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Page 1: EDS 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities

Support our Summit, and showcase your business to the people who matter most.Now, more than ever, we need EDS. This year, it’s essential that we come back together and connect with our peers and channel partners to answer new challenges and plan for our industry’s future.EDS sponsorship offers unique opportunities to both support the Electronic Component Industry’s premier event and to directly engage your brand with an elite audience of senior-level executives.A wide selection of sponsorship options are available to accommodate your marketing objectives and budget, including promotional items, exhibit-area banners, signage, and digital ads. Please contact EDS Management at [email protected] for additional information.



EDS 2021 • August 30–September 2, 2021 • The Mirage • Las Vegas, Nevada •

EDS 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities

Page 2: EDS 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities

EDS 2021 • August 30–September 2, 2021 • The Mirage • Las Vegas, Nevada •

EDS 2021 Sponsorship Levels

NEW Exclu sive Plat inum Lev el Spon sor: $25,000• Spon sor rib bon affixed to your name badge• Lim it ed to 1 sponsorship• Promi nent logo place ment as a Conference Sponsor

on the EDS website• Reg is tra tion desk sig nage sponsorship• Con nec tions Café spon sor ship NEW • Email to full EDS list (spon sored by “x”) • Sig nage in Con nec tions Café • Charg ing ports (pro vid ed by “x”)• Com pa ny logo promi nent ly dis played on ban ners and

signs through out show site iden ti fy ing your com pa ny as the Plat inum Sponsor

• Full page ad in EDS Show Dai ly (2 days)• Fea tured sto ry in EDS Show Dai ly and on website• Product/service call out on LinkedIn Group page and

boosted post (Over 2,000 Members)• Sponsored drink at the All-Industry Reception

Gold Lev el Spon sor: $7,500• Spon sor rib bon affixed to your name badge• Promi nent logo place ment as a Conference Sponsor

on the EDS website• Full page ad in the EDS Show Dai ly (1 day)• Promi nent logo place ment on EDS web app, which

will fea ture dig i tal ver sions of the Show Dai ly and event pho tog ra phy (the web app will be pro mot ed via LinkedIn, print col lat er al and emails dur ing the show)

• Recog ni tion as a Gold Spon sor of EDS in all pre- and post-show pub li ca tions includ ing Show Dai ly and oth er indus try pub li ca tions as available

• Com pa ny logo promi nent ly dis played on ban ners and signs through out show site iden ti fy ing your com pa ny as a Gold Sponsor

• Spon sor ship call out on LinkedIn Group page

Sil ver Lev el Spon sor: $5,000• Spon sor rib bon affixed to your name badge• Recog ni tion as a Con fer ence Spon sor on the EDS website• Half page ad in the EDS Show Dai ly (1 day)• Logo place ment on EDS web app, which will

fea ture dig i tal ver sions of the Show Dai ly and Event pho tog ra phy (the web app will be pro mot ed via LinkedIn, print col lat er al and email dur ing the show)

• Com pa ny logo promi nent ly dis played on ban ners and signs through out show site iden ti fy ing your com pa ny as a Sil ver Spon sor (below Gold)

Bronze Lev el Spon sor: $2,500• Spon sor rib bon affixed to your name badge• Recog ni tion as a Con fer ence Spon sor on the EDS website• Logo place ment on EDS web app, which will fea ture

dig i tal ver sions of the Show Dai ly and Event pho tog ra phy (the web app will be pro mot ed via LinkedIn, print col lat er al and emails dur ing the show)

• Com pa ny logo promi nent ly dis played on ban ners and signs through out show site iden ti fy ing your com pa ny as a Bronze Spon sor (below Sil ver and Gold)


Page 3: EDS 2021 Sponsorship Opportunities

EDS 2021 • August 30–September 2, 2021 • The Mirage • Las Vegas, Nevada •

Additional Sponsorship Opportunities

If you are interested in any of our additional sponsorship opportunities, contact EDS Management today and see what we can deliver to fit your promotional budget. Email [email protected] for additional information.

Gen er al Con fer ence Spon sor: $1,500• Spon sor rib bon affixed to your name badge• Recog ni tion as a Gen er al Con fer ence Spon sor on

the EDS website

Web App Ads: $500, and Spon sored Posts: $1000• Ban ner ads are promi nent ly dis played in the EDS web

app. Spon sored posts high light ing a com pa ny or event are sim i lar to what you may see on social media web sites. They are insert ed as atten dees scroll through the Posts sec tion of the web app

Additional Opportunities: Contact Us for Details• Sponsored cocktail at All-Industry Reception – $6,000

for 200 drinks• Masks (service providers only) – dependent on quantity• Lanyards (service providers only) – dependent on quantity• Individual hand sanitizer – dependent on quantity• Hand sanitizer kiosk A – $900• Hand sanitizer kiosk B – $2,400• Hand sanitizer meter wall – $2,400• Connections Café charging stations – $3,000• Wall clings – $3,000*• Carpet clings – $3,000*• Mirror wall graphics – $5,000*• Elevator wrap – $3,000 per elevator• Mirage lobby aquarium cling – $3,000 per day• Mirage LCD lobby wall – $7,500• Mirage main lobby desk LCD screens – $7,500• Mirage vertical digital LCD screens – $1,000 per screen

(6 available)• Mirage registration desk LCD screens – $1,000 per screen• Mirage registration desk inset signage – $1,000 per desk• Mirage entry wall overhead digital signage – $16,000

per location• Mirage rotunda door clings – $2,300*• Rotunda takeover – $8,500*• Rotunda accent lighting – $3,000 (Rotunda dome only)• Hall accent lighting – $10,000

(Promenade and Grand Ballroom area)

*Estimate only. Final price will depend on graphics and size.

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