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  • 8/3/2019 EDUCATE Prize Briefing Document


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    EDUCATE Prize 2011

    IEE Sustainability in Architectural Education

  • 8/3/2019 EDUCATE Prize Briefing Document



    EDUCATE Prize 2011

    International Student Award

    The EDUCATE Prize is organized by the EDUCATE Consortium under the coordination o the Technische Universitt Mnchen:

    University o Nottingham, Department o Architecture and Built Environment (United Kingdom)

    Architectural Association School o Architecture (United Kingdom)

    Universit catholique de Louvain, Architecture et Climat, Facult LOCI (Belgium)

    Technische Universitt Mnchen, Fakultt r Architektur (Germany)

    Universit di Roma La Sapienza, Dipartimento DATA, Facolt di Architettura (Italy)

    Seminario de Arquitectura y Medioambiente, SAMA S.C. (Spain)

    Budapesti Mszaki s Gazdasgtudomnyi Egyetem (Hungary)

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    EDUCATE is supported by the Chambers o Asix participating European countries, by interenowned building proessionals in the feldarchitecture, by experts o cognate disciplineeducation, engineering, inormation technoletc.) and by associations o educators and prthroughout Europe. More inormation is

    EDUCATE (Environmental Design in University Curricula andArchitectural Training in Europe) is an Action funded by the

    European Commission (EACI) under the Intelligent Energy Europe

    Programme 2008. The mission of EDUCATE is to foster knowledge

    and skills in sustainable environmental design at all stages of

    architectural education, aiming to achieve comfort, delight, well-

    being and energy eciency in new and existing buildings within

    a culturally, economically and socially viable design process.

    In the context o the pedagogical and dissemination activities promoted by EDUCATE, an International Student Award - the Eis launched to reward the implementation o sustainability in the education o uture generations o proessionals o the bui

    The Prize winning proposals will be selected rom entries submitted under three dierent Categories, celebrating outstandinwork that creatively investigates and reects on the various dimensions o sustainability in architecture and urban design, aninnovative and original ideas and pedagogical methods in promoting sustainable principles and practices in curricula o hig

    The Jury o the EDUCATE Prize will be composed by representative o participating European Chambers o Architects and pro

    widely celebrated or their contribution to the theme o sustainability in architectural and urban design.


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    Launch o the EDUCATE Prize

    Submission o Questions 14 July to 18 N

    Registration 14 July to 18 N

    Deadline or Digital Submission December 09, 2

    Assessment Process December 2011

    Announcement o Results

    Award Ceremony

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    PART I_EDUCATE Prize Objectives

    1.1 Aims and Objectives

    1.2 Eligibility

    1.3 EDUCATE Knowledge Base

    PART II_ Conditions or Participation

    2.1 Registration

    2.2 Categories

    2.3 Submission Requirements

    2.4 Jury

    2.5 Organizing Committee2.6 Results and Awards

    2.7 Publication o Results

    2.8 Rights and Obligations

    2.9 Requirements or Registration

    PART III_Assessment Criteria

    3.1 Assessment Criteria_Category I and II

    3.2 Assessment Criteria_Category III


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    PART I_EDUCATE Prize Objectives

    The EDUCATE Prize is an International StudentAward that aims to celebrate the implementation osustainability in the education o disciplines o the builtenvironment and reward exempla o best practice inpedagogical methods and programme development.

    The international character o the EDUCATE Prize, theree choice o the themes analysed by the submittedproposals and the diversifcation between dierentcategories and levels o entry, have been arranged toreect the exibility, autonomy, individuality, culturaldiversity and innovation o approaches that characterisecontemporary architectural education.

    The Prize is also an opportunity or the partners othe EDUCATE project and the supporting Chamberso Architects to disseminate the utilisation othe EDUCATE Knowledge Base to academic andproessional institutions so as to oster the promotiono sustainability in the education and practice oarchitecture.

    Academic members o sta (ull-time or pFaculties, Schools and Departments o Arcrelated discipline) worldwide are eligible tmodule, course or design studio unit or pthe EDUCATE Prize.

    Selected entries to the EDUCATE Prize willby representative academic members o so their students under 3 dierent Categoregistered academic member o sta is allosubmit max. 1 entry under each Prize Cate

    Categories I and II will reward student worthat creatively investigates and reects onimplementation o themes o sustainabilitarchitectural and urban design studio projinnovative solutions, the winning design phave to deal with social, ecological and ecaspects o sustainability in minimum onso as to improve the quality o lie o buildand reduce the impacts on the environme

    1.1 Aims and Objectives 1.2 Eligibility

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    Winning proposals - o any building typology - will becharacterised by high architectural design quality andresolution.

    Categories I and II will reect the dierent knowledge,skill and competence expected o students respectivelyat their frst (Category I: Bachelor Degree, Year 1-3), andsecond and third level (Category II: Diploma and MasterDegrees, Year 4-6 ) o higher education.

    Category III will reward student work that deals in anoriginal and innovative way with themes o sustainability- in minimum one dimension - in a ormat dierentrom the traditional design studio project. Entries orCategory III will be presented in a ormat reely chosenby the author(s) and could include videos, short essays,artwork, etc. Submission to Category III is eligible romacademic members o sta on behal o students at anylevel o their higher education.

    Participation to the EDUCATE Prize rom ainstitutions partner o the EDUCATE Consolimited to max. 1 entry under each Catego

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    Academic members o sta registering to the EDUCATE Prize will receive login details or themselves and to gain immediate privileged access to the online EDUCATE Knowledge Base.

    The EDUCATE Knowledge Base - one o the main components o the EDUCATE Portal - is an interactive plto oster the open transer o inormation, know-how, expertise and methodologies o sustainable designan integrated approach to the embracement o sustainability in the education and practice o architectudesign. The construction o the online EDUCATE Knowledge Base is part o an ongoing process and new tstudies and tools are continuously added and updated by experts rom the EDUCATE partners and in collacademics, proessionals and members o Chambers o Architects throughout Europe.

    The EDUCATE Knowledge Base is structured into three main Parts:

    Issues & Principles

    Applications & Case Studies


    Each Part is urther subdivided into Categories, Clusters and Topics. Each Topic is analysed under fve die

    A link to a video illustrating the various eatures o the EDUCATE Knowledge Base is available on the

    1.3 EDUCATE Knowledge Base

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    Issues & Principles

    The cognitive domain o Issues & Principles is organized in dierent spheres o knowledge that include basic principles and eo systems and solutions, addressing global sustainability challenges and their local expression in architectural and urban desknowledge eatured in these spheres stems rom physical, physiological and psychological notions related to the design o thenvironment that can be employed to obtain comort and quality o lie or their occupants, or then analysing the strategiestechnologies that guarantee a proper management o energy in architecture and urban design, whilst limiting impacts on thand promoting a sustainable utilisation o resources.

    Applications & Case Studies

    The cognitive domain o Applications & Case Studies is set to demonstrate how the principles and objectives o a sustainableto architectural and urban design can be translated into practice, and how such process o translation can support the activitexpectations o occupants. The analysis o case studies and feld projects includes dierent building types and architectural tencompasses exempla rom contemporary practice as well as rom vernacular and historical architecture.


    The cognitive domain o Tools or design, research and perormance studies includes generic and specifc learning resources direct experiential exploration o design solutions, introduction to simulation/analysis sotware or calculation and visualisati

    energy consumption or prediction o behaviour o built structures, and techniques to quantiy perormance o built structurecomort o occupants within onsite measurements and analysis.

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    PART II_Conditions or Participation

    Registration to the EDUCATE Prize is invited romacademic members o sta (e.g. Proessors, AssociateProessors, Lecturers, Researchers, Full-time or Part-timeStudio Tutors, Contracted Sta, etc.) rom Faculties,Schools and Departments o Architecture (or relateddisciplines) worldwide.

    Only sta members rom recognised academicinstitutions are allowed to register to the EDUCATE Prizeon behal o their students. Aliation to an academicinstitution as ull-time or part-time academic member osta is compulsory and will be verifed upon registration.

    Registration rom students and/or members o sta notaliated to recognised academic institutions will not beconsidered as eligible.

    To register to the EDUCATE Prize, academic members osta are required to send a Registration Form via emailto [email protected] Registration Form is downloadable rom the Prizewebpage o the inormation requested are included inparagraph 2.9 o this Briefng Document.

    2.1 Registration

    Upon reception o the Registration Form, Committee o the EDUCATE Prize will verio the registering academic member o staorward to him/her a weblink rom where users (e.g. tutors, students) can gain immeprivileged access to the EDUCATE Knowle

    Following the registration, the academic mwill receive detailed inormation on the msubmission o the entry(ies) to the EDUCAT

    Interested academic members o sta are

    participate to the EDUCATE Prize, submittbehal o their students under 3 Categorie

    Each registered academic member o stasubmit max. 1 entry or each Category o t

    Preliminary selection o the entry to submeach Category o the EDUCATE Prize is theresponsibility o the registered academic msta.

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    In this Category, admitted proposals will be submitted by a representative member o sta rom a recogninstitution on behal o individual (or groups o) students with design projects developed in design studilevel (e.g. Bachelor) o higher education (e.g. frst, second and third year o the architectural curriculum).Design entries will have to deal with the feld o architecture, urban design and/or planning or building reEach registered academic member o sta is allowed to submit max. 1 entry under this Category.

    2.2 Categories

    Category I: Student Design Project (Year o study 1-3, Undergraduate Degrees)

    Category II: Student Design Project (Year o study 4-6, Graduate and Postgraduate Degrees)

    In this Category, admitted proposals will be submitted by a representative member o sta rom a recognacademic institution on behal o individual (or groups o) students with design projects developed in deat the second and third level (e.g. Diploma and/or Master) o higher education (e.g. ourth, fth and sixth architectural curriculum). Design entries will have to deal with the feld o architecture, urban design and

    or building renovation.Each registered academic member o sta is allowed to submit max. 1 entry under this Category.

    Category III: Open Student Work (all Years o study)

    In this Category, admitted proposals will be submitted by a representative member o sta rom a recogninstitution on behal o individual (or groups o) students. All non-building design projects can be submit(but not limited to) short essays, movies, videos, artwork, etc., which deal with themes o sustainability inurban design and/or planning or building renovation in an original and innovative way.Each registered academic member o sta is allowed to submit max. 1 entry under this Category.

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    Max. 2 Design Posters saved as PDF fles, DIN A1 portrait ormat, eaturing as an example (but not limite

    - Site plan at the appropriate scale o representation

    - Representative plans, sections and elevations at the appropriate scale o representation

    - Detailed plans, sections and elevations at the appropriate scale o representation with commentinormation on materials, construction, technical systems, solar shading devices, etc.

    - Additional necessary graphical inormation (e.g. strategies, renders, calculations)

    Explanatory notes and/or statement by the author(s) (student) included in the design posters: max. 200

    Design brie/syllabus and synthetic description o the pedagogical process and/or methodologies utilisacademic member o sta (max. 1 DIN A4 single sided, PDF fle, minimum ont size 11pt, single line)

    Short and incisive title

    Design posters and brie must not contain any inormation about the author(s), the academic member ohome institution. The maximum fle size or each submitted document and design board is 50MBytes.

    2.3 Submission Requirements

    Category I and II

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    Registration must be obtained by sending a registration request to educate.prize@educate-sustainabilit

    The design boards (Cat. I and II), the digital presentation (Cat. III) and accompanying brie will be uploaddedicated EDUCATE Prize submission page under the responsibility o the registered academic member

    Each entry will only be identifed by a code that will be automatically assigned at the moment o submi

    Text and labels in all submitted documents and design boards must be in English

    Only submissions uploaded on the dedicated EDUCATE Prize submission page will be accepted. Submisother ormat (e.g. via email, post, ax, etc.) or exceeding the requirements herein listed will not be consid

    All digital entries must be provided in high resolution quality (300 dpi)

    Category III

    One digital presentation (e.g. video, movie, short essay, collage o images, artwork, etc.) Brie/syllabus and synthetic description o the pedagogical process and/or methodologies applied by th

    member o sta (max. 1 DIN A4 single sided, PDF fle, minimum ont size 11pt, single line)

    The digital presentation and brie must not contain any inormation about the author(s), the academic mand their home institution. The maximum fle size or each submitted document is as ollows:

    Video or Short Movie (e.g. WMV, FLV, AVI, MOV, MPG, MPEG, MP4) : max. 50MBytes

    Artwork (PDF): max. 50MBytes

    Short essay (PDF): max. 1,500 words and max. 50MBytes

    Any other digital document: max. 50MBytesFor all Categories

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    The Jury o the EDUCATE Prize will be constituted by representatives o the ollowing Chambers o Archit

    RIBA - Royal Institute o British Architects (United Kingdom)

    Conseil National de lOrdre des Architectes de Belgique (Belgium)

    Bayerische Architektenkammer (Germany)

    Ordine degli Architetti, Pianifcatori, Paessaggisti e Conservatori di Roma e Provincia (Italy)

    Consejo Superior de Colegios de Arquitectos de Espana (Spain)

    Magyar Epitesz Kamara (Hungary)

    International Architects renowned or their contribution to the theme o sustainability in architectural anwill contribute to the assessment o the EDUCATE Prize, including:

    Peter Clegg - Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios (United Kingdom)

    Mario Cucinella - MCA Architects (Italy)

    Bill Gething - Bill Gething: Sustainability + Architecture (United Kingdom)

    2.4 Jury

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    The assessment process or the EDUCATE Prize will be conducted under the supervision o the Organizingcoordinated by:

    Technische Universitt MnchenFakultt r ArchitekturArcisstrae 21, D - 80333 Mnchen (Germany)

    Laboratory or Integrated Design, Pro. Dipl.-Ing. Dietrich FinkDipl.-Ing. Barbara Hausmann


    Department o Building Climatology and Building Service, Pro. Dr.-Ing. Gerhard HausladenDipl.-Ing. Hana Riemer

    2.5 Organizing Committee

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    2.6 Results and Awards

    The winner o each Category will receive a prize amounting to the equivalent o 1.000 (including tax anbank transers) in the currency o the country o origin o the entry (at an exchange rate calculated on theannouncement o the results).

    Winner (1st Prize)

    Runner-up (2nd Prize)

    The runner-up (2nd Prize) o each Category will receive a prize amounting to the equivalent o 500 (inclcosts or bank transers) in the currency o the country o origin o the entry (at an exchange rate calculato the announcement o the results).

    Runner-up (3rd Prize)The runner-up (3rd Prize) o each Category will receive a prize amounting to the equivalent o 200 (inclucosts or bank transers) in the currency o the country o origin o the entry (at an exchange rate calculato the announcement o the results).

    The author(s) o the proposal(s) receiving a honorary mention under each Category will not receive a prizHonorary Mention(s)

    The Jury is authorized to change the distribution o the Prize money through unanimous vote.

    The organizers undertake to pay the Prize money within 90 days rom the date o announcement o the results.

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    The organisers reserve the right to publish all the proposals submitted to the EDUCATE Prize.

    The results o the EDUCATE Prize will be posted on a dedicated page on the EDUCATE website www.educate-sustainFebruary 2012. Projects will be exhibited or published under the names o their author(s), the representative academsta and their home institution.

    The EDUCATE Management Meeting and Symposium to be held in Rome (Italy) in February 2012 will host a public awwhere the results o the EDUCATE Prize will be presented, and the winners, runner-ups and honorary mentions will band exhibited. The academic members o sta representing the shortlisted entries or each Category (winners, runnehonorary mentions) will receive previous notifcation o their nomination.

    Photographs o the award ceremony and a digital exhibition catalogue will be posted on the EDUCATE website wwwsustainability.eurom March 2012.

    A dedicated page on the EDUCATE websitewww.educate-sustainability.euwill present updated inormation on the o the EDUCATE Prize, including the program, FAQs, news and fnal results.

    The EDUCATE website also contains urther inormation, documents, and results o the EDUCATE project.

    2.7 Publication o Results

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    2.8 Rights and Obligations

    The organizers are not liable to pay compensation or any loss or damage.



    All material received by the organizers becomes their property, including the rights o reproduction.

    The intellectual property rights o each proposal and document submitted to the EDUCATE Prize remain tproperty o the author(s).

    Moratorium on publicationEntry teams can not publish proposals submitted to the EDUCATE Prize or disclose their names by using tany communication beore the ocial announcement o the results.Any such publication may result in exclusion rom the EDUCATE Prize.


    Any dispute shall be heard by the EDUCATE Consortium, which is empowered to arbitrate.

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    A Registration Form or the EDUCATE Prize can be downloaded rom the webpage

    Alternatively, registration by an academic member o sta (e.g., Proessor, Associate Proessor, Lecturer, Researcher, Ftime Studio Tutor, Contracted Sta, etc.) rom Faculties, Schools and Departments o Architecture (or related disciplinby sending a registration request to the [email protected] the ollowing detai

    Title (e.g. Dr/Mr/Mrs, etc.)

    Full Name o the Academic Member o Sta

    Name o the Home Academic Institution (original name and name in English)

    Website o the Home Academic Institution

    Academic Role (e.g. Proessor, Associate Proessor, Lecturer, Researcher, Full-time or Part-time Studio Tutor, Contrac

    Contact Details (Telephone Number, Fax Number, Personal Work Email Address) Postal Address o the Home Academic Institution

    Name in English o the Module/Course/Design Studio Unit

    Level and Year o the Module/Course/Design Studio Unit

    Number o Students Enrolled in the Module/Course/Design Studio Unit

    Aliation to an academic institution as ull-time or part-time academic member o sta is compulsory and will be veregistration.For questions and urther inormation on the EDUCATE Prize, please send an email to: educate.prize@educate-sustai

    2.9 Requirements or Registration

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    PART III_Assessment Criteria

    The EDUCATE Prize will be awarded to student work that creatively investigates and reects on the various ramifcati

    dimensions o sustainability, including social, economic and environmental domains.

    The assessment criteria will be primarily based on the technical and theoretical contents eatured in the online EDUCKnowledge Base, to which all registered participants (academic members o sta and students) will be given privileg

    The pedagogical methods, teaching & learning processes and methodologies or supporting the design developmenthe academic members o sta will also be highly regarded amongst the criteria or assessment. Capacity o critical rawareness o sustainable mandates demonstrated by the author(s) o the entries will equally be valued by the Jury.

    All participants are encouraged to access the EDUCATE Knowledge Base to help and support the design and developo submitted proposals. The structure o the EDUCATE Knowledge Base oers dierent approaches to acquire knowl

    competence o sustainable design (see pages 8 and 9 o this Briefng Document).

    Further assessment criteria that could be utilised by the Jury in awarding the EDUCATE Prize under the three describare listed and described hereater.

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    Social dimension Main possible indicators

    A1_quality o urbanplanning

    treatment o existingstructures and buildings, monument conservation

    A2_development andmobility

    local supply, parking, public transport, pedestrians,bicycle inrastructure, urban spatial design

    A3_qual ity o design aade, orm, space design quality, comort

    Economic dimension Main possible indicators

    B1_unctional quality conversion potential, space allocation planning,integration o technical equipment

    B2_investment concept amortization o investment, innovative unding ideas

    B3_reerences or localeconomy

    regionality o stakeholders and building techniques

    3.1 Assessment Criteria_ Category I and II

    Environmental dimension Main possible indicators

    C 1_ ec o ecienc y soil sealing, ra in an d grey wa ter us e, light pollu tion ,sourcing o material

    C2_waste management reuse o elements or components, disposal management

    C3_energy eciency climatic passive building design (summer, winter),comort, air quality, daylighting, use o renewableenergy, use o regional or local assets, detail quality

    Social dimension Main possible indicators

    A1_basic conceptualidea

    innovation, cultural context integrapublic relavance, topic-perormanc

    A2_quality o workconcerning conventionaldesign criteria

    aesthetics , design, presentation, layvisual/acoustic eects

    A3_technical perormance materials and method o creation u

    Environmental dimension Main possible indicators

    C1_energy eciency local climate, energy supply, energymanagement

    C2 _eco ecienc y space us e ec ienc y, so il densi ty, solocation, rainwater use, grey water u

    C3_waste management reuse, reduction, recycling, disposao reused/recycled elements

    3.2 Assessment Criteria_ Category III

    Economic dimensi on Main possi ble i ndicators

    B1_local economyreerences and initiatives

    companies involved, regionalism, po materials and components, regiomarketing concept, integration o usupport o social inrastructure

    B2_labour, materials andconstruction sources andreerences

    EPD (Environmental Product Declar

    B3_investment concept amortization o investment, innova

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