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  • 1. Brooke Poelstra St. Gianni Health Academy

2. My Future Plans

  • I plan on attending the University of Kansas State and majoring in Biology and going Pre Med.
  • For my future career I plan to become an OB/GYN

3. Resume Cover Letter

          • Brooke Poelstra
  • 2306 Glenn Hills Drive, Derby, Kansas, 67037
  • 316-210-0271[email_address]
          • 11 October, 2010
  • Denise Clarke
  • Program Director
  • 929 North St. Francis
  • Wichita, KS 67214
  • Subject:Physical Therapist
  • Dear Mr. Clarke,
  • As a student, studying in the Wichita area, I am seeking to excel in my future career position, starting with a level entry job title. I am wishing to obtain the level entry job of a physical therapist in the impatient acute care.I am attempting to surround myself in the health care environment, in which I can grow intellectually. The desire of my experience includes supporting patients with desire to heal, allow future improvement of illnesses, and become more experienced in the PT field.
  • I am a strong worker with a will to work. I was in the St. Gianni Catholic Health Academy in High School which allowed for me to experience the hospital of Via Christi in a more, observant and hands-on, way. The health academy allowed for me to go on certain rotations and follow PTs along with RNs, and doctors. Being a senior in high school the health academy has driven me to further a career in health care. Throughout my experiences I feel that a PT has the most hands-on learning in a level entry job title. I have done much volunteer work throughout my time in high school, such as, Race for the Cure, Rainbows United, Lords Dinner, and Catholic Charities.
  • Given the strength of my ability to multi task, my will to work and my determination to further my career in the health care field, I feel that I have the requirements to obtain the level entry job of a PT at your facility. I wish to soon speak with you and set up an interview to allow for the work with you. I thrive on challenges and strive to spend time on the effort it takes to succeed. Thank you for your time and dedication and I am looking forward to meeting with you!
  • Sincerely,
  • Brooke Poelstra

4. Reference Page

  • References:
  • Becky Hopper
    • CNA
    • 1400 Oak Forest
    • Derby, KS 67037
  • Rachel Lewis
    • RN
    • 6105 East 60th St. South
    • Derby, KS 67037
    • (316) 259-0266
  • Denise Clarke-Hang
    • Program Director, Curriculum Coordinator
    • 929 N. St. Francis
    • Wichita, KS 67214
    • (316) 619-5180

5. Career List

  • Six careers that I am interested in are as followed
      • OB/GYN- (Obstetrics and Gynecology)
        • A doctor who specializes with diseases and the routine physical care of the female reproductive system. These doctors receive special training so they can help assist women with pregnancy, delivery, or postnatal care.
      • Medical Examiner-
        • Also called a corner who officially investigates crime scene and any death that is not caused by natural causes.
      • Physical Therapist-
        • A therapist who treats injury or dysfunction with exercises and other physical treatments of the disorder.

6. Career List Continued..

      • Plastic Surgeon Also referred to a cosmetic surgeon who beautifies the body.
      • Respiratory Therapist A person who treats disease in the breathing care, (mostly found in intensive care units).
      • Pediatrician A childs physician who provides care and treatment.

7. Summary of Orientation Week

  • In the first week of entering the Health Academy we basically came into the classroom and got a familiar feel for our new classmates and Mrs. Clarke-Hang. We learned how the program worked and we received tours of the hospital. The first week was very interesting! We also had many speakers who came in and talked to us about HIPA laws and security. We learned a lot and soon started our rotations.

8. Blog One

  • During my third week of my rotations I was in the OR. On the first day I was allowed to watch a hysterectomy. The hysterectomy was very intersting and informal. I got to observe how the Da Vinci, (robot), worked and how well it preformed with the doctor and nurses in the surgery unit. I learned that in the unit the doctors and nurses were very calm and open for discussion while in surgery. There was music playing in the surgery room and one of the nurses was knitting while two of the other nurses were playing, "rock, paper, siccors.." The surgery room itself was very cold and clean. When you are in OR you must change into the scrubs that they provide for you...i really liked the scrubs. My second day of rotation was rather boring. There was no surgeries going on for the day so I was sent home at 1240. Anyways I had a very could time in the OR and I learned a lot. The OR is a very good and informing unit :)- Brooke Poelstra

9. Blog Two

  • This week I was in Labor and Delivery :) The first day of my rotation I saw two c-sections within the first hour! It was very intense and fun to watch. During my rotation I was very interested in becoming an OBYGN. I had alot of questions answered in my rotation, although, i would not like to be a nurse in the labor and delivery unit. The nurses were actually kind of mean to the patients and they gossiped a lot about each other. But overall I had a good time in the Labor and Delivery unit.
  • Brooke Poelstra

10. Blog Three

  • This week I was in the MICU unit at SJC. The first day was really interesting and fun to be at. The unit was very helpful and extremely nice. On the first day I was with many different nurses. The patients were very sick and we went from room to room checking up on the patients and the nurses explained to me their conditions and their types of illnesses along with their diseases. The first day I got to see an EDG which is when they stick a scope down the tracheae tube to examine the inside. One the second day I went to the cathlab and there I was allowed to watch as they inserted a balloon through one of the main arteries to inflate it...which in returned allow for a proper air flow. The doctors and heart cathlab technicians were very helpful and good at explaining everything. For the rest of the second day I went back to the MICU and talked with everyone in the unit and check up on the patients again. One of the patients was in a coma and it was very interesting to have the nurses walk me through all of the clues that her body was showing. They could tell that she could possible have brain damage because when they shined the light in her eye her pupils did not change which lead the explanation of her possibly begin brain dead. That was all that I did in my unit and it was very interesting and fun!
  • -Brooke Poelstra

11. Blog Four

  • This week i was in the rehab services. I followed a speech therapist and we just basically walked around the hospital to different units. It was interesting and kind of a very busy day. I would not like to be in rehab serivces because a lot of the work that they do kinda seemed pointless to me...sorry if that offends anyone. But most of the time the lady i followed couldn't do her job because many of the patients were sleeping or the orders weren't ordered right for her to work or see the patients.
  • -Brooke Poelstra

12. Blog Five

  • This week my rotation was in 5west at SJC. It was a lot like general surgery in many ways. On my first day of rotations I followed a RN and I observed how she handled and worked with her patients. The 5west floor was very busy and there was usally only about three RN's working. The floor was mainly about heart caths and stability of rehab after surgery. On the second day I spent most of my time with a CNA and working up at the front desk charting orders, (it was rather boring). Although I learned a lot in how the meds work and how the doctors chart orders for the nurses. That was all I learned.
  • -Brooke Poelstra.

13. Formal Thank You Number One

  • ATTN: St. Joseph Hospital
  • Burn Unit
  • St. Joseph Campus
  • 3600 E. Harry
  • Wichita, KS 67218
  • Dear Burn Unit,
  • I am writing to you to thank you for allowing me to follow you in your unit.The lecture you provided for us over the respiratory health. It was very interesting and helpful to practice on the dummies that you provided for us. You made the respiratory health care seem very interesting and a fun job to obtain. I once again, would like to thank you for the time you sent for working with us.
  • You did a wonderful job of informing us about the respiratory program held at Newman University. Thank you for clarifying the rules and requirements needed to gain a degree for being an RT, (respiratory tech). Thank you for being so understanding when working with us in the dummies and for taking your time to help us get it right.
  • In conclusion, I would like to thank you for the time you spent with us in the health academy. You were a lot of help and helped me understand the respiratory program better. May God bless, always!
  • Sincerely,
  • Brooke Poelstra

14. Formal Thank You Number Two

  • ATTN: Newman University
  • Meg Trump
  • St. Joseph Campus
  • 3600 E. Harry
  • Wichita, KS 67218
  • Dear Mrs. Trump,
  • I am writing to you to thank you for the lecture you provided for us over the respiratory health. It was very interesting and helpful to practice on the dummies that you provided for us. You made the respiratory health care seem very interesting and a fun job to obtain. I once again, would like to thank you for the time you sent for working with us.
  • You did a wonderful job of informing us about the respiratory program held at Newman University. Thank you for clarifying the rules and requirements needed to gain a degree for being an RT, (respiratory tech). Thank you for being so understanding when working with us in the dummies and for taking your time to help us get it right.
  • In conclusion, I would like to thank you for the time you spent with us in the health academy. You were a lot of help and helped me understand the respiratory program better. May God bless, always!
  • Sincerely,
  • Brooke Poelstra

15. Formal Thank You Number Three

  • ATTN: St. Francis
  • Respiratory Care
  • St. Joseph Campus
  • 3600 E. Harry
  • Wichita, KS 67218
  • Dear Respiratory Care,
  • I am writing to you to thank you for the lecture you provided for us over the respiratory health. It was very interesting and helpful to practice on the dummies that you provided for us. You made the respiratory health care seem very interesting and a fun job to obtain. I once again, would like to thank you for the time you sent for working with us.
  • You did a wonderful job of informing us about the respiratory program held at Newman University. Thank you for clarifying the rules and requirements needed to gain a degree for being an RT, (respiratory tech). Thank you for being so understanding when working with us in the dummies and for taking your time to help us get it right.
  • In conclusion, I would like to thank you for the time you spent with us in the health academy. You were a lot of help and helped me understand the respiratory program better. May God bless, always!
  • Sincerely,
  • Brooke Poelstra

16. Formal Thank You Number Four

  • ATTN: St. Francis
  • NCCU
  • St. Joseph Campus
  • 3600 E. Harry
  • Wichita, KS 67218
  • Dear NCCU,
  • I am writing to you to thank you for allowing me to follow you in your unit. It was very interesting and helpful! The lecture you provided for us over the respiratory health. It was very interesting and helpful to practice on the dummies that you provided for us. You made the respiratory health care seem very interesting and a fun job to obtain. I once again, would like to thank you for the time you sent for working with us.
  • You did a wonderful job of informing us about the respiratory program held at Newman University. Thank you for clarifying the rules and requirements needed to gain a degree for being an RT, (respiratory tech). Thank you for being so understanding when working with us in the dummies and for taking your time to help us get it right.
  • In conclusion, I would like to thank you for the time you spent with us in the health academy. You were a lot of help and helped me understand the respiratory program better. May God bless, always!
  • Sincerely,
  • Brooke Poelstra

17. Formal Thank You Number Five

  • ATTN: Newman University
  • Meg Trump
  • St. Josephe Campus
  • 3600 E. Harry
  • Wichita, KS 67218
  • Dear Mrs. Trump,
  • I am writing to you to thank you for the lecture you provided for us over the respiratory health. It was very interesting and helpful to practice on the dummies that you provided for us. You made the respiratory health care seem very interesting and a fun job to obtain. I once again, would like to thank you for the time you sent for working with us.
  • You did a wonderful job of informing us about the respiratory program held at Newman University. Thank you for clarifying the rules and requirements needed to gain a degree for being an RT, (respiratory tech). Thank you for being so understanding when working with us in the dummies and for taking your time to help us get it right.
  • In conclusion, I would like to thank you for the time you spent with us in the health academy. You were a lot of help and helped me understand the respiratory program better. May God bless, always!
  • Sincerely,
  • Brooke Poelstra

18. Zoo Lecture

  • This week, we had the opportunity to visit the zoo. We listened to the vet talk to us about the different sounds of the hearts from the animals. He informed us about the ways the animals can function and different forms of the hearts in mammals and reptiles. I personally liked listening to the vet and listening to the different forms of the heart beats, but, I would never want to become a vet. We also were allowed to listen to the heart beat of a horse, a goat, and a chicken. The chicken didn't have any feathers in it because during the mating season, the rooster usually plucked the feathers out of the hens and that was the answer to the missing feathers. Attending the zoo was a really good and fun experience! I'm glad thatI had the opportunity to participate in it.
  • Thank you!

19. Psychology Lecture

  • Last Friday Carissa Coleman came and talked to us about Psychology. She was very informing and welcoming about the psychology career. Carissa told us a lot about her experiences and gave us a lot of advice on med school and the psychology program. During her lecture, I learned that med school is very competitive and hard to get into. I also learned that in order to fully have ur PH.D you must complete a research program.
  • Psychology seems to be like a very interesting program but I don't think that it's something I would enjoy to to do for the rest of my life. I did learn a lot from her lecture though. There are many different types of psychology that one could go into, such as, clinical psychology. Clinical psychology is what we are most familiar with when we think of psychologist. A clinical psychologist works with patients in a more hands on enviroment. Other types of psychologist are some such as, criminal, child, work, and other types of specialist in the psychologist field.
  • In conclusion, I learned a lot from Carissa's lecture and she was very informing about her studies in the psychology program. Psychology seems to be a very interesting program and a wide field of study. Psychology is something that is very fun and cool!

20. Nursing Lecture

  • At Newman we gained a lot of information from the instructor that lectured us about the Nursing program. Nursing is a very broad career for anyone who chooses to be in the medical field. There are many different options that you can choose to work in, in the nursing program. Bernadette Fetterolf was the lady who spoke with us about the topic of nursing.
  • Bernadette was very helpful in helping us learn about the function and understanding of nursing. Nurses can come to work in any unit in the hospital. Going through the program of nursing requires many different courses that you are needed to take. Through your schooling you can gain many different titles needed to gain the type of title that you wish to gain. For example, you can be attending a school and going through your schooling and be an RN getting a BSN or an RN with a BSN. Each title has different requirements and they have different titles which allow for them to participate in many different things.
  • In conclusion, the information we gained from Bernadette Fetterolf was very informative and helpful. She showed us a clearer way of understanding the nursing program and seemed to help us in breaking down the understanding of the topic and requirements of nursing school.
  • Thank you!

21. Radiology Lecture

  • This week we went and listened to a lecture given to us by Ron Shipley. He informed us about the Radiology program held at Newman University and showed us many different forms of pictures. Radiology seems like a very interesting and fun career, but I'm not for sure that it would be my career. I liked to look at pictures and notice the different types of problems that came up through the pictures. Mr. Shipley was very helpful in describing the pictures and he talked to us about how the body handles radiation. He also talked to us about the different forms of the radiation machines. Overall, I learned a lot from Mr. Shipley and he helped me understand the pictures of radiology in a better view.
  • Thank you!

22. Standard Thank You Number One 23. Standard Thank You Number Two 24. Standard Thank You Number Three 25. Standard Thank You Number Four 26. Standard Thank You Number Five 27. Mentor Form Week Four 28. Mentor Form Week Eleven 29. Mentor Form Week Ten 30. Mentor Form Week Twelve 31. Mentor Form Week Nine 32. Hand washing Summary

  • We went to many different schools were we worked with the school children and taught them the importance of hand washing
        • We sang songs, preformed activities, and connected a very strong relationship with the children

33. My Memory Page.. 34. What I gained

  • Being in the Health Academy allowed for me to officially gain an insight into the medical world
  • I gain many life long friendships which enable me to succeed in life
  • Hands On, experiences with patients
    • Sponge baths, lifting beds, and more
  • Memories that will last me a life time

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