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Page 1: Ed2 motivation

Brain Bogglers

Page 2: Ed2 motivation

1. M, A, M, J, J, A, S, O – What letter would follow?

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March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, “November”


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2. If attempted in some countries,it is punishable. If committed,it is not punishable.What is it?

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3.How many times does the letter 'f' appear in the following text? --begin counting now -- Fanny Filinger was of the impression that eighty-six years of history show that scientific research is of the utmost importance in every case of future generations. -- obviously stop counting

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The f’s in the word 'of' can be tricky to catch.*F*anny *F*ilinger was o*f* the impression that eighty-six years o*f* history show that scienti*f*ic research is o*f* the utmost importance in every case o*f* *f*uture generations.


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4. Forward I'm heavy, backward I'm not.What am I?

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5. There is a word in the English language where the first two letters indicate a male, the first three letters indicate a female, the first four indicate a great man and the whole word is a great woman. What is the word?

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He,her,hero, heroine


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1. If in two years I will be twice as old as I was five years ago from today, how old am I now?

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12+2=14 12-5=7 7(2)=14. It is not 8 because8+2=10 8-5=3 3(2)-6.


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2. What is the closest relation that your father's sister's sister-in-law could be to you?

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For anyone who got this wrong, BUT did not read the hint, I'm sorry, but I did put the hint in there because there were too many acceptable answers

“My Mom”

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3.Out of the numbers given below,what would follow this sequence? 10, 4, 3, 11, 15

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If you spell out the numbers, fourteen would come next. 10 has three letters, 4 has four letters, 3 has five letters, 11 has six letters, 15 has seven letters and 14 has eight letters.


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4. Father, sister, cousin, mother, grandfather, aunt and uncle. Which one does not belong?

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All the other answers are referring to a specific sex. Cousin can be male or female


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5.If Mr. and Mrs.Smith have six daughters and each daughter has one brother,how many people are in the Smith family?

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Mr. Smith, Mrs. Smith, six daughters, one son. Each sister has ONLY one brother, not six. It is the same person. The answer is nine and not seven because I asked how many people were in the whole family, not how many children there were!
