5. Why?6. What is your name?7. Where are you now?

Be sure to record date and time of the call

Get exact wording of the Threat

Immediately report all threat to FAU PD

Sounds to observe and take note of: Offi ce Mach ines Street no ises Vo ices Dishes Chi ldren Mach ines Animals Stat i c Male Mus ic No No ise Radio Ai rpor t Outdoors Crown Any other sounds

Take note of the ca l lers voice: Male Female S lurred Soft Nasa l L isp Raspy Loud Deep Fast High S low Crack ing Calm Stut ter Exc i ted angry Cry ing Fami l ia r Al tered Accent


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Contro l led Substance


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The p res ence o r pos s es s i on o f m ar i j uana / con t ro l l ed s ubs tances i s i l l ega l , and th e p res ence o f m ar i j uana / con t ro l l ed s ubs tances o r d rug pa raphern a l i a i n the res i dence ha l l s i s i n v i o l a t i on o f th e Code o f S tuden t Conduc t . The confi s ca t i on and rem ov a l o f s uch i t em s i s done by FAU PD to p ro tec t m embers o f the com m un i ty. I n the cas e o f m ar i j uana / con t ro l l ed s ubs tances o r d rug pa rapherna l i a , t he f o l l ow ing p rocedu res s hou ld be f o l l owed :

1. Upon fi nd i ng s uch s ubs tan ces o r be l i ev i ng s uch s ubs tances ex i s t ( e .g . s m e l l i ng mar i j uan a odo r i n the ha l lway , s uch i t ems v i s i b l y s een i n a res i den t ’ s room , o r i n f o rm at i on s ha red by o the r res i den t s ) , t he RA s hou ld i mm ed ia te l y con tac t FAU PD . The RA s hou l d wa i t un t i l FAU PD a rr i v es to con f ron t the s tuden ts . FAU PD deem s m ar i j uana / con t ro l l ed s ubs tances a p r i o r i t y ca l l and th ey w i l l res pond as qu i ck l y as pos s i b l e .

2. No t i fy the Pros taff m em ber on ca l l t o res pond w i th FAU PD . Pros taff s hou ld no t confi s ca te an y d rugs o r d rug pa rapherna l i a .

3. I n genera l , a s taff m em ber an d a FAU PD O ffi cer , w i l l res pond toge the r to d rug i nv es t i ga t i ons ( i n c l ud in g s us p i c i ous odo r com p la in t s ) occu rr i ng i n a s tuden t ' s room o r apa r tm en t . O nce they hav e i den t i fi ed the room th a t i s s us pec t , t he FAU PD O ffi cer w i l l knock on the doo r , i den t i fy th em s e lv es and the i r i n ten t i on to en te r , and i nv i te th e occupan t to open the doo r v o l un ta r i l y. I f t he doo r i s no t opened im med ia te l y , hous in g pe r s onne l w i l l u n l ock the doo r and w i l l en te r w i th ou t undue de lay.

4. I f t he FAU PD O ffi cer i s unce r ta i n and a re unab l e t o i den t i fy the room f rom wh i ch the odo r i s em i t t i ng , t hey w i l l no t " key i n " t o the room. I f t h e room i s i den t i fi ed , t hey w i l l p roceed as ou t l i ned i n “e” be l ow.

5. Upon en te r i ng the room, the FAU PD O ffi cer w i l l con f ron t the s i t ua t i on ( i . e . s m e l l o f m ar i j uana ) . The s ubs equen t s e i zu re o f d rugs o r pa rapherna l i a w i l l be de te rm i ned by the FAU PD O ffi cer and w i l l be l i m i ted to con t raband th a t i s i n p l a i n v i ew un les s a s tuden t ag rees to hav e th e i r room s ea rch ed .

6. Af te r the i nc i den t , t he RA s hou ld comp le te an i nc i den t repo r t . When wr i t i ng the i nc i den t repo r t , t he RA s hou ld be s pec i fi c as t o ev i dence no ted upon en t r y o f t he room. Th i s app l i e s t o s i t ua t i ons where m ar i j uana / con t ro l l ed s ubs tances o r pa rapherna l i a a re f ound and when the re was s u s p i c i on to en te r th e room , ev en i f no th i ng was f ound .


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ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES: In the event that an RA feels that Prostaff should be present, they should

contact the Prostaff member on cal l . This may be due to the fact that the residents are not being cooperative or the above protocol is not being fol lowed.

When an RA encounters a smell bel ieved to be incense, they should get another RA to confront the s ituation together. Past RA experience has been that an incense violat ion may lead to a discovery of mari juana/control led substances. I f th is happens one RA is then able to leave the immediate s ituation to cal l FAU PD from the nearest avai lable phone.

No more than two RAs should be present during a confrontation unless assist ing with a large number of residents. Other RAs should be instructed to go to another location or back to their rooms and they wil l be contacted i f their assistance is needed. The rationale behind this is to keep the s ituation from appearing chaotic.

I f you have heard information related to the sale or distr ibution of mari juana/control led substances on your fl oor, in your bui ld ing, you should inform your supervisor or the Prostaff member on cal l as soon as possible of the information. FAU PD should be notifi ed immediately i f you walk in on the above incident.


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ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES: I f you bel ieve that you are in danger, you should leave the scene and

immediately contact FAU PD. Information to include in the Incident Report: Evidence Noticed

Window open (UVA and Algonquin only) Fan blowing out Towel under the door Duct tape around doorframe Strong odor of marijuana Strong odor of air freshener/air freshening products Strong odor of incense, dryer sheets and popcorn Strong odor of smoking (cigarettes, cigars, cloves)

  Resident Behavior/Delayed response in answering door

Before opening door could hear shuffl ing and drawers being opened and shut Did not answer the door Resident’s eyes bloodshot Resident’s eyes squinting Resident’s behavior unusual (please describe)


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I f a s tuden t i s a v i c t im o f a c r im e , o r has w i tnessed , and /o r a re to l d abou t a c r im e tha t has been com m i t ted o r i s go ing to be com m i t ted they shou ld con tac t Un i ve r s i ty Po l i ce im m ed ia te l y. The RC w ou ld respond w hen a RA o r Un i ve r s i t y Po l i ce con tac t s them , o r i n the un l i ke l y even t tha t a RC w i tnesses a c r im e i n p rog ress .

I f you suspec t th i s i n c i den t i s re l a t i onsh ip v i o l ence o r a sexua l a ssau l t p l ease see : SEXUAL ASS AULT /RE L AT ION SH IP V IOLEN CE

Con tac t Un i ve r s i t y Po l i ce a t 911 f rom a cam pus phone o r a t (561 ) 297 -3500 f rom a ce l l u l a r phone .

Rem em ber the f o l l ow ing : Disturbing the scene of the crime can degrade law enforcement’s abi l i ty to catch the individual responsible

for committ ing the crime. Give University Pol ice:

Exact locat ion of the inc ident(s) (Your name In jur ies, i f any Name of the v ict im(s) Descr ipt ion o f the incident Descr ipt ion o f the suspect(s) , i f known I f the subject had a weapon, i f so , what k ind? Descr ipt ion o f the vehic le and l icense p late , i f appl icable Direct ion o f t rave l (by foot or by vehic le) Descr ipt ion o f the scene(s)

Con tac t the RC on ca l l ( a f te r hou rs ) o r im m ed ia te superv i so r (bus iness hou rs ) . Fac i l i t a te c row d con t ro l .

Docum ent the s i tua t i on . I f i n s t ruc ted to she l te r i n p l ace :

Warn others in the area about the emergency i f safe to do so. Move to an interior room without windows, c lose the door, and lock the door i f appropriate. Do not exit the area unti l the emergency has passed or you are instructed to do so by emergency response



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Duty to CareD

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As staff members representing the University, we have a legal as wel l as ethical obl igation to provide reasonable care for our students. Anytime a staff member ei ther personal ly observes or receives information that a student is in need of assistance because of the students impaired abi l i ty due to alcohol /drugs, psychological state, etc. , the staff member is required to respond to the student.

Anytime a student appears incapacitated or in need of medical assistance, staff members should contact Universi ty Pol ice to have them assess the condit ion of the student. I f ( in the judgment of the pol ice officer) the student does not need any further medical attention, but is in need of someone to watch over the student for a period of t ime, we can assist the officer in the identification of an individual (e.g. roommate, fr iend, etc.) . Care should be given in the identification of an individual who is not under the influence of alcohol / drugs and is ful ly aware of their role in observing the student.

As long as staff takes reasonable care in contacting a cert ified health professional and assist ing them in their caring of the student, staff members are not required to watch over or “baby-sit” the student throughout the day. At the same t ime, though, as helping professionals, we should not just ignore the si tuation after everyone has left the scene. Staff members wi l l need to ut i l ize some discret ion to determine their further involvement with the si tuation.


Page 18: Emergency & crisis protocol

Earthquake Evacuat ion E

Page 19: Emergency & crisis protocol

If there is an earthquake follow the procedures listed below:

1. Remain in your room and take cover under your desk or in a door-way until the shaking stops. Keep away from large glass windows. Stay where you are for one minute after shaking stops.

2. Set a good example. Remain calm.3. Survey your fl oor with a quick visual walk-through. If

anyone reports an injury to you assist them in contacting appropriate assistance.

4. Physically report to your building desk if safe to do so (do not take the elevator).

5. Report any damages/injuries/smell of gas to FAUPD and RC.

6. Await further instructions.


Page 20: Emergency & crisis protocol

This response protocol is for use when you are required to evacuate a building and should be used in conjunction with other protocol based on the cause for evacuation (e.g., fi re alarm activation, utility outage, etc…)

1. Immediately evacuate the building using the closest safe evacuation route to your location.

2. Report to the designated assembly area.3. During regular business hours, contact your RC; if your

RC is unavailable, call the RC on call. After hours, if the building/complex Resident Director is not present, notify the RC on call.

4. Follow instructions by the RC.5. Document the situation by submitting an Incident

Report in Maxient.


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Fi re Alarm Fi rewatch FERPAF

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Th is response protoco l i s fo r use when there i s a fi re .1. Act ivate the fi re a la rm us ing the neares t manua l pu l l s ta t ion .2. Evacuate the bu i ld ing us ing the c loses t sa fe evacuat ion route to your locat ion .3. Contact FAUPD. 4. Repor t to the des ignated assembly area .5. Dur ing regu lar bus iness hours , contact your RC; i f your RC i s unava i lab le , ca l l the RC on

ca l l . After hours , i f the bu i ld ing /complex Res ident D i rector i s not p resent , not i fy the RC on ca l l .

6. Fo l low ins t ruct ions by the RC.7. Document the s i tuat ion by submi t t ing an Inc ident Repor t in Max ient .  I f the fi re a la rm sounds in your area , you shou ld evacuate the area immediate ly and ca l l

the RC on duty. Go to the neares t externa l par t o f the main ent rance o f the bu i ld ing to d iv ide response tasks . A lways defer to the RC’s s ince they w i l l p rov ide you w i th more in format ion as protoco l can d iff er depend ing on the s i tuat ion .

I n the absence o f the bu i ld ing RC, the RA on Duty w i l l assume leadersh ip fo r imp lement ing the emergency protoco l unt i l the RC on Duty arr ives . In the event o f two RAs on Duty , the Pr imary RA on Duty w i l l assume leadersh ip . RA(s ) on duty w i l l check the per imeter o f the bu i ld ing check ing the w indows to ensure that a l l res idents have vacated the bu i ld ing .

Once the a larm has been s i lenced AND the fi re depar tment o r po l i ce depar tment has g iven the a l l c lear , the RC w i l l have the RA(s ) on Duty not i fy the RA personnel a round the bu i ld ing that s tudents are permi t ted to enter. No s tudents shou ld be permi t ted to enter the bu i ld ing or complex unt i l th i s has occurred .


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This protocol should be used in the event that is an impairment to the fi re detection and/or suppression system.

1. During regular business hours, contact the RC of the building; if the RC is unavailable, call the RC on call. After hours, if the building/complex Resident Coordinator is not present, notify the RC on call.

2. Follow instructions by the RC.


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Per the Family Educational Right to Privacy Act (FERPA), 20 USC § 1232g, students have the right of privacy of their educational records.  These records include, but are not limited to, records maintained by the Department of Housing and Residential Life (HRL) and the Dean of Students.  Only with proper signed release are these records available to those other than the student, or as allowed by amendments to FERPA. From time to time our department receives phone calls from parents or potential employers regarding a student’s educational record. If a third party source, including a student’s parent/guardian, contacts you regarding the student’s educational record, the response will depend on the information being requested. If a non-HRL staff member approaches an RA to discuss a student,

refer them to a professional staff member (RC, ADRL, or DRL).


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Hazardous Substances

Hazing Hurr icaneH

Page 26: Emergency & crisis protocol

This response protocol is for use when there is oil, chemical or bodily fluid found within a Residential hall.

1. Report oil, chemical and bodily fluid found and location to RC of building (business hours) or RC on call (after hours).

2. If bodily fluid (vomit) is a less than the size of a piece of paper, isn’t impeding residents ability to enter and exit the building, and no blood is visible report the bodily fluid location to the building desk during business hours or RC on-call after hours.

3. Follow instructions by the RC.4. Document the situation by submitting an Incident

Report Maxient


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If any staff members witness or suspect hazing, they must contact their Area Professional Staff immediately.


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Each resident receives a hurr icane preparedness brochure in their student mailbox. This brochure contains pert inent information regarding hurr icanes.

Hurricane Watch indicates that a hurr icane condit ion is a strong possibi l i ty and may threaten the area within 36 hours. Al l windows, curtains, and bl inds should be c losed. Do not tape windows. Al l i tems considered valuable should be covered and stored in a high place. Each resident must determine where they wi l l be seeking shelter and report this information to their RA.

Residents planning to use a Red Cross Shelter must plan to bring their own food and water. In the event of a Hurricane Watch , Resident Assistants wi l l be asked to contact their residents to find out where the students wi l l go in case of a University evacuation. Any student having no alternative wi l l be transported to a Red Cross approved shelter.

Hurricane Warning indicates that a hurr icane is expected in 24 hours or less. Al l residents wi l l be evacuated from University Housing. Al l e lectr ical equipment, including refr igerators must be unplugged and any perishable food disposed of. Residents with fr iends or relat ives in the local area wi l l be asked to go there. In the event of a Hurricane Warning , Resident Assistants may assist the Professional Staff in evacuating the bui ldings. Once al l students have been evacuated, Resident Assistants wi l l be permitted to leave.


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Each resident receives a hurr icane preparedness brochure in their student mailbox. This brochure contains pert inent information regarding hurr icanes.

Hurricane Watch indicates that a hurr icane condit ion is a strong possibi l i ty and may threaten the area within 36 hours. Al l windows, curtains, and bl inds should be c losed. Do not tape windows. Al l i tems considered valuable should be covered and stored in a high place. Each resident must determine where they wi l l be seeking shelter and report this information to their RA.

Residents planning to use a Red Cross Shelter must plan to bring their own food and water. In the event of a Hurricane Watch , Resident Assistants wi l l be asked to contact their residents to find out where the students wi l l go in case of a University evacuation. Any student having no alternative wi l l be transported to a Red Cross approved shelter.

Hurricane Warning indicates that a hurr icane is expected in 24 hours or less. Al l residents wi l l be evacuated from University Housing. Al l e lectr ical equipment, including refr igerators must be unplugged and any perishable food disposed of. Residents with fr iends or relat ives in the local area wi l l be asked to go there. In the event of a Hurricane Warning , Resident Assistants may assist the Professional Staff in evacuating the bui ldings. Once al l students have been evacuated, Resident Assistants wi l l be permitted to leave.


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When lower level hurricane warnings are issued (Level I, II, or III), on-campus housing may not necessarily need to evacuate. Should that decision be made, preparation plans should be followed, as indicated above, for Facilities-related and Offi ce-related sections. Students should be prepped according to Hurricane WATCH conditions.


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Inter im SuspensionI

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Interim housing suspension is used to remove a student from housing on a temporary basis due to behavior that poses a risk to the greater residential or FAU community. This is an action that is typically initiated by a member of the leadership team after receiving a report about an alleged policy violation serious enough to initiate the action. If a Resident Coordinator responds to a situation where there is a threat to the community, consult with the Director of Residential Life and Dean of Students to determine if this is a viable option.

1. On occasion, a resident assistant may be asked to ensure that a student receives a hard copy of the interim housing suspension letter. The individual should notify the RC on call that the letter has been delivered.

2. If RA staff notice the student in any residential facility following their housing suspension, they should notify the RC on call and FAUPD.


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Medical Mental

Heal thM

Page 34: Emergency & crisis protocol

A medical emergency is any situation that requires immediate medical attent ion; in jur ies or i l lnesses can be l i fe threatening or non-l i fe threatening. This protocol is to be used when a staff member suspects l i fe threatening injury or i l lness.

  Contact University Pol ice and provide the fo l lowing information:

Nature of injury or illness Location of victim Identity of victim Suspected or known cause of injury or illness

Do not move vict im i f they are unconscious unless they are in immediate danger.

Remain with the vict im unti l emergency personnel arr ive. I f addit ional staff is present, ask them to meet the EMS staff and escort

them to the location of the incident. During regular business hours, contact your RC; i f your RC is unavai lable,

cal l the RC on cal l . After hours, i f the bui lding/complex RC is not present, not i fy the RC on cal l .

Fol low instruct ions by the RC. Document the situat ion by submitt ing an Incident Report in Maxient.


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This protocol is be used when there is a suspected contagious illness or student health emergency (e.g., lice) with a residential student.

1. Ask the resident to report to student health services.

2. During regular business hours, contact the RC of the building and Capstone on Campus; if the RC is unavailable or if it is after hours, call the RC on call.



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A mental health crisis exists when an individual threatens harm to themselves or others or if a student’s current behavior prevents him/her from taking care of themselves. When HRL staff becomes aware that a student may be a threat to himself/herself, either through suicidal ideation, threats or attempts harm upon another student, they must respond in the following manner:

1. If the student has made a suicide attempt, or it is suspected that they have, or if there is any reason to believe that they may be in immediate danger (due to a threat), contact University Police at 911 or 561-297-3500 immediately. Follow medical emergency procedures.

2. If a student has expressed suicidal ideation, contact the RC.3. If a student appears to be in distress but has not expressed

suicidal ideation, inform the RC and facil itate a “Knock and Talk.” Follow up with RC after the conversation. If the student expresses suicidal ideation during the conversation, contact the RC immediately.


Page 37: Emergency & crisis protocol

The university is located in a climate in which temperatures, humidity, and other naturally occurring conditions normally allow for the growth of mold and mildew in locations where dampness or moisture are present. The following protocol is for the response to a microbial growth complaint. Microbial growth is the appropriate term to be used when describing anything to appears to be mold or mildew.

1. Contact the building desk and request that a work order be submitted.

2. Encourage resident to complete online work order.


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A missing person is an individual whose whereabouts are unknown; they have disappeared for no known reason and there is reasonable concern for their well-being and safety. While in most circumstances an individual must be missing for 24-hours before an offi cial missing person report can be fi led with police, do not wait to report a missing person if suspected that they may be in danger or injured.

1. Knock on Resident’s door, wait for a response. Do not enter.

2. Immediately contact the RC on call (after hours) or your supervisor (business hours).

3. At no time should an RA conduct a wellness check.


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Network OutageN

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Housing and Residentia l l i fe has several networks on each campus providing var ious funct ional i ty. The fol lowing protocol wi l l cover proper ident ifi cat ion of network outages and steps to take during and after the outage. Network outages could impact just the desks and our housing workstat ions, just the res ident ial areas, wireless, or a l l of the above.

I f you have several res idents indicate that the internet is down, or ‘wireless isn’ t working’ contact the bui lding desk and report the issue, providing detai ls

Encourage res ident to contact OIT support at 561-297-3999 or http: / /helpdesk.

I f several cal ls come in to the desk from various res idents take notes as to where they are having problems and what problem they are having ( ie wireless, wired, internet works but can’t connect to x-box l ive) etc. etc . DA’s should notify RC of number and nature of calls RC’s should contact other desks to determine scope of problems RC’s should notify ADRL

I f the ‘ internet goes out’ at the desk, the DA should check each system that they normal ly use, as wel l as some external s i tes to determine scope of outage Test FAU systems. DA’s should contact RC’s and relay details

I f ‘ temp cards’ are not working for a certain bui ld ing DA should contact RC’s and relay details


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Power Fai lureP

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I f the electricity goes out follow the procedures l isted below:1. Evaluate if the power outage is localized (a room or cluster of

rooms) or aff ecting the entire building/campus. 2. Contact the building desk to inform them of the outage. The desk

staff wil l contact RC.3. During regular business hours, contact your RC; if your RC is

unavailable, call the RC on call. After hours, notify the RC on call. 4. Check elevator to ensure that it is open and on the fi rst fl oor. I f not

see if someone is caught inside or ask fellow staff member to do so. I f anyone is in the elevator, follow procedure for ELEVATOR BREAKDOWN for Occupied Elevators, then continue with the next step.

5. Go to the staff -designated location (usually the hall lobby) immediately and send one staff member to the building desk.

6. Follow instructions by the RC.7. When power comes back on, contact the RC to confi rm that it is

working properly. 8. Document the situation by submitting an Incident Report in Maxient.


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Room EntryR

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Below is the guidelines for entering a student’s room: Using the master key/card to enter:

Maintenance or housekeeping Health and Safety Inspections RCR completion

Requesting Admittance: Policy Violation – If entrance is needed to address a policy

violation and no one is answer the door or the residents are refusing entrance FAUPD may be called.

Safety Check – Prior to going on the safety check, check-out a master key/card for the space you are going to. If a student will not respond to a safety check the staff conducting the check should call FAUPD to key into the room. Staff may be asked to key FAUPD into the space. FAUPD should be the only ones to enter the space until it is given the all clear.


Page 45: Emergency & crisis protocol

Steps to keying into a student’s space: No one should ever just key into a student’s space. Every eff ort

should be made to ensure that your presence is known to anyone who may be l iving in that space prior to your entry and again once you are in the space.

1. Gain the assistance of a colleague to join you. No one should ever enter a student space by themselves.

2. Check out the master key/card for the space that you need.3. Once outside of the room

Knock Knock announce who you are (position title) If no one answers, knock and key in and announce who you are once again

before entering the space.

4. Follow the above protocol for the individual’s room in they are inside of an apartment or suite.

5. Make sure that the resident’s door is locked and secure.6. Return the master key/card to its key box and ensure that it is



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Student Death

Suspic ious Package

Suspic ious PersonS

Page 47: Emergency & crisis protocol

This protocol should be used in the unfortunate event that a resident were to pass away on campus or off campus. Accurate and timely notification to appropriate university offi cials is important.

1. Contact University Police.2. During regular business hours, contact the RC of the

building; if the RC is unavailable, call the RC on call. After hours, if the building/complex RC is not present, notify the RC on call.

3. Follow instructions by the RC.


Page 48: Emergency & crisis protocol

Al l students and employees who receive mai l should be aware of the poss ib le indicators of a suspic ious package. The presence of one or more of the fo l lowing features should be cause for concern: Unexpected mail with foreign postmarks, airmail, or uncharacteristic or abnormal delivery

markings. Postage irregularities, including excessive postage, no postage, or unusual stamps Return address irregularities such as; no return address, a return address that does not

match the postmark, or a return address that is not familiar to the person to whom the package is addressed.

No postmark. (may indicate hand delivery). Delivery address irregularities such as; a title without a name, an incorrect title with a

name, or a generic title that is not used at Florida Atlantic University. Badly typed, misspelled, or poorly written addresses and markings. Restrictive markings or special handling instructions, such as "Personal," "Confi dential,"

"Special Delivery," "Open by Addressee only". Visual distractions on the package such as drawings, statements, or handmade postage. Rigid or bulky envelope. Oddly shaped, unevenly-weighted, lopsided, or lumpy package. An odor is emitted from the package. Stains or discoloration on the package. Protruding wires, tinfoil, or other conductive materials. Over-wrapping with excessive paper, tape, or string. A package left by unknown person.


Page 49: Emergency & crisis protocol

RA Staff Response: 1. Do not attempt to open the package. Suspicious packages may

be considered evidence and should be handled accordingly. 2. If the package is stained, discolored, or emits an odor do not

attempt to identify the substance. If you come in contact with a leaking substance, wash hands and exposed skin vigorously with soap and fl owing water for at least 15 minutes.

3. Do not handle, shake, or move the package or letter.4. Calmly notify others in the immediate area, relocate to

another room, and close the door behind you.5. Contact University Police at 991 or 561-297-3500 as soon as

you are able and safety permits.6. Notify the RC on call (after hours) or your supervisor (business

hours).7. Take no further action until advised to do so by University



Page 50: Emergency & crisis protocol

If a staff member sees an individual who is behaving in a strange fashion, e.g., asking for vague people (“Does Tommy live here? I don’t know his last name.”) or trying locked doors, etc., the student staff member should inform the Area Professional Staff or RC on duty immediately and provide as accurate a description of the individual as possible. University Police should also be notified.


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Theft Terror ist


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All thefts and suspected thefts, regardless of substance, should be reported to the University Police immediately. A complete description of the lost material along with a description of suspects, if available, should be given over the phone. If you discover suspected contraband material (e.g., University property in a residence hall room), report this as you would a theft. Both the student staff and Professional Staff should be aware that promptness is an absolute necessity if investigations are to be successful. Even if you only become aware of a theft days after it has seemingly occurred, call University Police right away.


Page 53: Emergency & crisis protocol

Emergency action steps will depend upon the type of device and/or agent used and whether it is used on-campus, in a campus building, or off- campus. The University has developed plans to respond to such situations and has established lines of communication with appropriate civil authorities to obtain current information.


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Phys ical Vio lence

Relat ionship Vio lenceV

Page 55: Emergency & crisis protocol

In the event that a resident assistant encounters a fight, remember to not get involved. Doing so can result in the situation escalating and/or you becoming hurt.

Immediately call FAU police (x73500, press 9) or call 9-1-1 and inform the people involved you are doing so.

Call a professional staff member. Be prepared to have all pertinent information available.

Take down the names and statements of witnesses involved. The more information available, the easier it will be for the professional staff member to act accordingly.

Attempt to deescalate the situation Request students not involved to leave the area Separate the students involved


Page 56: Emergency & crisis protocol

When a sexual assault or act of relationship violence is initially reported to an HRL staff member, it is important to determine whether the survivor is in immediate danger. If the crime is in progress, an immediate threat exists, or if the survivor is in need of immediate medical attention (with consent from the survivor), University Police must be contacted at 911 or 561-297-3500.

In most cases, HRL staff will be notifi ed after an incident has occurred. In this case, it is important for a professional staff member to meet with the survivor in a private, safe space if the survivor is will ing. The following actions should be taken:

1. If a crime is in progress, an immediate threat exists or if the survivor is in need of medical attention (with consent from the survivor), contact the University Police.

2. Utilize attending skills to provide an emotionally safe space3. Assure privacy but inform survivor of need to inform supervisor.4. Contact building RC if during the day, RC on-call after hours.



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