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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter 1: Miss Carter

As much as she tried to hide it, a wave of grief washed all over Pegg !s face" #er austere

e$pression was %etra ed % the modest shivers in her hands& the trem%ling of her mouth" 'oo(ing downat her lap, she massaged her hands together as %est she could, %ut eventuall relented and )ust stared

into her right palm"

*he silver, circular loc(et in her hand was latched shut" +t was four centimetres in diameter, with

a set of thin chains attached to a tin , round hoo( at the top, wrapping themselves around her fingers"

*he felt li(e small strands of sil( li uid, flowing and tracing themselves along the rivets of her s(in"

Cradling the loc(et with a curved palm, she pressed the inside of her thum% against its smooth surface,

ru%%ing it %ac( and forth" Miniscule splotches of moisture were left %ehind on the metal surface"

eeling the edges of her e es curve downwards, she heard the familiar and et faded voice in

the %ac( of her mind"

“I got something for you.”

“Oh, really?”

#er ga.e perused the small latch on the side of the loc(et" /ith the flic( of one of her

fingernails, she could easil unloc( it and see what was inside"

“What is it?”

“I can't tell you yet. Before I hand it over, you have to make me a promise.”

*he trem%ling of her palm grew more pronounced as she stared at the latch"

“ on't open it until !e get "ack.”

/e" 0uch a seemingl innocuous word at the time" #e had no idea of the implications that one,

simple word choice would have" o reason to %elieve that she would linger on that single two letter

word for the rest of her life"


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Pegg closed her e es and turned her head to the side, as if turning her ga.e awa from her

hand would ease the pain an more" 0he pressed the muscles of her mouth as hard as she could to (eep

it from opening, her pursed lips ua(ing in resistance"

“I told you I don't like to make promises.”0he (ept her e es shut as she closed her fingers around the loc(et, hiding it from view" *he

chain was thin enough to escape through the slits of her fingers"

“#lease. $ust this once.”

'owering her fist %eneath the ta%le, she too( her free left hand and placed the inde$ finger and

thum% on her forehead, resting her s(ull against the place %etween them" 0he let her el%ow fall onto the

edge of the metal ta%le in front of her, which was otherwise clear" +t had the same empt metal sheen as

the loc(et" /hile she (ept her e es closed, she felt her mind drift %ac( to the room she was in, drin(ing

in the details she remem%ered in an attempt to cloud her thoughts, even if )ust for a moment"

*he room was small, dar(, and had onl one entrance: the door which was directl opposite

where she was" *he walls were made of c an painted %ric(s, with no windows" *he chair Pegg was

sitting on was identical to the one on the opposite side of the ta%le, which seemed to %e made of the

same t pe of metal" A single securit camera was affi$ed in the top left ceiling corner, pointing directl

at her"

0he snapped her e es open upon hearing the door(no% turn" 'oo(ing up, she saw the figure of a

woman in her forties wal(ing through the door" 0he was wearing a long, gre %usiness dress, and was

holding a %eige file folder in her free hand" #er dar( %londe hair was in a %o% cut, and it was freshl

attended to& a contrast with the set of wrin(les pressing around her e elids and chee(s"

Coldl upon Pegg for a moment, the woman then closed the door %ehind her %efore

dropping the folder on the ta%le" As it slapped down on the surface, some of the papers and files )ostled

their wa out of it" Pegg put down her left hand and loo(ed awa from them as the woman sat down,

pulling her chair in %ehind her" *he woman stared at her for a minute %efore spea(ing"

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2Miss Carter34

Pegg sighed and loo(ed over at her, %ut otherwise didn!t respond"

2M name is " " " "4

2Catherine /hitford,4 said Pegg " 2+ (now who ou are"42*hen ou (now wh +!m here"4


/hitford sat %ac( in her chair, (ic(ing up one of her feet so she could cross her legs" Placing

her hands together and interloc(ing her fingers, she tilted her head as she continued to tr and read

Pegg "

2*r ing to %e difficult on purpose isn!t going to help our case, Miss Carter"4

2*r ing to %e intimidating on purpose isn!t going to help ours"4

/hitford didn!t chuc(le"

2Miss Carter, + represent the administrative %oard of the 0trategic 0cientific 6eserve" + have to

co-ordinate agents and operations across three separate continents, so how a%out we cut the %ullshit

right here34

Pegg scowled at /hitford"

2+!m here on %ehalf of the administrative %oard, no more, no less" *rust me, + don!t find this

pleasant either, %ut considering how man hands were in the pot on this, there are man with invested

interest in learning e$actl what happened"4

2 id the read m report34


2*hen + fail to see wh this meeting is necessar "4

/hitford pushed herself out of her chair and stood up, putting her hands %ehind her %ac(" 0he

started pacing %ac( and forth around her side of the ta%le"

2*his meeting is necessar %ecause ou!re the onl one with the information we need,4

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2+!ll tal("4

2A wise decision"4

Pegg opened her e es as she watched /hitford open the folder" 0he %egan pic(ing up some of

the papers inside, la ing them down in front of her" Pegg !s e es )umped from file to file, s(imming thete$t and images"

2+ have %rought with me all of the official documentation that the administrative %oard was

priv to a%out ever thing ou were attached to, since the %eginning" 5our personal histor , documents

on %oth Pro)ect P thagoras and 8peration 0nowfall, all of the events in %etween" Personnel records,

research notes, private discourse"4

Pegg snorted"

2'oo(s li(e ou have more info than + do"4

2*he want ou to sort through all of this and tell me ever thing ou (now" Chronological

order" /e want to see if there is an thing we!ve missed that might %e a%le to answer the uestions that

we have"4

2And what would those %e34

/hitford contemptuousl %lin(ed %efore reaching into the folder and pulling out a handful of

personnel files" Pegg cringed as she watched her place them all side % side, facing her"

2*imoth ugan"4

A stout, portl man with a thic( moustache, red tinted hair, and a %owler hat"

2 a%riel =ones"4

A dar(-s(inned man in a militar )ac(et and helmet"

2=ames Morita"4

A smiling, Asian man with slight stu%%le and casual clothes"

2Montgomer alsworth"4

A thin man with an angular head, which had a red %eret atop it"

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2 atalie 'orraine"4

A %londe woman with a devious smile"

2=ames >uchanan >arnes"4

A confident, tall, laid-%ac( man with short, un(empt %lac( hair and a %lue )ac(et"20teven rant 6ogers"4

Pegg winced upon hearing the name and loo(ing at the picture" +t showed a muscular, well-

%uilt man in an iconic white, red and %lue uniform" #e held a circular shield in his left hand that

matched his outfit" #e was loo(ing not at the camera, %ut into the distance" Pegg felt herself ta(e in a

%reath as she fought %ac( her su%conscious inclination to cr "

2Margaret Carter"4

Pegg saw herself in the image" 0he had the same curl %rown hair" *he same thic(, ru% lips"

*he same %rown uniform" As she loo(ed into her own e es, she remem%ered ever thing she felt when

that picture was ta(en"

#onour" Courage" Confidence"

All of those feelings were long gone"

2*his is the roster of the special forces unit referred to as the #owling Commandos, sanctioned

% the 006,4 said /hitford"

Pegg closed her e es, (nowing what /hitford was going to sa ne$t"

2*he !ve all %een listed as (illed in action"4

All Pegg could feel was the uic(ening of her heart%eat"

2E$cept ou"4

Pegg slowl loo(ed %ac( up at /hitford"

2+s that a uestion34

2/e want to (now wh out of eight of our most decorated soldiers, onl ou got out of that %ase

alive" ot onl that, %ut also how ou managed to get the most important living icon of the free world

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Pegg a%ruptl stood up, her nostrils and e es flaring with rage"

25ou shut our mouth;4

2Miss Carter, our incessant and vulgar out%ursts are %oth unnecessar and unwarranted"42+!m tired of our %ullshit sidewa s accusations"4

2*hen tell me the truth"4

/hitford glanced down at Pegg !s right hand for a moment" *hat was all she needed to divert

Pegg !s attention" 'oo(ing down, she noticed that %oth of her fists were on the ta%le, and the set of thin

chains from the loc(et were wrapped around her fingers and wrist"

Pegg sighed again, sha(ing her head %ut this time (eeping her e es open"

2+t seems the rumours were true,4 stated /hitford, snidel "

/ith a frown, Pegg slowl sat %ac( down in her chair" /hitford nodded and moved %ac( to

hers" 8nce the were %oth seated, /hitford sat forward"

20tart at the %eginning" 5our file sa s that ou received our assignment for Pro)ect P thagoras

in =anuar of 1?@1" As good of a place to start as an "4

Pegg too( a long time to thin( a%out what she was going to sa " 8nce again, she opened her

palm and loo(ed at the loc(et inside" #er %reathing slowed, her muscles softened, and her e es

watered" /hile she allowed the first two, she fought hard against the third" /iping her face once, she

then forci%l strained her e es so as to not let an tears leave" 0he made sure her %od was as still as it

could %e& all of her shivering was gone" /hen she was read , she spo(e"

2+t started in a museum"4

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter : *he Call

#is face pressed against his right fist, 0teve too( another sip from the straw that led into his

glass %ottle of Coca-Cola" >lin(ing in disinterest as another group of patrons entered the diner, he thenscratched his forehead for a couple of moments" 'oo(ing %ac( and forth from the inside of the %uilding

to out the window, he found that he wasn!t reall loo(ing at an thing in particular, %ut rather )ust noting

things that he saw out of %oredom"

#e called out the manufacturers of the various automo%iles that drove down the street in his

mind" #e counted the num%er of women wal(ing on the sidewal(s with ellow clothing" #e (ept trac(

of all the %ase%all cards the set of teenagers at the near% ta%le traded amongst each other" All the

while, the sound of the music pla ing over the radio flowed through his ears" #e smiled as a new song


“Of all the "oys I've kno!n and I've kno!n some,

%ntil I first met you I !as lonesome,

&nd !hen you came in sight, dear, my heart gre! light,

&nd this old !orld seemed ne! to me . . . .”

odding his head to the rh thm, he then loo(ed %ac( down at his plate"

*here was a half-eaten sandwich there" +t had an assortment of sliced ham, lettuce, mustard,

mo..arella cheese and pic(les all stuffed %etween a %aguette st le %un" ripping it with %oth hands,

0teve sighed as he too( as generous of a %ite as he could" #e uic(l reali.ed his mista(e, struggling to

chew what he had ta(en" roaning and sha(ing his head, he dropped the sandwich %ac( on the plate

and hurriedl pulled the straw to his lips"

0ipping down more cola, he swished it around the inside of his mouth, helping to soften and

%rea( down the food" After swallowing the whole lot and coughing once he forced it down, he pounded

his fist against his chest a few times to tr and mitigate the pain" raining the last of the cola, he loo(ed

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at the remainder of the sandwich and sighed"

“I could say '"ella, "ella' even 'sehr !under"ar',

ach language only helps me tell you ho! grand you are,

I've tried to e(plain '"ei mir "ist du sch)n',*o kiss me and say that you !ill understand+”

#olding the plate in one hand and the %ottle in the other, 0teve wal(ed to the counter and placed

them in front of the chef" #e was a rotund man with a %ald head and a gre moustache"

2 efeated again34

20orr , 6on" uess +!m )ust not up to it et"4

6on laughed"

2 on!t worr a%out it, %o " /e!ll %ul( ou up et"4

0teve rolled his e es in a humorous manner"

2Might need some help for that one" 0ee ou later"4

2#e , sa hi to >uc( for me, will a34

2Can!t" #e shipped out on /ednesda "4

6on threw up his hands"

2Awh, shit" Alread 34


2 amn" *he ears )ust (eep %lasting past me" #ave a good one, a hear34

0teve nodded in response %efore turning and wal(ing out of the diner" As he did, a woman

wearing a %lue )ac(et and sitting in the %ac( corner got up, and after a few moments, e$ited %ehind him"


#is hands in his poc(ets, 0teve wal(ed down the halls of the museum" Various e$hi%its and

displa s showed pieces of arm memora%ilia and other such trin(ets" #e stopped in front of a roped off

section with several manne uins wearing uniforms of multiple nations, all in com%at stances" As he

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started reading the golden pla ue in front of the displa , his ears per(ed up upon hearing a discussion

ta(ing place %etween a couple standing near him"

2+ tell ou, 'inda, those damn =erries have to %e put down,4 said the man" 2*he alread tried to

ta(e over the world once" ow the !re at it again" >ratwurst %astards"40teve loo(ed over at the man, holding up a hand"

2Actuall " " " "4

*he couple turned to loo( at him"

2*he ermans weren!t the cause of the last war,4 e$plained 0teve" 2 ot directl " 5ou see, the

got dragged into it via the chain of alliances, which was the real reason the conflict got out of hand" +t!s

ver different from what!s going on right now"4

*he man scowled at him"

2/ho as(ed ou, grandstand34

*he woman rolled her e es"

2Come on, doll,4 said the man"

0teve sighed as the couple wal(ed awa from him" 6u%%ing the %ac( of his nec(, he then

loo(ed forward at the displa again" 0taring at the white, featureless face of the closest manne uin, he

spent a few moments pondering"

2 on!t feel %ad, =err ,4 said 0teve" 2/e all get misunderstood sometimes"4

As he was spea(ing, a woman in a %lue )ac(et wal(ed up to and stood %eside him"

2*al( to statues often34 as(ed the woman, spea(ing in a distinctivel English accent"

0teve loo(ed over at the woman in surprise"

2/hat3 8h " " " " oh, no, not reall " *r ing it out" idn!t do much, reall "4

2/ell, it is an inanimate o%)ect"4

2#eh, eah" ot the most tal(ative t pe"4

*he woman regarded the displa for a moment, and 0teve too( the opportunit to get a good

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loo( at her" 0he had curl %rown hair, thic( ru% lips, and a %lue civilian )ac(et made of e$pensive

material" #e opened his mouth to sa something, %ut then returned to loo(ing at the displa "

25ou!re not the most tal(ative t pe either, are ou34 as(ed the woman"

0teve shoo( his head"2 ot reall , no" Especiall not to %eautiful dames who follow me around town"4

*he woman raised an e e%row" 0teve loo(ed at her with a suspicious glare"

25ou!ve %een on m tail for half an hour,4 said 0teve" 2/omen tend not to see( me out, so +!d

li(e to (now wh "4

*he woman shrugged and moved her head %ac( and forth for a moment %efore loo(ing %ehind

0teve!s %ac(" 0he noticed a man with %londe hair in the crowd moving towards them" #e had one hand

in his poc(et, %ut not the other" #er e es widened for a %rief moment" 0he then reached forward and

uic(l wrapped her arm around 0teve!s nec("

2#e , what " " " "4

2 et down;4

0he pushed 0teve to the ground and )umped %ac( as the man from the crowd whipped a silver

throwing (nife towards them" +t missed 0teve!s hairline % centimetres, instead impaling one of the

manne uins in the middle of the forehead" *he woman reached into the %osom of her )ac(et and pulled

out a pistol, ta(ing aim at the man as the ma)orit of the crowd started screaming"

*he man who threw the (nife uic(l leaped %ac(wards as the woman fired a shot at him"

0teve, who was crouching and h perventilating, crawled around the displa , ta(ing cover %ehind a

near% counter" *he woman %ac(pedalled towards his hiding spot as another woman from the crowd,

%londe li(e the first assassin, pulled a *hompson su%-machine gun from under her long overcoat and

%egan firing in their direction"

*he man who threw the (nife got %ac( up and stood at the side of his partner" *he woman at

0teve!s side got %ehind the counter ne$t to him after loo(ing at the two"

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25ou alright34

25ou (idding3;4 as(ed 0teve"

2#ave ou %een hurt3;4

2 o; o"42+!ll give ou some cover" 8nce the !re distracted, ou %olt for that door" ot it34

2/hat3 /hat is going " " " "4

2Move;4 shouted the woman, as she stood up and fired several more shots from her pistol"

*he two assassins dived to get %ehind the various displa s as the screaming crowd rushed for

the e$its" 0teve scram%led on all fours for a moment %efore %rea(ing into a sprint and crashing through

one of the doors" *he female assassin scowled"

2#e!s outside;4

*he male assassin )er(ed his head in response" *he female then stepped out of cover and fired

another %urst of %ullets from her gun" 0teve duc(ed as the %ullets shattered the glass doors %ehind him"

An open top %eige car then pulled up on the side of the road, driven % a man wearing a fedora"

20teve 6ogers34


2 et in; ow;4

0teve didn!t move, instead loo(ing %ac( %ehind him" *he woman in the %lue )ac(et (ic(ed open

the door, %lindl firing more pistol shots %ehind her as she ran towards 0teve"

2+n the car;4 she elled"

0teve nodded and )umped into the %ac(seat, with the woman in the %lue )ac(et getting into the

passenger seat" >efore she was even finished closing the car door %ehind her, the driver too( off down

the road" 0teve was )ostled % the sudden movement, smashing his face against the side of the car and

grunting in pain"

2/ho were the 34 as(ed the driver"

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*he woman in the %lue )ac(et dropped the maga.ine from her pistol and stuffed in another from

the glove compartment"

2*he rugers"4

2*hem3 ammit"42 rugers34 as(ed 0teve" 2/ho are ou3 /hat!s going on34

2 o time,4 responded the woman"

2People are shooting at me; + want answers;4

2*he rugers are a.i assassins,4 said the driver" 2*wins" #ein. and #annah" *he !ve %een

hired to (ill ou"4


*he woman in the %lue )ac(et turned her head around" 0he saw the rugers were now in a car of

their own" #ein. was driving, and #annah was in the passenger seat, reloading her su%-machine gun"

#annah then po(ed her head out of the car door window and aimed her weapon at them"

2*urn left; ow;4 shouted the woman, %efore loo(ing at 0teve" 25ou; 0ta down;4

*he driver elled as he sharpl turned the wheel, throwing 0teve around the %ac( seat again"

#annah fired a stream of %ullets, %arel missing 0teve!s car as it headed down an alle "


A police officer was standing on the road near% and %egan running for his car" #annah fired a

small %urst at him, putting three %ullets in his chest" > standers screamed and scram%led to avoid the

car chase" *he driver of 0teve!s car held onto his hat as the headed down an alle and out onto another

road, with the rugers! car onl metres awa "

2 et to the doc(s,4 said the woman in the %lue )ac(et" 2#opefull , ivens has the %oat read "4

0teve pushed himself upright again"


*he woman in the %lue )ac(et too( aim at the side of his head"

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2+ said sta down;4

0teve duc(ed again as she fired more pistols shots at the rugers! car, piercing the windshield"

#ein. lowered his head to avoid the shots as #annah screamed at him in erman" *he woman loo(ed

forward again"2 loor it" o into incoming traffic if ou have to;4

2/hat3;4 e$claimed 0teve"

*he driver pressed hard on the gas pedal, speeding up as he weaved %etween lanes" #ein.

followed suit in order to (eep up" As the headed towards the waterfront, #annah fired another %urst of

gunfire, missing 0teve %ut stri(ing the driver in the chest through his seat"


2#arr ;4 shouted the woman"

/ith #arr incapacitated, the car veered off the road and onto a wooden doc(, crashing into a

post" *he woman in the %lue )ac(et uic(l (ic(ed open her car door, aiming her pistol at the rugers!

car as it approached" iring a well-aimed shot, she %lew out one of the front tires, causing #ein. to

shrie( as he lost control of his vehicle, smashing the side of it against a stac( of crates"

0he too( a moment to press her hand against #arr !s nec(, and frowned upon finding no pulse"

0teve loo(ed at her in shoc("

2/hat " " " " what do we " " " "4

2*o the edge of the pier; o, go;4

0teve clam%ered out of the car and )oined the woman as the ran down the length of the doc("

>oth #ein. and #annah e$ited their wrec(ed vehicle and too( pursuit, with #annah growling as she

was forced to discard her now %ro(en su%-machine gun" As 0teve ran, he noticed a small motor%oat

speeding towards the end of the doc("

2*hat ours34

25es; o; ast as ou can;4

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8nce the were moving, the woman %lin(ed and loo(ed over at 0teve, who was huddled on the

floor" 0he wal(ed over and held out a hand" #e hesitated for a moment %efore reaching out and ta(ing

it" After helping him to his feet, she %egan turning awa "

2/ait;4*he woman raised an e e%row"

2/ho " " " " who are ou34

*he woman shrugged"

2+ suppose that!s fair,4 said the woman" 2M name is Margaret Carter" +!ve %een assigned as our

%od guard"4

2>od guard34

25ou and + have a lot to discuss, 0teve 6ogers"4


Clic(ing his fingers against the armrest of his chair, 0chmidt stared out of his panoramic

window, showing a wide view of snow-covered mountains" #is office was relativel %are aside from

his des(" *he decor was posh and elegant, with a mostl dar( colour palette, which e$tended even to

his finel -crafted, all-%lac( uniform" +t made the fact that the s(in of his head was all red stand out even


8phelia strolled into the room, stopping two metres awa from the des( and standing at

attention" 0chmidt spo(e without turning to face her"


2*he rugers " " " " have failed"4


2*he !re %oth dead" 8ur spies confirm the did not accomplish their o%)ective" *he %o still


0chmidt growled, clenching his teeth as he did so"

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2And Ers(ine34

2*he were una%le to confirm the destination of the Allied agents" /e still don!t have a location

on Ers(ine!s secret la%"4

0chmidt sat forward, loo(ing around the edge of his chair at her" 6oaring in anger, he stood and pic(ed up his chair, throwing it at the corner of the room" After the chair smashed to pieces, he then

swiped his hand across the des(, (noc(ing over several of the items" Punching his fist into the des( and

putting in a severe dent, he then rushed around it and stood directl in front of 8phelia, his nostrils

flaring" uring all of this, she did not move at all"

#e snarled and furrowed his %row at her, %ut softened his face after a few seconds"

2Ers(ine " " " " must %e found" And this %o " " " " must %e eliminated"4

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter D: # potenuse

uic(l ta(ing in and letting out deep %reaths, 0teve (ept his e es focused straight ahead" #e

tried not to let his ga.e wander despite all the activit going on around him" *echnicians and scientistswere around the room, wor(ing at consoles and ta(ing down notes" *he o%servation dec(

a%ove had a do.en people watching him, waiting for the moment that would change his life forever"

Closing his e es, he thought %ac( to the first time he arrived at this place"


*he round metal door closing %ehind him, 0teve loo(ed %ac( with a disconcerted face" Carter

did not stop wal(ing, and he found that he had to lightl )og to catch up with her" 8nce he did, he

loo(ed up at her head and gave a small smile, which she did not return" 0teve nodded and loo(ed

forward, attempting to emulate her st le of marching"

/hen the reached the end of the hallwa , Carter pressed a (e code into the panel at the side

of the door" *he panel flic(ed green, and the door automaticall opened" 0he turned around and loo(ed

down at 0teve" #e %it the inside of his lip, having alread grown tired of having to loo( up if he wanted

to maintain e e contact"

2+n here,4 said Carter, gesturing towards the door"


0teve wal(ed through the door, with Carter following %ehind him" 8nce inside, he panned his

head %ac( and forth, tr ing to ta(e ever thing in" +t was a large office comple$, with at least twent

wor( stations" Militar officers, securit guards, and people in la%orator coats were all a%out the place,

conversing, writing and moving" 8n the wall at the far end was a painted s m%ol of an eagle em%lem,

with the letters !006! in the centre"

0teve found himself transfi$ed % it all, and didn!t move for a few moments" 0tanding %ehind

him, Carter loo(ed down at him with a slight frown" After a few minutes, a man with gre hair, old-

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st le glasses and a la% coat wal(ed up to them" #e was holding a clip%oard, and waved eagerl as he


2Miss Carter; ood to have ou %ac(;4 e$claimed the man"

Carter nodded"2 octor"4

*he man loo(ed down at 0teve with a health smile"

2+!ll %e" 0he did it"4

0teve raised an e e%row"

20teve 6ogers,4 said the man, e$tended his hand" 2/elcome to the 0trategic 0cientific


0teve shoo( the man!s hand and lightl chuc(led"

2+ %elieve ou have me at a disadvantage, mister " " " "4

28h; #ow rude of me" 0orr , + was )ust " " " " never mind" M name is Ers(ine" octor A%raham

Ers(ine" #ead 0cientist of Pro)ect P thagoras"4

2P thagoras34

25es" +f ou!ll come with me, there are some things we need to go over"4

0teve held up his hands"

2/hoa, hold on a second"4

Ers(ine raised an e e%row"

2Can someone please let me in on what!s going on3 + mean " " " "4

0teve gestured towards Carter"

2#er showing up out of nowhere, ever one calling me % name, people tr ing to (ill me, getting

dragged across the ocean " " " " not that + don!t appreciate the rescue, %ut " " " " + feel li(e + stepped into

one of those cheap action flic(s" E$cept the %ullets are real" 'oo(, +, + don!t mean an offence, %ut +

(inda need some uestions answered"4

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Ers(ine slid his mouth to the side and loo(ed over at Carter, who shrugged in response" #e then

loo(ed %ac( at 0teve"

2Come with me" /e!ll spea( in private" +!ll tell ou ever thing ou want to (now"4

Carter stood forward"2As long as + come with" Colonel!s orders" + don!t leave 6ogers! side under an circumstances"4

0teve!s e es widened, turning his head to loo( %ac( at her"

2An circumstances3 /hat if + have to go to the %athroom34

Carter furrowed her %row at him and folded her arms" 0teve ru%%ed the %ac( of his nec("

28(a " 0orr" =ust not used to %eing so " " " " considered"4

2Come with me,4 said Ers(ine"

Ers(ine %egan wal(ing towards the far end of the room, with 0teve and Carter following" As

the passed the main des( at the end of the hall, 0teve too( notice of an older man sitting at it, listening

as a female officer spo(e to him" 0he was pointing at a set of maps on the ta%le, rela ing information to

the older man" #e was in a militar uniform, with several pins on the left side of his chest" #e loo(ed

up for a moment to match 0teve!s ga.e %efore loo(ing %ac( at the maps"


2Attention, please" Attention, please; /e are read to %egin"4

0teve opened his e es, watching as Ers(ine stepped onto the platform with his microphone"

#olding it in front of his face, he loo(ed up at the o%servation dec(" At one of the consoles was a man

with a %ow tie and %usiness casual wear" #e turned to 0teve and gave him a win( and a thum%s up"

0teve aw(wardl smiled in return"


0teve and Carter followed Ers(ine into a meeting room" +t had a plastic ta%le, several chairs,

multiple filing ca%inets, and a pro)ector screen" 8nce the were inside, Ers(ine motioned towards the


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2Please, ta(e a seat"4

0teve wal(ed over to one of the chairs and sat down" Ers(ine loo(ed at Carter" #e %lin(ed a

couple times, %ut she )ust folded her arms and leaned against the wall"

2+!m good here"4Ers(ine nodded and wal(ed to the side of the ta%le perpendicular to where 0teve was" 0itting

down in a chair of his own, he then placed the clip%oard on the ta%le and folded his hands" 0teve tapped

the ta%le with his hands a couple times as he waited for Ers(ine to settle in"

2+ understand that ou have %een through uite the ordeal in the last few hours, 0teven,4 started

Ers(ine" 2+ wish that our meeting could have %een " " " "4

*he door opened, cutting him off" A man with a %ow tie and %usiness casual wear %urst into the

room, with dishevelled hair, which he uic(l %rushed his hand through a few times"

2" " " " not interrupted,4 finished Ers(ine"

20orr , sorr ,4 said the man" 2 now me"4

2Alwa s late34 as(ed Carter, sardonicall "

*he man tilted his head and grinned"

2+ was going to sa alwa s ma(ing an entrance, %ut our point isn!t inaccurate" /ell, loo( here"

+ see we got 0u%)ect 9ero" E$cellent"4

20u%)ect 9ero34 as(ed 0teve"

25ou!re getting ahead of me, #oward,4 said Ers(ine"

28h" 0orr " +!ll )ust uh " " " " %e over here" 5ou (now, if ou need me"4

0teve loo(ed %ac( and forth %etween Ers(ine and #oward with a suspicious glare" #oward

turned and started to wal( towards Carter, %ut then snapped his finger and turned around"

28h, and uh, in case ou were wondering, 0teve, the name!s #oward" #oward 0tar("4


#oward win(ed, clic(ed his tongue and gave him a thum%s up all at the same time %efore

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turning and standing ne$t to Carter, who loo(ed at him with an unimpressed e$pression" 0teve turned

%ac( to Ers(ine"

2Mister 0tar( is our primar weapons and technolog supplier,4 e$plained Ers(ine" 2#is

compan , 0tar( Enterprises, is an invalua%le asset to the 006"42/ell, it!s good to (now that ever %od alread (nows me,4 said 0teve"

2+ suppose that!s a good place to start"4

Ers(ine put two fingers on the clip%oard and slid it in front of 0teve, who loo(ed down at the

papers on it" +t onl too( him a couple seconds of reading %efore he reali.ed that the were recruitment

draft applications" #is recruitment draft applications"

2<h " " " " oh" <hm " " " " am " " " " am + in trou%le34

Ers(ine shrugged"

2*rou%le3 o" /ell, technicall ou did %rea( the law % falsif ing information on our

enlistment applications " " " "4

2+, uh " " " "4

26ela$, 0teven" 5ou aren!t in trou%le" *hat!s not wh ou!re here"4

0teve scratched his forehead"

2*hen " " " " wh am + here3 Ever one (nows me" +t seems li(e +!m the onl one who doesn!t

(now what!s going on"4

2*he 0trategic 0cientific 6eserve is a special division of the Allied militar , dedicated to using

some of the greatest minds in the free world to find a wa to stop the A$is"4

28(a " " " " %ut what does that have to do with me34

#oward softl laughed, loo(ing over at Carter"

2*hat!s funn "4

Carter raised an e e%row"

2#e!s funn ,4 said #oward"

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Carter rolled her e es"

28ne of our secret pro)ects,4 continued Ers(ine, 2is the 0uper 0oldier 0erum" A chemical

formula that when introduced into the %od , transforms it to the pea( of human a%ilit " 0peed, strength,

endurance " " " " ever thing at its ma$imum potential"42A superhuman3 'i(e from those newsstand comics34

2More or less" *he point is, this is a pro)ect + have %een wor(ing on for " " " "4

Ers(ine paused and loo(ed up at Carter for a %rief moment"

2" " " " for a long time" /e!ve run into man complications, %ut now, we!re read for our first

human trial" /hen + pitched this pro)ect to the Colonel, + made clear that + needed a candidate who

wasn!t necessaril a soldier " " " " who was something more"4

0teve loo(ed down"

25ou tried to enlist in si$ different cities " " " " with si$ different %ac(grounds" + caught on to

what ou were doing fairl uic(l " >ut that!s not the point" + wanted to (now wh "4

0teve %lin(ed several times, ta(ing a minute to respond"

2+ guess + " " " " + guess + figured that, well " " " " it was worth it, ou (now34

0teve loo(ed into Ers(ine!s e es"

2+!ve watched the videos " " " " read the papers " " " " tal(ed to people" + (now things are %ad out

there " " " " and + (now the !re going to get a lot worse"4

Carter, who had %een silentl loo(ing down for the last few minutes, %lin(ed and loo(ed over at


2And + thought + could " " " " + don!t (now" #elp" *hat!s, that!s all + reall wanted" + have

friends " " " " a friend " " " " who!s out there right now" ighting" oing his part"4

Carter raised an e e%row" #oward put his hands in his poc(ets, listening intentl "

2/hen ou have something li(e this " " " " this, this is a defining moment" or us" All of us" And

+ want to do m part" + don!t deserve to do an less"4

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Ever one in the room was loo(ing at 0teve" Ers(ine let a wide smile grow on his face"

2Congratulations, 0teven" /elcome to Pro)ect P thagoras"4


0teve pulled himself onto the operating ta%le" Putting his head %ac(, he silentl waited as a pairof technicians strapped him in" *he material of the straps caused him to shiver when the touched his

%are s(in& he was onl wearing a pair of %o$er shorts" 8nce the were done with the straps, the

technicians stepped awa as a set of in)ector tu%es on the apparatus moved into place over 0teve!s arms"

2+n)ectors in position,4 said #oward" 2/e are coo(in! with gas"4

Another man sitting on the console ne$t to #oward rolled his e es" #e had red hair and a red

moustache, with glasses and a %eige suit" 'oo(ing %ac( at his console, the man turned one of the dials"

2Vitals are solid,4 said the man" 2All chec(s green" /e are read for initiation on our mar(,


2*he serum will %e in)ected into the su%)ect via si$ nodes,4 said Ers(ine, to the o%servation

dec(" 2*he su%)ect capsule will then close, and vita ra %om%ardment will commence to stimulate

growth along the desired rates"4

Ers(ine turned to #oward"

2/e ma %egin"4


/incing as the needle entered his arm, 0teve gritted his teeth and (ept his e es pinched shut

until it was pulled out" 8pening his e es again, he loo(ed up at the man holding the s ringe& he had red

hair and a red moustache, with glasses and %eige suit" Carter was in the room, standing in one of the

corners" *a(ing the needle with the %lood sample awa , the man returned after a few moments"

2*hat!s the last %it,4 said the man" 2 o more needles for now"4

2*han(s,4 replied 0teve"

Ers(ine wal(ed into the room, and nodded at the other man"

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2Ah, there ou are,4 said Ers(ine" 20amples done34

25es, + uh, )ust need to loo( over " " " "4

25ou said it would %e done % the time + got %ac(,4 said Ers(ine"

*he man grum%led"20oon" +t!ll %e done soon"4

2 ine" 0teven3 #ow are ou feeling34

0teve ru%%ed the shoulder of the arm which had ta(en the needle"

2<gh " " " " not ver dura%le"4

2 octor #orton treating ou well34

2#uh3 8-oh, + guess" ever told me his name"4

#orton ru%%ed his forehead"

2<h, + was focused on m wor(,4 he said" 20orr a%out that" octor Phineas #orton"4

2Pleasure,4 said 0teve"

Another man then wal(ed into the room" #e was the older man with the militar uniform from

the main des(" As he wal(ed in from %ehind Ers(ine, Carter gave him a salute"


*he Colonel put his hands %ehind his %ac( and loo(ed down at 0teve with a somewhat

contemptuous glare"

20o, ou!re the one who Professor Ers(ine has %een %lathering on a%out for wee(s"4

0teve!s spine shivered as the Colonel addressed him"

2#e can!t even %e %othered to send me a real soldier"4

2Colonel " " " "4

2 uiet, Professor"4

Ers(ine stepped %ac( with a frown" #orton sta ed still" 0teve struggled to maintain e e contact

with the Colonel"

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2+!m Colonel Chester Phillips, on special assignment as director of the 006" 'ord (nows +!d

rather %e fighting alongside m men than holding hands for the damn %ureaucrats who need this to

ma(e their resumes loo( good" And despite Professor Ers(ine!s proven %rilliance, his o%session with

ou has made me wonder if this program isn!t going to go down as an em%arrassing waste of resources"+f he didn!t have %ac(ing from the administrative %oard and 0tar( " " " " well"4

2+!m sorr ou feel that wa , Colonel,4 responded 0teve"

2+ want to ma(e things ver clear, son" *he onl reason + haven!t shipped ou %ac( stateside is

%ecause the doctors have attempted chemical %onding with numerous su%)ects and ou!re the onl one

whose %lood melded well with the serum" /e need results, and +!m not going to turn awa a via%le

candidate %ecause + thin( it!s a waste of time" +!ve got too much invested in this" >ut if ou don!t

perform to the cali%re that Ers(ine thin(s ou will, ou!re out of here" +s that understood34

25es, sir"4

2 ood"4

*he Colonel turned around and marched out of the room" #orton gulped"

2+ should, uh " " " " chec( on the samples"4

#orton loo(ed awa and wal(ed out of the room through a different door" 0teve frowned"

2#e seemed distracted,4 said 0teve"

2Phineas34 as(ed Ers(ine" 2#e!s alwa s %een a little a%sent minded" #e was upset that the %oard

chose m serum proposal over his android one" 0till, he!s a ver s(illed scientist"4



*he operating ta%le apparatus %egan moving, so that 0teve would %e facing forward rather than

upward" As it did, the walls of the capsule %egan closing around him" >efore it finished closing, 0teve

got a glance at the o%servation dec(, and he saw Carter, the Colonel and several other people he didn!t

recogni.e watching him" Carter gave him a su%tle smile"

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2+ was the onl su%)ect who %onded well34

Ers(ine didn!t respond" *he were %oth sitting in 0teve!s private uarters, 0teve on the %ed, and

Ers(ine on a near% chair" Carter was standing ne$t to the door, which was open" Closing his e es andru%%ing his forehead for a moment, Ers(ine then stood up and closed the door %efore returning to his

chair" #e then loo(ed %ac( at Carter, who nodded at him, %efore turning to face 0teve again"

2 o,4 said Ers(ine"


25ou (now the mandator %lood tests that were done during our enlistment attempts3 /e

ordered them ta(en in and + tried to %ond them with the serum" +t melded well " " " " as did a%out one

third of the candidates we tried"4

25ou lied to the Colonel34

2/e had to,4 said Carter" 28therwise, he never would have allowed ou to %e 0u%)ect 9ero"4

0teve widened his e es as he loo(ed over at her"

20teven,4 started Ers(ine, 2 ou have to understand what " " " " what Pro)ect P thagoras means"

#ave ou heard of the P thagorean *heorem34

2 rom math class" #as to do with triangles, right34

25es" 0pecificall , right angle triangles" *he theorem states that the s uare of the h potenuse of

said triangle is e ual to the sum of the s uares of the two sides forming the right angle" *his is the %asis

for the entire pro)ect" +n an candidate we need two things " " " " one, for the su%)ect!s %lood to properl

%ond with the serum" *he other " " " " is for the su%)ect to %e the sort of person who deserves to have this


0teve raised an e e%row"

2/e need someone with %oth of those things " " " " the h potenuse " " " " %efore we could pic( a

su%)ect" *he Colonel insisted on us testing on a num%er of his soldiers" >ut the !re li(e him " " " " the

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mean well, certainl , %ut the !re %ullies" *he don!t understand that integrit , compassion " " " " those

things are also important to a super soldier" +f + needed )ust another grunt " " " " well " " " " + guess that!s

the difference %etween what + am now and " " " " what + used to %e"4

2/hat do ou mean342*he assassins who came after ou,4 said Carter" 2*he rugers" *he weren!t )ust an a.i

agents" *he were from a special %lac(-ops division of the 6eich"4

0teve tilted his head"

2# dra"4

2# dra34

Ers(ine stood up and started wal(ing around the room as he e$plained"

2*he !re used % #itler as a secret group to perform e$periments and operations that fall outside

of standard militar " *op secret surgical stri(es" 6adical scientific research" Even investigation into

m sticism and the paranormal"4

Ers(ine stopped at the window and put his hands on the frame!s sill" #e too( a few moments

%efore spea(ing again"

2And + was one of their founding mem%ers"4

0teve swallowed and %lin(ed"

25ou were " " " " a a.i34

2 ammit, ou don!t thin( it (eeps me up at night3;4

Ers(ine slammed his fist on the window sill %efore turning around"

25es, + was a a.i; + did terri%le things; >rutal e$periments; +!ve made mista(es;4

Ers(ine too( in a deep %reath and lowered his voice"

2+ was angr " 'i(e most people in erman after the war" elt lost" Confused" *he entire world

hated us for something that wasn!t our fault" >ut the victors needed a scapegoat " " " " a group to paint as

the monsters, and the erman people were the ones chosen" 0o es, when #itler showed up,

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championing a re%orn erman , + signed up"4

Ers(ine resumed his pacing"

2+ was chosen to help spearhead # dra!s science teams" *he 0uper 0oldier 0erum3 Pro)ect

P thagoras3 +t all started at # dra" <sed to %e (nown as the !Master Man! Pro)ect" +t was an effort togive a.i soldiers an edge over the Allies " " " " to crush the opposition with an arm of superior

soldiers" >ut as time went on " " " "4

Ers(ine and Carter loo(ed at each other for a moment"

2+ %egan that " " " " this time, at least " " " " we reall were the monsters"4

Ers(ine loo(ed at the floor for a few seconds %efore continuing"

2+ saw what the other scientists were doing" 0pecial pro)ects ordered % # dra!s leader"4

2/ho!s that34 as(ed 0teve"

2 er 6ote 0chFdel,4 responded Ers(ine" 2*he 6ed 0(ull" *he most dangerous man on Earth, in

m opinion" #itler ma lead the A$is powers, %ut the 0(ull " " " " the things +!ve seen him do will haunt

me until the da + die" +!ve loo(ed into his e es " " " " and seen nothing in them" o personalit " o

feeling" othing %ut outright contempt for humanit itself" *he things he ordered the other scientists to

create " " " " the a%ominations growing in those la%s " " " " + couldn!t ta(e it an more"4

20o what did ou do34

2+ ran" ra%%ed m research, %urnt down m la%, and fled into the countr side, with the 0(ull!s

minions at m heels" + still remem%er the dogs chasing me, hounding me " " " " and then someone

helped" ot me out safe"4

Ers(ine gestured his head towards Carter"

2+ was sp ing on # dra!s %ases in Eastern Europe at the time,4 said Carter" 2+ (new a%out the

Professor!s defection" + got him out of there, and %rought him here" #e!s %een on our side ever since"4

2And ma %e " " " " if this turns out well " " " " if m wor( ma(es ou into the soldier + %elieve ou

can %e " " " " then ma %e someda , + will %e vindicated"4

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0teve loo(ed from Ers(ine to Carter and %ac( again"

2/e %elieve in ou, 0teve,4 said Carter" 2>oth of us"4


0teve screamed as the vita ra s assaulted his entire %od " #is s(in felt li(e it was fla ing off,and his innards were charred masses of coal and dust" *he pain was so e$treme that it %linded his

nerves to the point of %eing una%le to feel an more" or a few crucial seconds, his mind was gone" #e

couldn!t sense an thing" #e felt his thoughts go silent, and his world fade to mist"

*hen the capsule opened"

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter @: Camp 'ehigh

#er hands still %ehind her %ac(, /hitford stood at the side of the ta%le as she listened to Pegg !s

stor "2/hat happened ne$t34

Pegg swallowed and groaned"

2 our months of training,4 answered Pegg " 2<nderstanda%l , 6ogers didn!t have an previous

com%at e$perience" 0o while the serum wor(ed in transforming him ph sicall , he still needed to %e

taught how to fight " " " " how to move effectivel with his new %od "4


Pegg %lin(ed %efore continuing"

2#e uh " " " " he learned fast" /as a remar(a%le student, even %efore the serum" Alwa s surprised

me how uic(l he grew accustomed to new concepts" *hat a%ilit to %e versatile " " " " to adapt " " " " +

thin( that was his greatest strength"4

2And the Colonel34

2Colonel Phillips was " " " " calmed, % the success" #e was afraid that if 6ogers didn!t wor( out,

the administrative %oard would shut us down" 0till wasn!t necessaril impressed" 6ogers needed to go

through com%at training from scratch, and the fact that we needed to assess potential long term side-

effects of the serum meant we couldn!t test it on an one else until his training was over"4

/hitford narrowed her e es, %ut was staring at the wall, not at Pegg "

2#e was growing an$ious,4 continued Pegg " 2*he A$is were ma(ing a %ig push in multiple

theatres, and he wanted an arm of super soldiers read as soon as possi%le to help push %ac("4

/hitford pic(ed up a picture of 0teve from the ta%le" +t showed him in his full costume, holding

his painted shield" Printed at the %ottom left of the picture was a la%el reading !*a(en at 006 0pecial

6esearch >ase, Camp 'ehigh, England, =une 1?@1"!

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2And who designed all this34

20tar(, mostl " *he administrative %oard saw the opportunit for the first super soldier to

%ecome an icon" 6ogers li(ed the idea" #ell, he loves %ase%all and his favourite food is %lood apple

pie" #ow much more American can ou get342And the shield34

2Vi%ranium" A portion of the small pool given as a gift to President 6oosevelt % ing Chanda

of /a(anda" 6ogers found that it fit well with how he was adapting to his personal fighting st le" #e!s

a prodig with the damn thing"4

2And ou were there3 or his whole training34

2Ever minute" Ever da " +t was m assignment"4

2 ever left his side34

2+t was m )o% to sta there"4

/hitford turned her head to loo( at Pegg , raising an e e%row"

2*hree rules of %eing a %od guard, huh34

2 on!t leave them alone" on!t let them get hurt"4


Pegg !s e es uivered"

2 on!t get involved"4

/hitford sighed and loo(ed %ac( at the wall" After a few minutes of silence, she spo(e again"

2After the training34

Pegg too( several seconds to respond"

2/e were %etra ed"4


<nwrapping the last of his wrist wraps from his hands, 0teve threw them in his training %ag" As

he wal(ed towards the e$it, he saw Carter standing in the corner of the g m room" 0he was wearing the

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same %lue )ac(et as the da the had met" #er arms were folded and she was loo(ing at him, %ut he

couldn!t tell if she was disinterested or activel staring"

2Miss Carter"4

26ogers"40teve stopped wal(ing and returned her ga.e for a few seconds"

2/hat34 as(ed Carter"

25ou (now, + have %een getting %etter at self-defense and com%at"4

2+!ve seen"4

2 o, what +, what + mean is " " " " heh, o(a " +s this reall necessar 3 5ou shadowing me ever

second of the da 3 + mean, sure, it!s great that + don!t have to strain m nec( to loo( in our e es

an more, %ut +!m still a %it surprised the whole %athroom thing wasn!t a )o(e"4

Carter sneered"

2+ have an assignment, 6ogers" 5ou (now that"4

2 o, + " " " " ugh, + mean " " " " if ou don!t reall care, and +!m good at " " " " eh " " " "4

Carter raised an e e%row and loo(ed at him with her classic unimpressed face"

2*hat!s it, right there,4 said 0teve, pointing at her" 25ou give ever one that loo(, as if ou

couldn!t possi%l %e less impressed" 5ou give it to 0tar(, to me, hell, even the Colonel sometimes" on!t

(now wh he lets it slide"4

Carter didn!t respond"

2And then ou go silent,4 continued 0teve, sha(ing his head" 25ou (now, for a while there, at

the %eginning, + thought ou were telling the truth with our whole !+ %elieve in ou too! routine" >ut

this is )ust another assignment for ou, isn!t it3 Ma %e ou li(e it eas " 0ta and protect the trainee on a

secure %ase" >ut ou don!t reall care"4

2+t!s part of m )o% to %e disinterested, 6ogers" *hat!s the point of a %od guard" + protect ou

%ecause it!s m )o%, not %ecause + care a%out our well %eing" 5ou want to %e a successful agent3

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#mm3 A good soldier3 5ou need to learn to %e disinterested, otherwise our )udgement can get


2+ can!t do that,4 answered 0teve" 2*hat!s e$actl what Ers(ine wanted me not to do"4

2/hat do ou mean3425ou let ourself %ecome detached " " " " disinterested " " " " ou ta(e that too far and where does

it leave ou3 o compassion" o remorse" A %ull " 0omeone who doesn!t care what the do as long as

it gets the )o% done" *a(e that too far " " " " and ou end up li(e the people we!re tr ing to fight, rather

than the ones we!re tr ing to protect"4

Carter moved her head %ac(, %ut her face indicated that she was seriousl considering what he

had said" 0teve gulped and then loo(ed at the floor"

2+!m sorr , Miss Carter,4 he said" 2+ shouldn!t have ta(en it that far" 5ou!re not " " " " ou!re not

li(e that at all" + )ust " " " " ergh " " " "4

0ighing, 0teve ru%%ed the %ac( of his nec(" Carter tilted her head to the side" lancing at the

ground for a moment, she then loo(ed %ac( up at him"

2+t!s Pegg "4

0teve per(ed his head %ac( up"


2M nic(name" +t!s Pegg " +t!s what m friends call me"4

2Pegg "4

25eah" Margaret has too man s lla%les for the average person, and Miss Carter is too formal"

0o " " " " ou can call me Pegg "4

0teve couldn!t help %ut smile"

25ou consider me a friend34

Pegg pla full raised an e e%row"

20low down, 6ogers" on!t get too ahead of ourself" +n time"4

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2+n time3 +s that a promise34

Pegg shoo( her head"

2+ don!t li(e to ma(e promises"4

0teve and Pegg maintained silent e e contact for several more seconds until the whole roomrum%led at the sound of an e$plosion" 0teve darted his head around in confusion" Pegg immediatel

pulled out her pistol, loo(ing at the door" An alarm then sounded"

2/hat!s happening34 as(ed 0teve"

2 othing good"4


Morita!s e es widened as he watched a missile stri(e the guard tower" +t was engulfed in a %all

of fire, with the metal instantaneousl melting into heaps of slag" +nstinctivel lowering his head and

clutching his rifle with a firm grip, he turned his head to where the missile came from"

*hree green helicopters were approaching the %ase" Each one had a red logo painted on the side"

+t was composed of a s(ull with si$ tentacles protruding from it" *he helicopters %egan firing more

missiles into the %ase, some stri(ing the ground and others stri(ing the infrastructure" /ithin moments

the troops on the ground %egan scattering in disarra , and the alarm sounded"

As Morita %ac(pedalled awa from the incoming aerial assault, he also noticed multiple tan(s

moving in from the road" *he were at least si$ metres tall, and had a turret section with two frontal

cannons" *he had the same colour scheme as the helicopters, with the same logo" *he tan( closest to

the %ase %egan firing cannon %lasts into the camp, %lowing apart one of the convo truc(s" 0everal

guards who tried to stand their ground were cut down % machine gun fire from the tan(s"

Moving %ac( and getting %ehind a set of suppl crates, Morita crouched and placed his assault

rifle atop a crate to sta%ili.e it" #e watched as troops %egan to march into the camp, as well as some

rappelling from the helicopters" *he wore dar( green com%at suits and %attle helmets, %ut were

distinguished from erman soldiers he had seen %efore % their use of what loo(ed to %e st li.ed gas

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mas(s" Most of them were carr ing assault rifles, shotguns or sniper rifles& one of the soldiers was

wielding a flamethrower, which she used to spra down another truc( with a stream of fire"

*a(ing close aim through his iron sights, Morita closed one e e as he place his cross-hairs on

her fuel pac(" iring a three shot %urst, he grinned as he saw a puncture in the tan( lead to it e$ploding, %lowing her and several near% enem soldiers to smithereens"

2 efensive positions; Push them %ac(;4

*he shoc( having worn off, do.ens of defending soldiers %egan their counterattac(" A violent

firefight stormed across the main court ard of the camp, with the aggressors slowl %ut persistentl

ta(ing ground" Morita was providing covering fire for a near% s uad when he saw, out of the corner of

his e e, an enem soldier flan(ing him from the other side"

#e uic(l tried to turn to face him, %ut the soldier, wielding a stun %aton latched to his wrist,

(noc(ed Morita!s rifle out of his hands" *he soldier then pulled his %aton %ac( for a thrust stri(e"

2#ail # dra;4

Morita tried to anticipate where his foe was going to stri(e so that he could dodge, %ut it was

unnecessar when the # dra soldier was %ashed over the side of the head with the %ac( of a shotgun"

#e crumpled against the crates as the man who attac(ed him spit on the ground and loo(ed at Morita"

2Alwa s saving our ass, huh34 as(ed a%e"

2+t!s an ass worth saving,4 retorted Morita"


Morita pic(ed his rifle off the ground as a%e covered him" After tapping him on the shoulder,

a%e led Morita %ac( towards the main comple$"

2#e ; /here we going3 *he fight!s here;4

20cience facilit ,4 responded a%e" 2*he !re hitting from %oth sides"4


2 renade;4

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An e$plosion sent the shredded %od of a soldier against the wall as 0teve and Pegg rushed

into the room" 0ome of the soldier!s %lood splattered on 0teve!s white shirt and %eige cargo pants"

espite him holding his shield, Pegg still held him at %a with her left arm while she aimed her pistol

with her right"2 et %ac(;4

After she fired a shot, 0teve loo(ed around the corner to see a %loodied soldier falling to the

ground" Pegg wal(ed up to the downed soldier and fired two more rounds into his chest"

2# dra,4 said Pegg " 2/onderful"4

Another e$plosion was heard, and 0teve and Pegg saw more # dra soldiers entering into the

facilit through the windows near the %alcon " Multiple guards were cut down % surprise attac(s,

%efore one of them too( a # dra soldier down with a shot through the nec(" Pegg e$haled as 0teve

placed his shield in the holster on his %ac("

2/e!re getting to the e$it, fast and uiet" 0ta %ehind me and tr not to get shot"4

2'eaving3 /e need to help;4

Pegg sternl shoo( her head"

2 o" Colonel!s orders" M priorit is ou" Ever one else here is not m concern"4

Pegg turned awa %ut was stopped % 0teve gra%%ing her % the shoulder"

2Are ou cra. 3; *hese are our allies ou!re tal(ing a%out;4

Pegg violentl shrugged his hand off of her shoulder %efore giving him a surl glare"

2Mind our tone, 6ogers, or ou might )ust find out " " " "4

Pegg %ro(e off her sentence to ta(e aim and fire at another incoming # dra soldier, putting a

%ullet through his (nee" 0he then tapped 0teve!s shoulder with her fist, %ec(oning him to follow her"

2Come on; 5ou can give me our damn lecture when we survive this mess;4

After stalling for a moment, 0teve %egan following her" #e glanced %ac( at the fighting on the

%alcon %efore sighing and following her into another hallwa " As she (ept marching forward, he

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loo(ed to the left, which led to the la%orator " 0topping and loo(ing %ac( and forth for a moment, he

then tore into a sprint down the left hallwa "

26ogers3 6ogers;4

0houlder ramming down a set of dou%le doors, 0teve continued to %arrel down the hallwa tothe la%" After %ursting inside, he saw that almost all of the e uipment was on fire, and pieces of

furniture were torn apart and littered around the room"

2Professor3;4 called 0teve" 2Professor;4

0teve heard coughing and hac(ing coming from within the room, %ut couldn!t figure out where

it was coming from" #e (ic(ed a ca%inet out of his wa as he darted his e es around the room"


2 et " " " " %ac( " " " "4


#is hands in front of his face as he wal(ed, 0teve then saw Ers(ine huddled on the floor, with

one hand clinging to a door(no%" #e was on his (nees, and was coughing into his coat" 0teve!s e es

widened upon seeing the figure of a woman calml approaching him" 0he was wearing a st li.ed 00

uniform and a gas mas(, with all the pieces of her outfit %eing tinted various shades of green"

0he whipped her emerald hair around %efore loo(ing down at Ers(ine, pulling a %lade from her

%elt" 0teve groaned as he tried to move towards them" Pegg ran into the room, %ut was stunned % a

waft of dust and ash, momentaril impeding her movement"

2 octor,4 said 8phelia"

0he reached down and sei.ed Ers(ine % the throat, pulling him to his feet" 0he then placed her

head on his shoulder"

2*he 6ed 0(ull sends his regards,4 she whispered into his ear"

8phelia violentl plunged her (nife into Ers(ine!s chest, and 0teve elled" *earing the (nife out,

she then loo(ed over at 0teve with her vi%rant, viridian e es" or a few seconds, the stared at each

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other, and 0teve felt her piercing, contemptuous ga.e send shivers crawling along his s(in"

2And ou must %e Ers(ine!s pet" 6ogers"4

2/ho are ou34

2*he messenger, #err 6ogers" And m message is " " " " sta out of this" 5ou cannot stop the power of # dra" o one can"4

8phelia reached for her %elt again"

20teve; et down;4

0teve duc(ed upon hearing Pegg !s words" Pulling a grenade from her %elt, 8phelia then tossed

it %ehind her with a sinister grin, %lowing apart a large section of the far wall" Pegg fired at her, %ut

8phelia laughed and performed an acro%atic cartwheel to dodge the shot %efore %rea(ing into a run out

of the new e$it"

2 ammit;4

0teve ran to Ers(ine, who was %leeding out on the floor" neeling %eside him and cradling his

%od in his arms, 0teve saw that Ers(ine!s chest and arms were drenched in %lood"

2Professor " " " "4

2'isten " " " " to me " " " "4

Ers(ine coughed again"

2+t was " " " " #-#orton " " " " %etra ed us " " " " stop him " " " "4

20ta with me;4

2 o, 0teve " " " " + " " " " +!m d-done " " " "4

0teve found himself fro.en, una%le to do an thing %ut sha(e his head"

26e " " " " 6emem " " " " %er " " " " who " " " " %-%el " " " " ieved " " " " in ou " " " "4

Ers(ine let out a soft sigh and fell still" Pegg approached 0teve and put her hand on his

shoulder as a handful of tears streamed down his chee(s"

20teve " " " "4

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#e didn!t repl "

2/e!ve got to go"4

A loud crashing noise was heard, startling %oth 0teve and Pegg " 0everal flaming pieces of

de%ris fell from the ceiling, %loc(ing the route to 8phelia!s e$it" Pegg helped 0teve to his feet %eforehearing a familiar voice"

2#e ; #e ; An one in there34

2 a%e34 as(ed Pegg "


2 a%e; +t!s Pegg ; /e!re here;4

2Pegg 34

8ne of the wooden columns shattered, e$posing the hole in the wall" >oth a%e and Morita

were standing on the other side"

2Come on;4 elled Morita, waving an arm"

0teve and Pegg ran out of the %uilding as the fire continued to spread" a%e smiled at Pegg "

2 amn good to see ou alive, Peg"4

2Almost wasn!t,4 retorted Pegg , as she reloaded her pistol"

2/hat the hell!s going on3;4 as(ed Morita" 2#ow!d the do this34

0teve was staring at the ground with a scowl on his face when he answered"

2+t was #orton"4

Ever one loo(ed at 0teve with raised e e%rows"

2/hat34 as(ed Pegg "

2+t was #orton,4 repeated 0teve" 2Ers(ine told me %efore he died" #e %etra ed us" #elped

# dra"4

2#e defect34 as(ed a%e"

2Must have"4

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20lim %astard,4 said Morita"

Pegg then loo(ed up, and pointed into the s( "


Ever one loo(ed up to see one of the # dra helicopters fl ing out of the compound" *he sidehatch was open, and %oth 8phelia and #orton were standing there, flan(ed % multiple # dra soldiers"

*he hatch then closed shut, and it was onl a few moments %efore the helicopter flew over the treeline

and out of sight"

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter G: Enlistment

20tatus of the %ase34

2*otal loss,4 replied the lieutenant" 2>uildings, personnel, e uipment " " " " whole place was %urned down" othing left %ut ru%%le and smo(e"4

2 ammit"4

*he Colonel was facing the map of Europe pinned to the wall" +t had a handful of locations

circled with red, felt tip mar(er" #e was staring at the location with an H over it" uming for a few

seconds, he then slammed a fist down on the ta%le" After that, he %egan pacing in front of the people in

the room, including 0teve, Pegg , #oward and several other soldiers and officers"

2An thing captured34

2 o" E uipment all self-destructed" Even the tan(s" And the few # dra soldiers we did get alive

all had c anide capsules"4

*he Colonel gestured to the group of people in front of him"

2*his is all that made it out34

25es, sir" A couple more are in medical"4


*he lieutenant shoo( his head"

2*he research3 0amples34

2 estro ed in the la%,4 answered Pegg " 2*he information on that %ase was top secret" o

%ac(ups were at an other facilities" All the notes, samples and e uipment %urned up with the la%"4

*he Colonel loo(ed down at the floor"

2 uc("4

#e loo(ed %ac( up at 0teve"

20o " " " " ou!re all +!ve got" >eautiful" + dump untold amounts of time, mone and manpower

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into this %ullshit pro)ect and all + get out of it is one untrained soldier" + lose m top scientist %ecause

another one turns out to %e a defector" And now, the entire 6eserve is at ris( of collapsing;


0teve gulped and loo(ed at the floor" Pegg glanced at him with som%er e es, %ut did not spea("#oward ru%%ed his left forearm with his right hand"

2#ow did this even happen3;4 shouted the Colonel" 2/e!re on English soil; #ow did #orton do


#oward cleared his throat"

2 ar as we can tell " " " " he shorted out the main communications tower" Pro%a%l (illed the

operators so we wouldn!t pic( up the incoming vehicles on sensors" #elicopters would have no pro%lem

fl ing to the mainland, %ut as for the tan(s " " " " there must have %een other people in on it" 8nl thing

that ma(es sense"4

Pegg loo(ed at #oward"

2 ot so sure a%out that, 0tar(" Even the helicopters would have %een detected % someone else

crossing international %orders" And ou couldn!t smuggle tan(s onto the shore unless the paid off a

whole doc(ing crew, and who would the find for help if the !re a.is34

2*hese aren!t )ust an, Miss Carter,4 said the Colonel" 2*he !re # dra"4

2+ (now" /hich ma(es me %elieve that this wasn!t en masse %etra al" #orton ma have helped

them somehow, %ut + thin( the !ve pro%a%l have some advanced tech that got them onto the mainland

undetected" # dra!s got a monopol on the most %rilliant scientists across all the A$is nations" /e

should (now" /e stole their %est one"4

2/e!re aware, trust me,4 replied the Colonel" 28ur focus was on the scientists" *he 0(ull!s

forces are nothing without the tech to %ac( them up" 5ou saw their weapons" /e were pro%a%l targeted

%ecause we!d %een ma(ing precision stri(es across /estern Europe, tr ing to capture several of # dra!s

top researchers" 0o far, it hasn!t gone as smoothl as we!d hoped"4

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2/hat happened34 as(ed 0teve, per(ing up his head"

*he Colonel groaned under his %reath upon %eing spo(en to % 0teve, %ut reluctantl answered

after a few seconds of pause"

20ome of our insertion teams have lost contact" /e!ve confirmed them (illed in action asidefrom one, a team of handpic(ed soldiers from the 1I7 th division" *he were in 'u$em%ourg, tr ing to

e$tract the head of # dra!s science division, octor Arnim 9ola"4

0teve!s e es widened"

2*he 1I7 th3 /as =ames >arnes on the team34

*he Colonel narrowed his e es"

20ergeant >arnes3 5eah, he was leading the team" + was the one who assigned him to the

mission after seeing him in action" 5ou (now him34

2#e!s a friend"4

*he Colonel!s face softened"

2+!m sorr "4

0teve started %reathing more heavil , sha(ing his head as he did so"

2>ut ou don!t (now that the !re dead et" *he can %e rescued, right3;4

2/e can!t esta%lish contact" o contact, no e$traction" /e haven!t heard from that team in da s"

+ntel can loo(, %ut we can!t send an one in without a location" +t!s too dangerous" 'ast we heard, the

had made it to ie(irch, %ut " " " "4

0teve put %oth of his palms on his forehead" Pegg too( a step towards him"

20teve " " " "4

2'et me go after them,4 said 0teve to the Colonel"

2A%solutel not" 5ou!re getting shipped to a new science facilit , %ac( on American soil"

*he !re going to run tests and see if we can get the formula from our %lood"4

0teve and Pegg %oth glared at the Colonel"

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2/hat3;4 the shouted in unison"

25ou were a trial run, nothing more,4 said the Colonel" 2+ need platoons of super soldiers, not

one test su%)ect;4

2+ can help; 'et me tr and get our team %ac( " " " "42+t!s over;4 shouted the Colonel"

0teve too( a step %ac( in alarm at the volume of the Colonel!s voice"

25ou!re not fighting; 5ou are the last chance the Allies have for getting the advantage we need"

/e are losing this war, and that formula was supposed to help turn the tide" +nstead, we lost some of the

most vital personnel and research data we had" And ou!re thin(ing a%out one s uad3;4

*he Colonel stepped up to 0teve, his nostrils flaring"

2+ get that 0ergeant >arnes is our friend, %ut this is war, son" And in war, ou have to ma(e

sacrifices" 0oldiers understand that" >ut ou!re no soldier"4

*he Colonel then e$haled and returned to the des(" 0teve loo(ed %ac( at the red H on the map

pinned to the wall"

2 o" + guess +!m not"4

0teve turned and wal(ed out of the room" Pegg paused for a moment %efore following him"

2Pac( ever thing up, 'ieutenant,4 ordered the Colonel" 2/e!re leaving at oh-eight hundred"4




0teve threw a punch at the wall of the empt hallwa he was in, denting and fracturing a large

section" 'eaning against it on his el%ow, he %uried his face into his arm" >reathing heavil for several

moments, he didn!t notice Pegg wal(ing into the hall and approaching him"


0teve didn!t respond" Pegg sighed and watched him for a few minutes until he spo(e"

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2/hat am + supposed to do3 >uc( !s in danger, and " " " " Ers(ine!s dead, and " " " "4

2+t!s not our fault"4

0teve pushed himself off the wall, %ut (ept his e es closed as he shoo( his head"

2 o" Ma %e not" >ut + can!t help"40teve elled again as he (ic(ed the wall, putting his foot right through it" >its of dust and

dr wall stuc( to the material of his pant leg"

2*hat!s what " " " " dammit " " " " + )ust " " " " )ust want to " " " "4

0teve sighed and waved down his hand in a dismissive gesture, turning awa from Pegg "

2*here!s nothing + can do now"4

25ou thin( this is what Ers(ine would have wanted34 as(ed Pegg , folding her arms" 2*o see

ou drown ourself in dou%t34

2 o"4

2*hen pic( ourself up, and " " " "4

0teve turned around and glared at Pegg "

2/hat the hell do ou want from me3; 5ou heard the Colonel %ac( there; *he program!s dead;

Ers(ine!s dead; *he !re leaving >uc( to die; And + can!t do " " " "4

Pegg too( a step forward, matching 0teve!s glare"

20tow it, 6ogers; +!m not going to listen to this crap an longer;4

0teve!s face indicated he was ta(en a%ac( % Pegg !s tone"

25ou!re upset, + get it" 5ou feel helpless" 5ou want to do more" >ut ou!re not going to get out of

this situation % elling and %eating up hallwa s"4

2/hat are " " " "4

2+!m not done" 5es, it!s true" # dra nailed us to the wall" Ers(ine!s dead, and we can!t change

that" >ut ou!re still here" +!m still here" /e!re not out et" 5ou can still ma(e a difference"4

2#ow3 *he Colonel!s going to ship me awa ; 'oc( me up in some la%"4

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2 o ou want to help our friend34

0teve was silent"

2 o ou34

25es"42*hen meet me in the hangar in ten minutes" And pac( our uniform"4



*he Colonel )er(ed his head to the left upon seeing his lieutenant %urst into his office"

2/hat is it34

2/e have an unauthori.ed departure; 0omeone!s ta(ing off from the hangar;4

2/hat the " " " "4

*he Colonel leaped out of his chair and followed the lieutenant, %oth of them running down the

hall" A couple of minutes later, the arrived in the hangar alongside numerous other soldiers who had

their weapons read " 8ne of the planes was powered up and starting to leave" *he Colonel gra%%ed a

%ullhorn from the e uipment rac( and placed it in front of his mouth"

2Attention; *his is an unauthori.ed departure; 0tand down and surrender immediatel , or we

will open fire;4

*he Colonel waited a couple seconds %efore hearing a familiar voice over the loudspea(er"

2+ would advise against firing, Colonel,4 said Pegg " 20teve 6ogers is a%oard"4

2/hat the " " " " what the hell are ou doing, Carter3;4

2*a(ing matters into m own hands"4

25ou!re violating a direct order from a superior officer, and ou!re not trained as a pilot" 0tand

down, now;4

*he Colonel was then stunned % a different voice ta(ing over"

2Actuall ,4 said #oward, 2+!m the one fl ing this plane" Miss Carter and 0teve 6ogers are m

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20tar(3; 0hut that plane down, now;4

2 o can do, Colonel,4 said Pegg " 2Mister 0tar( is a civilian, and thus outside the militar chain

of command" 5ou can!t give him orders" *hese planes are technicall his compan propert , and thus,he is allowed to use them as he sees fit" As well, since 0teve 6ogers has et to %e officiall enlisted in

the armed service, he too is a civilian"4

2'isten here, Miss " " " "4

2And +!m on special assignment, remem%er3 <nder no circumstances am + to leave 0teve

6ogers! side" + %elieve those were our e$act words" /here he goes, + go"4

2Carter; ammit, +!ll " " " "4

2#ave a good da , Colonel"4

*he plane too( off, heading out of the hangar" 8ne of the soldiers loo(ed up at the Colonel"

20ir3 o we open fire34

*he Colonel sneered"

2 o" 0tand down"4

*he soldiers watched as the plane lifted off into the air" *he Colonel then threw the %ullhorn

against the concrete hangar wall, smashing it to pieces"


2#ow ou doin! %ac( there, 0teve34

0teve was sitting on the %ench at the side of the plane, his hands held together" #e was wearing

the uniform that had %een designed for him, and had his shield latched to his %ac(" #is helmet was at

his side" Pegg was sitting across from him"

2#e!s alright, 0tar(,4 said Pegg "

2 otcha"4

0teve and Pegg were silent for several more minutes"

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the doors open and stepped inside" *he room %e ond was a meeting room, with a long conference ta%le

and man elegant chairs, most empt " At the far end of the ta%le was a single man in a %lac( uniform,

eating a stea( dinner" A glass of red wine was ne$t to his plate" *he wine had the same hue as the s(in

on his face"8phelia followed #orton into the room, %ut he didn!t move towards 0chmidt, who eventuall

loo(ed up at his guests"

2Ah, Professor"4

#orton gulped"

2Please, come" #ave a seat" 5ou are an honoured guest this evening"4

/iping his forehead, #orton nodded multiple times again %efore wal(ing down the length of the

ta%le, shadowed % 8phelia" #orton wal(ed up to the chair ne$t to 0chmidt, which 8phelia pulled out

for him" 0he smiled at him as she motioned for him to sit down" espite all the accommodation, #orton

still couldn!t sha(e off his nerves"

2+ hope + am not ma(ing ou uncomforta%le, Professor,4 said 0chmidt, as #orton sat down"

20uch an esteemed guest should never feel uncomforta%le in m presence"4

2 -no, no,4 replied #orton" 2+!m " " " " +!m fine"4


As 0chmidt too( a sip from his wine glass, a %londe woman with curl hair, %lue e es and a

white chef!s uniform with a # dra logo on each shoulder wal(ed in with a silver platter" 0he wordlessl

placed it in front of #orton, and pulled off the lid to reveal a warm, )uic sirloin on a porcelain plate"

0he put a glass of wine ne$t to it and left the room"

2+ hope our meal is to our tastes, Professor"4

#orton pic(ed up the utensils and gave a wea( smile to 0chmidt" #e %egan cutting off a piece,

his hands sha(ing as he did so" /iping his mouth with a nap(in, 0chmidt than loo(ed up at 8phelia,

who was still standing with her hands %ehind her %ac("

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2Madame" 6eport"4

2Ers(ine is dead" /e did not have time to o%tain the research data, so we destro ed ever thing

we could" *he %o ma still %e alive"4

2+t does not matter now,4 replied 0chmidt" 2/ithout Ers(ine or his research, the Allies supposedscience division has nothing" 8ne lone soldier is worthless" ot against the weapons we now possess"

/hat a%out the others34

20truc(er reported %ac(,4 continued 8phelia" 2#is troops are progressing as scheduled" 9emo

and /hitehall are wor(ing well together, all things considered" 0till no word on 9ola" 'ast intelligence

we received states that he ma have %een captured in 'u$em%ourg"4

2 isappointing"4

#orton lifted a piece of the stea( into his mouth using his for(, %iting into it" #is teeth ripped

into the flesh, piercing it and allowing the %loodied )uices to tric(le against his tongue" Chewing

slowl , he savoured the taste %efore swallowing" 0chmidt loo(ed at #orton with a raised e e%row"

2#ow is it34

#orton finall felt his nerves settle"

2 amn good"4

0chmidt nodded in approval %efore loo(ing at 8phelia again"

2Madame, ou are dismissed" + want updates on all operations % this time tomorrow"4


8phelia turned awa and marched out of the meeting hall" After the were done eating, 0chmidt

%ec(oned #orton to stand up and wal( over to the ne$t room, which was his personal office" *he

destro ed furniture had since %een replaced"

2+!m glad that we could help each other, Professor" # dra has need of e$ceptional thin(ers li(e

ou" Men and women of vision who are a%le to see past the shac(les of the past"4

#orton silentl listened"

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25our colleague, octor Ers(ine, unfortunatel lost sight of our goals" + e$pect that our

relationship will end on more agreea%le terms"4

2+ hope so"4

25es"40chmidt sat down in his chair" Pressing a small %utton under his des(, one of the walls retracted

into the floor, revealing a transparent containment cell" #orton!s e es widened upon seeing the creature


+t was humanoid, %ut onl )ust" 'arge parts of its s(eleton were visi%le, with serrated %ones

protruding from the )oints" +t had no s(in& rather, all of the flesh and musculature was perfectl visi%le,

with some sections charred and %loodied" #unched over and salivating %lood, it then turned over to

loo( at #orton"

+ts face had a *-shaped slit where the mouth should %e, with four %lade-li(e teeth on each side"

/hat reall stood out were its e es: the were shrivelled, %lac( voids, with %rightl glowing red pupils

in the centre" +t emitted a piercing shrie(, which was the most inhuman noise #orton had ever heard"

#e felt li(e the %lood in his veins stopped upon hearing it"

*he creature leaped at the wall of the container, smac(ing its face against it and %ouncing off" +t

%egan emitting more guttural sounds as it scrapped its claws against the walls and floor, sniffing around

as it did so"

28ne of our creations,4 said 0chmidt" 2/hat ou!re loo(ing at is our most promising weapon"4

2/-wha " " " " what i-is it34

2/e call it " " " " a %loodhound"4

*he creature shrie(ed again, its dead e es staring directl at #orton!s heart"

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter J: 6escue 6angers

eeping her head low, atalie found the right %alance of crouching and running to ma$imi.e

her speed" Vaulting over a smashed chun( of concrete that used to %e a wall, she then duc(ed %ehind itas cover, turning her head to loo( over at one of the near% %uildings" *hree erman soldiers %urst out

of the door on the %uilding!s side, with the lead soldier spotting her"


atalie flic(ed the switch on the detonator in her hand"

2#eil this, assholes"4

#er sentence was immediatel followed % a large e$plosion that shattered the foundation of the

%uilding" A wave of flame engulfed the soldiers, incinerating their %odies %efore the had time to react"

*he remaining pillars of the structure %uc(led under the weight, and the second floor %egan caving into

itself" atalie got out of cover and ran awa as large swaths of dust and ash filled the air"

/eaving through the deca ing alle wa s of the town, she found her wa into an a%andoned

diner" e%ris and gar%age littered the floor, with much of the furniture destro ed or otherwise in

disarra " Man of the windows were crac(ed or outright %ro(en, and numerous %ottles, glasses and

plates were smashed, with their pieces strewn a%out the place"

*a(ing care to avoid stepping on an thing that might cause a loud noise, she made her wa to

the %ac( room, which contained a wooden staircase" Clim%ing up it, she arrived on the second floor,

which formed a ma(eshift apartment" Carefull stepping over the tripwire fashioned to the top of the

staircase, she entered one of the rooms and loo(ed inside"

A man was near the window, la ing in a prone position" #e had dar(, dishevelled hair, a toned

frame, and dirt on his face" #e was wearing a %lue )ac(et, gre pants, and %lac( com%at %oots" #e was

peering through a sniper rifle, utterl still" /hen atalie too( a step into the room, he )er(ed his head

around and aimed a pistol at her" #is aim was wo%%l & his hand was uivering" 0he uic(l put up her

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2#old it, (iller,4 said atalie" 2+t!s me"4

>uc( stared at her for a moment, seemingl confused" >lin(ing twice, he then let out a %reath

and lowered the pistol"2 at" #-#e " 0orr , uh " " " " sorr "4

>uc( shoo( his head a few times, with small %atches of sweat and dirt flinging off his face"

/iping his forehead with the cold steel of his pistol, he then put it %ac( on the wood floor and too( in

another %reath" atalie narrowed her e es in concern upon hearing how stifled his nasal passages were"

#e turned %ac( to his sniper rifle, %ut didn!t loo( through the scope"

2*hat " " " " uh " " " " e$plosion" ew minutes ago, + thin(" *hat ou34

25eah" Mapping out the other side of town all da " ot caught % a =err patrol" 'uc(il , had a

CD trap alread planted" ave those gu s a plastic surprise"4

2 ood " " " "good"4

25ou hear an thing from ugan!s s uad34

>uc( was silent for a few moments %efore sha(ing his head" atalie sighed"

25ou alright, (iller3 'oo( li(e ou ain!t slept in da s"4

2<h " " " " eah" o" + haven!t" ot in, um " " " " uh " " " " three, ma %e four3 ot sure" *ime!s all

%lurr right now"4

atalie too( a step toward him"

2>uc( " " " " ou need to stop" 5ou!re gonna (noc( ourself out"4

2Can!t" otta focus"4

>uc( reached for the rifle, his hands sha(ing profusel " #e groaned, o%viousl straining

himself with the effort" 0he wal(ed up to him, and tenderl placed her gloved hand on his"



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2'isten, (iller" 5ou!ve got to give it a rest" 5ou!re gonna %urn out, hear me3 et some shut e e"

5ou!ll feel %etter" /e need ou at top shape, not running on fumes"4

2+ " " " " uh " " " " eah" Alright"4

atalie nodded as >uc( pushed himself off the ground" #e staggered over to the ne$t room,which had a %ed composed of a rusted metal frame and a soiled mattress" #e clam%ered onto it and

rested on his side" +t onl too( a couple of minutes to close his e es and do.e off"

0ighing in relief, atalie stepped into the washroom" *he tiles on the floor were %ro(en, and

grime was %uilding in crevices along the walls" *he light fi$ture on the ceiling was non-functional and

dangling % a single wire" 6eluctantl relieving herself in the decrepit toilet, she then stripped off her

gloves and washed her hands in the sin(, which than(full still had running water"

After ta(ing off her helmet and placing it on the floor %eside her, she grasped the edges of the

sin( with %oth hands and loo(ed into the crac(ed mirror" #er curled, %londe hair was mess and ca(ed

in soot" *he s(in around her e es was chapped& scars had ta(en shape along the %ones in her chee(s"

*he colours in her lips had long faded" *he onl part of her visage not marred were her %right, a.ure


0tepping out of the %athroom, she then sat down on the floor, her %ac( to the wall" or multiple

hours, she )ust sat there, in silence" 0he drifted in and out of consciousness until she heard the sound of

someone stepping on one of the pieces of glass on the floor %elow" 0he then heard a faint voice spea("


atalie uic(l pulled her pistol from its holster and too( cover at the top of the staircase"

/aiting for the footsteps to reach the stairs, she too( a pee( around the corner" <pon seeing who it was,

she lowered her gun"

2 alsworth34

2 at3 *hat ou34

atalie stepped into view" 0he smiled at alsworth, who was wearing his %rown )ac(et, red

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%eret, and holding his car%ine rifle"

2/hat happened3 /here are the others34

alsworth shoo( his head"

28nl ugan and + made it %ac(" >ut we found him"4 atalie!s e es per(ed up"

26eall 34

25eah" /arehouse facilit not far from here" #eard the =erries tal(ing a%out how he was inside"4

20o where!s ugan34

alsworth smir(ed"


2Par(ing3 Par(ing what34

2*he tan( we stole"4

A second later, she could hear the distinct rum%ling of a erman tan( as it approached the

%uilding" atalie and alsworth shared a short laugh when suddenl the were %oth startled % an

e$plosion, followed % multiple streams of gunfire"


2'oo(s li(e the !re in trou%le"4

Chec(ing his pistol again, 0teve %arel heard Pegg !s words" *he were %oth in an a%andoned

church, crouched near a %alcon " *he could see the %uilding where >uc( !s team was stationed& Pegg

had confirmed their presence with a pair of %inoculars" =ust after finding them, a erman tan( had

pulled up to the side of the %uilding when several s uads of erman soldiers opened fire on the place"

Pegg loo(ed over at 0teve, an e e%row raised" #e chec(ed his pistol again" /atching him for a

moment, she then reached out and put her hand on his" #e loo(ed at her in confusion"

2/e can do this"4

0teve loo(ed at her for a few moments %efore nodding" 0he nodded in return" *he two then

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vaulted over the edge of the %alcon , landing %ehind one of the attac(ing erman s uads" *hree

soldiers, all wielding ?K Mauser rifles, were facing awa from them, shooting at >uc( !s %uilding"

Approaching from %ehind, Pegg gra%%ed the nec( of the soldier furthest to the right, pulling it

from %oth sides and snapping it clean" 0teve smashed his shield over the s(ull of the soldier furthest tothe left, (noc(ing him against the wall, his crushed helmet %rea(ing through the s(in on his head" *he

middle soldier turned in surprise, %ut had no time to react %efore Pegg whipped out her pistol and shot

him in the throat"

2Come on,4 said Pegg , turning to move down to the ne$t room"

0teve too( a moment to loo( at the %odies of the erman soldiers %efore following her"


2Chew on this, raut;4

ugan s uee.ed the main trigger on his tan(, firing a shell %last directl at the enem

side of the street" *he resulting e$plosion of concrete and wood %lew apart a large section of a

convenience store, ta(ing two ermans with it" #e unloaded with the machine gun turrets, stripping the

remaining ermans of their cover and riddling their %odies with %ullets"

Allowing the adrenaline to ta(e over, ugan did not see the erman soldier flan(ing him and

holding a %a.oo(a until he was read to fire"

28h, mother " " " "4

0cram%ling out of his seat, ugan punched open the tan(!s hatch and leaped out of it as the

%a.oo(a %last shredded the armour on the right side of the tan(" >eing %lown awa % the e$plosion,

ugan!s %od slammed against a %ric( wall" Cradling his ri%cage with one arm and holding on to his

%owler hat with his other one, he tried to move %ut found himself crippled % the pain"

ugan watched as the erman soldier dropped the %a.oo(a and swapped it for his rifle %efore

calml approaching him" /incing at him %ut una%le to move, ugan loo(ed up at the soldier"

2#e , rit.,4 said ugan" 2 imme a minute" >e right with a"4

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*he soldier scoffed %efore aiming his rifle at ugan!s head" o sooner had he done so that his

own helmet shattered with the force of a painted shield stri(ing it" ugan!s e es widened as he saw the

soldier crumple to the ground, and the shield %ounce off a wall and return to the one who threw it"

Catching the shield, 0teve then ran up to ugan, holding out a hand"2Are ou wounded, soldier34

25eah,4 replied ugan as 0teve helped him to his feet" 2Might need m e es chec(ed" ot sure

+!m %elieving what +!m seeing" /ho the hell are ou34

20teve 6ogers"4

2#uh" + was thin(ing something along the lines of 0ergeant 0tars and 0tripes" 5ou (now, to

match our outfit"4

Pegg rushed to 0teve!s side, patting him on the %ac( with her fist so that he (new she was

there" 0he fired off a couple of pistol shots %efore turning to ugan"

2/ere ou with 0ergeant >arnes! s uad34 as(ed Pegg "

25eah" *imoth ugan, ma!am"4

2 et him inside"4

0teve helped ugan into the diner as Pegg covered their %ac(s" 8nce the were in, the saw

two ermans storming up the wooden staircase, too preoccupied to even notice them" A moment later,

the heard a shout and an e$plosion, and one of the shredded erman %odies flew %ac( and smashed

against the %ac( wall of the staircase"

Another set of two soldiers tried to enter the diner, %ut Pegg !s pistol shots (ept them at %a "

8ne of the ermans pee(ed in, and loo(ed at 0teve, o%viousl perple$ed % his gar%"

2/ho the hell is that supposed to %e3;4 shouted the erman" 2Captain America34

2/ho cares3;4 elled his partner" 20hoot him;4

*he first soldier stepped into the door and unleashed a wild salvo of fire from his MP@I

su%machine gun" 0teve stood in front of Pegg and ugan, %racing himself with his shield, which

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easil deflected the shots" *he erman gasped in surprise, giving 0teve the momentar reprieve he

needed to charge forward and %ash his shield into the enem !s sternum" #is partner loo(ed down at him

in shoc("

2#ans;4Enraged, the second erman tried to smash the %utt of his gun against the shield, %ut 0teve was

too uic(& he gra%%ed the gun and twisted it out of the soldier!s grasp %efore flipping him over his

shoulder" #e finished the second soldier with a (noc(out punch while he was on the ground %efore

turning %ac( to Pegg and ugan"

2<p the stairs; o;4

*he three ran up the stairs, as ugan called out"

2 alsworth; 'orraine;4

2 ugan34

ugan was the first to arrive at the top, and alsworth let out a laugh upon seeing his friend"

2 ugan3 0till among the living34

2/as there an dou%t34

25ou cra. son of a %itch" + thought ou were mulch when + heard that %a.oo(a go off"

ormall +!d sa ou!re gonna get ourself (illed one of these da s, %ut ou!re too damn thic(headed to

(now when ou!re lic(ed"4

Pegg and 0teve turned the corner, wal(ing into the room" /hen the did, alsworth and

atalie loo(ed at them with raised e e%rows" >uc( was facing the window, holding his sniper rifle"

After firing a shot and pulling %ac( the %olt-action handle, he turned to face them as well, his e es

instantl falling on 0teve"

2/ho are " " " "4

2>uc( "4


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atalie loo(ed over at >uc( "

25ou (now him34

20teve3 +t can!t %e " " " "4

0teve too( off his helmet, revealing his face"2>uc( " +t!s me"4

2/hat happened to ou3 And what are ou wearing34

2<h " " " " we might want to tal( a%out that once we!re out of a" >it of a long stor "4

Pegg too( a step forward"

2+!m Margaret Carter, with the 0trategic 0cientific 6eserve" *his is 0teve 6ogers" /e (now ou

were sent here % Colonel Phillips"4

25ou!re soldiers34

2 amn right,4 said ugan" 20aved m s(in out there" 0aved all our asses, ou as( me"4

2/e!re here to get ou out,4 said Pegg "

2 et us out34

2/e lost all contact" /e assumed ou were in trou%le"4

2>ugger all, we are,4 said alsworth" 25ou hadn!t shown up, we!d %e dead" /e!ve %een stuc( in

this town for da s"4

2>ut we can!t a%andon our mission now,4 stated >uc( " 2/e!ve found Arnim 9ola" # dra!s top


25ou have confirmation on his location34 as(ed Pegg "

25es,4 answered alsworth" 2/arehouse facilit not far from here" /al(ing distance, %ut there

might still %e enem patrols in the area"4

2/ithout 9ola, # dra!s science division will %e in disarra ,4 e$plained >uc( " 2/e have to get

him" + hope ou have an e$traction plan"4

25es,4 said Pegg " 2Civilian plane not far from here" 'anded in the agricultural fields"4

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2Alright then" /e head for the warehouse" alsworth, ou ta(e point"4

alsworth nodded"

2*he rest of us shadow him and get out of town,4 >uc( continued" 2 o dou%t more raut

patrols will %e headed this wa after all the commotion we raised" /e get to that warehouse, we gra%9ola, and we %oo( it to our plane"4

2 ot it,4 said atalie"

20ounds good to me,4 said ugan"

2*hen move out;4

alsworth too( off first, uic(l descending the stairs" atalie and ugan followed him shortl

after" >efore the left, >uc( loo(ed at 0teve"

2And 0teve34


2 ood to see ou again"4

2'i(ewise, >uc("4


20tand %ac("4

Ever one got %ehind cover at atalie!s suggestion" iving a mischievous grin, she pressed her

detonator, and the steel door e$ploded" ugan and alsworth charged into the room first, followed %

the rest of the team" *he lowered their weapons once the saw what was inside"

2/hat the " " " " hell34

*he room was large and mostl empt " *here were no furnishings, windows or decor outside of

the contraption in the middle" +t was a hospital wheelchair, hoo(ed up to several +Vs and other medical

e uipment" A television screen was also attached to the %ac( of the chair % a metal pole, hanging over

the head of the man sitting in it" *he screen displa ed his heart rate and other medical data"

#e was a tin , old man, with heav wrin(les and liver spots all over" #e had a translucent

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o$ gen mas( over his face, and a %lan(et covering his %od " #is head was hanging down, and his

%reath was audi%l la%oured" *he %eeping of his slow heart rate on the monitor set ever one on edge"

2*his is 9ola34 as(ed atalie"

2'oo(s li(e he!s half in the grave,4 said ugan" 2 ot much left to capture"42+ don!t understand,4 said alsworth" 2+ntel said he was a priorit target" +f he!s d ing " " " "4

2 ools,4 said a computeri.ed voice, with a thic( 0wiss accent"

*he whole team was startled and loo(ed around for a few moments %efore collectivel

the voice was coming from the computer screen, which morphed from the statistics page to a green,

flic(ering image of 9ola!s face" +t was difficult to ma(e out& it loo(ed li(e a ha. circle with glasses"

20impletons" +ncompetents"4

2+s that thing " " " " tal(ing34 as(ed >uc( "

20ounds li(e,4 replied 0teve"

25es, + spea(" + am superior" + am the voice of eternit " + am intelligence immortali.ed" + am

Arnim 9ola"4

Ever one was silent for a few moments" 0teve then stepped forward"

2Ah " " " " " ou are 0teve 6ogers" Ers(ine!s pet pro)ect" 5ou are the u%er soldat" *he one child of

the miracle serum"4

2#ow are ou tal(ing34 as(ed 0teve" 25ou loo( li(e ou!re on our death %ed"4

2/hat ou see %efore ou is m flesh form" /ea(" 6epugnant" +nsignificant" An anti uated

vessel %etra ed % its own frailt " Evolution has deemed it inferior" 8%solete" +t shall soon cease to %e,

and wither awa , li(e all flesh"4

2*his is seriousl out there,4 whispered ugan to alsworth"

2*oo right"4

2>ut if ou die,4 continued 0teve, 2how can ou %e immortal34

25ou fum%le in ignorance& pett tin soldiers" M flesh shall die" M mind however, shall live

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on" Eternal" +mmortal" ever to fade to dust"4

25ou!re cra. ;4 %lurted alsworth"

2+ don!t understand,4 said 0teve"

28f course ou don!t, for ou do not (now the (e to our evolution, as + do" + have spent mentire mortal life see(ing the answers to the plight of death" All flesh is wea(& it lives onl to die" *o

deca " *o wither" +t is a poor vessel for m genius" After decades of research, + finall found a wa to

preserve m mind forever"4


2> tapping into the newl discovered field of c %ernetics and computeri.ation" + have created

the perfect vessel& a s nthesis of mind and machine" o flesh to wither& no cells to deca " A %od of

steel and circuitr " A perfect casing for m eternal consciousness"4

25ou put our %rain in a " " " " a ro%ot34

25our words are simple, %ut our meaning is correct"4

2*hat!s insane" +t!s not possi%le"4

2 or the trul intelligent, nothing is impossi%le"4

2/hat are ou going to do ne$t3 /hat!s our plan34 as(ed Pegg , stepping past 0teve"

2M plan has alwa s %een the same, raulein" *o use m scientific e$pertise to ensure that

# dra shall inherit this Earth"4

2# dra34 as(ed 0teve" 2# dra!s )ust a part of the a.i regime" 5ou serve #itler"4

2+ncorrect" # dra ma have %een founded as a division of the *hird 6eich, %ut li(e m self, we

have evolved" Adolf #itler is a colossal im%ecile who will never %e a%le to accomplish his goals" #e

sa%otages himself and he does not even (now it" Even with our help, he would have lost his foolish

war" # dra predicted this outcome far in advance" *he *hird 6eich shall fall, %ut # dra will live


2 ot if we ta(e ou and the other # dra leaders down"4

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter 7: 6ed ress

*he Colonel sneered as he stared at 0teve and Pegg "

25ou two were rec(less, impulsive, and ou %oth diso%e ed direct orders from a superior officer in war time"4

*he two did not respond, instead waiting with %ated %reath as the Colonel %egan pacing %ac(

and forth in front of them" #is hands were %ehind his %ac("

2<nder normal circumstances, our punishment would %e severe"4

#e then stopped, facing awa from them"

2#owever " " " " these are not normal circumstances"4

Pegg raised an e e%row" *he Colonel turned around and loo(ed directl at 0teve"

2+ said ou werenLt a soldier, 6ogers " " " " and + was wrong" 5ou saved m team" + read their

reports" *he said that if ou hadnLt shown up, the would never have gotten out alive" /ithout our

interference, we would have lost them and the intel the gathered"4

2*han( ou, Colonel"4

*he Colonel then loo(ed at Pegg "

2And ou, Miss Carter " " " " while part of me wants to have ou discharged for what ou did, +

also (now that ou technicall were adhering to the terms of our assignment " " " " and given what ou

two were a%le to accomplish, + am willing to overloo( our indiscretion"4

Pegg nodded"

2>ut (now this, ou two " " " " ou wonLt %e a%le to get awa with this again"4

2+ understand, sir,4 said 0teve" 2+ will pac( up m things and prepare for shipment to the facilit

of our choice"4

2*hat wonLt %e necessar ,4 said the Colonel"


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25ou wonLt get awa with it again, %ecause ouLre officiall %eing enlisted in the armed service"

+ am of the understanding that 0ergeant >arnesL team has ta(en to referring to ou % a nic(name

provided % one of the erman soldiers ou encountered"4

*he Colonel pulled a set of metal identification tags from his %reast poc(et, and tossed them to0teve, who caught them with his left hand"

2Consider ourself drafted, Captain"4

0teve loo(ed down at the dog tag in his hand" +t read 20*EVE 68 E60 CAP*A+


2#ope ou li(e the name, son" +t alread caught on with the administrative %oard"4

0teve felt a smile slowl form on his face as he stared down at the tag"

2+ li(e it )ust fine, sir"4


/earing his finest militar )ac(et, 0teve wal(ed into the %ar" 0everal ta%les of patrons were full,

with the %iggest one in the middle %eing the one he (new he was going to" >uc( , atalie, ugan,

alsworth, Morita and a%e were all present" ugan put his mug in the air upon seeing 0teve"

2#e ever %od , loo( who!s here; Captain America;4

Ever one at the ta%le cheered as 0teve wal(ed up to the ta%le" #e too( a short, moc(ing %ow

%efore sitting down ne$t to >uc( "

2Man of the hour has arrived,4 said >uc( " 2Can!t %elieve m own e es"4

2 ot used to seeing me li(e this34 as(ed 0teve"

25ou (idding3 5ou!ve never %een in a %ar in our life" irst time, and ou!re a cele%rit "4

atalie pulled out a lighter and lit the cigarette %etween her lips"

20omeone get this man a drin(;4 shouted ugan"

2/hat!ll it %e, Cap34 as(ed a%e"

2Ah, non-alcoholic for me, gu s" + don!t drin("4

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2/hat3;4 spurted out Morita, spewing some of his %eer %ac( on the ta%le"

2<se a hand(erchief, ou %ar%arian,4 said alsworth"

2/hat do ou mean, ou don!t drin(3;4 shouted ugan"

2 ot m st le"42*old ou all he!s a damn s uare,4 said >uc( , ta(ing a swig from his %eer %ottle" 2#is fanc

muscles don!t change him none" 0till )ust a pun( from >roo(l n"4

2+ wouldn!t call him that,4 chortled atalie, %lowing out a puff of smo(e"

2+ ma %e a pun( from >roo(l n,4 started 0teve, 2%ut ou!re a pun( from the >ron$" *hin( + got

ou %eat on that one"4

*he rest of the gu s at the ta%le laughed out loud at 0teve!s come%ac(" >uc( loo(ed


2A couple months without me covering his %ac( and he suddenl %ecomes a wise gu "4

28ne of us had to %e"4

>uc( gentl slapped the %ac( of 0teve!s head"

2>ut seriousl , not even one drin(34 as(ed a%e"

2+ meet up with the greatest icon in the free world and he won!t even share a %eer with me;4

elled ugan, slamming his palm down on the ta%le" 2#e!s a fascist, + tell a;4

2/hat do ou want then, 6ogers34 as(ed alsworth" 2Apple )uice3 *ap water34

2/arm mil(34 said Morita, which elicited a laugh from a%e and ugan"

2#a ha, ou gu s are hilarious, %ut actuall , + want " " " "4

0teve stopped spea(ing when he saw that ever one at the ta%le were all loo(ing past him" #e

turned around in his chair to see Pegg wal(ing into the room" 0he was in an elegant, scarlet dress, with

the same hue as her lips" #e felt his mouth hang open slightl at the sight of her"

2Pegg ,4 he finall said"


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Pegg was silent for a moment"

2 ine esta%lishment"4

Pegg loo(ed over at a%e" *here was an empt seat %etween him and 0teve"

2Ma + ta(e a seat34a%e too( a moment to respond"

25eah" 5eah" 0ure" 8f course"4

2*han( ou"4

2*he gang!s all here;4 elled ugan, with a wide grin" 2Another round;4

Pegg turned to 0teve"

20o, did ou en)o finall getting a couple hours awa from me34

2More or less" 0hore leave does that"4


25ou, uh " " " " ou loo( great"4


2#e ever %od ;4 elled Morita" 2 ugan!s song is on;4

Ever one uieted down to listen to the song"

“We'll meet again,

on't kno! !here, don't kno! !hen,

But I kno! !e'll meet again, some sunny day . . . .”

2*his is ugan!s song34 as(ed >uc( "

2#ell eah it is;4 shouted ugan" 2 eep smiling through, )ust li(e ou alwa s do " " " "4


Pegg was washing her hands in the sin( of the women!s washroom when atalie wal(ed out of

one of the stalls and too( the sin( ne$t to her"

2Private 'orraine"4

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2Awh come on, don!t give me that" Call me atalie"4

28(a , atalie" uess it!s onl fair ou call me Pegg "4

25ou (now, + hope ou (now that + reall appreciate what ou did for us" 0aving our lives"4

Pegg and atalie turned to face each other"2=ust doing m )o%" /e!re all in this together"4

2+ hope so" #eard the Colonel!s thin(ing of putting us all %ac( in action as a team" /ould %e

good to get %ac( in the field again with people + can trust"4


2And having the Captain with us will %e a %onus"4

25ou thin( so34

28f course" 5ou!ve seen him in action more than + have" #e!s incredi%le in com%at " " " " and the

view ain!t that %ad either"4

Pegg gave a soft chuc(le"

2An intentions there, Private34

2 ah" #e loo(s good, %ut + dou%t he!s m t pe" >esides " " " " + heard he!s alread sweet on



0ome time later, at their own private ta%le, Pegg chuc(led as 0teve finished chugging his Co(e

%ottle and slammed it %ac( down ne$t to the empt plate" #e raised an e e%row at her"

2/hat!s so funn 34

25ou seem awfull pleased with ourself"4

25ou have no idea how happ + am to %e a%le to finish a sandwich"4

2+ have some idea" + did witness our last pitiful attempt"4

0he laughed again, placing a hand over her mouth as she did" 0teve shoo( his head, %ut couldn!t

help %ut smile" Eventuall he gave up and allowed himself to laugh as well"

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2'oo(, + was scrawn %ac( then, o(a 34 pleaded 0teve" 2+!ve alwa s had confidence issues

a%out that sort of thing" Can!t wait to go %ac( to 6on!s" #e!ll have a field da when he sees me now"4

2+!ll )ust %et" Pro%a%l won!t %elieve it"4

2Pro%a%l not" #ell, he!ll %e li(e " " " "40teve put on a deep, throat accent"

2/hadda a mean, ou!re 0teve3 /hat ou done with m %o , a ellow sac( of trash3 +!ll

clo%%er a four wa s from 0unda , pun(;4

Pegg e es pinched shut as she let out a loud giggle" After she was done, the two )ust sat in

silence for several minutes, not loo(ing at each other" 0teve then turned his head %ac( to her"

2#e "4

Pegg slowl met his ga.e"


2/hen this is over, ou (now, ma %e ou and + " " " " ma %e we can go %ac(" *o 6on!s, + mean"

#ave a proper meal together" Minus the sp ing"4


2/hat do ou sa 34

Pegg loo(ed awa for a moment %efore loo(ing %ac("

2+, um " " " " can!t ma(e an promises a%out that, 6ogers"4

0teve leaned forward and placed his hands together on the ta%le"

25ou!ve said that %efore" /hat!s with this polic of ours3 /here did it come from34

Pegg sat %ac( in her chair, folding her arms"

2M line of wor(, it uh " " " " it ma(es sense, + suppose" +!m alwa s on assignment" + don!t alwa s

end up on one thing for as long as this" 0ometimes + change location" 0ometimes even personas" +!ve

%een undercover %efore" +!ve seen enough of this life to (now that, once ou start ma(ing promises, it

means ou!ve %ecome attached"4

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0teve narrowed his e es in concern"

2Can!t afford to %ecome attached in this )o%, 0teve" o attachments means our )udgement

doesn!t ha. when the chips are down" Means it!s eas to let go when the higher ups send ou

somewhere else" +t!s )ust the )o%"40teve shoo( his head"

2+ don!t %u it" 5ou tr hard to hide it, %ut " " " " +!ve seen ou laugh" 0een ou smile" /hen + met

ou, + didn!t thin( ou were capa%le of either"4

2/e all have our surprises, 6ogers" 0ome more than others"4

2>een surprised % me34

2Ma %e once or twice"4

2/ell, here!s one for ou" Care to dance34

Pegg loo(ed at 0teve with startled e es"

2/e!re on shore leave,4 reasoned 0teve"

26ogers " " " "4

2Come on" =ust one dance" /ho (nows3 5ou might come awa surprised again"4

0teve held out his hand, with a somewhat dor( smile on his face" Pegg loo(ed at it for a few

moments %efore meeting his ga.e again"


2+t!s all + as(ed for"4

Pegg sighed and too( 0teve!s hand" *he got on to the dance floor as the group from earlier

watched" ugan let out a howl"

2 uit our howling, ugan,4 scolded a%e" 25ou sound li(e a fo$ with %ronchitis"4

2Ahh, shut up, =ones;4

0teve and Pegg got into a formal dancing stance as the song started" 0everal other couples

were also on the dance floor"

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“If I didn't care,

ore than !ords can say,

If I didn't care,

Would I feel this !ay? If this isn't love, then !hy do I thrill?

&nd !hat makes my head

-o 'round and 'round

While my heart stands still?”

0teve led the dance, maintaining stead footwor(" As the dance went on, more and more of the

%ar %egan o%serving them" >uc( silentl nodded as he happil watched his friend"

“If I didn't care

Would it "e the same?

Would my every prayer

Begin and end !ith ust your name?

&nd !ould I "e sure that this

Is love "eyond compare?

Would all this "e true

If I didn't care for you?”

At the ver end of the dance, 0teve reached out and dipped Pegg , which caused the entire %ar

to erupt into applause" As he %rought her %ac( up to her feet, he loo(ed into her e es again"

2/e all have our surprises, right34

Pegg didn!t need to answer" #er smile said it all"

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter K: *aming of the 0hrew

Clutching the silver, metal lighter in her right hand, /hitford flic(ed it open and lit up the

cigarette she was holding to her mouth" Placing the lighter %ac( in her %reast poc(et, she too( a fewmoments to en)o a deep drag %efore pulling the cigarette out from %etween her lips with her inde$ and

middle fingers on her left hand"

/hitford turned to Pegg , who was staring at the files and images in front of her"

20o that!s where the name came from34

25eah" a%e!s idea" #e said ugan was alwa s howling li(e an idiot, so wh not call ourselves

that3 *he #owling Commandos"4

2#ow )uvenile"4

Pegg scoffed, %ut otherwise did not respond" After a couple minutes of silence, /hitford spo(e


2+ was reviewing the mission reports from the various ops our team performed" + was " " " " less

than impressed"4

2*he administrative %oard seemed to thin( otherwise"4

2+!m not the administrative %oard"4

26ight" 5ou!re )ust their %itch"4

/hitford responded % ta(ing another drag" 0he then pic(ed up one of the files and perused its


25ou were tas(ed with %ringing down # dra34

25es" /e resumed the mission that the Colonel had %een underta(ing while 0te " " " " Captain

6ogers, was in training" #unting down and attempting to capture the mem%ers of # dra!s high


2+t sa s here that our mission to capture >aron von 0truc(er was a failure" #e got awa 34

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2And that during our raid on Castle 9emo, the Captain accidentall (illed the >aron %

(noc(ing him into a vat of e$perimental chemicals"4

25es"42And that " " " "4

2/hat are ou getting at34 snapped Pegg "

/hitford slammed the file %ac( on the ta%le"

2/hat +!m getting at is that it was our mission to %ring them in alive,4 scolded /hitford,

pointing a finger in Pegg !s face" 2+ncluding 9ola, our team failed in ever attempt" Ever one was so

willing to dump praise on the Commandos %ecause the made good press for the newsreels" *hat!s

what ou were" A good stor "4

Pegg glared at /hitford, who started to pace around the ta%le"

2+t was so eas to put the Captain and his team of inspiring soldiers on the covers of maga.ines"

5ou sold war %onds" 'engthened recruitment lines" ave the men and women %ac( home someone to

root for& someone ou (new was out there protecting them from the 6eich" ood for propaganda3 5es"

ept the populace from panic(ing3 0ure" >ut actuall getting things done3 ot so much"

2/e did the %est we could; 5ou sa ou read the mission reports3 *hen ou should have seen

that each time, we were faced with circumstances we couldn!t control;4

2*ell me " " " " what happened here34

/hitford placed her finger on one of the mission files" Pegg loo(ed at it and saw that it

included images of a train railwa affi$ed to the side of a mountain" #er e es widened upon

what file it was"

2*he 0al.(ammergut op"4

2 o on"4

Pegg gulped %efore continuing"

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2/e were on the trail of Madame # dra, who was overseeing transport of vital materials for the

0(ull" 0he was using a train that ran through the orthern 'imestone Alps" /e caught up with her train

in Austria, near the town of " " " " #allstatt" /e thought we could stop her"4

2And what happened342/e learned what # dra was trul capa%le of"4


“*O O/ 0I11 23 *%# 4 *O1 I 4++++”

8phelia!s shrie(ing voice sounded over the train!s loudspea(er, tearing through 0teve!s

eardrums" As he (ic(ed awa another # dra soldier, he tried to drown it out" Pegg shot the last soldier

in the cart the were in"

2 uite the charmer, isn!t she34 as(ed Pegg "

25eah" A real girl ne$t door t pe"4

2/ith )ust a dash of fascism and megalomania,4 chided Morita"

*he train the were on was roc(eting down the wooden trac(s of a railwa attached to the side

of a mountain range" =agged, snow-covered roc(s provided the support for the trac(s" *he mountains

made up the left side, while the right gave wa to a large valle composed of a frosted forest and fro.en


0teve approached the door at the end of the cart and smashed it open with his shield" #e loo(ed

into the ne$t cart to see a # dra soldier firing her roc(et launcher directl at him"

2 et %ac(;4

0teve held his shield up in front of him to a%sor% the roc(et %last" *he e$plosion )ostled the

carts, %ut the sta ed on the trac(s" >efore she could reload her roc(et launcher, 0teve threw his shield,

stri(ing her in the torso and (noc(ing her out" 0teve leaped into the forward cart, followed % Pegg ,

a%e and Morita"

0teve turned to Morita"

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2/here!s at34

Morita pulled a radio transceiver from his pac( and held it to his ear"

2 at, ou there3 at3 /hat!s our status34

Ever one then heard an e$plosion from %ehind them"2 one;4 elled atalie through the transceiver" 2#eading for the roof now;4

2 ot it"4

2 ood,4 said a%e" 2*hose lost supplies will %e a %ig set%ac( for the 0(ull"4

2/e!re not done et,4 said 0teve" 2/e still have our charismatic host to deal with"4

2+n front;4 shouted Pegg "

Ever one loo(ed forward to see more # dra soldiers approaching from the ne$t cart, getting

into defensive positions" As the did, a helicopter with a # dra insignia on it flew up to the side of the

train" 8ne of the # dra soldiers pointed at it"

2#a ha;4 she elled" 25ou!re finished, u%er soldat;4

*he helicopter then turned towards the carts, aiming at the # dra soldiers" *he %arel had time

to react %efore the helicopter opened fire with its twin machine guns, ripping apart the soldiers" *he

ones who weren!t immediatel torn to shreds scram%led, %ut were too surprised to move uic( enough

to escape the onslaught of %ullets"

8nce ever one in the cart was dead, Morita!s transceiver sounded"

25ou!re all clear,4 said ugan"

2 ood wor(,4 replied Morita" 25ou got at34

2+!m here;4 elled at"

2Congratulations ugan,4 said alsworth, who was sitting in the passenger seat" 25ou managed

to pilot this thing and not get us (illed after all"4

2*old ou, Mont " + can pilot an thing that moves"4

0teve spo(e into the transceiver"

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2 eep us covered" /e!re moving up"4

25ou got it, Cap,4 said >uc( "

0teve loo(ed up at the helicopter to see the side door open" >uc( was crouched ne$t to it,

holding his sniper rifle" 0teve!s team then moved forward, getting through the cleared cart" /hen theopened the door at the end of it, the saw that the ne$t cart was a flat, open wagon, with several suppl

pac(ages fastened to the floor" *he trudged forward, slowed down % the wind"

As the reached the middle of the wagon, more # dra soldiers poured out of the door of the

ne$t cart, which was the engine locomotive" *he one leading the pac( charged forward %efore her head

suddenl e$ploded into a mess of flesh chun(s" *he other soldiers duc(ed %ehind the near% crate to

avoid the sniper fire"

Crouching %ehind a suppl crate, Morita fired a %urst from his machine gun, putting four %ullets

in the side of another soldier" 0tunned % the shots, he toppled over and fell off the edge of the train"

8ne of the other # dra soldiers then shot at a%e, hitting him in the leg"


Morita!s e es widened"

2 a%e;4

Pegg fired at the soldier who shot a%e, forcing him to ta(e cover" Morita pulled a%e %ehind

the crate and loo(ed at the %ullet wound"

2Agh,4 moaned a%e" 20on of a %itch"4

2Cap, he!s wounded %ad,4 said Morita" 2/e need to get him to alsworth; Patch this up"4

0teve nodded"

2 et him out of here; /e can ta(e care of this;4

Morita waved at the helicopter, and ugan swerved over, lining up the open window with the

floor of the flat wagon" >uc( gunned down another soldier to provide cover for Morita, who helped

a%e onto the helicopter" =ust as the were getting on, another # dra soldier aimed her roc(et launcher

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at the helicopter"

2 ugan;4 elled >uc( " 2Move;4

ugan swerved the helicopter awa from the train )ust in time to dodge the roc(et" 0teve then

vaulted himself over a crate and (ic(ed the soldier in the chest with %oth feet, rendering herunconscious"

2M<0* + 8 EVE65*#+ M50E' 3;4

*he shrill cr of 8phelia!s voice over the loudspea(er was followed % the roof of the engine

locomotive opening" A missile launching platform e$ited the roof, and aimed a white missile into the

s( " 0teve and Pegg watched with wide e es as the missile targeted, not the helicopter, %ut a village in

the near% valle "

2+ hope ou en)o the deaths of all those helpless civilians on our conscience, #err Captain;4

2 o;4 elled 0teve"

*he missile fired, leaving a trail of e$haust as it roc(eted through the s( " 0teve and Pegg

helplessl watched as the missile landed on the village, erupting in a crimson, mist-li(e e$plosion"

0cowling, Pegg ran up to the door of the engine" 0hooting the handle, she then (ic(ed the door in and

%urst inside, followed % 0teve"

*he inside of the train engine had an elevated platform, where the locomotive engineer was

sitting" 8phelia stood %ehind her, turning around when 0teve and Pegg entered the engine"

2+ told ou to sta out of this when we first met, Captain" 5our show%oat heroics have done

nothing %ut %ring a%out our own destruction" 5ou thin( ourself courageous3 5ou!re nothing %ut the

dead dream of a traitor with a s ringe;4

2And ou!re nothing %ut a common murderer,4 replied 0teve" 2/illing to slaughter innocent

people for no reason other than our pett am%itions"4

8phelia sneered %efore loo(ing %ac( at the locomotive engineer"

2 eep us on schedule, a%rielle" +!ll deal with this"4

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25es, ma!am"4

8phelia flipped over the railing of the elevated platform, landing in a three point pose" Pegg

aimed her pistol and fired, %ut 8phelia dodged the shot and threw out a dagger from her %elt, (noc(ing

the gun out of Pegg !s hand" 0he then flipped forward and performed a cartwheel (ic(, connecting withPegg !s chest and sending her fl ing %ac(wards" 0he smashed against the %ac( wall of the engine cart

and slumped to the floor"

0teve )utted forward with his shield, %ut 8phelia gra%%ed it with one hand and slashed over it

with a (nife in the other" #e duc(ed under the slash and pulled the shield %ac( with %oth hands, ripping

it out of her grasp %efore charging with it, slamming into her ri%cage"

8phelia withdrew a step, pulling out another %lade so that she had one in each hand" 0he then

lashed out with a vicious com%ination attac(, %rea(ing 0teve!s guard with the impact of her repeated

%lows" 0licing upwards along his chest with one of her %lades, she then put all of her weight into a front

(ic(, connecting with his stomach"

0teve reeled %ac(wards from the force of the (ic(, dropping his shield" 8phelia pressed her

advantage % following with a (nee to the chest, %ut 0teve had recovered enough to counter with an

el%ow to her face" #e then punched her in the ovaries, stunning her, %efore following up with another

punch to the )aw"

8phelia flipped %ac(wards to roll with the %low, landing on her feet and uic(l pulling out her

twin lugers" 0teve was )ust fast enough to pic( up his shield and deflect the %arrage of %ullets" *he

deflected %ullets %ounced around the engine compartment, with one of them hitting a%rielle in the

heart, (illing her instantl " As she slumped over, more deflected %ullets hit her instruments, )ostling the

entire train"

*he sound of crunching metal and %uc(ling %olts pla ed over 0teve and 8phelia struggling to

(eep their footing" A fire at the front of the engine %ro(e out, and the steam coming from the train!s

smo(e stac( whistled loudl as the heat grew" 0teve too( the initiative to roundhouse (ic( 8phelia in

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the face while she was distracted, (noc(ing her to the ground"

As 0teve recovered from his attac(, he noticed a map attached to the wall of the engine ca%in" +t

was a world map, with several # dra s m%ols on it" #e too( note of all of them, %efore noticing one in

a location he wasn!t e$pecting" Another e$plosion then shoo( him %ac( into the present moment" #eloo(ed over at Pegg , who was still unconscious"

8phelia pushed herself off the floor, wiping some %lood from her mouth"

25ou can!t stop it, Captain" Cut off one head, and two more shall ta(e its place;4

0teve scoffed"

20o ou (eep sa ing" *he 0(ull is ne$t"4

25ou cannot hope to defeat the 6ed 0(ull, ou pompous fool; #e is power itself;4

2/e!ll see"4

0teve hit her across the face with the %ac( of his fist"

2*hat was for Ers(ine;4

#e then smashed her in the stomach with the ridge of his shield"

2*hat was for those villagers;4

ra%%ing her right arm, he struc( the %ac( of her el%ow with his palm" 0he shrie(ed in agon as

the %one )oint e$ploded inside her arm"

2*hat was for Pegg ;4

0teve allowed 8phelia to stum%le %ac(wards a couple of steps as he drew %ac( his fist for a

ha ma(er"

2And this one!s for me;4

0teve put all of his power into the final punch, colliding with the centre of 8phelia!s face" *he

force of the %low sent her fl ing out the window of the engine, shattering the glass" 8phelia let out a

long scream as she fell out of sight"

*a(ing a moment to %reathe, 0teve then rushed over to Pegg , gra%%ing her with %oth arms and

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helping her to her feet"


Pegg didn!t respond"

2C!mon, Pegg " 0ta with me" Pegg ;4Another loud e$plosion roc(ed the engine, and 0teve felt the trac(s give wa underneath the

train" #e uic(l wrapped himself around Pegg and held her tightl as the entire train toppled" >uc(

let out a scream as he could do nothing %ut watch the train fall off the trac(s and crash into the forest


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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter ?: >loodhounds

2<gh " " " "4

*he heat coming from the near% fire startled 0teve awa(e" Pushing himself into a seated position on the ground, he wiped his e es and waited a few moments for his %lurred vision to realign

itself" ra%%ing his shield off the ground %eside him, he placed it in the holster on his %ac("

2Ergh " " " "4

0teve %rushed awa some of the leaves and twigs around his legs as his vision returned to him"

A horde of frosted trees surrounded him, with c an mist shrouding his view %e ond a few do.en metres

in ever direction" As he stood up, his feet crunched into the faint la er of snow atop the dirt %eneath

his %oots"

eeling pain in all of his ma)or muscles, 0teve pushed it out of his mind as he turned to face the

source of the heat" *he smouldering wrec( of the train was utterl still, with several small fires %urning

in various places along it" #undreds of pieces of twisted metal and shredded wood were strewn a%out

the wrec(age"

0teve scanned his e es around the wrec( until he saw what he was loo(ing for"

2Pegg "4

#e rushed up to Pegg , crouching ne$t to her motionless %od " #er head was slumped forward&

her %ac( pressed against one of the pieces of the train" #er arms la limp at her side, and her

dishevelled hair had several leaves in it" 0teve frowned as he loo(ed at her"

*hen he gasped when he loo(ed at her pelvis"

2 o " " " " no " " " "4

A long, thin %ranch had punctured her stomach area, with part of it )utting through her clothing"

A small %lotch of %lood had soa(ed the cloth surrounding the wound" 0teve instinctivel reached for

the %ranch, %ut stopped himself %efore he touched it"

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2Pegg " " " "4

or a few minutes, he )ust watched her, silentl hoping she would wa(e on her own"

2Pegg " " " "4

0ighing, he let his head lower" #e closed his e es, %ut the tears still managed to slip through hise elids" #e then reached out and wrapped his arms around her head, %ur ing his face in her shoulder"

2Pegg " " " " ou!re o(a " " " " - ou!re " " " " ou!re " " " " dammit " " " " damn it " " " "4

'etting himself go, he %ro(e into a full on so% as the onslaught of tears drenched her %lue coat"

25ou were supposed to %-%e o(a ; /e were supposed to " " " " we were gonna " " " " we were " " " "

we were g-gonna %e " " " " %e o(a " " " " %e o(a " " " " + was gonna " " " " g-gonna " " " " we were gonna go

%ac(" 6ight3 6emem%er3 5ou and me; =ust us " " " " %ac( " " " " %ac( to the " " " " to the s-sandwich shop"

6emem%er3 *ell me ou remem%er, Pegg " " " " tell me " " " " t-tell " " " "4

#is %od shivered as he finall felt the chilled air %rush against his s(in" #e then went silent and

)ust %reathed for few moments, until he heard something he wasn!t e$pecting"

2+!ll tell ou something, 6ogers " " " "4

0teve withdrew himself as he watched Pegg wa(e up" #e couldn!t help %ut smile widel as she

loo(ed directl into his e es"

25ou!re the %iggest dor( +!ve ever met"4


0upporting Pegg Ls weight with his right arm wrapped around her shoulders, 0teve trudged

forward, awa from the wrec(age of the train" *heir progress was slow and deli%erate, with Pegg

fre uentl cringing and wincing as she slowl %led from her wound" 0teve loo(ed down at the %ranch

with concern, %ut did not mention it"

or a few long minutes, the wal(ed together in silence" A thin, slow patter of snowfla(es fell

around them" 0teve watched the paths that some of the fla(es too(& the serenel floated downward

with the gentle %ree.e of the wind"

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2<rgh " " " "4

#er e es closed, Pegg %egan slipping out of 0teveLs grasp, her legs going limp" 0teve uic(l

ad)usted his arm to stop her from falling, lifting her %ac( up" #er head rolled to the side as she

la%oriousl %reathed" #er e es then %urst open and she started h perventilating"2#e , he ;4

Pegg turned her nec( to loo( at 0teve"

2Come on" 0ta with me, Pegg " 5ouLll " " " " we!ll %e fine"4

After staring at him for a few seconds, Pegg Ls %reathed slowed to its normal rate" 0he %lin(ed a

couple of times and then shoo( her head"

20teve " " " " agh " " " "4

Pegg put her free hand on her forehead"

2Ever thingLs spinning " " " " ah, dammit " " " "4

2 onLt worr a%out that" +!ve got ou" 'et!s )ust focus on the ne$t few metres"4

*he resumed their wal(, with Pegg repeatedl %lin(ing and sha(ing her head to force herself

to sta awa(e" As the continued, 0teve felt as if for a %rief moment, there was another presence" #e

even thought he faintl heard a sniffing sound from some manner of creature, %ut he scanned the area

around them and saw no movement"

2*-*his is " " " " em%arrassing,4 said Pegg "

2#ow so34

2+ was s-supposed to protect ou " " " " ugh, agh " " " " not the other wa around"4

0teve let out a soft chuc(le as the wal(ed into a clearing area, which was devoid of trees for

a%out fifteen metres all around"

2'oo( at it this wa " " " " we!re %onding over a shared e$perience" o reason + can!t help ou out

of a )am from time to time" >esides, ou!re still hanging around me, right3 =ust more literal now"4

2#ard har har-agh;4

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Pegg cringed and gra%%ed at her leg" 0teve stopped and turned his head to see if he could

identif the pro%lem, when suddenl Pegg !s e es widened and she reached for the holster on 0teve!s

leg" Pulling out his pistol, she fired three uic( shots past his head"

2/hat the " " " ";40teve turned around to see a creature fl %ac(wards at the force of Pegg !s shots" +t crashed

against a tree and slumped to the ground, dead" 0teve narrowed his e es as he surve ed the creature" +t

was humanoid, %ut onl )ust" 'arge parts of its s(eleton were visi%le, with serrated %ones protruding

from the )oints" +t had no s(in& rather, all of the flesh and musculature was perfectl visi%le, with some

sections charred and %loodied"

2/hat is this " " " " thing34 as(ed 0teve"

2*rou%le,4 replied Pegg "

0teve then loo(ed forward to see three more of the creatures approaching" *he were close to

the ground, stal(ing on all fours, growling as the did so" *heir faces had *-shaped slits where their

mouths should have %een, with four %lade-li(e teeth on each side" Each creature also had shriveled

%lac( e es, with %rightl glowing red pupils"

2Put me down,4 ordered Pegg "


2 o it;4

0teve let Pegg down to the ground gentl , not ta(ing his e es off the creatures" 0he sat down

on her side, her legs outstretched to the right" Pistol in hand, she too( aim at the closest creature" 0teve

then too( a step forward, holding his shield in front of him" 8ne of the creatures loo(ed directl into his

e es while it salivated %lood"

0uddenl , the creature pounced forward, shrie(ing as it did so" *he power of its legs was

stri(ing& it was a%le to clear the nearl ten metres %etween it and 0teve with seemingl little effort"

0teve )utted his shield forward, and the creature latched onto it with its claws" 0tretching its nec(, it

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter 1I: #istor <nfolds

0teve watched in terror as the missile struc( the cit " *he sheer force of the e$plosion

annihilated several %uildings, %ut rather than causing a %all of fire as e$pected, it was instead a crimson,mist-li(e mushroom cloud" *he mist uic(l enveloped the streets, cho(ing the air and engulfing

hundreds of pedestrians"

*he %egan shrie(ing and screaming in a%)ect agon as their %odies twisted and writhed" /ithin

seconds, steam %egan coming off of them as their flesh %oiled" *heir s(in started to melt and fla into

strips of roasted flesh that peeled off as the were coo(ed from the inside out" Man of the people fell

to the floor as s(inless corpses"

8thers started to mutate into the creatures he had faced earlier" *he ones that had changed

started to growl and pounce on the other %odies, %iting and tearing into them" >lood uic(l filled the

streets as the creatures rushed from one corpse to the ne$t" 0teve cringed upon seeing that one of the

creatures running along the street was onl a%out a metre tall"

8ne woman who had changed then turned to the screen and pounced at it %efore the video feed

cut out"

*he screen then changed to a taping of the 6ed 0(ull sitting at his des("

2/hat ou )ust witnessed was a recording of a C>V-K? missile stri(ing the heart of >erlin"4

0teve, Pegg , the Colonel, #oward, the rest of the Commandos and several other militar

officials were all standing in the room together, watching the video from a pro)ector screen"

2+ want this to %e a declaration to the world" # dra is no longer a part of the *hird 6eich" /e

are the true masters now" + am in possession of two do.en missiles loaded with the Corrupted >lood

Virus, read to fire on enem capitals all around the glo%e"4

Pegg loo(ed over at 0teve, %ut he did not turn to her" #is narrowed e es were focused on


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2*he new world order has finall arrived" 'eaders of the old world " " " " ou have a choice"

0wear und ing lo alt to the will of # dra for all eternit " " " " or watch our people %urn" 5ou have

sevent -two hours to decide"4

0teve sneered as 0chmidt held up a gloved fist"2#ail # dra;4

*he pro)ector stopped pla ing" Ever one was silent for a few moments, until the Colonel turned


2*hat was timestamped and sent out nineteen hours ago"4

#e let his words sin( in for a moment %efore continuing"

2*his is it, people" *his is the end of da s" /e don!t find the 0(ull %efore his deadline " " " " it!s

over" Millions die, and the world changes forever"4


25es, Captain34

2+ (now where he is"4

0teve loo(ed down at the map on the ta%le, gra%%ing a felt tip mar(er from a pen container" #e

mar(ed an H in the middle of the Arctic Circle" Ever one loo(ed at it"

25ou sure a%out that34 as(ed #oward"

25es" 8n Madame # dra!s train, there was a map with # dra logos on it" + recogni.ed some of

the locations as # dra %ases that we (now a%out or have attac(ed" *he onl one that + didn!t (now of

was right there" *he Arctic Circle"4

a%e shoo( his head"

2Can!t %e" #ow the hell do ou %uild a %ase up there34

2# dra!s alread %een a%le to snea( onto English soil undetected and create a %iological weapon

that turns people into monsters,4 said Pegg " 2/ho!s to sa the can!t %uild a %ase in the Arctic34

2+t would %e the perfect defense,4 said >uc( " 2Most conventional e uipment would %e

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rendered useless )ust tr ing to get there, let alone attac("4

0teve leaned on the ta%le, putting %oth of his fists on it"

2*here has to %e a wa " /e can!t )ust sit here and let the 0(ull win" *he Colonel!s right" *his is

it" Ever thing!s %uilt up to this moment" +n two da s, either # dra is defeated " " " " or the free worlddoesn!t e$ist an more"4

Ever one started %reathing a %it slower as the listened intentl to 0teve"

2*he 0(ull won!t stop here" #e!d rather destro the entire planet than let an one escape his rule"

#e!s drawn the ultimatum, and if we fail to meet it " " " " then ever thing we!ve ever done, ever thing

we!ve ever %een, ever thing we!ve ever fought for " " " " it!ll have never mattered" 0o toda , we ta(e a

stand " " " " it!s all we can do" After that, we!ll see how histor unfolds"4

2>ut 0teve " " " " how do we stop him34 as(ed >uc( " 2/e can!t move an arm there in time"4

2 ot an arm ,4 replied 0teve" 2A team"4

2=ust the Commandos34

25es" 8ne plane" 'aunched from an aircraft carrier close to the co-ordinates" ugan can pilot it,

and we airdrop in" All we have to do is ta(e down the missile silos, and the 0(ull!s threat is over"4

*he Colonel shoo( his head"

2+ don!t li(e it " " " " %ut + don!t see another option"4

20teve,4 said >uc( "


2+t!s a suicide mission if we go in there" 5ou (now that, right34

0teve too( in a %reath %efore responding"

2+t!s a suicide mission if we don!t"4


0teve, in his civilian clothes, found himself pacing around his room" #e was holding a file in his

hand that read !8peration 0nowfall!" Ever once in a while he would stop and sigh, or scratch his head,

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%ut he alwa s returned to the pacing after a few moments" After doing this for a while, he heard a

(noc( at the door"

2+t!s open"4

Pegg opened the door and wal(ed into the room, closing it %ehind her" 0teve put the file downon the %edside ta%le, ne$t to the record pla er" #e gave her a %rief loo(" 0he was wearing her %rown


2#e "4

2#e "4

2Can!t sleep34

2 o"4

2Me neither"4

Pegg leaned against the door, folding her arms"

20hip!s captain sa s we!ll %e at launching range in four hours"4

28h" #uh"4



2'oo( at me"4

0teve turned to loo( at Pegg %ut then uic(l turned around"

2/hat34 she said" 2 ot good enough for ou an more3 0hould + get one of those 5an( tarts in


2 o " " " " no, that!s not it"4

2*hen what is it34

2+, um " " " "4

0teve sighed rather than finish his sentence"

20teve3 + can leave, if ou want"4

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2 o, don!t " " " "4

2*hen tal( to me, dammit"4

0teve finall turned around and faced her"

2/hat!s %othering ou342+ " " " " + don!t (now if + want ou on this mission"4


2 ot that + don!t want ou with us, it!s )ust " " " "4

28h, don!t give me this crap" *he doctor cleared me" +!m fine"4

2+ (now, %ut " " " "4

2>ut what3;4

2+ saw ou " " " " + saw ou when ou were unconscious from the fall" + saw ou there, %leeding"4

Pegg felt the lines around her e es softening"

2And + didn!t (now what to do" + )ust stood there" All m training, the serum " " " " it couldn!t

help" + couldn!t do a damn thing to save ou" All + could do was hope" #ope ou would %e o(a " #ope

that + " " " " that ou!d %e o(a " + )ust don!t want to %e in that position again"4

2And what a%out what + want, 0teve3 oes that factor in at all34

2/hat3 8f course " " " "4

2>ecause ou (now what + don!t want3 + don!t want to %e stuc( on the sidelines" + don!t want to

have to tell people that + stood aside while the most important %attle of m life happened without me"

Most of all, + don!t want to have someone else tell me to a%andon m dut "4

0teve %it the inside of his lip"

2Even if he is a surprisingl good dancer"4

0teve and Pegg shared a short laugh"

25ou!re right,4 said 0teve" 2*hat was )ust " " " " forget it" + want ou with me, here, now" + want " "

" " the people + can trust" *he people + care a%out"4

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Pegg tilted her head" 0teve reached out and slowl grasped her hands in his"

2And + want them to (now it"4

Pegg gulped and let a tear fall down her chee( %efore giving him a smir("

2+!m prett sure this isn!t in m )o% description"42*hen it!s a good thing we!re not on the cloc( for another four hours"4

Pegg chuc(led while wiping the tear from her face" 0teve then let go of her hands and reached

into his poc(et"

2+ got something for ou"4

Pegg raised an e e%row"

28h, reall 34

0teve gra%%ed something in his poc(et, %ut didn!t pull it out"

2/hat is it34

2+ can!t tell ou et" >efore + hand it over, ou have to ma(e me a promise"4

Pegg folded her arms"

2 on!t open it until we get %ac("4

0teve smiled"


0ighing, Pegg loo(ed down with saddened e es, slowl sha(ing her head"

2+ told ou + don!t li(e to ma(e promises"4

0teve too( a step forward, (eeping up his smile" #e then reached out with his free hand and put

it under her chin" #e gentl pushed it up so that their e es were on the same level"

2Please" =ust this once"4

Pegg slowl %lin(ed, her e es wavering" 0teve lowered his hand from her chin as he patientl

waited for her response" After a long period of silence, she finall %ro(e it"

28(a "4

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0teve pulled his hand from his poc(et and held it out, clenched in a fist" Pegg reached out with

her hand and held it open" 0teve opened his palm, and the item dropped into her hand" #er e es

widened upon seeing what it was"

+t was a silver, circular loc(et that was latched shut" +t was four centimetres in diameter, with aset of thin chains attached to a tin , round hoo( at the top, wrapping themselves around her fingers"

*he felt li(e small strands of sil( li uid, flowing and tracing themselves along the rivets of her s(in"

Cradling the loc(et with a curved palm, she pressed the inside of her thum% against its smooth surface,

ru%%ing it %ac( and forth"

2/here did ou get this34

2'ittle (nic(-(nac( shop + found while we were on shore leave"4

Pegg (ept her ga.e fi$ated on the loc(et" #is hands in his poc(ets, 0teve %o%%ed %ac( and


2'i(e it34

2+t!s, uh " " " " it!s %eautiful"4

2*hought so too"4

Pegg (ept staring at it"

2#ere, +!ll help ou put it on"4

Pegg loo(ed up at 0teve and nodded as he too( the loc(et from her hand and wrapped the

metal strands around her nec(" *he sil( strands were cold %ut calming at the touch" 0teve secured the

hoo( and let go, standing %ac(" Pegg loo(ed down at it as the loc(et rested a%ove her %reasts"

28h, + almost forgot" +, heh " " " " + got something else for us"4

0teve wal(ed over to the %edside ta%le and opened the drawer on it" Pegg watched him as he

pulled a %lac( vin l record from the drawer %efore facing her and smiling"

28ur song"4


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0teve nodded and then placed the record on the pla er" #e waited a couple of moments as the

record %egan spinning, and a familiar song started to pla "

“If I didn't care,

ore than !ords can say . . . .”Pegg smiled as 0teve turned around and strolled over to her" #e held out his hand, and she

too( it" *he then slowl danced on the spot, ta(ing tin steps side to side" As the dance went on,

Pegg closed her e es %efore leaning in and resting her head against 0teve!s nec(" #e responded in

(ind % leaning against her"

2 &nd !ould I "e sure that this,

Is love "eyond compare?

Would all this "e true,

If I didn't care for you?”

After the record stopped, 0teve sat down on the %ed, still holding Pegg !s hand" 0he sat down

ne$t to him, %ut her e es were loo(ing at the floor" #e (ept his e es on her" Eventuall she met his ga.e

and the smiled at each other %efore moving closer" *he %oth closed their e es, and then pressed their

foreheads together"

or a long time, the sat together in silence"


#oward watched as the Commandos piled onto the plane" >uc( and Pegg were the last ones

to get on"

2*a(e off in three;4 shouted ugan from the pilot!s seat"

0teve wal(ed up to #oward, latching on his helmet" #oward had his arms folded, and loo(ed

out to the ocean over the edge of the aircraft carrier" 0teve tapped him on the shoulder"

2#e "4

2#e , 0teve"4

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2'ast minute upgrades34

25eah" #ad to ma(e sure she was as primed as possi%le if ou gu s are gonna have an chance

of pulling this off"4

2*han(s"42Eh" =ust ma(e sure ou don!t forget me when ou all get mountains of medals for this, alright34

25ou thin( we!ll do it34

#oward nodded"

2 amn right"4

2/h so confident34

2>ecause + (now if ou don!t save the world, + can onl imagine how mad Pegg will get"4

0teve and #oward %oth laughed for a moment"

25eah,4 replied 0teve" 2+ thin( +!d rather face that whole # dra %ase alone than have her %e mad

at me"4

2And that!s wh ou!ll win"4

2*han(s, #oward " " " " for %elieving in me"4

25ou!ve never given me an reason to dou%t" Ers(ine would %e proud, ou (now3 +f he were



2>esides, when + have a son of m own, +!ll %e a%le to tell him + (new ou %efore ou were

Captain America"4

28h, + wouldn!t %et on it"4

2/h 34

2/ho (nows3 5ou might have a daughter"4

#oward chuc(led and shoo( hands with 0teve, who then %oarded the plane" #oward watched as

the plane too( off and flew into the clouds"

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2*here she is"4

Ever one loo(ed out the coc(pit window of the plane to see the # dra %ase" +t was a gargantuan

construction that loo(ed li(e a cross %etween a medieval castle and a technocratic command centre"

=ust as it came into view, the s( was lit up with fire from fla( cannons" ugan swerved the plane hard"2/ell, no one ever accused us of %eing stealth ,4 remar(ed alsworth"

Ever one was roc(ed % the plane %eing struc("

2'eft wing damage;4 reported ugan, loo(ing at his displa screens" 2 oesn!t loo( prett "4

20uggestions34 as(ed atalie"

2Airdrop, all of ou,4 commanded ugan" 2*a(e the parachutes and go"4

0teve loo(ed at ugan with concern"

2And ou34

2Me3 + drop this %ird right on !em and do enough damage to ma(e all our )o%s easier"4

2*hat!s suicide;4 elled >uc( "

2*hought this was a suicide mission;4 retorted ugan" 2=ust gettin! mine in earl ;4

25ou!ve got to %e )o(ing,4 said alsworth, with a stern face"

28ne time +!m not" o"4

2 ot a chance;4

2#e ;4 elled ugan" 2'emme pla the hero, alright3 5ou alwa s told me + was gonna get

m self (illed piloting something" 0hould %e happ ou!re gonna %e right"4

alsworth shoo( his head, %ut then smac(ed his hand against ugan!s shoulder"

25ou cra. %astard" Ma(e it count"4

2#ell eah;4

alsworth stood up" All of the Commandos put on their parachutes" >efore )umping out, a%e

turned to ugan"

20ee ou on the other side, ou lunatic;4

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2+!ll %e waiting at the %ar,4 replied ugan" 2 irst round!s on me; ow get outta here;4

After ever one had leaped out with their parachutes, ugan circled around the %ase"

20o will ou please sa hello,

*o the fol(s that + (now,*ell them, + won!t %e long " " " "4

#e noticed that there were three missile platforms on each of the two e$terior %alconies, with

four missiles apiece"

2*he !ll %e happ to (now, that as ou saw me go,

+ was singing this song;

/e!ll meet again,

on!t (now where, don!t (now when " " " "4

Aiming for the %alcon on the right side, he pushed the throttle forward"

2>ut + (now we!ll meet again, some sunn " " " "4

*he plane crashed into the right %alcon , %ecoming completel incinerated" *he force of the

impact destro ed the entire %alcon and shoo( the foundations of the %ase" 0everal e$plosions

followed, lighting up the entire Arctic s( "

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter 11: 0nowfall

*he immediate moments following the team!s crash landing inside of the # dra fortress were

utter chaos" 0ome of the team mem%ers had landed in different locations or on different floors"E$plosions and gunfire filled the air with a harsh cacophon of stifling sound, rela ing through the

continuous drone of the station!s siren alarm" A fur of %rutal fighting too( over, and onl when it was

over did 0teve finall stop to %reathe and get his %earings"

#e crouched on the floor near the %odies of a half do.en # dra securit officers inside of a

large li%rar , with several tall %oo(shelves lined with numerous volumes" *he decor was a mashing of

othic- erman high art sensi%ilities mi$ed with a.i fashionings, with # dra logos rather than

swasti(as" 0teve pulled his radio transceiver from his %elt as alsworth and a%e stood around him"

2*his is 0teve" /here is ever one3 >uc( 3 Pegg 34

2+ read ou,4 said Pegg " 2'anded near the lower dec(s with at" ood for us& e$plosives will

do more good near the foundations"4

2Morita here" +!m with >uc(" #e got (inda %ruised, %ut nothing we can!t handle" 'oo(s li(e

we!re on the floor a%ove ou"4

28(a , good" Pegg , at, sta on course and plant those e$plosives" Morita, ta(e >uc( and

wor( our wa down to us"4

25ou sure34 as(ed Pegg " 2/e could find a wa to " " " "4

2 o" 0ta with at" eep her safe"4

Pegg hesitated for a moment %efore answering"

2 ot it"4

20ee ou soon"4

=ust as 0teve placed his transceiver %ac( on his %elt, the dou%le door at the other end of the hall

%urst open" 0everal # dra soldiers ran into the room, followed % a metallic form" +t was humanoid,

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%ut somewhat as(ew" aded, gre steel composed most of the %od , with a torso section that was

a%normall large" *he head was a small, rectangular %o$ with a laser light at the centre" *he torso then

opened to reveal a green-tinted television screen that displa ed a face"

2/hat the hell " " " "34 said alsworth"29ola,4 said 0teve"

25ou did not heed m warning, Captain" + told ou %efore that + would %ecome immortal, and

that # dra would inherit this Earth"4

2 ot as long as +!m alive;4 shouted 0teve"

2An easil remedied situation"4

9ola pointed one of his mechanical hands directl at 0teve"

28pen fire;4



/hitehall turned to loo( at one of his technicians, who was watching the video screens" *he

were in the securit office, near the lower levels of the comple$"

2/hat is it34 as(ed /hitehall"

2*he Allied forces have %reached the facilit on three different levels" 'oo( at this feed"4

*he technician turned a dial on his console, and the screen switched to a video showing Pegg

and atalie fighting against # dra soldiers in a storage room" atalie had a large satchel pac( around

her waist"

2*hat!s an e$plosives pac(;4 e$claimed the technician" 2+f she plants militar grade munitions

on the lower levels, she could destro the entire comple$;4

/hitehall sneered and furrowed his %row %ehind his small fit glasses"

2Most of the securit force is dealing with the e$terior damage and the Captain,4 said

/hitehall" 20end the 0corcher to deal with them"4

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25es, sir"4

2And prepare Proteus"4

*he technician widened his e es"

25ou!re certain342+f we are re uired to retreat, we shall meet with the Mistress" 0he is recovering at Mister

0inister!s outpost in reece" /e cannot afford to ta(e an chances" +s that understood34

2>ut sir, #err 0(ull, he would not " " " "4

2+s that understood3;4

/hitehall stared down at the technician, who was uivering in his seat" After a few moments,

the technician nodded" #e then turned %ac( to his console and %egan t ping in commands"


Pegg gritted her teeth as she emptied her pistol maga.ine, firing off the last few shots" Another

# dra soldier fell to the ground %efore she got %ac( %ehind cover to reload" atalie was crouched

%eside her, planting a CD e$plosive charge on the concrete column the were hiding %ehind"

2An chance ou!ll %e done soon34 as(ed Pegg , as %ullets flew over her head"

2 ive me two goddamn seconds, ou nutt >rit;4

2 utt 3 6eall 3 *hat!s the %est ou got34

atalie lowered her head as a %ullet struc( the side of the column ne$t to her head"

2Could ou fuc(in! focus3;4 she shouted"

Pegg was then startled % a grenade landing ne$t to her"


/ithout hesitation, Pegg reached out and an(ed the grenade off the floor" /ith the same

motion, she stood up and tossed it %ac( towards the # dra soldiers"

2'oo( out;4

*he grenade e$ploded, ripping apart the two soldiers and painting the walls with their entrails"

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atalie finished planting the e$plosive and then pulled out her radio transceiver"

2#alf the charges have %een planted" #ow ou doin! out there34

2'ots of %ad gu s, at,4 responded >uc( " 2 on!t (now how long we can hold out up here;4

2#old the line, (iller" or me"42 or ou3 An thing"4

atalie turned off the transceiver and put it %ac( in her satchel" 0he stood up and turned to

Pegg %efore widening her e es in shoc("

2/hat is it34 as(ed Pegg , %efore turning around"

Pegg and atalie gasped simultaneousl as the saw a lum%ering, humanoid figure

approaching them" +t was a man in a large, %lac( suit that seemed to %e a fusion of ru%%er and metal" #e

stood two metres tall, with a red face mas(" Each step was slow and la%oured, )ust li(e his %reathing,

which was audi%le through air filters in his mas(" #e was wielding a gargantuan cannon with %oth


2M weapon comes courtes of our Professor #orton, ou democratic filth;4

2 et %ac(;4 shouted Pegg "

*he 0corcher!s cannon lit up, firing a sustained %eam of orange, superheated plasma"


uc(ing under 9ola!s arm swing, 0teve smashed his shield against 9ola!s pelvis %efore shoving

him awa " 9ola stum%led %ac(wards, grinning the whole time"

20uch fee%le displa s of ph sicalit , Captain;4

9ola held up %oth of his arms %efore slamming them down" 0teve rolled %ac(wards )ust in time

to dodge the attac(" *he %o$ atop 9ola!s head lit up %efore firing a thin laser, which 0teve deflected

with his shield" 9ola fired another laser %last at the wall %ehind 0teve, (noc(ing him to the floor"

After shoving a # dra soldier against a wall and (noc(ing him out, alsworth loo(ed over at

9ola approaching 0teve"

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alsworth held up his rifle and fired several shots at 9ola, %ut the merel deflected off" #e then

charged and smashed the %utt of his rifle against 9ola!s %od , %ut the mechanical %eing merel

shrugged off the attac( and sei.ed alsworth % the throat" 0teve tried to get up, %ut collapsed %ac( onthe ground"

alsworth desperatel clawed at 9ola!s hand as he held him into the air"

2Ah es,4 said 9ola" 2+ remem%er ou" 5ou were the one who called me " " " " cra. " 5es"4

alsworth could onl gag in response"

2+ do not ta(e (indl to insults"4

9ola then s uee.ed in his fist, snapping alsworth!s nec( and crushing a large part of his s(ull"

#e then tossed alsworth!s corpse to the ground as 0teve shouted in anger" #e pushed himself off the

ground as 9ola charged his laser again" >efore he could fire, the %o$ atop his head e$ploded from a

sniper round"

2/hat3;4 e$claimed 9ola"

0teve loo(ed up to see >uc( aiming his rifle from an overhead %alcon "

2 ot ou covered, Cap;4

>uc( fired two more sniper rounds at 9ola!s %ac(, piercing his metal armour" 0teve too( the

opportunit to slam his shield directl into the video screen, shattering it" *he green image of 9ola!s

face flic(ered on and off as the %od slumped to its (nees"

25-5ou " " " " hav " " " " have n-n-n-n-n-ot " " " " won, Cap " " " " tain" Ca-Ca-+ shhhhhhh " " " " all r-

rise ag-ag-ain-ain-ain" 5ou %-%rea( " " " " one %-%od " " " " + ah-ah-have " " " " more"4

0teve fumed"

2+!ll %rea( them too"4

0teve an(ed his shield out of 9ola!s %od , which fell over onto its side, depowered" a%e

rushed up to him" >efore either one could spea(, >uc( fired another sniper shot to the door to the

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li%rar , ta(ing down another # dra soldier"

2Morita!s up ahead; +!ll cover ou; Move;4


Morita stepped into the la%orator area, scanning the room with his tomm gun" #e was %arelinside the door when he heard screaming and gunfire headed in his direction" *wo # dra soldiers were

on the far end of the la%, shooting at him" Morita duc(ed %ehind one of the des(s %efore wildl

spra ing in their direction"

2 o; 0top;4

*he spra of %ullets cut down the soldiers, %ut also shattered several pieces of la% e uipment"

Morita loo(ed up to see that a circular glass vial of red li uid had %een destro ed, with the li uid

turning to gas" *he small, red gas cloud surrounded the man who had shouted, and he violentl

coughed and stum%led forward"

+t was #orton"

2 o " " " " no " " " "4

Morita watched in horror as steam started to emanate from #orton!s %od " #e then stared down

at his hands and screamed as the s(in of his palms peeled off" /ithin seconds, coo(ed %its of flesh

fla ed off of #orton as %ones in his arms and legs started to protrude through his muscles" #is clothes

were ripped apart % the various )agged pieces of cartilage tearing through what was left of his s(in"

#is glasses fell to the floor as the mandi%les on his )aw too( shape, completing his transformation"

#orton then opened his e es" *he glowing red pupils at the centre of the %lac( voids stared right

at Morita, who was fro.en in place % what he had seen"

2 rrrrrrrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaaagh"4

#orton too( a step towards Morita, %lood dripping down his legs and claws" *he %ones in his

fingers had outgrown the muscle, turning all of the digits on his hands into thin %lades" #orton too(

another step, with hunger in his e es" #e then roared and leaped forward"

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Morita tried to shoot at #orton, %ut the transformed professor slashed the gun out of his hands

%efore plunging its right arm through his chest" As #orton pulled Morita closer to him, with %lood

gushing out of his front and %ac(, 0teve and a%e ran through the door"

2M86+*A;4 elled a%e"#orton growled at Morita, his tongue lic(ing his %loodied, serrated teeth" Morita then pulled a

grenade off his %elt and flic(ed off the pin"

2Chew on this, ou traitor"4

#orton loo(ed at the grenade and hissed %efore it e$ploded, consuming %oth him and Morita"

a%e fell to his (nees"

2 88888888;4


2Come on out, little girls"4

*he 0corcher!s plasma %eam seared the wall as he lum%ered a%out the room, loo(ing for his two

targets" Pegg and atalie were on opposite sides of the room, with atalie planting the last e$plosive

charge as uietl as she could" *he 0corcher!s heav %reathing (ept her s(in crawling entire time" =ust

as she was finished, she slipped up % moving one hand too fast, (noc(ing it against the column"

atalie gasped, covering her mouth"

*he 0corcher immediatel turned towards the direction the noise came from" #e %egan charging

his plasma cannon when Pegg stood up %ehind him"

2#e ;4

*he 0corcher turned around surprisingl uic(l , firing his laser as he did so, carving a melted

path through the room" Pegg fired several pistol shots at him, stunning him" atalie too( the moment

of reprieve to run to a different hiding place"

*he 0corcher uic(l recovered from the shots, seemingl undamaged" Pegg lowered her

pistol" *he 0corcher heartil chuc(led, his laugh throat and intimidating"

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2*hat it34

2 o"4

Pegg then uic(l whipped her pistol out of her hand" *he une$pected attac( too( the 0corcher

off guard& the pistol crac(ed against his helmet, hitting with enough force to cause him to drop hiscannon" Pegg then )umped over the des( %etween her and him %efore pulling out her %lade"

0ta%%ing him in the throat, Pegg then uic(l circled around to his %ac( as he fell to one (nee"

0he then )ammed her (nife into the leather around his fuel pac(, carving out a small hole" *a(ing a

grenade off her %elt, she stuffed it inside the newl formed orifice %efore turning around and sprinting

awa "

atalie was near the door"


*he 0corcher elled out as he e$ploded, setting a large fire as he did so" Pegg and atalie %oth

ran up the stairs that led awa from the storage floor" 8nce the reached a grand hall, atalie pulled out

her detonator and pressed the %utton, without %rea(ing her sprint" 0he was a couple metres ahead of

Pegg " 0he loo(ed %ac( at her friend with a wide smile"

2#ahaha; /e did it; *hirt seconds and this place is " " " "4

>efore atalie could finish spea(ing, a sniper round entered through one of her temples and

e$ited out the other" 0he fell to the floor without a sound, landing with her face to the side" Pegg

uic(l spotted the sniper and shot her down %efore loo(ing at atalie!s corpse" A single trail of %lood

ran from her temple and down her chee("

0he was still smiling"


a%e ran down the hallwa , wildl firing his shotgun as the terrified # dra soldiers fled" 0teve

and >uc( were far %ehind him"

2 a%e; 0top;4 elled >uc( "

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a%e was too consumed % rage and h steria to hear the pleas of his friends" uic(l reloading

his shotgun, he chased the # dra troops around a corner, onl to %e met with a s uad of ten soldiers all

pointing their weapons at him"

a%e unloaded his shotgun into the crowd, and the returned fire" /ithin seconds, %oth he andnine of the # dra soldiers had %een riddled with %ullets" inall coming around the corner, 0teve and

>uc( loo(ed at the scene of carnage with disma " >uc( was holding a pistol in his left hand"

0uddenl , the tenth # dra soldier stood up and aimed her gun at 0teve" >uc( returned aim and

pulled the trigger on his pistol, %ut it onl clic(ed, revealing an empt maga.ine" +mmediatel reacting,

0teve gra%%ed the pistol out of >uc( !s hand and threw it at the soldier" *he force of the throw caused

the gun to pierce her ri%cage and rip through her torso, e$iting through her %ac( and landing on the

floor %ehind her, covered in %lood"

*he soldier coughed %lood onto the inside of her face mas( %efore slumping to the floor" 0teve

and >uc( then silentl too( a moment to loo( at a%e!s %od " *he were then )ostled % several large

e$plosions coming from the floors %elow them"

28h no"4


2/hat the hell3; 0omeone, report; ow;4

0chmidt was standing ne$t to his des(, holding the edge with %oth hands as his room shoo("

*he %loodhound in the transparent cage roared into the air" 0chmidt then heard a voice coming through

the intercom on his des("

2#err 0(ull; Catastrophic damage to the lower levels; *he foundations of the %uilding are no

longer sta%le;4

2#ow did ou let them do this3;4

2+!m sorr , #err 0(ull, we tried " " " "4

2 ire the missiles, now; All of them;4

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2*he !re not read et, and the might %e thrown off % " " " " no;4

An e$plosion was heard through the intercom %efore it went to static"

2#ello3 #ello;4

25ou;40chmidt turned around to see 0teve and >uc( standing in his doorwa " 0teve then threw his

shield directl at 0chmidt, who %arel dodged to the side" *he shield soared past him, smashing

through the panoramic window" #e then pulled out his /alther pistol from his %elt as %oth 0teve and

>uc( charged at him" >uc( reached 0chmidt first, (noc(ing awa his hand as he fired" *he stra shot

shattered the transparent cage containing the %loodhound"

0chmidt punched >uc( awa with the %ac( of his fist" 0teve then reached for 0chmidt,

gra%%ing him around the throat with %oth hands" *he a.i elled and fired a shot directl into 0teve!s

stomach, %ut he shrugged it off and threw 0chmidt over the des(" 0teve vaulted over the furniture as

0chmidt pic(ed himself up"

>uc( , having recovered, then loo(ed as the %loodhound leaped into the room" *he stared at

each other for a few moments %efore the %egan circle strafing, maintaining the same distance %etween

them" *he %loodhound then pounced, with >uc( pulling %ac( %efore winding up and crushing the

%loodhound!s )aw with an uppercut"

0teve watched as 0chmidt got to his feet again"

2Come on, get up;4

0teve punched 0chmidt in the face once he was up" 0chmidt staggered %ac(wards, and 0teve

punched him with the opposite hand"

2#ow man of m friends have died toda 3 #ow man good people died during this war3;4

0teve threw several more punches at 0chmidt, who )ust stood there and too( them"

2All " " " " %ecause " " " " of ou;4

0teve landed a final ha ma(er of 0chmidt!s face, (noc(ing him against the wall" *he %ruised

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pistol empt , she tossed it to the floor %efore crouching ne$t to >uc( "


20-0-0teve " " " "4

2/hat342/-win " " " " dow " " " "4

Pegg loo(ed at the shattered window %efore turning %ac( to >uc( "

2 o " " " "4

Pegg nodded and ran towards the window" 'oo(ing down, she saw 0teve and 0chmidt loc(ed

in a %itter struggle" 0he leaped down and landed on the %alcon as the entire fortress lurched" More

e$plosions were heard in the distance"

2Pegg ;4

0chmidt (ic(ed 0teve in the (nee, causing him to shout in pain" #e then threw one last

uppercut, (noc(ing 0chmidt out and leaving him sprawled on the floor" 0teve then fell to his chest"

Pegg rushed over to him"

2Peg " " " "4

Pegg reached out and held his hands as he %reathed heavil " 0he saw that he was %leeding from

multiple locations"

20teve " " " "4

2/e " " " " we did it"4

25eah " " " " we did"4

0teve paused"

2>uc( " " " "4

Pegg shoo( her head" 0teve cringed and sighed" More e$plosions could %e heard as the fortress

started collapsing"

2+t!s over,4 said 0teve"

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Earth-717: Captain America Vol 1

Chapter 1 : Agent Carter

Pegg sat %ac( in her chair" 0he was still holding the loc(et in her hand"

2And that!s how it happened" + wo(e up in a helicopter" 8ne of 0tar(!s" #e sent it after us as adesperate e$traction option" + was the onl one he found"4

Pegg sighed as she finished off her sentence" /hitford, who was leaning against the ta%le,

narrowed her e es, loo(ing at an image in her hand" +t showed a helicopter landing on an ice shelf" *he

helicopter had a 0tar( Enterprises logo em%la.oned on the side"

2#ow did he find ou34

2 ot that hard reall " 0aw the wrec(age, and spotted me la ing on the ice" + was near the edge"

Couple more metres and + would!ve %een in the water"4

2And ou don!t (now how ou survived34

2 o clue" *old me + should!ve %een dead" all from that height " " " " there shouldn!t have %een

an thing left"4

/hitford paused to thin( for a moment, pondering her ne$t uestion"

25ou said ou were with Captain 6ogers when the platform gave out34


2>ut ou did not (now where he was when ou awo(e34

20tar( said he didn!t see an one else" 0aid he made several passes over the wrec(, %ut didn!t see

an other %odies"4

Pegg %reathed in %efore continuing"

2 alling down, ever thing was a %lur" idn!t feel it at all" /as )ust li(e, a snap" 8ne second +!m

tum%ling through the air, ne$t +!m still, and + see #oward!s face"4

Pegg shoo( her head"

2+ don!t (now how it happened" + should!ve %een dead" 0hould!ve %een dead"4

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Pegg and /hitford were %oth silent for a while" /hitford then reached out and gra%%ed 0teve!s

file off of the des("

2*he 006 sent some reconnaissance crews to the wrec(age, %ut we couldn!t recover an thing

useful" o trace of an escape vehicles" As far as we (now, ou!re the onl survivor" o more # dra,no more 0(ull"4


2Are ou certain there are no other details3 othing ou!ve missed34

Pegg loo(ed awa from /hitford, with disdain on her face"

2 o"4

2+ don!t %elieve ou"4

Pegg snapped her head %ac( to /hitford, her e es wide"


2+ don!t %elieve ou )ust miraculousl survived that fall" *hat fortress was over a hundred metres

tall& people don!t live falling from those heights" + still thin( ou!re leaving something out of our

stor "4

Pegg stammered, tears welling in her e es"

2/hat do ou want me to sa 3; *hat!s what happened; + don!t get it either, %ut somehow + lived,

and the !re all dead; on!t ou understand3; *he !re dead; All of them; *he !re dead, and + lived; +

didn!t plan it that wa & + didn!t want an of this;4

2+ no longer %elieve that"4


2Miss Carter, Professor #orton was considered under investigation for suspicious activit %

internal affairs %efore he turned traitor" 5ou!ve %een flagged under the same clause" 5ou (nowingl

%reached the ethical and regulator %oundaries of our assignment" 5ou " " " "4

/hitford was cut off % the door %ursting open" >oth Pegg and /hitford loo(ed with wide

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e es as the Colonel wal(ed in" #e was holding a file folder in his left hand"

2Colonel34 said /hitford"

*he Colonel wal(ed past /hitford and approached Pegg "


2+!m getting ou out of here"4

/hitford sputtered in surprise"

2/hat3 *his is an official interrogation; 5ou can!t )ust walt. in here and " " " "4

2<nfortunatel for ou, + can"4

*he Colonel pulled a paper out of his folder"

2*his is an official order of pardon and release signed % 6oosevelt himself" *he 006 is %eing


#e handed it to /hitford, who loo(ed at the paper with disma "

2/hen did this " " " "4

2=ust now" *his sham is over" et out of here"4

/hitford sneered" 0he then slammed the paper on the ta%le"

2*his is not over"4

0he then stormed out of the room" *he Colonel loo(ed at Pegg with a smile"

2/ell " " " " that was une$pected,4 said Pegg " 2>ut ver satisf ing"4

2 on!t worr a%out /hitford" +!ll ma(e sure she won!t %other ou again"4

Pegg stood up"

25ou said ou were here to get me out" + appreciate it, %ut " " " " wh 34

2>ecause we need ou"4


2A fresh start" A new idea + was putting together with 0tar("4

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Would it "e the same?

Would my every prayer,

Begin and end !ith ust your name?

&nd !ould I "e sure that this, Is love "eyond compare?

Would all this "e true,

If I didn't care for you?”

/hen the song was over, Pegg stood up, gra%%ing the plate and her empt Co(e %ottle" 0he

wal(ed over to the counter and placed them in front of the chef" #e was a rotund man with a %ald head

and gre moustache"

2 o more34

20orr ,4 replied Pegg " 2 uess + wasn!t that hungr after all"4

2Ah, it!s alright" 5ou (now, + (new a (id who came in here all the time, could never finish a

sandwich to save his life" #eh heh" #e!d alwa s wal( in and sa !6on, this time +!m gonna do it;! and +

sa s, ! o chance, lance! and he!d have a laugh"4

Pegg wea(l smiled at 6on!s stor "

2Come to thin( of it, he stopped comin! % a couple ears %ac(" #eard he got drafted" on!t

%elieve it m self" Alwa s was a scrawn lad" #ad the heart of a saint, though" 6ec(on he pro%a%l )ust

moved somewhere else" 5eah " " " " he was a good (id"4

25eah" #e was"4

Pegg then turned and gra%%ed her loc(et off of the ta%le %efore wal(ing to the door" 0he loo(ed

at it for several seconds, her finger on the hoo(" 0he thought long and hard a%out opening it" After a

while, she shoo( her head and put the loc(et around her nec( instead, %efore wal(ing out to the street"

*#E E

Captain America /ill 6eturn

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9ola wal(ed through the main vehicle %a of the Proteus su%marine" +t had several tan(s and

helicopters inside of it, which the had used during their assault on Camp 'ehigh" 9ola opened the door

at the far end of the %a and arrived in the command centre" /hitehall and several technicians wereinside" /hitehall was spea(ing into a transceiver"

25es, we have our course set for reece now, >aron" 8nce we!ve convened with the Mistress,

+!ll contact ou"4

2<nderstood,4 said 0truc(er!s voice through the transceiver" 20afe travels, octor"4

25ou too, >aron" #ail # dra"4

/hitehall shut off the radio and turned to 9ola"

2 octor 9ola" 0truc(er!s up to speed"4

2 ood" 5ou had something to show me34


/hitehall led 9ola over to one of the video consoles"

2 uring the escape, we managed to recover two %odies from the wrec(age"4

/hitehall pressed a %utton on the console, and it showed an image of two %odies in the medical

% " 9 l i d h h "

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