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Page 1: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Economics 2010c: Lecture 2Iterative Methods in Dynamic Programming

David Laibson


Page 2: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)


1. Functional operators

2. Iterative solutions for the Bellman Equation

3. Contraction Mapping Theorem

4. Blackwell’s Theorem (Blackwell: 1919-2010, see obituary)

5. Application: Search and stopping problem

Page 3: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

1 Functional operators:

Sequence Problem: Find () such that

(0) = sup{+1}∞=0


( +1)

subject to +1 ∈ Γ() with 0 given.

Bellman Equation: Find () such that

() = sup+1∈Γ()

{ ( +1) + (+1)} ∀

Page 4: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Bellman operator operating on function is defined

()() ≡ sup+1∈Γ()

{ ( +1) + (+1)} ∀

• Definition is expressed pointwise — for one value of — but applies to allvalues of

• Operator maps function to a new function .

• Operator maps functions; it is referred to as a functional operator.

• The argument of — the function — may or may not be a solution tothe Bellman Equation.

Page 5: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

• Let be a solution to the Bellman Equation.

• If = then =

()() = sup+1∈Γ() { ( +1) + (+1)} ∀= () ∀

• Function is a fixed point of ( maps to ).

Page 6: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

2 Iterative Solutions for the Bellman Equation

1. (Guess a solution — from last lecture. This is not iterative.)

2. Pick some 0 and analytically iterate 0 until convergence.(This is really just for illustration.)

3. Pick some 0 and numerically iterate 0 until convergence.(This is the way that iterative methods are used in most cases.)

Page 7: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

What does it mean to “iterate ”?

()() = sup+1∈Γ() { ( +1) + (+1)}(())() = sup+1∈Γ() { ( +1) + ()(+1)}((2))() = sup+1∈Γ()

n ( +1) + (2)(+1)

o... = ...(())() = sup+1∈Γ() { ( +1) + ()(+1)}

Page 8: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

• What does it mean for functions to converge? Notation:

lim→∞0 =

• Informally, as gets large, the set of remaining elements of the sequenceof functions n

0 +10

+20 +30

oare getting closer and closer together.

• What does it mean for one function to be “close” to another? Themaximum distance between the functions is bounded by

• We will not worry about these technical issues in this mini-course.

Page 9: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

3 Contraction Mapping Theorem

Why does converge as →∞?

Answer: is a “contraction mapping.”

Definition 3.1 Let ( ) be a metric space and : → be a functionmapping into itself. is a contraction mapping if for some ∈ (0 1)

() ≤ ( ) for any two functions and .

Intuition: is a contraction mapping if operating on any two functionsmoves them strictly closer together: and are strictly closer togetherthan and

Page 10: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Remark 3.1 A metric (distance function) is just a way of representing thedistance between functions (e.g., the supremum pointwise gap between thetwo functions).

Page 11: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Theorem 3.1 If ( ) is a complete metric space and : → is acontraction mapping, then:1) has exactly one fixed point ∈

2) for any 0 ∈ lim0 =

3) 0 has an exponential convergence rate at least as great as − ln()

Page 12: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Consider the contraction mapping ()() ≡ ()+() with ∈ (0 1)

()() = () + ()

(())() = 2() + () + ()

((2))() = 3() + 2() + () + ()

()() = () + −1() + + ()

lim()() = ()(1− )

So fixed point, () is

() = ()(1− )

Note that ()() = ()

Page 13: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Proof of Contraction Mapping Theorem

Broad strategy:

1. Show that {0}∞=0 is a Cauchy sequence.

2. Show that the limit point is a fixed point of .

3. Show that only one fixed point exists.

4. Bound the rate of convergence.

Page 14: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Choose some 0 ∈ Let = 0 Since is a contraction

(2 1) = (1 0) ≤ (1 0)

Continuing by induction,

(+1 ) ≤ (1 0) ∀

We can now bound the distance between and when

( ) ≤ ( −1) + + (+2 +1) + (+1 )

≤h−1 + + +1 +

i(1 0)

= h−−1 + + 1 + 1

i(1 0)

1− (1 0)

So {}∞=0 is Cauchy. X

Page 15: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Since is complete → ∈

We now have a candidate fixed point ∈

To show that = note

( ) ≤ (0) + (0 )≤ (−10) + (0 )

These inequalities must hold for all

And both terms on the RHS converge to zero as →∞

So ( ) = 0 implying that = X

Page 16: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Now we show that our fixed point is unique.

Suppose there were two fixed points: 6= ∗

Then = and ∗ = ∗ (since fixed points).

Also have (∗) ( ∗) (since is contraction)

So, ( ∗) = (∗) ( ∗)


So the fixed point is unique. X

Page 17: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Finally, note that

(0 ) = ((−10) )≤ (−10 )

So (0 ) ≤ (0 ) follows by induction. X

This completes the proof of the Contraction Mapping Theorem.

Page 18: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

4 Blackwell’s Theorem

These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping.

Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions) Let ⊆ < and let ()be a space of bounded functions : → <, with the sup-metric. Let : ()→ () be an operator satisfying two conditions:1) (monotonicity) if ∈ () and () ≤ () ∀ ∈ ,then ()() ≤ ()() ∀ ∈

2) (discounting) there exists some ∈ (0 1) such that

[( + )]() ≤ ()() + ∀ ∈ () ≥ 0 ∈

Then is a contraction with modulus

Page 19: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Remark 4.1 Note that is a constant and ( + ) is the function generatedby adding to the function

Remark 4.2 Blackwell’s conditions are sufficient but not necessary for tobe a contraction.

Page 20: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Proof of Blackwell’s Theorem:

For any ∈ ()

() ≤ () + ( ) ∀

We’ll write this as

≤ + ( )

So property 1) and 2) imply

≤ ( + ( )) ≤ + ( )

≤ ( + ( )) ≤ + ( )

Page 21: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Combining the last two lines, we have

− ≤ ( )

− ≤ ( )

|()()− ()()| ≤ ( ) ∀

sup|()()− ()()| ≤ ( )

() ≤ ( ) X

Page 22: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Example 4.1 Check Blackwell conditions for Bellman operator in a consump-tion problem (with stochastic asset returns, stochastic labor income, and aliquidity constraint).

()() = sup∈[0]

n() + (̃+1(− ) + ̃+1)


Monotonicity. Assume () ≤ () ∀. Suppose ∗ is the optimal policywhen the continuation value function is

()() = sup∈[0]

n() + (̃+1(− ) + ̃+1)

o= (∗) + (̃+1(− ∗) + ̃+1)

≤ (∗) + (̃+1(− ∗) + ̃+1)

≤ sup∈[0]

n() + (̃+1(− ) + ̃+1)

o= ()()

Page 23: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Discounting. Adding a constant (∆) to an optimization problem does notaffect optimal choice, so

[( +∆)]() = sup∈[0]

n() +

h(̃+1(− ) + ̃+1) +∆

io= sup


n() + (̃+1(− ) + ̃+1)

o+ ∆

= ()() + ∆

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5 Application: Search/ stopping.

An agent draws an offer, from a uniform distribution with support in theunit interval. The agent can either accept the offer and realize net presentvalue (ending the game) or the agent can reject the offer and draw againa period later. All draws are independent. Rejections are costly because theagent discounts the future with discount factor . This game continues untilthe agent receives an offer that she is willing to accept.

The Bellman equation for this problem is:

() = max{ h(0)


Page 25: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

• In the first lecture, we showed that the solution would be a stationarythreshold:

REJECT if ≤ ∗

ACCEPT if ≥ ∗

• This implies that

() =

(∗ if ≤ ∗

if ≥ ∗


• We showed that if

∗ = −1µ1−

q1− 2

then, () solves the Bellman Equation.

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Iteration of Bellman Operator starting with 0() = 0 ∀

• This is the Bellman Operator for our problem:

()() ≡ max{ h(0)


• Iterating the Bellman Operator once on 0() yields

1() = (0)()

= max{ h0(


= max{ 0}=

• So associated threshold cutoff is 0 In other words, accept all offers greaterthan or equal to 0 since the continuation payoff function is 0 = 0

Page 27: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

General notation.

• Iteration of the Bellman Operator, .

() = (0)()

= (−10)()= max{



• Let ≡ h(−10)(0)

i, which is the continuation payoff for ()

• is also the cutoff threshold associated with () = (0)()

() = (0)() =

( if ≤ if ≥


is a sufficient statistic for (0)()

Page 28: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Another illustrative example. Iterate the functional operator on 0

2() = (20)()

= (0)()

= max{ (0)(0)}= max{ 1(0)}= max{ 0}

2 = 0 =


2() = (20)() =

(2 ≤ 2 ≥ 2


Page 29: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

The proof itself:

(−10)() =

(−1 if ≤ −1 if ≥ −1


= (−10)(0)


"Z −1


Z =1





³2−1 + 1


Set = −1 to confirm that this sequence converges to

lim→∞ = −1


q1− 2

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100








iteration number

x n v


Iterating functional for search/stopping problem with discount rate =.1 = -ln(delta)



Page 31: Economics 2010c: Lecture 2 Iterative Methods in Dynamic ... · These are sufficient conditions for an operator to be contraction mapping. Theorem 4.1 (Blackwell’s sufficient conditions)

Review of Today’s Lecture:

1. Functional operators

2. Iterative solutions for the Bellman Equation

3. Contraction Mapping Theorem

4. Blackwell’s Theorem

5. Application: Search and stopping problem (analytic iteration)

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