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)!nOIl \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\







'r he \lHC of slIlfm' dioxide in [WCpurillg j' n'Us for tll'yilll-( hil s IIcc lI l ite Hubjcct. of milch conLI'ov(' l'sy find diMCIIssioJl Ilnrl tJJi ~ hllllrfiJl is nn a.1,t.ompt t.o bl'illg logclhcl' tho hCKt, u\'lIiinblo hd'O I'1t1nt,i oll, m~ H j)l'Og l'CSSl'CPO I't. If haR OCC I! fO I' II IIIIl YY(lIl I'S lillel ,Ioi Li IJ I'C'1I111inSll 11I1I1Irl' of nclh'c inv('!.; tigil l ion at thi li still ion lind by other ~OVCt' I1I1I('HI II I IlS

weJI 1m COllllll f' l' r ini ngcnci{'s. During the' past. t (' 11 j'{'iII' K tiw \VOl' 1t Itt. this st.ation hils Iwc l! ill chlll'gc or the Hut hol':-;, Hl'sl Chl'iNlil', Hllt l 1111 (1 1' N i chol~. Inlhcso Hlu(lics milch of th e lI('\1II11 fi e ld lind Illbo!'nlol'Y work lUIs hO(, 11 caLTicii out by li1. H. Onlilic' l' nllll H. ( ~. (J{'s lf'Y, .1'0 1'11101'1),

A s.c; iHtnnt.s in li'l'tlit. Products, Rn t! hy I I . M. J( ooll , 1i OW iHtlllll ill

lil}'uit. P l'oc1uc. s, '1'he ~lIIfhot',~ tll JW this oppm'illnil y I')J~ rX jJl'C'ssi lJg'

gJ'uteful aclOlowlccl gl1lon t to I IH.'In,

; \.clmowlcclglll l'n is nJ'c ;JiHf) dll e 10 F'I' i111k D, l\'fcl'I' iii , i l1s1wethl' 1'01' th(' npple drie}' OPCl'(lt Ol'S or Cu lifol'llin, f'OI' much. Iw lpfu l eO lll lllt\llt

HUll illfOl'lllflti on 011 apple dl',Villg'j unci 10 It. H, ] Iillnet', 'I'N~ llIIo l o~

g is t .1:0 1' t he Dried VI'ui1 Associa t ion 01' Cu li l'ol' lI ill , foJ' CO ll lIlll'llt S ulld inl!ol'ln ll tioll Oil sui(lIl'ing Pl'HCI.iC('S,


DRYING CUT FRU ITS ' P. P. N 1 0 nOr.R~ AN n J\. \V, O llnl R' I' II~::1


13'ol' lila cliReliRHinll of CldirOI')lia fn1il, dl'yillg, it: i ~ C011V(,llicllt to divide the I'nlils int.o lwo :.,nO IlPH: (iI'Ht, t hoke wlliell tll't' (ll' ;(,cl who lo, c. hiefl y pr\mc~, g'l'IlPCR: lind fig'R; IIIlI1 H('cond, tllOSO- whioh ti l'" cut Defol'e dl'ying, chiefly ~11'U~('H., npl'icotH, p('nches, .and pent's. II, ir..; th e pnl'posc of. LJds pllbliclIticlIllo dc~cl';h(' in som(> dellli! til(.' pl'irJ('i"J(lS lind IIIPtlJods l1 :,;cd ill tlir (liying 01' Cllt j' l'1lilr..;, TlI tnblt'H 1 nll(l 2 HrC HU1l11lHII'izc d

tho )I'ocinctioll IInri tii spoHil iOll 01" III OHO 1',",liIK in the Unil.)(1 81"[1,10' IIIHI ill Cnlif'ol'nin.

'l'A11II1+::: J

PI,onU(l'TION ANI) U'l'I!,IZATION Ot' Arl') •• :a, A I'll 1 ('0'1'8 , P t:\01l1':H I\NJ) L'.~AII!;j

l\ VJ.:IV,{I .. ! ,,'Olt Jfl2:l- ]1)27 ·


Uuitf'd ~hll"d P'rO<.luctloll I'('r Cf'h t nf Cnlifcnui" NOll

Fruit (1~;l~"I~lt,::!). -r tOilS I'rr-li lt j'(-'f I'(' l1t hn~I'I , of II. H. C'1I 11 1Il-c1 I)rif'u Frf'..shn

--- tUIiH _ Jlrudl'r'~11 - - ---

1\1)1111 '/1, ..... 1,1272714 1{l 1."'\! 1 7 (II a,1 1I DIU 1\I Jrlulltll .. 194,1i()(1 177 200 000 231 "" " 1"'110/11'.\1 .• 1,:?H"foot 12i,31/~f :11 tl 627 28 (J 18, l'I'lIrA 605.Z05 1'13,050 11 .. ~5 2 loa .. ,

• ComflilNi ul' H. W, ~nl('rtr, DiI'h,iart III I\~ri {ltlhllr.rd ":M JI(IIf1iNl, Uflh't'Noit)' u{CI1iUorliiti. n HhiPI)(,d frt 'lIl! uut nr 'IIHforn/n ur 1:01111'111 11,11 wilhin 111(, IIhll('. , I'fllh"hly It'M 11 1nll (lno pef ClInt : 11 (Uil' r lillurt('1 1 h~' tl111 (',UI IL('rli l,t'li14111J of C .. llfofilin Hi lII'I' 1023.

1 ll nfv('lIt(l(1 o nl y .

'rhc Cllt, c1 "iNl I'I'lJi1R full Jllltcli brlow t 11(\ lInent c\ "i ed f'l'nits ill tonnagr, ynluo nlHl domestio )1<'\' (llll'ita commmp t ion. HniKinH llnd Ill'Hlies nOl'lIlllll y constitute 0\'(':1' fOIlI'-flrth", or Lite IOI1IlIl~(, and h\'o­thirds of the vuille of I,he <11'i ed i'l'uit, Ill'odllcml hl (jlllii'o l'lli ll. 'Pit t" uvol'ngn nlllmnl pOl' cllpit.n. eonslIll'lplion of pl'UIl(,~ IIl1d or l';ji:-dll !'; in. I,ho l J"il cd Stille" 1'0 .. ] !)28- 1927 1,"" b00 1l l .fo G lind ~.(i[) IlO'"I( IH,

I SUJlurK('(jl'~ Bulliltills :t:~O nnll 3:17 ot Odlt l ':xporinu' lIl Rtn liulI , ill l!1) fIll' 11M they rOllc('rn the (h'hydmtinll of eut fruitM; n1110 those pltrts u l' Bulletin :lfl8 ",hi('h purlnin to tho RlIlfut'in g of cnt rruil~ tor dt'y ing,

:I A HHocillto in J'rttif. t>l'OdIl CfH. lll"ontlorly AllfliKlnnt. l'1'ofo:ol!lo r \If 'b'l'Ilil 11l'od llClM u,l1(1 I\ Hlju~·il\t u Ollllllli :ol \, in

Ih o jjlxpOrilllollt Stl~tiol\,


L'cspccli veciy:' NC"Cl·th uiess, the dryillg of CILt i l'lIilx i:-; oP g t'Nl l;

hllPOJ'l'i:Ill C-c, sjncc j t permit·s jncx pensive convorsioJl oJ: flllOtlll) lc Hr'nOlll1l' of t he ft'IJit into l'ciativ cly :iml)edshnble JOl'nl find flf.;::ds ls ill ~ Ulhi_ji7.hl l--{

pl'i ces,

U~'I'l':E I) S'!'NrBS PnOI)(Jc'I'TON, CONRUH1"1'ION', AN I) EXI'Olt'L' O~' DHll':\) .A l'I'I ,I':S ,

.. Al'JllOO'J'S, Pl')',\ClJES J\.NJ) P J.·;.UISj }I VJ.~H.AfJH, ln23-1D~7 *

1~' rui I.

J\IIIl! CS .... Apr ioot.'! .... ]'e!\l) ilcs., 1'(lIU il ....

Dry t OilS

B,'IZ() 2 ] ,51J(J 2:2,5ilO :l,2(}S

------an .a 21 .. 120

1{)() (I 2 1,Hlll IIlI) 0 22 ,,10[1 ]0(1.0 ;I,:!IlS

------- _._. 1::1,811-1 f/(Il 8,li:J/r 11,1 70 " 8 I O,:1l11 :1,4(11 Hi .\ I lI,Om 2,6001 701) 71.}R I

'Compiled hy S. W, Sl'CHr, Diviaion or Agri tl\lltul'l\1 1 ':co lI')ml~.H, Unlver~lty I,r CuliflJrnin. j F.1t!til\lllwd.

() l fJ

o 18 o a~ 001

/Pt'osot'vation impli es t.ho ],rotecl,ion o r " pel' i"IHlbl c commoilit.y IIg nil1st agents by whiclt it wou ld othcl'wise be dcter iorotc(l ()1' ~po il ctl. '1'11e agents eOll cornecl ill the spo iling of: c]decl i't-uiL' "1'0 b.!£!£Tia, yeasts, 1110 Ids, illRccts, cI17,ymcs, Ilnd pl'ohn,hly n-Iso ce l'1.nbl pl.lroly chc;, iculrcflcLjons IiOt wcH'ltuc1cl.':-::tood. POL· s ueccssJ~ lll PL'CSCl' \rfltiOIl,

troatmen t·s 1:1.1'0 l'cc!,ni L'Cc'i tlmt Idll Or illllcti vn to thc:-.;c ngcn t.s £11 1(.1

prolong Llw uscf ulness o'r: tl,c proil net fo r tllC nccosslu'y 1,,,,.jOli. Blw­I:el:ia, yeasts fl11(l molds whioh :n'o cveJ'ywhCJ'o pr esen t, lHlllt i ply lind live in the hoit which t hey decomposc in the oour Re of: thei,. li ee processos, '1'110 rapidity ,,"iL ex.ten t of th e clcconrpos iLioil is lll"fl:oly )1topo t'tiolllll to I:h." g l'owih and multip li cIIHo1\ of: those millnl e pll"'I", '1'llOir g,.owtlt uncl r C]lTochlCti on is (lepc·l1d eJit "po" I,he 1)1'1'8011 '''' 01: food substances of: sui tabl c notme and yuricty, tng-ethel' wil.], ""moicllt rnoisLlU'C to keep the con c<mten.t.ion 01: dis~ol'v ed snhstnncns low cllollg11 for theh' use, Fruits cOl1tn.ill tho 11cccssal'y flnbstnn acs in a,bulllllLnec nnd (]l'y;l1g me rely l'em Ol'CS ll1o i"LIll'e to t he p oint whore I;l,e COIlCQlI11'II­

tion Ot substonces clissoh'e<1 ill t.he watel' becomes fW gront; ItS to l1t'(W(}1lt; the growth of baoterin, yeasts, Illld mold", P rcSlllllllbly the high COII ­

cQntl',!ltioll of soluble slibstllllCCl-) causes the organism::. to Shl'illk OJ' plo.s]l1oiy:7.o, in. ·which conclition they arc in ca:pH,blr. o~ nOl"mnL g l'owlh and mult iplicat ion or illjul'iollS act ivity . '1'110 moro ]ll'CSCII.CC or: the organisms is not In,jlll'lOl1S. R oclnctioll of tho rnoh;tnl'c (j.ontcnt or. lIte: fruit to 20 ot' 25 per cent effectiv ely checks their gl'owtil,

.. Compiled by S. W, Shaur,


Dn,Y1NO CU'1' FllUl'rS

Thorc Hl'C I h1'oO Pl'illCil)al lTlcillo(]s usee] C01Yllllcl.'cially fol.' the prcsCl'vntion of: [l'llits by c1l'y i-llg: SIII1I,-CZ1'UI>ng, dl'yll1 g by.J~ hent ; e1J{(/IlQ.!:!fi:io1!, drying hy ""tiliei"1 l, cl1.i; cn'C1I1lltc(1 by lJlll:lll'al dl'lIft; de/r,1!!!:!:!:!::0", drying 11Y n,'I,ifi ci;d heM, oil'cllln,ted by Illccl1nnienl dl'o[t .. )\ny 0" th eRe ",cUloels, pl'opedy applied, will pres I've tho f l'l1it pCt'­J:ccUy Hgnillsl; bnctari:l, ye:ns l's, nn(l ll101fls,

'rile elimillaliol1 oJ: SJlOnagc by insects i ~ not so ly nccompl ishc.t1 b,r d I'yin g' . Bees ILl) el 1'0/'11('1,$ do not altnck dl'ied hu.its liS t hey do frc~h fruits} nor do nnl F; tLl, I ~lek (h ied Il'UitS RO rcadi'ly. 011 -the ot,heL' hllnd, cCl't:nin insects such "' the Indilln -Ill nn l moth (I'i,o(li(b im.icl'}l""oicllcb JIIJlI.), t1", dl'iec1-fl.'llit beetle (O""POlI1dl"',8 kemi!Jier ·uR D,), tho ddecl­fruit mite (Oan'IJo(ji1l1'11.1C.' 11,~,s"iQ;)".,n n:~l'h.lg), 1)",1 the "ow-Ioon",el gl'"in bectlo (OJ'!/ZI1C1Jhih, .. , s)('1'illw>ltcnsis TJ.), attaok f ir e (hied P"OdtLCt .. It J"'8 been S),OW)')'o)' tlllit 1;)1C J))clill))-ll1e~l motll .lll il clt' iocl il'llil; hec1.lo 1\..1'(' SO IlH.HVhflt ilddhitc(l \,\lh el 1 t ho tn Oi stnl'c cont.\'nt is below 12 PCl' COllt or nbo\'c 24 l)el' elmi, hut in f'hu nOl'mal l'llllgC Or 11loiRtnl'C conten t. of <]t'icd_ "huitK theBO 11lS('cts llll'lst bo gnnl"(\pcI ag:ahlt"it by C.Xcillsion, stol'n go i;('lnpcrniul'C, Ot' fnmigll tion,

Dctm'io"(ltion b'y CJ1r.ym~!) or by Inll'ely cJwntical l'lllwtio Il S, wllilc ml1ch slower in dJ:inil 1,hul1 ill .1'1'0811 f:l.'nit, is clirficnlt j P not imro:-;~i hl c

to flyojcl HHogot:ilf'r. Sueh <-lOt.Cl· iol'IILion d ec L'CflH(!S willi (l('(!l"(ln!o;C' ill llloistlHC 3c)ul;on I;, hilt l'ohuil;li ion or f'Jd s fo,'m 0); ~poilll.gO 1'01.' UlO nCCQSRtU'y pori{)cl 01: six m()nt:hH 1.0 0110, yefLr 01" lon gol' by I'ccl'uetior.l 01: moist,l lre content; nJO'I'IC l'cqnircs so Low a. :moisl,ul"C contont f1~ to be illlJll"lCticHl (!OJllll1o l' (~i.(l lIy. III tl le eliSe or cut, lrrniLs II c.hc-mien1l11'(,H(lr­vn.tivc, s1IIEur dioxide, :iR mnploym,l. 'I')\c 1111\1'11'1 01' 01: 11~i1I:"; 8ulVnl' di()xiclo and t'l tc (!xl;p.IJ~ to wltic]1 it .is absol'bcd by tho .[ntit flI 'e all10ng t.ho IHO,'\1; impo]'j;ant pl:oblc.ll1s in t.he drying 01: Cllt Xruit:-3. Bxtcnsivc cOl1Hielm'Hlloll ill 1I1i. hnlletil1 i~ U'lC'I'cJ'OI'~ giyc n. to tho rlccel of: SlI lI'nt' (lio"ide lind tho 1)(',/, )(I1o\\'11 1I1othocls o,r lI]lIJliC1Hion ~lId COllt J'Ol.


111 the llrepan'LL:ioll o~ I"uit's for (hying, (:. uttillB F;Cl'VCS scvcl'ol pl1l'po~es:

1. .rt p~l'lIIits tho (ll'ying aE large I','nits which lllwe II llii~k 01' imperviolls sldn ,mel whioh wonld decompose 01' (]llrkcn n.t, (he conler H ell 'iod who.le,

2. It exposos morc S~IL'f llcc foe drying, ll1!tkin.g d"ying 11101'0 "Hpid. 3, It exposl!s SUI'f MO lIOt p,'oteci;o(l by S"ill,

1i )~<)fc l'encCil figures -tIt IHII'Cml,II Osc~ l'O r OI' to [JfI, lJli~a.t i (lIlR given itl I.J,(! tOl'lIliutll bibtiogl'llphy-.

\), I


4. I f pel'mits 11101'0 elll'e rni inspcclioll , sOI'l jllg, alHl ll'i III III illg- ol! fhe l'I'I';t.

[), 1\, removes ill('(liblc P'i"l s 01' COTes, th1lH ill(wca s illg tho ('ond vlltlle

of tho pl"Oc1ltet.

6. 'eho dried pl'oduct iH mOl'C ntLt'uctivc filld JI'lOl'C ew·d ly Pl'(,PHI'NI

fOI' Ule bible.

7. I I. penni!" the IlCCilllIIII"l ion or pits (fig. J) 01' COI'OS (Ol' Lhe man u fnct nre Ot '"alllfl.hIe by-produc ts.

"'ig, l.-SIIII·(ll'ying npricot pit s I'olllo\tcd ill 'ut.l ing tho f ruiL

"\\rhi l c Clitt i_ll g hns I he ndvnnta.ges Cnn mCl'lltetl nhov(', i t hl<!J'{'<I:-i(.~!-;

the f.ll lf.ienptihili1.y of l]\C f'ITlil \'0 tlll'oe tYP<'H or spo il agt~ dl1l'hl~ (ll'ying Hnd s t()l'HgC:

1. nUl'ing the cli'y in g 0.( these fl'lli1s (lclel'iol'alioll 01' co in)' is V(, I'Y l'Hpicl,

2. D~ll'kcnjng- by oxidnLion or oxidase netion iR mosi, I'Hpicl on Cllt ~Ill'f.accs,

a, Cut RIll'fIlC<:S a,I'O rspcc'inlly 111 t I'.!le! ivc Lo micl'oo rgn ll isms and hHiccts,

.li'(dl u l·C to give iJl<' I"l'uil nftc i' cuUillg and bcfOl'c cll'y illg !lome pl'olrclltnlcni for th(, pJl)'PO~C or pl'cvo llLin g th ese 1.Y)1('x 01' spo il Hg(', l' (,Slllb; in al l etHiCS ill 1111 unn.ttrncHvo, Illlnppeti1.illg uncI IIwmlllblc

product Or sClmt ]'cHcmh lul1co 10 tho o]' igil1U.1 J~ I'llil ill oiUwl' colo)' 01' {invor.




'].','cn,I' Il1CllI.H wHI! HtClllll 0 1' br ine al'C f:,a il'l y SHCl;f'Ss f' nl. in Pl'c'\' <'ll 't ill g'

cl ctc l'i ol'HI ion clul' inA' d l'y iJl A', e~ pcc i H ll y i [ d I'y ing IJp I.'upid n~ hi d c'it yc1 n ltiOl I. 'J' he lIRO o r hl'jnc has l iLtle ii' nn.)' clrnet. u pon Lh o (l l'yil1 g t imo, W h Cl'CWi th e LI Re o r ::.; t (, llIH. lun-dcn H dl'y in g' .

rJ'hc limi t at ions ott Hlcnm Hn d b,.ine 1,l'catmo ll l.s 111'(': fil 'H I', f'!H1:V l'cqniro elll p loy n1t'll t of d ohyc1 I'ul,ion in Ol'dol' 1'0 uvo id d UI'Ii:cning, fo!' ­II1cn tllL iOlI , 01' nt,l nck: 11)' iw:;ccts chll'ing dl'y illg; ilIHl HCC01HI, -th ey ft;IiI to P I'CHC I' \'C 1I f.3at i R I: ~ICLO I'Y color 101' t. he 1I C'C(,SSH 1'Y p('l· i.o( l l) l ~ SI t I C' Hst si x

mOll t hs to oll e 'y('ClI ' w ithou t I'educin g fh e lI1 o i ~tn l.'c conh:O ll t cxc0.Hx i \'cly .fi-Olll III(} COlllm e l'o in t po int; oJ: v icw. (rI) HccJ tl cl iOIl oil t he m o is t·\l1'e

co n t.en t t o 101)(' 1' cell t 01' h('low, flS .i S .l'C([1IlI' 0(1 1:01' 111(' [1rc:-;cl'vu1iOIl 01: evon 1'(.'H X().lI ll bl y }lfl t,i HP.n et.Ol'Y uolm', is nM eO lllnw l' (Ji ll lly fNtH ilJl c flo]' ~cve l'l1l t'CiI SOtl H:

1. I t hI C I'(' fl X('!i U](' tilne Hll l1 ('x p e l1 :-1(' o f i il'yi ll g lIar Ollt 0 1: pl'OpOdioll to t·ll n uddi1i ol1 f1 l n1l1 0 111lt. of wa t.t'I' 1'('lTioved,

2. 'rhe (lx tcn Si(l ll 01' t he, d ry in g' p<n io(l iN Hlm ost· c;~ I 'tn ill to 1'('s lIl! ill dlll 'kcning tllC pl'ocl ncl ..

3, :rvr{) i ~ l; l1l' c w ill be 1'puhso l'lwc ] fl 'OIlI 111 (' Hil' ill Hllffic i ('ll t atll fl llnt to pO l'mi t d}lI:k 01 1iI1~ \1nl cH~ tho I't'lli!. ·if.; packed in cx pr lls ivc 1I1o i:·d ,lll' c

]) 1'00 11 con 1:u il1 (, I'S ~ u ch j\ ~ 1't' icL io J1 -top cnm~, sea Cnl1 ii, 0 1' S(\lliN l g' l u~~

jm's. 4. rphe lORE! of wc ig hL l"'~ lI l t, in g 1: 1'011"1 t1w t' cmo\'~tl or Iho ud di l'iol1l11

moi ~tn]' C} iIl C1'C(1S(lS t hf' "p1'i up ()) ' <1(~C I '(' nS(I R 1'11(' l '(li; tll ' ll f o r th e rl'lIit , G. rphc r)1' oc luct ix l ('!",;~ s ni t uhlc 1'01' commlllptio u in 11111 l'UW stULl)

lll ](] l'C(lllil' rA longe l' ~08.kill i( 1'01' cookil1p;, YCfll'~ of! scic n1 iAn invf's t,igali ons and PI'uct"i cn l !'I'inls ilnv Cl R() 1'<11'

fUll ed to I~ov{' al ~111;Y othcl' PI'C'!, I'NIl"IllOllt Hg'(, lll, H,r.; good AS Hull:lI], (]jox iCI c fOT th e l)1' ('!';c l' l1 of! col ( )I ' ill (\ 111 ) d ri ml fl'n il':-{. S lllf' l\l' hil s hO(,11

lL~c(l lo r t hi s H!Hl sitnilal" P11l 'Jl Of\('S ~ril1 cc ancien t timcl.;, \~hcJI hU'I'nc(l ill nil' :it combj l1(,~ wit It 111 c o)..~'g(, ll 0 11 t ile a il.' to 1:01'111 sn'lflll' d iox id e, 11

colod css gaR. rl'lris nlln he illrmt l'atod us io ll(Hv:):

S + 0" SO, (SUU ll l') + «(lxygCll ) = ('ll ltur di ox:idc)

SO, + 1[,0 IJ,SO" (snl t ]"1I' cl iox idl') + (wlI tel') = (sllHllt'Ol IH nc ia)

The end PI'O<lllct ix a m il d Hc id cloxnly rnllll(ld to xull'l1l'.iC Hcid hut. wi t h whi ch i t should n ot be cO Il 1: 11 :-\od . Su l f tll'Ol.lS lI cid is n ) )]' C'SC! I'V !I -


8 lJNIV I':I (!=; L'I'~ OP CAL I Ii'OIINIA-BxPJmu1.J BN'l' S'rA'l'ION

Li ve used in nUIl1 C1 ' o n~ j'oo(l pl.'oclucts, 'l'hi s lICid, 11Il(l t hc R"li'S ( tile

Hulfitcs) it J:Ol'ms by chcm iclt l renel ions, nrc reducing (OXygOIl - I'(': tI10 V­

in g) substllllCcS and it is. to Lllis IJl'OPCl't,v that tlw pl'ese l'vative llcljOIl is probubly dnc,

The relntionship between s lIl f lll'OllS IIml Rldf uJ'ic !lc id s may best \)c 8110Wl1 by OthCl' s i"rnpl o cll cm ion l equations. Sulful' dioxid e combill C's Wit]1 QXygCJl to £01'111 su i flU' tl'io:ddc:

so, + '120, = SO" (sulf lll'dioxide) (oxygc n) (s"ll:nl' t"ioxirlc) ,

'l'!.tis l'Oa.Cti Oll nOI'mal'ly takes place on ly slowly, hul' IIUIY be llil s l (,11(~cl

b)' lho prcsQue ox eOl'lIrin o lh e" "L1 iJAla nces, 'When Rn ll'm.' l."ioxidc dissolves in WfltCl', sulfuric ncic1 is fOl'med ns:

SO, + n,o = rr,so, (s1II fIl1'l!' io:x ide) (Will e,') CRn lf lll'ic "aid),

fl lll fl'l l'i c aciel IlI' cl IlI C SN it S il [01' Ill S (the sn ll'nl cs) a,'e lIot ,'cd II ci ll A" snb8tnn c('s Clncl nl'c not ol'd innl'il y con:-; iclcl'ccl SlS PI'CSC I'VntivcH. ] I: (!onee.n l'l' lltod, sI11 [III'ic flcicl chars ol'gfluic mnt,tcl',


By ftnl'horil y of IlIO l~cclcl'n ( Food and J)l'ngs Act of JDOn, tho U llited S tntes Dcpnl't.mcllt of Agl'iclI'itlll'e is charged wi th the I'nrll1111nw tion fUlc1 en [Ol'Crrncllt 0 1: l'ug'ulnLiolls goYel'lIingl n1nollg othoL' t hings, t he n so of }Jr cscl"'III.lvcs i" fooels, 'J' he Aet Rpccifkll lly ~tlltCR Ihut a f:oorl lllllst not" conta in 1111)' mlrled POiSOIlOll R 01' othe" nc1d rtl d,,(clc­riOlls ingredient Wl1i ch lIlay I'ender MilCh Ill'ticlc injul'iol1:l lo brull h," I II 1I0col'dnnoo wil;1t 11,0 p1'ovi"ioll8 oJ: illC Act , th.: 11, S, ])CPIlI'IIlWlll or Agl' iClIl tll l'C C"l'du lly illvcslisa lctl IlIC lise IIl1d tox ici ly or ""11' (1 1' dioxide. 'l'hc conclusions dl'/lwn from thc~c 'ill v~s.t igu tiol1 !i hnvc n OV('I'

been pnblishcd, b1lt I:he Scc"ctnry oe Ag l'ic lllllIl'() SL1hRC~ lI e ll t ly i,"lIed Fooel Inspection Decision No, 8D which states tllItt peneling delrl'lllillu­tioll l)y tJ w I'rIel'ee board of tIlO wholesomeness 0 1' 1Iliwhoicsomellcss of this snbstull ce, its use will be nlLowcd lmd(,l' t he f:ollowhlg ]'CSLI'i uLiollH:

"No o.Jjection wi ll be ili ad Lo foods which cont.n ill lha ol'dilllll'~1

qlllJ.llUtics of s lllflll' d iox idc i t tllC J'lIel; t hll t sneh foods h"ve lieen so pl'c]la,'cd is plainly Sl;lI tet1 11 pOI.I I he label of mwh packAge,

".11'1 abno rmal Qllll,l1tity or: 81111' \lI' dioxide p illeed ill rood 1'01' lli c pm'pose of lIulrkcling m1 cxccssi,'c moistm'o COlltOllt wilt be. I'CgH l'ilod clS fraudulent ndll lLel'ntiOll a11(1 will be proceeded aga inst nccol'llillgiy, l '


)'Ialo I. - 'I'he "n-cd. or :1l1lruring Otl 1111' Iq' lwlIl'llUt;U ot' HIIII ·d"i!'d Pl'l ldll'N (Huu n l\1'l.m· d ry ing ) . 'J'ho Ii IWl} ilH Olili \\'('1'0 Huh!i·tt'l l :1M I y pi l'n l oj! IntH .Hlllrlll'{,,1 lUi t OitQ\I':-I: 0, tlll ~UlIf'1I1'odj ], HIlII'm'('Il UlI(l h O\ll'j 2, :iU ll'ul'c() lwo h UII I''''; a, Hulf'III"t'd tI, reo 11(IUI'Ij; d, HUlJ' III' l'll rU ll i' 1111111':1; N, :-Iu lflll'c il flve .' n lght.


Bur,. 'J85J DltYJNG CU'.!' Fnul'J'S 9

'!'he Fcclcl'i-ll QOVCl'llll1c nt !therefore PC1' lllits t;hu u sc 0.1: 111 is prcs('l"vfI­Live t;}l()ng h it cautions Jlgaiw':; t Us oxcm;sivc u sc. tiD J.lNl' tiS is knowH it hns l lCVCl' been clCll1onstl'n.t.Cll t.1111t tl l(} ordilla.I.'Y amonnts oi~ snl[ul' dioxido consumed bl dr ied J:ntils ar c: in juria\!:; h} 1.lIe h UllHlIl Sy:-itOIiL

,Vithout sllll:ul' dioxic1c~ c1dc<l cut J:l'lI i ts hi th o J) 1'C'HC I1L WB-I1 -1<1loWJI,

a.Ltl'tLCt..-ivc an cl stnu lc J'Ol'll'l cn ll n ot·, uc IH'O(hlccli.

lit ndelil,ion (0 comply illg wi(it th e rcgllln(,io lis oC ~ho I rtril. ~(l St.ntes gO-VCl'llmcllt, dried fn.:dt must a l ~o co n"l:()l'm t.o t]lC l:cgulnLiol l s 01: the indivhlnAI. stn,tcs nnd Lhe fO l'c jgn cOunLl'il'f; \,0 which it is shipped, 'rho prOsoHt o:dsti llg 11Hlximnm lim}!:s for SV1l'IH' <lI"O JI:-I .l:oll o\\',':!:

Counll'Y orslntc 1'.1).11\.-CIII"lt),. ... . ,.. . .. ......... 2(;00

Swih:crillml, N'uw YHrl,~, .... 200{) 1-:ug ltm d ... ' ...... 201){) (760 fo r rf\i ~ ill!~) GQrll1n ll ~" AlIRlri(\, 11 \lllE!\ry ..... l2(o(. C:.u:d!(l'$JQVll ldll..... . .. ..... .)2.5/) (foi<lin'l ('lily) FmIH!O .......... 1000 ,JI\ IIIIII ."._"" . .. ... ,... .. ....... 1000 (l~prioQ l fI. ; "0 110 ulll)wlld ill olh or ~ rlllt ~)

Now llull lj):I il irfj, ........... '. .Nollo

t" P.p.Ill." mCI~m:l ))ltrt ll por lHi liiC)lI,or Il1i11i ll r /Ul'l!\ P l.'t Id lop,rIIltl . WOO 1~.P. I11. a111l1l1!! 1/ 11) o[ 11lc rconl.

It is important to both pllul,ar a nd grower thllt I.hG " \111'",1' dioxid e c011t011t of CI)] iJ'01']li", dried hn it; iJe kcpt. "s low as is "ollSi,t"HI; wil.]r sa.tisfu..ctOl'Y CO)OI' and k eeping' tllwlHy. F'ai ln)'c to do I1li .'3 may pl'O­vent th e sti Le- oJ. 1ih c proclnct 01' 1llny 1'(JSUl!i hi cxpol1si,'c 1'CtU I'1I shi p­m elli, Or C01)(101l1"",t ion nnd los" of. th e 1'1.' 1I.i 1..

'1'JIO elm'lwnillg of Cllt fnlits l.'oJ'c l' l'('cl 1.0 "lrove, is 1101. fllily nncle l' ­stood. fl'ltcsc fL'll'it s cOll tain s uhstn.ncc~ t ha,ti 01'0 c1nri<encd by ox idati on wJlielt in ttli s eUSl' is cOll si(lc l'Ccl io be chcm icnl combillatioll wi th oxygen, 'rhe fl'nit s HIRO 1l01'1.I1HBy c.onLll ill snbstn,I1(ICS knowll HS enzymes, Hmong whi ch al'e some cttll cd oxidascs; . These l l n~vc lho pl'operty 0.1: Dl'i ngiJ}g nbollt OJ' hfl~') ~(lJli l1g OXjclclt'iOl1 t-) n(l dlll'kp'IliJ)g', The exact unlon1'c o.f tbe HubstHI1CCg dUl'kelled 01,' or Ill e ll1mlllCl ' ht wIn ch t,h c dar]{{miJlg is hl'onp; lI t auol1t _is not entirely elcCl I'. ' LI.ho oxidases AV O ] { 1l0WlI to h6 inacl'i yutcrl«1} IIm o llg w hi ch IU'O )'cdncillg HgCl1t.H :-;oC];" flR Ktil Ell l ' dioxide 01.' s\11tuL'ou:;;; 1-wid. ,A L:s,o

119 ]ong tlS ~ lI C}i a. powed ll) ["eil.l1cin g [(gont ?IS s lILflll'ons I--wW ~11!;

it P" CVC1Us t "':loast t:2._!\:;L Im:go extent t.ho II b S01'lJtio il of OXYK('1\ l,y t he f'rn it sllb s l."~ l eCS whiell migllt lrceomo dlll'kened.. O,,)'g~ n l1l11Y he lnn.clf! avnilab le b.')' o.x i (ll1~C's Ot' 1111l"r ('ome Il" Oll ' 01 hc-I.' SOlll'COS. 'J\ I_1Cl'O is

I'onso l\ to ,lonul: w ito t il (J l' All dlll'ic<:nillp,' in dried tl'llil. resu lts sololy from the nc!ivity 01: oxkln.,,'s, for prolinets ,,!riell pl'os nrl'lIl.hly havc been f;iO tL'cnl:o(l !If,; to destroy or pCl'nHnH~n t)y slliJh C1n~yJ1\Cf:;

Jawc hool1 ObSOl'V<!d to ll a l"kcn on pl'olmlgod st.Ol'ogc,


Sulfur clioxidc H] SO prc.Ycnts spo il ago by iJlhi))iLin g t]lO growLh of ml cl'ool'gnnisms and resulting iel'mCJltfltion 01' molding JlBc] by l'Op~JJ­

illg' ill!Sect.s dUl'blg dr~yiJI g'. EitliCl' 01: those agents might dcstl'OY the foo,l YRIlle or saln.bility of tile fi'uit if: 110\; checked.

8ulf111' llioxjde hnsteJl.~ slin-ill'.l'illg hy plnsmoly"illg the fl"l1il, ccl1.,. destroy ing the watel'-l'ctcuthl e 110WCl' of. t.ho c~ll wHlls, U,llCl allow.illg' Lhe moistnl'C: in the tissues to escape more rend ily, Rowovel', tllis clocs not seem to (tlIeet the nlte 01 s lHHl r,ving ill pl'opa"\;ian to I;ha mnorm\; oE SO, absorbed.

Invc8tigations of recent yeurs h flV~ cmpl Hudxcd tho impOI'toncn or: vi/lIJniJ1S jn the diet, FL'nitR, in addU;ion to tllerl' llPI)ctjv.illg' (jUllli/.ics aDd energy "Valu es, arc one of tllC ell iot SQtll'CCS or: ."rjt-mnilHL V(,ry recent stucl:ies by ]\{ol'gm, m"l Fiekl c7 , 8) imli cflte tlint clL'ied J'l'Iri/; has bec n sn'/rt'lL'cd befol'e c1 I';yjng- l'cf'(LiJ1S n ll1uch g'l'ClItCll' POl'l:;'i() 11 of f;ll(!

vll'amins 01' the fl'esh fl'lIil; than doeR fru it which 1111" not ber n sll1.fnl'ccl. It seems possihle thAt, ns It l'csnlt of. this \VO\'](, ~ycnt::nally a mhlill'l,L1Jrl

requirement; nt.ther thflll n IlIi1Xi1l1111H tarOI'filleC lor srllell]' dioxide 11Ii1Y be enf:ol· ecd.

S"lil/11.'1.' Wild S 'ulf'1f,,' Hou.scs.-As lila), be SCCn fr011l ihe Above pm:a­~' I' fL'p ]I$, tIle Plll'pO~C of u::;I.IHul'ing" 01' nppiyin g sulfnr dioxide to (".he 1"'"it is to make the fl'llil. absorb 1I0t only snfficient sulfur dioxirlo to Pl'OSCl'VC il; prior 1'0 and clining drying but also to persist dl1l'ing the ncecssfll'y period of storage, 'r,lIc 811 11:ul' d ioxide is niJllost lmivc l'snlly a]Jpl ied by e"posi ng the IreRllly cnt fruit to I;he rUllles oj' hUI'n;'lg ~ulful' in n 811"IEnl' honse. Thoro 111'0 sovcrnl j:actol's whicl1 inflnonce the abS01"pti011 of Bulfm dioxide by fruit. Among tllem the most hllPOI'-t.}.l II t, nrc -t.llC (:Ol)ccnW:.aL.ion...of;~.J.,;:n l ful' eliox.ide in the slll' lionse, the eOl1d iJiojl of t~ hnit. tIle time o~iJ:mru'o, n11cl the temJ?Cl'J).1!nc.

'1']lC COllCc'lltl'l1t,ion of Ru lf.1.1T (lio~...-jcle in tho snlit11'1ng chn.mbcl' is

conl:l'o\lccl by tlw qunnLity of "'1Ifnl' burnecl. the l'npiclHy and completo­ness oJ: combnst"ion, file voll11no or space and qUa11t.ity 01: Il'l1it i ll the ~nlf11l'illg o""111bo1'. ""d I:he los" ot snlfur dioxide from (;he chamber th]'ough vClltiln.tol'R Ot' lcnks. Loss of rUmeR f:l'om tl1C ehfllllbcll' is inflncl1ccc1 by wjnd velocity nnd di,l'eetioll .

'J'he LCll1'pe l' lItmc 1I11'eel;s tlle absorption oj' snlfur dioxid e hi several ",nys. As ibe tcmJ)erll.tnre ri8es fhc solnbili(,y of 8ul[n1' dioxicle in 'watsr dcc.ranses. On the othor hnllcl in crease jn tempera,ttll'c illel'cnses the 1'"I;e of 1'cn.ctjon Or eombi111I.t ion of t11e ""flU' d ioxide wi th othor subsLallces in the fruit. Also hi gh tompCl'(1turcs presumably soften tl,e fr llit I.issues ancl facilitate t he absOl'ptiOlI IInel pcnetr ation of su lflil' dioxide. 'l' llC genel"u l belief is that incl'onsing ille tempora(,ore .in· creaSes the absorption Tate,


D ,BYING CU'l' FJtuJ'J'.s n

'1'110 cOllrli tion 0:[ t h e fl' uit has fin impOl'l;ont bc.n l'j]l g on s11Unl' c]joxiclc abso rpt.ion, 'rhe Iri nc1 of lurgely d oterrnincf; th o Hbsol'p · ti01~ Hnd rctention, For example, under ol'cllTlfll'Y co ndi t ions flpl'i cots and peach es will a.bso l·b a l\d retain nm cli mOl'C 8111:f:nt· cli o.'( lllc Lhnl:l 1I'ill Ilpp]es a11[l peHJ'S, The kind 01' El'lli t hy Hs influonce on t he s i 7.~ au(l sllapc D.E L11C 1 ieees a'lso 1nrgel y clc tCl' lll.incs tllC ra.ti o between volume of those pjcecs and t he sllt.'rnco fIl' On. ex posed to t un f nnlCs, alld tllcr c£OJ:c, the .1'Jl,pid iLy of llbsol'pf,jon. rrll C co m pOfd t ioJ1 o:f~ t ho f rui t, whi ch vm' ies wHh 1;11 0 kincl nnd to som c oxLcnt wiL11 'lit e v m'jM.y, m n.ttl1,jty, and loc n'JiLy whe l'e g I'O'VI1, l) I'('~n'n1nhly nl so afYents tho(! absOl"ptiOJ] ;}])rl )'cti.mtion of snHIIl" dioxid e tlll'DT.g h vlll'jatjQ))s ill UJO a,monnts oJ! snb stflIl cCS wHlt wh·iclt t he SUllLU' dioxide may l'eact 01' c.o mbjno. 'l'ho sm'J:Hce conclit/ioll oE 111 0 f rui t i s :lTI im110 l't'Oll t i:uc!'ol.', 'r IllS is affectod by tho ifltCl'v[ll )Jof;wcon cll ttin g' 11l1tl s llif'lIrhlg' Hnr.1 hy s ltc.h tl'Cntlnellts as Rp dllJding wi th w a tol' 0 1' lye dipphl g, ]'1' SP1'1Jlklin g is clollo, cn l' !} must be tnkcn to nsc ml1 y clean tra ys ill OI'c1 01' to :,1"\'01c1 washing elL l' t on to fruit 011 kli:JlS below, As long' as n,!) cO'1l cCm l,L'a.t.l o /l o j: ",,!fllt' diox i(le in th e SUIl'lIl' 110 lise is g l'ell tel' t hAn I"h>l.t hI t he fi:uit: the 1\,111011 n t llbSO I'bc(l is lUI.Lurnn,)' g l'ea.ter os th e Limn of ('xpo~\ n'c jH ill ­a l'oll~od . Concontration of s uJ em' diox id e and tJIOl'cl'ol'c I"ho Nnw )·Q.(luirocl is hlfluonccd 1)), I'h e 1'lrio of: COlll bm:>t;.ioll o( t h e t:i1II I)IIJ·. 'r he l'ILio o.f niJsorptio n d ecr cases BR Ute Hmo'ullt _in t he [l' ui t hlCl 'Nl!-:('H !1 llcl

as t ho C(HI C(lIItr atiorl (lr s ulfur diox ido ill Ihc tt.l:ulosp hc l'C or lite sulf uring C]l fllllbcl" decreases by absol'ption a n el loss. 'rhe lllllllbc l' oJ:

factor s :i llfiu cHnill g absorption o~ s ulhw dio::-... i clc l)y frllit: 11lJ\kc~ it. very cl iftlc ldt 1,0 contl'ol lliJs01'll li oJl 01' to itlllstrll(;c flto cll'cct of fln y Sillg lo·or by m oans or s im11\O fi e"lcl tc~ts .

L1ny type or brHnd or. 811II' l1l' is sll(; i sl'AC tOl'~' fOl' "ulCurin g i nti t, pl'ovirlcd it jf,1 f l'ce fl'o l11 lLl'sonic and oi l Hnd will 11111'Jl fl'cc(y. It is imporl;nllt t o s tOI'O SU l1 lll' ill II dry p ln.oo to p I'even l; abso l'pti on 0.1 1ll0isi.1ll'c, Jf dil'floull,y of oombus tion is cxpcl"icnoo(l t ho 1l[Ltlili011 oE on pound of powderod sodinm njlrntc (C hile sa lt potOI') to oach i.wonty poullds of sulfm is holpf ul. F Jowel's of SU'(fI U: 11s11ally lll:tl'n mot'c read il y t han clocs 11111111 s nlf u!', '1'ho In,tter \lS\1Il11r l'cquil'cs lho 11se of sots of "UPol'posed pans to retain SOlltO 0.1 t lic hea t; oE comllus­t.ion, 01' athol' spcc.illl arrangemonts i ll o l'clel' to secure sllcccss.f ni b"1ll'11-ing, 'l'he lelln ll s n1£ Ill' costs onl y .lbout luL1f as llll1ch us flOW C1'S of. srdr ul". rrOwevcl', Lhe ex pcuc]it,ul'c for lH1l1:Ul' is 110t usuu11 y more thun two 01" (',lll'ec pel' ceu t 0' tlle (lost of drying, Ilnd 1110sl; gl'owers 1't'CI'Ol' to lise t,llo morc cxpc}llsivc fl ow('r~ of su. l£tu',

While special types of snlCnrin g oqld pmcnt 10c11(;oc1 indoo rs 111'O somcti lll (,S IIsed ror n.ppl c;s (fig. 15), mos t of: the npl1l cs H"nd nJ l of Ut o


12 UNrvI':HS I '!'Y ov C,U-,IF'ORNtA-Exl:>JilIlT1l.IRN'J:' S'I'.i_\' I' I ON

apricots, ' peaches, and pears dl'jecl hl Cal ifol'nia flrc ~ 1I1 'EIIl'ccl ill ~ll1all chmnuers 01' s ulfuI' -hou seR bu_il t on1. o~ do()I's" 'l'o i),void HllllOy­nncc t'o w01'kol's jn tile cnting s hed 01' dl'y" ym·d. f"l lC ~ ulfl1l' houses sl1.01Lid be constl"llCt cl so t h€lt IHcvni lillg wi ll cls will blow fumes nWHy :[rom nlld )'wl; ("ow ~tl'(1 j'hc cutte l's. It is (l lso hll"po L' tant 1,0 plHce tlw s ulful' hO"tHiCS so Ulat thc pl'cviri iing willds hlow tow;u'ds hut lIC"Cl' tLWHY [)'om t,hc dJ'att jlll:nlcc, As o]'dinfll'ily COllstil'll ctcd, suI FUI' :honscl;; contll,in enoug il ail' to nccOlnpli s h 1110 cOll1bHstiol1 of the ll CCC::.\r-Wl'y two

}"ig, 2.- A woll huilt gl'oup of con cl'cl O sulf ,tl' h01U;(,~ wiLh c losc·fiLLillj:t wood on (1001'S,

to UlI"CO pOUllds of Milf ... r pel" tOil 01' f l"es], fruit, proviit(!C] flU 1:lle Ox.ygen ox t he nil' he consUll'lecl jn HIe combnst ioll. rrowcvCl' 11 0t HIl th e o:xygC'l) pl'c8cnli 'in 1hc ntmosphCl'C is 11scd jn t.h e ]JI'OCC!"iS oj! combnR­lion, SillCC COIlIUl1S\"ioH ceases Wl lCll the cOll(w ntI- n.1' ion of. oxygen ill 1110 Hi I' uccOl'ncs low. rl'his l'C'C!niJ'C's deA n ito pl'ovislon 0 ~ drntt to !'\OCUI'C I'fl pid AI1(l c01llplc\'c eO lllbn!"ltion nuJcss Lhc~1'11 i:tIl, hO\l !'i(> i!:)vcl.'Y leaky, ln whie11 CHSU morc s\lHur ml1F3t be n8c<1. ]n order 1;0 secure 1Il1ifonll distrihn­Hrm of the 811 1rl11' dioxiile t he V('Ht s shoulrl he so 1 0CH tl~(l (l!'! to Cause tho. OLll'l'ont oE Ail' .. nld fUlllCS to lH1SS avo I' as IHu ch of t11C fruit ~lS possible. 'rho fl.l'l'.n:ngc lllC11ts shown hI l-igtll'OS 4 Hllcl :'5 Im:ve given good l'c::.; nits.


DL('TlNG CU'J' PrW I 'I'R 13

'1'11 0. SnHlH' hOUBCS SllOlild 1) 0 so hnill; AS to COlI S(:l1.''VC tile h Oil1: ",, 'Idell may IJC nhso rhcd :fl'om the ~Iln ;.111(1 that whiell Js g ive n 011: by th o combnstio ll o [ l.he. sul hn, A t the SlIm o tillle cal'C mnst; be tnkClt tha.f, I;hc su l£m' is 11 01. hrll'l lCcl so close bes icle OJ' llllelel' Ul e huit tha t sconh ­ing wJll Udw plnco, The f'rllli;criHl s employed hI illc eon st l'uetion of Si d I: U I.' ]1(H18CS aTe con orete, 1n'i ck , hollow toil e, waDel, sh eet rllctH I, fl ll tl

pn.per, 1JOIl 8('8 blli lt o~ the Orst tlll'oC' ial s a.j'e 'I'chliivcly pC l' ~

lIl11ncnt, fLJ'CPI'OO !l, flnd l1IH,,\' be wad e rairl y tight « (i~, 2) , O IL th.c othel' lU\l1(J t;hcy 11,1'0 eOlH.; ic1 cl'lllJly )110 1'0 QX()(}]ls ivc 1.0 bn ila t"h un '1I·C

wooden 11 oll se~ Hncl arc gC ll(~ l'al1y lowe!' in l.empCl'llt llt'C, '\Voodell. sulfu!' h Ollses " ,'e t. he m ost coml11on type ( fi g, 3) , Unl eSS they fl r c

li' ig, a,-A. lmli" m',Y oC WOO(1CJI ~u l .f ul' In)lIs(ls N(J lo LmYH, nnd LlUlIHfo l ('or ill J'OI'og l' o lltld, ~l'J1 0 cloon~ of MilCh h() IL ~(lli Ill'() of ( On io, lky, llHlUJllllg j)l 0 P fi to lL old iham ngaill!1t Lho doo l' J'l'anH3f1.

ell.l'o:Eull y uuil t lind k ept, in good r epllir, Llt ey becoill o " Ol'.\' JCHky a,n(l arc nlwny" suhject to lil'o ]la"nl'tl , lJ OWO"O I' , the IlSC ot oulside ",dEnt stoves co nn ected witl, Ll1C hOll"CS l1y Ill'Opo'!' ly il1sn lnl,cC! pipes Jlrll o­tica lly oHmiJlllf'Os fire J'islr, n()uses built 01: flnt shoet ",o l',II} !Minted black to assist i ll Lhe nbHOl'ptioll of: SO lHl' h (I t hnvc lwon )'ccorn nlOll(] cd hut thcy corl'od e badly ill sp ite of Ally 01' th e ]lJ'otccLiYC pa i1l t8 t1' icil "o fa l', ObScl."vflt ion.q have I:Ihown that w l,-il c wooel Hnci m etH I hO l1 HCS ]'cHch Iti g-hel' t:cmpc l'attu'cs dLlring t'he clay than <10 co ncrete houseR, t.hc JligJlt 1ernpcl'aLIll'cR in j,be con cl'ote hOlli:ies Ill'O lligllPl', IT't'om t] l(~

~t, n,nd[)o ilJ t or 1empol.' l1tLll'C, theref:oro, tllC e)1()icc o,t cOlJst.l'lIl:,f;ion ll1H­te l'jut w Ol1 l(l clCPOll Cl lIpon w hether i t is hlten,cl ccl to s nlfrn' h'ni.L l)l'in.ciJHLily dnl'lH g tho (lny 01.' cinl'ing tlw night,


]4 UN JVEnSJ'J'Y OF' C ,\LJlI'OHNIA- Exr.tJ;;nJ 1'I fEN'J.' S'I'J\'I'JON

IrODels of papel' 011 n wooden fl'n1110 lTI<ly be usc(l i.cwpol'll l' ily 01' i"ltll' in g eIl1Cl'gcl1ci es, 'rho .fire hfllml'c1 01 1,11.OS0 hooch; _is llfl,tm'nlly VOl:y gl"cnt and tllCY arc leaJ<y fmil sllol't-livcd,

In designing a~\i llm' h ouse the sjze ShOl dd _not exceed that j'oquircrl to bolel two trucks of stllggcl' l!d t l'Hys- pl'cf cl'ably 0 11 Q: tl'll ck ( li S in fig. 4) if 3 oy 8 foot t ra ys '1" 0 ll sed- in oreier to S('OIIl'O sn.t iHI'ac lory



'/ /" 1"11 11/1 1///// //I/I I/I///. b /, (GROUND LE.VEL ~ ~

1'1 f I I


).'jg, 4.- Dhlgl'ltlll of n simplo llulflll' hOlllm, (II .. ) lloQl'; ( II ) HuHIII' I)it.; (e) dl'll.ft holos,

distributiOIt of the fnmes nmollg I ho trays. 'l'ho lon gLh 6ho ll1<1 be sllffioiont to provide It free SI)lLeO of !It Icns t Rix inclles mOI'e Utnll the diameter of the sulfur PHil, I) it , 01' f:IIlO if this be ill lIle floor. Provision sholllrl be mllde to keep the trnys from ontol"ing this 1"l'eo SIJIICO ill order t.o stimulate a l' J'isc o.E ~\11ful' fumes nnd to CH1ISU tho necessnl'y cil'culn..Lioll flS we1l l:l8 10 Pl'C'VC1lt scorching Ot· Ih'c Josses. A RtovC Otltside the sulfur ]1011Se hOI:; th !) Ilclvantogc thnl; it. is ,h ee £1'0111

fire risk, lind mny be in speeLe(l I'enclily (fig. 5, I). IJ' It pit; i.s 1\set! inside the house, IL 12·iJlch 1111 1:1:-1011gl;ll oJ' oOl1c]"ol:o i "" ig"tio)l 1l;P"


Bur •. '185] DRYING em' FRUITS 15

I)lakes a vcr)' slltisl'llcto l',Y shell lVilClI set so 1,IIItt the top CO "'OS (1" ,11 with the sn lI:IIL' ]lonse fl oo r', \Vhcl'c the so il -is vel',Y dl'y!l Shl'lHnl' ] cJl gth

of 85 per cent IYIJlg'lw,'{"h1. stCH Il! J)ilJC im:ill I t1'ti 0 II mll y b(.l used ( fig. 11-). A concrete, hdck Ot' lYluglicsia flool' shonlcl be L) r'ovidcd allcl the bol-ton " l1d sides l»'ol'oCLOt] from moist""e by U,e lISC or oil 01' till'. Difllcully in gctLing "Ihe sn LLllr to bnl'll l'H.llidly llild. completely 11111'y mmnl ly bo ove l'come by t"1ll]) loy ing 11 slig-ht fOl'ced d J.'n.ft j)J'oclu cNl by a contl'a l tall 11Ilei distl'ihuted 10 the ;l1Cliv ichla l sul r ,," hOllSCS by nlClIll ~ 01' It

~ystcm of pipes one illCh Or morc in' ( fig. 51 Jl) . Sin oe the 111Osi; common .lcakugc .rrolll 1\ S\1Uu!" house OC<HU'S al'Oullcl the. cl001'f{ tliis lonkngc i ~ usod lry some oP<:I.'u .. lol.'S Mi IL vGn l, and I.ho ~to"c or pit I:ol' blll'lIing the slLl[IIl' is p'ln ccd at L]le opposiLe 011(.1 of t lH! ,honse



li'ig, G,-SlIcc.c:>!iflll IYPOR of Hulful' bnrUOl'ij, I, BtOVD o lll ~I <lQ sulful' llol\!i()j (:1.) sureLy pllll of motn.l 01' hl'i(l#kj (b) s ui.fU l' potj (u) IlI()Lnl ~to"c, ]T, Sulfnr pit insido h OIlf~o with fOl'cCllllrutti (n) p ipo from £nn; (11) SUU UI' pit. ]11. SUi.f Ul' pit o ll tsido houMo; (ll.) lila 01' CO IIBl'cto l)it Rll j)})O I't; (b) Hul fur Imll; (n) lito or mot-ul 1IIIe pipoj (d) fHlllP0l'tiug bricks,

(fig, G), SucccssCul I'cstdls hu,vc also beel1 obtained hy placing" 1.ho "tllfut pic ill tho floor nelll' I'he door nnel bOl'iug ono 01' two ollo-i/lch holes j)1 tho ol! Iha doo), (fig. ~.).

vVhatcvor tho dosign or 1-he l11ntOI·ifl I 1Iscrl in bn ilrling' j;he 8/1IIrll' 1101180, it is. -impol'tnl'll I.ltn.t jj; be tjght Illlc1 CHl'ofully huilt, with c. l o!->c~

Ilt!;ing dOQl·s. On ly ill 1 his WHY cnn the combustion of the 8nHII], be co ntrolled by Ihe drnlts or vents ll)'ovi<led. A lenley hOllse is subject to great vn ";1l1ions ill llOtl. tho concelll.,·otioll 01 Slllfll), dioxide in the hOll se, and in the flmount oJ! slILflll' l'cquil'el fo l' udcqnatc sul1uring, It is wnsl.ol'ul o[ 8ul£.1'I" IIlld is like ly to Ill'oduce wide vll1·iltliollS in tho alllount of: ~ull:Cn' diaxi(lc nbsOl'betl by t.he f.'


16 UNJ"lmSJ'I'Y Oli' C~\LIPonNrA-I~xf'En fi\ rJ~N'j' 8'J'A'I'I ON


'fhe r osults of sorne or t.h e ("x.pcri1l1 CIl Ls Illlld c: dUrill g' J'ece tlt yoan; in tho Pl' lIi t P J'ocl u c1.s l ,JtliJOI.'U,tOI'Y mHy 'illu »l l,<tle 110 ill h·~ wl,i cll 'hll:\,c

heel] discw:iscd ailovc in cOJlncc l"ion willl t It o. J) l'opill'aLion alld. 1)1'01 t'cnt­lllCllt. ot: (Hit Il'uils .fo r dry jng,

1- 5TEAI'.1 .) MINUTE~ If - 5HAM 2. MINUT['~- 5011. 30 MlN, lU - UNTt:!EATED N-SO:l., ? HOUP..5

]~'ig, U.-Ell.'cct of fl lllflll' (li o:ddll tlnd sl uam on t ilO thyilLg \,imo (Ii 11ohy(1I'nl:(H11tpt'icol:;,

1 - UI>JTQEATED n - SO :!, - 2.Y;;l. H OUQf) ][- 5 T tAM 2. MINUTE:;- SO:t- 45 MIN ..


JI'ig. 7,-Efl' , 'c t o.r. S I11fl11' tl i()xiclo tlHd stem" 0 11 til l) 111'y illI,C Lill1e of dollyt1l'nl'co ponahc8.

EO'oot of 1'>'1'e1)(£'l'al'ion (Jllld P1'e1, ~'eal 'm e1l<t on the ])')'!Jina !1'1'IIIC,- 'l'lHt,t steam trcntmcnt shodcns the time l'cqn.ircd :1:01' c1 chy<lt'ILt,ion lS ~ ho wll by flgUl 'CS G and 71 bat 110 diRtiJ'l Ct ll Ol' consistent effect or :-i ll I furill g il.ppCU1'S. As 8ho,\I11 1)), fi g lU'C 8, howevcl', sulfurin g Kho1'i~C1 1 0d tlU} 'Lillie

required for Sllll-cl l'y illg , In tlte c'X pcl'imcnts whi ch 1:u1'nislletl t iH' datll. f~ Ol' :figUl'e} 8 l it WHS notccl t llu:t \\lhile 1.1\ e snU:ut'cc1 Salllp lCK nlways d l'i ccl raster than t h e l","ulfll l'eil ones tho sallIpl es ill <)fl eh sCl' ics s lIll'm'cci .for di_ffol'Ollt ICllgths of t ime ,mil co ntHini 'ng vary ing nlllOllnts 01: Kul.l:ul'


Em., 485] DRY ING CU'l' l~n.u)·rs 17

(ljox idc , cOlild not be d i rYCl'OIl t,ilLt.ccl wilh l'CSpcct to l'U.tC. rl'hc 1I111d\..CC! c lr('(~t of: pCOHllg On the l,lllW l'ocptil'cc1 for lll e dehyrll'ation oj: lHl1 vcd P(!;l1'S is s hown iJl ligll'l'c D.


~~+-4-~~ __ ~~~~& D~-"~O~~~


l!'ig-, 8,- 'J' 11 0 cio('lill O of llloisl:1l1'C 0.(1111 0 111; ill ~HtlrUl'0c1 lIne] in 11'lL ~ulfu l'c (l fl'lliL dlll'ing klllHll'y in g, 1 1\11 (1 JI, pCa c.h()ll. J.J.[, IV and V , Ilpl·ieot!l.


1O'±O-~7~-:----C,.:-~-'I:-.--7:,O:--""'':-, ---"::::.--""":-~-:O-.--_j40 HOUQS OOI£D

.li'jg, 9,- 1Dffeel of pcclillg on tho (lohy<l1'Hti(lU timo of pca I'fl.

RJlecl of S""!.!lIfl ' Dinxhle 011. Colnl' of Dried Ji"''Wit",- PIIII'n, I lIl'I(1 TT indi cllt c the J:llill1l'c of un Bu l.l:lll'c(l fruit to re taill t1lC colo I' oj' OIC fl'esh 0,' oJ: t ile SUIJ'lll'ocl f ruit, These phl teB r elll'odn ce t])C coloI' of specimen s of dried J'l'llit fl'om t he expol' imonts all w!rich tnb lo 3 is l)llscd ,



Eo'cd 0/ P,·c!l(J./"(,.V 1" 'u!t1llcnts onA.bsol'pt'ion. of 8,,1[11.'" Dio,,·icle. -Numerous CXI)C]:imcllts h-l"!,Vc s hown that .sp!'ink ling 11'nit with cold watel' Or br ine clocs not increase 1,11e absorption or su lful' dioxide. I'll

z o ::J _l

~ O!


w o.~ooo


~ cE I

W o X o 01000 -

ol :::> u... _J

:::::> <f)

1&>- 10 S.c.. 1.5% e,O I L 1N()LY~ 0- STEAM 1 MINUTF_



--- H ALVI':D

------ WHOLE


o ~---~--~~----~----~----~--~~--~~--~ o y,_ 1 IY<>. :< H OUQS .sULFUQE.D

Fig. lO.-Effnet of pl'opnratory tl'on.tmollt OIl. u.bflOtllUOn. of Hulinl' dioxhlc by apricots,

flgUrC 10 arc given the l' esults of experiments in which s})T'inkli ng' with cold wator just boloro sui [Urillg actna Ll y c1ecl'e!1secl absorpt: ion . On the other hUll(\ hot lye treatmont before sulfllrillg considerahly incl'cnsed the absorption of snliur dioxide by whole apricots.


nut., '185) DllVI N"G CO'I' ]~ II,uf'I'S l D

EJ),ect of GO'/i ceni"(1.('·io',. of S' .!.f",·" Dio, ' ille Wil e! of 'l'i'/1/e 'or ]£ '"1)0-$''''" TJpon Abso/'1)t1:0?/' of' 8'1/.1/'1." , Diox irle.-A s , hown in :HgUl'c 11, Umc, the s imples t factol' to con trol, docs )IOt ll,wc con sistcnt eITects exce pt. in (1 genOJ'8J wa.y find withiu II s'illg !o :-;;ct of: cx pcl'hll t' nts. S UlI1 £! flnotua­

tiOllS nr c. of: co ul'se ca.used by smnplillg OL'I'OD'3, but this doc:.; no!; entirely eX,pla in the cliscl'Cp}lIlcjOS !rinco an1'VCS 11 HlIc1 IJ I on pcmchcs, which FU'O distinctl y plH'allef , Hl'C ba~ctl On duplicat.e Sll1111) \CR. I n I.h ~ cxpel'imcnts h'Olll which those tWG CUl"VOS were dl.'IH Vll tll e ~ uH:ln' wa):; exhausted ill t.]10 bl11'll c e at. the end o~ 3 1lOill'S, witCH} 1l10l'C was add ed.

]J'jg. 11.- }lN'cet of Limo of OX P<HiUl'O o·n fl,bsol'pl:ion of slIl ful' dio); illu hy (A) poa611 cH find (B) Ilpl'i Cl.) t~ ,

'1'he Retention oj 8 "'//11.7' Jj 'iox-ir,l e.- 'l'll o rctollliOI\ or s ul!'m: cl ioxide by npl'i cots anti p onch cs dm'in g (h'y_i ng u.I1d s llbt::eq 1Lcnt co mmon stol'nge in P".pOl' e')'l'toll" iK showll il'l I:/tb lc 3, of: boillg cO ll ccntrn,totl fivefold by dry ing ns arc !.110 ot.hel' solid components 0.1: thc f1'n il., the suLfur diox ide content )'omnim:i aL nbouL the s allle level WIl e]l l lO CO I'l' CC­tion js 111(ldo Io1' the nmOllllt of moi stul'c pre-sent, Under \']10 cO Jlof'iiLinllS oJ: storage used aeter ell'ying, n SllfllJy hnlE Or rtlOl'Q of ~lle sulfur dioxide d,i snppcnl'cd ill I.he COUl'SC of Hix mon ths. 'j'his 1~nc l~ is oe ])l'uctical signiilcnn ce 1.0 pncking bouse Opel'11lo1'" ill Ihe cOlI!.ro l of suIJ",. rlioxirl.e content; of d.d ml. En.its 101' , 'nl':iolls 111f1 rk cts.

ExpC>'tlltC'/I;ts 1vith AjJples.- l11 01'(101' to (lntel'l l1ine the l·clnt.iolls hip bCtW(lC11 l11_cthods or ]ll'Oplt.l.'atjon, thno of sulfuring, and sulfur dioxillo content, and llc tween tho sulfur clio){idc content nnc! tile colcn fl ud keeping qualit.y 0·£ a.pplos dming dl'yil1g aucl storage, upp leg werc ~ll lJ'ul'ed llllilcr dill'e!' nl; commol'cilll cOllclitiorl8 a nd compflrcd 1lf'tC1: clchJ'clmtiQll IIncl s torngo. 'rhe !'esllUs ill'e gjYCII ill 1;(/1)10 4, ,VJ.ilo samples 1, 5 und 9, woro iu tilc 8111£lll' oIHlln!)or, the flue lclld:iJlg from


20 UNIV':;:H, I 'L'Y 01;' I A [.IJ.'OltNIA- TILxV81lIfl l l ':N 'I' S'I'A'I'ION

Olle of til s n1fur stoves to tllO c illll llh('1' WIiS olJs(l'ud r c/ Hlld flill

c luunbcJ' wa~ Icaldng cxcussivcly, HlIInpl es:1, 7 !tllcl 11 \\1('1'(, i1ippl'd ill 3 pel.' cenL brino for 3 lll iJIUle,1j befol'e :w 'I'II J'ing, j \ S 11U' laill e KhowJ:.;, H Llll~l"ll' illg af:tcl' fili cin~ OJ' q IH1J 'lol'illg' r(l~ lill (l (l ill H (!O IINi d l' I'lIllI c

'.I'.ABTa': !l

AIiSOltP'I' IQN l\.o.~n nE/1't",~ TION Ot' SU I,~'UH, l)tOX II~I'~ II" AI'U I('O'r :i ANI) !'I'::\UI I EH

' I' imu SO" i11IillC'ilint (.'ly SO, llnl llotiintcly HO,nft crColllluulI I!rull, 8nlfllfcd RflQr l'luUurill" .,rl" rdryillf; fl lurng;c,O 1II0I1Ih8

--- - ----/lollr. 11.11.1'1. 1'·1'· ''' , ,1.JI.m .

• 883 7-11 32,'i

1,:U.5 1,011) r"lS l'tnch NI,I\III-(h·ie,I ... 1,636 I,IM OU5

1,70:l 1,3(,7 AM.! Overnight 1,:1'16 ~28

1136 611 :.!OD OJ, '" :n:1 113' 110' :I'U

]'Cll(lII~""llIln .. tlrIIlc L ... t,:m 1,100 (,10 1,0 111 1,011 rl t -l

U 1,·11 4 t, nlO '" O"l'rlll,lll 7"'2 1, 2:.!:! 774

(.oS 4 77 "0 ." '" lUll 7:1:1 8fl t ::!1l5

J'('fl l,l .... s. cll·/ •. w lrll l od .... ,. 1,;)011 1,131 (,"" 1,018 1.13U ·1r.O 1,0[1 ,1 1,72'1 Cl:I·j

O\'Crllilht 7" 80' :l!;,

,31) 078 15. ,\l1ricolJ! . fl UlI' Ilrlotl nu (,7:1 Ifill

'" 600 ~3(1

-11(1 ij7R 2iB

'" 1, :n6 '" I ,nil 1,107 !laD Aptic()te. 1I U1I .. dri(·d .~ ... Ii:!-I Qit) :!61

SI)(J 1,062 Hri , 1,41)6 1, 161; «. O\'f'ruir;ht. 1,488 I,U,\ti 61 2

1.370 1.002 .,. 1,2[10 1, ·1-1 (1 OB'

i\ I)r icotll , H1Ul-driOIL"' ..... 1,IlIlS 2,00.5 OM) , I ,RO~ 2,,122 I . UH O\'('rnl~ht. 1 . II~H 2,01=1 O:!:!

illcl'eu~o in. til11:tlU' dioxide contcllt. n~ CO IlII' III '(ld "rjlh ~tl l rl ll'ill g n,p p l cK

",hole J!Ol' the some poriodK 'rho iJ "iIl C (ii l'llOtt 'l[lptes d i,lllot ulmo"'. n~ much sul i:ut' e us tho IUlt!ippc u i ll lilly CHSO, m ill We'l'O rO\lnd to be inte"ior in OOVOI', Koeping' ",,,,Iilio" slll isi'!Ic to.,y fo., ~iA' lt l lnonths were Rec.ul'od only when Lhr app lcs uftcl' ch'yillg conta illed sulfur dioxide to t he nlllOllnt of lit l east 200 p,p,m,


'BUI",j f» ;\1

111 illlOthcl' sct or cX (l (' I'i IlI CII{S, rl'('sh Newtown J? ippill np ples \\,(1['0

pc(.' lcd ) cOl'od J 11'i"lnm od Hlld llH' 1I 1.1'(':11.(,(1 iu Ih o. Jo ll ow in g' WHYS: 1. S li ce,] ulii lIoi s lIll'nl'cil. 2, nipped whol (~ iu 0.5 pC l' (1(' 111. ~i\I l1' I1I ' diox ide Ho lution 1' 0 1' one

millnl c) I hi' l) ~ri l ccd,

3. S li ced II lIiI Ihen exposc(1 to rlllll('" 0 1' blll'tlillg SIIIElll' 1'0\' 1 Y2 JIO III'S,

4. Dippc(1 as in (2); Ih oll 11'0111'0<1,," ill (:{).

'l'AB],]i] 'J

E.'.'i!.C" I' 01' SU['.'IJ I ~ I 1'.~CI ~\ I .:'I' IIOl} O~ SUI.l'Ult DIOX I UV. Cox'rl':X'I' A.NI) QUAI,I'l'Y 01'

D .~ II \ ' I)UNI'P.I) 1\ l'I ' I .. t~S

"'hull' Whull' Whllk, Whuh' Hllt·(,d Hllt'c(1 Hliccd ~li"N I

• Qllllrl('rtl

10 <Juu rt"rII . II Quurt(·rll .......

" Qllnrler,l; ... " ...

lI onr" AliUllmd

I ' I II I!i I' , ' I H4

" , ' I ,~

Forltl ill whioh





HUe'I'" kilt· ..... t'; H(''' ~

Slle' " HllrCIJ

q.((ltW"" ClUl.rINIt Quutlf'r,. (~ullrlnr ...

• Low (IUII()(.' lIlrtllioli or ludfUI' .Iimddn in &1I1(1II· I)Ox.

I i31t(of"oflu[fufil1l!:. dimwII in 3 Ilt'f tro ut hrill u:l 111111111('11.

S~I~' t\'rl~I'I . R,l"lt'jj

II ].10 511

2\0 \I~


'00 2>0 80

2:\0 170


Itc lnti\'U t l lllllit~ WIICII tined

-ttll 21l1l arc!

" ~I ,Ill! :JrC I 2nd

'01 .1I l! ~Ihl

:ln l


Jl eollllll'o ~t'If, l iIY

Il h erO .1\.WI. common


4th ,,, ard 2- 1111 4111 3r . 1 ,,, 21ul

""1 3rt! :! ntl


'rho il'nit,. was thC'1l d('hydl'lltrd in 11 Ill hol'atol'Y llil··hhl~ L dchyill'ntc l' und ol' LCmpc.l'lLbtl·c , hllllli (lily, IUHI nil' {low COlu liti o l1 s c lQRe1y r Ose1ll ­bling .. hose Ilscd COlnnH: r c iHll y, Lito ((J'yi ll g lime lJ c ill g' 11 11 0 lll':-\ . . \"he ll

C!, L1 cnlntecl to a moisl tu'c hnsi:s or 22 P(,l' C('J1L the RlIll"nt· dioxide (!O lt ll'nl wfi,.q us follows: ullsnHlll'C"cl, 37 1') .P. IIl , j dipped Ollly, 57 I),p.m.; rUllloOs

only, 90 P.IUll. ; dip mlcl lllll1CS, 80 p.p.m. l i1 l'om thesC'- r esul ts it may be seen that, as 1111 :;:; l'C(,ll noted willt

othol' fl'ni1~) npplcs ell'jc(l withollt. bring s lIlflll'cd eo nt'nia l'cili\(\ing sllbHl,nnccs I'('fletill~ ill tIlt' dot.Cl'ln il1n J,iOll like HulI:ul' (liox il~(' ('ql1ivn l(.' n L 1,0 bO f,WC<' ll 25 I1nd GO p . p,ll!. Til oth (11' \vol'ds, Ilnll'HS fho f.l n! Clu· diox ide COlt ten t. r cpOl' tctl j!"OIIl 1l1l nlYI-lis C'xC('('ciH 50 i).p.m. iL is d 0 1l1l11'\l1 ",hOI] I('I'

any hilS b~c lI l'ufnillud fl'olll (he tl 'onl. lliori/. g h rC II. ~l'hc cxp(!l' inl'lds a lso :show that dipping' whole nppl ol{ i l l 0.5 ]) l' (:()l1 t.. slIli:Ul' dioxid c SO IHI,ion fOl> oue mirwt o illCl,'cnscs lila sulfllr dioxide oonl ('11(' hili v(! r'y li tt.lo Il.' c011lpal'od wHh ('x posing La fl lln cs 01 bUl'ning sn l ftu' 110 1' OIiC



uncI olie-fo ul'th hOlt!'H. 'r' he brief dipp ing in di lule sul:ful'o lis acid solulio u befol'e exposing to fumes merel)' i:ol'cst!llls <ln l'koll ing be toro s1'Ilf-ul'ing. It uocs not incl'case and mny dec l'cflsc the qnnnLit;y 01: .~ 1I1X1Il· dioxide rct8ine£1 ",flcr (h·ying.

III anothcr set oE cxpe)'ilncnts7 cubed apples WC1·(J. cx.po~Nl Lo lhe f umes 01 bUl' llhl g snL tur lOl" ]Jcl'iods rllngillg fl'OIll [ive minutes to LWCll ty·fo lll" hOlu·s. '1"he cldctl .fruit when IlIln lyscd contn ined snlf lu' dioxide l's ngjng ollly heLwccll 23 anc1 259 l1f1l'tf'\ PCI' lHil1ion On the dl'Y bngis. 'l'lris is Lho cq ni vn lcnt ox :hOlll 0.001 to 0.01 3 J)O"l' cent expl'csf4c(l 't' 'J'he nmount. of sul fur £1ioxiclo r eta ined ns slIch is I; hol'o l'ol'e n ot largo von when the time 01 expOSUl'e to s uHlI.l' cliox i<'i c :1:nll1es is iltcl'ca~cd to abo ut n UlllC'S the 111fl.x imnll1 pCt'iod nscd in COul ·

mereia l pt·HeLice . On the other llfu1(l t he tolal Amollilt 0.1' s ul'l:lIl' prosont, I'cpo ltec1 flS ~ 1I11' \]1' , illeceflsed fl'oll1 0.003 10 1.026 pC'" cont flS

f-lhoWIl 'ill figul'e ] 2, t he illCl'CaSC nmOllnting to sevent.y-two ~iJl1cS tll O mllximull1 qUHntity of sulfur l'ctlliJlCd ill 1,ho f01'11I or. sill fill' d ioxide, From this it. ll[1peal's lhat the sulfur di oxido .h,o ,·bed beyond Il

))lll..'X'immll of Sl P])J'o:x il11 :l loJy 250 p.-p.m. wfi S OOJlvCI,tN1 uy oxiclll j·jon inlo SOlUeth ing olso, PI'csulllnbly to sulfnt' t l'joxiele.

A compfll'isOll 0.1' t he lotlLl su]fnl' all the th y bflsis w ilh I'll(, moistlll'e cOlltell t of the sample when nn nlyzed (showl1 ill ngl/l'c 1 2) sugg sts tlLat I;here may be n l'ecipl'ocnl r elationship between Lho moisLUI'e COn ­tent of: Lhe ell' ied fr ui t nnd the extent of Ute eOllvel'sion of: I.he "uHIll' c1 iox: idc to SOllle othel' compound. 'rhe )'clntioll is somew ha.t il'L'cgu lnl', hOWC,fCl', nnd mAy lHI.YC 110 signifi cancc, Jll tl1C lWCSlH1CC o_E wnJeL', sul fu l' t riox id e becomes sulf lLl'io acid ACcol·t1ing 10 Ihc reucl ion: SO:I + li,O = 11,80.,. 'Whil e this Wfl. not actua lly demon sll'lItc, l, it WfiS·ved tha t lhe fruit, artol' sulfuring fo r 6 01' mOI'o homs bill IIdol'o d l'ying, WilS ])l'ogl'cssively<Ollcd , 'rhis is n C1JlLl'IlCt:C1'ist'ic ofYnct 01: strong suUllrie !Lcid, but it is clol1btf:u1 whether th e cOl1ccntrllLio:n oj' "nUll";C acic1 p"cHent in lhese samples wns gren,l: enough to CI.L USC 1'11 0

blackenin g: by charring ncHon . MOl'e probabLy it WDB d ll e to ehnnges ill t i,e plant pigments.

I n unothel' set oJ' experiments eonccl'Jliug the shi pment nnd stol'ngc of driecl a pples, " Jo t of fl'Ult eOlltaillulg 1~!5 parts of suLfl'll' dioxide pel' 11lillion when pac.keel, was c1 iv iclcd into two portions. Olle po rtion was heM at BCI'kelo)' from September whell it WIlS pncked, \llllil th e follow-jllg FobI'U81'Y. Dul'ing tl1is time the othel' PQt'tioll wus slli ppcc.i by st.oamer _f1'0111 San Fl'aJ1Cisco to New YOl'lt fm el l'eturn "ift the Pllllftlll R Canal. 'fhe eon t.ent of 81111'nr dioxide in the fl'llit held fit

1 ConducLed 1»), 0, E . Mnugcls, O. n.. Gross, nlld p, ]\ Nichols, OOUllllol' cinl ff~~~~,nti on Laborn.lory, Dureau 0-£ Ohemifl tl'Y, U. 8. Department of Agriculture


Dln'INO CUT FRUl'rs 23

BeJ'i<clcy Ilvcl'ngcd 68 p.p.l11, lit thc eud of the period . 'l' hllt oE the pol'lio l1 shippeil and I'cttuned hacl fld leD to III] average of 31 1) .p.m., with in th e l'OllgC of (I bI Rllk" detel'minatioll s on sllllul'ccl J L'ui ts. '1' he colot' of Lhe f rui L hcW in BeJ'iccley showcdno <leteriOl'lIlioll while l h llt shippcd hud dnJ']<Cllcc1 bllilly.


.'" ",.

/\ , .... \,

.. /" 1 ,/

,.', .. , ./




.• _ .. _ .. _lIL_ ..... ..


F ig, 12.-EfCoct of timo of o:xpolture Oll the litlH!ul' eontcnt of rtohycl rn,tod 611 bccl ILPP]CH. 1, mnh,tul'o tiS cll' lC'<l j II, tot ILl sulfur, (l ry bnflla ; III, 8u1rnl' tlloxlclo Ui'4 S, d ry bnHIH.


III d isc'URS'ing Ute compH l'H.t.i vc rn Cl'il s 01: Sll11 -d l' y hl g, CVHpO I"a.tio11, (ln d deh yd r ution , i1; is convenicn L 10 consider apples soplIl'Ilte ly 1 1'0111

aprjc,ois, pcncJlcH1 nnd pcnTS l>CCUlISC apples fil'C nevoL' SUll a ried On n. commercial sCll lc nnd Lhey IIl'e extensively dried by 111e jll'ocess gen· era lly r ofol'red to .HS OVflpol'ulion, A pl'icots, ponohes, I1lHl pou tOS On the oUlCr hnlld moo Still d " jed lI JJ1Iost oxcJusively, lUld aJmost )1C1'01' CVJlpO-

1'lI tcd. 'I'h e compn";sons i hel'cfo l'C Ill'C p l'lIcLiclIlIy limit.ecl Lo tI,e CV'lll-


ol'ation illid (]chycll'atioll of npp1cs and lO s llll -cl,'ying' ;l1lcl <i ehydl'uLion ot flpdcots, peaches, ~1l1 (1 PCRI'S,

i!lBthocls Used fa" il1>plc.I.- Apples m'c 1I~"(''' "11II-{l"io<[ on It COIll­

mCl'ch,1 scnl e ch ic·fly bcelUlse n I)plcs mal m't' Ill to, w1\(')1 c l inwl it.! C011cl l­

UonR aI' e nn[rrvol'ablc '·0 sll11-ch-yinA", and lwcHns(' 1 hr,\' Hrc l'llsily in j ul'cd in appmU'Hll CC by dirt and (I lis t w hi ch IlnlllJ'nll y uc('onlpnny s l111 -cl l'y illg, Since npples 01'0 Hot J)I'OCI'HH<'C1 01' o\h(ll'\vi HC' Ir~.I:l t(l(1 ('0 1' pAddng ill sneh n. wo,y at-; to l'cmOv(' th is elil '!. the illjl ll'Y WOIII(l be ))) 01'0 SC}"iOllS,

' Phc prh1 0ip lll types or cv nporalon; lIHrd ill (ll'ying flllp l Ni 111'(1 the sl;(tck, l,ho J .. ill1, lmd tile 01'C'g'OIl tunn el. ,]'Jw,r;(' IUIl'o h('C tl I'llIl y (/('sCI'ihcd

hy O .. l rlwcll.'l)

All IHltlll'll!. tlnt.ft. <1I'ic l'S 11<1," 0 hig h rlle t ('oI"l1:.; I'c's lIllin g- hol il fl'OIH

cl'lIcic COll!-ltl'llct ion .m il !'h (} ('xc('s~i,,(' (li ~(,1t<ll'gl' or uil' I'(\qllin'(l 10 ~CCtll'O cvcm rcn~ollllhl,\r ~Hli s r ~ l r,to l'Y nil' flow. 1\lml)~ (' \'JIJ101'lllol' ~,

cspccinUy IhoSl~ or the stll <,h tYP('J also jn\'o lv(' ill (' rfi (' i('nl clllploymC' lIt and lligll co!>;!. o r l(1hOl'. 'rh (' nnO\'('11 (h·) , jn ~ rIHl l' l1 ctC' l'i s l ic 01' I hp typC' l'C(llril'C'~ lllllch ~ hil'Lill~ oi" tTlI Y!-; nnd !,)o l 'Ii1I~ of IIllci<'l'-c1 l'i f' tI I'l'lIit. J'rom full:),"" dl·jed 1'1 'l1il, OIl 111(' tl 'n~'H . ]~CCtlll!-lC of til(' Jlh~':-; ic(lI lu,I,1II' t' olt the fl'uit, nlHl I h(l ('Is lubljsliC'(i t !'IIr!(' Sl flllrlUI'ci s Hpp l ('!o) JllII)' be dl'i (' iI jn JdllJ QWlpo l'nlol'~ which pel'mil hot h fail ' N·onOIllY (If labo,' nncl ~l1 li s fIt C lol'.Y

q1ll1lHy, S "IC'I{ fwd O"cgon tllllncl CV/LPO l'lllO l"o'i .nrC' ;'1('Jlic it'nl hot h (IS

to fllf'1 nncl Inhor 1"Illd lIu",' 110 T>lu'liclIlnl' m('l'it so fill" HN qunlity iH con ON'lIN t \\'i('gand And P OWC' l's(JJ, 13, 1 :1) hll v(I ~llown tlH' ill('mo if' HCY of 1 h e 01'(!~0I1 1 \11111('1 (Iud lillvo Sllgg'C'sl·(I(l rO.I'cNI rlrfl rt as II lI1C(III S fot' it li ill1TlI'o1'(, 1I1cnt" ~1'lli ~ simpl." COI1VCI'\ S it. illio IL (l(' hycll'HI£lI',

.A s used hi conllCeliol1 with frnit dry ing, drh.vchlltioll jlllpli('s lho Qvapo l'ution or moi s lul'C by al'tifiein l h ellt. nppliC'd t, hl'Ott~h Iho Hl dillm o f " i,.lho flow of: w hi ch is lIIoe,hani cally pro(h, co(l by 1'1111 ". ' l'hn111l1p loy­mont. of! forced draft, PCl'InitR n 1m'goc )lIC'!lSnl'C' of cO lltl'ol 01' Ih(' c1:i ~ tri ­b\1tion, t.he tCllllpel'nt.III'C, Hlld 1ho ,'C' lulivf' Inllni{iit,y of t"h r nil' in Ibr drying cl,nl11bc,.. Whclh c" hnilt !lI"inu\,.ily 1'01' npple>; 01' .1'01' 0 1 hc,' fl'llH s, dchyrlr'n.fC'l's opc l'nlNI jl1 nccol'(l with the I'Mjllil'(,1l1 (, I'l t,o;; /'01' 111ifl frnit hnvc proved efficient Hnd cconomicnl ",11('11 II KNl fot' npplcs nnd yield It PI'Orluct of higlt fmel uniCoI'1ll (llIfl lity with cOlllpnl'lIrivC' fl'cc­clom hOlll opcmling nnel f;o )'f,in g tl·onhl es. New elrhycl l·"lo ' ·K hllill I'or app les in l'econ t ·ycn l's hnvc pl'actically nlwn~'s belcn 11I0d.'I'n lind clliei(,l11. types. rph(',)~ nl'C tpllc'ling to (Jif.;flhll'o Ihe old (,1'U I'OI' ILI'OI'J.;,

cspccilllly ill Il,c P"cific No,·l ilwcst. ,\Vh oJt cvnpOl'atioli a1ld d e hyd rHtion 111'(.' PI'opcl'l~p (:O I'I'i(lrJ oul, tho

t>1'oduc.h; orc JlI'nct, iclIlly ·ill c1 iRtillgn isllRhlc 08 fill ' us qualit,V uncI yif'ld nl'C COllc(,l'ncd, 'rho slll'jnlwgc in weight llcccs:snl'ily involn'rl in 11J'Y-


nUJ,,'J85) DUYINO ~u'r Fnul'.'s 25

ing i s the sumo with ritJl("l' method. Comm(,l'cin.l standa l'd R or cpuLiily ill dried flpplc,'\ nrc conc(,l'ncd ~hi ("(I.y wit It the ccu'c giv 11 (0 t-lw prCpflJ'Rlion of I he ·fruit 1'01' dl'ying. 'l'hcl'cfQl'c, Lhe )1l'oclttcL is judged on 1lI1iforrnH..}F or ~i:1.C find r.1'~C'cloll1 from l)icmish('s, tOl'('ign hHtIfC'I' , corC's, sldns, Hlld se.r('cllillg'S. fJ'he cxc('llcllcc and uniformity 01' coloi' is Ihe ollly chll"lIcic "i "Lic 01: (llInlily which ik IIIl'eeted hy Ihe mcLhod of tll'yitlg And OV{,11 in lhnL ens" liS will he sll ow n In.le l' , pl'cll'C'nlmcHt is H10l'C impol'lHnt thnn the Ill olhod or dJ'yillA'. ,ViLh cvn.rOI.·Hto,'~, how­cVC)', j-ho /)1'Op01' lICCOJ)Jl)lhol))mrJlt of ("JI'yiug' :is H10l"~ rl iflicll ll, o rtcn r osul tin g in 'in;jll1'Y hy O\'cl·.hrnting or oVCl'-dryillg pOl'Lions oe the PJ'OclI ICr. wllich 11l1\~C lH.l uO UIC R((fnck'"i]y <11'.1' SQOII PI' 1]lIln ol,]w/' pOl'liolls os 1\ l'esllit of In ek or lmil'()t' lll rli r.. tl'ibntion 01: nil' (! \ll'l' C'I1I' ~, f:hlOh injnl'Y l'oduces o if.hc l' qllality 01' ;ViOlkl, qllnlil.y· b(\i l1g' StHtbtitl Cc1 <lldy h,,~ ~'o l'l ­

in g wh1ch red 1I{!('S tll 0 y ir. id nnd in CI' l'flf.lCS Ille cost. Drhydl'a1 ion l'(ldllCCS 01' e ntil'el), olimiml1 C"R SlH'h difficlIIl"ics.

)\11 jdru of Ih~ opCl'nti ng (·O!' uf d('tlydl'ution 11111"Y 1)0 ~a il1 {'(l by c:xnminnlioll or t nhte 5, Ih(' figul'('S ill wllie-h wel'C' oblnhl('d hy n s ind,\' 01' five j)1"nl~.

'l'AnT/E) Ii

C()S T 01-' ])Y,lI\' ))1(A'I'I.NO ANn PA(")!(JNCI AI'!'I,l:S

I.lIhor Fuel .... .


1'(lWN lind I1ghl fiuUur •.... 110)((,,,,,,

' I'nl nl nl1Mnlillg I'MI


17 .:111111 " lI'l\1r ... 18 .1i ~nll11n~ 011.:1 k\I .. -hr. 2.8110Ilndll O.6IXl"I'~ .

Cost lH!t "tOM {r('fth Lon


' 16 ' 10

" '" '" :!I

IOfi l

. '" .0'

. ,~


'5 17 .;n

" . .. 1 33


)\cc.uI'Rlo (!or-;L rt g llJ'OS On I'vHpm'~d()I'S. hn,vc not lHHll1 !';.(,OI1 I"(',c] but

esl.imRtes report.c(' rnngc I'rom $60 1'0 $90 n. clry ton, c<j11h'lI lel1t La $8.57 1.0 $12.85 or nn f1vrrngc 01: $10.(14 1)01' fresh Ion ilL " sildllkngc or 7 10 ].

ilfellwd .. Usee! lVilh A7'l"it{)/s, Poat"hcR, (111(1 P'·OI"S.- 'J'J1CJ"<' is nn extellsive c01l111lcrcinl c"iC11'luncl for H1111-dl']oc] nj)l'icol~, p(,H~llOs a nc.l I>OII rs, bllt 1101. 1'0" Il,e dcil.l'c1'·lIlcd liS SI1011. H follo\V~, 11101"01'01'0, 1.11111. 1'01' nny dchydl"ulod product, LO Alld ;1 rcndy mal'kct, it mllsl l'C'scmhlc Ihe ""n·dded peodneL so closc' ly Ihat it is clifficult or impossi.hlc to distingnish hetween them. 'I'hix 1'esult. is 110t n1w(I),$ obtn inubJ e, lIow­c\rC I" , in mUIlY ClIsrs it is posfiiblc by cmp loy ill g speciAl pl' ll"Clltmcnt and hflndHng method s to s{!C'nl'c II dchydl'n1 crl pl'odwlt which RO closely


26 UN[\l'l~RSl'L'Y 0 1" CAr.lli'on.NrA-ExPElul"n~N'l' S'I'A'rION

]'cSOl11IJlos j-JlO slJJl-d]'iec1 pl'o(lll~_t Iha l; it \l'jJJ be 'lCCCjltablo to Ih o L!'fidc_ Of the tlll'cO fl'lJ.its, it is ]lI'ol)<Ihly mor-;t diffir.nH j·o l)I'odu('c d Irydl'11tcrl pca;l's oe SUJ1-ch'icc1 appC;l I'nllcc-, lVlol'covcl', HIJI'i cots and pCH.chcs 11 1'0 ordil1ndly ell·jcd so cal'ly hl the season tlHtt t llcl'c is 110 dn ll gc l' or ross of the crop fIlHl 110 incl'cnRC hlVoh'c(l ill the clryi-llg cost l) ocflw;e o·C woaLhrl', rj l llf's(', I'n c1"K llfll.lIl.'Olly -li mi ted hoth th o 'illtOl'Cst in tho ciohy<lrlll.ion oC these I','uits a nil its u Li lil y, 'J'hese fl'nits Ill:e, t11Cl'cfol'c, almost exclusively SllIl-dl' lC(l. ~vnpol'njion js nevo l' llsed for ch'ying these fruits ill Onl il'ol'lI il-L awl dcllyrl l'ut.ion h; IIs(>(1 on ly hl plUl1ls built £01' othel' fl'uils,

Fl'tlit wlticl1 is. dehycl l'at c{l mny ol~ COt1l'HD be dl'ied fl'om t.ho !:res]1 1:0 tllo dl'Y stilt" entil'ely ",Hllill tllC cl 011 ,ycl"f1tc 1-, J\{oJ'o !!omllloniy, howevel', it is :ill'st exposed 1:0 'nil rOl' 0110 0" IlIOl-C dill's h OC01'O being placed in tho dclw(lt-otel-, L\ IlOlhcl' SI)ceinlll'e ltlmellt cleveloped clUl'illg the last year Ql' two js tllut of allowing 1l1C fruit: to sinnd II. d:IY OJ' mol'C on trnys on t l'uc]tS in lh o p lnnt 01" on nil outdool' s iclr I.l'nel< bllt withoul; direct exposIIl'C 10 Lbe SU II. 'rhe l'es"lt or theRe mctllOtis of handling is to bl'i llg ahollt. the c.1H1ngC'!i- in eo loe 1,llllt nCC0Il1]11l11Y Htl11-cl l'ying, 'Pile ll SC of: tll cse mctllo(ls ill vo lVt'S S{) l1l e .nc1(lit,ioll~lI (·XIWI1f.iC, Tn I·hc {jl'l~t CltSO, cx.ll'lI "1111 1I (1I ing is l'C(Jllll'C:od '·0 S [)I'(,lId 111 0 'a'elY::; ill tho

Slin find subseqllently to l'cslnck t·he-m on 11'1lcln;. Tn tho seco lld ellSO, Hl1fficicnt CoXt,l'H Gf{uirnnmtt of t r a:ys fIlul t,l'll cks ·is nc(!(lcd 1.0 holel illl

IllllOlmt Or J'ruit eq lud to tllO eupaei1y or. I he (hier 1:01' Oli n or 1I101'C

clays. CQlIseqllelitly (l~il ydnltio ll is not omployed ""ec,pt POI' somo speoial l'OnSon SllOlt as nn aLtempt. to ]'oduee t he s"Hm' diox ide (lO ll tent 01' to roleaso snn·cll'y ing equipment; Roonor IhHll would bo possibJc it: d1'ying wel'C c.ompleted ill lhe Sun,

SlJociat Products.-'l'J1C clelJyd"lltion of " I]deols lind at IlDoled peRches IIlld pea~·5 give:, IL c1l.'icd pl"odllct I hu t, IIftct" cooki1l!~, cl osely resembl es 1.11e cooked hesh f,'ni t, 'rIle murket being unl'nmiJinr with the (1ii['ol'(mccs between the,",c pl'odl1cts nnd those whiell nl'e HUI1~chiccl, the cost nnd difficulty of selling them is ·inel'oased nnd they lllny b,l'ing II lowol' instead or n highel' price. Also peelillg tIle fl'uit. inel'euse~ cost and shL'inknge. 'l"hese facts have flO .far prevented any g l'cn t increase in the mUI\llrnctnr e of tllesc special procluets, Sevel'"l lui]'ly IUI'ge and oPP'l1'eJ111y acleq1Hltely linnneecl compnnic,q llilve nl,tempLed 1:0 mRnu­EUetllrc nnd Rell It vmied line of clchydrllted ]ll'odncts inclll!ling t.hese f.ruits, "V ho.t,hcL' hecfl,use or jneJ1icicul; pl'odll(!.tiol1 nnd selling' 11lotllOcls

01' gCllcl'ul difficulties or (il1illlCC find 1l111l1ogc m c llt, these cornpnl1 ics h~lvo ~o' l)l'Ovcd unSl1CC('S~ t'L1L

In !"ablo 6 the opel'>tling costs of c1C]lycll'llting al'C compnl'od with thosa or slln~cll'yiug fLPricots, peaches, 1-111(1 peal'S, According to the


DUI, .. IS"] DU\' tNG CU'I' li'HIJI'I'S 27

(iglll'Cfi g iV(~ 1I Lhe cos t of dC]lydJ'ati011 is 111)011/; dOllule IJUlt oj: St111-dl'y iTig ill Lllc CW:iU o.f. flpI'iCOt;S aHd pears nll(l abont [iO pur (;ClIt gl'cnl(']' ill t. lle cuse of pcnchos, 'l'h.c d chycl l'otion <:.osts SOl' apl'icolH ~md pea l'S wore obtninccl sevol'n l yom's ago on p la n ts ~ hat wo nl d not now bo conr.:; idCl'cd stl'jat;.ly 111oc1cl'n, I11lC1 may Ihcl'p'fo]'c lie somowhnL high. 1rowevOl', the flehydl'a.tioll costs f ot' pcnc'ilC's lnclll<l o sO lll e jllstllnecs in w idell 1.11(' [rnit hud JiI'st bren p,ntiu ll y ,hi,,,l ill the SII11, with I'osu ltollt lower costSj l hc l'O n l'C al !;o hlClu<l cil insla nces ill which fhe pcnehcs \V01'C peeled.


am:l'ra Ol' DmL\'l)ltA'l'rNQ ANI) SUN'·D1LYINO Al'BICO'l'S, T'}M OI I J.~S, AND PlMHS


I.l\hor ••.. 1,.\1('1.. .. I~o\\'('r lIud 111\111. Sulfllr" ........

Lyo .. ...


fJ-Cr(rCflh ! nll ...

=-= Apricots JlORuhcs

S2 1.;}() $1) 8:1 $(). ~D '"'' . iI:! l iN .73 .S' .'7 .ar. ...12 .,12


. 00 --- _-- --- ---

S23.62 $-1O. J9 S/!.I, oJ $8.30

." I' $1000 , I' , " .'" .<8

--- -122.!!l1 111.08

BCCHHSO of Ih e flnets (lllllJlt(,I'atetl n.hO\fC Hnd hCCllUSC of f'llC g l'Cflt vlu' inl>ility of t.l'cnt.nlCl l t ol! Ill!' rL'llit ))(01'01'0 ll oh ;Vd l·Il.lioll, pRl'li(!1]lnrl~'

}J1lt'LiHl sun-drying, it is illlPOXHiblc to make a s trict cOll lIHl ri so n oJ: the OO"[S . Ncvor1.111"l e~, the indicutionR nre tI 'Ht POL' I,hese irnits t h e opcl'a.til lg cos l i'i oe dchydl'ai iOll may ho l.lxpectNl to be gl'CEltCI' than those of slll1 -cll·yillg. In addition, lila {ixciJ clt nrgcsioJ' in lcl'C"st, (lcpl'c­cintion, tnxcR, ml(l lmHll'nJlcc 1nn.y ue cxpcclC!tl to be gl'cntcr 1.11llCHS tho clclry<ll'ntlon p11111(; is o[w\·n t.crl On 11 lut'g'I"lL' t()ll nn~e nne! fo)" a IOll gol' SCllSO'n t hll)l_ is possible i11 1.l10 cmpto,)'1lI.Cllt of sll ll ~d l'yi llg eq lliplllvll t.


Dried nl'ples m e, 11111ilco ~h" olher drieel J'I'lIi l " c1'8enssc<1 in Ihis pnbli cll t.ion, n.lwH~·s H by-produot. Tli(·y {\ro clt'icd HS a, lllOans of! Hm, il1g II portion of Ihe crop whi ch cnn 1101. he l1HlI'lmlcd pl'ofitlll>ly iJ] 111 0 fresh COlHliLiol1. Ol'clinnl'ily the frllit micel for dl'y ill ~ is 01 low g l'n(lc. S lI pp1y I1m1 demalld of holh fre" lt nlll! d l'iN1 {ndt determ ine IIll'g01y tho nmOl1nt ~mcl g'l'ac1cs of fl'l.t1t dried,


28 UNIVI!;URJ'l'Y 0 1" CAI .. I P'OllNTA-B xPBR [ ,\ I I;;N'.' S'J'~\'I' JON

Appl es 1lI'l) pl'oduced ill hugOI' qllan t ity ntHl OV(\1' 11 widf'l' al'C H. HUll! 1111)' o th er fl'('c J'l'lIi t. Pal'lly 0 11 tlJi :.; HCCollnt, and (1;II'lI y bC'ca mw tlt ('y

Ieoep well tO I" months i ll cold :.;t OI' lIgC t.hey ar C' availuhl C' ill I'I'f'x h 'ondi­tioll thl'o nghol1it'lw ),<' 111' , '1.'11(' qWII1 t.iLy placed in f·dol'n g-(· i s inflll t'lI t1ccl 1>.1' I he "ilo of Ill c (II 'OP """ bo lll I hc"o ('/l' I'ol" inlincli cc the (jll"lil y lind price of Ihe fruit IlvailalJlc Fot' d l'y illg', '1'0 a lurge exl t' ll t I he price ot th e (ll'icc1 el' is cOlltl'o ll C'd hy the (ln nntil y prodw'cd nlld RO llI rf imrs I1lso by lhe: Clt.)'I',YO\' Cl L' ,

0 1: the dom estie COIIS111lllrfi on o j' dl'ied nppl(,H abolli. no p el' C' (' llt al'e: ~nids to go 10 ~l l ip 's SIO I'CS, CHm ps, tlw A l'lIl y nnc1 Nllvy. and l'C'stalt -

1'1111l s, hotels, Hollel I)i c ffl c lol'ics, '1' !lnM ollly 5 per cent Oil th e LotHI ))1'0-Il uc l i on ix so lt] lhl'oll~h I'pl ni I ~t OI'('S. ~1"m'I{(' t ing iK hi j:!hly com petit iva ns 10 pl'i ce, (!l1(1 bnycI'K IIrc Iliony I ll l'ge m;C I'R whoHe l'Olll.i 11(' m el hods I'Cqllil'c il Il1l1tcl'ial th a.t is IIl1if'OI '1lJ ill (111111il.y Hlld nvn il abl u lllt'oll ,J.d lO nt the. YC(I1'.

The IIHl t'cl' in l 1'01' d l'yi ng if; :lwlihlhl c 0\'('1' II IOll gcw p<'l' iocllh ll ll is Ihe c/]so with Ihe oth (' I ~ J'I'lIit s unti e- I' d iKclIs!o\ ion. O pCl'ntillg SC' IIS0 IlS o r 120 cluy s 01' 11101'0 UI'C CO llll1101l , It: W; HO lll Clilll (,S IJllppml S, t ilt' ('ill'I," ~(\ lI ~O Il

pl'ocluct ioll O.r dri l'tl a p p les i:-; 8 11HIII, Ihe pJ'il'c hig h, and t he t,o lnl 1)1'0 -

d u (}ii OIl or Hppl cx is luq:W, Hpp l ('s C'~lIl be 1' C' Il IO' lcd f rom cold st ol'Age, ch'i (> d , olld so ld:1t H 1Ho(i l . Tn SC'llSQ II N Wh~l l the 101:11 J1I 'oc"il.l e1ion is not t'xcepli oJllllly JIII' g'O Imt l he PI'OIlOI'I ion 0 1: o r1' -g l'odo 11'11i L is hi g h, Ihc L'c nl'O ol: lon !ttl'go lllc l'cnscs in t he pl 'ochwLioll of: d ried Iq1plcs, Almost Hlw~ly8, ho wcv(l r , this l'csults in se l'i olls cl C111'c!o)s ion of fho pri c(',

i ,oral i ties, -V(l l'iolics, ({.'Itel Qll ali ly,-NclI l'I .l' I,w o- lhil'd , or lh c n"pl es ell'jed in CH li fo l' lIi ll nr c J) l'o<luccrl in n district c('nt c l'illg' li t. \\'Il tsollv ill o in Sml la Cruz 1111<1 ~'[ollf t! I '('Y eOllnl i('s. ]\'] oMI; of: 1110 I'cnnnilld f' 1' is IlI'o(ill ccd ill j ho Sehastopol IlJ'N l in S OIlOIIlU, GOlIllty wh('1'o ill R()m t~

!-iCa SOIlS ns nltlc h liS 50 p e J' CC' 1I1 o r tile c ro p is ril' iccl.(1O) Sml R('I ' lHlI 'dino CO llni,Y js lhe thi rd ill impol'f liTI CC. \VhiJ c Ihere nl'{~ ahollt 011(' hundt'l 'd (ll'iOl'S ill SOllom n. Coun!.y lind only thil' !.Y ill Sanl a CI'II ;!' COlln!.y tlie SonolllA Co nn ty c1 L'i CI'S 01'0 "' 1lIf11I ol' 1 linn th ose oe Sanlll 'I'mo: (.:0\1111 )' , JU:W iTlg nil f1 vCI'ngo capaci ly Oldy aiJout one-s i x th as g J'(' ll t,

CCl't Rill gcn c1'El I consid (,l'utiolls i11Aucn cc ilia sC'lcc lion o f VlIl' i r- j irs f ot' (h y in g. '1'110 shape shonld be I'egulu!' find Rllloo lh to lI1inimize lahol' nnclloHH iJl pcrling mlcl t rimmin g, '11!to t c:x hlJ'C shonld ho (inH, both to l'ed u cc prepa l'ati on losse" nnd to go i"" the best poss ibl e 0PJl~ IIl ' lI ncc to the fini shcd pl'od \lcL rJlhc tol 0 1' of t. he Hkil'l i s Illl impOl'tnnti c.o llxi<l cI'H ­tiOll since i t lias n. direct cJroc. t. lI pOTI c llic ic l1 cy j'n J)l'c pn I'at.ioll , ) ' cll ow 01' g reen skin;s l)l'cf:cl'l'cd s ill cc " 'oeCH a i' sldll l oft a ll tilc fruil. do 1I0t

8 P orSOlllll eo tllllluuicntion .from l!", D, }.I orl'ill,


BUl .. 4851 D n."I NO 011'1' J('nll l 'I'S 20

n1l11' il s IIP PCUI'f'lIIC(' II~ do t t'II (;(':i 01: r NI.Hli: ill , 'I'h(' ('o IQI' OL lhr n,'sllmay 11(' (· i1IlCr while 0)" ."(\llnwish si ne!' Il'udr IW<'fCI'("lIC(I 0 11 t hiN point hi di vided.

'l'he Nl'wtow il J1ippin , 111 (' b (',~ t pic VII I'i1'j,YJ ix tli t.' OII C most CX !Cll ­

Hivl·iy dl' iucl ill U~d iro l"lli a, 'r he Q I'nv(,lI stC' ili illl(l lhe B('llflowcr, l'lInlc­ill g H Pxl illl[lIfllllil y fl l' i t'd , 11 1'(' l'owolidpl_'('d h(·t l cl' j'm' ~mI(!C, 'rhe PCH I' ­lIIHill, tlOllH thHlI , \V.agr ll ("', I l o()V(l I', HlId Hhodc [ 81:111<1 O,'cell illg HI'C al so dried , I t. nu,lI11ol. 1)0 l Oll ~t l' () lI g l y (' nq) h l1s i ~('cI lIHIt. t ll c' vm' j t i rs s hoil ld not. he lIli xrd, Di/l'l\J'Plll nwict it,S I'cqllil'(, cijrl'cl'('l11, times 10 cook nne! I h(' tolol' 01' the fh'sh Vi ll 'i('s ('ollH icl cl'Hhl", liO IIllI! mixillg' r oduces OIC IIl1iJ'OI'Ul ity 0 1' UPP<'I1 I'/I IU-'C' :So dcsinlhl{' ill I'h e dri (l(l IHO(lHCI.

The (JlIlI Ji l,y of til (' i' l' tl i l, t1 ~cd fnl' d l'yi llg' is millall)' IrB" 01' g l'uti c Hal l, a ll IICCollllt o~ si;w 01' ('x l c l' lllll h l ('mi slJ(,\H cllIlll ol p" ofi l nh ly h e so ld fJ'c':;Ii, HII(!h ilJ1plcs W h l,' 11 J)I'opc\l' ly P I·C IHIl,(·d_ ~' id d UII ('nt,il 'ely RO lill Cl nnd who l ('sO IlIC dri vd pl'oclllet. \Virulfulhi nl'c l1 so(l 10 a COH­NidCl'lIb lc extent j!nt· (' lioi(' 1" Il lld sillll(ltll'd g-I'II(.It·S. 'I' hl' i'l'lliL s houlrl be hnndled clu'c f'ull y bC(!IIt1s(}. hl'll i:-ws 1)I 'otilwc In'ow lI sp otti in lll c filti!ih t'(L pl'oduct, in H}l i fC or eRl'of llI Il oc lillg, cOl'i ng', t l'illllnillg' mill ~1I1 J: 1I I'i n g, Ol'allillg f OJ- ~i1.c p c nnitR f,!1 'Ullt (\ L' Cfri Ci<'llC,r il l poc lin~ und hetter lllli-

1'01'IIlil y ill d l'yi llg' blll; til{' prucli cc i!-t noj, IIIdvc l'Hnl mH L i ~ pl'obab ly not pl'ofitu hlo ll1ll ('ss th e. Nh~o VIl I'i lt t.iOIl is tOIl!-lidc l'IIUlc,

Pt'C!)(IJ'uJ;OIl, of ~ Il' plc,~ fOl ' J) I'yh'(j .- l' ('c li Ilg fi nd ('ol'ing is [tlways dO lle hy IJl ileh ill ('~ ( fi~. 1:1) wh ic h mlly bo eil hc l' hnllcl 0 1' ])OWC I' opera I(J(1. j [und OlH' I'U l('(1 JllHChi u('s HrC g(~H{,l'n II,)' consider ed pl'ol:cl'­able fol' beginn er s , HxpoJ'icl1ccd opcrnLol 'a IlHl,Y nccompli!:ih mOL'C


30 1JNJVF:HSL'I''(' 01.' CI\LIJ;'OlLN 1A-BxJ·gUl~l EN'I· S'J'A'I'I ON

with power ddvcn ll1Holiines, but bcghlllCI'S, are likely Lo illjlll'e l,!w l J'uit, cspecilil ly h y jlrlPl'OPCl' eOTing, 0 11 :; llch J'lIllc]l,hrcR, l!OWCl'

IntlclLil'lCS shou ld be !-to timecl AS to permit fL rnnx imnm o11l.pnt whilo still nf-l'oL'dil1g tillle f ot' Pi'OPOL' plac.omcllt o~ ih e !:l'l,_1it jn tilo ll1f1 Clljn o .

'l'he \)]'opel' speed is gonerall y at Ihe l'/lte or Ilbnnt IhiJ'Ly lIppl es 1\

minllte. Pccl iTlg mH cltiJl cs I'cq uil'c consblllt e/lI'C nnd fj'cqnc llt ad,iustmcnt

fo r I,he s i"e of Lha npp lM being lleelecl in Ol'del' lo SCOUI'O goocl WOI'IL Onc 01' 11101'0 s par c Il1Hclli n c~ sho-ulcl be l:\v~lilob l c in evel'Y plnllt to he used hi Cllse at br'calcc1owll , 'l' he clli cl: ncccMsiLy fOr' CflJ'O find s ldH ill operation is in cont r ing i]10 f l'uit 011 \h e mncltinc ill SUO]I 11 way thut t.he cOI'illg ImiEc f ollows t,hc ]inc of Il l1cl 1; 1ll'I'onn(ls t ill) eO l'e Ihus I'nillimir.i llg t.rimming labol' fll1c1 los,'J,

ITowCVCl' cHl' c.f nlly peeli ng 811<1 cOl'ill g l:nn'y be donn, the fruit alw!lY~ I ·Cq lliJ·('~ 80mn ax:1. 1' it t.l'inlldhlg. rJ'hi ~ Clln. 1:)(lfoiL 110 done [I f.; 1;he t l'uit 'PasHos sJowly nlong an illsprclioll hel t, pJ,(·_f!(o J'nhl jr hofol'o ~;l i cing.

Slic ing ill the machin(' HI ill e lime of c() ring givC'!; H iliglwl' propol'tion or PCl'tcct L'hl gs than when i: L is dOlle lal cl' , but it cOlll pli cnt C':-i II'immillg and ortt'I'l results ill jncomplutc removal a t: bit-s or (101'0, SC'l·d:.;, find skin, thus I'cducing the qUfllity o~ the pl'odll(~Ii,

Cores, p('ols, anel {,l'illllll i l1gs nSllnlly l\lllOlmt 10 nppl'o xillllll:(' ly 20 1)01' coul. of Lhc J:rrsh g l'o;-;s wcig-ht, but; thi s nU'ifH with tho :... ize ~ll1il

condition oj: 1"110 fruit. 111 1L 11II'go ell'ying c{'ul cl' thmw l1Iuy O'l'ri illHl'jly bo lio1(1 to a lI Cfl l'by "illegAl' .tHelo1'", j101' from !Ii]. 10 *a It lOll Hi \,]1

d rying p lllllt, S uoh l1la i:ol'in l wonld he 0 1' po1'ilnps g rculc l' vullle I'm: pectin nUUlltfac.t tll'c, but npplc poetin is not 1118llu LIII'cd C(1mmol'­ci/l il y in C"Hfol'nil1, 'l' ho nso of tho wusle f Ol.' ed ihle pl'oilncl:s mny be eOlllplicatecl l,y tho p,.e~cn ce of: nl'scni e ill oxccss or Lho ntnllll ntR pm.'millcd by the food "net drug Il Ulhol' il,ics, us iliscussed cls~wll cl'e in Lhis bulletin ,

Cnltjng is b est Hnd most common ly (lone fI ftc l' t.ho p('o ll"d find eoroel i l' nit has beon trimmed, QUIIl'teI'S, s ix lhs, Imil eigltlhs 111'0 p1'O­_feL'l'~cl for expol't trucl e. 'l'l\('y m'o obt;n in cd by f0 1'c in g ~hc cOJ'ed , poo led, nJlcl trimllleil npples thl'otlg h II clio in wld e ll 111'0 sot l'llclill l ltnh'cs , r!'hi s method oC cutting gi ves pieces of uuifol'm siz('. It Hlso pOl'mits n helwiGI' lond per "CI"m'e foot on t.rnys wh en lIsetl ]01' drying, A load 01 thl'e' 01' f Olll' ponnel. oE q UlIl'lOl'cd ll'llit pOI' Sqlllll'C {'ooL is as r endi l)' lHllld led nnd sn lftu'ed ns two 01' threo ]lOunds of s lices , 'Vltile t.lle chy ing time is illCl'ensccl, t ho nclditio nlll lond IIlIIY l'e~lI ll. ill :incl'cwmcl cb'ying cnl,uci"t,y I!ol' n. given plllnL, D chyc.ll'Otcc1 1l11p lcs UI'O sometimes cubed, In th is f01'I11 thcy 111'0 l'Oliclily SI111111'cii find dried, 'l'he finished pl'oduct bflS attractive nl1(llU.lifol'lU appeal'ance and cooks


DUI •. ,jSG J DRYINO CU'l' Fn.ul'rs 31

rendily. Some addiUollal cost is involved in the. cubing operation uncI jn lhe sCl'cenillg olli of' fillc pieces resu lting from the c llhiJlg p rocess. 'j'his nddit.ionnl co~ I/ tog-Oilier' with the cO II snmcl" S ul1illllliJinrit,y wiill the product has ncco.lllle<i for illo j'acL Lhnt so j'II1' t he cnbeel product ]IIIS nol, bl'('11 cons islNltl y Iwofitab){', lind its produc.tiol1 js not incl'cnsing,

No t.rays tlrc used in )dhl CVilP01'll..tors bllt the _fruit. i ~ convey cd by l11CRIlS of w ll colbnl"l'ow:-; 01' tnlCks J11'0lri t.he sH eer or SUUIlI' box 1.0 the

kiln nOOl', Tn othe], types oE ell'ie l's, tl'llYs at'c loaded from s liccr, il1 ~poctio]l bolt, Or ~ t1II~ t1l , box. 'l'h(' sil'.o most, commonly llsed is 3 by 3 feeL. 111 a I:rw in,~tllnccs 3 Ill' 4 feeL <II' 3 by 6 feet Ill'C nsrd, '1'11e usc of wil'c sCl'een Lt'ays (fig, 14) is being eliscoll l'aged on account of Ihe

Fig. 14.-Wiro screan trn'),6.

ohjecLioll of hllyer s to mElrks Imel t.1Hl PI"OS(lI1ce or :."jl1 C wlJich usnully aocompanies lho me 01: sue h ll'1lYs, Oi l ll1Hy be "ppJied to reduce 1111.1'l<illg lIml aOJ'l'osion but docs not entirely prevent iL,

About 90 per cent of lhe tl'IlY driel's now nao tile slat-bottomed Lmy (figl1l'es 17 lind ]8), Su oh IL tray docs not mal'i< nor flavor the £"II; t, It is Lllh-Iy light, iuexpensive, and durable if tho frame is rigid anel the slats 111'0 not Loo small. '1'ho pl'efol' l'O(l width fOl' the sllLts is abont % il1011. Bxcept in ti ,e sLack evaporators and O.'egon tunllel c]l'iCI'S, whore clents 01' gnides '"'e provided Lo su pport I.hc trllYs, the trll'ys al'o of lhc self-s llPPOI'1,i11g typo, 1.110 sides of them beitlg ""ffi.ciclltly high to pl'ovide 'Hleqnate free spuce ovo)' Lhe fruit and bolow Ihe it'H)' nbovc. For apple. cl l'ying it i~ CSPCC iHlly hnportnnt thnt ~umeiellt free cross-sectiolla I m'elL be (1)'0"i(1ecl bel. ween 1.1'110)'8 on aceoull t or the rclnl;;vely large volulIles or nil' l'cquit'ed,


32 1JNlvlmRI'I 'Y 01" CArIIFol~NIA-ExPERll\lgN'I' S'I'A'I'ION

811.'/111';"'(/ Apple," /01' DI'!Ji"g,- i'lllll"lll'ilig !llll.)' he ilollr ('illw(' bc­rOI"(:~ Or aftel' I he J) C"c lcd , COI'I'd, nnd ll'im!1lcd HppirH fir!' f;ii(,\'t!. (I\un'-

1.01'('(1,01" cubed, '1'he IldVIl111Hg'C'H of HII I I'Ul'illg b('i'()I'{' Clil lill g' ;1 1'.' thHt. lho tCllllcJlcy J01' th e fruit. to alll'kelt if; IlIOI'(' Cjllh'ldy 1I1'1'('st('tl nlld thut, ~i11CC whole apples do Jlol; JlileJr t.OA'Clilf'·l' , Rltll'lll'ing- lIlfly 1, (,· mOrc

1Il1iCol'1n than it is in slic'C'd Illid Iwav ily Jlil(~rl J'L·lIit. fI li as II", dis­Hdvnntngcs lhnt th e JL'CI-;it slIrfllccs {lxposccl hy sl1h:-H~ql1('nl, culling' cHe ~olllow'hu,L 11101'C susceptible fa oxi<1utioll il ll(l dlll'I\ (lnillg' (llid IllHt i t is mOI'O llllplcnf;flllt. 10 1IIe 'wodcC" rs ill t.he plmlt 10 c III. t il t) 1'J'1Ii1 , nl'Lrl ' , ,'nt,h("I" tl1l111 bf'rol't' R l!lrnt'in~, SnlfU1'ing' ,nft.('l' c llt,lill g", if tho fi'uil; i~ qundt·t'cd OJ' culled 1 pCl'mil 1-; mOl'(' 1I11il'm'IlI slIll'lIl'ilig. HOIIH~ cl l 'j('1's

dip the II'lIit ill 2 PCI' cC~IIL HH IL ~Ollltioll illll1l Nl illipiy nl'tC'1' I)('('lillg to

Pig, 15,- A cOlLtinllolH~ !3ul fUl' hox of tho typo mmcl fOl'IIPJlJt'J4, (Co1ltirfl~", Bout('11 ~1 f'g, Co,)

Jll'm1ont (li~col ol'ntion bcl'ol'c su ll\lril lg', 80 1110 C01IVf'J' tlw t't'lIiL fOl' '10-J5 minutes thl'Oll~h a hath or I V:! 10 2. PC'I' crnl sodillll1 SlIlfit" Ho ll1 ~

Hon ill plu('o ot SULllll' smok(', thoug h the Ju LIeI' iK u lmm;1 IIlliV('l'slIlIy pl'cl'c!'t'cc1,

If tho irn il, is snlf lll'rd l)rfol'c cutting, iL is hest c1ol1r 011 lIloving' woodon-slllL bclL l'onvcY0l'H pnss illg Ihl'ollgh" sul £lIl' chamltl'1' (fil-(, 15), The IrDglll oC t he sulfuring pel'iod is tletCl'lllill c1 hy the 1(lllgl II or 1 h(' cllnmhcl' .1I1el UIO "peeil ol~ 1ho bolt. 'I'ho J'1I1no. 01: Inuning SItU'III' lIl'O :intl'oduccd J'l'U1l1 n , love p lncccl ouif:i idc Ill(> 01111111 ho1', Tn 811('h CII!-;('!-;1

whc-'l'c the SIIIlIlI' bnL'Il!; eontillllollsly, c)'lIdo 01' lump 811 1tll 1' i:-; I'lI l1)' as Ha.lisfnctol''y ns ~ublil1lcd (IowOl'S of snlt'III", sill(>(, Sldlif'i(,11t Iwnt is t'usily mnintnincll, Tt.. is h sl. to 1111"<"' il1c rllnlC'S pus.",> L111'ollgh t il(' c!hllmh('" ill

It (lit'cal;ioJl opposil.e 10 l' lwl. 0.1: (;ha .I'l'lIil. 'J'o cOlll l'ol I ' h ~ f1 (1w 0 1' 1'11111('" it is d('sinl.blo ~o m~c [ol'ced dl'nl'l, 'flIc' fumos should cnl('1' Ih(' chlllllhC'J' sc,rOl'lIl feci fl'om t llO end ai whi ch the l'1'uit is discl1itl'g'Nl 1!I'onl Ilw


IlUI~, 4851 3:]

bnlt IIlId flex ib le dO~ I" 01' h ll ni rH " holt lcl bo 1'l'ovic1nd lit llH' lo'''lhlg alld un lolH li ng (, l1 cl~ 10 1)1'{I \' ('II I LIlL' l~~(·<lP(.\ or fUI1If1S,

\\T hC'lI 1hp fruit is l'i l d f' urc·d lIl'lC'I' (,;lItl ing'l i t is e"X p osed 10 I he i' 1I 1U(\S on tl '11YS i ll 11 11 ol'dillill')' ~m l ~I1I' houf.\L', 'P he K. lll fU I' js bUl'ned ill Pll ll Sl

polsl 0 1' p il :-l 1 1 ~ PI' (' ViO Il Hly cl('s{! I' iiJC'lL

'J'hc (111U1llity or sulflll' lUH'd j)t'l' g!'O,'S I' J'('slt lOll or j'l'liit r:llIgt'S fro m onc IIl1d OII(.'-lHl I !' 10 Jive PO ll lld:-i, ' !'h i s -iii rqnivl1 lcnt 10 .Ll'OIl1_ J,n 10 6,25 pOIllt(ls J)(,l" PI '(.' !JIII"{'d fl'l'sh ton Ol' "1'0111 10.5 to 3fi Jlouncls pel' dry lon , ' I'I IC ( jlUl l1liliC'R o_l! sill 1' 11 1' IIs('(l in t he IWO typNI or sll l l'u l' ('humiJcl's VH l'y Ihl'Ollg' }J tl pproximu l (' l y t ho SU lI l('l ], 1I 1 1~W . '11110 r'nnu licl' 1l11l0llltiS B I'(' 1I<it'CIHllI(' it: tilt' flllll(·g urc Hot wWited I h rongh h,'oks,

A pp l.C's, nrvrl.' ('on luill ~HlH\l1' c1 ioxido ill. CXt'('SS of il lc Ih e I ('gill Itltl x illl ll1n. III J;l r l, I hr (' ll i l.'J d iflieli l l y i n SUl l'lI l' iJlg Htl plcs i!-; I n IIl11kc 11U'1l1 n h~(Jl' h and I'p l ll in s lI lli(.'jcq l1 10 prescr ve I,hei l' co lo r dU l' ing HI OI'{lg(',

'1'ho lt igl1(l)' tll(' !-:l ui 1' 111' (Iioxido (loni('n L fhe bc1.lC'l· w ill be Lhr ('0101' lind keeping' (julliil.,v nne)' drying unci elm'jng- storage. #J 1ho pel'iods or SIlHILI' I. l'o n t,IlH' 11 1s II I->B<I ill co 111 flIP I'c ifl I pl'fla l,icc VU1'y fl'om 20 llIillul uf.; to 011(' II l lfl one-lUl l!' l IO IiI 'S, ' I' }I (' t('x l lll'C doC's nol b l'CHk dow n i" I'OJtl OXpO~lIl'O 10 :'m lr lll'i ll ~ as cJor~ 1 hili or I1 I H'ieol~ nlld pelwlws. ' I'ho SlIlI'u l' d ioxide \'011 1(" 11 1.. 01' i1 P J1h>~ dC'(' l iul'!i 1'11 111('1' l'llllidl,Y dn l'i llg \h',\' i n~ Hild J)l'ololl gcd Hlol"ngc, lllld 1lI1I)' (in nll y d iSfI)1PCtl I',

IL h: (' lli',;f Oml1l'y 10 p l l(' k (i l' i n d np pl ('!-t wi1 h /I lll obd1,1 I'(J c'() 111C' n j US f' 1 ()~0

,IS po!{.,,; ihlC" to I ho I ('~il ll illlit. 'P hr II'ccI('I'u l Sl lll ll iHn l is 24 pOl' CC II I·, whilo thut, 0 1' 111(' D l' ir d Ji'l'u iL .1\~sotdfll ion of: Ciili fol' lIi ll is 2-.1 POl' cell t IlS fI

mllx i lll lll1l. AN i n d i cH l l~d, t.he 11 1110[1111. oE !ioUI I'III' d ioxi d e l'Nl n i l'('d 10 mninln il1 H. snl. is i' llcdO I'Y (10 101' illCI'CUI-O('s wi th ll ll' 1I1110llnt. 01' lllo i ~tlll·C. J) 1' rS(\II~ . ./\ t, 24 )I C' I' u(, Il L mo i sf,III'c Hil deI.' C(· I,t'u ill kl onlgc co ndiliollH, <it'jell npp l('s muy f('I'llwlll 01' lIlol<L U1llcs~ ('nolll!h S\lH'lll' dioxl(lc is jll'c:-JclIL 10 P I'CV('ll l.. it. n(,-!ill l hll ' il lI'~ Iho f ru it. ul' l CI.' c1 1 '.)'i ll ~J t hOllgll somolirl1C's llOIl (" is 1I 0t. H ('om n IOIl p1"llc l ic£", It. is, t h('l'C'fol'C', illlpol' tnllL t h ill, l hc HlllOl il it or ~Hllr l l l ' (l ioxi( I(I n IH':OI'bc'fl hy tile> rl'11il hol'o l'o dJ'y in g' he la l'gc c J\ o ll~h 10 llIu i ntnill HII lId('qIlH f ~ illllOl l1l l' d u ri ll g' Hl ol'flgt', I t i ~

com.; ic1(,l'rd fhal hi tho PI'('tl'(,llllllcnl> or npph~s eol' drying tho tinw or­,";lI lf lll ·jn~ sh ould II{'V('1' be ic:-;s Hunt 01l~ h01l1' :11111 mlly suel' ly he l Il Cl'CHSC'iI to Iwo hours 01' mOl'C,

:f1 ]1c ] 'I'(J('('S8 of D J'yi//() Apl1fr",- lr l drying' 11111)1('8 in ki ln eVl.1poJ'a­l ors I he )' I' lti l, i, "1"'(',1<1 011 the floor 10 II <i" pl h oC about xix i nches 0 1'

more if Ul{' Jl'uil i~ i ll qUUl'tcl's. '1'11(· tCIllPCl'lItUI'C'S llRCtl t'1ll1~C j'],Olll

ILliunL l. GOo W in til e in it inl s ln.gc!-; o f' cl l'y ill A' to [Is hi g h HS 17;jO II' ",11('11 Ihe f rllil hilS b(,(q) ill I..hc ki l ll 1:01' IIppl'mdmnlcly h uH of: t he linle I·C(j Ui!'{'(l. III 11)(., nn ni s t H~(, of (hy ing, ICIlI \WI'uf ll l'C"S ovel' lGDO ].\1 tll'(l

ItOI. ndv ixlI.hl C"', HC'ln l ivl' Jll lln itliLics all I ho l'xhllnsL a i l' l 'llllgC 1'1'0111 !JO


34 UNlVERS I'f Y O(i' CALU 'OI(N IA-ExPI!.!R Ii\!EN·r S'I'A'I'ION

pel' cent 111. the s1art to 35 ]>CI' cent !It t hc end of. the drying pcdod, The f l'u it is llSlUlll y hl1'n cd two Ot" th l'or hOl ll'R uflcl' dl',yi llg 11m; begun unci m'Cl'y two hours or oftenel' LllO l'en ftcl', wil h nn /l! ill lcl'Vllls oe nlJont Y:.: hom', L eaving the hnit. nnclis tiu'bC'd 1'0 1' tho fil'st G 0 1' G h Olll'S

:is to rCSlllt ill II better product wil h fowel' b1'okell I'jugs. 'l'he ~lYCI'l1ge dl'ying t ime is nbout 12 houl's,

In d l';' ing apples ill s1nck e\,,, po "l\ tor~ it i~ cllslolllll ",)' 10 load th" t,'a.l's 10 It depth of: n l~Jll'oxim ate ly Ih e (]in mete,' 0 1' Ill e s lices, '1'he t cm pOl''cs lLnd the t ime l'cqll il~ea fll'C 'V(' I'Y !5imil fll' 10 Iho~o or. t1 lC k illl ClVnpOl' lltOl', Insicnd of tUTJling' lIl c JI'uil, wit:h Rlrovols 01' forks nS in lhe kiln ddCl'lo ovel'COlll e l'lle tCllc1ency of llle J l'lIil III the IJOtl'Ol1l oil the Ftl rlC'k to el l'Y JIl ost l'Flpjdly, OlC 11'1IY~ orc ~ lri I't<~d IIpwflt'll fi nd dowl1w(trcl nl1cl ('I1I'l1ed ol1d 1'ol'cn<1 ,

Til dl'yinp: ,nppl cs ill dclrydl'ntol'R cCl'l ah l cond i liol1~ lHl.Ixt h(.' Pl'(.'!{(!1It

wh ich fl1'O notlICc.C'ssm'y rOt, pl'UIl (,~. '¥hilc f.ho lotld of: pl' (l pnl'Nl npplcf.; ])O~ R'I"lll'O foot of 1,I'fly '"'011 is ,'ory sl; if ,,10 all 10SH lh nn I"hllt; or p l'unCH, fhe (ll'ying- limo is. Oll ly [luoli l Olio-half uS long HIl(', Iho lHllOlmt

of wnter to he l'Cll1ov['cl is npp I'OSi1l1fllely :15 pC I' cOlli g 1'N1 1 I', ']'11(']"0-

IOl'o the 1llll001l1t of wntel' to be removed P('ll' hOlll' is ll cnl'ly thl'(IO tim es II. great fo,' uPil leR liS 1'01' pru nes, Since l ha h ent l'o(llli"('(1 is directly !) )'OP01'!iOllfil to the RIl1011llt of watel' io be ova pol'fllcd, th o I '(' ialivo size 01' Ihe bn.I'Jlcl'S <:l lld flt'ca of (lu es or othol' IIcn l ing (!(llIipIIH~lIl is 1'(, ln­livel;' g~ontcr with reRpect to sp L'eacl ing al'elL 1' 01' apple", Simi larly, UIC1'C is H gl'Ntl<w ell'Oj> i n tO lll PCl'n.Ll ll'(! 0.1: a il, pns~inA' It A' iv(, 11 clis luI1 C(! in con1act with the inrit, with a COl'l'c~pondingly g'1'C'nl(' l' iIJC'I'C'IIS0 in I'clltlh,o hum idity, H Ih o cool end of 111 0 dryillg" t llllnci is "nowc(l 10 "enell too low fi tOlllllCl'IILul'e 1111(1 toC) l,i g-I, It hllllliclit~" (1l'yi Ilg is g"cn lly l'otftl'cl cd. JlI mahl1'ainillg n I·Y dry ing l'fl io t,ho COl111t,Cl'

0111'1'0111. lin" be on fo ulld sucoess f:ul 1)111. Jl ot the pII1'nilel alll','ont, ln IL tunnel dohycl ,'n lcl' buil t r ol' IIPI)lo" tho pOition of 1]10 1.1Illllc1

IIcttl" ll ), lIsecl fa" dl'yillg shonld not exceecl 30 fpol. ill IOll g lll. In n <Idol' built EoI' 1"'lIncs 01' athcl' [l'n its lhc Illnncl shonlclnol, 1)0 londed with ""ples )Jcyo nd Ihltt lengih, 'J 'O ' lb cCl'linin ex.toni, o f' CO Ul'SO, t he lempm'>tlmc drop moy be d cel'ens<:d by inCl'ellsillg lIte Yo looi l), of t,he', nnd in 11.11 npp'lc rlchycll'nt:o [' Wl1CI'O (lin l'cci nc1ioll of! !cll1lllC1I'utn'I'C

d,'OI) is of SI) oni,,' impol'tAncc the hi gllC'st II iI' velocity cO Il" islellt wilh ccollomy shonld be mni11injnc(1. 'rhis vclociLy whiflh is cOllsklc.\I'cc1 to be 700 to 800 feet pe l' minute, ill Ilclditioll 10 I'ccJlIeillg tClll l)C"lItlll'C (h'op, hilS ,,]so 1110 nclvlln lng(' of hunll"ing in larp:c measnre. noiCorm distri1)lt­Lion of the iiiI' st,I'Clllll, It slloulcl be 11010(1, hO\\,O"(l I', IlIntl h1CI'cHsing tile ni l· velocity docs not (l ccrcnse the len1pcl'ntUl'O d,'op prll pol'li oll!lt,oly s inc~ it 1l1E«> increases thc rate of ovnpornLion.,


1lul •. 485J J)n\,Il'l(f 01l'1' Fnul'I's 35

'('he maXinltllll snfo trmpCI'ntlll'C with lhe CO lin tcL' Clll'1'fl lIt nil" sYs­lell] is lOO t) to ]{15° ] 1', l?or rnpirl (hoy ing, the ,'clnt.ivc lllllnitlily ShOl1111 flOI. cxcood 18 1.0 20 POl' C~II t "I I ho Itol, end.

'1' he ph:v~icul (' ll.Ill'HClc l 'if.ltic!-l or II. c1"llyrhn l ol' 1'01' apJ)IOH cl ifY(·,' 1"'<l1)1

those 01: fI dchycll'lIlcr of simi llll' dllily caplicity' fOl' l)l'UI1(,S. 'J'his rnny be shown by compnJ'itlg' 1l1r figUI'Ni ~iv(,l1 l)y C hl'i :-;tic(:!) fol' It pl'1]lIe

dc.hy(lrllle\" with uP Sll'oximat(· n~lll'C8 calclLlntcd ill a simi lul" IlHlIIt1Cl'

fo r npplrs. 'I.'ho llIethods m;ed ill cn l culat,ioll, togct,hc,' wilh cxpltUl­fLtOJ'Y llHl1crin', wilt h I) l'o1mtl hI olh('rl' pnhlientiol\!-;,C2, ",1

1) '1'ho fi g \ll'cS

fOL' primes ullfl Ilpp l,(I!.; Ol'C as feJl lows:

Gllpncit,.}' l)C)r 21 hmlrd, ~ro.'!oll 'I"t'tlil l(lflN." .... .

Gn llll oi~)' per 2·' !lourN, pr(1111HI',d r""Mh tOl1~ , Vnll!w ily tWr 2·\ 11 0111"6 . clr,\' 1')111\ , S hri'l kll~n ill drif1r I,Q(\lllWr!l(I\\\lreCO(\t.I)(,\\mlll.. Drying .IUlu. hourM SlIrendlnR Flren ill ddflr, IUjUIIU' ( (" ,t

Wn.lerCYIlI)Orlltcl1 ,)(·r II IlUI".l)OlIflllM ...... O\'('I'-nll thHlllnl f1rllriclltl)' 0' Illul1l, 110("('(' 111 , Gulloull hU'1 roqulr l\l l 1)I'r hllllr /\Ir volume r O(julrod, "11, ft, 11(>1' mill ,

Ai r \'r\!)City, ro"t 1)(11" UdIiUII'" ... MlLXilllUlIl C('tnIH'rnlllrr. h(lt ('111 \ .... "'I;illll"01 Imlld.lily, !II}I ('n.t, I li'r "Nil

M"xiUHIUI hUlIliflil)' , (,()()I (11111 , IN'r ('('III

-PrlltlCo1(t) ---

10 10 ,

~ , lI ((l I

3,'" 2-&

05 , 7H .00 -16 8, 11

22 , Il:l2 760 l OS 2Ii OS

/1.1'1)\ ('6 -----10 76 I.,

6, 10 I , " Z,IIOO


" ' .7 :.10, 1100

7:10 100

" ., lttrolll liI(\ fl:.tIIl'(~S nbove il wi ll he S{'i'll Ihul , m:; com plIl'Nl witll

PL'1H1CS,(:!) H, g iven duily cnj'luI·il,v i ll ~I'OSR fJ' (,H h lonR 011 ~lppI N~ nlHy I"C~

qui\'e 0111y hntr \1l(~ ~P "('t\(li\\~ 111't'n or tunnel ('U11ucily as witt the su mo tonnage of 1)l'lIll('~, but 111(' 1'('(111 i l'ClllCll I· for lwat wi ll h(' c'I llnl nncl about. 25 pOI' ('('li t, lllQl'O HiI' will he l'{'q uil'ccl, In olhcr WOI'(]H H hUlllCl

wbicll will. Opel'llte ~1ILiHrll(llol'il'y Il l, f1l11 cn pllcil"l' 011 ]11'11110. will be l1'10,L'C thHIl donhly OV01'IOHdClc1 lind wil l J'tlil, it: filled witll n·JlPl o~. J II ol'elm' to OpO l'lite 811ccc8sfnlJy 01'1 IIpp l c~ it ellll be loarled 10 oldy hllif 01' 10"" lli.,n hliH il . londing onpllcil .l',


ApricolS, pOllolI(,9, and 1'0111':0:; m'o dried ill hll'gc qunnliti('s only in ClLlifOI'lliu fInd Jlrc nstlnlly 81IJ1 ·dl' icd. ,Vhel'o Jlp"icots IIlld )WIl 'he" Jlrc dl'icd it is ""ulilly 11M Ihe pl'incip,,) pl'oduct Illtd noL Il.~ 11 by-product, IlS with l lpplcs, Dried pOUI' /i, 110WCVC I', lU'C llslIal ly a. bY4prodnct liltC apples, oxcopL in Lake COlmly. l'l'llcti 'nlly all vlll'ie1.ic" of apricots CAn be Sl1Cccs~rl1l1y <ll'icd, canned, 0 1' ~]JipJlccl fl'esh. M~lli1' 1111(1 I.Jovcll


:16 UN1VEr:Sl ' I'" 0 10' CA ldFOllN IA- H x l'I';IIIi'l II':N'I' R'I 'I\' I ' ]()~

Ht' (' lhc })l'illC-ipIl1 rWllr h wll'j('fips Il !<;('d ('(I I' ( 11'yill~ and f il e',\" 111'(' ~I'OWII

nlmost~xclm; ' yel:-.· for 1hh; P\"'~)OH(" In 'n lil'ol'u;n lh r H (-\ l'tl('U is t.he OIl]Y impol'lmlt P C;lJ' ,'uJ' iC'f,\', w h (' f itcol' rol' 1'I'('~h ship lIl('llll, (' lIlUli l lg' 01'

c1ryillg-, Cold s f'o l'II g-~ o r fn'~h rl'1lil hi no l l , ~('d in dl',\' jng', thoug ll jWIt I'1i

<-lrc p ick(ld ~li {! ht Iy j:!: t'l.'(\11 lind oll(lw('d 1(1 rl p(.' 1\ in ('() t\Hl\(H, s I O\'lt~(',

'.1'11 0 (li-ie,d 11'1Ii l is he ld ill COIll III OIl :-:hH'~IA'(' 11 11 1 if f.; llipP{'II ill U01' ig.

illal ('oud i t ion ' J 01' l>I' ocr)'.:sC'(l flllel t' (I["II II'III.'ccl fOj' p'l('ldlig', '1'11(\ qWIIl ·

lity' or fl'llit ell'it'd nn<l held in sto l'a~c hut-! U J'll'Oll(HlIlCl'( l ('n!('(~t 111)On tlw pl'ice which jt wi lt bJ ' ill l:( \ V II ('/,(, it ('ollsidr l'a l,I ('o Rlll Ollld is cH I'J'i r d 01.'('1 1' f l'om one season inln flt(' It ('xt, nil:' pl'i('(' ii, will Ol'diIIUl'il,\r lu·jn g: iN mll c ll dop J'cssrd both h l'i)ll li SC !-\ lI c ll CHI'I'ynVl'I'S 1 1 S llf1lJ~1 I'o llnw u. NC"HSO II

0 1: 11I1'f.~C l)I'odUCl ioll UIl(l h('CiI U:{(' Ihp ql lllli f,v of 111 0 1'1 'l l il. ill SI OI'Hg'(' IiU )i lI s li ally il ctc l' iol'fltc(l.

S(,llsonnl vW'inliow; in U IC IHic'" of 1 h('s(' d l'it'fl fl"Hit s do('~ 1101 g l'c nll y Rfrcct t l lC lOf,lIl pJ'orl l1 f'f io lt of' 111(' j"'C"l'i h f'1'lIif, hl1f do es iflfiu('lH'P t.ho PI'opol't"inn or the OJ'Op w lJ i(,}J is "ri('d , j)/1J ,ti c lIlm'l y Ihnl or :1J1l'i('ots wh ieh Clln " C"fld il y 1)(' di" PI'fNj " ['0111 r ,'(':; I, ~ hjJlIll(,lIf Of' {'Il ilning' as I hf' pJ'(\vnilillg- price III11 Y indirl\~ {\. '1'11(1 1'1'('''~'iliJl f!' p l'i ('('o III lil (l lill1 (, 01' harvesting t hc l.'('i'o l' l' has it rlil'('rt (" Il',"p t upon thr pf)li~jhi ' i1.v of I'nl')~y­

OV(' " IllHl Ihe ll(lxl &'/I:-;Ol)'~ pl' i cC',

.Among- the cHl llllri rs Ic) wlii (.' h I IH's(' f' l'lIi f~ HI'(' ('xpO I,lt'd, O('j'llHlIl ,Y anrl lh('- l JnHed J(in~dom l ahe- b," fal' 111(' ~ l'{"a lt·x.l nmol1 nL Nnllll'nl ' ~r

IJI (, j)J'i cp ;l nd conditiOIlS or (' Xe hHIl~(, 111I'g"p ly in(lw'I1('(' IIH' drf-it inat ioll of: dried fl'uit cX P Ol' IS,

Ap"icOls IIl1d I' I\t h~~ wl,clI pid,,'" 1'01' (ll'y illg khoultl be rully mature to prod u ce hi~h 1111(·1 llllil'ol'll1 ('0101' nlH'i maXilllJlnl yie ld in dl',}"" weight., 'ro IIvoid thc rOl ' lIHl fi on 01' H~dllh~" 1'1' 011"1 ('I'1IiL Wlli (: h (!O l1 rll )H(,S

in (nilt.ill~ flllC1 dt'yhtg 1 t\\ (' t'ndt. !o4ho\lkl \w .full'ly (in\l . P t.'a l's (\J\. II\{'

ot ilcl' 111111(1, HI'C nlwlIYs I)i (ll~cd g'I'(lt' li 11 11(1 ;tHowed In ripe n in hO XCH ,

During the r jpclling I)I'O('(\!-;S t he pt'n l '~ JII' (l tI !innll)' sol'f ('rl J!Ot'l' i PI'l1('HS nl.lC'Hf)tol1(,C ( fi g, Ju ). ] u I ll e CO ltl"~(' 0 1' Ihis~o dillg th<"y Hl'cSOtllC' lilllt.·S ltiSO g' l'lldccl hy ]1 11111 1 r'()I' si :.r.c. VI'lIi! nf.' l ill'ge sii~(' iF! I Ni~ ('Xl){lll ,x i vc to hnndlc bl'ings n milch h(' UOI' J)I'i <'r,

l :)'J'(J 'l)(ItJ'll,tio·n of A1JI'i(, O( ~1 P ('(W fLt'S, (('l Id P e<tJ'.1l fm' 1)r,IJj'Jl f/ ,- ' I'ht" llSO of JlI'scnicnl f;PI'lIYf; t o 1)J'ofccl IIppll"'K 1l11d p eCJI'K .rl'()111 Iho (~odlill ~

mOnl dlll· jug 1.11 C ~I'owing- S{.·nHl)n mmlll ly IrHv('!'; n s li :,rhl l'{'si(lnl' C'OI1-

In,inillg' Ill'sonic on II II"' HI(in 01' t ile frl l il. '1'110 J'f'I!:U 1lllio llS o r tlU' United Slntrs and or Cl l' c~lf B l'ilHiJi to lcl'olIt(' ollly II vCI'y ~ Ii gh l IlmOnllt of nl'soni c. jn \' oO(hdlll)\~, 11\ 0 1'cnl, 131'itnin I he. 11l1lx-inll"lI11 1i n lil

is O,Ol gmin of ,"'senio ( ns Ill'sollie t"iox ick, As,O,) per p01l1l(1' oj' the

o Ollt) 1)QIII1(1 cq lwls 7000 gmillM,


J]U I., .1851 DllY1NO CU'I' Fnnt'.I'S 37

fooel, .ill lito U ll ilcd i'lIalcs LilC' IW""OI1I, lillli!, i" 0,017 g ,'n i" of a,'sollie ll'io"idc pCI' pO\ln<l or fn,i!, thonp:1t this is likel)' sOOn 1.0 be I'edllced 1.0 0,01 gl'Elill ns in Ihe cnsc 01' olltcl' 1'00<1:;,10 'J'hcsc )'cgllln­Lions Hrc rigidly en l'ol'cC'fl , .AB l'clllo\'(\d f)'olH 1 he 11'('0 the t"l'lIit wHiully 'CoHtllins 0 11 lite sk in , nroli lld Ihe stem, und ill tilt.· cal yx 01' hioSfiOJll end 0 1' th(, c.o"u, slIfficiC'tl L ill'st.·lIie 10 t.'xl!t'(·iI 111I':':c lilll it:;, HurOn"' I he l:ruit eml lw sold fOl' CO}lSlllllpLiclll ill the f"('sh :dnLc, thC'l'C'ful'C', !-jOU10 tl'Cflt­

!}lunl 1'0" Iho 1'(,1I10"~1 1 of ~Pl'lIy l'csidll(" is lIsunll", JH'C('SStll'Y, LT nd C'l' Iho ,",Ihl)l'il,\' 0 1' Ihe Hp,'n,\' Hesidllo l l e l, Ihe C"lil'o"lIin, Hlnte D"IJ/'I'I-

mCIl!, 01: J\ g'l'i cultul'c i :'HHIrs I'ul es un<1 J'rgullltiollH Wllidl sllotdd be t;omudtC'(I by tin gro wcl's, shippors 01' l)UeJko'J'!-I all c illJ(\J' £l'cl:ih Ol"

dl'iecJ "pplcs 0" prll"s,

Sincc /I,ppics nl' nlwlIYR peeled fOl' <l l'y ill g 110 ditlkllll,Y iii ol'diutldly OX!) l'iell ccd except in w~jl1g tl lr COI'OS n)l(l IHlf' lil1gs fOl' ed ibl o hy­pl'oc1ucl's. PC'HI"!{, howevrl', HI'C nhnmd, nlwlI,vH tlt'ied witllOllt.l'("mo,,:iI1~ I,he sldll, and .. hlOO dl'ying ill c I 'en,l;N~ the proportion or IlI"H("llic 10 .1'l·lIi'\, to ubont, s ix timos 1,]",1, or I'he 1'1'0"1, fruit be,eOl'" d" ,Y illg, tlte 1Iooil [01' I"cmoving th e spl'ny I'N. iduc hom {'!"lIil 10 he <ll'iNl iH C01.TcspOluling ly g-rcntol', '!'}lC l)ric{l 11'.l'ui t AS!iocinthm or Oill"':ol'ui a, "cCJuil'c~ 1hllt nn clJ'icd pcnrs sold by its memhers Illll !-l f , bclol'c dryin g, be cill'cl'ull y wiped 01' wnshcd In n Rllitnblo 801v{' 111 IIlId havo fho ca lyx l"('l1lo,'cd so elli 10 c lirninatc all S)1 ray '·c:liduc.

loITyilo, A. \V.-U, S. DCllt, or. Agl'il'ultul'o ll~hnini"t,Tn\h'o (h.l'ch"i(m on ~IHn)' rcsit1nc~, A)lri) 19, lO:'W.


38 UNIVF,R8P)''{ o Ii' CATa1POltN TA-ExPlj: I(I ~ Jl~N'L' S'J'A'l'JON

'rl1c ]110St cll:cctivc mcthocl fOL' J'cmovillg" SjJl'Hy l'csic1uc is tlw t oC was hing j" dilul.· Iwid 0 1." alkali. '.L'hc C(lll iplIlCllt, COllCOIltl'Ht.ion De a,cid or (Ilk-ali, t,ompm'f\t,\I\' C of the hnth, and Hnlc oe. expoSure iWO not slfmdal'(li :'.cd. In Spl'lI)' washers o ll e-th ird pC'I' CClIt hydrochlOI'ic IIcid for 30 seconds 1s llStHllly snllicieJlt, while j tl blls1wt dipp J' .R Ollo~lUl1f

1101' ce nt acid for as mrtch IlR 3 mhllltc~ Hilly be J' equired. A COnCf' ll ­

tra.1:ion oj 2% pel' cont He i(l h"" been " "uil wiHHllIt ill;jlll' ,)' 10 I.ho ~t'nit. 'rhc difficnlty or scc\\rlng; co mpl clc rcmovl Il 01: titC: rc~i<."1{~ iH inc.reased when the tcmpe l'fll,u l'C of: the hilI 11 is low or whell the Jnlit is pm'1'ie.1I1nl'ly wnx)'.

l!'ig, 17.-0111: POHI'H 011 slnt.· llOt,toJllcd 1:1·:I,.)'l't boing stacked 0 11 Ll'llUkl'4 fol' t)lIlf.lIl'i ll g :)\\1:1 ~li)hr{ln.\thm,

Usua.lly, apricots, poaohes, aJHl peRL's Ul'C not l!cc·lc(l {'Ot' ill'~rjllP:. ~'hoy 111'0 ltnl yed Il.lld tho pitH Hl'e l'cmoved Il'om "prioo!s and pOllchos, 'j'ho stems Mid calyx. n,1'O 1'01'l"1 0VOcl fl'Ol'll. pears, VI'lrinti.ol1s t"lr n)n(\o in mnnufHctnl'ing oOI'[nill speoia l dchycl l'lItoc1 pl'oducts, Fat' t hose, ]lonCllcs nnd pOUl'S mny ho peelod, POlll'S cOl'ccl, (Ipl'icOl"S I\lHI clingstone llono)lcs ,hied wholo, 0[' tho Inl.to1' sliceel lI .ftOl' IHil vi.n g,

}I; is l1CCeSSIll'Y tlwi; com~ic1(wnblc CUl'e nnc1 sldll be loyod ill tho clltt ing or. the"e '£1'1111'8 ill orc1ey \;0 obt",ill It ehieel p1'oL1not of gooLl ItP]lOlll'llltM, ShlLl'p Imivcs I1lLlst uc useLl lind tho £,'uit cut cOl1lplo[oly Ill'OUllCl RO thnt the 1wh'cs I11lly ue SCPlll'iltocl, ]ollving c lonn-c ut edges. Cutting lllflchincs llll\rc !i0 fill" (mma no aceop1.nncc in Pl'cptll.'ilig fl'ltit for dryillg,


Bur •. • 185] DU.YING CU'I! ]j"H-U l'I'S

'rhe Il'nit should be l)i;lecCi on !.lIe tm.ys wi t h t he eut "rtrInce uppo rill ost fl lLd wit hout OVO ,'lIItlPill1,( (ng, 17), Whcn P l'OpOI' Iy loaded t he t rays will ho1e1 nppl'oxill,al'ely I;wo porl11 e1. ot 91) riool:., 1"1"'oe pou nd;.; or pca.chcs 01' tlll.'cc lrncl one-haIr JlO rrnclR of: pC~I .l·S peT SqLH1I'C foot , 'l'ho tl'ays ll sec1 for drying' vary co n ~ i (l ol'[Ib Ly ill s i:l.C ancl COll­Rt1.' uc.tiol' , feh()~c 'lSCtl itt ~\ I1\-(]l''y in g Hl'C most (!Otnlnolll y :3 hy 8 fc~t Ol~ sometim os 3 by G fcot fo " apri eo!.s And ponell e • . For clcllyCl,'nt io ll the size 0.( tray us:c<.1 'val'i CSi, So me plm'll:s al'l! quippc(l Wit11 3 ))y :3 f:oot tl'llYs 'met ot1' o1'8 wil"h 3 IlY it, 3 by 6 0" 3 by 8 ['oot tl'".ys. Til o rd or 1:0 pCl'lllil; rendy llec~ss of tllC l1i ,' 10 !. he [l.' lIit wi t h ~, t)r"oqtl cll l; }'I1,pid dry ing, t he ho(.(.ol11~ oc the (.rays sh on ld be maile o.E slat.s not more 1;]Inn one il1ch wiil.o hut f'm' st,'ol1:>;I' I, (h e "lois sho ll1d nol; he less t)WIl ;}{tLncll w iele l111cll-:uppoI'IJng; cross bl' /I CCS H.llould ho pl'o~rj (.lcd, 'l'llough they a ,'e 1I0t so snitnble f'o l' doh.l'd "n.tiol', Iho shalee bottom t l'o ys 1I secl 1:01' fi nn-d mlly be 1' 1:0 1' this nse b;y )'olYl oving tho. end pieces, substituting n Hat 011(1 bl'UCO, I:1 nd pl'efe L'ubly raishlg tll e s i ac~.

n. i s vcry impOI'tnnt t jwt opclIin)!s 0·1: ample hoig ht Hl'C l)1'ovidcil t:o t' tho pnHsnge of 1111: thl'ongh I;he emls "lId o\' cr t h e hnil;, '1'110 nltcl'!'­tiOll of 811l1-ch,Yjn g 1; "".1'8 ]'OJ' l ise ill (l c]lyd ,'a Lion is not advisable unless they 1.11.'0 :in good conditiO]l) sin ce they tn'(l. sub;j ectc(l to l1lncll handl ing .

NelLrly .. U trays Il,re made 01' wood, Pine is mod £01' hoth hAtHe. and bottollls 01' apt'uee fo1' frAmes w hero extra s!;L'ong l;]t i s dash'ecl . New l'eelwood is li1tely to stnin tl, O j'l'nit ,mel is ]lot commol1)Y used for t rl1Ys,

In staekh lg j !'FlyS of 1: 1'11;1. r Oj' snUul' iJl fr, (h y iJlg, m' cl1rin g, the ~Lll l-dl'sdng LJ 'lly~ wHh alosccl clld~ n I'C st,aggcL'c( L leng thwi se to pOl'mit SO, .£ U111 0S IUld ,ti l' 1,0 ClII,cl' 1: '.'001.1', Since I;lic tL'oys lIsee1 fa" cleliycl ."".. t.tOll axe always open. at tho (}nds 0): sid~s tlll'ough wl)il!.h the ail' pnsscs, stnggcl'ing is not nccoss[1 ry ,

It i s impol'tmlt 1'0 keep the trays u" clenn liS poss ib le at ,,11 thnes to avoiel soiLing t il e fJ' uil, ond to mi1.il11i v.e sticking O[ O,e fruit to I;M troys , Jl!Il1ny dry ;ya.l'cl s and c1oh .l'dl'Htors nl'e (I(jn ippoel with s;mp1e Lrn.y "\vuslli'ng mndlines hI whie'" wa\..()l· sprays. nnd l'ovoiv illg 8t.ii'l: !th(n: brll shes soften lind remove clil' t, l:l'l"Iit fl'agmcnts, uTlc1 syrup,

S'1t.l!'w'f'i1l{j A.2)1-ico l'~J PeacheR, P O(U',r: for ,D'1'uin{I,-1\Pl' ic.ots, pCMh es, 011(1 po"r s al'e s nHI1J'od in sn l1'lU' lto l1 sa,~ as soon as l oss;1>10 aHoI' cn"i.ting .mel t1' l1yill g, III Tlnka ,mel 1I:[0I1tioo;110 co unties it is Ol1StOllllll'Y to 81)1'i111<1o 1)O,Ot8 willl cold Wil(.er or wonk twinc 1)()i'Otc

suUnring, in th e b c )iC'l ~ t hn,j; it prevents ense hm'dollin g oe I'he £mit beforo cl rying bogins and <ll so increases LllC nhsoq ,t io)) 01 SO" A~

indicated hy the xporill' Ollla.l stndies rcpOl,ted in :fig ll l'e 10, H is probable s pl'illlcliJlg r etl1 l'ds ratlier t lllll) hnstens t he 01)80 l'p t i011 of


SO:!' I Pl'OII1 this poin t of v j cw, t.lICt· l'c, f'q)l'iukli)t g' IIlHy bc regHl'd ed as it mC(lIlS of ~t.voidi ll g' excessive slIlll1l'illg, rl_1]w 'PI'<lct ice iH n"1:-;o nsed to serno ext()n_t for pca,c.llus Hlttl Hpt'ic.ois, Aprico1s, pc~u!.li cs, null p(}n,rs /lrc Illwa)/s snll:t.l l'cd in ::iull:w' h011s0S DC l ho "l'y pc nlJ'cncly dCH3(!I'j]jcc1 . 'ril e CiUfllltili os DC ~ nlJ:n]' CD lnlllOlily lI ~cd l'1111 g0 frol1l six to twelve pounclg. pel' :fresh tOll, llil t t111'OO to fOlll' pO[!1Ic1s nro slIffi!Ji.cnt if the s lIli'tw is u sei! ctncicllt ly 111 a tight hOllse ,

R egull1Ung the tim e of cXl'0~ ure :is the princip"L meanS of CO Il­

tl'olJing tho .tHlOl"lllt, or sHlrlll' dioxide 1tbso rbod , 'ro seC Ure HlHl l'rtaill satisl:i1eto 1'j' COIlJllll'J'ci::ll co lo)' apl'i ca ts and pOil chos si1 {Yulll contail! s ulh,,' clioxi eLc ~o t L, e extellt 01' 1,500 Vn)'t" p OI' Illillion, )~x­

jlcriments con llnc tcd by tho Dried ]]'ruit; .A~SOcillt, i o l1 0[ C.t lil'o1'l'lill. in tliC cOlil'se of sevel'al SCHsml~ show 1: 11 11l sn.t is t:aclol',l' l'osnlt's at'n oblll ill c(l by exp osing EL})l'i cots fOl' Lwo hoo1's 0 1.' CXTtosing pcnchcs f~ o]' tlll'CO hC)lIl's to d ense l'UI1ICS 01 s nlh,,' btu'll cel by llnLn l'lil iil'filt, (Il'oviilcd nw h Ollse is w.n'm and .n..h·-i.ighl~ exce pt; ('or tlU] anilriunLlll llCCCs,sa 1'Y dl'acts, .l\.. h.ctlv," smoke: mu st be H1l1i'lltnillrd III1' O llg ·h o ll.j~ the snIEUI.'il)g' pel'iod. By the nsn or l!o ]'( dl'al:!; 01' RpocinJ sl1 lJ'n1' ullL'nhlg' eq uiplllent the t.i)11 C 1.'cqnil'(J<1 may bo reel-Il eed ~ . o ol1e hOlll' OL' evoll l c!<;::) , S uHtIl'in g illJrieots :a lld pcncltOf:; _COl' eight hOtu's Ql' oval' nigllt', is noL nUCQ l1lrnOn

though i t. ]R 1lllneCeSSll l'Y an c1 lWlY be objectionahle, J'cal'~ nrc s nJJ:ul'ocl as long ;18 72 hOlll'S by SOIlIC opel'ators. '\\Thon t]I O RlIlrllt' lS lnll'nc<l hy nnhl1'ul c1J'n.:f t a sul.fn1'illg JlcJ'iofl or six 1"101(1'1; f1PPNII'S 1;0 be H minimum fOt'llCal'S IOl' the inStll· lt l1CC of i-wtis£lLcto l'Y kceping qualit y .

S'If.,1l,·cl1'!}img Ll. p l'hJO /,s, P ea,ches, a'nel p(J({)J '.~,II-Ji1l'tlili to bo R\111 ('I "jOtl should be spread ill Ih o SHIl us Soo n Mi posH ihlc fLftOl' HIII1'tu' il1 g' lUI s IH'011

cOllljllcl;c(], Ap,,; co l:, "nil pcaell os sllOulcl I'elllllin ex posecl to db'cct sunshine nntil t.lle), al'e Ille leost hal t lhi cll , aCter wJlich Lhn tl'HYS sllOltl(] be s t:llClccd ill IL sLlIggcl'crl p ilo wiLh the opcn e ncl s ill t ho dil'eation of the l")J'cvni ling wind s, 'ltwo 10 six dnys sun bui:OJ'c si;u(lking :ll'C llSHflUy l'C(lnil'cc1, t.h e tota l -Lim o 01 c11'ying nVCl'ngil1g 7 clll YS .1:01' HJlJ'j(IOLs and 8 1'01' pca·<_dtcs, 'Vh{,ll the wcn;1,h~t is not c:xecSSl\1oly 11ot" th'y ing Yl1HY be llnsi;cnccl by omitting t,he s l>wi<illg p l'ocess alld pcrl1liLting the I ruit to he exposed to the SHn fot' lhe entiro dry ing perioil, tho ugh t;his is elolle nt the ]'isk of: injul'Y to the qlHlliLy, .L\t U, C til"o the huit is sCl'''pe(l tl'om the t l';I'Y8 ltJ:t(!~ (hying, "II disco lored ]licc('s allll shtbs shonld bc sOl'tod out, si nce it cnn be <l ol1e mOl'O omoicnil l' Ht this [loint: th)l" r,t allY latoI' t ilne,

'£0 l)l'cset'vc a light color, peru's sltonhl bc ~xposed to dit'oat Sl'l l1 -shine £01' only ono--hal ~ to two {lays itttl!l.' s HIIlll'ing, the thnc "v lll':Y ln g

11 F or «ctnUcc1 i llfol'mntion soc tCl'llliua.ll'ufc I"ClI CO S,


'Ph,t o 11.- '1'1 Ie ('lll'('I, oC :;Hl lf~ lIl'ilt ~ on Ute I~P1Wlll'ILII('L' 1ft' t'l ul) · l ll" i<' d npd('oLs (~O()Il Iltlci' tl l'.)' ing), 'J'ho S I')c-('i ll l(' l1~ W('I'(l s{' l('(' (cd tlOft tn)l(>:d I)f 1\\h\ \,ml i' II\'{'\1 :IS

,r (llI ()W~: 0, lI11 snl l'lIl'cdj IJ l-I ul fU I'('d (,li t' 11(l/It, ; ~, fH II Cu/'l, t1 two h(lllt'~i :1 , ~tllf' t1l'ed tllI'eo hO/1l'iI ; 4, fl ult'ut'cd fOln' h(Jul':;; N, suHul'od ovcl'ldgh t,


DIetiNG CU'l' Fn;ul'l'ti 41

with t ll c i),tcnsity Ot t ll(\ srlll'R ,'nys, "'-ttcr this pl'clin1inu,' y 0,",P08111'

the l.mys n1'O stnggCl'-stlickocl llslllIll,v wit h blo cks Ot' cross bHl's Ifljd ovor oach trHY lo sopal' il"tc it fl'Om t.lw one ubovc nnd t llTtS ha~ tc n

h'ying by i mproving th o cil'Cllla tion or ak ",~hile stnclm(1 j1; is 0.1' COlll'SO importnnt t,llllt H1C I'op ITny IJC covel'cd 1:0 pl.'cYan t uJ1(lLle expOSHl'C to t110 SUIl . '1'wo Lo :[OU t' wceks m'c llSll£l.ll y roquired to

cOlllplctc. t llC drying hi tho stllck Ilnc1 Chlr.lng this timo t]lC trays art} ol'dilladiy l'cstnnkcrl RcvoJ'nl limcR to pon nit the l'cnlova1 01: clill s Q" of I ruit. whieh is snfficicnt1y dry 0'1' consp icuollsly m oist.

DchV(I1'(/'t ion 0/ A!)I'it.ol,~, P OIU']/.O,', (111 (1 PO{(,'I'",- Nn lllL'ILl cha H cvnpm'tlt Ol's I1l'fl not, usee'l jn drying nprjcots, )1 (,H,Ch CH, Ol' PCHl'l"l, llnd whor e ill' lirlCilll h ont :iH ll sod mo(lC"I'u ni,·-blnst clC]lydl'n.LCl'!,) H l'e

cnrp/oyO(l . 'rhcI'o !lI'(l lHlll1Cl'OUS g(lJl ICl'n.l cOllsidcratioll $; afr(' tuo nse oj' dchycll'! ,tc~' on t hese J'I'l'\i~s,

Sho'll./(l D ehy(/)'(lI ":O ?1 UO .1J,''III'7J /,01Jerl f o,' A,p" i lJOt", Peaclll',I, (/",,1 PtA(I/rs?- At presen t;, 11111cs!'l the qllestion is qUlliifind, the nl1 $wcl' ll'lnst bo "no," 'l'hi, is pU1'I,i(\ul'Ll'i y (I'UO of (,he dd,ydmUoll oC (,II(' [,'c><h frui t. 'l'hc l'o m'c, ho"\vevnr, eo ndi t ioJl :;'; uncleJ' which dcilycl l'nt ion of! ti1 C!'iU

f l'llits muy 801'VO n lL"d'ul plll'pose fmel tll ~ly 1.>0 c1isl;inctly Itd"jsa\Jl(l, In CU!:ll!S wl101'o sUll -cll'y ing oqnirrmmlt js i-1.vail Hbtc lJ11 t jJllldCqt1H\'('" c1e­

hyill'nl:iOIl of lhe j']'ui t "Pl.e]' it h,," [Jeen p,t'L'tiull y s l1lHll'i ed will g r cnJ ly increase I'ho cn[Jllllity 01' 1;1," d" Y-YOl'd s, l!'nd t wIdell h ils bce'\ p lll'l,ill l1y dl'i cil ill th o S IlII It ll d lil1i8 ho(1 iI' tho deh)'i1 l'lltCl' so olosoly 1'osmnb1cs f r 'uit which hns hec lL cOl1l p1 otc'ly dl'ied in the " UII

t ll!lt it r)l\Sf;(I~ ns. $Ut1-{( l'i c<1 f ru"it, H slIlt-d r ying' .rAcilitics }\1'(l 11Qt nvFLilnb lc, but II c1ehy d ,'.fQ,' is Hl

JlIl11d , thon g'J, it IlI lIY he 'inl,cn llcd to,' other 1'l'Il'i.t, it is pJ'ob",bly n(I1' i5-,tble 10 lI RO t.he dchy,l"nl.'1\' }'II,thor thllll to provide R1l1Hl ,',v ill g I'n(lilitioR, \Vhol'c iI~ if:; impoJ'Ll1 l1 t ('0 koep Ihn sllll:ul' dioxi('lc C()ll Lrl11t low, n dohydl'll1,ol' 1ll1I)' ho or OMIJCc illl so,'v ioo s ill ce d('hy cll'ul,etl fl'ldt I'C(\U;I'('8 bu t Vf'ry Htt,le snLClI l'i ng 1'0 mnill tuill sn,j,isfueloI'Y co"l o I' chll'ing (]t·ying. l[owoV'o1', t.he Cxp(}l'imOJ1Lnl oy icJ OI Jo(! doc~ 110L jllrli ent.o ihlLL 1110J'C l'i nlrllt,

clio"xidc ]s lost .f1'0111 thtl frL1 it during Cichydl'tl.tion tlUlIl c1 11l' illg sun· dl',\'hlg' (tuble 3) , l"illnl ly , w]\O"O I:h Ol 'O is nu ox is l,illll' cl('IJ1H Ilc1 fo\.' th o special ])l'QclllC.tH J"oCe l'1'ed to ill n.nolilCl' section n. cl (..'hycl J'll te l' iN, 0"(

cOnt'sc, il1<lispCIl, ,,])i c, nOWDVC!', 1.ho (lcv ciopmont or t1,C 1I1fll'lwt i'01'

S l1 0h protl ncts .is like ly 1;0 he exponsivQ ancll'i,l<)" Shon tcl (/, ])chyr!'I'(/'(cl' 7Je )J'lI/at .l!:xa7nsi'Vcly / 01' the ])'I'!JI:"'O of

Apricots, l'o(/.ahc,., "nil P "(IIl's?- Agll in , i f: 110 qUll lifi,ell,tions he I11lldo, 1;]10 1l11 XWOl' J"l1llst be in t il e lI C~"'ltivc, ',ella sun-d l' ied pl.'oc1uct js the sl"11I(1m'<1 11]'0(11101; ill l:hc 111111'lwt lind 1111'1. mill' he so ld most t on<1lly, 'rho h nrcs tlll clli l'cqnirocl. Jot' :sun-dry ing eq nipmcnl; or: H. :g;jvol1


l12 UN1VEHS l fl 'Y Oli' CALni'O ltN IA~]~X.P l':B I i\ II!:Nfl' S'I'A'I'lON

is less t hall that req ui red ro l' clchycil' n.t io n. 'rhe cost: 0.1: Slln -rl l'yi ng' is·a,lly lower Hnd t il e. risk o·f ruin cl/_Llllagc js ll ot g rcat in ]llOHt distri cts whore 1hcsc rl'nifs m'c dr ied , 'l'he only c iJ'C lltl1stHltCC8 IrtH'iCl'

which t.ll e hllilding of c1chyc1l'fttcl's fOr t hc~" f l'uit" i" jl1Sl ific,' al'e, Jil'Rt, wllen w<Hlthc l' condi t iol1F; ill 'C unfav ot" nhle fol' su n -cll'y ilt g' U$ in some o il the coast distl' ictsl and second, when t ilCl'C Uppmll"S it de fini Le demand fOT a spc"ial dehydl'atcclIH'O(hlct.

G r owCL's clcsil'ing' d<'ll,vc1J'nool's may build f rom [111 origi n a l cl(,Hig li

01' .hom plans Hnd specifi cn.tjolls f UI"lishcd by a. dchyd l'ntio n QngiH C(~ 'J' , 0 .. t h ey J1HL)' bn J' OI1 C fl'om n. commc]' c i ~d II1HIIlIf8ctuI'ee of clclly(h -atOl'S, B uildiltg; fI, (h icl' f l'om an Ol"i gLna'l des ign, Iinl es!) t h e bnild m' hns had l)l'CV i01U{ exporience 'is likely to 1"08 \111; hi a n inefficient 11 11< 1 d l)i'ecth'c pI ltnt. On the othol' Jllllld , IH'C"jo ll s expe rience. Wit.]l succ(':,;!,d\ll dc­lLydl'atCl'H is li kC'ly to lend to inJ'rjl1 gC Jl1ont on one 0]' moro or t he ex i:-.l­illg pateHts c(.H'ul'i ng vU l'ions f:ca.t.ul'cs oJ: clrhy(li'flteJ.' cons t I'tlct ion . E,len if t he plHnt is bldJ t PI'OlIl phlll ~ ~J1 ld spoc ifi cH.t iow; I lII 'IIi ::,dlC'd 11.'( II clchydl'ntioll cng in cCl', t ile gl'owel' without CXPCl"iPllCC ill hllil(lhl g is like]y t.O On COllll to I' seri olls pl·n( clifT-ieul Hes o~ (lom;Ll'lwt ioll. O n thi s Ilccolillt 1'11 0 i s~ n Q of: dohydl'"tol' pl lltls and spcc ifi.clltionR ily the CH lifornia Ag'J'iClli.t Ill 'n l Ex per iment S taUoH IHl s beell dil'lcon t-inll u<1. Also some of tlw mOL'e CXPCIIS:iVC. parts of: t ho tlehyc1l'l1te l', s 1Lch Hs the motor, ran, LUl'l1flCC ]1Hl' ('S fI1Hl tl'llCks mll~t uc hO ll~ l!t hOlll IIHlllttf'"O­t111'Crs . .As com pured Witll buyill g 1'110 p lmlt -itsclf 1:1'0111 a manlJi!Hc­lUl.'e)", therefol'e, the growcl' wh o' build s hj ~ OWll pl~l11t mny f:; HVC 111.01l('Y only in COl1JICCt.ioll wil'l! c.ons tr uction lubol" w1lil c llC may he lllHlblt" t'() SQ(}LU'O hi s Jlln.tCl·ial s HS I!h CHp ly ,IS docs t he l11f1IlUflaef.ul'cl'. For t llCsC I'cason s it is believed tha.t in ncarl ... ' a ll cm:;es I' ho CO lll' SO whi ch w ill be lIl0HI Hl1l, i s l'flC t O I ' ~' to tho gl'owcr in t he JOll g t'lIl1 wi ll he to huy fl .

eOll1l1l el'cin lly bnil t fh-epl'ooi: clchydeat"cl'.

1'1'01001' tmnpc l'atlll'C, hlll11i(]i !;y 1I,lI r' lI il' flow !II'O I1CCCH"lIl'Y JO I' Ibe s uccessful opcl'Htion or a cleilyc.ll'll.'{cl' , In t llc Rim plcst t.YIlC1 H. sl l'Elig il t tl1nnel with COllilter-CllI' I'cnt ail' flow, t he following cOl1d it.i o ll ~ 1111"0 boon £o11ncl af·recti·vc. 'J1 lie rnax]rn n1l1 tempc. l'n tul'C nt t he nniHhhl g point Wl,Cl'C t h e fl'ui[ is clry Sl101L1cl uc nilo ll t 155°- 1GOo ]" j'o,' apL'icots I1l1d pcaches !llld abont l40'-]50' F rOl' peAl'", ITighm' tClllpCl'fltnl' cR m'o tl nngcl'Oll ~ bCCILll!={C dl'Y 01' I1crfrly eb'y f l'ui t is VCI'Y Sliscoptibll> to h ont ill,jUI'Y, The most, desil'abl e l'ollilivo JlIlmicJili cs lit t llO 110t end of t h e t,mncl al'c 1'01' aprico ts ftPP l'oxi1l11llely 25 1'01: ()cn t , fol' pCl1Cl,cs 80 pCt' cent, alld Cal' pel1l'" 35 to 40 PCI' CClii. '.I'h c !lil' 'velocity nsed sllOt11d be the maximnrn c01 ls ist.c n t wHh crliciCl ICY, gC11 -OI'Hriy n ot leAS [haJl 500 Hl1<1110t 11101'0 1:111\]1 800 feet pCI' minute,


13U1~. :ISG] DHYINO CU'l ' FIlUI'I'S 43

1'bo dl'yillg t im e IHltl.H'Rlly val'] es with the t:emperattn'c, I '(.~blt i vc

humidity, f1ir velocit y, load in tho c11'y illg illimeL, IInel CK pcci>1 11y with respect to the cxtCltt t.o whi ch, if at nli, the l't'uit ""s been prcv iously el l'i ed in the Sl1l1. Othel' fIlcto l'~ "I'Q in:flnencc t he drying t im,c Ill1d it js impossible to g ive more tlum Oil ll.ppl'oxilllatc fig ure, Apl'icots drioc1 a ltogether hI the clehyclTatcr "snlllly r equire LI.'OIl1 ] 5 to 20 homs ; peoches 24 ,1'030 h Otll's; and pcnrs 30 to 48 hOll r •.


']'he con dil'ions Il cccss8 ry lOt' tllC ~llcccf;.r.; 1! 1I1 stol'l:I ge oj' d ri ed ll'tlits II,I'C t hlll; th e fr lli t be clried 1'0 the propel' cl egree , lI11d tJ,a t snitnble stO l'll go fac iliti es be pl'ovided.

Bxccssivc dl'y ing ]' c~m lts in needl ess 108s ol~ w cigll t, fmel oCten injures th e CO l 0 1' ot: 1'}1( .. ' cl l'j ed l)l·ocln ci. ]11 sl.1 n·dt·y ing it Cx,I) OlleS th e il'tli t. to pm;~ibl c dUlllllg () _f'ar an nnneccRsfl rily 100'lg tim~ find _in d.chy~

clrnt.ion inol'0>18"" th e cost, On the other llflnd the frui t J<coP" better dl.1ring' ~t()1'ngc i[ the m ishll'c content i:-; low,

:it is djllicnlt to clesel'ibe dea l') l' the elll1l'Ilctcrs of PI'ofl01' ly dl'i c1 fl'l'li t, Ol"llin llril,l', it Rh oliid 11 0t be so elry n~ t o 1'1I.l.l.le on t he t1'l1.1'", Ttshoilid be Ii 1'111 yet 'I' I illb lo. '1' ho skin SllOUlcl HOt ·S pm'llte 011 rUbbing, \Vhml th~ J1~CSSU1' e js J'clcased n:i:tcl' HqllCCi',jng u. lHl1'1 cUul tig'h1ly toget her, t he indh' idua.l pi cces s hould ' Jll'iI1 ~ r eadily 1l[11tl't nl)i! i'e 'LIme nearly, 11: not quite, t·hejl' l:oJ'lnoJ' shape, The d i1Ti<mHy in cletm'm inin g wJtOt hoL' the fruit. is s111lioicn tly dried is sOHlcw hnt: ;'1 0t'0,, 80(1 ill (lehy· dJ'HtiorJ, ,(i.t 'S~ beclITlsc oj! t}IC sortening cfl'eet of t lw big lt tcmpC I'Hturc H,t which t1lC fruit IClives tho ilchydl'u.trr) ;l1ld sccort(l bcca.nso o~ the cnse hal'df~l1hqt whi ch t'o some extent alwRYR HccOmpmtics d chyul'ution. \Vholl 'WH rm, f'h eL'c.f:m·c ) hccausc of it~ softlless the fl'tlit nppClll'N mOl'e moiRt tltn.n "it l'c.a l1:y is j l)Ut as SO()n ;Hoi it js coo l, bCCHllXfl of tho case· hm'cl onin g it l1ppenl's dri er. Only fir st-hand eXl1Cl: ic I1 CC C!111 give t"O 1'111

01'01'[110 1" good jrrclg men t ill iclentifying the p ropOI' cl egr ee of dryness,

11101' cldeCi apples otl:cL'ccl fol' 1)111 e th e maximulll 1l'1nistlll"e con tent Itll olVed by Lhe l J. S, li'ood, Dmg and Inseeticide A,lministrntion is 24 POl' eent, The Dried Fruit .Association of Oali fo l'lli" n.ll ows on 1.\' 22 P'"' cont. No deiinite limits nre sct fOI' other frni t~, hut the PI'OCI'gRCcl f "lIitH lISIH:l.Jly range in moisture content from 20 t.o no PCI' (!Cll t and pen t'S ILI'e l'nge abOllt 30 p er oen\, 11l t he n ut,urlll conDition, bcfoJ' o j)1'oce~s illg,

dried a,l'plo' llsnnlly eOllln ilt 18 to 20 pel' eent nnd "re slll 'inl<lcd snflleielltly 10 hring t he 11Ioist 1l1'e content close t o 22 01' 24 PCI' cent. Dried. ap)'icots Ullc1 pOHches in the nu tllrnl condition co nt.Ai11 h,'orll ubont


4~l UN[V I.i:H ~ I'I'Y 0 1" CAL.;WO ltN IA-Exl'l~ln M I~N'I ' S'I' A'I' ION

]01'020 pOI' eelll; while pe",'," hava fro m 20 1.0 ~O pe r CC III:, P" II1" 1','0 111 Lako li nd ll'lell doc'ill o eO llnti sure not lls lI n [[y processed, ,,\Tit.h the except ion o[ pen t'S lhnL Ht'C' lIot 10 he IH'O(!('sscd, good T>nH.:.I'i cc ind iCHI"CH thnt when c1rying is completed tho n1 oif;lu l'c conlr ll L sh01lld be hctWCCl I

15 and 20 pel' C(li it i ll 01'elCl' to allow fo), the lUoishll'c added in pl'ocrss­ing for packing.

lVlc1holis fot' Hw del~ I'll1 in iLi ion of llI oisl l ll 'C in d l'j fl'o JI',ui t al 'e' lI ot ('n th'c)y sltt isPacLo l'Y in cil-her lICCn n lcy 0 1' cO ll venieJl ce. Hr\,('1'1I1

lllCUlOCl s llllvc been ] ) I'oposccl nnd r1l'e h('ing' lH'i{'cl, but each iH OP(,II 10 objec t'ions o r "I 1wflct icHl 01.' Uleo l'ol-iea L 11 1-1 1.111· ... 'IJ il\'Cwi~rl II1 clhoch; P.OI' the d et" ,'mill a[,ioll 01' s Il1[" II' di Ox it le arc ill IIi ' J, n lc , A[ I [[ICH(J

]i"ig, 18,-D()hytlratcd pears boing dUlllpc(l into $WI.lIII; boxes,

mot.bod!-; III' lllldcL' invcstigll l ion by ,'a l'lo lls govcl'lllllclllnl and pl'i,.'al.f' agcncic~J mId nOllO cn n be su i(] 1.0 bo id C'!ll fol' purposcs of eo ntro l. Gr owel's or pnelwl's who may wish to osblb1i ~h Jnhorntol'i cs mId rio their own c(rnt.l'oL wOt'k will he pl'()vi (,( <"d with hl~l\' nc.tiol\R it: l'eq'~N;t;

is llIndo to t he l""lli~ 1'l'0(1110L8 IJII,bom,lol'Y, UniVOl'Hity 01: C ll[ifol'llifl, l~l'oll1 what hilS bocll Rnicl nbove it will ho clanr 1 hu t ~ 11 C.h. insll' t1 e l iOllH OILIlIlot ut pl'cscnt bo considored allLiloritnt,ivo ai' Dnnl, a[thongh con­sistent c:lctcl'lllinnt.ions oJ: citl,er moistl1l'e 0 1' sulPur clioxid 1 mny ho obtnincd b,Y (!o ll :)hlll t nd hcl'c nce to llll )' met.hod,

In the ]lllckillg houscs dried I'!'l il t is 1181"'Uy s lored ill bin s , ]Jow­eve1', IIp)l l c~ which Ul'C 1Illdc]'goi ng t.ho ClIl'illg proc~ss oE :;;pl'illklin g' nlld tlll'lling UTe ~ t.Ol'c(l bl piles on fill open Hoor until they Ill' (~ packed in U()xos. Dl' ied 1l1)j':icolsl pea ches, IIlId PCll l','; m'o SOJ1 1ctimcs held by tho gl'owel's J!O I' 1ll0l'C 0]' IC!i8 extended p(}I'io(l H al:LC\' dl'ying though t"lw),


]}U I ~. <185] DHY I N(1 CU'l' 1l1 r(ul'J's 4G

BI'C Ilf:Ull1Jly d.o l ivol'ccl to n. pacld lJ g house wi 11 Ii II t.wo Ql' I'Itl'cc. weeks 01' HS soon AS c uring or ";"nycat,ing" (cq uuliu ll ion 0 1: 1l10 isi; U lo ) , is ,'u lli M

cicllt,ly cO lli p le lc. \Vhil e thi s 1I1 1l:Y be ,101io i n bins . i t is best. el on e i ll sweat ho.<:c" (Og. ]8) IIhOl,l; 3D by 27 by 8 ill " " e,, nll el .1l o1dilll{ Ilha ut ]50 pO ll n il s 0 1' J' l'lI i!.. De li,' cI'Y oC !.he fr uit La Ihe p "cld n g house is p J"of'ol'ab ly I11 l1do ill boxes. Sacks UI'C also Cxlf'llsivcly, i f 1I0t mOl'c commonly, \\~c\..l but, lHHy \'Qf,:\I\t in elll'Hl\rt or (-\tIt.. eut rr llit.R anLl thus ]'ed llcc Lhc p I·opo d .io n 01' 1"I'J~o f rui t Sl' lllil' ILLnd by t 1, o h'l lo-plnte· gl'l111ol's.

Sto l'agc oC Lho f l'uit ti t 11 10 rA llch, clcll ydI'H,tol', 01' dry YHI'd slioul (l l' CC('lVC as enro l!,,1 11..LLcnlion as at, {,he packing hous-c, '1' 0 minim.lze eo loL' <1ctcl']ol'H .. i ion Hl lil SUgOl' il lg', 1110 sl'o l'ago ]) Iaco ch oson sl lO l1ld he ns llnil~o l'ln l y cot)1 and cLl'Y Os possible. '1\0 p l'oven t i ll fosLu..l ioll by lllHocts Rlld con tnmi.llo l. iOIl hy dil'L !llla du~t. lilt' !;itOl' llgo pin eo klloliid IJr. sCl'u[J lllonsi.l' ele'lIl1ed , Il l'OI' .1'1'0 111 winel " II lI d well li ght. l'il. l i'J'olH Lho ~ta Jld pojn L of jll scc.t. i n rc~ (' u tjon, it. i s cspccinlly jml1ol'hmt Illltt 110 11 0 of. t.he J'l' ui ~ of. the Pl'fY iou~ year bo pCI'mi ttcel 10 ,"elll llill llonl' Or even ill the samo bu il ding with t he l"lIi t of t he CUl'I 'cn t

SCHl)O n ~ i nco. 01 (1 fnLi t is alnlos L jtl vu.l'iabl y Il ca.vily -infested, Pl'otccM ll :fI l'OllI rodeuts ul'ld othel' 1I11inHlis i s o fl CO Ul'se 11 0CCSSlIl'Y .


4() UN I VEltSny Ol" CA IJ IFon N IA-l~"XP I~n l 'MEN'f SorA'I' I ON

T.J]'.I'El1A'1'IlIUl Cr'l'ED J O,\.I,mn:r,I" .T. S.

1023. 1'1\"1 1101'1\ I i()11 of fruitH. U, So Dept. Agl', Ut1llt. Hul. 1141: 1- (\,1.

=:? C Il R1S'I'IE, A, \V, 19~G, 'rho dch),drnlioll or flrml eM. O:IJirorllin Agl', EX I)' Rtn. Bul. IJ04: 1- 17,

!) CUllls'l 'n; A. 'V., nl1<] I~, C, BAltNAICI>.

1926, '1'1111) llritlci l'lcs :lll(l prnet ic'l: of HUll-drying fruit, ( ':lli ro l'niu A~r,

Foxp. Slu, 1311 1. 388:1-60,

"Ort HI R' I'lJ~, A, \V' I fl nd G, n , 1llDl,J'lY,

1028. (~ttO \l of. ftll' l'll (hI1I yu1',d,{'.\'s in ()1I.\H'O \'\li!\. ,1'0 \11', '\U\iW, Sew, 11 1'nl illg n ull VOllt il nt illg l:ngi lL CC l'ij, 2{):U87- 7.16,

G 0 1l 1l-'6'1' I E, A, 'V" lind 0, E, '\VOOllWOlC't'li .

102:1. '1'110 rolll.ti on b(! twcclt ilL!ic'ol growth 111111 lIIoi:i lul'C' ill dl'j(·d .fruit}!. 'Western Cn nncr 011<1 T'neker. 15 (:1):8- 0,

flCJ('Jt~';9, W, V" :1 11 ft W , Y . E'ON(1.

J9!W. OhHOI"'lIlioll~ 0 11 tile o:xid i ll,i ll ~ 8),810 111 8 or f'r uitN. l"rnil Pl'odli eLti ,l onl', IIltd A 111 , V incA'u,' h l(l ulf.l,J'Y. 6(;I): J3-10.

7 J?!E:!I.u, A'J nnc! A, J' , iMoRO ,\N.

1!J28. 'J'llo e(llce t of "lll"io ll f:l lII olhod ,"I or 'lr:"in,l.{ lI110n I It I) Vltlllllill conl Ulit of "pol\chu!I :111(1 PI'U IICH, JflUl', -ll ome 'E con, 20 :762,

If. MOI-l:(IA_N, A, I~'" Illul A. }'II·:I.D,

)021), fJ' l1C c O'oct of dry in g IIItC] of ~u l f'lIr dio:dclo UpOIl Ille IllltiH(,OI'hu tlt~

IWOpol't,r or fnlill:t. ,Jo u!', l Hol. C llt'lIl, 82:510- 580.

DN I (T ll or.s, p , J'\ , RAY ]~()\\,}:lIS, C. n. G/(OH~, 1111(1 'V, A. Nov.i ..

J!l::! ;;, (.'o lll lll('r(-'in i dc h,rdnll io ll flf r.-uits Il1l<l Vt:gdllb lC'8, U. So ])l·Pf.

All'. DOll!. Bul. 1335:]-10.

10 UAUOII1:NR·I,,.: I N, 1;:, J027, .Economic ospccts o'_f tho 011])10 indIlHlt·y, Oli liforllin Agl'. I':xp. Stn,

B u). 'J46 :1- 76,

II WrEOhN I),)oJ. n. Ifl2R . :DIThlg IlI'unes in OI'OgO Il , OI'C1gon G .,uwoJ', 4::11';·1-155.

1:1 WII-:(1AN"J), l~. ]1".

J!124. Url'i ng p nlUcs in On·gon. Ol'egoll Agr, It:xp, Stn., Bul. 20&: I -2ft

111 Wn'.oAND, 'l!~, 1t., mul llA.Y PO-WEllS,

]922. ]lrtlll O (lI'y ing b)' roeirculntioll, Orogon Growor, 3(19) :8- 10,



DULl .. I!.:'l'lNS

No. '258. Irrigotion lind Soil Co ndillon s III tho

Slerrn NOVlldl\ Poolh II Is, Ollllior-nin . 'J6B. Si'le Gra tin Cor I1.IP6 Oliyos. 271. Sudn.n Or(lllil . 270. Irrigation 0' Rice In Onllfornln. 286. 'I'ho Olivo IUllcot" of On lilornill . tlO.t. A Study ot Iho 1'~ITI!Ot8 of Freezes 011

Oitrull In On llfornin. 810. 1"IuIII PoJllnntlOII.

:~:If:: ~rl~.I\~~or~~rUe~Fsl~~il~:~~lk~. Prlli!. rj~roell. f1SfI. COCOllllU t Menl li B a ,i'ced ( 01' :O/l;r)'

OOWI nnd OUler Lh'c!ltoclc. 9.1:1. Choc!sfI Peste anti ' ,'hoh- Oonlrol. 114.1. Oold StorRge lUi fill Alii 10 Ih,o },Inr'kct·

Ing o f 1"hlll1H, n I'roga'CBs l{oJ)ort. !l40. AhnOI1r1 pollin ntlon. n.t7. 'l'ho Contml of ned Sp id ers In Dool(l·

1101111 Orehnrrhl. 114R. Prllnin,l(' YOlllIA' 01iI'o 'J'rccs. 1140. A Stud" 01 Sldcd rnft. IlI"l 'J' l'lLctor

Hit chell, aGB. Bovino Infectious AlJorllOIl, nnd A KilO'

oeinted 1)laol18et.l of O,.ttloC lind N(\w· horn On l vcA,

116,1. lltl5UU!:I or nice lihcpo rlllltJllb In J1)22, 1157, A Sel(·l\lIxing Dusti n g- l\hcllino for

~~rJ~!:'g' DrT Inseotloidtl8 nllli I"un·

661, Jlreliminury Ylelll '['nhlc8 (or Second Grown, Redwood.

1162. DUIit. /llLd tho 'rrRulor 'Englnc. !l6R. ' I'ho PrUTlJlI~ of (lltnlll 'l'rooH In Onll-

100'nln, n6 t. [o'ullglcldnl DUlltH for tho Oontrol of

Dnnt.. 666, 'rt,rklllh ' I'olmcco Oulluro. O,. ri nG'. nnd

Mnrkeling, 1167. Method" of Hnrvcsling "1111 I rrlgntlon

in Rcilltion to Molll)' 'Vnluul K. 368. Dlleteriltl J)CCOIll110llltIOIl of Oll\'cil

B60, Co~,~!~~FKO~;I:t~~':~1I1I ( OT Buller noxall. 1170, (,'not,orll Inihlcllollllr tlul U o\'rlOl1l11 ollt

of Interlllll Browning of tho Yellow Nc\,.cowl1 Allillo,

971, 'l'ILe ltel/ltlvo 001'11. o( Ynrtllng Smn ll nn(1 L'H'II'C 'l'llI1hol'.

378. Penr Polll llntion. 374. A S urvey of Orehnrt) 1~rlletlee8 111 Ihe

Oltrlul Inllustry (If Sou thern Onll· lornill.

BSO. Orllwth 0( l<: uoft lyplu ll ill Olll!forlllll P lnlltntlOJlK,

!JSfi, T'ollinnlion o f thll Swee t Ohor ry, IISB. Pruning Dcnrllllr 1)ccl,IIlOtlll h"rllit

'rrel'!fL. fl88, 'rhe l'rlllclj)lolL nlLd Pr(Lctico 01 SUII'

Drying Fruit . ReO, nersec-m or 'EgYllllnn Olovor, 800, Uo:ifrot~~f", I\lltl (lnck(ng GrAI)C!1L In

8tJl, lIfRchlnes for Conting Seed When!. wit h OOD)lOr O'rrbonnte ])U8t.

fJf}2. }'n,U Juice OonCCll t rntc8. UI)O. OroCl! Bcq\l61lcell "t Dnlfl. 9D 4, I . Coren) Hn,. Produotlon In OnlHornln,

n. li'~crlh1.i: ' I'rlnlll wUh Cerea l )l llYII, B05. l)ftrk Dillaasea of Oltrus 'rrees ill On ll ,

farnl", flOe, 'rho Milt BCR n, PhnRoolUR AconltlfollulI, 007. }fl\l1lilno'IU'c of Roquo fol·t. Tnl(~ ahomu)

fUnn GORt'H Milk, 400. '1'he Utllh;ntloll of Surphl8 Pluma. ,lOti. Qltrull Qulture In ContrAI O"ti«Irn IR . <40n. Rtlltlonnry AprllY PIAn", In O"lI fornin, .0'7, Yield, Stand, fl.lld VOhlll""" 'J"t\hll!:lt (or

White }'Ir In the. Oollfo1'lllu 1"lnoO Rflsion,

No. ,108. Alt1!rIIaTIII. Rot o f LelRons, IJ09, 'rho ])IU41atlbllity of De.rlnin }' r uIL By·

J'l'oduc(II ue ])ctcrrnincd for Rltllll, n nnl1l. Pltrt J. Dried Ql'lI.nJ:o rllll) nud finlllhl Pull).

oj I 0, 1"/10101'8 InOuonolng 1116 QURlity ot Ii' r eflll AHpumgu8 Aflor His IInrvoHtod,

d 12. A Slutly or tha ItolnHva 'Vnluo 01 OllT' tn.11L H oof, Or(llill und Su lmon 011 11M SourUCH o( Vitn lllin A (01' Poultry.

'11·1. P IIII1t1I1g' nlltl . 'l'hhl1lll1~ DllltnnOC!f1 for DecidlloUIl l"ruil ' I'rec$,

41 fi. The ' I'rnet.or o n Ollll(orlli" }o~IUII11I, .IHI. OUllllr6 o f the Ol'ionln l Perllhlunon In

OnlHorll in, 418. A Study 01 Vnrlou s RnLloll1I rOT Pin·

hldnA' llllllt:lI (J"lvclI H8 llll!t" !luo-vel, ·llg. Ecunoml(l A8J)OCht of t!tu Onlllll lollJl&

TII~lu81 ry. 'I!lO, nillo m Id n .lolJ By·PI·odL1Clrl IIIi li'llcd s

(~ r IPnttClllnu Swilll!, ,121. Beof Ollttlo lJ'uullllL" 'l'rllllll, 'I 02 '! - ::! 4, 420. Allricotll (Sorh!1 On Clillforlll[l Orops

utili J>I'ICt'li). <

'12fi. Almle OrowlllJ: In On lHornlll , ·126. AOll le POllination S imIle!! iI~ OnUtornln . .127. 'l'ho VnlUB o f Ornlln!! J'UII' for Milk

Produotlon. ,128, 'J'he RulnU(l1l or Mlllurlt.y af On lifornlA

1~l ulIlIl to 8 hlllll lll" und DC880rt

,I aD, n~~~~i~~n8f1llfl III 01111(01'11111. JUl. 1l.nlRin By·P ro~tll otH lind Belin Soreen·

Illg~ III) !.'COUH 'c)r !"n!lonlnk [mlllhll, ;Ia~, Somc 1'~col1ontlo Pl'ohit)!118 ]11\'oivorl In

tho Poollug o( F'rnlt. 43!). Power ltoflulrcm(llltll or ":Ioel!'!clllly

Driven Dnlrr Alllnuh.cturlnit I~(\ulll' mont.

'I B·I , Tnvesllf;Rllonll on Ih o Vie of 1" "UnA in lee Ol'e,uII lind )OCIl,

'13li, 'fll c Probillm of Seour i ng Qlo"or Rolli' tioTllhlp lJ6lWCOII AIP'loultllrnl 01).\'1)1· Oilmont nlld [rrlgntlon 001l8t ruo(lon,

'136, I . 'I'he Kn~IMIl Ph:, IJ. '1'ho {(ntIOin FI" l'rodltQtll,

'IB&, Grn(\\ng A"\n\\IclJ ",'Il11 STleClill1 lhf or· once toO rlum)!,

·019, The OIgostlblllt)' ot Ocrtftlll Fl'uit ]1" ProduQts Ill! Detormillcd Co r Rlllnl· lI.mts. II. Dr ll'd l ' lno/ll1ple Pu l p, Dried Lemon 1'ul,I, nlld ])1'1011 Olivo PUIII.

,14 O. 'l'I~/lI~;og~~~r~~II~~: f~~ cit;;,i:.,I~IKIl ~:~~ ,j oi ,I" sol;~!O~\llndnflf~I::~'n OrOIIrt: nlld P rloOtl:

Bonnn, Hr" Beo uolnl" AlJlleelR of IIlc Almlo h·

dllBtry. ,140. 'I'1,e AIIJ)nrn.gufI lnd1l1lLry In OlLlltol'oln. 447, A Method of )h(onnininr th., Oll.!Bn

Weigh Is 01 Indl"ldunl lo'lecGu o f WclOl. ..... 8, b"arll1ora' l'u'I'ohnso .Arrccmetlt; lor Dooll

Well PUIllI)II, .... D, l;:eonOllllo Aepcelll of the W lltorUlolOII

IndulIlL')" oItiO, lrrl(:,nllOIl TnvOAtlgnttOlIft WIt}I }<'leM

OroliH nl I)nvla, lIud nt Delhi, Oldl ' (orllln, 19OO- HJ2ti.

;lfil, Stud ies ProLlll mhml'y to II Lo }lf1(1IIJlhth· mcnt ot ,. 90rloH 01 1<'ol'tlll7.lIr 'J.'dliis III n Bcnrll15: Oltrus Gro'fe,

4t'i2. F.aollolllio Allpeoh or the Pear TnllulLtr),. 4S8, Sel'(e~ 011 Oa llfornln Oropa and PriceR:

AlmondR, 4.54. Rico I!;xporlmcll ta III Sncl'IUneuto VUoI·

ley, ]922-19'J7,


I3U I ... [.I~'l'lNS-(OOlitirlju!tl)

No. ,155. R(!CJRIIICI~lolI of lho 1"1't~'"0 '1')'J16 o r

B1nck-Allwll S(lil. .'!or-a. Yield. Slnnd nnd Volu mo 'I'obl es (or

Red l"ir ill Onllrornlct. ;l5S. Fao'QI'" TlI'\\Umcln,; PC1'clmt\\~o en\(

. '!b A!1'Jh~~~J:n~~ ~:~'~l!'lll/rW;c lj'rc!lh Plum ., Indll stTY-.

,IGO. Se'rica 011 CnlifoTllln OropR lind PriceR: LeIllO)llI.

,J01. SerlOI Oil OnU tornln Uropa lind Pl'lcas: Economlo Aa]leC~1I 01 111 0 Bo(l( Outl lu In1Iuulr),.

4(12. r'rnu e S tlPpl)' unll Priee S!Jlwlloll. 40'1 . I)rl~lnl\go III Ihl! SUQI'/wI(JlIlo Vnlll))o'

Rico Plold",.

No. ·IIHi. Ourly Top S)'lIIll lolH8 01 (he Bug-,ll' Ilee t. '106. ' l'ho CcmtinuolI S ORn 'VRsher ror Onir),

1~11I 1I1 a. • ,107 , Qnt VArlotiQs in 0"lIr01·" I". '\ (}S. Steri\i1n,l\ul\ ot l)1~\ry U\C)"ftl\lI 'with

nllm ldll1eli Hot Air . 469. ' l' he So lnr Henior. ,170. lIfnluTily SIUlItillnhl t Ol' HIII'\lo~tlnr;

I3nrtlott t'ent".'l t<lr EII!ltel'lI f:1 hlllIlHmt. <171. 'j'ho Ulie or Snlful' Dioxide In S hil1llill g


'174. Vflr~~~~IIl~ fl'e~~hl~h~ho o~(li(tl);:~ll;l'r~~f~~ RCL:'ioll.

'1 75 . "\Vnlllu t, 8n1)1)ly nnll !?a'lcc SItuation.



n~: ~:~'~ft~~~e~t\~:[ll~~IXII(f:~~r(~i 1\ Smnll l~uIllJlln(l' l'l!mL.

127. troll!!e I'·umignllon. ] :!D. 'J'ha OOlllrol or (JiLrtu I lIlcctS. 1&4. SlIlnli ]i'rull OUitUI'O III CnlHornln. 166. 'rhe COUlItv F'nrln Durenll. J'78. 'fh e Poeki'ult 01 J\ppll!R In Cnllf(lrllln, ~O:-J. Pellt fiS n Mluiliro S ulJlJ t it II te. 21~. Sn h'lu:ci n lt nllln·J)lImll~cd Prunos. 2.:.10. TCfl.Unlt; Milk. Orenm, IIml SkIm ?l1I1~

101" U lillel"tili. ::!U2. Bun'eatiug" 1\11(1 lhndUne: 01111(0"11111

()herrlcR (01" EfilltCt'n S.hipmcnt. 2~O. lInn'osllng IIlul 1Inlldllll~ Al1rlcoh l1Iul

T"hunll rol' fl]nlltcrn Sh]]lIIHl lll. 2010. Hnrvcsllult lI11d llnncl\3nlt O"lItOI'lIII1

Po nTH for J!JIIII(orn 5h1 11111 6111. !l·Il. UnncBtillg 11m! rrl1lullllll:' OIl I1(tll'nlll

l')cRehcIJ fol' r;lllItorn ~ hl"Hl nl.t. 2ML 1\[nl'llll1 lo.(l o ,1\Llcn I\IHI Jelly .luh:o f" om

OltrlHI r,'r"UfI. ~!-J'I. Ocntrnl "'iro 13rn<:llIg (CIt' ].'rul l,. 'l'rl'I)".

~::~: ~~~Iee b~~:;:";)~1 ~~~~:~i~, Vlnll Pruning lind 'I'helr 11('1110.cll('lC.

!l .10. nemlneln!, MlR81nc "11I(lM. !l50. Menllllr(!lII(!ut, ot lrrl ll'niio ll '\VIIlor 011

tho F'/HIll . ~5(1. VIi\6)'nrtl l~hlll fi. ~ti5. l~cglJmlnouR Plants nil Orgn nic P(lrll·

l III CIIII(OT uln A~rloulhlr(l. 2ti7. 'J'he Smllll·St'llllrd Horao Helin (Vi C!!'

fnllB ,.nr. II1lnor). 258. Thlnnln!: DeolduolIS ).'1'11118. 25D. Penr n,'.Protinols. • 26 1 . SQwlng Or"ln Rn(lk8. 2G~. CnbhBll"e 'P' rod llOtion In OR!trnrnln. ~6!].. Tomllto PrmInl'lllon III On llrnrn ln. :l65. Plnnt DI8cruo nnd PrKl Onn l rol. 266 . .AnAh'lI: in~ Illn OU TU ' Ort'l",rd!)Do' 'Me"nl

or Simple Troo. Records.

No. 20n. All Orchard Ill'\lIJh I3UI'1I01', ~70. A l~n rlll 8011lic '['fink. ~70, ][01110 0111l1l1.1I(;', '!77 . Hl'llIti, 011110, und Cureton l"runlll Je o (

Villcs. 278. 011\'0 Pickling In 1IIodlt(!.l'l·nIlClIll

OOllnll'ice . 219 The f'rolllHllt.!OI1 !!II,d nollllllllf 01 Ot1,'o

011 in 801llho.I'n 1';urOII0. ~82. Prc\'clltion {Jf Illsect. AttAck 011 StorOl1

8l'nln . 28'1. 'I'ho III 0,, 11101'11111. 287. Po Into Vr<lduotlorl In (Jnll fOI·lIl jl. 288. Phyl10xcrn 1l(,lItHlnllt VinO~'n,·c1H. 280. Onk PUIIgulI III Qrtlh,u·t! 'I'rcc.lI. 200. '1'he 'l'lIlllllllr Veil. 202. A lhl! Soli",. 21).1 . PropnjtnUotl of l)e(lItI\ln\l~ l"l'l\lta. :301'i. (.J l'owluJ\' lI('ulI r,ottll crr In OIlIHol'nln . 21)(1 . Co II 11'01 or Iho Onllfornlll Gl'olllHl

S(p,ll·roi. :J08 . l"'oullil lltj l!H lind r,lInillllIOI'" or OnOI)'

riu \·ol>Tnl·kllth,g.

noo. Ooae' I!nir! or Ohl ckclUI.

ngJ: ~~Il \ '~IJOI~~~I;~~ dl~lllf~~n1:1~"°Y 11('0. !lOti. ])rn IIfl J:O 0 the 1"1\1'111, nOri. l~illling the S~1. R0 7. AmoriCILJI 0 rood nllel Tlf! Olll1trol. !JOB. OnnlnlouI) . rnf,0tiol\ In OnlHorllln, aoo. Prlllt'I'rr I HI ~ehord .JutJ,;L"injC. tllO. Tho Ope 1111011 r tho llnotorlologh!lll

Lllbol' or r far J)"IL~~htr1tll . 3 11. . Tho lml)rovolllcnt of 'P "lHy In l>'1~1I. 312. Princi])lcR Oov(lrnlnl:' 0 ChnlCA. 0"01'"

IIllon oml (JO I'O of SUlIIl1 Tl'ri~nlloll Pllmnlng PlltnlJl.

:s 1:1. FruIt Jlilcl'1I nnd Prull .T,dce llOYernll1!9. Il l 'l . ' l'erm/t('R nnd TcrUlIllJ DnlllA,tct. nUi. 1'11<" M oditCrI'linonn nllil Otlll\l' J.'rult






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