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ELEC 490/498ELEC 490/498Electrical / Computer Engineering ProjectElectrical / Computer Engineering Project


Instructors:Instructors:Dr. Mike Korenberg, P.Dr. Mike Korenberg, P. EngEng ..Dr. CarlosDr. Carlos Saavedra Saavedra , P., P.EngEng ..

These slides will be posted on the web shortly afte rThese slides will be posted on the web shortly afte rtodaytoday ’’s tutorials tutorial

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

� By now you have formed groups, & ranked yourfavorite projects after interviewing their supervisors

� Next we will generate and announce group-projectmatches, & assign an Instructor to oversee eachproject for the rest of the course

� Soon your group will have to write and submit aproject proposal

� signup for a proposal meeting with the instructorassigned, on signup sheets to be posted outsideTech Services

� meet to discuss project and get approval from theinstructor

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

� Groups submit the Project Proposal� Due : 1:00 pm on Oct. 25, 2010 (Mon.)� Submit one paper copy in 49x assignment box on

WLH first floor - this is the instructor’s copy� Late submissions directly to your assigned Instructor

(we will not re-check assignment box after deadline)� Arrange to submit one copy directly to your

supervisor - coordinate submission details with yoursupervisor, e.g. via email, dept. mailbox, or in person

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

Late penalties:

by Mon. 25 Oct @ 1PM: no deduction

by Tue. 26 Oct @ 1PM: 20% deduction

by Wed. 27 Oct @ 1PM: 40% deduction

by Thu 28 Oct @ 1PM: 60% deduction

100% deduction if document not available before meeting

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

Instructor vs. Supervisor Distinction

� Proposal, Blueprint and Final Report are gearedtowards Instructors

� Supervisor will grade at these stages of course,including each of these documents

� We will give supervisor’s grading sheets withspecific questions related to your performance onthe project

� Supervisor is mainly interested in technical details� Instructor is interested in the higher level details and


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Proposal Meetings with Course Instructors• Meetings held on Oct. 28/29 (15 minute)• Sign-up deadline Fri. 22 Oct. 2010 @ 1PM• Sign-up sheets will be posted outside Technical

Services several days before deadline• Sign-up in a slot with your assigned Instructor• Arrange schedule with all group members• Inform supervisor of your meeting time and

location• Bring copy of your Proposal Document• First 5 minutes you speak, then Instructors ask

questions & have discussion for remainder• 2.5% of your final grade

Proposal Overview Proposal Overview

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

Written Proposal

� See ELEC 490/498 Course Guide� Document that you submit to have your project

approved - It should show that:� It is a valid 490/498 project� Your group is sufficiently prepared to take it on� You have a good plan to undertake the project� Final approval will be given after the Proposal


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Evaluation and MarksThe Written Project Proposal will be evaluated based on:

� apparent scope and appropriateness of project� completeness of the proposal, e.g.:� Design and planning put into it� Apparent organization and preparedness of the group� Quality of report, i.e. grammar, style, presentation� The Proposal should be Maximum 8 pages in length (12 pt, 1.5

line spacing) not including Title Page, Table of Contents andAppendices

� Appendices such as data sheets easily available on web neednot be included, but a reference can be provided

� 4.5% of your final grade

Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� Describes what is expected of the 490/498 project inaccordance with the ELEC 490/498 Course Guide.

� Not the only format that is acceptable, but any otherformat used should include at least this information.

� Some aspects might not be appropriate for yourparticular project but then you should explain briefly whythat is.

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

TITLE PAGE� ELEC 490/498 Proposal� [your project title]� [feel free to create a logo]� Submitted By: Group [#] do not forget this

� [group members in alphabetical order]� Faculty Supervisor(s): [name of Faculty Supervisor]� in association with: [any industry, or other partners in


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TimelineTimeline ––Fall SemesterFall Semester


� Brief (less than one page) overview of your project� Outlines what is in the document and key details� In the business context, senior management would

read ONLY this page before making up their minds� Clear� Concise� Identify all key points such as: project highlights,

labor estimates, and total cost.� AVOID getting caught up in details.

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

TABLE OF CONTENTS� Executive Summary� 1. Introduction� 2. Functional Description� 3. Design and Production Approach� 4. Testing and Evaluation� 5. Resource Requirement� 6. Conclusion� 7. References� Appendices

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� Purpose of the document

� Work objectives of your group

� Work scope of your project

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

1.1 Purpose

� Explain what this document is to be used for.

� For example:

"This proposal is intended to summarize theElec490/498 project being undertaken by [yourgroup name] for departmental approval. Theintended audience is the Course Instructors andyour Faculty Supervisor."

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

1.2 Work Objective(s)

� Describe the problem and constraints, e.g. health andsafety risks, applicable standards, economic,environmental, cultural and societal consideration s

� List the goal(s) of your project

� Clearly distinguish ‘required’ and ‘bonus’ goals

� Include the motivation for your work, and

� Describe the proposed solution (briefly)

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

1.3 Work Scope

� Identify what order of magnitude you are workingtowards

� Will you be producing: a prototype

a working model, or a test run of the product?

� Does the project entail hardware aspects,software aspects or both?

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� General description of your final productWhat it will do

� Interface specsHow it will be used

� Performance specsHow well it will do it

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

2.1 General

� Describe what it is that you are planning to build.

� Include system block diagrams and otherillustrations as needed.

� If simulation is involved give a brief description ofthe methodology.

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

2.2 Interface Specifications[if applicable]

� Define inputs and outputs.� Describe the user interface and define its

functionality� Provide electrical or other technical

specifications of the device's interface.� Describe software input/outputs, e.g.: Function

calls, DLLs required, etc.

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

2.3 Performance Specifications[if applicable]

� Provide quantitative specifications, e.g.: Maxima, minima

Ranges of operation, and/or Targets, such as:

Speed, data processing rates, power consumption, etc.

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� ProcessHow you will make it work

� Division of LabourWho will work on what parts of it

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

3.1 Process

� Describe how you plan to go about designing andbuilding your project

� Go into sufficient detail to show:Your knowledge of the projectThat you have put thought into the initial designThat the Supervisors and Instructors can approve your project with confidence.

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

3.2 Division of Labour� Outline who will be doing what in your group.� Divide up tasks evenly and logically� “We’ll all work on all aspects so that we learn

more about the whole project” has beenrepeatedly proven NOT to work!

� Assigning primary & secondary responsibilities isoften a good idea

� Leave out report writing, presentations, etc.� Also indicate expected cooperation with industry

and/or your Faculty Supervisor if that is relevant

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� Describe methods which will be used to verify theperformance.

Final testing and performanceTesting during design and development

� Readers should be confident that the test and evaluation methods and results will be sufficient to make a good evaluation of the project.

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� SchedulingPlanning and time management

� Material and Other ResourcesWhat you need to make your project

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

5.1 Scheduling� List project milestones and other important dates� These must be carefully thought-out and realistic� Should be 3 to 5 milestones, e.g.:

Final design completePhase I construction completeFinal construction complete/Final testing beginsProject complete

� Milestones DO NOT include Written reports, Presenta tions� DISTINGUISH MILESTONES FROM SCHEDULEPerhaps include a time line / Gantt chart for detai led schedule

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview

5.2 Material and Other Resources

� List your required components and the estimated cos t,including:

Lab space (discuss with Supervisor)Equipment neededSoftware required

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� Summarize this report and your project goals:

clearlyconciselyin a positive tone

� Do not introduce anything new here!

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� List the references you used in preparing the propo sal:

Previous 490/498 reportsJournal articlesConference papersBooksInternet resources

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� List the appendices that are attached

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Proposal OverviewProposal Overview


� Do not plagiarize!

� Do not insert copyrighted material without thepermission of the author, e.g. diagrams