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Women’s Suffragist Movement

8th Grade HistoryMs. A. Oliveira

EDSU 530 Spring 2012 II

SDAIE Lesson Plan

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California History- Social Science Content Standards◦ 8.6.6 Examine the Women’s Suffrage Movement

(e.g., biographies, writings, and speeches of Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Margaret Fuller, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony)

Content Standards:

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◦ Listening & Speaking- ELA Sub-strand Comprehension Listen attentively to stories and information and identify important

details and concepts by using both verbal and nonverbal responses◦ ELA Sub-strand Comprehension and Organization and delivery of Oral

Communication Participate in social conversations with peers and adults on familiar

topics by asking and answering questions and soliciting information.◦ Reading- ELA Sub-Strand Decoding and Word Recognition

Apply knowledge of common English morphemes in oral and silent reading to derive meaning from literature and texts in content areas.

◦ Reading- ELA Sub-strand Vocabulary and Concept Development Use a standard dictionary to determine meanings of unknown words. Recognize simple idioms, analogies, figures of speech (e.g., to “take a

fall”), and metaphors in literature and texts in content areas.

ELD Standards: Intermediate Level

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◦ Reading- ELA Sub-strand Vocabulary and Concept Development and Decoding and Word Recognition Recognize that some words have multiple meanings.

◦ Reading- ELA Sub-strand Comprehension and Analysis of Grade Level-Appropriate Text Read text and use detailed sentences to explain orally the

main ideas and details of informational text, literary text, and text in content areas.

◦ Reading- ELA Sub-strand Narrative Analysis of Grade-Level Appropriate Text Apply knowledge of language to analyze and derive meaning

from literary texts and comprehend them.◦ Reading- ELA Sub- Strand Structural Features of Literature

Use expanded vocabulary and descriptive words in paraphrasing oral and written responses to texts.

ELD Standards: Intermediate Level

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Students will be able to: Analyze primary sources for content, point-of-view,

audience and purpose Understand and explain the different ways women

suffragists brought about change Identify how they learned information or answer previous

questions about Women’s Rights through the KWHL chart Predict what the reading selections are about and identify

where the text selections confirm the prediction is correct or incorrect in the directed thinking-reading activity

Create a photo essay demonstrating the ways in which the Women’s Suffragist Movement has impacted our society or has affected their lives

Content Objectives

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Students will be able to: Decode words they do not automatically know from their

knowledge of the English Language Read and be able to explain the main ideas and concepts

using details from the selected readings Create an illustration or other form of identification in their

class dictionary for the lesson’s vocabulary to help them retain the new vocabulary

Listen to their group members and effectively communicate to collaborate on group projects

Effectively reflect and participate in class discussions Create a photo essay and orally present it to the class showing

how the movement has impacted their own life or our society Comprehend the selected texts using their knowledge of

idioms and words that have multiple meanings

Language Objectives

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Once we have discussed them, please write a definition of each of the vocabulary words listed below using YOUR OWN words. Leave space for an illustration that will help you remember the meaning of each word.

In your class dictionaries…

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Suffrage Movement ‘twixt Declaration Sentiment Hitherto Impel Inalienable Rights Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

Vocabulary Words

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Instituted Deriving Allegiance Prudence Transient Abolishing Usurpations Evinces Despotism Sufference

Vocabulary Words Cont’d.

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Tyranny Elective Impunity Covenant Chastisement Supremacy Monopolized Scanty Remuneration Apostolic

Vocabulary Words Cont’d.

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Know Want to know How we will learn

What we have learned

K-W-H-L Chart

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In your class journal, please silently quick write ideas and thoughts about what you already know about the Women’s Suffrage Movement for the full 5 minutes. Be prepared to share with the class.


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Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott hold the first ever conference addressing Women’s rights in Seneca Falls, NY◦ Both were well known activists in America◦ They decided to hold the conference because:

Lucretia had not been allowed to speak at the anti-slavery convention in London even though she was an official delegate

All white men had been granted the right to vote

Overview of the Seneca Falls Convention 1848

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As I hand out the two text selections, Sojourner Truth’s Ain’t I a Woman and Elizabeth Cady Stanton’s Declaration of Sentiments without reading them, discuss and predict with your group what you believe each may be about and why it was written

Directed Reading-Thinking

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Please follow along in Ain’t I a Woman as I randomly select students to read aloud a minimum of 3 lines.

Once we have finished this, you will meet with your group to discuss whether your predictions were correct or wrong and where in the text confirms your reasoning. Be prepared to share with the class

Read Aloud

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Now we will read Declaration of Sentiments instead using the popcorn strategy. Make sure you follow along because you never know when a classmate might call on you!

Once we have finished this text, you will meet with your group to discuss whether your predictions were correct or wrong and where in the text confirms your reasoning. Be prepared to share with the class

Read Aloud

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When you have finished the day’s assignments, have extra time in class and on your own at home, you will work on the assessment for this lesson, a Photo Essay.

I have handed out to each of you the assignment

Photo Essay

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Individually, you will bring in photographs that you have taken or have found on the internet, magazines, newspapers, etc. of ways that the Suffragist Movement has had an impact or changed the way our society functions.

You will organize them together in a way that represents your discussion in preparation to informally present their photo essay to the class.

This can be done through a PowerPoint Presentation, a video, a poster board, a scrapbook, or any other (teacher approved) method to present your discussion and photo essay.

Photo Essay Requirements

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You must have note cards of your discussion containing the information proving how your photo essay explains the impact of the movement on your life while you present

Your presentation should take between 5-7 minutes and you MUST narrate if you make a video, Power Point presentation, etc.

You will need to tell me how you will present your photo essay first thing tomorrow so that I can be prepared with all the tools necessary

Requirements Cont’d.

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Each group will receive ONE poster board and ONE set of markers◦ Your task is to thoughtfully design a poster that

your group would have made had you participated in the movement

OR◦ Your group may create a comic strip that could

have appeared in a newspaper during the movement

Once your group has finished your poster, you may circulate the room to view the other group’s work


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For your “Ticket-to-Exit” today’s class, you will silently and individually write a thoughtful and relevant reflection about what you have learned thus far about the Women’s Suffragist Movement

Other thoughts to consider:◦ What did you wish to learn? ◦ How does this lesson and women’s rights affect

you?◦ What changes has this movement had on the

world/our country?◦ Would you have done something differently?


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What was learned through the Women’s Suffragist Movement?

What were the implications for the women fighting for their rights?

What are the affects it has had on our society?

Where in your life do you see evidence of Women’s Rights?

What could have been done differently?

Whole Class Discussion

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