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  • 1. Driving Customer Satisfaction
    Bob Sochacki
    Support Manager
    ANX eBusiness

2. Driving Customer Satisfaction
3. Customer Satisfaction
4. I Cant Get No Satisfaction
How many of you are measuring customer satisfaction?
How many have plans to implement customer satisfaction?
Ticket Closure Based?
Periodic Surveys? (Quarterly,
Yearly, etc.)
5. What is Customer Satisfaction?
Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by an organization meet or surpass customer expectation.
Customer Satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.
6. Customer Satisfaction
Why should you care?
Defining your customer(s)
How do you know if they are satisfied? Or what does satisfaction mean to them?
How do you measure satisfaction?
How do you handle unsatisfied customers?
Does Agent Satisfaction = Customer Satisfaction?
How do I drive up customer satisfaction?
7. So Who Cares?
Users of Services
Help Desk
IT Department
Organization (Marketing, Sales, Operations, etc.)
Other (Family, Customers, YOU, etc.)
8. Why Should You Care?
Job Satisfaction
Agent Satisfaction
Less hassles, distractions, etc.
Less chance of:
Getting replaced
Being Outsourced
9. Why Should You Care?
Even in the throes of the recession, 85% of consumers in a Harris Interactive poll said they would be willing to pay more for their purchase if it meant getting better customer service.
10. Why Should You Care?
In 2010, 64% of consumers said they'd stopped doing business with a company due to poor customer service, according to a global survey by Accenture.
"There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."
Sam Walton, Walmart
11. Who is Your Customer(s)?
Key People (Managers, Biz Owners, etc.)
External Clients (Top Revenue)
and End Users
You need to determine/define your customer
12. Who is Your Customer(s)?
Other Key people to pay attention to
Administrative Assistants
Squeaky Wheels
People who get things done for the organization
Top Performers
Office Manager/Facilities/Mail Room
Special Project Person
Etc. (influencers)
13. How Do You Know What They Expect?
14. Customer Expectations
Do they want Positive and Perky?
Is First Contact Resolution Important?
Depends on Urgency and Impact
Do they know what to expect if you cant assist them on first contact?
Confidence of Analyst?
To Tell them No?(never tell them no)
If You Dont Know, Ask!
15. How Do You Measure Satisfaction?
What is the benchmark?
Who determines?
Adopt industry standards!
16. You know there had to be a Dilbert Cartoon
17. Handling Unsatisfied Customers
Implement a process to track surveys of customers who provide low scores/negative comments
Call them back immediately, email them, get executives to call them if external.
Make it right! (not always possible)
Report on it - dont hide anything, be transparent, trend improvements
18. Handling Unsatisfied Customers
Continual Improvement Activities
Have a format for constructive feedback and solicit it from:
Help Desk
Other departments
Solicit Feedback and be willing to listen
Dont take it personally!
19. Agent Satisfaction=Customer Satisfaction?
Agents who are satisfied tend to treat customers better
Dont tolerate mediocrity
Conduct regular reviews with clear objectives
Make sure they understand their role
20. What Motivates Workers?
Daniel H. Pink, New York Times best-selling author of Drive proposes the primary motivators are:
Autonomy (to allow self-direction with less control)
Mastery (continuously getting better at something you care about)
Purpose (letting our instinctive curiosity pursue a cause larger than ourselves)
21. Driving up Customer Satisfaction
Fill the Tank of your Help Desk Analysts
Welcome input
22. Agent Satisfaction & Leadership
Their managers should be a benevolent guardian, not a traditional boss by protecting them from complex rules and office politics. Managers should create a safe environment where clever workers can experiment and fail. Respect their expertise. If you guide your clever people the right way, then you unleash their full potential. They and your organization win.
Gary Cokins - Performance Management Solutions SAS
23. Leadership
"Over 70% of people leave their jobs because of the way they are led."
Norman Drummond, Motivational Speaker
24. Proactive vs. Reactive
If you have satisfied customers, you are more than likely being proactive and you have time for continuous improvement activities
If customers are unsatisfied, you are likely reacting to their complaints and have little time for anything else or they are not calling you and...
you may have other problems
25. Have a Vision for Customer Satisfaction!
26. People
Solicit Input and Provide Timely Feedback (positive and negative)
Implement Career Development Plans
Implement a Recognition System for high CSI scores
Implement Clear Processes
Set Expectations and Measure around customer satisfaction
27. Knowledge
Self Service
Service Catalog
Self Help Knowledge Base
28. Process
Documented and available internally and externally
In the customers terms:
What is expected of them
What should they expect
Make sure it happens
Say what you do, do what you say and prove it
Continual Improvement Model
29. Vision for Customer Satisfaction!
Market it!
Help Desk
Set Goals and Objectives!
Report on Progress
Action Plans
30. 31. HDI CSI
Benchmarks your performance against your established goals, other companies in your industry and against the support industry as a whole
Create historical statistics by analyst, including graphing, raw data, and links to customer comments
Increases customer response rates and satisfaction
Save time with turnkey reports
Alert your team when a customer responds unfavorably
32. HDI CSI Survey
33. HDI CSI Tool Quick Demo
34. Final Thought
"Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning."
Bill Gates, Microsoft
35. Driving Customer SatisfactionQuestions?
36. Thank You!
Bob Sochacki
Support Manager
ANX eBusiness

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